The Magneaker, SplashMan wasn't surprised to see. The dragon things were a different story. "...What ARE those things?"

"They're EarthDragons. I think we saw one during our mission in NetFrica Area. Even though they're Fire viruses, they're pretty tough, so be careful!"

"Roger! ...Honestly, these guys kinda worry me, so can we try to beat them in one turn? And no moving required, please!"

"Right! Okay, Magneaker are Elec viruses, so..." The latest chip to be transferred was one featuring what looked like a clothespin holding something vaguely resembling a L. "Battlechip, Boomerang! Slot in!"

The Aqua Navi's hand became some sort of boomerang dispenser, and promptly dispensed a boomerang to its edge to prove that that was what it was. After a moment of trying to figure out the angle and needed throwing power and the like, he reared back, and tossed the wooden weapon towards a trio of the electric bugs. After watching it sail for a moment, he turned his focus to the other one. "Okay, now what about this one?"

"Hmm...aha! This one'll work, as long as you put all your power into it!" A chip featuring a picture of a submerged Shrimpy virus was sent over. "Battlechip, Bubbler! Slot in!"

The boomerang dispenser faded, and was replaced with a metallic hose nozzle, not entirely dissimilar to the cannons on his back. He took a second to position it towards the final Magneaker, charged it with a little extra power, then let the bubble bullet fly. He then manually caused the gun to fade, allowing his hand to exist once again. Now for the big guns...the fiery dragons that lived in pots. And, he could delete one of them without having to wait on a chip or moving, so he decided to try his hand at that. Or cannons, to be specific. To do so, he bent over a bit, and let out a large quantity of water in a short period of time for the sole purpose of hitting an EarthDragon and reducing its HP to zero.

"Huh...didn't think of that! Nice one, SplashMan!" Now, for the final virus. Sabrina choice? A chip featuring a penguin virus. "Battlechip, IceWave! Slot in!"

A chilly core of icy energy formed in SplashMan's hand, and he quickly tossed it towards the dragon virus. Almost instantly, it enlarged into a snowflake shaped projectile, which undulated en route to its intended target. But was it going to work?

"And here's the obligatory defense, just in case! Battlechip, Guard2! Slot in!"

Looked like he'd have to wait to find out. A red shield formed in front of him, providing protection as well as blocking his vision of the viruses. Oh well, he'd know if he missed anything if he actually got attacked.

[Order of Turn:
1-Boomerang1 chip attack on MagneakerA, MagneakerB, and MagneakerC (60, Wood)
2-Bubbler chip attack on MagneakerD (50+10+15, Aqua)
3-Water Splash sig attack on EarthDragonA (140, Aqua)
4-IceWave1 chip attack on EarthDragonB (80+20, Aqua)
5-Guard2 chip attack (120-, reflects an attack)]
Splashman's attack destroyed the viruses with great effort. The boomerang deleted the Magneakers and the all out water attacks completely swept the rest of the viruses away. The guard was left unused since the viruses was deleted before they could retaliate

EarthDragonA: DELETED
EarthDragonB: DELETED
MagneakerA: DELETED
MagneakerB: DELETED
MagneakerC: DELETED
MagneakerD: DELETED

Splashman: 200

Terrain: 30% Lava 70% Normal

Magbomb1, 800z
...Well, that was easier than anticipated. SplashMan deactivated the Guard, and wandered over to the reward data. Hopefully it'd just be cash, since there probably wasn't any chips available that he'd be interested in..."...Darn!" And one MagBomb1 later, he was mildly displeased. "Well, we got a MagBomb...think you could put it on the trade block with the other Elec chips?"

"Yeah, that's straight where it's going." Sabrina looked over at her spare chip list...half of it was Elec chips. Seriously, since when were Aqua Navis so great at getting Elec chips? "...Well, let's keep going. We'll probably need to get off the Net and prepare for the tournament soon, so let's get a little extra practice in!"

"Right!" With a wave of his hand, the reward data was sent to his operator's PET, and he progressed further into the Internet. MagBomb and all.

(searching for Battle #9)
Just ahead of Splashman, there seems to be a big rustle. What it actually revealed was a big puddle of water filled with water viruses and a group of Wallas in the dry patch of panels right in the middle. They were fighting for some odd reasons, but they went silent and all turned straight at Splashman...Uh-oh.

