Virus Busting II: Electric Boogaloo

After opening the data, it was clear that he wouldn't get a chip. The good news was, he could go buy one now.

ScorchMan GET: 1600z
"Well, it isn't a chip...but that at least makes up the rest of the money you spent, and then some," ScorchMan shrugged in a silent 'sure why not' and ported the data up. "Ready to keep going?"

Griffin made a noise of assent to punctuate his nod. "You're the one actually going around burning things, bro, you tell me," he chuckled, checking the zenny total and deciding he had enough to justify opening up the Trade BBS again.

Unaware of his Operator's antics, ScorchMan made haste picking his slow way out of the pockmarked battleground, picking a new direction at random and setting off on his slightly limping gait.

<(Battle #3: Ready)>
Though he had claimed his due rewards and was now, finally, leaving the scarred battleground behind, it seemed as though ScorchMan had dithered just a little bit too long with his digging-inclined friends and their Mystery data. There was a static hum from overhead that heralded the return of the Megalian from before, and now, as feared, it had more friends with it.

Three of them, all together, were coming at ScorchMan from behind and slightly above, in a triangle formation, their auras glowing brightly. Below them, picking their way more slowly through the hole-marked terrain, a pair of Magneaker were also zeroing in on their target. As they cleared the majority of the broken area, one of them got a little over-eager and launched a mag-bomb in ScorchMan's direction well before it was in range to do much. The other looked sidelong and chittered something at it, before continuing to make its way closer.

The three megalians broke formation as the drifted in, the leader, likely the same one from before, remaining dead centre as it approached, while the other two drifted out to the sides slightly for different angles. It was quite clear that the return in force came with only one intention: to pummel ScorchMan severely for his earlier offences.

-=The Ones Returning=-

Megalian-E-A: 130Hp [10Elec Aura][Free-Floating]
Megalian-E-B: 130Hp [10Elec Aura][Free-Floating]
Megalian-E-C: 130Hp [10Elec Aura][Free-Floating]

MagneakerA: 70Hp [Normal]
MagneakerB: 70Hp [Normal][Almost directly underneath Megalian-E-B]

-=The One Remaining=-

ScorchMan: 85 HP [Normal]

-=The Ones Terraining?=-

Normal: 70%
Broken: 10% (Some scattered holes still at the Virus end)
Solar: 20% (either side of the area)

-=Battle 3, Start!=-
ScorchMan froze, his heat-sense enveloping the five viruses before him. The three aura-bearers were so bright in his thermal vision as to dazzle him; Electown was beginning to live up to its name. He opened his mouth, about to signal Griffin that the earlier Megalian had returned -

"ScorchMan, you've got company~~" Griffin sing-songed, throwing the burning Navi's rather unoriginal dialogue back at him.

The Navi in question crossed his arms and tried not to pout too obviously. "I don't say it that much," he grumbled, a pair of metallic clicks announcing the unfurling of his Scorch Busters. "Which ones are we tackling first?"

Griffin perused the readouts with a hum. "The Megalians are obviously the bigger threats...but I've got a sneaky feeling that those little guys will be a pain if they stay underfoot. I'd say go for them first; want chips for it?" he reasoned out.

ScorchMan bent into a combat stance and prepared to start moving. "Just the FlameLine for now," he said after a moment. His internal fires rose up within him as the chip was received, stoking his inner reservoirs until his vents glowed red-hot. "Yeah, that'll do," he murmured with a grin, and ignited.

A series of yellow-orange torrents burst from ScorchMan, bright streamers of fire that wrapped around his limbs, sheathing his form in a localized inferno. Hidden behind his flaming veil, ScorchMan's grin went from satisfied to downright feral; he brought both his gauntlets up with a clang of metal on metal. The barrels were already glowing, a gleaming light visible deep in the throats of each buster; it barely took a thought for ScorchMan's Conflagration to explode out, screaming towards the frontmost Megalian in two corkscrewing streams of flame.

"ScorchMan, I said go for the Magneakers, not the Megalians!" Griffin called, confused and a little bit concerned.

"That Megalian's right over the little one; if I'm lucky, I can nail 'em both with this!" ScorchMan's voice was loud and boisterous, ran through with enough adrenaline to try bench-pressing a Heavy...while it was Shake-ing. The FlameLine was loaded up an instant later, and ScorchMan expelled yet more flames from his already-burning form. Every vent on him from the waist down blasted out a stream of fire, coating the ground around him with a shimmering heat-wave. "Little more, little more," he grunted, torching the ground until his reserves finally guttered out; he straightened up, teeth bared unseen behind his barrier. "There we go," he breathed, concentrating very hard on where he wanted the fire to go. In his mind's eye, he pictured the little, ground-bound heat sources wreathed in his fire, overshadowed and torn to nothing in the rending firestorm.

The ground erupted, glowing white-hot for a bare instant before blasting a wall of pure, incandescent fury. Had ScorchMan possessed eyes, he'd have been able to see exactly how many of the viruses he'd managed to torch with the FlameLine. Regrettably, anything he had in the way of visual processing was long-since clawed out, and Griffin was a tad busy shielding his eyes from the light given off by the flaring, seething firewall. "Well, that was...stunning," Griffin managed, still blinking the spots out of his vision. "So, what now?" he asked.

"Now...I wait for them to attack, do my best to get out of the way, and then we go after the big game," was all ScorchMan had to offer. Even under the protection of his barrier, he had no interest in getting smashed by a Megalian head, and so he kept as light on his feet as the borderline-berserker was really capable of. If there was an attack, he...well, he wouldn't see it coming, but he'd stay good to his word, and see to it that he wasn't there when the viruses retaliated.

=Turn Summary=
1. Signature: Conflagration: MegalianB [40 [color=red]Fire[/color] {A}, 20HP Barrier]
2. FlameLine: MagneakerA, B [possibly MegalianB] [70 [color=red]Fire[/color] {B}, Ground Attack, Wide Attack]
3. Dodge
Even if he had been able to see clearly, in the conventional sense, ScorchMan wouldn't have been missing out on very much as the viruses came at him. To a one they were intent and impersonable, with little on their minds save having a go.

Fortune then, that ScorchMan himself was of a like mind, and also, just that little bit quicker on the trigger than any of them. As the side Megalians drifted outward to gradually begin flanking him, the navi of the hour wreathed himself in flame and blasted the lead Megalian dead on with his characteristic 'hello'. The warning shot scorched away its aura and left it rather more disoriented that it had been. As one, the three Megalians each retaliated, but to little effect; the leader might have been able to blame fire-blind for its poor aim, but the left hand one had no such excuse. The right hand Megalian actually targeted Scorchman a little better, but not so well that he couldn't slip out of the way of its careening head without too much effort.

With its head gone flying past him for the moment, ScorchMan made good on his boast to Griffin, unleashing the fiery pall that was his FlameLine chip directly under the Megalian's bas and charring it badly, as well as removing the nearby Magneaker from the net altogether in a single ameliorating roar.

It was another few moments before the other Magneaker finished picking its way slowly through the broken terrain, and turned to launch a stunning EMP in ScorchMan's general direction. By general, of course, we mean really, really general. Probably-on-the-same-continent general. Certainly nowhere near accurate enough for the blast of it to come anywhere near him.

-=The Ones Returning=-

Megalian-E-A: 130Hp [10Elec Aura][Free-Floating]
Megalian-E-B: 55Hp [Free-Floating]
Megalian-E-C: 130Hp [10Elec Aura][Free-Floating]

MagneakerA: 70Hp [Normal]
MagneakerB: DELETED

-=The One Remaining=-

ScorchMan: 85 HP [Normal][20Hp Barrier]

-=The Ones Terraining?=-

Normal: 70%
Broken: 10% (Some scattered holes still at the Virus end)
Solar: 20% (either side of the area)

Making good on his word, ScorchMan managed to squeak by the three Megalian heads as they cannoned at him. He readied himself to evade the Magneaker's attack, bracing...and stopped dead when the static flash of the MagBomb detonated so far away as to barely be in range of his heat-sense. "Griffin...was it trying to bomb something I can't see, or was that aimed at me?" he murmured, wholly bemused.

Griffin was similarly gobsmacked. "I...don't know?" he tried, giving it up as a bad job. "Well, nevermind the goober...actually, scratch that, do mind him. I've got an idea." An excited-puppy grin bloomed across the man's face; ScorchMan felt a distinct chill go down his spine.

"Should I be worried?" the Navi snarked, only half-joking. There really was no knowing what his Operator thought constituted a good idea.

"Don't worry, this is gonna look awesome!" Griffin reassured, perhaps missing the point but pressing on regardless. "Here, I'm sending you the RageClaw and the Shotgun. What you're gonna do is throw the goober into the big goober, and then shoot 'em both at once!"

ScorchMan's tattered eyebrows, hidden beneath his helmet, nonetheless shot up into his hairline. "Soooo...I'm going skeet-shooting with viruses, is what you're saying?" he eventually asked, loading the RageClaw anyway and feeling his Scorch Buster begin to rearrange.

