Fishing for Zennies

With most of the viruses routed completely from Regalia's impressive display of swordsmanship, the two remaining viruses were rightly disposed of quickly by the four Navis. A combined effort from GigaMan and Daybreak purged the Elebee from the map, while Regalia and Nightshade prepared an unrelenting barrage of electrical attacks towards the Rush. GigaMan managed to avoid the whirlwind attack that was still about to hit him, and restorative energies were used by Daybreak (+30), GigaMan (+30) and Regalia (+20) to patch up some of their injuries, though not fully. As the Rush was deleted, the Mystery Data crystal it was carrying dropped onto its junk data, which quickly morphed into a massive pile of zenny, while the crystal itself began to revolve quietly, waiting for anyone to come forward to decrypt it.

-=Converging Viruses=-
BandcoonBandcoon (Bandcoon)

Bandcoons are gray raccoon-like creatures, around 30 inches in height. They possess black stripes around their body, aside from their short, almost stub-like legs. Their faces are usually unseen, as they're covered in a red mask with string decorations. Their tails are twice as long as their actual bodies, and are usually curved into a question mark shape. At first this may seem like a simple design choice, but the tail is actually prehensile, and Bandcoon cleverly use it to steal chip data from Navis. Bandcoons' speed and small size combine to make them surprisingly difficult to hit while moving, and are even agile enough to turn sharply with little problem. However, if caught standing still, they're practically sitting ducks. However, when they're not using chips, they always prefer to move when possible. Their main tactic is to roll around and confound the enemy with their speed, then move in and swipe them with their tail, using it like a hook to grab data not directly tied to them, namely Battlechips. They can then use it themselves, at reduced power, as a free action. All other effects of the chips still apply, including pre-requisites to use the chip (i.e. Spice still needs Grass terrain, MachineSword still requires that the enemy be stunned). Higher level Bandcoon are aware of such conditions, and will try to satisfy the requirements if at all possible. If the enemy has no Battlechips, Bandcoons get extremely aggravated, and will ram an enemy in anger and desperation. However, they severely dislike doing this, and will only use this attack as a last resort for when they have no chips.

Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Yumland

HP: 60
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Chip Steal + 1/3 Chip Use
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Bandcoon steals a single random chip the opponent has selected this turn. They then use the chip at 1/3 of its normal power, rounded down to the nearest 5. Recovery chips still work at full power.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Impact
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: If Bandcoon cannot steal an attacking chip for any reason, they will instead roll into an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pickpocket (Rare), Zenny
Special: Haste while moving (+10%). Double Slow while standing still (-20%).
ElebeeElebee (Elebee)

Elebee viruses move and dodge at a high rate of speed, and they are fully flight capable. Elebee viruses attack by flying at their target at high speed, and delivering an electric sting. This type of virus may opt to stop short of the target, and veer sharply in a new direction to avoid an attack. This requires the expenditure of a second action, but occurs very rapidly regardless. Movement and attacking are one and the same with regards to this virus, thus physical contact with them causes damage. Elebees can see through Invis.

Area: Electown, NAXA

HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Elec + Seeking
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Charges toward enemy to electrocute
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Arrow1, Zenny
Special: Flying.
WindBoxWindBox (Wind & Fan)

All viruses in this family are immobile during combat, with the exception of being able to turn to face any direction it wishes. Later versions of this virus may switch between Wind and Fan effects, which requires one action, during which time all wind or fan effects cease. Bonuses and penalties do not stack if multiples of the same virus family exist on the field. Wind and Fan do not push or pull Objects, only creatures.

Area: SciLab, Yoka, Beach, Sharo, Netfrica, Hades Isle

HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: Wind Effect, Northwind
Attack Accuracy: S
Attack Description: Causes a large scale gale of wind to blow across the entire field in the direction the virus is facing. This gale will constantly move all targets this virus considers to be enemies in the direction the wind is blowing, which makes it difficult to land many kinds of attacks on it and allied viruses, such as thrown attacks and close ranged attacks. All those affected by the wind will also have their barriers and auras blown off by a constant Northwind effect.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Wind, Zenny
Special: Causes short ranged attacks, such as (but not limited to) swords, melee attacks, and flame thrower style weapons, to suffer from a 30% accuracy penalty against targets they are being pushed away from. Both sides of the engagement suffer a 30% accuracy penalty with direct attacks perpendicular to the direction of the wind, and all thrown attacks.
Special: Those allied with this virus may opt to take advantage of the wind to increase movement speed or evasion by going with the wind. They do not suffer any penalties, however. Conversely, anyone may move along with the wind to increase accuracy by 10% for close ranged attacks, assuming the target is in that direction.
Special: Northwind effect to all enemies once per virus action while maintaining wind effect.
SnoozySnoozy (Snoozy)

Snoozy are about 2 feet tall, and are shaped like a white translucent blob of goo, forming a basic head, body, and arm, with the body trailing behind. The head has an oversized nightcap covering most of it, colored dark blue, with white dots as stars. The end of the nightcap has a hanging moon from it. The lone arm carries a thick white pillow by the corner, with some down leaking out of a tear. The coloring scheme of its main body changes with its version. Snoozier are red, and Snooziest are blue. A menacing black Snoozy DS has an additional feature of serrated teeth forming a giant jaw. EX forms are darker shades of their originals. Snoozy attack by flailing their white pillows around and spreading their apparent sleepiness around. They start their attack by teleporting up to their targets. The teleport counts as a dodge if utilized correctly. They then teleport back to their original spot, and do not move otherwise. They may use their secondary full-heal at any time, though they are more likely to do so when they are injured. Snoozy viruses only appear when there is cover to hide behind, and will stay behind this cover for the entirety of the battle except to attack. They will not appear otherwise. If their cover is destroyed, they will attempt to flee starting next turn if they do not have a specified object chip to be dispensed first.

Area: Yoka, Dentech, Sharo

HP: 60
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (Teleport) then (Aqua 15 + Sleep)
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Teleports near an enemy, and whacks its pillow at them. Teleports back to original position shortly after.
Secondary Attack Effect: Self Recover Max + Self Status Cure Max + Self Sleep (1)
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Goes to sleep, and recovers from all of its ailments and injuries. This attack may be used at any time, even when status effects would usually deny it, except for Sleep. This attack has a one turn cooldown after the virus wakes up.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pillow1, Zenny
Special: Will not attack sleeping targets.
TinHawk V1TinHawk V1 (TinHawk)

TinHawk is a combination of the Fishy, Genin, and Typhoon viruses. It appears to be a large, dark brown bird, with razor sharp wings and short but thick legs and feet. As one might expect, it prefers to attack by swooping in and overwhelming foes with its size, repeatedly tearing foes with its claws, and by creating mighty gusts of wind with its wings. But it does have yet another trick for the unwary...

Area: All

HP: 250
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Null + Impact + Piercing + Line Attack(5)
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Swoops down and through a straight path.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: (10 Null x 3 Hits) + Homing + NorthWind + Wind Type
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Creates a small whirlwind that hunts down its target. Blows away barriers and auras on contact.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null x 3 hits + Slashing
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Flies down to a target, and repeatedly claws the foe with its powerful talons.

Special: OmniShoes
Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: Once per turn, this virus can counter a BattleChip with a ranged version of its Tertiary Attack as a free action.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DashAttack1, Kunai1, Typhoon, HawkCut1, NorthWind, Zenny
MudfeeshMudfeesh (Mudfeesh)

This virus looks like a sausage shaped fish with a brown underbelly, a blue/green/red/black back (depending on the version) with a wavy dorsal fin, a mouth that constantly gasps for air, beady little eyes and a large flat tail that it uses to propel itself. It moves by flopping around very erratically, granting the family a passive dodge effect.

Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Beach, Yumland

HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Wood + Impact + Slow
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: It leaps at its target, attempting to slam into it with its slimy belly.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MudFlop1, Zenny
Special: One passive dodge per turn.
-Creates mud terrain where it moves.
: ...GONE???
Sledge V1Sledge V1 (Sledge)

Sledge are a combination of the ElecOgre, Gaia, and Megalian-E viruses. A Sledge looks like a floating Gaia statue carved to look like the chip image of Zeus that holds a Zeus Hammer slung over one shoulder. The viruses use the Zeus Hammer in all of their attacks, and should they throw or lose theirs, they will generate a new one as a free action.

Area: All

HP: 350
Element: Elec

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (30 Elec + Impact + Break + Panel Break) + (10 Elec + Nova2)
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Slams enemy with ZeusHammer for extreme damage. Calls down lightning upon nearby foes.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: (20 Elec + Impact + Break + Panel Break) + (10 Elec + Blast2)
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Hurls ZeusHammer at enemy. Calls down thunder upon nearby foes when it lands.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: (10 Elec + To-All-Ground) + (10 Elec + To-All-Clause)
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: ZeusHammer sends thunder wave rolling across the ground and strikes enemies with lightning.

Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: This virus has a 40 HP ElecAura that regenerates at the end of every turn.
Special: Floatshoes.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ElecReel1, Gaia1, BigHammer1, HammerToss1, ElecAura1, Hammer, Zenny
RushRush (Rush)

Will not appear for Navis lower level than 5.

Area: SciLab, Yoka, Netopia, NetVegas

HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: None
Attack Accuracy: N/A
Attack Description: N/A
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Popup, Any RARE chip for current network tier, Zenny (10x normal)
Special: Only ONE Rush may appear in any given battle. This virus is rare.
Special: Immune to terrain effects besides damage multiplication.
Special: One free dodge per turn.
Special: Will always survive with 1 HP no matter how much damage is done to it. If it has more than 1 HP at the end of a turn, it will automatically escape. After it checks for escape, it will be restored to full HP if still present in battle. When it is the last virus remaining in a battle, it will leave its rewards behind and flee the battle.
ShrimpyShrimpy (Shrimpy)

Shrimpy viruses are able to move between attacks as a free action, however dodging still costs them an action. They must pause movement to attack. Shrimpy viruses may move over fragile panel types without damaging them, such as moving over Cracked panels without breaking them. Shrimpy viruses cannot be forcibly submerged or smashed through fragile panels, even if thrown. They can submerge of their own free will, however.

Area: Yoka, Beach, Sharo

HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Aqua + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Bubbler
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Bubbler, Zenny
Special: ShadowShoes
Tsunami V1Tsunami V1 (Tsunami)

Tsunamis are a combination of the Shrimpy, Nautilus, and Jelly viruses. These viruses mainly look like larger Jelly viruses with longer tentacles that work more like arms than the vestigial limbs on a Jelly do. These viruses point towards an enemy with their tentacles when they attack with bubble shots, strike the ground with them to summon waves, or actually throw the geyser bomb for their geyser attack with them.

Area: All

HP: 380
Element: Aqua

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Aqua + SeriesSpread x 4 Shots
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Attacks with Bubbler, Bubble-V, BubbleSide, and finally BubbleCross.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Aqua + Knockback + Impact + To-All-Ground (+15 Aqua on Sea) -> Stag Change Sea
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Flash floods the net, changing all panels to Sea.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Aqua + Knockback + Break + Blast3
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Targets a broken or missing panel to execute Geyser against surrounding enemies.