MistyA: 100
MistyB: 100
MistyC: 100
MistyD: 100
SenbonA: 80
SenbonB: 80
SenbonC: 80
WallaA: 100 [Walla Group: On top of Normal Panels]
WallaB: 100
WallaC: 100
WallaD: 100
PiranhaA: 60
PiranhaB: 60

Splashman: 200

Terrain: 80% Aqua, 20% Normal

Well, this was definitely a step up from what he had fought before...SplashMan stood and faced the large group of viruses, not especially confident about the situation..."I've got a bad feeling about this one..."

"...Yeah, you would. Lighten up, it's not like you can't take advantage of all that water yourself!" Sabrina shook her head at her Navi, obviously not happy at how negative her Navi was being for some reason, before starting to transfer chips once more. "First up, the pufferfish! Battlechip, WaterLine! Slot in!"

The Navi's hand faded, and in its place formed what resembled a RainGear virus. After a moment was spent pointing it towards the intended targets, it opened its mouth, and triggered three geysers to erupt in the area of the Puffy trio. And hopefully there was one less type of virus in the area now. "I'm still not feeling great about this..."

"...Wait, I know why you're nervous. You're thinking about the tournament, aren't you?"

"...No, just the group of viruses..."

"Right, and I'm the princess of Creamland. Now listen up! If you're nervous about it, just don't think about it before you have to! Just focus on the viruses! I mean, it's not like we've never faced something worse than this!"

"..." SplashMan looked over the viruses one more time, before giving his head area a good shake. "...Yeah, you're right! I just need to focus on this instead of looking ahead! Come on, let's thin this group out some more!"

"There's the SplashMan I know! All right, next up!" A chip featuring one of the very viruses they were fighting turned out to be the next up. "Battlechip, TwinFang! Slot in!"

Just like the name suggested, a fang formed on either side of the Navi's arm, who, after thinking for a second, realized what he was supposed to blast with them, and positioned his arm towards the fishiest of his current adversaries. At that point, the tusks detached themselves, and rocketed towards the pair of Piranhas.

"Alright, two groups down! Next up, I think we take on the hands of mist or whatever, but...we can't beat them all without serious luck, and I don't think we should do anything stupid. So we're going to take them one at a time, nice and slow. Got it?"


"Good!" And for starters, Sabrina chose a chip that fit that theme rather well. "Battlechip, IceWave! Slot in!"

A ball of ice appeared in SplashMan's hand, which he tossed, in order to create a snowflake projectile capable of placing some serious hurt on anything it hit. ...Somehow. He wasn't exactly sure how that worked, but he wasn't going to complain about it now. "One down, hopefully!"

"And another one!" Fourth on the list...a chip that was decidedly very simple in terms of figuring out exactly how it inflicted damage, and far simpler than IceWave. "Battlechip, DoubleNeedle! Slot in!"

The Navi's hand shifted once more, this time into a bow-gun hybrid of sorts. After the usual 'get the aim down on the enemy about to get blasted', he released two harpoon-like needles in rapid succession, both towards the same Misty. Now, for the part where he attempted to avoid as much pain as possible. And in this battle, he figured his best option...was to take a dive. And almost instantly, he found himself completely underwater, and hopefully safe from attacks at the same time...

[Order of Turn:
1-WaterLine1 chip attack on SenbonA, SenbonB, and SenbonC (80+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
2-TwinFang1 chip attack on PiranhaA and PiranhaB (70)
3-IceWave1 chip attack on MistyA (80+20, Aqua) (single target Aqua Boost)
4-DoubleNeedle chip attack on MistyB (50, hits twice)
Splashman gets over his nervousness and attacks the viruses, drowning the Senbon Group with a trio of water pillars. He then opens fire on the Piranha viruses, taking one of them out as the other dives beneath the water. He follows up with an icy blast that rockets towards the Misty. The attack crashes over the virus, but the ice melts and merely gets the Misty wet. It looks like hitting water with water isn't going to work! The double needle attack has a lot more success, leaving 3 Misty viruses to go.

Splashman dives beneath the waves, dodging a retaliating Misty and throwing the aim of the Walla viruses. They fire in Splashman's direction, but the needles just couldn't find their marks. Splashman sees something darting under the water, then feels the pain of three needles piercing his body.