"Yeah, it'll look cool! All...wham, I throw you! Wham, I shoot you as well! Come on, man, it'll be awesome!" Griffin's sense of awesome was not to be denied, and for a moment he cursed his Navi's blindness, for being unable to grasp just how cool a burning man looked tussling with viruses.

"...Know what, what the hell, I'll roll with it!" And that was the moment the hot blood kicked in, and the walking inferno's gauntlet completed its transition into the RageClaw. The three-fingered claw flexed experimentally while ScorchMan heat-sighted down the Magneaker, doing his best to compensate for his blindness. "Griffin, do I have a clear path there?" he asked.

Griffin blanched, about to warn his Navi about the holes in the ground. "Well, yeah, but just be-"

"Good, then here goes!" ScorchMan interrupted, feet lighting up with a pair of fireballs. The Navi's boot-vents had originally been added with the idea in mind of dynamic flaming kicks, but Griffin had miscalculated the force they exerted, and most early attempts at using them to kick had ended in ScorchMan getting blasted arse-over-elbow. Thus, they were given a new purpose, which the burning man was currently making stellar use of: a snazzy, if improvised pair of rocket boots. The added propulsion blasted him down the straight line to the Magneaker, far quicker than his limp would've carried him otherwise. One arm punched forward for stability, with his RageClaw cocked back at his waist, the walking inferno did his Operator proud, looking just like the superhero comics that had brought the man up.

The near-horizontal flight path and the flares ScorchMan was pushing through his boots translated into rather a lot of momentum, and even after he took his foot off the metaphorical pedal, he was still traveling quite quickly at the Magneaker. Doing his best to work with the improvised line-shot flight, he tucked into a ball and rolled forward, snapping his limbs out as he leveled himself back to a vertical stance. The burning man hit the ground sliding, bad knee taking far more weight than it was comfortable with and screaming its protests in his head. Drawing on all the hot blood he could muster, ScorchMan translated the pain into a growl that sent flames hissing through his bared teeth, and refused to let his leg buckle. Instead, he continued to ride his momentum, bearing down on the Magneaker in a towering fury of living fireball. The growl turned into an all-out roar as he brought his RageClaw forward, and simultaneously dug his feet into the ground, braking with a flare from his chest-vents. The force of the flame-propelled leap had to go somewhere, and ScorchMan was working to get it all concentrated in his arm, effectively punching the Magneaker hard enough for a successful hit to send it flying at the Megalians.

The Navi slid to a stop at last, and his leg finally gave out from under him; he collapsed to one knee, bracing his RageClaw to the ground to keep balanced. "You alright, man?" Griffin chimed in, making sure nothing had broken in the dynamic action.

"M'fine, just lemmee..." ScorchMan was biting his lip to keep from making any noises; mother of pearl, his leg hurt! It took a considerable amount of will to keep his fires stoked, and bring his other arm up. The Scorch Buster was reconfigured as he fed the Shotgun into it, streamlining from bulky gauntlet into hi-tech arm cannon. Mentally tracing the original trajectory he'd been aiming the Magneaker at, straight into the left-veering Megalian, ScorchMan brought his arm up, took a deep breath to steady, and squeezed off a round of shining energy flechettes to follow up. The glowing white bullets, with any luck, would be strong and concentrated enough to punch right through both viruses; in an ideal world, the Magneaker would be shredded straight-out, and the Megalian would be left a little easier to deal with. In the meantime, ScorchMan took a series of deep breaths, kept his leg as still as possible, and willed the pain to die down.

=Turn Summary=
1. Movement: DYNAMIC ENTRY towards MagneakerA
2. RageClaw1: MagneakerA, Throw at MegalianA [20 Null {B} each, Impact] (5/6 uses)
3. Shotgun: MagneakerA [50 Null {A}, Spread1 (aimed at MegalianA)]
While opinions over what constitutes an awesome idea might always vary widely, there was one thing that could be said about Griffin's plan, and ScorchMan's execution. It was quite something to watch. The Mangeaker in particular remained somewhat head-lit as the blaze descended upon it, barely realising what was going on until it was grabbed bodily and hurled.

The Megalians were all taking a moment to reposition themselves, but the target of his claw-propelled virus wasn't nimble enough to avoid being smacked clear in the face with its ally. The bug took a painful bash from impacting the Megalian's aura, crashing clean through it, and plastering itself against the other virus' head, drawing unintelligible, but definitely not positive sounds from each of them.

As if by instinct, The Magneaker launched another bomb as it crashed to the ground, but while this one was more accurate than its first attempt, it was accurate to where ScorchMan had been before he moved. Oh well. It was still picking itself up and looking up, somewhat sheepishly, at the Megalian above it, when the burning navi initiated the second part of his plan.

With both viruses doing something that might be interpreted as glaring at one another, ScorchMan didn't lose his window while fighting down the pain in his leg, and his bright shotgun blast found its mark clearly through both targets. The Magneaker was removed from the net in rather messy fashion, junk data and errant viral code splattering all over the Megalian even as the larger virus took the remaining brunt of the attack itself.

If one was to gauge how awesome a plan was in terms simply of the final outcomes, then surely enough, this one could probably be counted has having been a pretty good one.

-=The Ones Returning=-

Megalian-E-A: 65Hp [Free-Floating]
Megalian-E-B: 55Hp [Free-Floating]
Megalian-E-C: 130Hp [10Elec Aura][Free-Floating]

MagneakerA: SPLAT
MagneakerB: DELETED

-=The One Remaining=-

ScorchMan: 85 HP [Normal][20Hp Barrier]

-=The Ones Terraining?=-

Normal: 70%
Broken: 10% (Some scattered holes still at the Virus end)
Solar: 20% (either side of the area)
"Alright!! ScorchMan, you're on fire, bro!" Forgetting the peace of the park around him, Griffin had a jolly old time disturbing it with his antics; a couple of old Electopian ladies pointedly averted their eyes at the loud foreigner making a scene, but there was simply no getting the man down from his vicarious adrenaline high.

"I didn't notice," the very aptly-named ScorchMan sniped back, voice an utter deadpan. His knee, thankfully, was feeling a little better, and after a second he chanced getting back up. A short twinge jolted up his leg from the exertion on old, deep scars, but the pain was too weathered and familiar for the burning Navi to notice. "Alright, Griffin," he called, getting back to business, "Left and Center are whittled down; can I get a couple of kill-shots?"

"Kill-shots, coming up. And here's a surprise for you, while we're at it!" An old chip and a new one were slotted into the PET in rapid succession, feeding into ScorchMan's system. Griffin grinned in anticipation, waiting for the reveal.

ScorchMan, down in the Net World, felt the two chips download into him. Accessing the chips, he saw an old favourite in the Cannon; simple, but reliable. The second chip was larger in both file size and complexity of coding, and upon viewing the name, "...PileDriver? Wait, Griffin, you can't seriously be considering..."

"Oh come off it! You know you want to! It's just like with the kids, but...actually, though!" Griffin and ScorchMan alike thought back to their many days spent at St. Emilia's Orphanage, entertaining the children with wild, crazy stories usually made up on the spot. ScorchMan would act out the story on the orphanage's simple homepage, turning the occasional Metools that would sneak past the firewalls into grand foes to be slain for glory...or occasionally unwilling companions to play virtual House with, generally depending on whether there were more boys or girls to decide the game. It was a fond memory for both, and Griffin in particular was giving the chance to act out those fantasy games a real hard-sell.

There was a beat of silence, in which Griffin's enthusiasm warred against ScorchMan's reluctance to feel silly. Then, finally, a quiet, "Yeah..." drifted from the PET's speaker.

"What's that?" Griffin leaned a little closer to the PET, squinting into the holographic window.

"I said OOOOOOOOH YEEEEEEEEAHHH!!!" Griffin immediately regretted his decision to lean in closer as ScorchMan lit up like a Netopian candle, projecting a pillar of flame into the air just as he used to do to dazzle the orphans. His opening shout was punctuated with a one-legged stomp, and the pillar collapsing back down and transferring into a ground-based shockwave. The panels underfoot were scorched and set aflame by the shockwave, melting and turning the battlefield into a hellish sea of fire.

"YOU'RE in MY world now, and the SCORCHMAN will BURRRN YOU to the GROOOOUND!" ScorchMan bellowed, a human-shaped inferno walking freely on the immolated ground. Just like the hammy, over-the-top acting of professional wrestling, his enunciation was exaggerated, his stance was heroic to the point of cartoonish...and Griffin was all over it, belly-laughing with glee as he watched. "YOUUUU," ScorchMan continued, pointing a finger at the Megalian taking centre stage, "Pre-PAAARE yourself for a NEW WOOOORLD, for I will SCOOORCH YOU RIGHT OFF the FACE of THIS one!!!" His head, a burning fireball bearing spots of darkness in the rough shape of a face, swelled and slowed white-hot as the Cannon was fed into it. In a bizarrely innovative display of pyrotechnics, the burning man formed a flaming aura around his already-alight head, still bearing a flickering grin. He flexed his chest (not that there was much to see, what with his chest armour covering all the goods up), and with a dramatic battle cry, sent his own face very literally screaming towards the Megalian.

