And...the shark was underwater again. But unlike last time, SplashMan knew enough not to take a dive. "I'm going to stay up here, thank you very much..."

"Yeah...can you see it down there?"

"I'm not sure...that might be it over there, but I'm just not sure..."

"So, can you attack it?"

"I doubt it, at least not without going underwater, and that's just not going to happen..."

"...Ah. Well, if that's what you think, then it's probably better not to waste any chips or anything. ...Actually, scratch that. I have an idea. It'll only burn one chip, and there's lots of dodging if it keeps attacking. You up for it?"

SplashMan looked down at the uncertainty that was shark occupied waters, and thought for a moment. "...Yeah, I guess I'm up for it!"

"Okay...here you go! Use this to attack, but don't use it unless you've got a good shot and you don't leave yourself too open!" The chip in question turned out to be...a chip featuring a Piranha virus, only just recently obtained. "Battlechip, TrainArrow! Slot in!"

The Navi's hand disappeared, and was replaced with a bow gun that somewhat resembled DoubleNeedle, with an arrow already sticking out of it. However, he simply put it down, and looked down at the water. Sure, it wasn't the greatest plan ever conceived, but it was good enough for him, and he was going to make sure it counted.

[Order of Turn:
1-TrainArrow1 chip on SplashMan (adds 30+20 and Aqua element to buster shot) (Single Target Aqua Boost)
2-Dodge/Buster Shot on BlarghShark (52, Aqua)
3-Dodge/Buster Shot on BlarghShark (52, Aqua)
4-Dodge/Buster Shot on BlarghShark (52, Aqua)
5-Dodge/Buster Shot on BlarghShark (52, Aqua)
NOTE: Buster Shot is to be used ONLY if the BlarghShark surfaces and isn't attacking. Dodging takes priority over attacking if the BlarghShark even looks like it might attack.]
(bump #2)
(I invoke...THE TRIPLE BUMP! And all the rage that comes with it >:0)
((It isn't right to "do this, if not, this" option for your entire turn >_> So I made two Options~ This is option B~))

Splashman equipped his newly gained chip and fired away. The navi was able to balance his offense as well as his defense as he remained calm and collective to find the right time to attack. He was able to land some shots and dodge the attack, however, this led the shark to be agitated and destroyed the Mystery Data in its blind attack.

BLARGHSHARK: 674 [Submerged]

Green Mystery Data: DELETED

Splashman: 110

Terrain: 100% Aqua
...Well, shoot. All SplashMan could do was look on helplessly as the data was utterly decimated by his enemy, forcing him to accept that he would never, EVER know what was inside of it. And that was quite possibly even worse than the fact he wouldn't get what was inside. "Darn...I couldn't protect it..."

"Yeah...but what did you expect? That thing has a ton of HP...you probably didn't have much of a chance of saving it anyway. I bet it wasn't too good, anyway. So, shall we get some payback for it? I mean, even if it probably wasn't much, it was still free stuff..."

"Yeah..." The Navi gazed upon where the data had been sadly for a moment, before obtaining an angrier expression. Not bad considering he didn't even have a face to work with for it. "Yeah, now I've got another reason to fight! I shall avenge the fallen mystery data!"

"...I don't really think that's a whole reason to fight...but whatever..." Sabrina took her finger, and used it to transfer four identical Lark-based chips from her PET to her Navi remotely. "Use this! Battlechip, WideShot! Quadruple slot in!"

The bow gun that constitued TrainArrow faded into oblivion, only to be promptly replaced with another gun that was decidedly more...horizontal than vertical. And since the shark had just blindly attacked the data, he was hopefully being ignored to the point where he could get some free attacks off. But if he let out a test shot, he could be the main attraction again...therefore, a quick series of four whooshes echoed as quadruplet water waves were released from the mouth-like gun, all of which were positioned towards the BlarghShark. But since now he was definitely probably going to face some kind of attack, he immediately widened his stance after the last attack was fired, to make it easier for him to avoid it.

