A blur of terrified sensation filtered through Lyntael's senses in procession moments after it had all happened; she'd cried out again, but it had been lost in the ear-splitting roar from the bear, driving her hands to her head and making the girl reel from the deafening pain of it. The explosion of electricity had answered as she curled up on herself, trying to protect her ears from the noise, but most of the next few moments were a dizzy assortment of senses as she struggled to recover. Her feet hurt; some of the more protruding bits of coal had jabbed up at the still-sensitive soles of her feet, and the warm onsen wasn't doing very much to sooth it. Disoriented, Lyntael tried to push herself up and look around.
The sudden appearance of sparky, nudging at her to climb on was enough of an immediate distraction to snap Lyntael out of her daze; her skirt and everything below it was thoroughly saturated by this point, and the painful tenderness on the soles of her feet was a pressing irritant, but she clambered on anyway and swiftly found her footing with a slightly dazed nod. The bear was gone; she could see that much at least. Eternalis was moving to draw their attention and she tried to take a few longer breaths to steady her nerves. the cannon fire from the turrets was heavy and she really didn't want to face any more of that. Her barrier had shattered under just one, and the recoil of that still sent tense shocks lancing up her arms and legs from each striker. Better than getting hit herself though; she didn't even want to think about that.
A glance down at sparky in his board form made her grit her teeth slightly and focus on holding back the charge under her skin. she could feel the natural pulse trying to balance off the growing swell of energy, but anything that wasn't completely precise would hurt sparky as well, as long as she was here. she grit her teeth and held it back. As sparky moved away, a glance at the two gun viruses, and their dangerously positioned muzzles made her extend a hand towards them, desperately trying to recall the protective field that had already been crushed once. It came, pulsing out from her core and stabilising just beyond her strikers, but it wasn't as strong a field as before, and the effort of drawing it out felt strained. She couldn't keep that up endlessly, even if she was getting better at doing it deliberately now.
“Sparky... I, I'm not too good, far away. I can try, but, I don't think...” A quick glance around the field make her swallow her objection and then point. “Around that way. I can't do much, but if you bring us along the edge there, I think I can —Ahh!” The sudden movement was quicker than she'd anticipated, but instinct took over a moment later and Lyntael found herself slipping into a proper riding balance with natural, instinctive grace, once she stopped thinking about it and just reacted. She tried to guide sparky's rapid speed around to a point side on to both turrets, opposite where Eternalis had just warped.
It was strange, in a way, but lining up carefully as the hover-pup curved about felt simpler that she had expected it to be. She let the charge build in her strikers as the two turrets swiftly lined up, crouching on the board just enough to prepare while her wrists and ankles began to crack and glow. Her inner charge was still rebuilding, strong and ready, but it was nowhere near the overwhelming burn it migh thave been. She just had to keep calm and help where she could; that was what mattered.
The moment came as sparky raced by; the perfect line-up between the two turrets, just as Lyntael uncoiled and twisted her body from the slight crouch. Her forward foot kicked out behind and arced around, over the rest of her body as she moved into a forward flip, moving with the momentum of Sparky's course. The sense of relief and release flooded her as the build-up of charge drew in from each striker, combined, then rushed out in a broad field of energy from her leading foot. A rush of air blew past her as she moved, scattering drips from her soaked skirt as it moved with the wave like a forceful wind-front.
Lyntael's hand touched the surface of the board first, then her lead foot came back down a moment later, and she regained her stance without thought, still stable on the swiftly-moving mount. The shock-wave of electricity crashed outward at a progressing angle, continuing past the near gun turret as it went and barrelling towards the second, across the pool. As she steadied herself, Lyntael took a couple of quick, panted breaths, feeling her charge drained out, and then cycling back up once more. Faster, harsher, but still not too badly. She could still focus, and that was what mattered for now.
L*) Subtype: All attacks containing Knockback or Pull gain Wind-Type.
L1) *Stunned*
L2) Board Sparky/guide his movement
L*) A Manifest Spirit (Suppressed!)
L3) Beats Anew (50Elec Barrier, Buster Charge, Off-Target1)(Overcharge -1)
L4) Dodge
L5) Take Aim
L6) My Thoughts Collected (30Elec, Impact, Knockback [Empowered, Wind-Type], Shot-Type, Spread2 (Behind and to one side), A (Off-Target from last turn, cancelled by take aim) (MagnumGuard B primary, spread to Magnumguard A) (Overcharge +3)
Cooldowns and Overcharge
My Heart Falters: 1TCD
And Beats Anew: 3 TCD
My Pain is Real: 2TCD
My Fear Rejected: 1TCD
Overcharge: Begin: +2, Counter Trigger, +2, Beats Anew -1, Thoughts Collected +3, End: +6
Sneaking out with friends
last edited by Azureink
Eternalis and Lyntael remained stunned from the Kodiak's roar, Lyntael taking a little Burn from her trip through the Coal earlier. However even while stunned, Eternalis was still healing Sparky, and managed to fill his health to the maximum in little time. And Sparky rushed over to grab up Lyntael. MagnumGuardV3A raised its shield as it launched its main cannon. It had charged the primary shell with extra fire energy, and sent it straight at Eternalis. Eternalis and Lyntael evaded, while Sparky was struck full on. He survived with a sliver of health. The second, MagnumGuardV3B continued with his second gun-arm's flaming cannonball attack at all three, dividing the Strengthen evenly between Eternalis and Lyntael. Eternalis and Lyntael were struck as Sparky evaded. Eternalis took half of Lyntael's damage, in addition to his own. All the terrain that got cracked or broken started filling with Onsen.
MagnumGuardV3B began charging its main cannon again, as Eternalis set up for his next attack, and Lyntael and Sparky tried to support each other. Lyntael continued to Burn a little. Eternalis spent an action in the healing Onsen.
Lyntael raised another barrier, still Burning, as Eternalis launched his attack. A wave of water gushed out of the ground underneath both MagnumGuardV3s and struck them for a ton of damage. Unfortunately the Source Damage of the water was not strong enough to change the Coal to Soil. It still hurt the Fire viruses plenty. Eternalis spent an action in the healing Onsen.
MagnumGuardV3A also began charging its main cannon again, as Eternalis took aim again, healing himself, while Lyntael and Sparky continued to move to a good spot. Lyntael continued Burning. Eternalis spent an action in the healing Onsen.
MagnumGuardV3B fired its main cannon, as Eternalis teleported, and Lyntael took aim (while Burning). Eternalis was struck, while Lyntael and Sparky were missed. More water filled the cracks.
MagnumGuardV3A fired its primary cannon, as Eternalis let go of an AquaTower2 (while healing Sparky and Lyntael), and as Lyntael launched a wind-empowered electric kick-shot. Thankfully everyone had enough HP to take the hit. Sparky was reduced to critical again, while Lyntael absorbed the heavy blow with her barrier. Eternalis and Lyntael do just as well as the MagnumGuardV3 by landing all of their attacks. All the Coal is absorbed by the Onsen, as the two tanks sink beneath the waves. Eternalis spent an action in the healing Onsen.
Then the IceCube melts. Oh, and there was totally the wreckage of a Karma nearby for Lyntael to scoop up for her bounty.
-- Viruses --
Kodiak V3Kodiak V3 (Kodiak)
Kodiaks are a combination of the ColdBear, Teddy, and Pengi viruses. These viruses appear to be dire polar bears with anger management issues, muderous claws, and the beastly strength to hurl ice cubes or whatever else comes to hand like it was fired from a cannon. Kodiaks are massive, easily 6 meters tall when standing up on their hind legs. Their roar is enough to stun a Navigator in cold fear.
Area: All
HP: 630
Element: Aqua
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 90 Damage + Impact + ???
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Hurls either an IceCube or a nearby whatever at the target. Elemental damage and effects may vary. If hurling an IceCube, and the attack misses, the IceCube remains on the field.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 90 Aqua + Slashing + Knockback
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Rakes enemy with RageClaw or strikes at a distance with IceSlashers.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: Mass Navigator/SP Stun
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: S
Tertiary Attack Description: CyberRoar.
Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: GlacialBody: Gains IronBody while on Ice or Snow terrain.
Special: Indomitable: A fatal blow will leave this virus at 1 HP one time only. This virus will not flinch or shy away no matter how hard you hit it.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RageClaw2, IceSlasher2, IceWave2, FreezeCube, CyberRoar, Zenny: DELETED
MagnumGuard V3MagnumGuard V3 (MagnumGuard)
MagnumGuards are a combination of the Basher, Gunner, and IronShield viruses. For the most part, they simply look like a Basher's upper turret mounted on a heavily armored catterpillar drive with an extra set of armatures that hold an IronShield in place before the turret. The shield faces in whatever direction the turret faces, allowing the virus to move in one direction while attacking and defending in another. The Basher's signature secondary cannon arms are able to reach out far enough to shoot while the shield is down, and the main cannons fire when the shield is up.
Area: All
HP: 520
Element: Fire
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 120 Fire + Break + Panel Break x3 Targets, 1 Action Charge
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus selects up to 3 targets, and spends an action charging up the main cannons. It then fires a Magnum blast that reduces most Network constructs to ashes with a single shot; usually leaving a blast crater where they once stood. It may target empty panels and objects as well as enemies.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire x 9 Shots + Spray Fire + Double Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: D
Secondary Attack Description: Sprays the enemy with a hail of machine cannon fire from each cannon arm.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Fire + Break + Panel Break x 3 Targets + Double Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Fires a spread of flaming cannonballs from each cannon arm.
Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
-- The virus may raise its shield over it's body to ward off aerial attacks as a free action. However, once the shield is raised, it must remain raised for 1 turn.
-- The virus may lower its shield from the raised position to guard against frontal attacks as a free action. However, once the shield is lowered, it must remain lowered for 1 turn.
-- This virus can move, but it's size and slow pace makes dodging impossible. It can turn quickly, however.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Magnum2, MachineGun2, 3-Way, CannonBall, IronShield2, Zenny A: DELETED
MagnumGuard V3MagnumGuard V3 (MagnumGuard)
MagnumGuards are a combination of the Basher, Gunner, and IronShield viruses. For the most part, they simply look like a Basher's upper turret mounted on a heavily armored catterpillar drive with an extra set of armatures that hold an IronShield in place before the turret. The shield faces in whatever direction the turret faces, allowing the virus to move in one direction while attacking and defending in another. The Basher's signature secondary cannon arms are able to reach out far enough to shoot while the shield is down, and the main cannons fire when the shield is up.
Area: All
HP: 520
Element: Fire
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 120 Fire + Break + Panel Break x3 Targets, 1 Action Charge
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus selects up to 3 targets, and spends an action charging up the main cannons. It then fires a Magnum blast that reduces most Network constructs to ashes with a single shot; usually leaving a blast crater where they once stood. It may target empty panels and objects as well as enemies.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire x 9 Shots + Spray Fire + Double Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: D
Secondary Attack Description: Sprays the enemy with a hail of machine cannon fire from each cannon arm.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Fire + Break + Panel Break x 3 Targets + Double Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Fires a spread of flaming cannonballs from each cannon arm.
Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
-- The virus may raise its shield over it's body to ward off aerial attacks as a free action. However, once the shield is raised, it must remain raised for 1 turn.