MistyA: 100
MistyC: 100
MistyD: 100
WallaA: 100 [Walla Group: On top of Normal Panels]
WallaB: 100
WallaC: 100
WallaD: 100
PiranhaB: 60 [Submerged]

Splashman: 140 [Submerged]

Terrain: 80% Aqua, 20% Normal
SplashMan learned two things from that round. First, he discovered he wasn't a fan of viruses immune to Aqua attacks. And second, Piranha attacks hurt a lot more than he expected..."Ow...that didn't go as planned at all..."

"Yeah...I bet that stung..." Sabrina glanced over at the part of the chip selection screen that featured a certain recovery chip, but instead decided to try something slightly more offensive, just in case. "Time to return the favor! Battlechip, WideShot! Slot in!"

In a move that took the phrase 'water fight' to a new literal high, the Aqua-based Navi acquired a ripple blasting gun on his hand, and fired a wave of H2O towards the oceanic virus that dared go beneath the sea with him. And hopefully that was its final dive, with a final sinking of deletion. And for some reason, though he had somewhat wanted to before, SplashMan no longer felt like shouting a water-themed pun upon shooting the water blast attack...

Taking her Navi's silence as a sign he wanted to just up and continue, the young woman transferred a chip featuring a clam virus spitting out a harpoon over to him. "Now for the Misty! Battlechip, DoubleNeedle! Slot in!"

During the process, the Navi swam back up to the surface, standing atop the water as the bow-gun formed on his hand once more. And once more, he positioned and fired the twin needle attack towards a hand of watery mist. One that just had to be immune to Aqua attacks. Seriously, that just wrecked his day, finding that out. "We don't have anything else that can beat one of those in one hit that's not Aqua-based, do we?"

"Well, there's BigHammer, but we're going to hold off on that. For now..." A chip featuring a cloud holding an umbrella in the rain was sent over. ...Wait, why would a cloud have to worry about that? The Internet made no sense sometimes..."Battlechip, LilCloud! Slot in!"

A cloud formed above SplashMan, and it quicky moved over towards the group of Walla. Satisfied that that was as much as he was going to get done without getting more things stuck in him, he sunk back into the drink, and waited for the counterattack to get over with.

[Order of Turn:
1-WideShot1 chip attack on PiranhaB (60+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
3-DoubleNeedle chip attack on MistyA (50, hits twice)
4-LilCloud chip attack on WallaA, WallaB, and WallaC (70+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
The Wideshot was a success, as well as the DoubleNeedle, and the LilCloud. The chip attack deleted Splashman's designated viruses without giving too much trouble compare to last time. A Misty tried to go in for another attack, but Splashman's decision to submerge into the Aqua Panel proved to be a good move.

MistyC: 100
MistyD: 100
WallaA: 20 [Walla Group: On top of Normal Panels]
WallaB: 20
WallaC: 20
WallaD: 100

Splashman: 140 [Submerged]

Terrain: 80% Aqua, 20% Normal
Ah, nothing like a flawless attack series to get things back on track. Didn't exactly make his spear wounds feel better, but he was sure that'd change soon enough. "Okay, heading back up! Get BigHammer ready!"

"Actually...I thought about it for a sec, and I don't think it's really a good idea to summon a really heavy hammer wielding virus on top of water...gimme a little bit to think about what to do!"

"All right! I guess I'll see what I can do myself..." As it turned out...not much. He could only do 2 damage to the remaining Misty, and nost of the Walla were getting LilClouded to deletion. There was still that one, though. And that was good enough for him. So, he bent over a bit, to allow his water cannons to do their thing. Which happened to be shooting a ton of water at whatever was in their line of fire. Water cannons were usually pretty good at that.

".........Got it! Okay, here's the deal. I'm going to send you a chip that hit multiple viruses. But I only want you to attack one Misty with it, got it?"


"Good!" Sabrina sent over a chip featuring a Fishy virus. "Battlechip, DashAttack! Slot in!"

SplashMan's hand and forearm faded, and replaced by a green...thing of uncertain design origin. He didn't have much time to think about it, anyway; as soon as he held it up towards the virus he inteded to attack, it suddenly spread what seemed like wings, and he found himself flying forward. A few moments later, he was on another part of the field, having hopefully destroyed another hand virus in the process. After all, he made sure he put some extra oomph into it to make sure it did enough damage.