"Very cool, man, but don't go getting a swollen head over that one! Ha-HAAA!" Griffin slapped his knee and grinned, unabashedly proud of his horrid puns.

Rather than facepalm or sigh as ScorchMan was normally wont to do, the Navi-come-wrestler stayed in character, and refused to do much as acknowledge the joke. Instead, he turned his attentions towards the leftmost virus, this one also weakened. "AND YOU TOOO! YOUU better WATCH your BACK, 'CAUSE the SCORCHMAN'S COMIN' FOR IT!" The PileDriver loaded, not into the titular construction tool as the chip generally intended, but directly into ScorchMan's arms. Flexing and sounding off a bombastic "HOO-RAH" (complete with self-provided pyrotechnics), the amateur wrestler set off into a beeline run across the lava towards the Megalian.

Griffin, who had until that point been doing his best impression of a sports fan on game night, stopped as something clicked to mind. "Wait a sec, ScorchMan, Megalians can be hit both in the head and the body! Try smacking him in both at once for twice the damage!" It was the armchair quarterback's dream come true: being able to yell strategy at a sports star from his screen, (figuratively-speaking, in this instance), and actually having the guy able to listen.

ScorchMan really wasn't sure of the soundness of Griffin's plan, but he was running on enough adrenaline to suplex a Cybeast, and he was already running towards one of the Megalians anyway. Subtly clearing his throat, the fireball boomed as he ran, "The SCORCHMAN is ONE with the FIIIRE! YOUU try to CATCH MEEE, YOU gonna get BUUUURNED!!!" With a grin that shone through his flaming aura to look positively demonic, ScorchMan played his personal game of chicken with the Megalian, working to anticipate the incoming headbutt, and move before it happened.

The instant his gut clenched in what he hoped was reflex, ScorchMan let his Fire element work its magic, and channeled his run into a jump that took him straight into the molten terrain. The splash sent a shimmering heat wave spiraling up from the point of impact, and then ScorchMan was subterranean. Immersed in sheer, liquid heat, his heat-vision was muddled much the same any other Navi's vision would be rather marred by the prospect of submersed Lava combat, but he did his best to tough it out and focus on the electric-bright heat sense above-ground; it was somewhat more difficult due to the Megalian's two parts throwing electric feedback everywhere like magnets, but manageable enough. Griffin's words rang in his head, and he struggled to adapt them to what he sensed before him. It was true, that a Megalian's head and base could be targeted separately...but from what he read of the data in the chip, landing both blows and taking the virus down would take some thinking; in the scant instants he was beneath ground, ScorchMan's processors worked as fast as they could to get something to click into place.

...Click into place...?

Oho, he could work with that.

"YOU DON'T SEE THE SHARK COMING, BUT THE SHARK SEES YOUUUU-" Igniting his boots, ScorchMan continued his beeline via gratuitous, rocket-propelled goodness. He angled up, and his flaming demon's grin erupted from the magma. Shoulders followed, and he aimed himself as best as he could at the Megalian's head; whether or not it was going forward or backward (or, indeed, moving at all), he was too hopped up on adrenaline and somewhat disoriented from the sudden submersion to tell. All that mattered was that blinding-bright signature, and his fist was already coming up. Tucking his legs under himself, ScorchMan made to leap, and finished his exodus from the magma. "FLAMING SHARK PUUUUNCH," he roared, and with the battle cry, lashed his fist out for a punishing blow, aimed square between the Megalian's eyes.

As was par for the course with ScorchMan's boots, the momentum he kicked up from traveling had to go somewhere. Still moving fast, ScorchMan did his best to 'blink' the fuzz out of his heat-vision, and focus himself on the target. The Megalian's confusing two-places-at-once signature was still throwing him off, but the walking inferno did his best to throw that off in turn, and continue for the follow-up. "BUT I'M not FINISHED with YOUUUU," he bellowed, hopefully into the Megalian's face, and vented flame through his boots for more speed. "THE BURN DON'T STOP 'TIL SCORCHMAN STOPS, AND SCORCHMAN DOES! NOT! STOP!!!" This was it, all or nothing: ScorchMan lunged for the virus, and shot himself skyward, resulting in a fire-trailing leap that lasted far longer than gravity might have liked. Gearing for the landing, ScorchMan bent his legs, and raised his payload high above his head. "SCORCHMAN, TORCHIN' TO THE GROUND! BURNING TOMBSTOOOOOOOONE!" he bellowed in his very best wrestler voice, and crashed to the ground. His knees sunk deep into the lava, and he brought his arms down to send the signature careening to the ground before him. "Woooooo," he wheezed, rubbing his bad knee (thankfully, he mused, lava made for soft landings) and allowing himself a short intermission.

=Turn Summary=
*Activate SetLava [Large Lava terrain, centered on ScorchMan]
1. Cannon: Megalian-E-B [60 Null {A}, Knockback]
2. Feint/Submerge into Lava [aimed primarily at Megalian-E-A]
3. BURNING TOMBSTONE PileDriver1: Megalian-E-A [40x2 Null {B}, Melee, Break, Impact, Knockback (If both hits connect, second hit x2 damage)]
ScorchMan was on a roll. ScorchMan was fired up! ScorchMan was going so well that, with some boyish convincing, threw all sense of personal dignity to the wind and really lets loose to have some fun with it all. This begins with everyone's favourite childhood game, 'The floor is lava', though in ScorchMan's case it was both far more realistic, and much more dramatic.

The Megalian trio spare a moment to glance at one another, even the one that still has bits of splatted Magneaker on its face, and decide that they've had enough of being mocked. Scorchman's heayd display gives them pause, before they begin to attack, although on of the three doesn't make it very far: it is swiftly annihilated by the flaming skull of doom. It was quite a head-butt, all told; even if he wasn't actually launching his own real head, any megalian would probably be impressed. Except the one that just got wiped of the face of the net by it, of course.

The other two, however, continued with their attack runs. Or they tried to. The razzle-dazzle might have been getting to one of them at least, because the forceful ram of its head-butt veered leftward of ScorchMan, getting nothing but air. The other was rather more on target, but Scorchman was already ducking beneath the surface of his newly formed lava, and it failed to connect.

What came next was probably a surprise for all involved, including ScorchMan. As the less accurate of the two megalians pulled back its errant head, a blazing plume of lava exploded up from the surface to 'help' it on its way. The brutal knock-back effect was curtailed by the head slamming back onto its base with far more force that was probably comfortable for the virus, but a moment later it was consoled by the soothing embrace of ScorchMan's arms. Wait. Wrong words. Make that the scalding, crushing bear-hug of ScorchMan lifting the whole virus bodily and, as his own interpretation of the chip went, pile-driving the poor Megalian back into the lava. The large splash of molten rock gave way to SocrchMan himself, hale and well, more or less... but no sign of the defeated Megalian. There was very little left, it seemed.

-=The Ones Returning=-

Megalian-E-B: DELETED
Megalian-E-C: 130Hp [10Elec Aura][Free-Floating]

MagneakerA: SPLAT
MagneakerB: DELETED

-=The One Remaining=-

ScorchMan: 85 HP [Lava][20Hp Barrier]

-=The Ones Terraining?=-

Normal: 25% (The bits that aren't now lava)
Lava: 55% (Large area, more or less around ScorchMan)
Solar: 20% (either side of the area)

Only one virus remained, just as ScorchMan had worked to make so. The Navi's aura flared up and down once like a deep breath as he steadied himself, and with nary a single wince, got back to his feet. "Well, that was effective," he noted, blithe and nonchalant as you please.

"Effective? That was AWESOME!" Griffin cut in, looking so shot-through with adrenaline, one would be forgiven for thinking it was Griffin that had just pile-driven a virus into molten lava. "But I have a surprise for you,'ll like it, I promise!"

"Hmm? What is..." The Burning Man lookalike was interrupted by said surprise downloading into his system. The battlechip that resulted was...very, very familiar. "You got ANOTHER one?!" ScorchMan exclaimed, already loading the second PileDriver into his arms despite himself.

"Well, I mean, there was a giveaway thing, and I figured you're too gung-ho to really use that Guard anyway, so...more Burning Tombstones?" The last note was said with more than a little bit of hope; that, combined with the puppy-dog eyes, either looked endearing or disturbing on the 24-year-old man, depending on who asked (the onlookers in the park leaned more on the side of disturbing).

ScorchMan grinned; his memories of sight were filled with Griffin making that same stupid face, so often that he didn't even need to see this one. "Oh, why the hell not? We've come this far..." A gloved hand idly ran over the spade-claws of his RageClaw, still taking up a gauntlet. ScorchMan hummed with thought, then stood up with a grin. His aura flared high, his volume doubled in decibel count, and he yelled out, "Come on, come on, COME OOOOOOOONNNN!!! SCORCHMAN STILL HAS FUEL TO BUUUUURN!!!"