[Order of Turn:
1-WideShot1 chip attack on BlarghShark (60+10+15, Aqua) (Aqua Boost) (Untapped Power)
2-WideShot1 chip attack on BlarghShark (60+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
3-WideShot1 chip attack on BlarghShark (60+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
4-WideShot1 chip attack on BlarghShark (60+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
The initial Wideshot literally cut through the thick body of water and managed to hit the shark while it was swimming. Two more followed shortly to lay down more damage to the shark, but the waters returned back to normal and the fourth shot was gone with the flooding water. The Shark attempted another one of his tackling attack, but Splashman was well prepared for the upcoming attack and dodged it with ease.

BLARGHSHARK: 449 [Submerged]

Green Mystery Data: DELETED

Splashman: 110

Terrain: 100% Aqua
By now, SplashMan was growing tired of fighting his shark foe...which was not to be confused with sick and tired of fighting it, since he was still in okay condition. "I hope we can wrap this up soon..."

"If we can't do it in the next few turns, we're in trouble, because then we'd be starting to run kinda low on chips...but don't worry about that for now, we've still got, like, half of them left!" ...Well, she was a LITTLE worried about it now, but at the moment there really wasn't any other options if they wanted to inflict even more damage. So...Sabrina picked out three identical chips, and remotely transferred them to her Navi. Each of the chips also featured a lovely picture of a CanGuard virus. "Battlechip, MarkCannon! Triple slot in!"

For what felt like the tenth time during this single battle (or least close to it), the watery Navi's hand faded, to make room for a weapon; this one was a green cannon with gray trim. And unlike most cannons, he didn't have to directly aim it. Instead, he released a marker onto the top of the water, allowing his gun to search the area for any enemies. And this case, by enemies, he was searching for that dang shark. Eventually, it seemed to have locked onto something, causing the cannon to automatically position itself for the subsequent firing, and blasted off three shots towards its target. Which, hopefully, was the shark in question. "That's three more chips we've used...what do you want to try next, Sabrina?"

"Uh...good question..." She hadn't really thought the post-MarkCannon plan through... "I...oh, I think I've got a plan! Okay, I'm not going to send you anything else. I want you to be careful, and dodge however that shark tries to attack you! Then, I want you to show it that it's the only one that can do damage with their ramming attack!"

"Will do!" Truth be told, he was looking forward to that role reversal...so, he looked down at the water, hoping to see his nemesis for the sake of evading whatever attack it tried to execute...and then counterattack with a watery tackle that would prove once and for all who the better tackler was. ...Which was hopefully him.

[Order of Turn:
1-MarkCannon1 chip attack on BlarghShark (70+15, locks on) (Untapped Power)
2-MarkCannon1 chip attack on BlarghShark (70, locks on)
3-MarkCannon1 chip attack on BlarghShark (70, locks on)
5-Aqua Ram sig attack on BlarghShark, but only after dodging; otherwise, Dodge/do nothing (110, Aqua, Impact, Knockback)
The MarkCannons made a powerful damage onto the shark even thought it was submerged underwater. Now realizing that it was near the verge of death, the shark couldn't do anything but to attack SplashMan once again. It violently zipped through the water like a powerboat and headed towards SplashMan.

Thankfully, the navi dodged the shark's attack and quickly countered it with his powerful tackle that sent the shark far far away from him. Now in real danger, the shark retreated deep into the sea, which created a awkward, yet scary silence in the battle field.

BLARGHSHARK: 114 [[b]DEEP[/b]-Submerged]

Green Mystery Data: DELETED

Splashman: 110

Terrain: 100% Aqua
The good news was, he was 1-2 attacks away from finally ending the battle. The bad news was, those 1-2 attacks weren't going to be easy with it that deep in the water. And he wasn't going in there, considering what happened earlier... "This isn't good..."