Special: OmniShoes
Special: AquaBody: Immunity to Aqua based attacks and all effects associated with them.
Special: BubbleWrap: Summons a 50 HP AquaBarrier at the beginning of every turn prior to the first action anyone takes in that turn. Elec element damage destroys this defense instantly, and deals +100% base Elec damage to the virus.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SeaSeed, Bubbler, AquaUpper1, BubbleWrap1, Wave, Geyser, Zenny

-=Chance Encounters=-
Nightshade.Rx: 100Hp [Sea][North East]
Regalia.Exe: 150Hp [Sea][South Central]

DayBreak.Exe: 140Hp [Sea][South East]

GigaMan.Exe: 105Hp [Sea][Central East]

-=Disturbed Network=-
95% Sea
  • Fire Elementals lose 10 HP/action standing, 20 HP/action submerged. Other Non-Aqua Elementals lose 5 HP/action submerged. Nullified for Aqua Elementals.
  • Ice attacks: 50% Freeze1 chance, Changes terrain hit to Ice.
  • Terrain changes between Sea and Onsen do not inflict damage upon submerged entities, nor do they eject submerged entities to the surface.
  • Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
  • PanelShot: Imbue Aqua.
5% Mud
  • Non-Wood Elementals get -10% Evasion penalty and reduced movement speed, 25% (+/-25% RP) chance to fall or get stuck (1 action to get free).
  • Automatically triggers Aqua Boost for appropriate chip attacks.
  • Wood attacks: Change terrain hit to Soil.
  • PanelShot: Imbue Wood + Slow1.
[Where the mudfeesh landed]

-=Disturbed Treasure=-
GMD: 50Hp [Dropped by Rush]
Rock Barrier: SUNK

-=Battle 1, Victory!!=-
All: 6 base FXP for all participants
Nightshade: 1125z, +2 Regalia FXP, +1 Daybreak FXP, 38 BugFrags
Regalia: 1500z, MagnetMissile1Damage: 20 + Seeking + Pincer Attack x 2 Missiles
Accuracy: B
Description: Launches North and South magnetic homing missiles that converge on one target.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Special: Pincer Attack: Attacks a single chosen target from two opposing directions at the same time.
Trader Rank: D
Battlechip, 38 BugFrags, +2 Nightshade FXP, +1 Daybreak FXP
Daybreak: 1320z, RockArm1HP: 50
Properties: Normal, Mobile
Damage: 100 + Stun
Accuracy: C
Description: Summons a Crasher to the field. The following turn, it will leap and crash, causing a massive stunning earthquake for all ground-bound enemies, and send a shockwave towards a line of targets.
Duration: Two turns
Element: Null
Special: Attacks the turn after summoning only.
Trader Rank: D
Battlechip, +1 Nightshade FXP, +1 Regalia FXP
GigaMan: 1125z

[Open GMD? Y/N]
A happy smile crept on Nightshade's face as he hopped around the battlefield in excitement, still quick on his paw. He suddenly tackle hugged Regalia to the ground, holding onto the knight's neck tightly. "WE DID IT!" He chimed. "We did it, we did it, we did it!"

Shane, having finished preparations for Thomeas to come in his pub, sat down in one of the tables to wait. Laughing, he observed how his wannabe fuzzball climbed up in Regalia's lap very, very determined to hog all of the knight's attention for himself and himself alone. "Sorry, Regalia." Shane commented in between his chuckles. "I did warn you not to do too much cool stuff or you'd never hear the end of it."

Nightshade wiggled even closer to the other navi, happy. While a little exhausted from all the fighting, the little cat still had a good chunk of his energies to direct to the other navigator. "Say, Nightshade, for how much trouble you're giving Regalia, what's he to you?" Shane asked out of sheer curiosity. Out of anyone in the net, Nightshade had seemed to get particularly fond of just Regalia in particular. The little cat never really got out of is way to socialize, yet as soon as the knight showed up the little feline navi had been utterly captivated by the older navi's presence. The more time the two spent toghether the more Nightshade wanted to impress the guy. Not to forget, it looked like he very much enjoyed hugging the knight maybe a little too much. Well, it was his way of showing affection and care in the end. He was sure Regalia didn't mind it too much anyway.

Still wiggling around in Regalia's lap, Nightshade folded his arms in thought. "Hmm....I guess he's like...well like a big brother figure. You know, a guy that worries for your well-being. The way he jumped in to help me with the viruses, the way he stood in their way to protect me...I don't know..." the cat mumbled. "All I know is that when I'm with him I feel safe...and happy. His presence is really reassuring." Now toring around to look at the Knight in the eyes, the little feline sported a light flush on the small portion of face visible between his face mask and helment. "He may not think much of me...I'm not as good of a virus buster and I don't have his super cool style but..."

Extending over to one side for a moment, Nightshade offered the Green Crystal at the knight. Apparently, the little cat had snatched it up before anyone else the moment he was bouncing around the arena. "...I...well...I want him to be happy too. If he's happy, I'm happy." He concluded. Shane smiled warmly at the cute scene. So that was it uh? Nightshade had been so impressed by the knight's behavior he had grown fond of the old navi in a heartbeat. That explained him trying so hard to impress Regalia, hogging all of his attention and his relentless desire to have Thomas create a GMO for him.

"You still want that GMO right? I bet it's so you can feel close to Regalia even when he's away, right?"

The little navi nodded, making Shane burst into laugher again. "If I didn't know you I'd say all this is obsessive worshipping." The man commented, turning Nightshade's face into a pout. "But hey, I'm happy you've finally found someone you feel comfortable being around with. Just be mindful of Regalia's wishes too. You shouldn't bother him this much with all the hugging stuff. By now we both now he isn't exactly as cuddle hungry as you."

"Aaaaw, but feels nice!" The little feline whined, still pouting.

"I was going to say 'efficiently done', but there's not really such a thing with Rush viruses, is there?" Thomas frowned. "I've got the data you sent from the last battle, but I'll be dropping comms for a moment. I'm moving over to where Nightshade's operator is."

"Oh? Did he invite you?" Regalia asked. "...Thomas? Hm," The older knight realized his operator must have disconnected already. He took a few steps forward- "Ergghglk!" -only to fall backward, landing atop the sea as Nightshade tackled him. Thanks to his floatshoes, both cat and knight were held above the sloshing water beneath them, but Regalia was frowning (and choking) all the same. He patted Nigthshade's head with a gloved hand, partly out of affection, partly trying to placate the catboy so he would stop choking him. "Yes... you... did good..." the knight managed to gurgle out, static building up in his armor as the cat rubbed against it. Soon Nightshade was distracted by his conversation with Shane, and Regalia took off his helmet, freeing his hair with a sigh.

It all stuck straight up, a rough ball of salt-and-pepper-colored frizz above Regalia's head thanks to Nightshade rubbing against him, not that the knight could tell.

"Ah, yes, the GMD." Regalia took the little crystal when Nightshade offered it to him, and then he wrapped an arm around the cat and hoisted them both back to their feet, setting Nightshade down beside him. "Our impromptu allies will likely also be interested in its contents. We should discuss with them before opening it, as is only proper." Again the night patted Nightshade's head- but this time both navis got a zap thanks to the static buildup, making Regalia cringe as it ran through him. He blinked a few times, sighed, and then began to walk over to the other two. "Hail!" He called. "Shall we open this data crystal together?"
GigaMan cautiously approached after the battle came to a halt. He hadn't noticed it before, but the GMD shined bright uphead. He was now close enough to communicate with all three of his makeshift teammates. Julius' voice rang directly through to GigaMan. "Play nice... we can become stronger with all of their help."

"They're weak." The scornful Navi muttered under his breath. He took another few steps even closer to the cuddling duo and the GMD, while also scanning his vision over to the female from time to time. Making sure she wasn't up to anything crazy. "I claim the Mystery Data, let me have it " His voice was new to the other three, it carried a unique dual sound to it. A light crisp voice can be heard, underneath a prominent deep malicious sounding overtone.

Surely the other three wouldn't just give up the data. GigaMan knee this, yet he still ignored his owner's request to be civil. He tilted his head back and released a hideous shriek, that echoed all around him in the surrounding area. The sound was so loud, sharp, and twisted. It's vibrations looked to cause fear and freeze anybody close by. The sound halted, and GigaMan stepped forward once more. Surely it would leave the three of them frozen. He activated his last Untrap, and reached out to secure the GMD when he noticed that his roar didn't seem to effect the knight like Navi. He paused and turned to face Regalia.

Viral Roar
[Shot Type] [Stun1 + Nova2] (30)(2) = 60 Points ACC: A [2 TCD]
GigaMan releases a loud roar that strikes fear into his surrounding enemies.

"You are very strong indeed. To withstand my Viral Roar...". He withdrew his hand, sensing the difference in their current power levels. "It was just a test you see... I was very impressed by your power in the battle. I too wish to become stronger... so that I may never taste defeat again...". He motioned towards the other two, as the stun was probably gonna wear off any moment now, "The lady and the cat are weakkkkkk. Let me tag along with you. I lend you my strength, you lend me yours ."

"Who are you to call them weak? They're probably just as strong, if not stronger then you are in that new body of yours. Don't forget you possessed a Navi who had never fought before." Julius' voice rang out inside GigaMan's helmet once more, reminding him that where he stood, he wasn't much better then the weakest of the weak.

((Using last Untrap, YES Open GMD))
With the viruses all taken care of through the collective efforts of Daybreak and co., the huntress crawled out of the water and onto whatever available, non-liquid surface could be found. She'd mostly forgotten about a need to show off her busting prowess to get in with the vampire hordes (or rare vampire hunters, if that's what they were) and was now intently focused on wiping up her makeup, crossing her tan legs beneath herself Indian-style as she rung out her hair. The battle had not ended as glamorously as it had started. "Hmph. This place is all a ruse by vampires to make a mockery of those who seek God's favor by keeping up an immaculate appearance. How am I supposed to keep my hair in this humidity?!" she fussed quietly. Alexandru looked to Marian for a moment, unsure if it was part of his operating duty to reassure her that it didn't matter. Marian gave a shrug that showed it really wasn't his job.

From her sitting spot, she ran her hands through her hair and watched Nightshade and Regalia with one gleaming red eye. "Hm... If the knight is indeed not a vampire, but rather a vampire hunter, that still doesn't mean the other two aren't vampires. The cat boy lacks all of the hostility I'd ordinarily associate with a vampire lord, so I must conclude he is some sort of vampire reject, cast aside by his liege lord. The knight must have taken him under his wing to protect him from the denizens of the vampire-controlled net who now wish him harm," she mused, rambling to herself like a crazy person, which she was, by most metrics. The sight of his frizzy, hydrated hair made her almost snicker, as hypocritical as it would have been given the state of her own hair. She managed to brush aside the impulse to chuckle by focusing on the need not to destroy the gravity of her own serious monologue. "The other one, though..." she murmured, covering her mouth with her metallic hand while she tried to evaluate the behavior of the group's other outsider. He seemed to be returning the favor; a smirk crept out from behind her prosthetic hand. "Ho ho... A greedy vampire," she muttered under her breath. "If he thinks he is taking my tools of God, however, he is sadly mistaken."

