Looked like the worst was over. They just had to crush that last one...and quite frankly, that couldn't come too soon. His AI was dropping by the second. "Okay Sabrina, let's finish this last one already!"

"Nope! First, we're healing you up!" A chip with a simple +120 design was sent over. "Battlechip, Recover120! Slot in!"

SplashMan glowed for a moment, as the damaging effects of the previous laser attack vanished like they were nothing. As he prepared himself for more battle, he could still feel the tingling effects of the recovery chip. "Well, I can't say that didn't feel good...now, how about something to finish this with?"

"That's the plan...here we go!" Three cannons with crosshairs in front of them were transferred from PET to Navi. "Battlechip, MarkCannon! Triple slot in!"

An identical cannon formed on the Navi's hand, and pointed it forward as a cursor appeared on the ground and began to sweep the area. After a few moments, it locked onto something in the area of the final Mr. Prog, and auto-aimed and blasted what it had locked onto. And blasted it again. ...And again. But not a fourth time, as it had run out of ammo. Due to that, it faded, allowing him to focus completely on avoiding any form of an attack that might come his way. However, he hopefully already removed all sources of damage from the battlefield...

[Order of Turn:
1-Recover120 chip on SplashMan (120, Recovery)
2-MarkCannon1 chip attack on Malicious ProgA (70, locks on)
3-MarkCannon1 chip attack on Malicious ProgA (70, locks on)
4-MarkCannon1 chip attack on Malicious ProgA (70, locks on)
As Splashman healed up his body, he then quickly took a trio of potshots at the prog, each attack locking on and then, with a single click from the weapon of choice, a trio of shots blasted the little bugger in the face and deleted it quickly. Two rather large piles of data appeared where the first two progs had been, Tankman absorbed one of the two and turned to Splashman. "Not bad. That was a great battle on your part." He said to the aquatic warrior, giving him space enough that he could nab the reward data from the remaining pile.

Malicous ProgA: Tri-blasting ownage!
Malicous ProgB: ERASURE! I mean...erm...DELETION!
Malicous ProgC: Slashed and sploded.

Tankman.exe: 650 HP
Splashman.exe: 200 HP
Tank Grenade: SPLODED!

Reward data
Splashman: Powershot+800z
Tankman: Does it matter what he got?
As soon as he had the space to do so, SplashMan walked over and accessed his reward data, then sent it immediately over to his operator's PET. There was chip data in it, but he wasn't really familiar with it...oh well. Afterwards, he turned over to TankMan. "Thanks! You didn't do bad yourself!" He turned over to his operator, who looked like she was still relaxing in the hot springs. "Should I keep going?"

"Well, you're in perfect shape, so why not? I told you I don't feel like getting out!"

"Gotcha!" He turned back to the fellow Navi. "Well, looks like I'm moving on ahead. Be careful if you're gonna keep going too, and goodbye!" And so, having defeated the IQ-reducing Mr. Prog, he pressed on, moving into unfamiliar territory in the Yoka Area.

(searching for Battle #6)
Three shells sit clamped shut, scattered about the field. A few feet in front of Splashman are two Shrimpies, one in front of the other. After a moment, they begin to move back and forth, only meeting again when they reach the middle of their routes. A Starfish stands near the front of the field on either side of Splashman. Near the very back sits a Windbox, blowing for all its worth.

ShellgeekA: 100
ShellgeekB: 100
ShellgeekC: 100
ShrimpyA: 100
ShrimpyB: 100
StarfishA: 60
StarfishB: 60
Windbox: 100

Terrain: 100% Normal

Splashman: 200

Battle 6 Begin
Back to good ol' fashioned regular virus busting. Now...how were they going to defeat this batch? "...Yeesh, that wind's really distracting me..."

"Well, then let's take that WindBox out so you can focus!" Two chips were simultaneously sent over...two that as of late had a knack for being sent together. "Battlechip, AreaGrab! Battlechip, AquaSword! Double slot in!"