"Okay, and now there should just be one left. But we're just going to weaken it now, and not completely delete it, all right?" Another chip was transferred over; this one featured a greenish-black tank virus. "Battlechip, TankCannon! Slot in!"

The Fishy replica faded, as well as most of the Navi's arm, to make room for a rather large cannon. After taking a moment to set its number of targets to 1, he aimed it towards the only virus that had yet to be attacked, and let loose an explosive cannon shot. It was kinda hard to believe to him that something like that was the weakest attack he had used since his last re-emergence...but he could think about that later. As his arm reappeared as an actual arm, he dove beneath the surface yet again, and awaited any (probably) futile counterattacking.

[Order of Turn:
2-Water Splash sig attack on WallaD (140, Aqua)
3-DashAttack chip attack on MistyC (90+15) (Untapped Power)
4-TankCannon1 chip attack on MistyD (80)
Again, everything looked like it was going exactly how Sabrina and Splashman wanted to go, but it wasn't. The Walla and one Misty was deleted, but the last Misty dodged the Tankcannon and followed Splashman into the water, attacking him with its steaming heat.

MistyD: 100

Splashman: 110 [Submerged]

Terrain: 80% Aqua, 20% Normal
It wasn't perfect, but he deleted what he had to, and the only one left was quite deletable. But first...SplashMan had to make all that needle and mist induced pain stop. "Before I delete this last one, I think there's something we need to do..."

"Yep...here ya go!" The previously mentioned recovery chip was quickly transferred to the Navi. "Battlechip, Recover120! Slot in!"

He glowed for a moment as the various injuries he had sustained over the course of the battle vanished into nothingness...even though there were no visible signs of them. But more importantly, he felt like a new Navi. "Okay! Let's blast this thing!"

To comply with her Navi's wishes, Sabrina sent over a trio of cannon-related chips. "Right! Battlechip, MarkCannon! Triple slot in!"

SplashMan's hand became a green cannon with gray trim, and he quickly positioned it towards the water based hand. As he did so, crosshairs appeared in front of the cannon, and it began to sweep the area, before stopping in the area of the last Misty, and let out a shot. And another shot. ...And another one. And that, hopefully, was that. Though even if all odds were defied by it not working, at least there was still time to avoid to try and dodge the virus's attack.

[Order of Turn:
1-Recover120 chip on SplashMan (120, Recovery)
2-MarkCannon1 chip attack on MistyD (70, locks on)
3-MarkCannon1 chip attack on MistyD (70, locks on)
4-MarkCannon1 chip attack on MistyD (70, locks on)
The recovery was in full effect as Splashman was fully rejuvenated, and to top it off, he finally managed to kill every virus that was in front of him. He emerged out of the water, finding a nice little reward data on the small patch of land.


Splashman: 200 [Submerged]

Terrain: 80% Aqua, 20% Normal

[TrainArrow1] Battle Chip, 1500z
And so, having disposed of the villains, SplashMan walked over and accessed the reward data left behind...and found that there was plenty of it, in terms of both cash and chip data. "Looks like we got a chip! Can't tell what it is, so it's not TwinFang or AquaNeedle...I think its data signature is similar to a Piranha, though!"

"Huh...bet it's something involving shooting arrows, then! Something like DoubleNeedle, maybe?" Data concerning a chip called TrainArrow1 soon appeared on the screen in front of Sabrina, who promptly started reading it. "Uh-huh...hmm...well, I was right! But it's not really like DoubleNeedle..."

"...What? How does something from a water-based virus that shoots arrows NOT be like DoubleNeedle?"

"Well, according to this, Piranha's chip, which is apparently called TrainArrow, alters your buster, so that you shoot Aqua-element arrows. You can also boost its power by increasing the power of the buster shot. So...if we want to use it well, we're gonna have to get some NaviCust stuff that does that."

"Well, we've got the money for it, at least..." The Aqua Navi looked around for a moment, before turning to look back at his operator. "So, want me to keep going?"

"Yep!" The young woman made a slight alteration to her chip folder, taking out a well worn Guard1 for her new TrainArrow1. "There, TrainArrow's in our folder! ...Hmm, I bet you get an elemental bonus for it like other Aqua chips, too..."

"Yeah..." SplashMan took a few steps forward, before suddenly stopping...and gulping. "Wait a sec...the battle we just had was my 9th, wasn't it? Which means this is number 10..." Who knew what he'd find this far in...but he didn't come this far just to be a pansy. So, he marched further into the Net, keeping an eye out for weird things he was probably likely to find at this point.