"Your arm?" Alexandru asked, not following.

"No, the mystery data," she sighed, rolling her one visible eye. "God has provided that to me... and maybe the other vampire hunter here... as a reward for our fealty. However... if God has chosen to grant him a share of it, then perhaps he is also an ally in my war against them?" she pondered. Just then, she was given reason to re-evaluate that statement as the navi alarmed her with a sudden, authoritative roar. "Lord almighty!" she cursed, covering her ears with her hands and shrinking back onto the panel. Camaraderie afterward was hard to reestablish given her annoyance and general feeling of ruptured eardrums. "You bastard! How would you like it if I blinded you, hm? Hmmm?!" she questioned, standing up and shaking a bit. "Hey, in spite of your earlier efforts, I heard that! I deleted just as many viruses as you, you cur!"

"Aw geez... Don't get carried away, Daybreak," Marian reminded her navi. "Unless you want to get a jump start with helping Alexandru on his calculus homework instead of busting."

"But... he started it," Daybreak pouted, flipping her hair behind herself in a haughty way, only for it to slap her hard in the shoulders and buttocks with a wet smack. "You think I'm not your equal? Watch me when next we combate, and you shall see all that I am capable of!" she warned him, pointing forward one metallic finger dramatically. She looked at the knight again, noting his somewhat stern expression. "Er, oh, yes. Let's open the mystery data," she agreed, dropping her arm back to cross one over the other at her chest, while lowering her eyelids to a subdued, half-shaded expression.

((Yes open GMD))
Meanwhile, Nightshade seemed to be busy with something. Still keeping himself close to Regalia and holding the knight's free hand in his paw, the little cat navi seemed way more calm now. The knight knew how to soothe the little boy's spirit. Wouldn't be hard to spot that Nightshade was at ease in the presence of his much older friend.

...until he began bouncing around squeaking again. It looked like Regalia's operator had made him a new custom outfit. Once the little navi tried it on, he turned out even more fuzzy and cute looking than before. He wore a black tightsuit that looked like a tshirt and shorts combined. Lime green markings on shoulder pads and thighs and a white accompanied a long slim cat tail with a white tuft at the end. He was wearing long sleeved black gloves with white paw pads on palms and each of his fingers, so much that his hands looked like a hybrid between a normal hand and an actual paw. On his feet, he wore shin long boots...that also looked like paws. The white elastic belly cloth extended to cover his neck and form a face mask, which nightshade quickly slid up over his mouth and nose, concealing them from view. From the way he was standing only the Knight could have caught a small glimpse of his facial features. On his head, a black helmet with cat ears completed the look.

Fiddling with a green scarf around his neck, Nightshade looked up at Regalia, then down at his own paw like hands. He smiled under his new mask. "...Thank you, Regalia." He softly spoke, only to whisper even quieter while squeezing his hand: "you're simply the best."

Then the weid virus infected guy shrieked at them, causing Nightshade to jump into a defensive stance right in front of the Knight. He would protect Regalia with his life if he had to. Frowning at Giga and backsteppinc closer to the knight (to the point of having his back lightly pressed on the Knight's chest) it was oddly strange the now even more cat looking navi didn't hiss back at the shouting virus corrupted entity.

"Who do you think you are!? I'll show you how weak I am! Come any closer and I'll stick my paw right in your face!!" He spatted, angry and on the defensive.

"He's mine!" He added. That last phrase was more than just obsession, one could smell the affection the little cat had developed for the knight. Nightshade was just so young that he didn't know better. The thought of Regalia being taken away from him kinda terrorized the little feline. Especially if Regalia never returned becouse that weirdo in front of him did something crazy.

For the first time ever, little Nighty was jealous. No one stealed his friends from him! NO ONE!

"Erm..." The knight bore an expression somewhere between 'really?' and 'please help me' as he looked up toward Thomas's bird's-eye view of the situation, but it seemed no help was forthcoming. Forced to deal with his rambunctious ally on his own, Regalia placed his hand on Nightshade's head and rather roughly pet it. "Now, now." The elder knight said. "I am not yours, I am not anyone's but my own. No one is going to, er, take me away, or anything like that." He felt ridiculous having to explain the concept.

"I am... glad you think I am strong?" The knight responded to Gigaman's inquiry. "As long as we are allies, I will lend all who side with me my strength, worry not." Honestly, between Daybreak's tirades, Gigaman's yelling, and now having to deal with Nightshade's jealousy...

Regalia sighed as the mystery data began to open, twirling in the air as GigaMan's untrap worked.

Why did he get the feeling that rather than finding allies, he'd been appointed as babysitter to a bunch of children...?

((Open MD))
The green MD spun around for a moment, only to spill it's contents to navi all around!

Gigaman GET: ElecKnifeDamage: 60 + Slashing
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a sword made of electrical energy, with a blade comparible to a large knife. Hits one target per slash.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 6 swings.
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D

Daybreak GET: HeatDragon1Damage: 100 + Ground Attack + Medium Area Lava Terrain Change + Terrain Changer
Accuracy: C
Description: Summons an EarthDragon that attacks enemies as it glides across the ground. Changes terrain to Lava as it passes.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Special: Terrain Changer: Ceases attacking when the Terrain Change effect is completed (once 25% of the terrain is changed).
Trader Rank: D

Nightshade GET: BusterUpStatus: +1 Selected Buster Stat
Accuracy: S
Description: Adds 1 to the selected Buster Stat until end of battle. Cannot exceed 10/5/5.
Duration: Until end of battle.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D

Regalia GET: BugFixEffect: Bug Fix
Accuracy: S
Description: Removes all glitches from self.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C
Nightshade looked up at his guiding fingure as he was pet. The little cat could sense his friend's frustration and annoyance at the whole situation. Dropping his stance he simply grabbed his own portion of ChipData and sent it to Shane. Then, the little cat quieted down and stood beside the knight. Still squeezing Regalia's hand to feel secure, he kept on staring at Giga with a suspicious look.

From now on the little cat would try and follow Regalia's advice a little more. With his fluffy tail swishing to and fro, the feline navi patiently waited his mentor to give him instruction on what their next move would be.

Shane rolled his eyes and turned over to Thomas, taking a sip of his drink. "Sorry for that. Nighty is only a couple of days old, he has alot to learn. Looks like he found the perfect mentor in Regalia in all honesty. Besides, I get the feeling deep down he likes having a little apprentice running circles giving him all the attention."

The man slotted in a blank chip to save the ChipData Nightshade sent. "Oh, wasn't there a way to link our PeT together? I am sure Nighty would love if Regalia were to visit him once in a while."
GigaMan activated the chip momentarily, just to get a slight jist of its power. The claws in his right hand, sparkled with a current of electricity. The chip would prove useful in Yoka's Net surely. He was aware of Nightshade's gaze piercing glare. Without moving his head, GigaMan pointed his claw at the cat Navi. "Lock your gaze elsewhere kitten. I do not wish to play with you right now."

Moving on, the Navi began attempting to embrace the idea of this unlikely team of mismatch entities. "My name is GigaMan, I am Navi, yet I am Virus. It is true that I am in a somewhat weakened state compared to my previous glory... yet it is only a matter of time before I can reclaim that power and in turn unleash my will all around. The stupid human I am linked to by means of the PET says that if we team together, I can become stronger." He paused, turned his head from Regalia to Daybreak, while still not focusing on Nightshade. "I will continue to fight alongside of you, and take my portion of the spoils as we move deeper into Yoka's Net. Don't get in my way, unless you wish to get caught in the crossfire."

The chip's power subsided and his claws returned to their normal white and gold appearance, when suddenly Julius's voice echoed over the area. "Hi there, my name is Julius. I am in fact this Navi's operator. It is true that he seems somewhat violent, but I'm keeping a close eye on him. I hope that y'all would allow us to accompany you all. I'm still trying to get a read on how this viral possession has effected my Navi. Also... I'm broke and need to make some zenny to keep my bar open...". The operators words trailed off while he waited for a response from the others.

((Ready for battle 2))
"Hmm.." Regalia looked the data he got over with a frown.

"Don't your boots already have process-cleaning subroutines?" Thomas asked.

"They do." The navi responded. "This chip will be useless to us 99% of the time... but could come in handy if we come up against a glitch-user."

"Hmmm..." Regalia thought for a few more moments, then his attention turned to Nightshade. The cat was looking at him again. "Well, regardless." He cleared his throat. "The viruses in this area are gone, it seems. Shall we move on for now?" The elderly knight took a few steps forward, walking with his cane... and then he stopped, briefly petting Nightshade's head.

He paused at Gigaman's near-threats, and especially paused at Julius's words. "Viral...?" Regalia's expression turned sour again. "So be it! Accompany us if you will. But be aware that if your navi should bare his fangs in my direction, I will defend myself." Regalia's cane tap-tap-tapped on the water's surface as he strode slowly on.

((ready for next battle))
Nighty seemed to enjoy the small gesture of affection the old navi had given him by a great deal. Up to now there was nothing in the world that made him happier than Regalia petting his head. The way he did it was oddly relaxing. Soft yet firm touch. He would nod his agreement and observe the old knight as he made his way to their next encounter. He was about to run over to his side when he spotted the weird virus dude pointing at him before he blabbed something else.

Nightshade literally growled at the viral navi. "If you try anything funny, you're dead."

Perhaps talking down the feline navi and purposelly ignoring him afterwards wasn't the best idea. Instead of asserting dominance, it only made it so Nightshade's behavior grew even more hostile towards Gigaman. The threat of friendly fire didn't help the situation at all, nor the words of its NetOp.

"...You beeter keep your leash tight on it. If it tries anything funny he'll be nothing more than a virus to me. And those..."

*shink* Nightshade's claws deployed. "I claw em in half." He concluded, hoping to give a crystal clear message: don't come any closer.

Retracting his sharp claws, Nightshade turned around and chased after the knight, only to slow down to walk at his same pace. "I'm sorry to be such a bother to you..." he told the old knight. "But...I promise I'll make it worth it. I'll try my very best."

He quieted down for a moment. "We're friends...right?" He then asked after a minute of contemplating silence. " really enjoy your company...that what makes friends friends right?"

((Ready for Battle!))
Daybream watched Nightshade and Regalia warily, with a look of puzzlement in her frown and her one smoldering red eye. "The relationship between these two is..." she began again. She noticed the knight's increasingly weary face, making him look more his years than he had a moment ago being so "spry" in battle. "Embarrassing," she finally resolved, her eyes narrowing a bit and her upper lip curling up to show her teeth. Whatever other reasons she might have for arriving at that conclusion, the main one was that she was not one to deal in innocent relationships. Friendship between a young boy and an old warrior was as bizarre to her as she was to most people.

