Kirin, Hien, and Souhi

The multiple element/sub-type bit is my only real problem. The rest can just be dealt with with fluff, keeping the mechanics the same. Oh wait, and PUs...How would that work?
... This creates all kinds of issues (Even as Twi said, it's pretty sweet).

Namely, you get butchered by area-effect, and actions would be... split? oo;

Also, 2 elemental bonuses and just overall complicated mechanics.

Quote (Zanallen)

The multiple element/sub-type bit is my only real problem. The rest can just be dealt with with fluff, keeping the mechanics the same. Oh wait, and PUs...How would that work?

He said that he has to buy two seperate PU's for each one of them~

((Oh crap...Just forgot that I can't post >___>:;))
Yup. I'll let it slide cause you remembered and admitted it, just try to remember next time.

Anyway, It IS a really sweet idea. If you fiddled with it a bit, I'm sure that you could figure it out. You might have to fiddle with it to the point it isn't as cool anymore though... bleh...
Yes, but he couldn't break the cap. 3 Lvl1s 2 Lvl2s one each of Lvl3 - Lvl5.
Huh... I guess I should edit that PU rule a bit. Their PUs can be a combo attack like the one given (Slip N' Slide) or it can be installed on only one Navi (i.e. only Hien getting a Level 3 when I buy one), but I can't buy a Level 3 and give them both new attacks.

As for actions, that falls under the shared "other" category of Speed Upgrades, so if and/or when I start using them, they both have to work off a shared 3 actions per turn.

I don't think area-effect is a problem, though, since their separation range is limited already (I could lower it to 5 meters max if needed, though), and seeing how there are two of them, they each can take damage at the same time from multi-target chips. Magnum, for example, could completely maim these two. <__<

So, I'll go ahead and edit that PU rule, and throw in a little piece of art someone on ToNE made for me.
Because of the way you've set this up, and because I LOVE the idea... I'd approve this.

BUT a few things first:

One: The sig is overnerfed. Either add 20 damage, or remove a turn of Cooldown to balance it out.

Two: You'll only be able to have ONE sig of each level if you go this way, just like normal, capiche? You won't be able to have a seperate sig of the same level for each of them just for buying two.

Three: They're cute~ *Shot*

Of course. Well, assuming aside from Levels 1 and 2, right? Anyone can buy two of those. And Slip N' Slide now has a 2 turn CD.
Damn, was too late to make any significant comment, but anyway...the element thing us the only issue, so if we allow it, then w/e. Just watch your ass in PvP.
Actually, you can buy ONE 2, and you start with a one-- the others are called 2.5s and 1.5s. Basically what I mean is you can get the SAME amount of upgrades as people with 1 navi, ya feel me? Good.


KEEP: All your old crap
DON'T GET: Any new crap

Yada yada.

Also, one thing: You won't be able to use your charge attack until you get three actions on either one of them, okay? You can't split the attack charge between 'em.