(searching for Battle #10)
SplashMan marched on forward before tripping into a vast body of water. He turned around and the dry land he once stood in disappeared, leaving him alone in the endless ocean.


The sound came out of nowhere, but sounded as if it was UNDER THE WATER! A Gigantic shark sprung out just behind SplashMan, creating a large wave that drove the navi far far away from where he use to be. The whole situation seemed very unrealistic, but there was no time to think twice!

Oh, and there's a little GMD on a small floating panel~


Green Mystery Data: 5

Splashman: 200

Terrain: 99% Aqua, 1% Normal

...A giant shark that went "BLARGH!"? There was no part of that he couldn't take seriously...it looked pretty tough, too. But he'd probably be fine as long as he-wait, what was that over there? ...Was that Mystery Data? He couldn't let that get hit...not if he could help it, at least. But first, he should probably get its complete, undivided attention if he didn't already have it. "Okay, let's make sure this thing's focused on us! ...How are we gonna do that, though?"

"Uh...well, if we hit it enough, it's not going to very happy. So I think...we should use multi-hit attacks!" And naturally, Sabrina transferred a chip that hit several times at that exact moment. "Battlechip, AquaNeedle! Slot in!"

SplashMan vigorously waved his arm, causing three needles to suddenly drop from the sky down towards the shark...virus? Seemed like it might be one, but he couldn't be completely sure..."Done! I put everything I could into it, too! What else do you want to use?"

"I said multi-hit attacks. And we have two other chips that hit multiple times. So what do you think?" And both of those chip were sent over immediately...each of which had a lovely image of a Shellgeek spitting out a metallic needle. "Battlechip, DoubleNeedle! Double slot in!"

The chip's unusual bow-gun took shape over the Navi's hand, and promptly aimed it towards the BlarghShark, and launched needles in rapid succession. However, the transition between the attacks was all but seamless, making it look like one attack of four instead of two attacks of two, much like the chip's most advanced form. Seven potential hits over three attacks...it probably wasn't happy by now. "So...how are we going to attack it next?"

"We're not. Get underwater, and try not to get hit by its attacks!"

"...All of a sudden I don't like this plan..." Unfortunately for SplashMan, it was far too late to do anything else besides follow the plan, so he lowered himself into the watery depths, and prepared for anything the shark might throw at him...figuratively, anyway. He could think of a fair few ways it'd attack, but none of them involved throwing things....

[Order of Turn:
1-AquaNeedle1 chip attack on BlarghShark ([20+10]x3+10) (Aqua Boost) (Untapped Power)
2-DoubleNeedle chip attack on BlarghShark (50, hits twice)
3-DoubleNeedle chip attack on BlarghShark (50, hits twice)
The first five hit certainly got the shark's attention towards SplashMan. Which was weird since the shark had no interest in attacking the Mystery Data. When the next attack was coming, the shark dove deeper into the water, evading the two needles coming towards him.

It was then SplashMan made the fatal move of submerging into the water. Like a B-rated movie, the shark came out of nowhere and chomped down on Splashman. It wasn't as bad as decapitating the poor navi in half, but it sure as hell would've hurt.


Green Mystery Data: 5


Terrain: 99% Aqua, 1% Normal
Being stuck inside a giant shark's mouth...he'd definitely been more comfortable. "Yeow!"

"...Hrk! This is what I get for not watching a lot of horror flicks..."

"What?! What about that time you and your friends-"

"I didn't actually see that movie...I kinda...snuck out and saw something else while everyone else watched. I don't like horror movies, okay?! They creep me out!"

"Well, can you do something to help me out here? This really hurts!!"

"Uh...oh, here!" Sabrina quickly transferred a chip featuring a blue Swordy virus. "Battlechip, AquaSword! Slot in!"

A sword of water formed on the Navi's right hand, which he promptly raised...or lowered. From there he couldn't completely tell which way was up. "Bad shark virus!" As he shouted, he smacked the shark with his blade. "Bad, bad shark virus!" He quickly repeated the process. "Lemme GO!" A third attack with the AquaSword was administered with severe prejudice, and hopefully that did it. Hopefully he could freely move himself...and if he could, he was deactivating his sword, taking the first available trip back to the surface, and doing everything he could to avoid the counterattack. And if he wasn't...well, he still had a sword to smack it with...