It was Amateur Wrestling Hour in ElecTown Net again, and ScorchMan was game for another showing. "YOU'RE goin' DOOWN, don'tcha KNOW?" he growled, throwing his hands wide as though about to lift a sumo wrestler...or flash some jazz-hands. "OOOOOOOHH yesssssss, you're going DOWN to the GROOOOOUND! IT'S TIME FOR THE POWER SLAAAAAAM!!!"

"WOOOOO! TAKE IT DOWN, SCORCHMAN!" All Griffin needed at that point was a foam finger or a vuvuzela, and he could've been sitting at the Kotobuki Diamond watching a game. From the PET's holographic screen, he watched ScorchMan explode (literally!) into a run down the molten arena. The RageClaw capping his gauntlet shone red-yellow, reflecting the lava as he closed the gap on the Megalian; if Griffin squinted, he could just barely see the face-concealing visor of ScorchMan's helmet, or the small drag in his gait where his left leg strained. It was almost as though the Bad Thing had never happened, and ScorchMan was just out romping on the Net.

But the Bad Thing had happened, and such as it was, the run was putting too much strain on his bad leg for ScorchMan's liking. As it stood, all he could do was grit his teeth, bear through it, and channel the pain and rage into getting this to work. "WHATCHU GONNA DO WHEN THE SCORCHMAN COMES FOR YOU?" he barked, nearing his target and bringing the RageClaw up. "WHAT can you DO...but GET DOWN AND GET TORCHED!! HOO RAH!"

His arm reached out, almost less of a clawing attack than a clothesline, and ScorchMan's feet left the ground. Leaving it up to good faith, he made a leap almost directly horizontal, aiming for a dynamic take-down that would put both him and the Megalian on the molten floor. Whether the Megalian came with him or not, gravity had decided to take him for a ride: he slammed down to the lava hard, on his knees, bracing himself with one hand, with his RageClaw-arm sunk in the ground. The limb came free with a wet squelch of liquified rock, and with a heave of effort, ScorchMan fought through the pain of his leg and stood up tall. His arms came up on either side, his sightless face raised skyward, and in a display of dominance, the Navi bellowed out a massive, "OOOOOOHH YEEEEEEEAAAAAHH!!!

"ScorchMan, bro, he's not done yet! Folks, the virus is not done yet!" Somewhere along the line, Griffin's role in the fight had devolved down to 'commentator', but by jove, he was going for it. "But wait, what's this? Is this time...for a FINISHING MOVE?" He saw that ScorchMan had come back down to regard the Megalian, clanging his fists and gauntlets together like a metal ape.

"YOOOOOU BET it's a FINISHING MOOOOVE," ScorchMan agreed, gearing himself up for the PileDriver. "HEEEERE COMES THE FIRST!" Just as he had with the Shark Punch, the burning Navi's fist lashed out; this time, he was aimed down, slamming his fist right back down into the ground; even if the RageClaw hadn't done the trick, the brutal punch would shear through the Megalian's defenses with ease. "AAAAAND HERE COMES THE SECOND!" To finish things off came a grapple; a Megalian didn't make for an easy lift, shaped awkwardly and heavy despite its size, but ScorchMan had done it before, and was determined to do it again. He grabbed at the Megalian, working to heave it high and victorious above his head.

Megalian in hand or otherwise, ScorchMan ignited his boots with a roar of hungry flames, and sailed upwards. "THIIIIS IS IT!" he boomed, looking every bit a wrestling demon, a flaming wake behind him where his boots scorched the air. "IT'S TIIIIME...FOR ONE MORE BUUUUURNING TOOOOOOMBSTOOOOONE!!!" Once more, hopefully for the final time, the Navi cut power to his boots, and let gravity do the rest. He plummeted to the ground like a burning meteor, blasting a spray of magma out from where he'd landed, yet again, on his knees. Spent for the moment, ScorchMan grinned up at nothing. "That's all I've got for'd I do, Griffin?" he asked in no particular direction.

Griffin smiled like a proud parent. "I'm recording the fight for the kids to watch, next time we head over. They're gonna love it," he assured, and got a wide, toothy grin beaming through his Navi's burning visage for his troubles. "A beautiful traumatic five-alarm housefires...ScorchMan's in good spirits. This is a lovely day," he thought, turning his gaze up to the sun. Closing his eyes, the man warmed his face on the big life-giver in the sky, imagining it was one of ScorchMan's flares.

=Turn Summary=
1. Movement: Rush into Melee range of Megalian-E-C
2. POWER SLAAAAAM RageClaw (Throw): Megalian-E-C, throw at ScorchMan's feet [20 {B}, Impact, 4/6 uses left]
3. ONE MORE BURNING TOMBSTONE: Megalian-E-C [40x2 Null {B}, Melee, Break, Impact, Knockback (If both hits connect, second hit x2 damage)]
With one virus left in the ring, ScorchMan was propelled into giving it his all, despite the increasing strain on his body. This was helped, of course, by the over-exuberant shouting of his eager, man-child operator. Several of those in the park around Giffin had decided to move to other parts of the park ,that contained fewer boisterous grown men acting like kids, but Griffin himself hardly seemed to mind, or notice.

Back in the ring, The momentum and confidence that was flowing through the burning navi from the entire situation proved to be more than enough to let him excel at his efforts: The Megalian took a go at him as he approached, but it couldn't hit him as he closed in and grabbed the poor virus by the base, heaving it, and slamming it down.

Wobbling pronouncedly, the head had some trouble docking back again, as ScorchMan proceeded to lift, jump, and pile-drive the base with even more gusto than before, crushing the obliviously chasing headpiece in the process. Another plume of splashing lava pronounced the end of the beleaguered virus, smashed into junk bits that broke apart in the pool of lava while ScorchMan caught his breath.

-=The Ones Returning=-

Megalian-E-B: DELETED
Megalian-E-C: FINISHED

MagneakerA: SPLAT
MagneakerB: DELETED

-=The One Remaining=-

ScorchMan: 85 HP [Lava][20Hp Barrier]

-=The Ones Terraining?=-

Normal: 25% (The bits that aren't now lava)
Lava: 55% (Large area, more or less around ScorchMan)
Solar: 20% (either side of the area)

-=Battle 3, Victory!=-

Rewards: 1000z

At long last, ScorchMan's cloak of fire faded along with his battle routines, revealing the gunmetal armour and ruby-red jumpsuit once more. "Woooo...well, that was certainly a rush," he tried to smirk, but the massive headrush made it come out more as a full-on grin. Content to sit where he was for the moment, the previously-burning Navi propped a hand behind him, and watched his lava fade back into standard panels as the Net's autonomous maintenance systems worked their magic. "I gotta say, Griffin...having all these odd chips certainly keeps things interesting for me. You really don't do things halfway, do you?" The Navi was, plain and simply, having a lot of fun, or at least as much as he was willing to admit it. Griffin's chip trader adventures had resulted in some interesting finds...and ScorchMan was definitely enjoying the thrill of virus-busting.

"Yeah? Well, I've got good news for you, man, because I just found some more finds! They're EXCELLENT finds!" Griffin gleefully withdrew his newly-printed Battlechips, just bought and traded-for on the BBS, and thrust them into the PET's camera; ScorchMan looked up at the PET window...or at least, at where he was approximating Griffin's voice coming from, which was actually slightly left of where Griffin's eyes were trying to meet. The result was ScorchMan not quite facing Griffin directly, and the excitable man being given another awkward reminder that his Navi was blind and scarred and...he shook his head and withdrew the chips from the camera, muttering, "Sorry..." rather like a scolded child.

"What? Sorry for what?" ScorchMan asked, bemused and wondering what his Operator was on about.

"Erm, nevermind, it's nothing," Griffin perked back up, shaking the old melancholy off himself like water off a duck's back. "I was just looking up these new chips we've got! We've got eleven now; wanna see if we can fill up our chip folder?"

"That'd be fun..." ScorchMan admitted, thinking back to the fight, "Maybe...we could try and theme it? I mean, we have two PileDrivers now, and the RageClaw makes for a good power slam...the whole wrestling bit was actually pretty fun." His voice was almost a bit shy as he voiced the suggestion.

"That does sound like a fun idea, theming our folder!" Griffin agreed, until the entirety of ScorchMan's sentence registered. He looked down at the chip folders, and one of his newly-traded finds. "Oh, about the PileDrivers," he started, his voice going sheepish, "I, uhh...kinda just traded one of them. But it's fine, you've still got the other one!"

"...Wait, already? I thought you just got them!" Had ScorchMan still possessed eyebrows, they would have disappeared under his hairline.

"There were some really good chips on sale, and someone was looking for one!" the hapless man protested, unwilling to admit his addiction. "Besides, the one I traded it for is really good too; it's a Fire+20, so it'll make you burn even hotter than normal! And I got one more really cool Fire chip, but that's gonna be a surprise!" The HeatDragon rested in his hand, displaying the image of some sort of pot-dragon virus; Griffin had to wonder how his Navi would translate the attack.

