It was no surprise that the pair were greeted with a blast of frigid air and blowing snow, thankfully the two were protected from or incapable of feeling the gale's icy bite, and the wind wasn't quite enough to drive the two into the slow-covered ground below.
"Tally four Bandits, twelve high," Shrike alerted aloud when the viruses came into view. A second later, a small green [ORDERS?] message appeared in Mach's vision along with a notification of Shrike's positive connection to the same link the Navi uses with his decoys.
MeteorKnuckle2Damage: 40 + Impact + Break + Knockback + Variable Targeting x 3 Fists
Accuracy: B
Description: Launches a triple rocket punch. Each fist targets separately.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Variable Targeting: Allows the user to select a target for each individual hit of an attack. This means they may strike the same target multiple times, multiple different targets, or a mix of the two as they wish.
Trader Rank: C,
Sunshine80 + Blind + Beam Attack +80 damage to Non-Elemental targets
Accuracy: A
Description: A sphere resembling the sun appears high above the user, then releases a ray of sun light at a target designated by the user. The beam passes through everything in its path, causing great damage and blinding all it hits as it smashes through everything in a straight line. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C,
Magnum1Damage: 120 + Break + Panel Break x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: A triple barreled gun that blasts through defenses and terrain alike. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: C," Mach ordered as he mentally picked out targets for the SP. It seemed as soon as he picked them out, a green square bracketed the virus with a small eye-shaped icon nearby, indicating the SP had acknowledged and began targetting them. A couple seconds later the first chip came online; his right forearm twisted and swirled with bits of data before reformatting into a trio of identical triplets arranged in a triangular bundle. He pointed his multiplied arms and fists towards the even more multi-armed Shivault, with the intent of giving the virus a taste of its own medicine.
He heard Shrike begin to charge up its own battlechip while he refined his aim before ripple-firing his three right forearms and fists. The fists launched forward one after another, propelled by what appeared to be a single rocket motor. The white smoke trails traced their soft arc-shaped trajectories, each leading towards the Shivault's position. His goal was to batter the virus and bring down its defenses with punches that, to the Shivault, equal parts familiar and difficult to counter. The sound of the metal-on-metal clanging or the muffled *flump* of fists hitting slow was the cue for Shrike to unleash a bolt of lightning seemingly from its very eye. The white-hot bolt crossed the short distance to the Megalian in the blink of an eye; Shrike directed the bolt to impact squarely in the center of the virus's statue-like face and tear through its aura as if it were absent.
If the bolt managed to strike and briefly electrocute the Megalian, it then arced towards the hopefully well-pummeled Shivault to deliver a painful jolt of electricity. If the metal virus was still rolling on the ice, the terrain would only further increase the
severity of the blast. The bolt would've still had plenty of energy left if it hit the Shivault as well, more than enough to blitz back across the field to strike the red, white, & blue walrus. If struck, its metal tusks would've crackled like the prongs of a stun-gun as its body was electrified.
Expecting his kinetic and electrical opening salvo to not go unanswered (and not wanting to give an easy lock to the Satellite3), Mach had summoned his twin holoprojector drones, which floated in an orderly line behind his back. The intakes bracketing his knees rotated upwards as his engine vector paddles moved in opposite directions: one engine down, one engine up, then he kicked his throttles up several notches. The rapid onset of thrust combined with position of his various control surfaces sent him cartwheeling to the right, but also sending himself upwards an additional several feet in the air. In a flurry of movement, his twin drones, which had rapidly projected their respective holographic disguises, cartwheeled up and away at the same time. However, while Mach went up and to the right, one decoy rolled up and to the left, while the third did a tight backflip to send itself straight up.
Again in unison, all three MachMen with attached Shrikes their nearly transparent energy shields.
DashAttack3Damage: 150 + Impact + LineAttack(5) + Movement
Accuracy: C
Description: The user charges forward at a great speed to ram a line of enemies. Hits a maximum of 5 enemies before the momentum is lost.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Direction of travel may be altered with chip, terrain, and sig use.
Trader Rank: B and
TankCannon3Damage: 160 / 160 + Blast 2
Accuracy: A / C
Description: An enormous cannon whose ammunition can be altered to either a single high accuracy shot, or a low accuracy shot that can explode to hit several enemies.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Dual Mode: This chip has two separate modes of operation. The user may pick which one they wish to use at the time of activation.
Trader Rank: B next," Mach told his NetOp after determining the course of action after this next salvo. Suddenly three bright yellow orbs of light appeared a few feet above each MachMan, and the pupils of their respective Shrikes began to glow red. A red asterix symbol appeared in Mach's vision and was situated between the Waldon's cartoonishly large eyes, while his own cross-hairs were locked on the Satellite. Suddenly, a trio of white beams accompanied with a slightly thinner trio of red all burst forward at once in a thrumming fusillade of energy. The beams "fired" from the decoys were as visually impressive as the real thing, but were no more damaging than a flashlight, while the twin beams fired from the pair of programs were strong enough to burn through defenses and temporarily overload their targets' visual senses.
The lasers burned only for a couple seconds as their respective energy sources were rapidly depleted, causing the beams to rapidly thin out until they were nothing more than incomplete trails of rapidly dissolving "embers" of torched data. Though the assault was intended to blind half of the enemy force, he still had the other half to contend with, and the hopefully blinded viruses might still get a lucky shot. This time Mach and the decoys moved in different directions, but roughly in the right direction to put even more distance between them; Mach juked down and to the right, the decoy to his far left continued to move horizontally left while the middle decoy continued its climb while veering right.