Back in the real world, his operator was feeling a bit of remorse on making her Navi head underwater. "Ahh...I'm really, REALLY sorry, SplashMan! If I wasn't such a pansy about horror movies, you probably wouldn't be in this mess..."

[Order of Turn:
1-AquaSword chip attack on BlarghShark (80+10+15, Aqua) (Aqua Boost) (Untapped Power)
2-AquaSword chip attack on BlarghShark (80+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
3-AquaSword chip attack on BlarghShark (80+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
--- If, by this point the BlarghShark has released SplashMan... ---
--- If, after Action 3 the BlarghShark has NOT released SplashMan... ---
4-AquaSword chip attack on BlarghShark (80+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
5-AquaSword chip attack on BlarghShark (80+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)]
The Shark kept its strong grip on SplashMan as long as it could, but the constant strike of the AquaSword stung alot more that it thought it would. It loosened its bite over SplashMan and swam away for now. But what is this? It looks as if the shark is heading towards the GMD SplashMan wanted to protect!

BLARGHSHARK: 1015 [Heading Straight towards GMD!]

Green Mystery Data: 5

Splashman: 150

Terrain: 99% Aqua, 1% Normal
...Oh sure, the shark picked NOW to go after that Mystery Data...someone needed to come up with something, and quick. "Sabrina, I gotta-"

"Yup!" Fortunately, she didn't need to watch horror movies to get an idea on what to do in this situation. She transferred a pair of chips at the same time; one featuring red and blue ground becoming redder, and one featuring a blue fist. "Battlechip, AreaGrab! Battlechip, ColdPunch! Double slot in!"

SplashMan instantly warped from his present location to a spot between the shark and the data, and now possessed an icy cold fist for a right hand. He waited a split second to let his opponent get a little closer, and then...


He punched ahead with all his might, with a punch that could probably stop almost anything in its tracks. And with any luck, the shark counted as 'almost anything'. Now, to attack before it could regroup. And the fastest way to do that...was to do it himself. He bent over, allowing his cannons to shoot a torrentous burst of water towards his adversary, and hopefully damaging it as well as causing the sea level to rise by a microscopic level.

And to continue the assault past even that, Sabrina quickly picked the first chip she saw that looked good for the situation. Good thing she was still keeping tabs on the match. "Keep it up! Battlechip, TankCannon! Slot in!"

As SplashMan stood up straight, virtually his entire right arm faded, to make room for an enormous black cannon. He wasted little time in positioning it towards the shark, making sure the setting for the cannon was set to '1', and let loose with a powerful explosive shot. As the large gun faded, he couldn't help but get the feeling he was forgetting something. But he did everything he needed to...he warped over and protected the GMD, he attacked the shark some more...it felt like it was something really obvious, too...

Luckily for him, he had an operator, and one that knew what he had forgotten. "And for protection! Battlechip, Guard2! Slot in!"

...Defense. That was what he couldn't remember. Doi. A red shield formed in front of him, but unlike usual, he didn't simply hide behind it. Instead, he actually picked it up, and prepared to block the shark if it dared try to attack the mystery data again.

[Order of Turn:
1-AreaGrab chip to between BlarghShark and GMD (teleports user)
2-ColdPunch chip attack on BlarghShark (70+20+15, Aqua) (Single Target Aqua Boost) (Untapped Power)
3-Water Splash sig attack on BlarghShark (140, Aqua)
4-TankCannon1 chip attack on BlarghShark (80)
5-Guard2 chip attack (120-, Reflects an attack)]
Sadly, it seems like the Shark wasn't trying to attack the GMD, but rather just running towards the area. The ColdPunch made full effect on the shark as it hit RIGHT IN THE KISSER! The Shark was provoked even more and proceeded to tackle the navi head on even after getting hit by the punch, which negated SplashMan's next move to use his signature attack.

It tried to attack SplashMan again by making a quick turn and charging straight forward. This time, SplashMan countered by shooting the TankCannon RIGHT IN THE KISSER...again. The BlarghShark let out another


before submerging into the sea, completely ignoring the Guard2 defense the navi set up.

BLARGHSHARK: 830 [Submerged]

Green Mystery Data: 5

Splashman: 110

Terrain: 99% Aqua, 1% Normal