Electown Research (Event OOC)

Crosses don't run out, do they?

Umm... *checks folder*

I can still do 260 with a bamboolance, and 400 with Fusion Force in two turns, assuming Riccio doesn't break any of my toys this round.

After that... uhh... Cornshot for 100, Cactball for 120...

Where'd you get so many wood chips!? Grargaragle! I want a Tem Scanner! >:'D

I always thought they lasted for a three turn duration, but yeah, I don't see any limit anywhere in the rules besides "once per three battles."
I thought Crosses last the whole battle?

Quote (Braden)

Each Cross may only be used once every three battles. This should make people think twice about always entering a battle Crossed. There is no turn limit however.

Oh yes, I guess it does last.

I'm going into JuniorCross next turn. Or I might just shoot out all my elemental chips, dodge, THEN go into JuniorCross.
Sword spammer, right here.
So should I go ahead and mod?
Looks like yes.
I concur with modding.
Yes, I'll blast it with my useless Zapring and then slap the thing with a Firehit and proceed to dodge.
Next turn, I go Crossout ((Made up word)) and fire my Shotgun.
Afterwards it's a matter of Cannon, then Sword Spam, with a dodge each turn.
Sword breaks, move on to Rageclaw spam.
Holy C*** you guys waited for me while I was in China?
And R-kid goes down!

Don't worry Cindy, you'll still get a final reward from the NetPolice for participating, once the Electown group finishes and reports back.

The good news is that it looks like we might still potentially win this one. :'D
Posted, doing reckless damage.

I'm going to utilize your Rockcube next turn, is that okay Sky?
Lol, didn't even acknowledge R-Kid's death, RS.
Is there a problem with me trying to also cook up a strategy in which to defeat the monstrous hedgehog of massive doom?
I'm assuming that my navi got hit by the electric blast somehow which wasn't really stated in the mod description, meh, I'll deal with it. XD
You were injured due to insincerity on your part...Poor R-Kid.
R-kid was still holding the windbox above his head? Man my NAVI is slow in dropping down objects at Cindy's command.

Oh well, R-kid is gone. Wait, is he still left over or permy deleted because of the barrier? If he's permy deleted I'll make someone else.
He's just EJO'd.
Did I not describe it hitting you? I guess I was a little vauge. But yeah, a bunch of lightning hit you.

And Cindy, R-Kid is fine. He was EJO'd, which is different from JO, so he's in your PET.
Executing Plan Normal Attack.
I'll fire crap at him, then follow up with Sword Spam, okay?
*Bows to Sky*

Brilliant. A perfect storm of Signature Attack fusion. Makes Tetra's TetraAnnihilator look contrived and mundane.

*Bows to Sky again*