-- The virus may lower its shield from the raised position to guard against frontal attacks as a free action. However, once the shield is lowered, it must remain lowered for 1 turn.
-- This virus can move, but it's size and slow pace makes dodging impossible. It can turn quickly, however.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Magnum2, MachineGun2, 3-Way, CannonBall, IronShield2, Zenny B: DELETED
-- Navis --
Eternalis.EXE: 272 HP [Onsen]
Sparky.SP: 1 HP [Onsen]
Lyntael.EXE: 125 HP [Onsen] [Elec Barrier: Broken!] [Buster Charge: All Used!] [Off-Target1]
-- Terrain --
10% Normal
80% Onsen
10% Normal
-- Objects --
IceCubeHP: 100
Properties: Normal, AquaBody, Buoyant
Object Damage: 100 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis, knockback, Throw
Accuracy: Special
Description: Summons a large ice cube.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Aqua
Special: AquaBody: Immune to Aqua damage.
Special: Buoyant: Object floats on liquid terrain.
Special: Ice Property: This object is weak against Fire instead of Elec.
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: D A: MELTED!
Sensor2HP: 100
Properties: Anchored, ElecBody
Object Damage: 100 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 130 Elec + Beam Attack + Stun 1
Accuracy: S
Description: Summons a Killereye to search for enemies. Fires an eye-beam when it detects them. It can see through invisibility.
Duration: Until destroyed or until it attacks.
Element: Elec
Special: ElecBody: Immune to Elec damage. Special: Laser TAG: Attack triggers when something moves through the targeting laser beam, no matter who or what that may be.
Trader Rank: C: DELETED
IceCubeHP: 100
Properties: Normal, AquaBody, Buoyant
Object Damage: 100 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis, knockback, Throw
Accuracy: Special
Description: Summons a large ice cube.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Aqua
Special: AquaBody: Immune to Aqua damage.
Special: Buoyant: Object floats on liquid terrain.
Special: Ice Property: This object is weak against Fire instead of Elec.
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: D B: DELETED
-- Rogue Battle 2 Victory!! --
Eternalis.EXE: 2700z, 42 BugFrags, 7 FXP [(3 base x 1.5 Rogue) +2 Bonus]
Lyntael.EXE: 2100z,
3-WayEffect: Splits buster shot in 3
Accuracy: S
Description: Allows the user to attack three different enemies with their buster attack at once. Does not work on Charged Shots.
Duration: 6 uses
Element: Null
Special: Overrides buster. Disables Charged Shot.
Trader Rank: C, 42 BugFrags, 7 FXP [(3 base x 1.5 Rogue) +2 Bonus], +1 Karma Bounty
MagnumGuardV3B began charging its main cannon again, as Eternalis set up for his next attack, and Lyntael and Sparky tried to support each other. Lyntael continued to Burn a little. Eternalis spent an action in the healing Onsen.
Lyntael raised another barrier, still Burning, as Eternalis launched his attack. A wave of water gushed out of the ground underneath both MagnumGuardV3s and struck them for a ton of damage. Unfortunately the Source Damage of the water was not strong enough to change the Coal to Soil. It still hurt the Fire viruses plenty. Eternalis spent an action in the healing Onsen.
MagnumGuardV3A also began charging its main cannon again, as Eternalis took aim again, healing himself, while Lyntael and Sparky continued to move to a good spot. Lyntael continued Burning. Eternalis spent an action in the healing Onsen.
MagnumGuardV3B fired its main cannon, as Eternalis teleported, and Lyntael took aim (while Burning). Eternalis was struck, while Lyntael and Sparky were missed. More water filled the cracks.
MagnumGuardV3A fired its primary cannon, as Eternalis let go of an AquaTower2 (while healing Sparky and Lyntael), and as Lyntael launched a wind-empowered electric kick-shot. Thankfully everyone had enough HP to take the hit. Sparky was reduced to critical again, while Lyntael absorbed the heavy blow with her barrier. Eternalis and Lyntael do just as well as the MagnumGuardV3 by landing all of their attacks. All the Coal is absorbed by the Onsen, as the two tanks sink beneath the waves. Eternalis spent an action in the healing Onsen.
Then the IceCube melts. Oh, and there was totally the wreckage of a Karma nearby for Lyntael to scoop up for her bounty.
-- Viruses --
Kodiak V3Kodiak V3 (Kodiak)
Kodiaks are a combination of the ColdBear, Teddy, and Pengi viruses. These viruses appear to be dire polar bears with anger management issues, muderous claws, and the beastly strength to hurl ice cubes or whatever else comes to hand like it was fired from a cannon. Kodiaks are massive, easily 6 meters tall when standing up on their hind legs. Their roar is enough to stun a Navigator in cold fear.
Area: All
HP: 630
Element: Aqua
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 90 Damage + Impact + ???
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Hurls either an IceCube or a nearby whatever at the target. Elemental damage and effects may vary. If hurling an IceCube, and the attack misses, the IceCube remains on the field.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 90 Aqua + Slashing + Knockback
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Rakes enemy with RageClaw or strikes at a distance with IceSlashers.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: Mass Navigator/SP Stun
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: S
Tertiary Attack Description: CyberRoar.
Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: GlacialBody: Gains IronBody while on Ice or Snow terrain.
Special: Indomitable: A fatal blow will leave this virus at 1 HP one time only. This virus will not flinch or shy away no matter how hard you hit it.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RageClaw2, IceSlasher2, IceWave2, FreezeCube, CyberRoar, Zenny: DELETED
MagnumGuard V3MagnumGuard V3 (MagnumGuard)
MagnumGuards are a combination of the Basher, Gunner, and IronShield viruses. For the most part, they simply look like a Basher's upper turret mounted on a heavily armored catterpillar drive with an extra set of armatures that hold an IronShield in place before the turret. The shield faces in whatever direction the turret faces, allowing the virus to move in one direction while attacking and defending in another. The Basher's signature secondary cannon arms are able to reach out far enough to shoot while the shield is down, and the main cannons fire when the shield is up.
Area: All
HP: 520
Element: Fire
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 120 Fire + Break + Panel Break x3 Targets, 1 Action Charge
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus selects up to 3 targets, and spends an action charging up the main cannons. It then fires a Magnum blast that reduces most Network constructs to ashes with a single shot; usually leaving a blast crater where they once stood. It may target empty panels and objects as well as enemies.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire x 9 Shots + Spray Fire + Double Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: D
Secondary Attack Description: Sprays the enemy with a hail of machine cannon fire from each cannon arm.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Fire + Break + Panel Break x 3 Targets + Double Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Fires a spread of flaming cannonballs from each cannon arm.
Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
-- The virus may raise its shield over it's body to ward off aerial attacks as a free action. However, once the shield is raised, it must remain raised for 1 turn.
-- The virus may lower its shield from the raised position to guard against frontal attacks as a free action. However, once the shield is lowered, it must remain lowered for 1 turn.
-- This virus can move, but it's size and slow pace makes dodging impossible. It can turn quickly, however.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Magnum2, MachineGun2, 3-Way, CannonBall, IronShield2, Zenny A: DELETED
MagnumGuard V3MagnumGuard V3 (MagnumGuard)
MagnumGuards are a combination of the Basher, Gunner, and IronShield viruses. For the most part, they simply look like a Basher's upper turret mounted on a heavily armored catterpillar drive with an extra set of armatures that hold an IronShield in place before the turret. The shield faces in whatever direction the turret faces, allowing the virus to move in one direction while attacking and defending in another. The Basher's signature secondary cannon arms are able to reach out far enough to shoot while the shield is down, and the main cannons fire when the shield is up.
Area: All
HP: 520
Element: Fire
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 120 Fire + Break + Panel Break x3 Targets, 1 Action Charge
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus selects up to 3 targets, and spends an action charging up the main cannons. It then fires a Magnum blast that reduces most Network constructs to ashes with a single shot; usually leaving a blast crater where they once stood. It may target empty panels and objects as well as enemies.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire x 9 Shots + Spray Fire + Double Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: D
Secondary Attack Description: Sprays the enemy with a hail of machine cannon fire from each cannon arm.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Fire + Break + Panel Break x 3 Targets + Double Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Fires a spread of flaming cannonballs from each cannon arm.
Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
-- The virus may raise its shield over it's body to ward off aerial attacks as a free action. However, once the shield is raised, it must remain raised for 1 turn.
-- The virus may lower its shield from the raised position to guard against frontal attacks as a free action. However, once the shield is lowered, it must remain lowered for 1 turn.
-- This virus can move, but it's size and slow pace makes dodging impossible. It can turn quickly, however.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Magnum2, MachineGun2, 3-Way, CannonBall, IronShield2, Zenny B: DELETED
-- Navis --
Eternalis.EXE: 272 HP [Onsen]
Sparky.SP: 1 HP [Onsen]
Lyntael.EXE: 125 HP [Onsen] [Elec Barrier: Broken!] [Buster Charge: All Used!] [Off-Target1]
-- Terrain --
10% Normal
- No effects.
80% Onsen
- Aqua Elementals gain 3 HP/action partially or fully submerged, Non-Aqua Elementals only when partially submerged.
- If any Sea Terrain exists in an adjacent panel, Onsen panels will change to Sea Terrain, except in Yoka (Sea will convert to Onsen).
- Terrain changes between Sea and Onsen do not inflict damage upon submerged entities, nor do they eject submerged entities to the surface.
- Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
- PanelShot: Imbue Aqua + Blast1 Blind.
10% Normal
- No effects.
-- Objects --

Properties: Normal, AquaBody, Buoyant
Object Damage: 100 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis, knockback, Throw
Accuracy: Special
Description: Summons a large ice cube.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Aqua
Special: AquaBody: Immune to Aqua damage.
Special: Buoyant: Object floats on liquid terrain.
Special: Ice Property: This object is weak against Fire instead of Elec.
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: D A: MELTED!

Properties: Anchored, ElecBody
Object Damage: 100 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 130 Elec + Beam Attack + Stun 1
Accuracy: S
Description: Summons a Killereye to search for enemies. Fires an eye-beam when it detects them. It can see through invisibility.
Duration: Until destroyed or until it attacks.
Element: Elec
Special: ElecBody: Immune to Elec damage. Special: Laser TAG: Attack triggers when something moves through the targeting laser beam, no matter who or what that may be.
Trader Rank: C: DELETED

Properties: Normal, AquaBody, Buoyant
Object Damage: 100 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis, knockback, Throw
Accuracy: Special
Description: Summons a large ice cube.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Aqua
Special: AquaBody: Immune to Aqua damage.
Special: Buoyant: Object floats on liquid terrain.
Special: Ice Property: This object is weak against Fire instead of Elec.
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: D B: DELETED
-- Rogue Battle 2 Victory!! --
Eternalis.EXE: 2700z, 42 BugFrags, 7 FXP [(3 base x 1.5 Rogue) +2 Bonus]
Lyntael.EXE: 2100z,

Accuracy: S
Description: Allows the user to attack three different enemies with their buster attack at once. Does not work on Charged Shots.
Duration: 6 uses
Element: Null
Special: Overrides buster. Disables Charged Shot.