"Stow your bravado, little cat. You're like a fledgeling knight trying to win the hand of a maiden!" she scoffed, though her jealousy at not being the center of attention was at the root of it. "And as for you, it is good to see that someone has you on a leash," Daybreak taunted the half-virus, half-navi... She wasn't sure where such a claim put him in terms of the plague of vampires, but it sounded like it would be worth sticking close to him and keeping an eye out.

Next were the so-called "humans;" no one who acted so without care in a world full of vampires could be considered likely human, and thus, very few humans she met were likely humans. Marian, but, well, beyond that...

Speaking of Marian, she noted the others giving introduction. Ordinarily, she would skip out, not wanting to admit to ownership of her navi, but here, it seemed best to speak. She brought up a viewscreen with her own profile, braid still down. Alexandru was alongside her, looking eager to leave the talking to her. "My navi is one to talk about keeping a leash on others... she's a handful herself. Don't take anything she days too seriously. I'm Marian and this is Alexandru," she introduced the two of them. Hopefully, ordinary operators in the mix would make things a little more normal before the three drove Regalia crazy.

"Nevermind all of that," Daybreak sniffed. "What about the mystery data?"

"Oh, em, you'll be happy with it," Marian laughed it off, hopong not to say in front of the others what a nice chip her navi had gotten. She didn't want it to become "a thing." "Lovely meeting you all," she finished with a smile, then cut the visual feed back off.

Daybreak shrugged, then followed the others. Ironically, she noted thatbif the time should come that she did determine the others were vampires later and want to attack them, she would have ample opportunity, given how prone the half-cat and the half-virus were to fighting. She watched Nightshade and Regalia and crossed her arms, wearing a non-plussed frown. "That cat..." she spoke again.

"Please, don't keep being petty," Daybreak's operator sighed.

"... I want to pet him too," Daybreak muttered quietly, glaring intently and trying to formulate ways to endear herself.

"... You're serious?" Marian asked, dubious.

"Well how many cats that aren't confirmed vampires have you seen on the net?" Daybreak hissed, still keeping her voice down. "Yes, I'm serious!"

"You could start by not acting like such a weirdo," the operator laughed. "Let's get back at it. He's friendly enough. Just don't be a pain and he'll probably respect you too."

The floating eyeball glared at Daybreak as she walked on, then back to Nightshade, seeming to understand its spot was in danger of being usurped. It's eye opened lowered to half-shade as it hovered on, noiselessly.

((Ready to combate))
(Daybreak: +1 Nightshade FXP, +2 Regalia FXP, +2 GigaMan FXP)
(GigaMan: +1 Nightshade FXP, +2 Daybreak FXP, +2 Regalia FXP)
(Nightshade: +3 Regalia FXP, +1 GigaMan FXP, +1 Daybreak FXP)
(Regalia: +3 Nightshade FXP, +2 GigaMan FXP, +2 Daybreak FXP)

A variety of tensions ran across the assorted group of navis at the end of the battle; chances for introductions were made and a few tenuous agreements made, over the top of other proverbial lines in the sand. For the time being, it seemed as though the group were going to continue working together now that they'd all run into each other, with the promise of more fruitful rewards for all due to the manner in which viruses were always drawn towards larger groups of navigators travelling together.

As it was they moved on, Daybreak assessing, GigaMan calculating, Nightshade with his attention focused almost solely on just one of his new acquaintances, and Regalia... it would seem, wondering just what he'd ended up in the middle of. Unfortunately, the group didn't have too much longer to ponder these particular questions as they shortly slogged their way out of the far-spread pool and out onto the nearest dry land, which turned out to be a strangely uniform checkered board. The panels seemed normal enough, with no oddities, though they appeared to have made their way out into a giant chess board that was halfway through a game, with pieces in a complicated position across the board. They looked mostly like traditional chess pieces, though there was something slightly... off... about two of them. The two remaining black knights on the board twisted as the group approached, the eyes of their horse-head figures beginning to glow.

As much as they may have expected to be in for a quaint, if dangerous puzzle game of some description here, the thought was interrupted by a sudden rise of baying howls from multiple directions. First one sounded,then another answered, followed by a chorus of different barks and howls from the left and right. Flashes of fire caught various eyes as two exceptionally large spikey viruses, followed by a smaller pack of more normal-sized ones crashed onto the chess board barking madly and howling in between, fire dripping from canine mouths everywhere they moved.

The barking racket reached a peak but just when it seemed like it might get too irksome to deal with a rumble in the ground send all of the dogs quiet. The rumble repeated and the muffled sound of turbines spinning up whined from somewhere underground. A third tremor made the spikey pack look around with twitching motions, before an eruption of soil and earth burst up to release a large, high-tech looking virus that vaguely resembled the body parts of a much larger yort, but in three segments, separated by dark black discs and with impressive jet thrusters and stabilisers. It launched up from beneath the ground, twisting over on itself with a graceful, highly precision controlled roll and hovered above the field, scanning other navis and viruses alike.

-=Virus Conjunction=-
Shredder V1Shredder V1 (Shredder)

Shredders are a combination of Yort, Fishy, and Dharma viruses. They appear to be Yorts with 3 body pods instead of two. The pods are black with fishy-fins, and of course feature jet thrusters in the back. In the space between each of the pods is a Dharma's puck that splits and reveals a nasty ring of curved metal blades when attacking.

Area: All

HP: 270
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (10 Null + Slashing + Break + Piercing) per hit
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Launches a volley of three blades at one target in sequence. They fly out, and come straight back. They pass through any object or enemy they strike, and may strike twice or even three times at max range. The blade pucks have 1 HP, and Iron Body. This attack cannot damage Shredder viruses.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: (10 Null + Slashing + Break + Rebound(5)) per hit
Secondary Attack Accuracy: E
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a spread of three blades that bounce around the field. They carom off of whatever they hit up to a max of 5 times each. The blade pucks have 1 HP, and Iron Body. This attack cannot damage Shredder viruses.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: (30 Null + Impact + Slashing + Knockback)
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: The virus fires up its boosters, and charges the enemy. When contact is made, the blade pucks extend their blades, and spin, slicing at the target. The virus then airbrakes, leaving the target to fly a short distance ahead.

Special: This virus may summon a RockCube once each turn as a free action.
Special: OmniShoes

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DashAttack, Yo-yo1, AirHockey1, RockCube, Attack+10, Zenny.
: 270Hp [Meta-Virus][Beyond the chess board, opposite the navis]
Knightmare V1Knightmare V1 (Knightmare)

Knightmares are a combination of the Bagworm, Powie, and Miner viruses. This virus is rather simple: it looks like a bronzewood Knight chess piece. It attacks, moves, and dodges all at the same time.... which is accomplished by jumping.

Area: All

HP: 240
Element: Wood

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (50 Wood + Seeking + Mine Trap) + (Dodge + High Alt)
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Jumps into the air, attaining High Altitude status. It leaves a Mine on the panel it jumped from. This can only be set off by someone stepping on the panel later. Knightmares are immune to their own mines. Panel break effects and ground attacks destroy the mine.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Wood + Impact + Break + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Crashes down, causing a panel smashing blastwave. Knightmares are immune to their own attacks.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Wood + Break + Ground Attack x 3 targets + (+10 Wood vs targets on Grass Panels)
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Stone spires erupt from the ground as a result of the previous hard landing.

Special: Raises LeafShield at the end of every turn as a free action.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodTower1, GreenWood1, Quake1, FootStomp, LeafShield, Mine1, Zenny
A: 240Hp [Meta-Virus][Far side of the board, on the navis' left]
Knightmare V1Knightmare V1 (Knightmare)

Knightmares are a combination of the Bagworm, Powie, and Miner viruses. This virus is rather simple: it looks like a bronzewood Knight chess piece. It attacks, moves, and dodges all at the same time.... which is accomplished by jumping.

Area: All

HP: 240
Element: Wood

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (50 Wood + Seeking + Mine Trap) + (Dodge + High Alt)
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Jumps into the air, attaining High Altitude status. It leaves a Mine on the panel it jumped from. This can only be set off by someone stepping on the panel later. Knightmares are immune to their own mines. Panel break effects and ground attacks destroy the mine.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Wood + Impact + Break + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Crashes down, causing a panel smashing blastwave. Knightmares are immune to their own attacks.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Wood + Break + Ground Attack x 3 targets + (+10 Wood vs targets on Grass Panels)
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Stone spires erupt from the ground as a result of the previous hard landing.

Special: Raises LeafShield at the end of every turn as a free action.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodTower1, GreenWood1, Quake1, FootStomp, LeafShield, Mine1, Zenny
B: 240Hp [Meta-Virus][Near the navis, mid right]
AlphaSpikey V1AlphaSpikey V1 (AlphaSpikey)

AlphaSpikeys are a combination of the Spikey, Dragrin, and Armadill viruses. They appear to be larger than normal Spikeys wreathed in flame with the ability to roll up into a ball and shred along the ground as a fireball.

Area: All

HP: 310
Element: Fire

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Fire + SeriesSpread x 4 Shots
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Attacks with HeatShot, then Heat-V, then HeatSide, and finally HeatCross.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Seeking + Nova2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Roars, releasing a rage-driven blast of fire in all directions.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Impact + Slashing + LineAttack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Curls up into a fireball, and shreds along the ground at high speed, rolling over all who stand before it until it reaches its intended target. When it does, it uncurls into a sudden pounce attack.

Special: Improved Pack Tactics: Same as Pack Tactics, but the bonuses are doubled. Works with both Spikey and AlphaSpikey viruses.
-- AlphaSpikey are immune to the attacks of Spikey and AlphaSpikey viruses.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Heatshot, HotBody1, IronShell1, Fire+30, Burner, Zenny
A: 310Hp [Meta-Virus][Far left, at the edge of the board]
AlphaSpikey V1AlphaSpikey V1 (AlphaSpikey)

AlphaSpikeys are a combination of the Spikey, Dragrin, and Armadill viruses. They appear to be larger than normal Spikeys wreathed in flame with the ability to roll up into a ball and shred along the ground as a fireball.

Area: All

HP: 310
Element: Fire

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Fire + SeriesSpread x 4 Shots
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Attacks with HeatShot, then Heat-V, then HeatSide, and finally HeatCross.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Seeking + Nova2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Roars, releasing a rage-driven blast of fire in all directions.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Impact + Slashing + LineAttack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Curls up into a fireball, and shreds along the ground at high speed, rolling over all who stand before it until it reaches its intended target. When it does, it uncurls into a sudden pounce attack.

Special: Improved Pack Tactics: Same as Pack Tactics, but the bonuses are doubled. Works with both Spikey and AlphaSpikey viruses.
-- AlphaSpikey are immune to the attacks of Spikey and AlphaSpikey viruses.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Heatshot, HotBody1, IronShell1, Fire+30, Burner, Zenny
B: 310Hp [Meta-Virus][Far left, at the edge of the board]
SpikeySpikey (Spikey)

Spikey viruses are a little faster than the average virus, allowing them to cover more ground than normal with movements and dodges. They may attack while moving, but as normal, they cannot attack while dodging without expending a second action to do so. Spikey viruses are also able to use something called 'pack tactics' when 3 or more of them are present. Simply put, the Spikey viruses attack and dodge as a wolf pack. In addition, they are treated as having a reduced power Haste and Accuracy Enhancement effect which grants them a +5% bonus to evasion and accuracy while this effect is active. The effect is passive, and only expires when their numbers drop below 3.

Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Yumland, Netfrica, Hades Isle

HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description - Fires HeatShot
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatShot, Zenny
Special: Uses pack tactics when with at least 2 other Spikeys
A: 90Hp [Just behind AlphaSpikey A]
SpikeySpikey (Spikey)

Spikey viruses are a little faster than the average virus, allowing them to cover more ground than normal with movements and dodges. They may attack while moving, but as normal, they cannot attack while dodging without expending a second action to do so. Spikey viruses are also able to use something called 'pack tactics' when 3 or more of them are present. Simply put, the Spikey viruses attack and dodge as a wolf pack. In addition, they are treated as having a reduced power Haste and Accuracy Enhancement effect which grants them a +5% bonus to evasion and accuracy while this effect is active. The effect is passive, and only expires when their numbers drop below 3.

Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Yumland, Netfrica, Hades Isle

HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description - Fires HeatShot
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatShot, Zenny
Special: Uses pack tactics when with at least 2 other Spikeys
B: 90Hp [Just beside Alphaspikey A]
SpikeySpikey (Spikey)

Spikey viruses are a little faster than the average virus, allowing them to cover more ground than normal with movements and dodges. They may attack while moving, but as normal, they cannot attack while dodging without expending a second action to do so. Spikey viruses are also able to use something called 'pack tactics' when 3 or more of them are present. Simply put, the Spikey viruses attack and dodge as a wolf pack. In addition, they are treated as having a reduced power Haste and Accuracy Enhancement effect which grants them a +5% bonus to evasion and accuracy while this effect is active. The effect is passive, and only expires when their numbers drop below 3.

Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Yumland, Netfrica, Hades Isle

HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description - Fires HeatShot
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatShot, Zenny
Special: Uses pack tactics when with at least 2 other Spikeys
C: 90Hp [Just behind AlphaSpikey B]
SpikeySpikey (Spikey)

Spikey viruses are a little faster than the average virus, allowing them to cover more ground than normal with movements and dodges. They may attack while moving, but as normal, they cannot attack while dodging without expending a second action to do so. Spikey viruses are also able to use something called 'pack tactics' when 3 or more of them are present. Simply put, the Spikey viruses attack and dodge as a wolf pack. In addition, they are treated as having a reduced power Haste and Accuracy Enhancement effect which grants them a +5% bonus to evasion and accuracy while this effect is active. The effect is passive, and only expires when their numbers drop below 3.

Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Yumland, Netfrica, Hades Isle

HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description - Fires HeatShot
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatShot, Zenny
Special: Uses pack tactics when with at least 2 other Spikeys
D: 90Hp [Just beside AlphaSpieky B]

-=Navi Collective=-
DayBreak.Exe: 140Hp
GigaMan.Exe: 105Hp
Nightshade.Rx: 100Hp
Regalia.Exe: 150Hp

-=Uniform Field=-
100% Normal
  • No effects.

Navis are effectively slightly before the board, more or less in the centre on the white side. The Spikey pack are off to the left slightly. The Shredder is directly opposite, behind the black end of the board.

-=Pieces in Play=-

Rooks: 120Hp [StoneBody]
Knights: 80Hp [HardBody]
Bishops: 120Hp [HardBody]
Kings: 20Hp [SteelBody]
Queens: 80Hp [Reflect any damage as Null, A, Shot-type]
Pawns: 40Hp

-=Battle 2, Start!=-
Daybreak walked up behind the others, noticing the board in front of them, then the viruses lurking around and behind it. "A chessboard created for vampire's minions? They're far too feral to appreciate this game, which is a feat of humanity's god-given intellect," she scoffed, looking between her allies as though expecting them to back her up on this observation. "We'll teach them how to play the most crucial game of all: humans versus vampires!" This would be a great opportunity for someone to correct her and point out that navis were not exactly humans, but she would pay it no heed regardless.

"More giant viruses... I count five big ones and four small ones," Alexandru pointed out, feeling a little less nervous than last time now that he'd seen Regalia dispatch the previous ones so handily.

"Ha ha ha! You're lucky it is I who faces the viruses in the flesh, young Alexandru," Daybreak guffawed. "Your poor arithmetic betrays your nerves! There are only three large viruses!" she informed him in a matter-of-fact fashion, holding up three fingers. Again, she looked around to the others to back her up.

"... No, there are five," he reiterated, furrowing his brow in a slight pout. "Two of them are on the board and three are behind it. Don't you see the horses?"

Daybreak and her familiar each opened their one visible eye in shock, with Daybreak also uttering a dramatic gasp. "Leave it to these vampires to use such devious camouflage! Who would think to look for vampire minions hiding among the pieces?!" she growled, blaming the vampires for her poor perception. "Now, we fight! My familiar, you take the despicable false knight closest to us. I will terminate the one in the rear!" she proclaimed, releasing a targeting beam from her eye-patch towards the closer one to help out her pet/ally. In answer, it winked, anticlimactically releasing a splash of molten lava towards the knight. "... Very well. Stay the course," she encouraged it with a quick rub atop its surface.

"Don't worry- as ever, I will draw their ire first, so that you all can attack at your leisure!" she notified the others. That wasn't quite what had happened last time, but she enjoyed the attention such a tactic would theoretically provide. "Face me, vampires! Stare direct into God's window!" Urging the enemies thusly, she spread her arms high and thrust her chest out, lifting her chin upward and emitting light from the eyepatch's hole and the crevices in her arm.

If something attacked her, she would then shatter into red shards and a burst of light, then reappear crawling out from an unnatural, sun-lit portal on the other side of the field, nearer to the enemies. "That's how you take the opponent's queen! Check and mate," she'd smirk, despite the fact that that wasn't how one actually achieved checkmate. If nothing attacked her, she'd be forced to lower her arms and continue in a less exciting fashion, her eyepatch glowing as she lowered her hand and observed it carefully.

A ball of fire began to materialize inside of her clenched fingers, seeming too small to do any real damage. She would curl her fingers up and down, allowing molten lava to slide down betwixt her fingers, until it took a full spherical shape. Once it had, she wound back like a pitcher and flung the ball upward into the sky, aiming it over the many pieces on the board. Her objective was on the opposite end, toward the Knightmare that was hardest to reach. Where it impacted, the ball would explode into a splash of lava, coating the ground; if it managed to hit her target despite the poor accuracy inherent in such a maneuver, she might also get to celebrate finally achieving the level of coolness she aspired to. If not, she'd look just as doofy as she often unintentionally managed to, but the lava could still help destroy the knight virus in the right circumstances.

Next up, she would reach her hand back into the sky, then clench her fist, this time summoning down what looked like a Crasher virus nearby the Queen just behind the board, only made of hardened red shards, similar to her form that had shattered apart earlier. This one emitted light, but no heat, and despite its appearance, was not brittle at all. Then... it just stood there, looking fancy but otherwise useless. "Well, even God makes a dud sometimes," she told the others, with a dismissive shrug that did not fit the heat of battle.

Finally, it clicked in her mind that facing down two giant Spikies and two smaller ones, as well as the Knightmare, could be a little dangerous. To counter this danger, she raised her metallic arm, out of which a jagged, web-like connection of shards spread from the crevices. They were more solid than they looked... but one might question if it was sufficient for the challenge she faced. One might also be wondering, as they witnessed her confident smirk, if she was really that confident, just that insane in her beliefs... or just that stupid in overestimating her abilities. "Press the attack! We'll wipe them out while I draw all of their attacks!" she encouraged the others. One might also begin to wonder if she was a bit of a hardcore masochist.

*) Cursor subtype Marksmanship: Increase accuracy of next shot attack
*) Molten Tears: 10 fire damage shot attack, A accuracy, passive @ Nightmare V1 B + One accuracy rank
1) FastEscapeEffect: Trap(Teleport): Enemy attack connects
Accuracy: S
Description: Upon activation, remains dormant until an opponent's attack would normally land, at which point the user teleports to safety. The teleportation's location is set at the time of the chip's usage.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: (Trap(Effect): Trigger): Trap effects are sprung when Trigger conditions are met. Traps do not trigger and cannot be triggered by other Traps. Traps are negated on contact by the Nullify effect, and do not trigger against attacks that include the Nullify effect. Traps do not trigger against Allies. Only one Trap may be set by an individual at a time, and setting a second will overwrite the first regardless of type. Traps remain in place until triggered, overwritten, or destroyed.
Special: This trap will auto-fail if the attack that would hit has a To-All effect, and cannot be used afterward.
Trader Rank: C
: Trap(Teleport): Enemy attack connects (Acc: S), reappear atop Queen on enemy side
*) Cursor subtype Snipe: Add Seeking to next action
2) LavaBall2Damage: 160 + Break + Small Lava Terrain Change
Accuracy: C
Description: A bomb that changes the ground it lands on to Lava
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: C
: 160 + Break + Small Lava Terrain Change (Acc: C) @ Knightmare V1 A + 5 damage for same element + Seeking
3) RockArm1HP: 50
Properties: Normal, Mobile
Damage: 100 + Stun
Accuracy: C
Description: Summons a Crasher to the field. The following turn, it will leap and crash, causing a massive stunning earthquake for all ground-bound enemies, and send a shockwave towards a line of targets.
Duration: Two turns
Element: Null
Special: Attacks the turn after summoning only.
Trader Rank: D
: 50HP Mobile Object, 2-Turn: (Stun + To-All-Enemy + Ground Attack + Delay-Turn(1)) + (100 + Line Attack + Delay-Turn(1)) (Acc: C), summon behind rook, so that it is diagonally to the left away from the queen
4) Bright Shield: 2-hit shield on self, 2 TCD, facing towards enemy group on back left side
Tip tap tip tap. The little cat navi followed in the step of his much much much older friend. As he gave a light squeeze to the knight's hand with his own, the feline couldn't not notice how his own energy flowed freely from him to the knight. It had happened before. When they were hugging. Regalias' hair would stay up as he cuddled. One would also have to mention the static that happened while he was being pet.

It was at that moment that Nightshade realized. Regalia's electric charge was positive. The exact opposite to his own. That could come in handy later on, probably. It could be used to attack or defend. Perhaps if they combined their efforts more than just mutual protection...maybe they would be able to become so much stronger!

The little one turned his head over to Daybreak as she blabbed about chess and humans. With his tail twitching in a hint of curiosity, the little guy simply shrugged and mumbled a "Yeah, I guess". From the little time he had spent with the girl he had learned to be condescending. Smile and nod. Smile and nod to most of all she said. It would keep her happy and she would leave him and Regalia alone.

The little cat observed the huge chess board and the various viruses littered all around. He hopped up and wiggled himself in Regalia's personal space again. "Hold on...I wanna try something." He said, wriggling close. He would carefully step his feet paws onto Regalia's own feet. The knight would feel Nightshade's tail coil around his wait as the littlefeline gently pressed his back onto Regalia's chest and his head under his chin.