SplashMan instantly vanished, only to reappear in the far back, behind the WindBox. He raised his newly acquired sword of water above his head, and with all his might, lowered it in a single all-out attack on the fan virus. Unfortunately for him, it was a little too all-out, as he couldn't stop it before it hit the ground, which caused it to crack severely, officially making it too fragile to dare use again. "Uhh...darn! Gotta dispel AquaSword..."

"Can't you just do that horizontally next time...?" While not happy about the broken sword, Sabrina sent over another chip...one much harder to break. "Well, don't break this one! Battlechip, TwinFang! Slot in!"

As the sword faded, two tusk-like apparatuses appeared on each side of the Aqua Navi's arm, though he took a moment to look over his options. The Shrimpy and shell things wouldn't get defeated with a hit from TwinFang, but the StarFish would. And that was the extent of his thought process...he positioned the double attack towards the starfish viruses, then allowed the twin tusks to fly like missiles towards them. Now, for the others...

"Hmm...those ones called Shellgeek..." Yep...she couldn't shake the feeling that she knew those shells. She'd probably figure it out soon enough, but..."Eh, I can think about it later. Here, this'll take one of them out!" A large purple virus with an equally large hammer's chip was the latest data to be transferred to the Net. "Battlechip, BigHammer! Slot in!"

An identical virus suddenly appeared in front of one the bivalves, and lowered its hammer, capable of smashing through virtually anything. Now...while he could probably take out another one before they started the counterattack, he was probably better off just-

"Here's some defense! Battlechip, Guard2! Slot in!"

...Just defending himself. And what better way to defend oneself than by using a shield capable of deflecting an attack back at the user? There wasn't. ...Well, at least not a way he could use...

[Order of Turn:
1-AreaGrab chip to behind WindBox (teleports user)
2-AquaSword chip attack on WindBox (80+10+15, Aqua)
3-TwinFang1 chip attack on StarFishA and StarFishB (70)
4-BigHammer1 chip attack on ShellgeekA (160, Break)
5-Guard2 chip attack (120-, reflects an attack)]
Splashman warps behind the Windbox before smashing his Aquasword on it. Moving on, he fires his TwinFang at the Starfish, who turn around too late and get skewered. The water warrior dashes forward. bringing up his Bighammer and smashes down on a Shellgeek, flattening its existence. A Shrimpy attacks in rage, but gets its attack reflected back at it. A Shellgeek takes this chance to open up and fire two lances at Splashman, one of which misses, but the other one lodges into the aquatic battler's shoulder.

ShellgeekA: DELETED
ShellgeekB: 100
ShellgeekC: 100 [IronBody]
ShrimpyA: 70
ShrimpyB: 100
StarfishA: DELETED
StarfishB: DELETED
Windbox: DELETED

Terrain: 100% Normal

Splashman: 175
Needless to say, having something sharp enter one's shoulder hurt something awful. "Augh!" He definitely didn't feel like blasting anything to smithereens for a moment...

...Good thing there were still ways around that. "That hurt...guess I'll beat it for you!" An electrical bee chip was transferred remotely from PET to Navi. "Battlechip, Arrow! Slot in!"

An Elebee suddenly formed in front of SplashMan, and began charging the now exposed Shellgeek. The Navi didn't get a good look on whether it worked, as evidenced by the harpoon-like needle he now held in his hand, and the small hole in his shoulder where it had been. "...Ow...it stings, but I guess I can manage! So, what's next on the agenda?"

"Well, all that's left that we can really work on is the Shrimpy. And thanks to Guard, we can make sure we finish one of them!" A green cannon chip became the next piece of data to be sent. "Battlechip, MarkCannon! Slot in!"

The Navi's non-needled arm acquired a green cannon, which immediately began to scan the area via yellow crosshairs on the ground. It didn't take long for it to detect something in the area of the less-than-intact Shrimpy, and it immediately locked onto it, and let loose a single blast that only a cannon could provide.