Trader Rank: C, 42 BugFrags, 7 FXP [(3 base x 1.5 Rogue) +2 Bonus], +1 Karma Bounty
last edited by Frelia
[Z > 17345, BF > 215, LynFXP > 221.]
Harke watched the battle turn out well enough to elicit a relieved sigh from him. It seemed like they were getting pretty close to where they were headed earlier; he recognized a small grove that had been close to where they started a little ways into the distance. His eyes wandered to the side at his second monitor, where he had been monitoring Aurora's condition. However, all of that was gone now, and his eyes lingered over to his PET on the other end of his desk, where a small holographic projection displayed Aurora dangling on the edge of the PET's case. Contrary to her previous outburst when she had just woken up, she was looking quite subdued now.
Currently halfway through the most recent fight, the operator had seen her pop up, but she hadn't said anything as she simply sat down on the PET and watched Eternalis fight alongside Lyntael on his PC's screen. As such, he tried to give her some space, and didn't address her. After some time, however, concern finally won over politeness in Harke's mind, and he ventured a question. "Something on your mind?"
He could hear an audible sigh, and Aurora huddled up her knees to her face, burying half of it and groaning to herself. "I thought about things a bit more while I fixed myself up, and after I synced up with Eternalis's current memories... it's kind of hard to feel as angry about things anymore. I'm just thinking about how awkward it'd be if I just went down now," she said, before completely burying her face in her knees.
Harke scratched his head. "Ah, well... I'm sure he'd understand, I think. I don't think he's that easy to faze," he said, though he realized that of late, he'd been a little less connected with Eternalis, at least in terms of simply talking to each other. Before he could mull on it, however, something else Aurora said peaked his interest. "Oh, right, that's one thing I've been meaning to ask; I never knew Eternalis had any ability to synchronize with anyone like that. At least, not from how I built him up so far. Is it one of your functions or something?"
Aurora turned her head towards Harke with her eyebrows creased. "Huh? No, I don't think so. I'm not with him right now, so... I think he... just got it on his own." The end of her sentence was a bit abruptly punctuated, however, as if she realized that she was about to say something she shouldn't.
Harke's eyes narrowed. "Is that so... alright, I guess," said Harke, with a mix of suspicion and amusement on his face, but he didn't probe on it further as he continued operating. Aurora gave him a bit of a look, which he saw out of the corner of his eye, but she too went back to observing the battle, now with her legs over the edge of the PET instead of huddled to her face.
The fight itself wasn't of any interest, either. As intimidating as the massive Kodiak and MagnumGuard viruses seemed, it didn't look like Eternalis was having much trouble with them. In addition, it was less "fighting together" and more of him simply throwing out what he had, with Lyntael contributing here and there with her own small attacks. The end of the fight was somewhat concerning, with Eternalis taking a very significant chunk of damage and Sparky being very close to being jacked out. Harke watched Aurora's projected figure out of the corner of his eye lean forward towards the screen with a concerned expression, a small data screen clutched in her hand. She nearly fell off the edge of the PET, but managed to catch herself on the edge, her expression now changed to that of relief.
With the battle now over, Aurora dematerialized the data screen in her hands, watching the two Navis on the screen clean up a little after the battle. "Harke, can I ask you a question?"
Aurora didn't say anything immediately after, but began swinging her feet, resting her arms on her legs. After a few seconds, she continued. "Navis don't really have a set lifespan. We live our lives in this world humans built for us, and we serve humans in the meantime. We don't need anything other than a tiny amount of storage space and processing power to live; theoretically, we could live our lives in perpetuity on the network with all the excess there is, and then some. But a life like that--to just, you know, exist on some anonymous computer somewhere, doing no useful work--that'd be a pretty pointless life. Even simple Progs can't sit idle for long. So... we find our purpose in living with humans--that's what keeps us going, so to speak."
Aurora looked up at the screen, where Eternalis and Lyntael had just cleaned up their last battle, and were recovering from it. She had a far-off look in her eyes. "We try to live like humans, since you guys are what we're modeled after, but in the end, we've got two entirely different ends for our lives," she said. "What's a better way to die, I wonder... when you physically can't do anything anymore, when your body stops functioning, or 'dying' when you can't find anything to live for anymore?"
The question didn't receive any response for some time, as Harke creased his forehead in indecision. Before he could answer, however, Aurora then suddenly pulled herself up to full height. "Never mind, it was just something on my mind. Sorry to bother you with something so heavy. Just forget I asked," she said, preparing herself to hop into netspace.
Before she could, however, Harke interrupted her. "I'll answer it later."
Aurora looked a little surprised as she turned around. "... Thanks," she smiled, before disappearing in the jack-in animation, leaving Harke with his thoughts once more.
The main cannon shot from the MagnumGuard had taken him for a loop, dealing a not-insignificant amount of damage to him, but he managed to weather it, and saw a cleared battlefield in return. He sighed in relief, and watched Sparky wobble about from underneath Lyntael, bringing her over to him with a lethargic hum of his thrusters, while looking somewhat worse for wear. "That was a bit rough, but I think we're good now. You two alright?" said Eternalis. Sparky replied with a low bark, waiting for Lyntael to dismount before he turned back into puppy form, giving a big yawn.
Regardless of how Lyntael responded, however, they would hear the sound of someone beaming in close by. When Eternalis turned around to see who it was, he immediately tensed up hard, while Sparky barked in glee as he charged towards the new visitor's feet. "Whoa, hey, Sparky, calm down, I'm here now," said Aurora, laughing a little as she picked up Sparky in her arms. While the pup snuggled up to her, Aurora waved to the two Navis somewhat awkwardly. "Um, hey, I'm back," she said, slightly sheepishly.
Harke watched the battle turn out well enough to elicit a relieved sigh from him. It seemed like they were getting pretty close to where they were headed earlier; he recognized a small grove that had been close to where they started a little ways into the distance. His eyes wandered to the side at his second monitor, where he had been monitoring Aurora's condition. However, all of that was gone now, and his eyes lingered over to his PET on the other end of his desk, where a small holographic projection displayed Aurora dangling on the edge of the PET's case. Contrary to her previous outburst when she had just woken up, she was looking quite subdued now.
Currently halfway through the most recent fight, the operator had seen her pop up, but she hadn't said anything as she simply sat down on the PET and watched Eternalis fight alongside Lyntael on his PC's screen. As such, he tried to give her some space, and didn't address her. After some time, however, concern finally won over politeness in Harke's mind, and he ventured a question. "Something on your mind?"
He could hear an audible sigh, and Aurora huddled up her knees to her face, burying half of it and groaning to herself. "I thought about things a bit more while I fixed myself up, and after I synced up with Eternalis's current memories... it's kind of hard to feel as angry about things anymore. I'm just thinking about how awkward it'd be if I just went down now," she said, before completely burying her face in her knees.
Harke scratched his head. "Ah, well... I'm sure he'd understand, I think. I don't think he's that easy to faze," he said, though he realized that of late, he'd been a little less connected with Eternalis, at least in terms of simply talking to each other. Before he could mull on it, however, something else Aurora said peaked his interest. "Oh, right, that's one thing I've been meaning to ask; I never knew Eternalis had any ability to synchronize with anyone like that. At least, not from how I built him up so far. Is it one of your functions or something?"
Aurora turned her head towards Harke with her eyebrows creased. "Huh? No, I don't think so. I'm not with him right now, so... I think he... just got it on his own." The end of her sentence was a bit abruptly punctuated, however, as if she realized that she was about to say something she shouldn't.
Harke's eyes narrowed. "Is that so... alright, I guess," said Harke, with a mix of suspicion and amusement on his face, but he didn't probe on it further as he continued operating. Aurora gave him a bit of a look, which he saw out of the corner of his eye, but she too went back to observing the battle, now with her legs over the edge of the PET instead of huddled to her face.
The fight itself wasn't of any interest, either. As intimidating as the massive Kodiak and MagnumGuard viruses seemed, it didn't look like Eternalis was having much trouble with them. In addition, it was less "fighting together" and more of him simply throwing out what he had, with Lyntael contributing here and there with her own small attacks. The end of the fight was somewhat concerning, with Eternalis taking a very significant chunk of damage and Sparky being very close to being jacked out. Harke watched Aurora's projected figure out of the corner of his eye lean forward towards the screen with a concerned expression, a small data screen clutched in her hand. She nearly fell off the edge of the PET, but managed to catch herself on the edge, her expression now changed to that of relief.
With the battle now over, Aurora dematerialized the data screen in her hands, watching the two Navis on the screen clean up a little after the battle. "Harke, can I ask you a question?"
Aurora didn't say anything immediately after, but began swinging her feet, resting her arms on her legs. After a few seconds, she continued. "Navis don't really have a set lifespan. We live our lives in this world humans built for us, and we serve humans in the meantime. We don't need anything other than a tiny amount of storage space and processing power to live; theoretically, we could live our lives in perpetuity on the network with all the excess there is, and then some. But a life like that--to just, you know, exist on some anonymous computer somewhere, doing no useful work--that'd be a pretty pointless life. Even simple Progs can't sit idle for long. So... we find our purpose in living with humans--that's what keeps us going, so to speak."
Aurora looked up at the screen, where Eternalis and Lyntael had just cleaned up their last battle, and were recovering from it. She had a far-off look in her eyes. "We try to live like humans, since you guys are what we're modeled after, but in the end, we've got two entirely different ends for our lives," she said. "What's a better way to die, I wonder... when you physically can't do anything anymore, when your body stops functioning, or 'dying' when you can't find anything to live for anymore?"
The question didn't receive any response for some time, as Harke creased his forehead in indecision. Before he could answer, however, Aurora then suddenly pulled herself up to full height. "Never mind, it was just something on my mind. Sorry to bother you with something so heavy. Just forget I asked," she said, preparing herself to hop into netspace.
Before she could, however, Harke interrupted her. "I'll answer it later."
Aurora looked a little surprised as she turned around. "... Thanks," she smiled, before disappearing in the jack-in animation, leaving Harke with his thoughts once more.
The main cannon shot from the MagnumGuard had taken him for a loop, dealing a not-insignificant amount of damage to him, but he managed to weather it, and saw a cleared battlefield in return. He sighed in relief, and watched Sparky wobble about from underneath Lyntael, bringing her over to him with a lethargic hum of his thrusters, while looking somewhat worse for wear. "That was a bit rough, but I think we're good now. You two alright?" said Eternalis. Sparky replied with a low bark, waiting for Lyntael to dismount before he turned back into puppy form, giving a big yawn.
Regardless of how Lyntael responded, however, they would hear the sound of someone beaming in close by. When Eternalis turned around to see who it was, he immediately tensed up hard, while Sparky barked in glee as he charged towards the new visitor's feet. "Whoa, hey, Sparky, calm down, I'm here now," said Aurora, laughing a little as she picked up Sparky in her arms. While the pup snuggled up to her, Aurora waved to the two Navis somewhat awkwardly. "Um, hey, I'm back," she said, slightly sheepishly.
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In the midst of the fray, the first cannon shot that struck Lyntael shook her, but through the short cry and the instinctive inward curl as she felt the flaming round scatter across her body, an up-swell of foreign energy answered it just as quickly, lessening the impact and providing immediate balm to the scorching she could feel across her midsection. There wasn't any time to react or respond until the exchange of fire was over, especially with her own focus mostly centred around keeping a hold of the natural panic and fear that came from most aspects of the current fight.