With the little cat navi off the ground, Nightshade closed his eyes and focused. First, he slowed his breathing down. Then he tried to visualise the flow of his and Regalia's energies in his mind. He had to admit to himself, cuddling with his dear friend for any kind of reason was really really good. He couldn't get enough of it. He wondered if could ask him to stay with him longer. Maybe exchange pet codes.

Instinctively wriggling closer to Regalia, Nightshade began to accumulate energy. If his theory was indeed exact, maybe he could push for a bigger terrain change than normal. Now that he was no longer touching the ground, it meant that Regalia would cause a displacement of ground charge. If his charge were to be positive, he would naturally draw in negative electrons all around him. He could use those naturally occurring electric charges as a slingshot for his own. He want sure it would work, but it was worth a try.

Squatting down still balancing onto Regalia's feet, Nightshade would slam his hands into the ground and discharge all the energy gathered after the activation of his SetMagnet program. He would infuse the soil with his negative charge all at once. Since equal charges repel eachother, he hoped the repulsion force to expell his program further actually existed and worked.

He...didn't really want to hop off of his comfy spot, but there were viruses that needed busting. Viruses that could be a real threath to the both of them. Sighing, the little cat stepped off of the knight and looked around. Daybreak was on the other side doing some stuff and talking to her netop. Good. Looked like he only needed to only watch over the virus navi guy.

Picking his target, his claws once again sprouted from his hands as Shane slotted in a RageClaw. Since he had a small amount of energy left, the feline decided to hug Regalia once again and transfter it all to him. It would be more than enough to supercharge all of his friend's systems. Oh, to hell with it, might as well synch their visors together.

Once everything was done. Nightshade turned to face the viruses. "I'll distract them so that you have a clear shot...let's show these viruses what we can do together!" And with that, the little cat navi was off into the heat oc battle, dodging and attacking as best he could.

Action 1: "Supercharged" SetMagnet
Action 2: RageClaw1Damage: 40 + Slashing (Attack) OR 20 + Impacting (Throw)
Accuracy: B / B then B
Description: Creates an impressive bear claw. Can be used to slash or throw enemies or objects.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 6 uses.
Element: Null
Special: Throw: The wielder must first grab the target to be thrown, then the target is thrown in the direction/area indicated. A second check is made if against another object/enemy. Throw deals damage to both thrown object/enemy and the second object/enemy. Damage occurs at point of collision with the ground/wall/ceiling/etc. or an object/enemy, not during initial grab attempt. Objects deal their max HP in damage (instead of the chip's damage) if they hit an object/enemy, then break. If they miss, the object just takes the chip's damage. This chip has a variety of uses.
Trader Rank: D
: 40 + Slashing (Attack) OR 20 + Impacting (Throw) (Acc: B / B then B) at Knightmare B
Action 3: RageClaw1Damage: 40 + Slashing (Attack) OR 20 + Impacting (Throw)
Accuracy: B / B then B
Description: Creates an impressive bear claw. Can be used to slash or throw enemies or objects.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 6 uses.
Element: Null
Special: Throw: The wielder must first grab the target to be thrown, then the target is thrown in the direction/area indicated. A second check is made if against another object/enemy. Throw deals damage to both thrown object/enemy and the second object/enemy. Damage occurs at point of collision with the ground/wall/ceiling/etc. or an object/enemy, not during initial grab attempt. Objects deal their max HP in damage (instead of the chip's damage) if they hit an object/enemy, then break. If they miss, the object just takes the chip's damage. This chip has a variety of uses.
Trader Rank: D
: 40 + Slashing (Attack) OR 20 + Impacting (Throw) (Acc: B / B then B) at Knightmare B
Action 4: Dodge
Free Action: Overclock at Regalia
GigaMan was in a fowl mood after his so called operator interjected himself into the earlier discussion. Who was he to think he could command a virus of his potential. He walked silently behind the other three as they continued moving looking for more trouble in Yoka. It wasn't long until they arrived at the next battlefield. This one was weird in the fact that they were face to face with a chess board, as well as the many pieces that were scattered across it.

The smell of powerful viruses littered the air like trash on the ground. He watched as the lady, and feline both made moves attack opposite knight pieces, where the scent was prominent. He scanned the rest of the area. A large pack of Spikeys approached from the left of the chess board. The virus on the opposing side of the board, carried a very menacing air about it. GigaMan thought it proper to stay away from that one... for self-preservation and all.

He felt the data from a varity of chips being slotted in to his PET. Since the first two had chosen the Knightmares, and Regalia had yet to move. He decided it was best to go for a quantity of enemies, in an attempt to cut down the disadvantage their group was facing just because of the numbers. He raised his right arm, and bent his left claw back, so that his blaster was facing the sky. PFFFT, a golden EnergyBomb shot from the hole in his palm, and arched at an angle, towards the pack of vicious viral hounds. PFFFT, Almost right behind it, a second normal colored EneryBomb followed almost the same trajectory as the previous explosive had. One by one, the bombs fell through the sky, looking to fall right in the center of the pack, and hopefully deal major damage to the majority of them.

Having finished his attack, he turned tail, and jumped to the side. He knew he couldn't afford to take a major hit, and show his weakness to the other three. He hoped his attack dealt casualties for the sole purpose of looking strong. He focused in on Regalia, impatient, ready to see what the strongest Navi in the group had up his sleeve this time around.


Passive: [High Focus] - [Passive Take Aim] at EnergyBomb.
-Buff: +10 Dmg to EnergyBomb-
1: EnergyBombDamage: 40 x 3 + Blast1
Accuracy: C
Description: A powerful bomb that hits three times.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
: 40 x 3 + Blast1 (Acc: C) Acc C -> B with Take Aim, +10 Dmg with Buff, at center of Spikey Pack.
2: EnergyBombDamage: 40 x 3 + Blast1
Accuracy: C
Description: A powerful bomb that hits three times.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
: 40 x 3 + Blast1 (Acc: C) at center of Spikey Pack.
3: Dodge.
For a while, Regalia waited.

And then he waited.

And then he waited.

The breeze blew by, and he waited.
The ocean had somehow turned into a giant chessboard, and he waited.
His allies all looked at him expectantly, and he waited.
The world grew older, and still he waited.
Finally, Thomas began to nag him.

"Hey." Thomas said. "Hey."
Regalia.exe was not responding.
"Hey, are you alright? Hello? Hey! There's kind of a battle going on!"
Regalia.exe was still not responding.
"I know you're an Elec navi, but you didn't run out of power or something did you? Do I have to crank a handle on this PET somewhere?"
Regalia.exe was still not responding, but began to tremble.
"If I'd known that programming an old man would give him Alzheimer's, maybe I would've gone for like, a cute chainmail bikini knight instead? I could still do that, you know! GMOs exist! We could make you blonde, and your eyes could be all blue, and you could have HUGE-"

"ENOUGH!" Regalia yelled. "I was attempting to tactically survey the situation, but it seems you cannot wait five glorious minutes. Since you seem to have such an apt grasp upon the situation at hand, verily you should be the one to just send me the chips you think are appropriate!"

"Uh-" Thomas stuttered for a moment. "I don't-"
"Hurry it up! You are not going to spontaneously turn into a bikini-clad waif, are you? Send the chips!" Regalia let his words sting, tapping his foot and crossing his arms.
"Alright, okay. I admit it, that was maybe a bit out of line. But you were standing there quite a while." Thomas's response was pockmarked by the sound of him slotting chips one after the other. "Here, take these and go get them, alright?"
"Very well." Regalia's voice was cooler after the apology, and he grasped his cane as he began to stride forward.

Then he disappeared.

There was a flash of light as Regalia appeared in the air over the Spikeys and AlphaSpikeys, electricity crackling and storming around him like an aura of power. He lobbed a small, gray, metal object toward the AlphaSpikeys, which sprouted propellers and began to home in on the nearest one, all whilst making a loud buzzing noise. Something like a jet-booster-powered gauntlet appeared on Regalia's arm as he slowly began to descend; energy flooded the intakes as Nightshade's overclock took effect, and with a swing of his arm he took off again, rocketing through the air and out of the blast range of his own bomb. He rocketed toward the Knightmare that his allies currently weren't targeting, gray hair fluttering in the wind pressure he was subjecting himself to. He stopped just short of it, and the gauntlet he was wearing launched forward instead, carried by its own overcharged thrusters on a path straight for... whatever passed for a Knightmare's face.

The lightning trailing behind Regalia caught up to him now that he was stopped, and as he slowly descended the electric storm blew past him, separating into bolts and balls of lightning that sought out Regalia's targets and left frizzy hair and the smell of seared ozone in their wake. Each of these orbs and bolts detonated with a burst of light and lightning, a deafening CRACK that echoed across the battlefield. Finally, as Regalia landed, his breastplate appeared and encased his chest, cape fluttering out behind it as he began to look healthier and healthier.

1: Teleport to just above Spikey pack (AreaGrab: Teleport + Accuracy UP (Acc: S))
2: PropellerBomb1 @ Spikey Pack (AlphaSpikey B if you need specifics) (PropellerBomb1: 1HP Flying Mobile Object, 3-Turn: (80 + Knockback + Blast3): On-Hit/Contact + Delay-Turn(3) (Acc: C) (+Acc from Teleport))
3: Use DashAttack1 + Nightshade-granted Overclock to launch across the battlefield toward Knightmare A and hit him (DashAttack1: 90 + Impact + LineAttack(5) + Movement (Acc: C))
4: Launch ClusterShot2 barrage at Knightmare A (10 x 8 Shots + Variable Targeting (Acc: B) +ELEC BOOST: 20 x 8 shots instead of 10 x 8)
*Free: Cape1 and Cape2 sigs @ Knightmare A if it still lives (20 elec, 20 elec), otherwise launch them at AlphaSpikey A
5: Equip Breastplate sig to self ([20 HP Object + Equipable + Light + Passive: Heal 20])
Overall, the Chessboard was probably vastly unprepared for the warfare that was about to be raged across it as each group of enemies moved to attack. One of the big Spikey pack leaders gave a fire-dripping bark, then curled up on itself, rolling across the ground in a flame-and-spike covered shred that cut across the board and tried to plough into the collection of navis. It crashed through a number of pawns on its way to them, knocking pieces aside, but by the time it got to the navis Regalia was already gone and Daybreak shattered and reformed safely just as it seemed to hit her. The ball of fiery death didn't manage to collide with GigaMan either, leaving only Nightshade unable to dodge its rapid assault. It uncurled, teeth bared and hot, sulphur breath wafting over the slightly singed cat boy.

As Daybreak reappeared in her artful landing pose atop the black queen, her familiar took a potshot at one of the black knights, marring the side of its face with a nasty burn. Fearsome or not, it seemed they were still, ultimately, made of wood. Good to know. The burned knight turned to glare at the vampire hunter.