Now, for the other one. No need to one-shot it, which always helped make things easier in terms of chip decisions. And this time, Sabrina picked...a pair of chip with ray-like viruses. "This'll beat the other one! Battlechip, WideShot! Double slot-in!"

The cannon faded, to make room for a wide mouthed gun...mouth having multiple applications in this instance. SplashMan aimed it towards the crustacean virus, and let loose two wide waves of water, which sailed over in the classic 'delete the virus in two hits' formation, which didn't exist. The formation, that is. The WideShots definitely were there, and definitely tried to blast the Shrimpy into tiny data fragments. From there, the Navi simply stood there, not requesting another Guard chip, not moving around, just standing. The reason was simple; he was looking around, seeing if anything was about to attack him, so that he could take appropriate action if needed.

[Order of Turn:
1-Arrow1 chip attack on ShellgeekB (100, Elec, homing)
2-MarkCannon1 chip attack on ShrimpyA (70, locks on)
3-WideShot1 chip attack on ShrimpyB (60+10, Aqua)
4-WideShot1 chip attack on ShrimpyB (60+10, Aqua)
The aquatic warrior opens up his chips and sends an Elebee virus towards the exposed Shellgeek and it hits, electrecuting the virus into nothingness and just as quickly sends a Markcannon shot right into the face of the weakened Shrimpy, blasting it into deletion.

The closed up Shellgeek opens up to fire some spears at the warrior, it missed as the navi dodged and sent two waves of water at the remaining Shrimpy, ending it's life without it even bothering to put up a fight.

ShellgeekA: DELETED
ShellgeekB: BZZZZT!
ShellgeekC: 100
ShrimpyA: blasted
ShrimpyB: Water wave'd
StarfishA: DELETED
StarfishB: DELETED
Windbox: DELETED

Terrain: 100% Normal

Splashman: 175
Now things were about to get ridiculously easy...he didn't even need another chip at this point. ...Though he was expecting one, anyway.

"Quick, heal up before you attack! Battlechip, Recover120! Slot in!"

After his usual moment of healing and having spear induced holes repaired in the process, SplashMan was ready to strike once more. And he did, by leaning over, and pumping much water into the last remaining Shellgeek via the water cannons on his back. Come to think of it, his own attack was probably simpler than the virus's...weird.

But just in case that didn't work, he had another move to instill deletion into the clam virus. One involving opening the back of his water cannons in order to dash forward and give a powerful aquatic tackle. And since there wasn't really anything stopping him from performing the act on the virus, he did so. Better safe than sorry when it came to deleting things.

[Order of Turn:
1-Recover120 chip on SplashMan (120, Recovery)
2-Water Splash sig attack on ShellGeekC (140, Aqua)
3-Aqua Ram sig attack on ShellGeekC (110, Aqua)
The aquatic warrior heals up to full and then goes on the attack, the Shellgeek never stood a chance as Splashman wipes away it's existance with his aquatic attacks, reward data stood where the last Shellgeek stood, a spear sticking up out of the zenny...could this be that it WANTED to give Splashman it's chip data? No one will ever know.

ShellgeekA: DELETED
ShellgeekB: BZZZZT!
ShellgeekC: Owned
ShrimpyA: blasted
ShrimpyB: Water wave'd
StarfishA: DELETED
StarfishB: DELETED
Windbox: DELETED

Terrain: 100% Normal

Splashman: 200

Reward data: Double Needle+600z
Usually after defeating a group of viruses, SplashMan just walked over and immediately accessed the reward data. But not this time. On this occasion he walked over, and just looked at the needle sticking out of it. "Why is this sticking out like this?"

"...Oh! I just realized why those clam things looked familiar! They're the virus that's pictured on DoubleNeedle's chip! Maybe that's what that needle is?"

The Navi pulled it out, and it immediately took a new form as a battlechip. "...Yup! It's chip data! And it's for DoubleNeedle!"

"Sweet! And since you were a good sport about Arrow..." The Elec chip made way over to the spare chip section, and was replaced with a second picture of a Shellgeek. "It's out, and DoubleNeedle's in! And since you're still in good shape..."