"Hey, keep in mind...it can't beat you if it doesn't attack you. And as long as you're on the surface, it can't do that without it having to come back up. So all we have to do is wait, and then...POW! Battle over!"

"Okay...but do we even have anything left that can do that...POW?"

"Yep!" Sabrina transferred a single chip featuring a penguin virus. "Battlechip, IceWave! Slot in!"

The Navi's hand suddenly became chilly as it gripped a hexahedronal...snowflake...thing. And now, he played the waiting game...again. He looked around the area, in an attempt to spot anything that might resemble a shark underwater. "This is the part I really don't like...where I can't do anything..."

"Yeah, even I'm a little freaked out, and all I'm doing is watching..."

...That wasn't exactly reassuring. "...I hope it attacks soon...this waiting is killing me..." Not literally, of course. In fact, the waiting was the least kill-inducing thing he could do at the moment. But as soon as that shark went in for an attack...WHAM! He'd throw the IceWave at it with everything he had. But he couldn't do that without a shark to throw it at, so the waiting continued as SplashMan looked everywhere in sight for signs of it...

[Order of Turn:
2-Dodge/IceWave1 chip attack on BlarghShark (80+20+15, Aqua) (Single Target Aqua Boost) (Untapped Power)
3-Dodge/IceWave1 chip attack on BlarghShark (80+20+15, Aqua) (Single Target Aqua Boost) (Untapped Power)
4-Dodge/IceWave1 chip attack on BlarghShark (80+20+15, Aqua) (Single Target Aqua Boost) (Untapped Power)
5-Dodge/IceWave1 chip attack on BlarghShark (80+20+15, Aqua) (Single Target Aqua Boost) (Untapped Power)
NOTE: IceWave1 is to only be used after a dodge, successful or not. Since there's only one IceWave1, all actions afterwards are dodges.]
Splashman waited and waited till the chance came for him to attack the shark. The only sound that was present was the navi's breath and small crackling noises from the IceWave chip. When SplashMan showed a very small change in his alertness, the shark emerged right underneath the navi like a torpedo and chomped down just like last time.


The roar echoed through the net, even causing a giant ripple through the body of water. The navi was frantic and surprised by the shark's preemptive attack. However, he snapped back to his senses and shot the icy wave straight to the shark's eye. The powerful attack loosened the grip and dropped SplashMan down. The shark tussled around here and there, agonizing from the pain he was suffering. Finally, the shark calmed down and started to disintegrate into small pieces of data.

Because the shark was so massive, the fragmented data of the shark became a small patch of island, carrying SplashMan's well deserved loot.


Green Mystery Data: DELETED

Splashman: 60

Terrain: 100% Aqua

2200z, [BLARGH-FIN] Key Item
...Finally, it was over. It was a long and arduous battle, with a lovely ballad sung partway through it...though he might've just imagined that during the parts where he was being eaten alive. But above all else, the shark was gone, and he could get a nice break because of it. But there was one last order of business...so, SplashMan headed over to the reward data, and accessed it. "...Just a lot of cash data this time, but there's a lot of it! ...Huh? What in the world...one of the shark's fins is floating here with the cash!"

"...A fin? Well, might as well send it over with everything else! Who knows, maybe we'll find someone that wants to make cyber shark fin soup!"

"...Are you serious, Sabrina?" One glance back at his operator told him everything he needed to know. "...Fine...sent!"

"And...received! By the way, I can't see from this screen...what time is it?"

"Time? Let's see...it is...9:37, Electopian time!"

"Hmm...it's not late-late, but I guess I'll call it a night, what with everything that's going on tomorrow. Go ahead and jack out, SplashMan! I'll go get my PET in a few!"

"All right, then I'm heading out! ...And make sure I don't wait too long, alright?" And with his business in the Net settled, the Aqua Navi exited in a beam of light, in order to return to his operator's PET.

(to real world Yoka!)