The other pack-leader of the Spikeys held her ground instead, standing ahead of the smaller ones; the large virus hadn't seemed to have noticed the distortion in the air above her as Regalia warped in, and instead followed up the alpha male's body attack with a barrage of smaller fire bursts. Unfortunately, Nightshade and GigaMan were the only two left in close proximity, and the bolts spread in various directions as they struck. Nightshade took two more rather minor singes, while GigaMan once again escape injury. Some of the chess pieces in front of them also took some fire splashes, though the Alpha Spikey in amongst the two seemed unaffected by the fire that washed over it in the process.

Nightshade took the opportunity to change the ground to something more his taste, and covered a large portion of the nearby chess board in magnetic terrain instead, but it wasn't enough to prevent the two black knights from gathering themselves, then leaping high into the air with a simultaneous thump of lift. Also, and odd beeping sound that persisted. How peculiar.

GigaMan, having avoided the assaults of the Spikey pack all around him, went on the offence and, ignoring the massive alpha not too far from his face, took some heavy shots at the one that had held back instead. All of his hits connected, striking the far alpha squarely, though the explosions were small enough, and her own body too big, that none of the blasts could really reach any of the smaller viruses nearby. It was enough to make the meta-virus reel back and stamp, yelping and howling in response, and thoroughly distracted it didn't notice Regalia releasing his own explosive device. It zipped down, humming loudly, and settled in the virus' fur, before exploding in a broad area while the knight rocketed himself away towards his next target. The blast covered not only the alpha Spikey and her smaller allies, but also washed over a number of the chess pieces on the near edge of the board. The queen piece fell over as it took the explosion, but as it did, a red laser beam shot from the gem in its crown, lancing up towards Regalia. the armoured knight was fortunate enough that the reflect beam wasn't able to track with his rapid speed quite well enough; it looked potently strong.

Towards the back of the board, the Shredder was in the process of revving up its engines, and rose into the air enough to survey the board. It seemed to twist slightly, facing Daybreak for a moment, but then took a straighter angle down the field and launched a spinning bladed puck down through the chess pieces and across the field. The eventual target seemed to be Nightshade, but as it crashed through a rook a pawn and a bishop on the way, the attack wasn't nearly accurate enough to strike him by the time it reached the cat navi.

From her perch atop the black queen, Daybreak was able to make a good line on one of the leaping knights just as it reached the peak of its soaring jump; it certainly didn't look like it was moving the normal standard for a chess piece, but wherever it had been intending to land, the vampire-hunter's lava ball crashed into it and destroyed the highly flammable chess piece utterly before it could begin its decent. So much for that one.

Badly hurt and huddling near the larger Spikey, to of the smaller ones barked as threateningly as they could and shot two more small fire bolts towards Regalia as he travelled towards the remaining knight via rocket-assisted gauntlet; their shots, normally so precise, were shaken and unsure, however, and neither hit him. A moment later he punched into and past the second knight, making it spin in the air a bit while, below, Nightshade attempted to slash at the virus, but was unable to jump high enough to reach it.

Unhappy that GigaMan was ignoring its hulking presence and shooting at its mate instead, the Spikey that had rolled into them turned, stamped its paws in front of the viral-navi and then howled loudly enough to make the chess pieces rattle. A blast of fire radiated out from it, scorching several of the nearest pieces, but by some fluke of positioning, GigaMan himself was untouched by the flames. He responded, presumably with his usual disdain, by continuing to ignore the virus and firing another trio of blasts at the female instead. Three more clean connections later, the meta-virus was looking in a very bad way. The growl sounded more like an injured whimper at this stage, and the virus looked for an easier target, settling on Regalia while he was still up in the air. she exhaled another volley of spreading fire bursts, and in the middle of moving into his next attack, regalia wasn't in a position to avoid any of them. The minor scalding he took wasn't enough to throw him of his plan, however.

Daybreak summoned a chess piece of her own... sort of... while the remaining knight crashed down onto an empty space not far from GigaMan. A blast-wave from its landing damaged and destroyed a few more chess pieces, as well as reverting some of the magnetised space back into normal terrain. One of the pieces that it had landed next to was the white king, and as the knight's blast-wave disintegrated it, a moan rose up from the board. Gradually, the white pieces began to decrepify and crumble. The damaged ones swiftly fell apart, while the unscathed pieces didn't look like they would last much longer. More pressingly GigaMan was caught by the edge of the attack as well. It wasn't too bad, fortunately. Seeing the knight come down, Nightshade rushed in in an attempt to apply his claws to something that was in his range this time, but his enthusiasm got the better of him, and he didn't manage to connect with the piece. A moment later, a barrage of electric bolts rained down on the chess piece from a different direction, as Regalia released more attacks onto the field. It was enough to break the knight apart and topple it, while two more errant bolts zapped the the alpha Spikey that was still howling angrily at GigaMan. Regalia touched down a moment later, though they all might need to mind their steps, since the beeping sound hadn't stopped with the death of the knights. He formed his breastplate and its restorative energy rapidly healed the minor burns he'd taken earlier.

At the far end of the field, the shredder rolled over on itself in place, rising a few more feet until it was level with Daybreak. It hovered still, and the huntress might wonder what it was doing, before its engines revved up heavily and the virus rammed forwards, blasting towards her, blade-pucks extended. Daybreak had just enough time to raise her shield before it hit her, air-braking as it did. Her shield absorbed the blow safely, though the impact was still enough to throw her off her perch and to the ground below in a moderately undignified heap. This seemed to be something of a trigger for the other two smaller Spikeys who took her fall as a sign of vulnerability. They both shot out small balls of fire in her direction, and though Daybreak was able to lift her shield to the first, it gave out and allowed the second one to strike her directly. These particular fires did not feel like the heavenly kind, unfortunately. They actually stung.

-=Virus Conjunction=-
Shredder V1Shredder V1 (Shredder)

Shredders are a combination of Yort, Fishy, and Dharma viruses. They appear to be Yorts with 3 body pods instead of two. The pods are black with fishy-fins, and of course feature jet thrusters in the back. In the space between each of the pods is a Dharma's puck that splits and reveals a nasty ring of curved metal blades when attacking.

Area: All

HP: 270
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (10 Null + Slashing + Break + Piercing) per hit
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Launches a volley of three blades at one target in sequence. They fly out, and come straight back. They pass through any object or enemy they strike, and may strike twice or even three times at max range. The blade pucks have 1 HP, and Iron Body. This attack cannot damage Shredder viruses.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: (10 Null + Slashing + Break + Rebound(5)) per hit
Secondary Attack Accuracy: E
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a spread of three blades that bounce around the field. They carom off of whatever they hit up to a max of 5 times each. The blade pucks have 1 HP, and Iron Body. This attack cannot damage Shredder viruses.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: (30 Null + Impact + Slashing + Knockback)
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: The virus fires up its boosters, and charges the enemy. When contact is made, the blade pucks extend their blades, and spin, slicing at the target. The virus then airbrakes, leaving the target to fly a short distance ahead.

Special: This virus may summon a RockCube once each turn as a free action.
Special: OmniShoes

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DashAttack, Yo-yo1, AirHockey1, RockCube, Attack+10, Zenny.
: 270Hp [Meta-Virus][Beyond the chess board, to the North]
Knightmare V1Knightmare V1 (Knightmare)

Knightmares are a combination of the Bagworm, Powie, and Miner viruses. This virus is rather simple: it looks like a bronzewood Knight chess piece. It attacks, moves, and dodges all at the same time.... which is accomplished by jumping.

Area: All

HP: 240
Element: Wood

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (50 Wood + Seeking + Mine Trap) + (Dodge + High Alt)
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Jumps into the air, attaining High Altitude status. It leaves a Mine on the panel it jumped from. This can only be set off by someone stepping on the panel later. Knightmares are immune to their own mines. Panel break effects and ground attacks destroy the mine.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Wood + Impact + Break + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Crashes down, causing a panel smashing blastwave. Knightmares are immune to their own attacks.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Wood + Break + Ground Attack x 3 targets + (+10 Wood vs targets on Grass Panels)
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Stone spires erupt from the ground as a result of the previous hard landing.

Special: Raises LeafShield at the end of every turn as a free action.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodTower1, GreenWood1, Quake1, FootStomp, LeafShield, Mine1, Zenny
Knightmare V1Knightmare V1 (Knightmare)

Knightmares are a combination of the Bagworm, Powie, and Miner viruses. This virus is rather simple: it looks like a bronzewood Knight chess piece. It attacks, moves, and dodges all at the same time.... which is accomplished by jumping.

Area: All

HP: 240
Element: Wood

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (50 Wood + Seeking + Mine Trap) + (Dodge + High Alt)
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Jumps into the air, attaining High Altitude status. It leaves a Mine on the panel it jumped from. This can only be set off by someone stepping on the panel later. Knightmares are immune to their own mines. Panel break effects and ground attacks destroy the mine.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Wood + Impact + Break + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Crashes down, causing a panel smashing blastwave. Knightmares are immune to their own attacks.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Wood + Break + Ground Attack x 3 targets + (+10 Wood vs targets on Grass Panels)
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Stone spires erupt from the ground as a result of the previous hard landing.

Special: Raises LeafShield at the end of every turn as a free action.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodTower1, GreenWood1, Quake1, FootStomp, LeafShield, Mine1, Zenny
AlphaSpikey V1AlphaSpikey V1 (AlphaSpikey)

AlphaSpikeys are a combination of the Spikey, Dragrin, and Armadill viruses. They appear to be larger than normal Spikeys wreathed in flame with the ability to roll up into a ball and shred along the ground as a fireball.

Area: All

HP: 310
Element: Fire

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Fire + SeriesSpread x 4 Shots
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Attacks with HeatShot, then Heat-V, then HeatSide, and finally HeatCross.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Seeking + Nova2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Roars, releasing a rage-driven blast of fire in all directions.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Impact + Slashing + LineAttack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Curls up into a fireball, and shreds along the ground at high speed, rolling over all who stand before it until it reaches its intended target. When it does, it uncurls into a sudden pounce attack.

Special: Improved Pack Tactics: Same as Pack Tactics, but the bonuses are doubled. Works with both Spikey and AlphaSpikey viruses.
-- AlphaSpikey are immune to the attacks of Spikey and AlphaSpikey viruses.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Heatshot, HotBody1, IronShell1, Fire+30, Burner, Zenny
A: 270Hp [Meta-Virus][In front of GigaMan, South centre]
AlphaSpikey V1AlphaSpikey V1 (AlphaSpikey)

AlphaSpikeys are a combination of the Spikey, Dragrin, and Armadill viruses. They appear to be larger than normal Spikeys wreathed in flame with the ability to roll up into a ball and shred along the ground as a fireball.

Area: All

HP: 310
Element: Fire

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Fire + SeriesSpread x 4 Shots
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Attacks with HeatShot, then Heat-V, then HeatSide, and finally HeatCross.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Seeking + Nova2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Roars, releasing a rage-driven blast of fire in all directions.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Impact + Slashing + LineAttack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Curls up into a fireball, and shreds along the ground at high speed, rolling over all who stand before it until it reaches its intended target. When it does, it uncurls into a sudden pounce attack.