"...Well, I guess I can't really complain too much. Anyway, I'm gonna keep going, see what else we can find here," ScorchMan reported. With a couple grunts of effort, he leveled himself back to his feet, taking one last look around the viral dig site. "Alright, let's go," he started walking aimlessly, the blind leading the sighted on an unknown adventure.

<(Ready for Battle #4}>
When all was finally said and done, and the show was over, for now, ScorchMan took a well deserved rest. Before long, however, it was time to move on, and after what might have seemed like an usually long time fixed in one area, the burning navi finally moved on from this particular patch of damaged terrain.

The outer Electown nets managed to reach something approaching peaceful for a short while, as he travelled, but ultimately it didn't last: As he passed through something that looked some strange simulation of electronic fields, a number of jaunty scarecrows dotted the are to either side. One by one, they twisted in place to look right at him. A crack overhead announced a bolt of lightning striking down at the fields, diverting swiftly to one of the scarecrows, which promptly spewed the vicious lightning bolt from its mouth, towards ScorchMan. It missed by a wide margin, fortunately, but the dressed-up lightning rod corrected itself, swivelling more a moment later.

The sound of the discharge alerted more viruses, and to the right, a twisty popped up, looking across the field to the lone navi that was passing them. Another appeared to the right, and both made the small tell-tale actions that summoned their RemoteBits a moment later. As they prepared to zero in on their target, ScorchMan would also be able to see a single virus coming directly up the path towards him; this one hovered and presented a pair of magnets for 'hands', and of all of them, it seemed the least pleased to see him.

-=Shocking Farm-Hands=-

ScarecrowA: 100Hp [Metal][near left field]
ScarecrowB: 100Hp [Metal][far left field]
ScarecrowC: 100Hp [Metal][mid right field]

TwistyA: 80Hp [Solar][left field]
TwistyB: 80Hp [Solar][right field]

Magtect: 90Hp [Normal][Far end]

-=Blazing Explorer=-

ScorchMan: 85 HP [Normal]

-=Fine Fields=-

20% Normal [Pathway up the centre of the area]
60% Metal [Majority of the 'fields' either side]
20% Solar [Circular patches, in the fields, around each Twisty]


RemoteBitA: ???
RemoteBitB: ???

-=Battle 4, Start!=-
Walking the pathless wilds of ElecTown Net, solitude settled into ScorchMan's armour like a cat in a sunny spot. It was a feeling Navis seldom had time for in the Net World, microcosm of human society that it was. ScorchMan had heard of Navis that feared being alone - the idea of forsaking their inborn principles of interconnectivity was anathema to them, he supposed. He rolled his shoulders and took the long, slow breath of the contended; he had learned to enjoy the calm of the moments when Griffin and the world went quiet. The journey was aimless and peaceful.

Something flashed in his vision, far but hot. The metal panels underfoot were warm even without him adding any heat himself. The beginnings of some brimming source of energy crackled as they crept into his senses, turned him to bear towards something he could only begin to guess at. Something like the shadows of lightning bolts were filtering into a series of crackling beds and somethings across the field, adding a thick diffusion to the lens ScorchMan already struggled to perceive the world with. "Griffin, what have I walked into?" he called out.

"Whuzzah?" Sure enough, good weather and lack of action had calmed the man all the way down to dozing. "Uhh, looks like some sort of solar farm? Only there's a bunch of viruses hanging about. Careful there, that Magtect looks pretty, heh, charged up!" He waited for a reaction, received none, and slumped. "Uhh, right, you'll need chips for that. Chips which I've procured through means! Lessee here..."

"Are you still asleep?" A few pilot lights flared to life on ScorchMan's chest.

"Bear with me here! This one? Nah, save for later. Nope, uhh...right, take these two and get ready for my cue!" After much scrambling, two chips with gratuitous amounts of fiery motif on their faces were slotted into the PET.

"Take which tw-OOF!" Griffin's Navi quickly discovered that keeping his balance as one Scorch Buster spontaneously doubled in weight was more difficult than advertised. One would be inclined to forgive him, given the bulky hose-and-tank monstrosity that had replaced his usual gauntlet. ScorchMan felt the new weapon with his other hand until he found a suitable handle and hefted it with a small grunt. "The hell is this?"

"An idea! Also a Fire+20 tacked onto an already-skookum burning apparatus!" Griffin's voice was as grin-y as his actual grin. "Anyhow, so see the magnet-guy across from you? Let him pull you in, then use that to toast him!"

"Magnet...guy?" ScorchMan swept an eyeless gaze across what he could only guess was the battlefield of the day. The solar beds were rife with electric heat, drawing it thick into the air and pulling it into the Net to splash all over his heat sense in dizzying flashes. The viruses were presumably the other sources of the selfsame electric radiation, but there was just so much of it that he might as well have been staring directly into a microwave, for all it seemed to be helping him. "Griffin, I can't see the magnet-guy. How do I know when it's about to pull me in?"

"I'll tell you, duh," Griffin said as though that was supposed to have been self-evident. A beat of silence dropped somewhere in the distance between Navi and Operator, and then he said, "Oh," in his I've-got-a-sad-face-on voice. "Um, right then, so," ScorchMan could hear him muster his guts, regain his fire. "Just focus on my voice. When I say 'Go', let the magnet pull you, and fire that baby up."

ScorchMan was still silent. Griffin's voice veined through with hints of pleading puppy. "It'll be just like those old trust exercises, don't worry."

The Navi sidestepped to the right. The massive gauntlet was held as level as he could manage, arms braced low and holding steady. He stepped back left, then right again.

ScorchMan was blind in the truest sense, and as much as he wished otherwise, his heat-sense was simply not a comparable substitute. All he had to go by were the series of brightnesses before him. Step left, some move this way. Step right, they move elsewhere, overlap in places, become brighter. As far as he could figure, the more light sources he could intersect, the more viruses there probably were in front of him.

In Griffin's view, ScorchMan stepped carefully to the right, as though trying to thread the needle to the Magtect between the rightmost Scarecrow and one of the Twisties. He raised his veiled head up, not to met Griffin's eye but close enough. "On your mark."

The world went quiet to the Navi. His hearing processes were keyed as directly to his Operator's voice as his processors could manage. The man was right - it was like one of their old trust exercises, getting ScorchMan comfortable and confident enough to move without sight. Moving on his mark; a little smirk cropped up somewhere along the feinting. The rest of the world was somewhere before him; there was, if Griffin was to be trusted (and he was), a virus able to pull a wall of fire right into his face in front of him. The more viruses in front of him when the magnet-guy did his thing...the smirk deepened. He heard breathing slow down and steady. If Griffin was to be trusted (and he was), he could maybe do something pretty cool if he played it right, if Griffin's timing was good. He stepped right, left, right again.

A minute inhale of air.

His legs tensed.

"GO!" His feet blazed yellow-gold.

ScorchMan roared, and his weapon delivered an inferno in front of him. His boots left the ground entirely as he committed himself to Griffin's word, trying to move with the magnetic pull and loss of control he was expecting. A solid wall of flame bloomed into being through the FlameLine-infused gauntlet, blasting into the ground in three distinct points and sending a column of blue-streaked fire roaring up from each. The hope was that it would stay in front of him as he pulled; for all that he was a being of the Net World, truly understanding its near-fictional physics was a feat most Navis would raise an eyebrow at. It burned for a decent stretch at any rate, gauntlet growling almost like a living thing.

-Turn Summary-
1. Feint: Juke to right field, attempt to thread the needle to Magtect between ScarecrowC and TwistyB
2. Fire+20: Add to FlameLine1 [+20 Fire Damage to each hit]
3. FlameLine1 to Magtect (delay: timed release upon Magtect's Pull) [90 Fire {B}, Ground Attack, Wide Attack]
Being surrounded on all fronts by the electric menaces, ScorchMan was sent some enormous explosive equipment, and set to work about using it. Ducking and rolling towards the side of the simulated "fields", he was able to avoid a couple of the enemies' attacks. These consisted of the Twisty's RemoteBits raining down lightning bolts from above, as well as jolts of high voltage shot off from all three of the Scarecrow viruses. Unfortunately for him, two of the Scarecrows' bolts clipped his shoulder and leg respectively as he rolled, dealing quite a severe amount of damage (-20, -20). Once he was in position, however, his actual goal came to fruition as the MagTect virus locked onto his position and began to pull him in with its powerful magnet head. Unfortunately for the virus, ScorchMan was ready, and roasted it with his newly acquired incendiary device, though his landing after he did so was a bit of a tumble.

-=Shocking Farm-Hands=-

ScarecrowScarecrow (Scarecrow)

Scarecrow attack every action, if able. Every time they attack, they recover HP equal to their attack power regardless of whether or not they hit anything. This virus type also has the rare ability to absorb Elec element damage as healing for the same amount. They are immune to any status effects associated with Elec element damage/attacks. Scarecrows are anchored to the ground, and thus enjoy the effects of SuperArmor. Scarecrow are never encountered underground or indoors.