By the end, however, the remaining machines were broken, and Lyntael let herself slip off Sparky's hovering form and drop into the spreading spring pool. Her charge kept trying to cycle and pulse, and gently she did her best to let it balance out, in the moments when no-one was too close. Her heart gradually slowed back to normal and her controlled breathing gradually became more natural. After another few moments she opened her eyes again and sighed, then began to gingerly rub at her feet and bathe them in the warm spring water properly, wincing every few moments as she felt the small heat blisters that had formed.
She wondered if that had been better, overall. They had been some very large and dangerous viruses, and they'd definitely been trying to hurt them. They would surely have killed them both, if they could. She hadn't panicked or shut down, either, but she had to admit, it was mostly because she'd blocked out thinking about the danger, more than that she'd been able to accept it. She'd avoided thinking about the massive bear virus at all, and had done her best to avoid looking at it directly, or doing anything that would have forced her to really countenance it as an enemy... and at the end of the day, Eternalis had done the vast majority of the fighting. She frowned and looked down at her reflection in the water, then gently, gingerly, stood up, trying not to put too much pressure on the sore points of her feet. Her clothes were already soaked again, from her earlier fall, and her vest clung wetly to her body while her skirt dripped, doing the same. She ignored them both for now.
A lazy bark brought her attention back up and she looked to Eternalis, swallowing briefly before giving him a nod. She knew that he had been protecting her through the battle, as well as fighting, but she hoped he could still tell she was doing her best. A self-conscious thread of nerves followed the thought, but she shrugged it off. Eternalis was by far the kindest and most considerate navi she'd ever known; she didn't want to take his good nature for granted, but she felt safer with him, even disconnected, than she usually did on any of her other outings when she was properly jacked in.
About to say more to him, she stopped as Sparky perked up, alerted to something else, and the sound of a nearby jack-in made her glance about. She felt, more than saw, Eternalis go tense nearby as Aurora's form came into view, and for a moment or two Lyntael mirrored his concern. she wondered briefly if she should make herself scare towards another part of the spring for a few minutes, but something about Aurora's expression and body language gave her pause as she looked on. A small sensation of relief replaced the worry and she relaxed a little. A tense hunch in her shoulders that she hadn't been aware of un-kinked itself. Even so, she was cautious as she waved back.
As they closed the remaining distance, Lyntael stepped forward, though she kept herself to the side slightly, one hand nervously rubbing at her upper arm as she peeked towards the other woman.
“Hi! I hope you're feeling better.... um, before you say anything, I just want to... It was sort of my fault, really, I didn't know what was going on so much, and I wasn't thinking. I didn't mean to um...” her cheeks coloured despite her best efforts to keep the thoughts from creeping in again and she looked down, breaking eye contact. “To... to pry. Please don't be mad at Eternalis, it was just an accident.” She swallowed then looked up again, the nervous hand moving to rub the back of her neck instead, while the other lifted to her chest, where two fingers circled unconsciously around her emblem.
By the end, however, the remaining machines were broken, and Lyntael let herself slip off Sparky's hovering form and drop into the spreading spring pool. Her charge kept trying to cycle and pulse, and gently she did her best to let it balance out, in the moments when no-one was too close. Her heart gradually slowed back to normal and her controlled breathing gradually became more natural. After another few moments she opened her eyes again and sighed, then began to gingerly rub at her feet and bathe them in the warm spring water properly, wincing every few moments as she felt the small heat blisters that had formed.
She wondered if that had been better, overall. They had been some very large and dangerous viruses, and they'd definitely been trying to hurt them. They would surely have killed them both, if they could. She hadn't panicked or shut down, either, but she had to admit, it was mostly because she'd blocked out thinking about the danger, more than that she'd been able to accept it. She'd avoided thinking about the massive bear virus at all, and had done her best to avoid looking at it directly, or doing anything that would have forced her to really countenance it as an enemy... and at the end of the day, Eternalis had done the vast majority of the fighting. She frowned and looked down at her reflection in the water, then gently, gingerly, stood up, trying not to put too much pressure on the sore points of her feet. Her clothes were already soaked again, from her earlier fall, and her vest clung wetly to her body while her skirt dripped, doing the same. She ignored them both for now.
A lazy bark brought her attention back up and she looked to Eternalis, swallowing briefly before giving him a nod. She knew that he had been protecting her through the battle, as well as fighting, but she hoped he could still tell she was doing her best. A self-conscious thread of nerves followed the thought, but she shrugged it off. Eternalis was by far the kindest and most considerate navi she'd ever known; she didn't want to take his good nature for granted, but she felt safer with him, even disconnected, than she usually did on any of her other outings when she was properly jacked in.
About to say more to him, she stopped as Sparky perked up, alerted to something else, and the sound of a nearby jack-in made her glance about. She felt, more than saw, Eternalis go tense nearby as Aurora's form came into view, and for a moment or two Lyntael mirrored his concern. she wondered briefly if she should make herself scare towards another part of the spring for a few minutes, but something about Aurora's expression and body language gave her pause as she looked on. A small sensation of relief replaced the worry and she relaxed a little. A tense hunch in her shoulders that she hadn't been aware of un-kinked itself. Even so, she was cautious as she waved back.
As they closed the remaining distance, Lyntael stepped forward, though she kept herself to the side slightly, one hand nervously rubbing at her upper arm as she peeked towards the other woman.
“Hi! I hope you're feeling better.... um, before you say anything, I just want to... It was sort of my fault, really, I didn't know what was going on so much, and I wasn't thinking. I didn't mean to um...” her cheeks coloured despite her best efforts to keep the thoughts from creeping in again and she looked down, breaking eye contact. “To... to pry. Please don't be mad at Eternalis, it was just an accident.” She swallowed then looked up again, the nervous hand moving to rub the back of her neck instead, while the other lifted to her chest, where two fingers circled unconsciously around her emblem.
last edited by Frelia
With the generally somber attitude of the group now, Aurora hung her head and sighed heavily. "I know, I know, I can't really get mad at it..." she mumbled in a defeated tone with a guilty-looking expression. Looking down at Sparky in her arms, the pup yawned once more, oblivious to the atmosphere. She reached over to scratch behind Sparky's ear for a moment, and he contentedly nested himself in her bosom. The sight healed her frustrations a little, and she looked back up, a smile trying to break through the irritation that was plainly visible on her face. Eternalis did the same as Lyntael, and loosened up a little as he exhaled in relief.
"Sorry about it anyway, it's not something I should've let happen," he said, glancing down at himself.
Aurora shook her head lightly. "It's not really anyone's fault. Circumstances sort of forced it, and you two had a pretty rough time without me. Saw as much when I synchronized with you."
"... Synchronized with me? When'd that happen?" piped up Eternalis, whose expression now turned into surprise.
Aurora responded with an incredulous look, looking like she was about to say something, only to sigh. "I figured... No wonder you didn't see any problem with doing what you did," she said. Turning to Lyntael, she began to explain with a resigned expression on her face. "Essentially, what Eternalis just did was give you full access to himself. It's like handing your neighbor the keys to your house so you can borrow a cup of sugar." She turned back to Eternalis. "So you never knew that you actually gave all that access to me... Honestly, I knew you ran on instinct most of the time, but that's just too much. Who knows what could've happened if it was someone else?"
Eternalis went back to staring at his feet again, looking like a child being scolded. Aurora seemed a little guilty at that, and continued a little more. "I'm not mad--I've gotten up to speed with what happened by just reading your memories, so I can understand that," she said. Her forehead creased a little afterwards. "Though, did you really have to do it..." she hesitated, her face twisting about in embarrassment as she tried to find the best words, "... the way you did? I mean, that's... well, how I got synchronized with you, but, you do know you can just open a normal communication channel, right?"
"... Oh! So that's how it happened..." exclaimed Eternalis, his face turning into a muddle of revelation and conflict. "Um, I just... I didn't know what to do; I was trying to make a compromise--I didn't want to screw it up, but I didn't want to do it exactly like we did i--mmph, mmm?!" he murmured, before having his mouth hastily covered by Aurora's hand rushing up to his face in a panic. "Hey! Hey! Okay, okay! Never mind! I changed my mind! It's my fault for not telling you, so no need for specifics, okay?!" she blurted out quickly, her cheeks visibly burning up with a shade of red.
"What specifics, Aurora?" A video feed with Harke, their usual "interloper", opened up. By the look of his exaggerated grin, though, it was clear that the question was less inquisitive and more rhetorical and provocative. It clearly worked, as Aurora closed her eyes, her beet red face looking as if she was about to break down right then and there. "Sorry, sorry," apologized Harke quickly, waving his hands in front of the screen. "As much as I'd like to hear more about how you two... synchronized, you guys should be close enough to where you started. Might even be more viruses around, so you guys should try to get going," he mentioned.
Aurora's expression changed in realization, and she began to quickly calm down, retreating from Eternalis, who still seemed a little tense, but even less so now. "A-Ah, you're right," she said, turning to Lyntael. Her face showed a somewhat apologetic expression. "Sorry today turned out the way it did."
"Yeah, we've had enough adventure for the day, I think," said Eternalis, hanging his shoulders. "I've still got the energy, but my nerves are kind of shot now... Heck, I'd be up for more PET interior design," he joked.
"Sorry about it anyway, it's not something I should've let happen," he said, glancing down at himself.
Aurora shook her head lightly. "It's not really anyone's fault. Circumstances sort of forced it, and you two had a pretty rough time without me. Saw as much when I synchronized with you."
"... Synchronized with me? When'd that happen?" piped up Eternalis, whose expression now turned into surprise.
Aurora responded with an incredulous look, looking like she was about to say something, only to sigh. "I figured... No wonder you didn't see any problem with doing what you did," she said. Turning to Lyntael, she began to explain with a resigned expression on her face. "Essentially, what Eternalis just did was give you full access to himself. It's like handing your neighbor the keys to your house so you can borrow a cup of sugar." She turned back to Eternalis. "So you never knew that you actually gave all that access to me... Honestly, I knew you ran on instinct most of the time, but that's just too much. Who knows what could've happened if it was someone else?"
Eternalis went back to staring at his feet again, looking like a child being scolded. Aurora seemed a little guilty at that, and continued a little more. "I'm not mad--I've gotten up to speed with what happened by just reading your memories, so I can understand that," she said. Her forehead creased a little afterwards. "Though, did you really have to do it..." she hesitated, her face twisting about in embarrassment as she tried to find the best words, "... the way you did? I mean, that's... well, how I got synchronized with you, but, you do know you can just open a normal communication channel, right?"
"... Oh! So that's how it happened..." exclaimed Eternalis, his face turning into a muddle of revelation and conflict. "Um, I just... I didn't know what to do; I was trying to make a compromise--I didn't want to screw it up, but I didn't want to do it exactly like we did i--mmph, mmm?!" he murmured, before having his mouth hastily covered by Aurora's hand rushing up to his face in a panic. "Hey! Hey! Okay, okay! Never mind! I changed my mind! It's my fault for not telling you, so no need for specifics, okay?!" she blurted out quickly, her cheeks visibly burning up with a shade of red.
