Research Assistance

((I don\'t think Whitey\'s going to post, if that\'s what you\'re waiting on.))
((I can probly make him post.... going to try and tell whitey the event is over.))

Well, I was not paying much attraction to what was going on at the time, but what I can tell you from what I have saw is this. Like the other areas, there was a massive beast, it fought our navis, but in the end it was defeated and seems to have split into smaller versions of itself. I don't remember how many were with Edgar from the start, but in the end there was only three navis remaining. I am sure the other members would be willing to give more information then I could.

Thank you for your assistance. The information you gave us is intriguing-- a female Navi, in a silver and white long coat, capable of extreme damage with a sword. I'll have to review the feed later; thank you for your contribution.

-ahem- for your services to the NetPolice and to the citizens of the Net, each of you is hereby presented 6000z, as well as the spoils from your battle. This includes those who were deleted in combat.

Your deeds on this day will long be remembered by those for whom you have made the Net safe again.

~From the office of the NetPolice Commissioner
I was able to record the fight Winnicot is referring to. Of the headcount, I can say this; Gunner, Edgar, and Gungnir fought the beast, along with a navi in a poncho and wide-brimmed hat, one with exceptional skills with a pistol. Gungnir fell in battle, unfortunately. We never saw hide or tail of Nikko or Naviman.

I'm not usually one to have much faith in your abilities, but please, I implore you;

Whatever it is we've unwittingly caused, you must do your utmost to restore things, before our actions lead to innocent blood.

EDITED 09.42.56: I almost forgot... The beast, in addition to an elemental sword chip, left behind a small portion of its data in the shape of a claw. I'm not yet sure what kind of significance this has, yet...

Ah, Crud. Something we were supposed to record? Damn. Oh well. I'll submit what I can. I would like to request my Monetary Compensation, plx.

Thanks .

Heh heh... We get paid?
Guess we did do something fairly big, huh. Just doesn't feel like it...
Anyway, I guess Swift and I will apply for the reward as well. The beast didn't drop any Zenny, but I suppose that's regular; he didn't really die, and the BambooSwords were just kind of... Left there.

((Not even sure if I'm supposed to do this, but...
Bump, pls. I don't want to receive my rewards too far post-mortem, or I'll have no IC way to collect.))
((Let's give this another try. Sorry to annoy, but bump.))
((Um, Kazu made that last NetPolice post a little vague, but it was supposed to cover both Sharo and Yumland. You've had your reward for like a week. Sorry about the confusion.))
Alright, then. Deepest apologies for the trouble.))