Area: Electown, Dentech, NAXA

HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Elec + Piercing + Recover20
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Conducts thunder, healing itself.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DollThunder1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.
Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: Lightning Rod: This virus absorbs Elec attacks as Healing.
A: 100Hp [Metal][near left field]
ScarecrowScarecrow (Scarecrow)

Scarecrow attack every action, if able. Every time they attack, they recover HP equal to their attack power regardless of whether or not they hit anything. This virus type also has the rare ability to absorb Elec element damage as healing for the same amount. They are immune to any status effects associated with Elec element damage/attacks. Scarecrows are anchored to the ground, and thus enjoy the effects of SuperArmor. Scarecrow are never encountered underground or indoors.

Area: Electown, Dentech, NAXA

HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Elec + Piercing + Recover20
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Conducts thunder, healing itself.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DollThunder1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.
Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: Lightning Rod: This virus absorbs Elec attacks as Healing.
B: 100Hp [Metal][far left field]
ScarecrowScarecrow (Scarecrow)

Scarecrow attack every action, if able. Every time they attack, they recover HP equal to their attack power regardless of whether or not they hit anything. This virus type also has the rare ability to absorb Elec element damage as healing for the same amount. They are immune to any status effects associated with Elec element damage/attacks. Scarecrows are anchored to the ground, and thus enjoy the effects of SuperArmor. Scarecrow are never encountered underground or indoors.

Area: Electown, Dentech, NAXA

HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Elec + Piercing + Recover20
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Conducts thunder, healing itself.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DollThunder1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.
Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: Lightning Rod: This virus absorbs Elec attacks as Healing.
C: 100Hp [Metal][mid right field]

TwistyTwisty (Twisty)

Area: SciLab, Electown

HP: 80
Attack: 20 Elec + Panel Break + Drop Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Summons a RemoteBit to rain down lightning and break panels.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RemoteBit1, Zenny
Special: Immobile. RemoteBit is invulnerable to all attacks and effects. Can use Blinder once.
A: 80Hp [Solar][left field]
TwistyTwisty (Twisty)

Area: SciLab, Electown

HP: 80
Attack: 20 Elec + Panel Break + Drop Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Summons a RemoteBit to rain down lightning and break panels.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RemoteBit1, Zenny
Special: Immobile. RemoteBit is invulnerable to all attacks and effects. Can use Blinder once.
B: 80Hp [Solar][right field]

MagTectMagTect (MagTect)

MagTect move and dodge at slightly above average speed. In spite of the fact that they have wings, and hover above the ground, they are still subject to the effects of the terrain below. Regardless, they are very dangerous thanks to their ability to exert control over enemy movements with pincer attacks and magnetic pull effects. They know how to use these effects, too. MagTects avoid liquid terrain types if at all possible, as they do not function well at all if forcibly submerged.

Area: SciLab, Electown, Netfrica, NAXA

HP: 90
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Elec + Stun 1 + Magnetic Pull
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Pulls opponents towards them and hits with a magnet. Stuns.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Seeking + Pincer Attack x 2 Missiles
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Shoots two MagnetMissiles at a target: one from each side. The missiles move as if to pass the target, then suddenly turn towards each other in a pincer attack with the target between them.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MagBolt1, MagnetMissile1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Pincer Attack: Attacks a single chosen target from two opposing directions at the same time.

-=Blazing Explorer=-

ScorchMan: 45 HP [Normal, far end]

-=Fine Fields=-

10% Normal, 10% Cracked [Pathway up the centre of the area]
60% Metal [Majority of the 'fields' either side]
20% Solar [Circular patches, in the fields, around each Twisty]


RemoteBitA: ???
RemoteBitB: ???
For the briefest of moments, ScorchMan could have sworn he saw a blinding flash of light. This, unfortunately, was little more than a trick of his virtual mind as a result of having his bad leg (and a shoulder besides which) shot through with electricity, lighting him up from the inside out in all the wrong ways. Oily smoke belched from the blown shoulderpad, thick and acrid, and the final touchdown from the MagTect's pull was an uncontrolled tangle of limbs.

For all that, it was only his leg that really hurt when he smashed down to earth. The true wrench of strained bone and muscle was present there and nowhere else across his body, save his face. "Ooooof..." was about all he could gasp out as he finally rolled to a stop. Already the rest of his body was starting to pick itself up, but the leg was just not up for much of anything in that moment.

"Oh jeez, man, that was my bad," Griffin was cringing all over the place. "That did not work out quite like how I envisioned it in my head."

"Not your fault, Griffin," ScorchMan ground out. He finally got his legs beneath him, levered himself back up. He was visibly favouring his leg now. "Dang, but that packed a wallop. Got anything for me?"

"Well..." Griffin hesitated, fingering a chip in his folder. "I was gonna save this as a surprise for the next one, but I think you kinda need it sooner than later. Take this and follow my lead!" He plunked the chip in and tapped a series of keys on his PET. His window in the Net World sounded off a staccato burst of pings, moving in a set direction at the same time. It floated away from ScorchMan, then repeated the process.

ScorchMan felt his systems download a chip without modifying a ScorchBuster to do so. His chest armour immediately went hot even to his standards, vents glowing orange around the edges. "Alright, that's definitely something. How do I use it?" his systems processed the data. Accessing it felt like trying to tear off a bandage that was still pressuring a wound - the fire contained in the chip was eager to burn.

"Follow me first!" Griffin pinged again, prompting his Navi to set course. His leg protested with more vigor than ScorchMan was used to dealing with, but enough guts got him chugging back down the way he'd just bodily flung himself. "Now once I say stop, turn 90 degrees to your right and set that thing off, and then get the heck outta there; I wanna see what happens!"

Running did not feel good. ScorchMan ran anyway, because the faster he got through this, the less chance he had of having lightning rammed through him. The pings were another familiar tactic of Griffin's - one of the first he'd introduced, if ScorchMan recalled. With the noise to use as a point of reference in his thermal map, moving quickly felt less precarious. The extra confidence was enough to keep him burning hot and steady, regardless of old wounds and sustained damage.

The distance between each ping suddenly jumped as Griffin's window sped up. He jammed it in place and sent one final ping out as he called, "Here!" From the slight distance he's just created, Griffin could still see a smirk flashing a couple of ScorchMan's teeth. "Yeah, you know I'm egging you on, and you love it," Griffin did not say, and smirked back.

ScorchMan did, matter of fact, know Griffin was egging him on. He didn't know whether or not he loved it, but nonetheless his boots ignited in twin hiccoughs of smoke, sputtering but still propelling him in a near-horizontal leap, arms strained out to keep him level. He threw his shoulders forward with a flare of assistance and rolled as he landed just shy of Griffin's last point, coming up with a flaming stomp from his right leg. His boot glowed white-hot for a brief moment before a wave of heat poured into the ground. It spread in indiscriminate waves, setting the solar farm glowing red hot and wavering until ScorchMan and anything near him were standing atop a slurry of liquid metal. Strange imperfections in the air shimmered around them, either metallic vapours or pure mirages.

A ping right against his right ear. "90 degrees, and let 'em have it!" Griffin hollered.

Bring the left leg up, brace...and push up with the right. ScorchMan levered himself up, brought himself to face the nearest disturbance in the lava's field of heat. His elbows went down to his hips as he flexed his chest out. Something silly and Griffin-shaped in the back of his mind made him yell out a hearty, "HOO-RAH!" as he brought his weapon to bear.

His ring of vents went orange, then yellow, then white. The fire that they expelled was almost liquid in appearance, denser by far than his usual conflagrations. It writhed and grew, ScorchMan feeding it more and more flame until a great coil circled him several times over. Wings warped themselves out of the bolt of flame like stretched cloth, one end took on all the cresting horns and triangle-jaw of a reptile. Finally, it roared, and whipped the air around the Navi into a whirlwind when it tore a berserking trail through the melted farm. So intense was its heat that it stretched the glowing pool even farther in its rampaging, burning anything it touched. It was the most persistent fire ScorchMan had ever felt glow in his heat-sense, combusting nothing but hungering all the same.

"No time to admire the pretty fires, Scorch, you gotta stay moving. Don't wanna get zapped again, right?" Griffin cautioned, and he was right; there were definitely more than just what he'd sent flames licking at thus far. The thought of keeping ahead of the viruses and their electric lances kept ScorchMan's legs moving, whirling around and getting ready to feel crackling heat blur by...and hopefully not into him again.

-Turn Summary-
1. Movement: Run to centre field, line up Scarecrows A-B
*SetLava (Large Lava terrain centred on ScorchMan)
2. HeatDragon1: ScarecrowA, ScarecrowB [100 Fire {C}, Ground Attack, Medium Lava Terrain Change, Terrain Changer (Ceases attacking once 25% of terrain has been changed]
3. Dodge
Being pushed into a corner by his earlier mistakes, Griffin sent his Navi a trump card, in the form of the HeatDragon chip. Morphing ScorchMan's chest into a portable meltdown vent, he watched as ScorchMan stepped up to the middle and unleashed a torrent of liquid fire towards two of the scarecrow viruses. Their straw-and-burlap bodies didn't stand much of a chance as they were left to melt into the ground, with the area turning quite quickly into a hell of molten rock.