"What specifics, Aurora?" A video feed with Harke, their usual "interloper", opened up. By the look of his exaggerated grin, though, it was clear that the question was less inquisitive and more rhetorical and provocative. It clearly worked, as Aurora closed her eyes, her beet red face looking as if she was about to break down right then and there. "Sorry, sorry," apologized Harke quickly, waving his hands in front of the screen. "As much as I'd like to hear more about how you two... synchronized, you guys should be close enough to where you started. Might even be more viruses around, so you guys should try to get going," he mentioned.
Aurora's expression changed in realization, and she began to quickly calm down, retreating from Eternalis, who still seemed a little tense, but even less so now. "A-Ah, you're right," she said, turning to Lyntael. Her face showed a somewhat apologetic expression. "Sorry today turned out the way it did."
"Yeah, we've had enough adventure for the day, I think," said Eternalis, hanging his shoulders. "I've still got the energy, but my nerves are kind of shot now... Heck, I'd be up for more PET interior design," he joked.
last edited by Rogan
Unsure if her intervention was really appropriate to begin with, Lyntael let out a small sight of relief, a small amount of visible tension sliding out of her posture as Aurora answered with more forgiveness than she'd first addressed Eternalis with earlier. The more understanding tone stripped most of the tension she was feeling about the situation, but it also made Lyntael feel as though she ought to stand back and not insinuate herself into the conversation too closely, now that it sounded like they were going to sort things out calmly. She stepped back a little, still carefully favouring her steps a little to avoid the tender parts of her feet, and listened in from the side.
Aurora's explanation of exactly what Eternalis had done before made her eyebrows jump up; she couldn't exactly stand back properly when Auraora was still including her in the conversation with frequent looks in her direction and she bit her lip, glancing between them both. It would explain the scattering of memories, as Aurora quickly confirmed, but she was conscious about the idea that it might have gone both ways. She didn't really feel likes he had any way of knowing or telling, when it was something so internal to herself rather than data out in the air that she could analyse.
As Eternalis fumbled over answering Aurora's questions, Lyntael felt her own cheeks fire into a bright crimson red again; it might have only been by proxy but even Eternalis speaking about doing it with her, the way he had with Aurora, even in the light of ruling it out, was enough make her study the ground quite suddenly and avert her eyes. Aurora's own reaction was more assertive, but she was quietly glad that someone was stopping him from stumbling into even more detail on the matter. She still felt embarrassed for seeing as much as she had; the idea of applying that process to herself was a bit more than she could really think about right now. She was pulled back out of her studious examination of the pebbles around her feet by aurora after another few moments, and she looked up, vaguely taken aback by the apology directed her way.
“Oh, um, but it was fine in the end, really. I think, ah, well, I mean it was probably for the best that we didn't end up doing to much. I'm just really sorry that you got hurt, Aurora, and... I think I'm doing better, with, um, with keeping myself calmer, at least. I Still get frightened, every time, but I didn't freeze up once today.” She paused, nervously rubbing at her emblem again for a moment with one hand. “And, I didn't... um, I didn't do too much either, or burn myself out, so that's good, too, isn't it?” Despite this, she was relieved at Eternalis suggesting that she'd had enough excitement for now, and she nodded quickly to his suggestion without really catching herself at all.
“I think that would be nice. I've got time still. You both mentioned you'd been decorating as well. I'd love to see what you've done!” Though her cheeks had cooled off again from the first spike of mortified embarrassment, they coloured a lighter pink now again, though this time it was clearly more from a source of shyness than anything else. She stirred a few pebbles with one foot, glancing down and hesitating for a moment. “I'd really like to show you both what I've done with my home now as well. it's so much better than it was... but, the transit... you know...”
Either way, they were close to where her own ability to get out of the network would be smoothest; the emulation point wasn't too far, though if she was going to follow Eternalis and Aurora back to their own PET briefly, it didn't matter as much any more; they'd be able to end back to the original spot from there, by all rights. She frowned, the rolled her shoulders.
“We probably should have thought of it earlier. You don't have to go back to an emulation point like I do; you're both jacked in properly.. so if we went back to your PET, and I followed through, you'd just be able to transfer back down again right to the point where we first arrived, and I'd be there at the link already. Sorry for not thinking of it, though I guess it's a bit rude to suppose I could just intrude like that... you don't mind taking me back to yours?” She glanced mostly to Aurora, tilting her head with the uncertain end of the question hanging; she felt sure that Eternalis wouldn't mind at all, but she didn't want to invite herself in if Aurora wasn't also wanting to make the offer.
Aurora's explanation of exactly what Eternalis had done before made her eyebrows jump up; she couldn't exactly stand back properly when Auraora was still including her in the conversation with frequent looks in her direction and she bit her lip, glancing between them both. It would explain the scattering of memories, as Aurora quickly confirmed, but she was conscious about the idea that it might have gone both ways. She didn't really feel likes he had any way of knowing or telling, when it was something so internal to herself rather than data out in the air that she could analyse.
As Eternalis fumbled over answering Aurora's questions, Lyntael felt her own cheeks fire into a bright crimson red again; it might have only been by proxy but even Eternalis speaking about doing it with her, the way he had with Aurora, even in the light of ruling it out, was enough make her study the ground quite suddenly and avert her eyes. Aurora's own reaction was more assertive, but she was quietly glad that someone was stopping him from stumbling into even more detail on the matter. She still felt embarrassed for seeing as much as she had; the idea of applying that process to herself was a bit more than she could really think about right now. She was pulled back out of her studious examination of the pebbles around her feet by aurora after another few moments, and she looked up, vaguely taken aback by the apology directed her way.
“Oh, um, but it was fine in the end, really. I think, ah, well, I mean it was probably for the best that we didn't end up doing to much. I'm just really sorry that you got hurt, Aurora, and... I think I'm doing better, with, um, with keeping myself calmer, at least. I Still get frightened, every time, but I didn't freeze up once today.” She paused, nervously rubbing at her emblem again for a moment with one hand. “And, I didn't... um, I didn't do too much either, or burn myself out, so that's good, too, isn't it?” Despite this, she was relieved at Eternalis suggesting that she'd had enough excitement for now, and she nodded quickly to his suggestion without really catching herself at all.
“I think that would be nice. I've got time still. You both mentioned you'd been decorating as well. I'd love to see what you've done!” Though her cheeks had cooled off again from the first spike of mortified embarrassment, they coloured a lighter pink now again, though this time it was clearly more from a source of shyness than anything else. She stirred a few pebbles with one foot, glancing down and hesitating for a moment. “I'd really like to show you both what I've done with my home now as well. it's so much better than it was... but, the transit... you know...”
Either way, they were close to where her own ability to get out of the network would be smoothest; the emulation point wasn't too far, though if she was going to follow Eternalis and Aurora back to their own PET briefly, it didn't matter as much any more; they'd be able to end back to the original spot from there, by all rights. She frowned, the rolled her shoulders.
“We probably should have thought of it earlier. You don't have to go back to an emulation point like I do; you're both jacked in properly.. so if we went back to your PET, and I followed through, you'd just be able to transfer back down again right to the point where we first arrived, and I'd be there at the link already. Sorry for not thinking of it, though I guess it's a bit rude to suppose I could just intrude like that... you don't mind taking me back to yours?” She glanced mostly to Aurora, tilting her head with the uncertain end of the question hanging; she felt sure that Eternalis wouldn't mind at all, but she didn't want to invite herself in if Aurora wasn't also wanting to make the offer.
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"Getting hurt like this is all getting used to it, honestly. I'm glad you got something out of it, at least," replied Aurora to Lyntael's apology. Despite everything, she was still feeling slightly guilty about sending Lyntael the wrong coordinates earlier, but in her mind, she atoned for it with being able to protect her from getting hurt too badly, when by all rights, she would have gotten quickly deleted by the high-tier viruses in the area.
Her mood significantly brightened after Lyntael put forth her proposal of viewing each other's homes, looking like she was almost dancing with excitement. "Oh, yes! I'd love to show you what we've done with the place. If you're alright with that, we can go right now, and we can head to your place afterwards. I'd imagine you wouldn't want to leave home again after getting back, with that awful emulation link..." said Aurora. She turned to Eternalis. "Oh, do you mind?"
Eternalis began laughing heartily. "Sure, why not! You'd really be able to tell which parts she designed, which is to say, almost all of it. I'm happy with a place to sit down and a place to sleep!" said Eternalis.
With both of them in agreement, they turned to Harke, waiting for the last piece of consent in the team. The operator scratched his head.
"I thought this was some emergency situation... Jeez, you guys really do just make it up along the way, don't you," said Harke, with a weary smile. "That said, it's not like there are any viruses that need me to operate, so just buzz me when you guys are done."
"Okay, it's settled! Let's go then!" said Aurora, handing over Sparky to Eternalis quickly before taking Lyntael's hands in her own. Eternalis accepted Sparky in his arms, who was looking a little surprised at having his cuddle session interrupted, but was cooperative nonetheless. The air began to shimmer as their standard jack-out sequence started--except this time, they were bringing along someone else for the ride.
[>> Harke's Homepage - Homepages.]
Her mood significantly brightened after Lyntael put forth her proposal of viewing each other's homes, looking like she was almost dancing with excitement. "Oh, yes! I'd love to show you what we've done with the place. If you're alright with that, we can go right now, and we can head to your place afterwards. I'd imagine you wouldn't want to leave home again after getting back, with that awful emulation link..." said Aurora. She turned to Eternalis. "Oh, do you mind?"
Eternalis began laughing heartily. "Sure, why not! You'd really be able to tell which parts she designed, which is to say, almost all of it. I'm happy with a place to sit down and a place to sleep!" said Eternalis.
With both of them in agreement, they turned to Harke, waiting for the last piece of consent in the team. The operator scratched his head.
"I thought this was some emergency situation... Jeez, you guys really do just make it up along the way, don't you," said Harke, with a weary smile. "That said, it's not like there are any viruses that need me to operate, so just buzz me when you guys are done."
"Okay, it's settled! Let's go then!" said Aurora, handing over Sparky to Eternalis quickly before taking Lyntael's hands in her own. Eternalis accepted Sparky in his arms, who was looking a little surprised at having his cuddle session interrupted, but was cooperative nonetheless. The air began to shimmer as their standard jack-out sequence started--except this time, they were bringing along someone else for the ride.
[>> Harke's Homepage - Homepages.]
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Lyntael's remaining resolve to stay and 'train' evaporated fully as Aurora agreed with the suggestion. she nodded back, mostly failing to cover her eagerness at the idea of seeing their work, though there was a smaller, appreciative hitch of her shoulders as the other woman set out an action plan that would let her stay home once she'd made the transfer back once. She turned with them, wide-eyed and hopeful as they consulted Harke for final permission, her features breaking back into a bright smile as he gave them his go-ahead.
“Thank you! I hope it's no hassle for you!” She gave a small, slightly uncertain incline of her head in Harke's direction, then turned to face Aurora as she moved closer. She hesitated for a moment, holding up her hands briefly to examine herself and her skin, then drew a breath and nodded, trying to make sure her nerves were still before she reached out and took the other woman's hand.