Special: Improved Pack Tactics: Same as Pack Tactics, but the bonuses are doubled. Works with both Spikey and AlphaSpikey viruses.
-- AlphaSpikey are immune to the attacks of Spikey and AlphaSpikey viruses.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Heatshot, HotBody1, IronShell1, Fire+30, Burner, Zenny
B: 40Hp [Meta-Virus][Far left, at the edge of the board]
SpikeySpikey (Spikey)

Spikey viruses are a little faster than the average virus, allowing them to cover more ground than normal with movements and dodges. They may attack while moving, but as normal, they cannot attack while dodging without expending a second action to do so. Spikey viruses are also able to use something called 'pack tactics' when 3 or more of them are present. Simply put, the Spikey viruses attack and dodge as a wolf pack. In addition, they are treated as having a reduced power Haste and Accuracy Enhancement effect which grants them a +5% bonus to evasion and accuracy while this effect is active. The effect is passive, and only expires when their numbers drop below 3.

Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Yumland, Netfrica, Hades Isle

HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description - Fires HeatShot
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatShot, Zenny
Special: Uses pack tactics when with at least 2 other Spikeys
A: 10Hp [Just behind AlphaSpikey B]
SpikeySpikey (Spikey)

Spikey viruses are a little faster than the average virus, allowing them to cover more ground than normal with movements and dodges. They may attack while moving, but as normal, they cannot attack while dodging without expending a second action to do so. Spikey viruses are also able to use something called 'pack tactics' when 3 or more of them are present. Simply put, the Spikey viruses attack and dodge as a wolf pack. In addition, they are treated as having a reduced power Haste and Accuracy Enhancement effect which grants them a +5% bonus to evasion and accuracy while this effect is active. The effect is passive, and only expires when their numbers drop below 3.

Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Yumland, Netfrica, Hades Isle

HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description - Fires HeatShot
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatShot, Zenny
Special: Uses pack tactics when with at least 2 other Spikeys
B: 10Hp [Just beside AlphaSpikey B]
SpikeySpikey (Spikey)

Spikey viruses are a little faster than the average virus, allowing them to cover more ground than normal with movements and dodges. They may attack while moving, but as normal, they cannot attack while dodging without expending a second action to do so. Spikey viruses are also able to use something called 'pack tactics' when 3 or more of them are present. Simply put, the Spikey viruses attack and dodge as a wolf pack. In addition, they are treated as having a reduced power Haste and Accuracy Enhancement effect which grants them a +5% bonus to evasion and accuracy while this effect is active. The effect is passive, and only expires when their numbers drop below 3.

Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Yumland, Netfrica, Hades Isle

HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description - Fires HeatShot
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatShot, Zenny
Special: Uses pack tactics when with at least 2 other Spikeys
C: 10Hp [Just behind AlphaSpikey B]
SpikeySpikey (Spikey)

Spikey viruses are a little faster than the average virus, allowing them to cover more ground than normal with movements and dodges. They may attack while moving, but as normal, they cannot attack while dodging without expending a second action to do so. Spikey viruses are also able to use something called 'pack tactics' when 3 or more of them are present. Simply put, the Spikey viruses attack and dodge as a wolf pack. In addition, they are treated as having a reduced power Haste and Accuracy Enhancement effect which grants them a +5% bonus to evasion and accuracy while this effect is active. The effect is passive, and only expires when their numbers drop below 3.

Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Yumland, Netfrica, Hades Isle

HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description - Fires HeatShot
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatShot, Zenny
Special: Uses pack tactics when with at least 2 other Spikeys
D: 10Hp [Just beside AlphaSpieky B]

-=Navi Collective=-
DayBreak.Exe: 125Hp [Normal][Shield Broken!]
GigaMan.Exe: 85Hp [Normal][Centre South, off the board]
Nightshade.Rx: 70Hp [Magnet][Centre South, near GigaMan]
Regalia.Exe: 150Hp [Magnet][Breastplate Equipped: 20Hp][South-East, near White King]

-=Uniform Field=-
70% Normal
  • No effects.

30% Magnet
  • Non-Elec Elementals get -30% Evasion, and 50% (+/- 25% RP) chance to fail movement off the panel.
  • Only Elec Elementals can burrow.
  • Wood attacks: Change terrain hit to Normal.
  • PanelShot: Imbue Elec + Seeking.
[Southern section, with a small circle reverted to Normal, where the Knightmare landed]

-=Pieces in Play=-

Black Pieces
Rooks: 120Hp [StoneBody]
Bishops: 120Hp [HardBody]
Kings: 20Hp [SteelBody]
Queens: 80Hp [Reflect any damage as Null, A, Shot-type]
Pawns: 40Hp

White Pieces
All: 10Hp [Effects nullified]

-=Other Objects=-

Crasher: 50Hp [North end of field][Belongs to Daybreak]
"Grr! Don't you distract them- I said I'll distract them!" Daybreak snapped back to Nightshade, stopping short of spelling out that being the human target was her favorite role in battle. "If that little cat boy continues to undermine me...!" she thought with some annoyance, though she was mostly just annoyed he was only snuggling up with the old navi he seemed so attached to. 

In brighter news, her most important attack had connected and her chip had put her out of harms way when the first fireball touched down. In a less bright upheaval of fortune, she was next knocked down from her queenly throne and onto the floor of the net, landing on her back with her legs thrown above her, splayed in either direction. "Grrnrrnrrk!" she hissed, but even her shield couldn't fully protect herself from a slew of Spikey fireballs. She didn't love the third degree burns. "Aren't you wolves supposed to pounce and have your way with me?" she scorned internally, admitting that particular fantasy to herself. "Instead their just yakking up fireballs!"

All said, she hadn't gotten it particularly bad. She dusted herself off and got back up to her feet. "What, are you just going to hang there, watching?!" she asked in a low growl, turning her eyes upward.

"S-Sorry!" Alexandru yelped, not wanting to admit he'd just looked at Daybreak in a compromising position.

"Not you..." she said again, narrowing her one visible eye. "Him," she spoke up, pointing towards the red, glassy shape in the sky, which continued to arc in its jump until it reached  as it suddenly crashed down somewhere to the side of her current position, shattering into pieces even as it produced a massive, rippling shockwave, headed towards the AlphaSpikeyB and all of the viruses hiding out behind it. 

With that distraction out of the way, she acknowledged that she was in a unique position to take care of the thus far unscathed Shredder lurking behind the many pieces dotting the battleground which would obscure many of the shots that her allies could make. She emitted a tracking beam from her eye-patch until she judged she had a bead on the metavirus, then held out her right hand, stabilizing it with her left. Rather than a blast of fire, this time, she crystallized shards around the finger tips and released them, propelled by a burst from the grooves lining her prosthetic digits. The blast should be accurate enough to hit the virus, she figured, even as nimble as it seemed.

"Alexandru, how are our allies doing?" she asked, unable to see much past the giant chess pieces.

"Mostly okay, considering... The knight is angry, but unharmed. They attacked GigaMan a lot, but he somehow avoided taking a lot of damage. The cat got hit a bunch though," he pointed out. "Hard to say how badly he's hurt."

"Bingo!" Daybreak smirked, recognizing the perfect chance to ingratiate her future feline friend to herself. She summoned another portal, similar to the one she passed through earlier, shining with eerie, unnatural sunlight, then unwound several of her harness ribbons from around one arm, utilizing the expert hand of one who often practiced how best to quickly undress in front of others. She sent the coil of ribbons through the portal, where it would appear above Nightshade. He might, for a moment, think he was being attacked by one of the viruses, while, Daybreak's hot ribbons flew down and draped themselves around his new wounds, pulling tightly. Unless he shared some of Daybreak's masochistic tendencies, it wouldn't feel good, but it would stop any pesky exit of data while theoretically strengthening him the same way it did her.

"Quickly, the RageClaw!" she spoke next. "I'm feeling emboldened!" 

That was usually not a good claim by Daybreak, in Marian's estimation, but she urged Alexandru to slot it in regardless. "You're really going to go after that flying Metavirus with that chip?" Marian questioned, raising one eyebrow.

"Ho ho ho! This is a job for strength, not finesse. And you will see just how much strength God has granted me!" she cackled, flexing the fingers of her prosthetic hand. Still, when the time came to execute her plan... it wasn't without some difficulty. "Hrrrrgh! Grnrnrnrrrgh! she grunted, as she tried to get her arms around one of the giant chessboard pieces nearby her and toss it. Fact of the matter was, strong arm or not, the thing was still larger than she was. It was going to be an unwieldy toss any way she went at it. "Nroooooh! This is how humans play cheeeess! Rook to vampire minion!" she roared. If she finally got it up, she would lean lurch forward and heave it bodily at the Shredder. If it connected, it ought to do a lot of damage, but it was a far cry form the pinpoint accuracy shard blast she'd let loose earlier. "Grk!"

"Are you still hurting from your burns?" Alexandru asked, politely.

"Y-Yes, that's it," Daybreak replied dryly, not wanting to say that she felt like she'd nearly thrown out her back doing that maneuver.

*) RockArm1HP: 50
Properties: Normal, Mobile
Damage: 100 + Stun
Accuracy: C
Description: Summons a Crasher to the field. The following turn, it will leap and crash, causing a massive stunning earthquake for all ground-bound enemies, and send a shockwave towards a line of targets.
Duration: Two turns
Element: Null
Special: Attacks the turn after summoning only.
Trader Rank: D
: 50HP Mobile Object, 2-Turn: (Stun + To-All-Enemy + Ground Attack + Delay-Turn(1)) + (100 + Line Attack + Delay-Turn(1)) (Acc: C) @ AlphaSpikeyB and viruses behind
*) Molten Tears: 10 fire damage shot attack, A accuracy, passive @ SpikeyA
*) Cursor subtype Marksmanship: Increase accuracy of next shot attack
1) MarkCannon1Damage: 70 + Seeking + Lock-on
Accuracy: A
Description: A highly accurate cannon whose automatic aiming system locks onto heat signatures and fires.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Lock-on: Same effect as an automatic Take Aim.
Trader Rank: D
: 70 + Seeking + Lock-on (Acc: A) @ Shredder + One accuracy rank
2) Dodge
3) Huntress Harness: Recover 30 + Strengthen 20 @ Nightshade
4) RageClaw1Damage: 40 + Slashing (Attack) OR 20 + Impacting (Throw)
Accuracy: B / B then B
Description: Creates an impressive bear claw. Can be used to slash or throw enemies or objects.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 6 uses.
Element: Null
Special: Throw: The wielder must first grab the target to be thrown, then the target is thrown in the direction/area indicated. A second check is made if against another object/enemy. Throw deals damage to both thrown object/enemy and the second object/enemy. Damage occurs at point of collision with the ground/wall/ceiling/etc. or an object/enemy, not during initial grab attempt. Objects deal their max HP in damage (instead of the chip's damage) if they hit an object/enemy, then break. If they miss, the object just takes the chip's damage. This chip has a variety of uses.
Trader Rank: D
: 40 + Slashing (Attack) OR 20 + Impacting (Throw) (Acc: B / B then B) to pick up Rook at north side of board and toss @ Shredder