Nevertheless, the viruses didn't let up, with the remaining Scarecrow attempting to zap him with its bolt, and the Twisty manipulating their RemoteBits. In a stroke of luck, even with his injuries, he managed to avoid all of the attacks successfully, leaving him and Griffin to plan out their next set of moves, though the RemoteBits' attacks left some holes, where the lava began to flow in.

-=Shocking Farm-Hands=-

ScarecrowScarecrow (Scarecrow)

Scarecrow attack every action, if able. Every time they attack, they recover HP equal to their attack power regardless of whether or not they hit anything. This virus type also has the rare ability to absorb Elec element damage as healing for the same amount. They are immune to any status effects associated with Elec element damage/attacks. Scarecrows are anchored to the ground, and thus enjoy the effects of SuperArmor. Scarecrow are never encountered underground or indoors.

Area: Electown, Dentech, NAXA

HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Elec + Piercing + Recover20
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Conducts thunder, healing itself.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DollThunder1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.
Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: Lightning Rod: This virus absorbs Elec attacks as Healing.
ScarecrowScarecrow (Scarecrow)

Scarecrow attack every action, if able. Every time they attack, they recover HP equal to their attack power regardless of whether or not they hit anything. This virus type also has the rare ability to absorb Elec element damage as healing for the same amount. They are immune to any status effects associated with Elec element damage/attacks. Scarecrows are anchored to the ground, and thus enjoy the effects of SuperArmor. Scarecrow are never encountered underground or indoors.

Area: Electown, Dentech, NAXA

HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Elec + Piercing + Recover20
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Conducts thunder, healing itself.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DollThunder1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.
Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: Lightning Rod: This virus absorbs Elec attacks as Healing.
ScarecrowScarecrow (Scarecrow)

Scarecrow attack every action, if able. Every time they attack, they recover HP equal to their attack power regardless of whether or not they hit anything. This virus type also has the rare ability to absorb Elec element damage as healing for the same amount. They are immune to any status effects associated with Elec element damage/attacks. Scarecrows are anchored to the ground, and thus enjoy the effects of SuperArmor. Scarecrow are never encountered underground or indoors.

Area: Electown, Dentech, NAXA

HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Elec + Piercing + Recover20
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Conducts thunder, healing itself.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DollThunder1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.
Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: Lightning Rod: This virus absorbs Elec attacks as Healing.
C: 100Hp [Metal][mid right field]

TwistyTwisty (Twisty)

Area: SciLab, Electown

HP: 80
Attack: 20 Elec + Panel Break + Drop Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Summons a RemoteBit to rain down lightning and break panels.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RemoteBit1, Zenny
Special: Immobile. RemoteBit is invulnerable to all attacks and effects. Can use Blinder once.
A: 80Hp [Lava][left field]
TwistyTwisty (Twisty)

Area: SciLab, Electown

HP: 80
Attack: 20 Elec + Panel Break + Drop Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Summons a RemoteBit to rain down lightning and break panels.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RemoteBit1, Zenny
Special: Immobile. RemoteBit is invulnerable to all attacks and effects. Can use Blinder once.
B: 80Hp [Solar][right field]

MagTectMagTect (MagTect)

MagTect move and dodge at slightly above average speed. In spite of the fact that they have wings, and hover above the ground, they are still subject to the effects of the terrain below. Regardless, they are very dangerous thanks to their ability to exert control over enemy movements with pincer attacks and magnetic pull effects. They know how to use these effects, too. MagTects avoid liquid terrain types if at all possible, as they do not function well at all if forcibly submerged.

Area: SciLab, Electown, Netfrica, NAXA

HP: 90
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Elec + Stun 1 + Magnetic Pull
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Pulls opponents towards them and hits with a magnet. Stuns.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Seeking + Pincer Attack x 2 Missiles
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Shoots two MagnetMissiles at a target: one from each side. The missiles move as if to pass the target, then suddenly turn towards each other in a pincer attack with the target between them.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MagBolt1, MagnetMissile1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Pincer Attack: Attacks a single chosen target from two opposing directions at the same time.

-=Blazing Explorer=-

ScorchMan: 45 HP [Lava, far end]

-=Fine Fields=-

60% Lava [Pathway up the center, and the entire left field]
10% Broken [Some holes in the middle pathway]
20% Metal [The right side 'field']
10% Solar [Circular patch, in the fields, around TwistyB]


RemoteBitA: ???
RemoteBitB: ???
"Alright, now that's more like it!" Griffin fist-pumped. His window was almost too bright too look at, ScorchMan a dark grey spot amidst the glowing slurry of earth and metal. "Just mind the last Scarecrow there, Scorchman, he's right behind you!"

"Way ahead of you this time!" ScorchMan felt the crackling warm against his bodysuit as it crashed precisely where he'd been a half-second ago. Two more somethings whizzed past him; whether from the warmth of the lava or an inner wellspring of guts he hadn't been aware of, he held out and kept the evasion steady. The solar radiation threw what amounted to glare all over his heat vision, but the lava added a familiar diffusion that made identifying the virus burning atop it that much easier. A duet of mechanical whirring announced ScorchMan's busters unfurling their heat jackets.

With a brief full-body flex, ScorchMan ignited. The fire that burned from the Navi's body was ruby-red and jagged at the edges, forming a dense black fog around him. Smoke chuffed from his shoulder and a couple patches of vents, but the flames still wrapped around his body and sheathed him in a full-body barrier. Long flickering streamers trailed from the winglike protrusions of his Scorch Busters. He was wounded and it was made plain in the state of his defence; even so, when he brought his gauntlets to bear, the pilot lights within glowed bright as stars at the bottom of a well. The tongues of flame they expelled were as ragged as his armour, almost serrated-looking as they tumbled and tore over one another. They weren't the equals of Griffin's additions to their arsenal, not by half, but ScorchMan could still expect damage from the burns he dealt unassisted.

"Ehh, Scorch, that won't be enough by itself, and you've got another guy you should be worrying about first," Griffin eyed the Scarecrow behind ScorchMan with trepidation. "Do we have anything that can just crush it flat-out...oh hey!" A chip bearing a cartoon weight was withdrawn and held aloft as Griffin took a moment to admire it. "This looks pretty apt, give this one a go!"

"Whatever you s-URRF" Yet again, weapons spontaneously doubling in weight played merry hell on ScorchMan's balance, and the giant hollow mortar on his arm quickly crashed to the ground, more or less pulling him down with it. "Dude, little extra warning next time?" he grumped, swinging the weighted arm onto a knee and cradling it in a gloved hand. "Anyway, where am I aiming this?"

Griffin's window floated off the ground and got as close to right above the Scarecrow as he dared; he didn't feel much like seeing what lightning would do to the app. "Right around where my voice is coming from! I'm pretty sure you've just gotta fire it above them, so aim up here and it should drop onto the little bastard!"

"Talk about easier said than done..." Not for the first time, ScorchMan wondered why he'd only really started virus-busting after his accident. While he did have the advantage of (all puns more-or-less unintended) experiencing it blind without preconceived notions, not even having ideas of what was going on was a difficult notion to blindly accept.

Regardless, Griffin's window was pinging away, and his hearing was good enough to know exactly where to point his hand so Griffin was looking right down the cannon's dark barrel. Actually lifting the arm holding the thing up proved to be another matter entirely; it took a sumo-low stance and physically lifting his arm with his other arm to bring the bulky thing to a comfortable firing height. "How do I look?" he snarked, trying to smirk but more just gritting his teeth.

Griffin snirk-ed, and that was all ScorchMan needed to know.

"You flatter me," he said with as much verbal eyeroll as he could muster, and braced to fire. Pulling the mental trigger sent the shiny gunmetal cannonball careening into his Operator's snirking face with such force he nearly buckled. It was all he could do to move with the recoil and sink into a crouch deep enough for his groin to nearly touch half-melted paneling. A stray thought wormed into his head that he ought to take up some sort of weightlifting, or find some other means of getting strong enough to handle Griffin's arsenal of heavy metal toys.

Unseen to the Navi, the Quake sailed until its programming told it to stop, at which point its momentum was deleted outright. For a brief moment, it hung motionless in midair, until gravity reasserted control of the object's y-axis. The moment it fell, it assumed all the weight and shape of a giant gunmetal Powie. Its trip down to virtual earth was as predictable as it was entertaining for Griffin to watch, to whom giant anvils that made comical whaaaaaang noises when dropped were still as funny as they had been in the days of Saturday morning cartoons. And that was exactly what this Powie did.

Still chuckling, Griffin waited until the ringing in his ears had finished up, and chimed in, "Nice one, now let's see if we can't keep up the whole not-getting-hit business!"

A sigh escaped ScorchMan's lips; with one swing, his legs popped down into a Sharoan squat, and he was back up. "Right," he grunted, and kept moving. His boots stamped through the lava without issue, soothing his knee under the intense heat. A couple of cool spots registered in his heat vision, where lava had drained through spiderwebbing cracks. He stepped pointedly away from the weak points, keeping to the rest of his lava pool - thankfully there was plenty of lava to be had.