((Lyntael, following to => Harke's Homepage))
“Thank you! I hope it's no hassle for you!” She gave a small, slightly uncertain incline of her head in Harke's direction, then turned to face Aurora as she moved closer. She hesitated for a moment, holding up her hands briefly to examine herself and her skin, then drew a breath and nodded, trying to make sure her nerves were still before she reached out and took the other woman's hand.
((Lyntael, following to => Harke's Homepage))
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[>> Harke's Homepage - Homepages]
Touching down in the dark netspace of Yoka Rogue once more, Eternalis and Aurora appeared in a beam of light, next to Lyntael, who had been transported along with them. Both of them were carrying something along for the trip, with the former holding a black bottle of liquor, and the other with a bundle of towels under her arm. Harke's face appeared in a screen next to them.
"Alright, looks like you got through fine. The entrance point should be just a walk along this path," reported Harke.
Eternalis looked out towards the direction that the path was in, and narrowed his eyes. "Might not be the most uneventful walk," he muttered, turning to Aurora and meeting eyes with her. The same concern was in her eyes, as they both turned back in the same direction. Aurora's orange visor materialized in front of her eyes.
"I can confirm a bunch of viruses around the area," stated Aurora, as data streamed across her eyes, duplicating itself in Eternalis's peripheral viewer as well. She turned to Lyntael. "Looks like one more to go before we get there. We'll get through them," she smiled, trying to display her confidence as best as she could.
[Rogue Battle 1 - Ready.]
[Eternalis.EXE: Aqua/Team (One for All/Unify, Undershirt): 600HP.]
[Aurora.EXE: Elec/Team (Tag Along/All for One, Second Chance, Planeswalking): 100HP.]
Touching down in the dark netspace of Yoka Rogue once more, Eternalis and Aurora appeared in a beam of light, next to Lyntael, who had been transported along with them. Both of them were carrying something along for the trip, with the former holding a black bottle of liquor, and the other with a bundle of towels under her arm. Harke's face appeared in a screen next to them.
"Alright, looks like you got through fine. The entrance point should be just a walk along this path," reported Harke.
Eternalis looked out towards the direction that the path was in, and narrowed his eyes. "Might not be the most uneventful walk," he muttered, turning to Aurora and meeting eyes with her. The same concern was in her eyes, as they both turned back in the same direction. Aurora's orange visor materialized in front of her eyes.
"I can confirm a bunch of viruses around the area," stated Aurora, as data streamed across her eyes, duplicating itself in Eternalis's peripheral viewer as well. She turned to Lyntael. "Looks like one more to go before we get there. We'll get through them," she smiled, trying to display her confidence as best as she could.
[Rogue Battle 1 - Ready.]
[Eternalis.EXE: Aqua/Team (One for All/Unify, Undershirt): 600HP.]
[Aurora.EXE: Elec/Team (Tag Along/All for One, Second Chance, Planeswalking): 100HP.]
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((Lyntael, following from => Harke's Homepage))
As she arrived in the open network space again, Lyntael looked around and relaxed quickly once she began to see somewhat familiar landmarks not far from where they had originally arrived and met up. She could feel the presence of the emulation point jump forward bright in her awareness suddenly, from a distant, detached impression with no direction, when she had been at Aurora and Eternalis' home, to a very direct point now that she was back net-side and close to it.
She looked at her companions and nodded as Harke pointed them in the right direction. Her grin faltered a moment as her companions both took on a more serious expression and spoke about what else they were picking up. She supposed it wasn't as simple as crossing the road really, since they had to come back through this darker point in the net, but...
“Already, really? We were only just here a... well... I guess it was almost an hour ago now, wasn't it?” She rubbed at her arm and shoulder and looked around, then straightened and took a longer breath, following along with her friends. “Maybe if we're quick, nothing will notice us?” She tried a vaguely hopeful smile back towards Aurora's reassurance, and picked up her pace to fall in with the other two.
((Selecting Gust and Airstep))
((Consent confirmed for allied Team types))
((Ready for Battle 1))
As she arrived in the open network space again, Lyntael looked around and relaxed quickly once she began to see somewhat familiar landmarks not far from where they had originally arrived and met up. She could feel the presence of the emulation point jump forward bright in her awareness suddenly, from a distant, detached impression with no direction, when she had been at Aurora and Eternalis' home, to a very direct point now that she was back net-side and close to it.
She looked at her companions and nodded as Harke pointed them in the right direction. Her grin faltered a moment as her companions both took on a more serious expression and spoke about what else they were picking up. She supposed it wasn't as simple as crossing the road really, since they had to come back through this darker point in the net, but...
“Already, really? We were only just here a... well... I guess it was almost an hour ago now, wasn't it?” She rubbed at her arm and shoulder and looked around, then straightened and took a longer breath, following along with her friends. “Maybe if we're quick, nothing will notice us?” She tried a vaguely hopeful smile back towards Aurora's reassurance, and picked up her pace to fall in with the other two.
((Selecting Gust and Airstep))
((Consent confirmed for allied Team types))
((Ready for Battle 1))
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Lyntael was hoping for the best, but probably expecting the usual: namely, a virus attack, as she, Eternalis, and Aurora set foot back into Yoka Rogue Net. For a while, it seemed like they might not encounter much of anything. Fluffy clouds were going by in the sky, the kind that might indicate rain, but still looked so puffy and white you might be able to sit upon them. The only unusual factor: the clouds appeared to be a little lower to the net than usual. Perhaps they were the mist that sometimes rises from the onsen in Yoka Net?
Only, that wasn't the case: over-sized, puffy clouds really were moving across the net, casing shadows beneath them. Rain was beginning to open up, though only beneath the clouds. On that note, one of the clouds was headed right for them, and with it, a slew of viruses, lurking in the shade of the clouds and even upon the cloud itself. The navis would spot a cannon peaking off over the top, along with two small clouds that were animated enough to reveal themselves as viruses. Beneath, many familiar faces were waiting, including two of the viruses Lyntael had been told to hunt, but also various other viruses. There seemed to be no chance that the viruses were just going to let them go around, as the Aquagear was the first to react to their presence, opening wide and creating a roar that was really more of a whistle, alerting the other viruses. The cannon swerved, the clouds puffed, and the fish began a'flopping, spoiling for combat.
-- Viruses --
Viruses up upon a cloud!
CannonDumb2CannonDumb2 (CannonDumb)
CannonDumb viruses attack any targets in sight every action they are able to. They can and will attack objects, but only objects they can damage. They will not waste cannon fire on IronBody, Shadow, or Invisible targets. The exception is Canodumb DS, which will fire at anything with its DarkCannon's beam blasts. All CannonDumb viruses may opt to spend one action prior to attacking marking their opponent with target lock. They gain the 10% accuracy benefit of Take Aim against this opponent for any and all follow-on attacks until they lose sight of the target, or switch targets.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Yoka
HP: 130
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Null
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Fires its cannon after aiming.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: Mark Target
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Marks an enemy within line of sight with a target lock that raises the accuracy of this virus by +1 Rank (10%) until the virus is forced to switch targets or loses sight of the marked target (they take cover).
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Hi-Cannon, Zenny
Special: Immobile: 130 HP
CloudierCloudier (Cloudy)
Area: Yoka, Netopia, Sharo
HP: 140
Attack: 80 Aqua + Group Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Summons a rainstorm that lasts 2 turns.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MediumCloud, Zenny
Special: Immune to Ground Attacks.
- Rainstorm lasts 2 turns.
- Virus attacks every 3 turns. A: 140 HP
CloudierCloudier (Cloudy)
Area: Yoka, Netopia, Sharo
HP: 140
Attack: 80 Aqua + Group Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Summons a rainstorm that lasts 2 turns.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MediumCloud, Zenny
Special: Immune to Ground Attacks.
- Rainstorm lasts 2 turns.
- Virus attacks every 3 turns. B: 140 HP
Creatures crawling below a cloud...
KarmaKarma (Dharma)
Dharma move and dodge at average speed. Their puck attacks rebound off of the edges of the battlefield as if there were an invisible wall there. They can rebound up to 3 times before finally passing off of the field or dissipating into thin air. The pucks pass through anything they hit except boundary walls, terrain, and friendly viruses. The pucks can not damage other Dharmas. This virus cannot attack while moving.
Area: Yoka, Netopia, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 170
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Null + Break + Piercing + Rebound(3) + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: E
Attack Description: Throws a Hockey puck at the enemy. Break.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per virus): AirHockey2, Zenny A: 170 HP [Onsen]
KarmaKarma (Dharma)
Dharma move and dodge at average speed. Their puck attacks rebound off of the edges of the battlefield as if there were an invisible wall there. They can rebound up to 3 times before finally passing off of the field or dissipating into thin air. The pucks pass through anything they hit except boundary walls, terrain, and friendly viruses. The pucks can not damage other Dharmas. This virus cannot attack while moving.
Area: Yoka, Netopia, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 170
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Null + Break + Piercing + Rebound(3) + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: E
Attack Description: Throws a Hockey puck at the enemy. Break.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per virus): AirHockey2, Zenny B: 170 HP [Onsen]
MuckfeeshMuckfeesh (Mudfeesh)
This virus looks like a sausage shaped fish with a brown underbelly, a blue/green/red/black back (depending on the version) with a wavy dorsal fin, a mouth that constantly gasps for air, beady little eyes and a large flat tail that it uses to propel itself. It moves by flopping around very erratically, granting the family a passive dodge effect.
Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Beach, Yumland
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Impact + Blind
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: It leaps at its target, attempting to slam into it with its slimy belly.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MudFlop2, Zenny
Special: One passive dodge per turn.
-Creates mud terrain where it moves. A: 100 HP [Onsen]
MuckfeeshMuckfeesh (Mudfeesh)
This virus looks like a sausage shaped fish with a brown underbelly, a blue/green/red/black back (depending on the version) with a wavy dorsal fin, a mouth that constantly gasps for air, beady little eyes and a large flat tail that it uses to propel itself. It moves by flopping around very erratically, granting the family a passive dodge effect.
Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Beach, Yumland
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Impact + Blind
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: It leaps at its target, attempting to slam into it with its slimy belly.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MudFlop2, Zenny
Special: One passive dodge per turn.
-Creates mud terrain where it moves. B: 100 HP [Onsen]
AquagearAquagear (Raingear)
This virus family is positively deadly when fighting on Ice Terrain, to the point where the players are at a severe disadvantage. Unless you just have it in for the player, try not to combine the two very often. I'm serious about this. -Pally
Area: Yoka, Beach, Sharo
HP: 160
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Aqua + Wide Attack + Ground Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Blasts enemy with a geyser that bursts suddenly from the ground.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Aqua + Group Attack + Ground Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: D
Secondary Attack Description: Blasts the enemy with a marching line of geysers.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WaterLine2, AquaTower2, Zenny
Special: This virus' attacks will freeze the target solid on ice terrain.: 160 HP [Onsen]
-- Navis --
Everybody is on normal terrain in front of the cloud.
