Sharo Research (Event OOC)

Eh, We've only been waiting a day or so; what's another? Besides, with Kazu shreddin' the powder in canada, there's no guarantee that we'll be modded today anyway. I say give give him the day.
Agreed. His actions shall be spared another 27 hours...
But then, his 98 hours until dodging is up! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Sorry. Kinda slipped out.

Ye gods, I've been reading WAY too much Discworld. For some reason, I just thought of what would happen if Voltman got a B.S. (Bergholt Stuttley a.k.a Bloody Stupid) Johnson weapon...
Hey, at least there are no ant farm-powered computers here.
Ah. Another reader emerges.

Yes, Hex is unique...
And I'm assuming you're referring to Hex?

But please, if you respond, make it in a PM. Who knows? I might even make a Discworld topic in the Spam Can.

Quote (The Hogfather)

Alfred: Uh, sir, you didn't actually put a pony in their kitchen, did you?
Alfred: Good, because that would be...
Alfred: Oh.
Four hours and counting...

Sorry for the double post.
Woot!! I'm back, finally. Just finished posting too. BTW, I forgot while I was away. Is there a damage reduction for the wisps since they're not really solid or something? I dont exactly remember. :ph43r:
HOLY MOTHER OF #$^#$ ^ #$^#$^ #$^ #$^ ^#$#$! $@@#%&(^ 100HP WISPS?!?!
I'm hoping that means that they won't have that gay, "Each hit does 1 damage" clause. Though the main thing I'm wondering about is whether our crap is refreshed.
Eon said on the chat that the mechanics were the same (1 damage per hit, posessed, and takes normal damage until unposessed).

Fortunately, I won't have a problem with crap being refreshed because I never used any chips last time through.
Your chips aren't refreshed.
O snap.
Yes, their "damage reduction" is gone. That's why they have 100HP. They will also take away actions instead of completely paralyzing you. This turns them into less of a "pwns strong people" virus and more into a "eats helpless people" virus, which is what the Will O' The Wisp really is.

Just so you know, in folklore, if someone disappeared in the forest, then a Will O' The Wisp must've got them.
Apologies for not posting. Spring break should be a BREAK, not fugging "do everything around the house while you're out of school" time.

Anyways, the post will be up today.
Well, I'm pea-shooting for now. If all goes well and I can attack the next turn, then it's balls to the walls.
FZ? Whitey? You guys there?
Well, there's FZ's peashooting. Anyone know Whitey out of intarweb links? Because some real world help to find out what's going on would be helpful.

And on an unrelated note, Spikey Kirby! To hopefully distract everyone from the fact that this is a double post...>.>
If you guys want, I can speed modding to three or even two days. I feel like the rule is there for a reason, now.
I'm not sure two days is necessary, but I'd rather not be hanging for a week like this again.
Agreed. Plus, Whitey might not have access to a compy, or just be busy, according to Medic.
Post finished. Pinataaaaaa!
Sorry for the triple post, but I'd just like to point out to you, FZ, that this thread does in fact exist. It exists so you don't have to put OOC in the IC thread.

Just a note. Now, I shut up until Kazu posts, or Whitey, or LHH.

Unrelated comment: Happy Easter, to anyone who celebrates it![/lawsuitavoidancebysayingnoteveryonecelebrateseaster]