-Turn Summary-
1. Conflagration: TwistyA [40 Fire {A}, 20HP Barrier]
2. Quake1: ScarecrowC [100 Null {C}, Impact, Medium Cracked Terrain]
3. Dodge off Cracked terrain, stay within Lava.
Motivated by the successful downsizing measure he executed on the viruses, ScorchMan expelled some extra flames to protect himself from a few attacks, as well as burning up one of the stationary viruses, which was already trying to keep its head above the scorching lava. He was then sent a more powerful mortar from his Operator, aimed somewhat relatively close to the Scarecrow's position with his hearing. Unfortunately, his attack came just a little short, and the Scarecrow was left unharmed. Around him, he could hear the thunderous bolts attacking from all sides again, from the Scarecrow on one end, and the Twistys' remote bits from above. Thankfully, he managed to dodge two of the attacks, and the one attack from a Remote Bit that did manage to hit him was dissipated by his earlier fiery defense.

-=Shocking Farm-Hands=-

ScarecrowScarecrow (Scarecrow)

Scarecrow attack every action, if able. Every time they attack, they recover HP equal to their attack power regardless of whether or not they hit anything. This virus type also has the rare ability to absorb Elec element damage as healing for the same amount. They are immune to any status effects associated with Elec element damage/attacks. Scarecrows are anchored to the ground, and thus enjoy the effects of SuperArmor. Scarecrow are never encountered underground or indoors.

Area: Electown, Dentech, NAXA

HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Elec + Piercing + Recover20
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Conducts thunder, healing itself.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DollThunder1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.
Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: Lightning Rod: This virus absorbs Elec attacks as Healing.
ScarecrowScarecrow (Scarecrow)

Scarecrow attack every action, if able. Every time they attack, they recover HP equal to their attack power regardless of whether or not they hit anything. This virus type also has the rare ability to absorb Elec element damage as healing for the same amount. They are immune to any status effects associated with Elec element damage/attacks. Scarecrows are anchored to the ground, and thus enjoy the effects of SuperArmor. Scarecrow are never encountered underground or indoors.

Area: Electown, Dentech, NAXA

HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Elec + Piercing + Recover20
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Conducts thunder, healing itself.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DollThunder1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.
Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: Lightning Rod: This virus absorbs Elec attacks as Healing.
ScarecrowScarecrow (Scarecrow)

Scarecrow attack every action, if able. Every time they attack, they recover HP equal to their attack power regardless of whether or not they hit anything. This virus type also has the rare ability to absorb Elec element damage as healing for the same amount. They are immune to any status effects associated with Elec element damage/attacks. Scarecrows are anchored to the ground, and thus enjoy the effects of SuperArmor. Scarecrow are never encountered underground or indoors.

Area: Electown, Dentech, NAXA

HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Elec + Piercing + Recover20
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Conducts thunder, healing itself.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DollThunder1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.
Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: Lightning Rod: This virus absorbs Elec attacks as Healing.
C: 100Hp [Metal][mid right field]

TwistyTwisty (Twisty)

Area: SciLab, Electown

HP: 80
Attack: 20 Elec + Panel Break + Drop Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Summons a RemoteBit to rain down lightning and break panels.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RemoteBit1, Zenny
Special: Immobile. RemoteBit is invulnerable to all attacks and effects. Can use Blinder once.
A: 35Hp [Lava][left field]
TwistyTwisty (Twisty)

Area: SciLab, Electown

HP: 80
Attack: 20 Elec + Panel Break + Drop Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Summons a RemoteBit to rain down lightning and break panels.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RemoteBit1, Zenny
Special: Immobile. RemoteBit is invulnerable to all attacks and effects. Can use Blinder once.
B: 80Hp [Solar][right field]

MagTectMagTect (MagTect)

MagTect move and dodge at slightly above average speed. In spite of the fact that they have wings, and hover above the ground, they are still subject to the effects of the terrain below. Regardless, they are very dangerous thanks to their ability to exert control over enemy movements with pincer attacks and magnetic pull effects. They know how to use these effects, too. MagTects avoid liquid terrain types if at all possible, as they do not function well at all if forcibly submerged.

Area: SciLab, Electown, Netfrica, NAXA

HP: 90
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Elec + Stun 1 + Magnetic Pull
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Pulls opponents towards them and hits with a magnet. Stuns.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Seeking + Pincer Attack x 2 Missiles
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Shoots two MagnetMissiles at a target: one from each side. The missiles move as if to pass the target, then suddenly turn towards each other in a pincer attack with the target between them.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MagBolt1, MagnetMissile1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Pincer Attack: Attacks a single chosen target from two opposing directions at the same time.

-=Blazing Explorer=-

ScorchMan: 45 HP [Lava, far end] (Barrier Broken!)

-=Fine Fields=-

50% Lava [Pathway up the center, and the entire left field]
15% Broken, 5% Cracked [Some holes and cracks in the middle pathway]
20% Metal [The right side 'field']
10% Solar [Circular patch, in the fields, around TwistyB]


RemoteBitA: ???
RemoteBitB: ???
A fresh wave of roiling heat swept over ScorchMan. It felt good, good enough that, settling in his lava-warmed armour, ScorchMan's mind finally relaxed off his leg and began to wander, musing about what he might want to do after they were done here. He was hurting, but the heat of the lava seemed to be helping some; maybe he could coax Griffin into a trip to the hot springs? He remembered the other Navis from Griffin's squad making a lot of noise about it for a bunch of Fire Navis, maybe there was something to it-

"ScorchMan! You alright, did that bolt scramble your head?" Griffin's voice was as strong as ever, perfect for shouting over a housefire and even better for snapping Navis out of daydreams.

The Navi in question gave himself a shake and reminded himself that he was already due another round of getting lightning shot at him. "We're good, just remind me where they are. Aren't you in a park? You're gonna frighten the old ladies if you don't cool it."

"You've got one at about ten-o-clock," Griffin ignored the jibe with practiced ease and watched ScorchMan juke left, panting slightly as he hoofed it across the glowing lava. He slotted in a tried-and-true chip and eyed the battle's remainder: ScorchMan was pretty beat up, but so were the viruses - the next few seconds were going to decide whether or not they'd be the winners today. "Just like that, yeah. He's stuck in the lava, with you, so keep going, and give him a piece of this while you're at it!"

ScorchMan felt a gauntlet reconfigure, weight shifting as gunmetal stretched over and past his hand. On the bigger side for sure, and sharp if the way it whistled against the air was any indication - but thankfully, blessedly not fifty pounds too heavy the way Griffin seemed to like his weapons. It clicked when he felt gingerly at it with his left hand, recognizing the RageClaw and holding it up at the ready.

The lava both helped and hindered his advance; feeling the heat stretching across the left field meant he knew roughly which direction he needed to run, but his feet wished dearly for solid, stable ground that didn't squish and bubble underfoot. Yes, a hot spring definitely sounded in order. "How much further?" ScorchMan yelled, starting to feel for the Twisty's characteristic sparking heat, just as he remembered that he also needed to be ready to dodge lightning bolts, however one was supposed to do that. Not staying in one place for too long seemed a good place to start, he'd been managing that - and that was when he remembered learning to shoot, and how relatively easy it had been to anticipate a target that moved in straight, simple lines. How did he fit all the chaos of battle into so little reaction time?

"You're right on top of him! Let's go, ScorchMan, light em up!" A couple little old ladies on the pathway turned around and promptly walked the other way, resigned to find a cafe that didn't have a large man hooting and hollering near its entrance.

"It isn't even on fire!" But ScorchMan was out of time, whether to try feeling for the Twisty or for any more fancy footwork. All he had left in him was one last dive forward, carrying with it all the desperation of a man who had just been electrocuted twice and was not keen on going for #3. His arms flew in front of him to brace for the impact, head ducking low, ready to catch himself and turn the hasty maneuver into as controlled a roll as he could manage. That one arm was equipped with a gunmetal-grey RageClaw, gleaming as he held out the claw in a clothesline sweep, would only matter if Griffin had guided him true.

-Turn Summary-
1. Feint left
2. Dodge further left
3. RageClaw1Damage: 40 + Slashing (Attack) OR 20 + Impacting (Throw)
Accuracy: B / B then B
Description: Creates an impressive bear claw. Can be used to slash or throw enemies or objects.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 6 uses.
Element: Null
Special: Throw: The wielder must first grab the target to be thrown, then the target is thrown in the direction/area indicated. A second check is made if against another object/enemy. Throw deals damage to both thrown object/enemy and the second object/enemy. Damage occurs at point of collision with the ground/wall/ceiling/etc. or an object/enemy, not during initial grab attempt. Objects deal their max HP in damage (instead of the chip's damage) if they hit an object/enemy, then break. If they miss, the object just takes the chip's damage. This chip has a variety of uses.
Trader Rank: D
: Twisty A [40 Null {B}, Slashing] (5/6 uses)