Eternalis: 600 HP [Normal terrain]
Aurora: 100 HP [Normal terrain]
Lyntael: 150 HP [Normal terrain]
-- Terrain --
20% Normal
80% Onsen
-- Objects --
Big Fluffy Cloud: 200 HP (You can get on top by spending an action, it's large enough to cover all the onsen! The cloud rains every turn, turning terrain underneath it into Onsen)
-- Rogue Battle 1 Ready? Start!! --
Only, that wasn't the case: over-sized, puffy clouds really were moving across the net, casing shadows beneath them. Rain was beginning to open up, though only beneath the clouds. On that note, one of the clouds was headed right for them, and with it, a slew of viruses, lurking in the shade of the clouds and even upon the cloud itself. The navis would spot a cannon peaking off over the top, along with two small clouds that were animated enough to reveal themselves as viruses. Beneath, many familiar faces were waiting, including two of the viruses Lyntael had been told to hunt, but also various other viruses. There seemed to be no chance that the viruses were just going to let them go around, as the Aquagear was the first to react to their presence, opening wide and creating a roar that was really more of a whistle, alerting the other viruses. The cannon swerved, the clouds puffed, and the fish began a'flopping, spoiling for combat.
-- Viruses --
Viruses up upon a cloud!
CannonDumb2CannonDumb2 (CannonDumb)
CannonDumb viruses attack any targets in sight every action they are able to. They can and will attack objects, but only objects they can damage. They will not waste cannon fire on IronBody, Shadow, or Invisible targets. The exception is Canodumb DS, which will fire at anything with its DarkCannon's beam blasts. All CannonDumb viruses may opt to spend one action prior to attacking marking their opponent with target lock. They gain the 10% accuracy benefit of Take Aim against this opponent for any and all follow-on attacks until they lose sight of the target, or switch targets.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Yoka
HP: 130
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Null
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Fires its cannon after aiming.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: Mark Target
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Marks an enemy within line of sight with a target lock that raises the accuracy of this virus by +1 Rank (10%) until the virus is forced to switch targets or loses sight of the marked target (they take cover).
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Hi-Cannon, Zenny
Special: Immobile: 130 HP
CloudierCloudier (Cloudy)
Area: Yoka, Netopia, Sharo
HP: 140
Attack: 80 Aqua + Group Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Summons a rainstorm that lasts 2 turns.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MediumCloud, Zenny
Special: Immune to Ground Attacks.
- Rainstorm lasts 2 turns.
- Virus attacks every 3 turns. A: 140 HP
CloudierCloudier (Cloudy)
Area: Yoka, Netopia, Sharo
HP: 140
Attack: 80 Aqua + Group Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Summons a rainstorm that lasts 2 turns.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MediumCloud, Zenny
Special: Immune to Ground Attacks.
- Rainstorm lasts 2 turns.
- Virus attacks every 3 turns. B: 140 HP
Creatures crawling below a cloud...
KarmaKarma (Dharma)
Dharma move and dodge at average speed. Their puck attacks rebound off of the edges of the battlefield as if there were an invisible wall there. They can rebound up to 3 times before finally passing off of the field or dissipating into thin air. The pucks pass through anything they hit except boundary walls, terrain, and friendly viruses. The pucks can not damage other Dharmas. This virus cannot attack while moving.
Area: Yoka, Netopia, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 170
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Null + Break + Piercing + Rebound(3) + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: E
Attack Description: Throws a Hockey puck at the enemy. Break.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per virus): AirHockey2, Zenny A: 170 HP [Onsen]
KarmaKarma (Dharma)
Dharma move and dodge at average speed. Their puck attacks rebound off of the edges of the battlefield as if there were an invisible wall there. They can rebound up to 3 times before finally passing off of the field or dissipating into thin air. The pucks pass through anything they hit except boundary walls, terrain, and friendly viruses. The pucks can not damage other Dharmas. This virus cannot attack while moving.
Area: Yoka, Netopia, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 170
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Null + Break + Piercing + Rebound(3) + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: E
Attack Description: Throws a Hockey puck at the enemy. Break.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per virus): AirHockey2, Zenny B: 170 HP [Onsen]
MuckfeeshMuckfeesh (Mudfeesh)
This virus looks like a sausage shaped fish with a brown underbelly, a blue/green/red/black back (depending on the version) with a wavy dorsal fin, a mouth that constantly gasps for air, beady little eyes and a large flat tail that it uses to propel itself. It moves by flopping around very erratically, granting the family a passive dodge effect.
Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Beach, Yumland
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Impact + Blind
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: It leaps at its target, attempting to slam into it with its slimy belly.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MudFlop2, Zenny
Special: One passive dodge per turn.
-Creates mud terrain where it moves. A: 100 HP [Onsen]
MuckfeeshMuckfeesh (Mudfeesh)
This virus looks like a sausage shaped fish with a brown underbelly, a blue/green/red/black back (depending on the version) with a wavy dorsal fin, a mouth that constantly gasps for air, beady little eyes and a large flat tail that it uses to propel itself. It moves by flopping around very erratically, granting the family a passive dodge effect.
Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Beach, Yumland
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Wood + Impact + Blind
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: It leaps at its target, attempting to slam into it with its slimy belly.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MudFlop2, Zenny
Special: One passive dodge per turn.
-Creates mud terrain where it moves. B: 100 HP [Onsen]
AquagearAquagear (Raingear)
This virus family is positively deadly when fighting on Ice Terrain, to the point where the players are at a severe disadvantage. Unless you just have it in for the player, try not to combine the two very often. I'm serious about this. -Pally
Area: Yoka, Beach, Sharo
HP: 160
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Aqua + Wide Attack + Ground Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Blasts enemy with a geyser that bursts suddenly from the ground.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Aqua + Group Attack + Ground Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: D
Secondary Attack Description: Blasts the enemy with a marching line of geysers.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WaterLine2, AquaTower2, Zenny
Special: This virus' attacks will freeze the target solid on ice terrain.: 160 HP [Onsen]
-- Navis --
Everybody is on normal terrain in front of the cloud.
Eternalis: 600 HP [Normal terrain]
Aurora: 100 HP [Normal terrain]
Lyntael: 150 HP [Normal terrain]
-- Terrain --
20% Normal
80% Onsen
-- Objects --
Big Fluffy Cloud: 200 HP (You can get on top by spending an action, it's large enough to cover all the onsen! The cloud rains every turn, turning terrain underneath it into Onsen)
-- Rogue Battle 1 Ready? Start!! --
last edited by Frelia
All was quiet between the three as Eternalis and Aurora led the way, looking around in every direction to ensure that they wouldn't be ambushed by the viruses that they had seen earlier. The gathering of viruses appeared to be clustered in a small area. They were still a fair distance away, however, and Aurora raised her hand to stop everyone, in order to consider their approach. It was quite a sizable number, all things considered, as worry painted Eternalis and Aurora's expressions.
"That's a lot of them... though it looks like there's a side path over to your left?" Harke piped up quietly through the comms link.
The two of them looked to the side. True enough, in their worry, they had overlooked a small exit, which looked to circumvent the mass of viruses. Thus, Aurora nodded to the operator, and quietly beckoned to the rest with her head over into the path, leading the way forward.
As tense as it was, it seemed safe enough for the moment, and after a while, it seemed like they would be able to avoid fighting anything after all. They were very close to their destination, and the side route that they had taken was also surprisingly somewhat scenic, with puffy clouds creating an idyllic background over some running rivers that occasionally pooled into larger reservoirs.
Eternalis let out a small sigh. Looking up at the clouds in the skies, it looked like it was about to rain again. "Never thought I'd be glad not to find any viruses," he noted, attempting to break the tense silence. He narrowed his eyes slightly, recalling the last time it rained in this particular part of the network. Surely they wouldn't make the same mistake of falsely flagging Lyntael twice? It would definitely be unpleasant to be caught up in the Memory Fault again, and there was no guarantee that they would even meet the same "caretaker" as they did before. He considered the option of turning back to the path that they had taken before.
Before he could present the idea, however, Aurora suddenly halted in place, and stared up at the sky at something coming from the side. "Is that cloud... moving towards us?" she muttered.
As soon as she made the observation, one of the clouds in the sky suddenly sped down towards them, and they were able to hear the unmistakeable skittering noises of the incoming viruses. A small few were on top of the cloud itself, but what was more surprising was that somehow, some of them had also been lurking within the dark shadow of the cloud itself without them being able to notice until they were too close to avoid. "We were so close, too!" complained Eternalis. Looking at the bottle in his hand, he opted to hold it with his good hand for the moment.
"Try to take out a chunk of the viruses at the bottom half," said Harke, sending off two Electric-type battlechips to both of the programs.
Eternalis was quick on the draw, charging up the chip that he had just received. Raising his deformed arm, the slime began to bubble vigorously and enlarged into a massive three-clawed limb. A ball of energy coalesced in its palm, crackling with electrical charge, before it thunderously blasted off towards an Aquagear in the middle of the virus pack.
Even through the din of the blast, however, he still managed to call out another request. "Harke, StepSword, Katana!" he yelled out, which the operator obliged to. "On it!"
Aurora, meanwhile, preferred a more strategic outlook. The cloud up high was a good place to start, she thought. Looking up at the cannon aiming down on them, however, Aurora turned towards Lyntael, the only member of their party with a high enough jump to reach it easily. "Lyntael, you can get up on that cloud. Those three viruses need to be taken out, and we get a better vantage point from up there," she said. Before she could do anything, however, she felt a sudden pull at her waist. "Wha--?!" she exclaimed, turning to see Eternalis with his deformed arm hooked around her, before they both vanished in a wisp of smoke.
When they rematerialized, Aurora found herself and Eternalis on top of the massive cloud, and the latter released her from his grasp. She awkwardly regained her stance, holding the bundled up towels close to her chest. "Um, thanks?" she blurted out, confused and slightly dizzy from the unannounced relocation. She had meant to stay on the ground while Lyntael cleared it out before going back up herself if needed.
"Sorry about that; can't have you triggering that EJO again, you know," explained Eternalis with an apologetic look, as his mutated half reconfigured itself into a wide, heavy blade. The expression on his face turned into a mischievous smile. "I feel like being selfish once in a while," he grinned, before activating the StepSword data given to him and vanishing back under the cloud.
Aurora blinked a few times, trying to process the gesture, before she heard the whir of the nearby Cannondumb's movements, snapping her back to attention. Had to do what she could while she was up here, she thought, readying her combat stance once more, though it looked a little silly with what she was holding. Activating the ClusterShot, an array of eight electrical orbs appeared around her, which rocketed towards the two Cloudier around her. She readied herself to avoid any retaliation, and looked out for Lyntael to hopefully join her on the cloud as well.
Underneath her, in the shade of the cloud, Eternalis landed in the onsen waters with a splash, swinging his morphed sword-arm in a wide slash at an unfortunate pair of Mudfeesh-types that happened to be near his landing point. "Come at me!" he yelled out. His morphed sword-arm now powered by the Katana chip, he swung hard and fast, ready to bisect any of the viruses that remained to fight against him.