"Yeah, I know! I'm moving on! I'm kinda wondering what's out here, now that I'm actually here..." And so, in an attempt to find out what exactly was out there, he moved even deeper into Yoka Area, now being extra careful now that he was getting pretty far in.

(searching for Battle #7)
Two Handies appear on each side of Splashman, each about three feet away from the navi. Three Walla sit in a row, separated by five feet between each of them. Then, in the distance, a large swarm starts approaching Splashman. That's probably not good~ A few geysers sit around the field, though none seem active.

HandyA: 80
HandyB: 80
WallaA: 100
WallaB: 100
WallaC: 100
SkeeterA: 30
SkeeterB: 30
SkeeterC: 30
SkeeterD: 30
SkeeterE: 30

Terrain: 90% Normal, 10% Geyser (Scattered)

Splashman: 200

Battle 7 Begin
Let's see...a couple of Handy, a few Walla...that'd be nothing if that were it. What really bothered SplashMan were those mosquito viruses way over there. Not that they looked especially tough, it just...looked like there were so many..."I...think we should try and get rid of the Handy and Walla quick...not with those 15 small viruses back there..."

"...Yeah, about that..." Sabrina looked at the HPs of the enemy viruses. There weren't even 15 total of them, much less 15 Skeeter. "1, 2, 3...yeah, 3 of those count as one virus. So there's only 5 of them..."

"Well, even so...I think we should do what we can now..."

"Now you're just being obvious. And...I just got a weird idea. Here!" A chip featuring some kind of plant spitting out a large seed was quickly transferred over. "Battlechip, TreeBomb! Slot in!"

A large seed appeared in the Aqua Navi's hand, who looked down at it for a moment. "I'm guessing there's a certain place you want me to throw this."

"Yep! I want you to get it between two of the Walla!"

"If you say so..." SplashMan reared back, then hurled it into the empty space between two of the walrus viruses. "What's next?"

"This!" A very familiar Aqua chip turned out to be next. "Battlechip, WideShot! Slot in!"

THe wide-mouthed water gun took precedence over the Navi's hand, and so the latter was changed into the former. "So, when's this idea gonna happen?"

"Now. I want you to shoot that so that it hits the walruses, and hits the seed as well!"

"...Oh! I get it!" SplashMan positioned his WideShot to try and get both Walla and the TreeBomb in its range, then let the water wave fire towards them. A precision shot, perhaps, but he did have a ton of practice with that particular chip..."...So what about the Handy beside me?"

"There's always this!" One of Sabrina's most expensive chips became the latest chip to be sent over. "Battlechip, AquaSword! Slot in!"

The water gun faded, in exchange for a water sword. From there, he rushed one of the bomb creating viruses, and gave it a good slash attack. Without even stopping for a second, he then raced over and performed a second cut to the second Handy. And that...was all he was going to do for the moment. He looked over the remaining viruses, trying to figure out who was going to try their luck with attacking him.

[Order of Turn:
1-TreeBomb1 chip attack to between WallaA and WallaB (60, Wood, WoodTower effect + 30 damage if hit by Aqua)
2-WideShot1 chip attack on WallaA, TreeBomb, and WallaB (60+10, Aqua)
3-AquaSword chip attack on HandyA (80+10, Aqua)
4-AquaSword chip attack on HandyB (80+10, Aqua)
Splashman throws the Treebomb into the middle of the Wallas, before blasting it and them with a Wideshot, making it explode into a Woodtower that definitely eviscerated the two viruses. As the Handys sink down into the floor, Splashman catches at least one of them, but the other had escaped.

The Skeeters closed in... and a bomb was set in the middle of their forces.

HandyB: 80
SkeeterA: 30
SkeeterB: 30
SkeeterC: 30
SkeeterD: 30
SkeeterE: 30

Countbomb: 50 HP [0/2] (In the middle of the Skeeters)

Terrain: 90% Normal, 10% Geyser (Scattered)

Splashman: 200 [Aquasword]
Dang...how'd he miss a Handy of all things? They weren't exactly the fastest of viruses...oh well, not much he could do now about it. Mainly because it was in that group of Skeeter viruses. "We need to thin out those mosquito things!"