As Mach slid to the right, his absent right forearm and hand was quickly replaced with a massive triple-barreled cannon, which briefly rippled with white energy along with the rest of his body as his systems went through a tactical refresh. Each of the cannon's barrels were loaded with a single HEI round, and projected a trio of targeting "pippers" in Mach's internal HUD. He placed the first on the hopefully heavily-damaged Megalian, then swung the large weapon with mechanical precision to point it in the center of the virus's face. As soon as the cannon swung into position, it went off with a thundering boom and a flash of fire, causing Mach's body to shudder with recoil from the heavy round that careened towards the virus before exploding in a small fireball whenever it impacted something.
With two more rounds remaining, Mach maneuvered the cannon towards the Waldon virus. If it still remained, he fired off another round with an equally loud boom and muzzle flash before switching his attention to the Satellite. The triangle-arranged barrels again rotated to bring the final loaded barrel into the firing position with a metallic *clunk*, leaving the other two to continue oozing wisps of smoke. Even if the Satellite had gained altitude to fire off its own barrage, it wasn't beyond the Magnum's reach. Mach briefly factored in the distance and angle to account for the bullet drop, and adjusted as necessary before firing off the last round. After absorbing the recoil, Mach jettisoned the entire weapon assembly from his body, leaving it to tumble to the icy terrain below. The sound of the heavy weapon hitting the floor was drowned out by the frenzied roar of Mach's engines at full afterburner, which sent him careening towards the Shivault and Satellite with a rapidly supersonic tackle. Shrike lowered its body to press against the body panels of Mach's upper torso armor to avoid being shorn off by the rapid onset of horizontal Gs, though its arms and legs still creaked and groaned under the strain. The shockwave of Mach's body ripping through the air formed a layer of hyperpressurized air like a battering ram, and his purpose-built control surfaces still had plenty of "traction" even in supersonic flight, allowing him to correct his trajectory and even briefly deviate from his path to rapidly maneuver away from incoming fire. His priority target was the Shivault, but he also intended to obliterate the Satellite if it was in his path. He'd seen the mystery data that was towed behind the rolling virus, so he kept that in mind; he didn't want to unintentionally shatter the data packet as well.
After passing through one or both of his targets' position(s), he briefly throttled down to allow his thrust vectoring paddles to reposition and his reverser vents to open, then kicked his throttles up again for a couple seconds to rapidly slow his flight. He then twisted in the air before pointing his left arm towards the Satellite virus, if it wasn't already reduced to a debris field at that point. He activated the TankCannon chip, prompting his left arm to completely reformat itself into a single-barreled cannon, attached to a blocky turret-esque housing over his left elbow. While still essentially flying backwards, though albeit at a slow pace, he pointed the large cannon towards the spacecraft-like virus. Once he got a clear shot, the cannon went off with a loud boom, though with a notably different tone than his previous three-barreled variant. The cannon blast briefly created a hoop of smoke and the barrel itself recoiled several inches back into its housing at Mach's elbow, then ejected a large, smoking shell casing that clanged to the floor. If it landed in the snow, the heat of the casing would have caused it to melt through and sink deeper with a hiss.
[ACTIONS: Passive Haste, Accuracy Enhancement, Status Cure, Dodge x2, Decoy x2]Spoiler
S1. Equip to MachMan
MeteorKnuckle2Damage: 40 + Impact + Break + Knockback + Variable Targeting x 3 Fists
Accuracy: B
Description: Launches a triple rocket punch. Each fist targets separately.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Variable Targeting: Allows the user to select a target for each individual hit of an attack. This means they may strike the same target multiple times, multiple different targets, or a mix of the two as they wish.
Trader Rank: C: Shivault (3 hits)
Synapse2Damage: 120 + Piercing + Chain 2
Accuracy: B
Description: Produces a powerful ray through sheer force of thought, which arcs towards nearby enemies when it hits a target.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Special: Chain 2: This attack, upon striking a target, may change directions towards a new target. This may be done up to 2 times in one attack.
Trader Rank: C: Megalian-A3, Shivault, Waldon [+Marksmanship] [+Reload]
-Dodge- [+Scramble]
M2. Heavy Shielding: MachMan (6-hit Shield + 3TCD)
S3. Optic Blast: Waldon (80dmg
Fire + Break + Blind + 4TCD) [+Marksmanship]
Sunshine80 + Blind + Beam Attack +80 damage to Non-Elemental targets
Accuracy: A
Description: A sphere resembling the sun appears high above the user, then releases a ray of sun light at a target designated by the user. The beam passes through everything in its path, causing great damage and blinding all it hits as it smashes through everything in a straight line. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C: Satellite3
-Dodge- [+Scramble]
-Status Cure: MachMan-
Magnum1Damage: 120 + Break + Panel Break x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: A triple barreled gun that blasts through defenses and terrain alike. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: C: Megalian-A3, Waldon, Satellite3
DashAttack3Damage: 150 + Impact + LineAttack(5) + Movement
Accuracy: C
Description: The user charges forward at a great speed to ram a line of enemies. Hits a maximum of 5 enemies before the momentum is lost.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Direction of travel may be altered with chip, terrain, and sig use.
Trader Rank: B: Shivault, Satellite3 [+Overclock]
TankCannon3Damage: 160 / 160 + Blast 2
Accuracy: A / C
Description: An enormous cannon whose ammunition can be altered to either a single high accuracy shot, or a low accuracy shot that can explode to hit several enemies.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Dual Mode: This chip has two separate modes of operation. The user may pick which one they wish to use at the time of activation.
Trader Rank: B: Satellite3
DecoyA: mirror Mach's movements
DecoyB: mirror Mach's movements