As Hangman began to move away from his explosive, the two Blazers rushed him. They were slightly staggered, but he had managed to set his explosive blast up well enough that they both crossed the line in pursuit of him more or less at the same time. This meant, conveniently, they both exploded into chunks at more or less the same time as well.
A puff on his drug of choice later, and HangMan faded from sight in a cloud of smoke, observing as the two Craggers raised their fists, making efforts to smash the structure in front of them to pieces. One wasn't quite well-placed enough to hit what it was aiming for, but the other crashed a powerful stone fist down and ruptured the refinery, destroying a majority half of it in one traumatic blow. The pair had noted HangMan, he knew, but it didn't seem like it would take them very long to break the more smashable things, and then come for him.
BlazerBlazer (Blazer)
Blazers are a modified strain of Fishy virus made to fully exploit their previous possession of Burner battlechip data. While they retain, for the most part, the appearance of a Fishy virus, their fins are more heavily rounded and there are a set of specialized gills on either side of their underbelly that can spew flames. In addition, all Blazers are now a stark reddish color, with the intensity varying from a charcoal-ish gray-red at the first tier to a violent intensity with the Omegas.
Area: Kotobuki Town, Netopia, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: Movement + 15 Nova 2 Fire Damage
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Flies forward and then SPINS, unleashing a gout of flame from specialized vents on its' flanks.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Burner1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes A: DELETED
BlazerBlazer (Blazer)
Blazers are a modified strain of Fishy virus made to fully exploit their previous possession of Burner battlechip data. While they retain, for the most part, the appearance of a Fishy virus, their fins are more heavily rounded and there are a set of specialized gills on either side of their underbelly that can spew flames. In addition, all Blazers are now a stark reddish color, with the intensity varying from a charcoal-ish gray-red at the first tier to a violent intensity with the Omegas.
Area: Kotobuki Town, Netopia, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: Movement + 15 Nova 2 Fire Damage
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Flies forward and then SPINS, unleashing a gout of flame from specialized vents on its' flanks.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Burner1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes B: DELETED
VolgearVolgear (Volgear)
This virus family is positively deadly when fighting on Furnace Terrain, to the point where the players are at a severe disadvantage. Unless you just have it in for the player, try not to combine the two very often. I'm serious about this. -Pally
Area: Electown, Kotobuki Town, Netopia, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Wide Attack + Ground Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Fries enemy with a firewall that bursts suddenly from the ground.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Group Attack + Ground Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: D
Secondary Attack Description: Fries the enemy with a marching line of fire pillars.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FlameLine1, FireTower1, Zenny: 80Hp [Holy][Central East, on Refinery]
CraggerCragger (Cragger)
Craggers are pretty easy targets, given their size. They also move very rarely, and when they do they move slowly. Their dodge rate is abysmal. They generally rely on their HardBody defense, which reduces non-break damage by half, but doubles break damage. They have high attack power and AoE, but their accuracy is generally bad as their attacks are easy to follow and take time to deliver. Their attack is executed as a Drop Attack, and thus attacks from above, and not head-on. Targets caught underground within this attack's AoE range take an additional 50 Null damage that ignores all defenses.
Area: Netopia, Sharo, Hades Isle
HP: 120
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Break + Panel Break + WideAttack
Attack Accuracy: D
Attack Description: Slams the enemy and surrounding area with fist. This is executed as a Drop Attack, and is more damaging to targets below ground (IE: Submerged or burrowed).
Element: None.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): GolemHit1, Zenny
Special: Hardbody. A: 110Hp [Poison][Central East, a little over a movement away][Hardbody]
CraggerCragger (Cragger)
Craggers are pretty easy targets, given their size. They also move very rarely, and when they do they move slowly. Their dodge rate is abysmal. They generally rely on their HardBody defense, which reduces non-break damage by half, but doubles break damage. They have high attack power and AoE, but their accuracy is generally bad as their attacks are easy to follow and take time to deliver. Their attack is executed as a Drop Attack, and thus attacks from above, and not head-on. Targets caught underground within this attack's AoE range take an additional 50 Null damage that ignores all defenses.
Area: Netopia, Sharo, Hades Isle
HP: 120
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Break + Panel Break + WideAttack
Attack Accuracy: D
Attack Description: Slams the enemy and surrounding area with fist. This is executed as a Drop Attack, and is more damaging to targets below ground (IE: Submerged or burrowed).
Element: None.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): GolemHit1, Zenny
Special: Hardbody. B: 110Hp [Poison][Central East, a little over a movement away][Hardbody]
BrushmanBrushman (Brushman)
Area: Netopia, Dentech, NetVegas
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: Small Holy Terrain Change under one ally virus
Attack Accuracy: S
Attack Description: Dabs its brush on the net floor to change the terrain type.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HolyPanel, Zenny
Special: Can use effect multiple times a turn. One free dodge.: 100Hp [Metal][Central East, on Refinery]
HangMan.EXE: 100Hp [Normal][Invisible]
50% Normal
- No effects.
10% Cracked
- Changes to Broken when stepped on, chance to fall in when triggered.
- Burrow: Change terrain to Broken, Null 50 to burrower.
- Panel Crack attacks, >100 Damage Break/Impact/Drop attacks: Change terrain hit to Broken.
- PanelShot: Splash1.
20% Poison
- -10 HP/action standing, -20 HP/action submerged.
- Zombie nullifies damage, heals 10 HP/action on contact.
- Cannot be in Sigs.
- PanelShot: Poison(20).
20% Metal
- Cannot be Broken or Cracked except with Geddon/PanelShot, cannot be Burrowed into.
- Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
- 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Cracked.
- 100 Damage Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Furnace.
- PanelShot: Imbue Elec + Break.
[One panel on the Refinery is Holy, Where the Volgear is]
Refinery(?): 20Hp [HardBody][Large enough for several targets to climb on, variously, and counts as metal if perched on]