"Yep, and we've got the perfect chips for that!" Sabrina sent over two more chips featuring ray like viruses. "Battlechip, WideShot! Double slot in!"

SplashMan's sword faded, and ironically became the very gun it had replaced before. However, instead of walruses or seeds that exploded into wooden stakes, this time it was aimed towards a swarm of mosquitoes, and released its wide wave of water towards a trio of Skeeter triplets. And after a moment of repositioning, it let out its Aqua attack towards the other two...just in case they felt left out.

And with any luck, that left just one Handy and its mode of attack. Now...how should they delete them? Might be better to not press their luck with another multi-target chip, and there was a chip more than capable of deleting both presences, even though it only attacked one at a time..."Okay, now use this to finish things! Battlechip, ColdPunch! Slot in!"

The WideShot faded back into the Navi's regular hand, which then became encased in a large, hard, and chilly blue fist. He moved over to the hand virus, and raised his enlarged fist...before engaging in a downward punch on the adversary. The actual bomb that could induce pain was simpler...all he did was walk over to it, reared back, and gave it a good fisting as well. Now, to look around and see if anything was left to attack him...

[Order of Turn:
1-WideShot1 chip attack on SkeeterA, SkeeterB, and SkeeterC (60+10, Aqua)
2-WideShot1 chip attack on SkeeterD and SkeeterE (60+10, Aqua)
3-ColdPunch chip attack on HandyB (70+10+15, Aqua)
4-ColdPunch chip attack on TimeBomb (70+10+15, Aqua)
5-Dodge (if necessary)]
Splashman owns the hell out of the viruses. Cutting through the Skeeter viruses with no trouble and then destroys both the Handy and it's bomb of doom. A small pile of zenny appears in the remains of the Handy virus, but, there is no chip data...so sad for the aquatic warrior.


Countbomb: ICE...PAWNCH! [0/2] (In the middle of the Skeeters)

Terrain: 90% Normal, 10% Geyser (Scattered)

Splashman: 200

Rewards: 1200z
With the virus gang sufficiently non-existant, SplashMan disabled his icy fist, moved to the reward data, and accessed the data. ...Just cash, but that worked for him. "Sending the reward over! No chip data this time, though!"

"Okay!" The zenny total rose even higher, which Sabrina watched while nodding her approval. "Keep on going! But we're gonna have to get off pretty soon...gotta prepare for the tournament!"

"...The what?"

"Did I forget to tell you? I entered us in a tournament!"

"Uh...I don't remember you telling me that...maybe you did, but I don't recall it..."

"Well, I did! We don't get to use our own folder, though...instead, we use folders that are already pre-provided. Needless to say, I took the Aqua-based folder!"

"It's kinda sudden, but...don't worry, I'll do everything in my power to win it!"

"Oh, I wasn't worried about that. As long as we don't finish last and get something cool for entering, I'm happy! But for now, we need to get some cash to get more stuff. So keep moving!"

"Right!" The Aqua Navi immediately moved along further into the Net, looking for things capable of fulfilling his operator's grand designs.

(searching for Battle #8)

Just ahead of Splashman was a large noise that sounded like an explosion. As the navi went further ahead, it revealed two huge pots along with a small group of Magneakers loitering around. Examining the area, one could see lots and lots of charred remain of...something. It was unsure if it was a virus or a navi, but you can't help but to feel sympathetic to them. Out of the blue, large red dragons emerged from the pot and spewed hot lavas over the charred remains.

This is all so sudden! Be careful!

EarthDragonA: 200
EarthDragonB: 200
MagneakerA: 70
MagneakerB: 70
MagneakerC: 70
MagneakerD: 70

Splashman: 200

Terrain: 30% Lava 70% Normal