// Summary -- One for All (Eternalis): Receive 50% Damage from Aurora
[Et.1] Chip:
ElecReel2Damage: 100 + Spread 3 (Side + Behind)
Accuracy: B
Description: A small bolt of lightning that spreads sideways and behind the target upon impact.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: C: 100 + Spread 3 (Side + Behind) (Acc: B) @ Aquagear + Karma A/B + Muckfeesh A (Vs. Aqua: Elec+100)
[Au.1] Act: Evade incoming attacks: Dodge
[Et.2] Sig: Rapid Sublimation: Teleport @ Onto Big Fluffy Cloud (Tag Along: Aurora)
[Au.2] Chip:
ClusterShot2Damage: 10 x 8 Shots + Variable Targeting
Accuracy: B
Description: Launches a volley of eight plasma spheres at targets designated by the user.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Special: Variable Targeting: Allows the user to select a target for each individual hit of an attack. This means they may strike the same target multiple times, multiple different targets, or a mix of the two as they wish.
Trader Rank: C: 10 x 8 Shots + Variable Targeting (Acc: B) @ Cloudier A x4 + Cloudier B x4 (Same-Element: Elec+15, Vs.Aqua: Elec+25)
[Et.3] Chip:
StepSwordDamage: 120 + Slashing + Wide Attack + Teleport
Accuracy: S for primary target, A for additional targets.
Description: The user warps in front of an enemy, then swings with a strong sword. Can hit up to 3 targets with good RP. Rare
Duration: Once.
Element: Null
Special: Teleport: When RP Quality is excellent, this attack also counts as a free dodge.
Trader Rank: C: 120 + Slashing + Wide Attack + Teleport (Acc: S for primary target, A for additional targets.) @ Muckfeesh A/B
[Au.3] Act: Evade incoming attacks: Dodge
[Et.*] Sig: Influx Aegis: Support Base Heal 20 @ Self, Aurora, Lyntael
[Et.4] Chip:
Katana2Damage: (80 + Slashing + Wide Attack) Then (80 + Slashing + Long Attack)
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a long metal blade with exceptional cutting speed. Hits with a wide slash, then a long slash in the span of a single action, hitting 3 and 2 targets, respectively. Only one target can be hit with both slashes. Rare
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 2 uses.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: B: (80 + Slashing + Wide Attack) Then (80 + Slashing + Long Attack) (Acc: B) @ Remaining Enemies under Cloud (Use 1/2)
[Et.5] Act: Evade incoming attack: Dodge
[Et.6] Chip:
Katana2Damage: (80 + Slashing + Wide Attack) Then (80 + Slashing + Long Attack)
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a long metal blade with exceptional cutting speed. Hits with a wide slash, then a long slash in the span of a single action, hitting 3 and 2 targets, respectively. Only one target can be hit with both slashes. Rare
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 2 uses.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: B: (80 + Slashing + Wide Attack) Then (80 + Slashing + Long Attack) (Acc: B) @ Remaining Enemies under Cloud (Use 2/2)
[Et.*] Sig: Influx Aegis: Support Base Heal 20 @ Self, Aurora, Lyntael
"That's a lot of them... though it looks like there's a side path over to your left?" Harke piped up quietly through the comms link.
The two of them looked to the side. True enough, in their worry, they had overlooked a small exit, which looked to circumvent the mass of viruses. Thus, Aurora nodded to the operator, and quietly beckoned to the rest with her head over into the path, leading the way forward.
As tense as it was, it seemed safe enough for the moment, and after a while, it seemed like they would be able to avoid fighting anything after all. They were very close to their destination, and the side route that they had taken was also surprisingly somewhat scenic, with puffy clouds creating an idyllic background over some running rivers that occasionally pooled into larger reservoirs.
Eternalis let out a small sigh. Looking up at the clouds in the skies, it looked like it was about to rain again. "Never thought I'd be glad not to find any viruses," he noted, attempting to break the tense silence. He narrowed his eyes slightly, recalling the last time it rained in this particular part of the network. Surely they wouldn't make the same mistake of falsely flagging Lyntael twice? It would definitely be unpleasant to be caught up in the Memory Fault again, and there was no guarantee that they would even meet the same "caretaker" as they did before. He considered the option of turning back to the path that they had taken before.
Before he could present the idea, however, Aurora suddenly halted in place, and stared up at the sky at something coming from the side. "Is that cloud... moving towards us?" she muttered.
As soon as she made the observation, one of the clouds in the sky suddenly sped down towards them, and they were able to hear the unmistakeable skittering noises of the incoming viruses. A small few were on top of the cloud itself, but what was more surprising was that somehow, some of them had also been lurking within the dark shadow of the cloud itself without them being able to notice until they were too close to avoid. "We were so close, too!" complained Eternalis. Looking at the bottle in his hand, he opted to hold it with his good hand for the moment.
"Try to take out a chunk of the viruses at the bottom half," said Harke, sending off two Electric-type battlechips to both of the programs.
Eternalis was quick on the draw, charging up the chip that he had just received. Raising his deformed arm, the slime began to bubble vigorously and enlarged into a massive three-clawed limb. A ball of energy coalesced in its palm, crackling with electrical charge, before it thunderously blasted off towards an Aquagear in the middle of the virus pack.
Even through the din of the blast, however, he still managed to call out another request. "Harke, StepSword, Katana!" he yelled out, which the operator obliged to. "On it!"
Aurora, meanwhile, preferred a more strategic outlook. The cloud up high was a good place to start, she thought. Looking up at the cannon aiming down on them, however, Aurora turned towards Lyntael, the only member of their party with a high enough jump to reach it easily. "Lyntael, you can get up on that cloud. Those three viruses need to be taken out, and we get a better vantage point from up there," she said. Before she could do anything, however, she felt a sudden pull at her waist. "Wha--?!" she exclaimed, turning to see Eternalis with his deformed arm hooked around her, before they both vanished in a wisp of smoke.
When they rematerialized, Aurora found herself and Eternalis on top of the massive cloud, and the latter released her from his grasp. She awkwardly regained her stance, holding the bundled up towels close to her chest. "Um, thanks?" she blurted out, confused and slightly dizzy from the unannounced relocation. She had meant to stay on the ground while Lyntael cleared it out before going back up herself if needed.
"Sorry about that; can't have you triggering that EJO again, you know," explained Eternalis with an apologetic look, as his mutated half reconfigured itself into a wide, heavy blade. The expression on his face turned into a mischievous smile. "I feel like being selfish once in a while," he grinned, before activating the StepSword data given to him and vanishing back under the cloud.
Aurora blinked a few times, trying to process the gesture, before she heard the whir of the nearby Cannondumb's movements, snapping her back to attention. Had to do what she could while she was up here, she thought, readying her combat stance once more, though it looked a little silly with what she was holding. Activating the ClusterShot, an array of eight electrical orbs appeared around her, which rocketed towards the two Cloudier around her. She readied herself to avoid any retaliation, and looked out for Lyntael to hopefully join her on the cloud as well.
Underneath her, in the shade of the cloud, Eternalis landed in the onsen waters with a splash, swinging his morphed sword-arm in a wide slash at an unfortunate pair of Mudfeesh-types that happened to be near his landing point. "Come at me!" he yelled out. His morphed sword-arm now powered by the Katana chip, he swung hard and fast, ready to bisect any of the viruses that remained to fight against him.
// Summary -- One for All (Eternalis): Receive 50% Damage from Aurora
[Et.1] Chip:

Accuracy: B
Description: A small bolt of lightning that spreads sideways and behind the target upon impact.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: C: 100 + Spread 3 (Side + Behind) (Acc: B) @ Aquagear + Karma A/B + Muckfeesh A (Vs. Aqua: Elec+100)
[Au.1] Act: Evade incoming attacks: Dodge
[Et.2] Sig: Rapid Sublimation: Teleport @ Onto Big Fluffy Cloud (Tag Along: Aurora)
[Au.2] Chip:

Accuracy: B
Description: Launches a volley of eight plasma spheres at targets designated by the user.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Special: Variable Targeting: Allows the user to select a target for each individual hit of an attack. This means they may strike the same target multiple times, multiple different targets, or a mix of the two as they wish.
Trader Rank: C: 10 x 8 Shots + Variable Targeting (Acc: B) @ Cloudier A x4 + Cloudier B x4 (Same-Element: Elec+15, Vs.Aqua: Elec+25)
[Et.3] Chip:

Accuracy: S for primary target, A for additional targets.
Description: The user warps in front of an enemy, then swings with a strong sword. Can hit up to 3 targets with good RP. Rare
Duration: Once.
Element: Null
Special: Teleport: When RP Quality is excellent, this attack also counts as a free dodge.
Trader Rank: C: 120 + Slashing + Wide Attack + Teleport (Acc: S for primary target, A for additional targets.) @ Muckfeesh A/B
[Au.3] Act: Evade incoming attacks: Dodge
[Et.*] Sig: Influx Aegis: Support Base Heal 20 @ Self, Aurora, Lyntael
[Et.4] Chip:

Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a long metal blade with exceptional cutting speed. Hits with a wide slash, then a long slash in the span of a single action, hitting 3 and 2 targets, respectively. Only one target can be hit with both slashes. Rare
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 2 uses.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: B: (80 + Slashing + Wide Attack) Then (80 + Slashing + Long Attack) (Acc: B) @ Remaining Enemies under Cloud (Use 1/2)
[Et.5] Act: Evade incoming attack: Dodge
[Et.6] Chip:

Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a long metal blade with exceptional cutting speed. Hits with a wide slash, then a long slash in the span of a single action, hitting 3 and 2 targets, respectively. Only one target can be hit with both slashes. Rare
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 2 uses.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: B: (80 + Slashing + Wide Attack) Then (80 + Slashing + Long Attack) (Acc: B) @ Remaining Enemies under Cloud (Use 2/2)
[Et.*] Sig: Influx Aegis: Support Base Heal 20 @ Self, Aurora, Lyntael
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Moving as quietly a she could, Lyntael crept along with her companions, unconsciously holding her breath for tense stretches as they skirted a major viral group. Evne though they seemed to avoid the first group the happened upon, the nerves of sneaking past such a sizeable gathering gave the younger girl more trepidation that the more experienced virus busters. A rapid heart beat and a faint tingle in her skin were the more muted signs of her caution. As they moved around, she felt relieved that the exact extraction point she needed was further beyond the cluster, and not right in the middle of them. She was probably close enough to force the connection through form here, at a guess, but not to take anyone with her; she'd need to be right near the landing point for that. Oh well, not far now.
She watched Aurora and Eternalis trade signs and gestures with a familiarity that felt reassuring, and by the time they'd passed by far enough to relax she scrubbed a hand through her hair and grinned. Errant motes of static came away in her fingers, but it wasn't much.
“It's kind of familiar to me...” she ducked her head slightly, a little self-conscious about the detail. “When I'm on my own doing something for Rogan, I try to avoid things, or run away from them, quite a bit... honestly, most viruses don't really chase you very far if you make it clear you just want to escape...” It was a thought she'd pondered many times; even if they seemed malicious on contact, very few viruses seemed to actively want to seek out or hurt navigators, unless they ran into each other accidentally. Lone or unoperated navis were more likely to be in danger from other navis hunting them, than from viruses, as it turned out. She shook off a small shudder and looked back to her friend,s then forward to where they were heading.
It was a nice day; better not to dwell on things like that. She stretched and skipped forward a little more freely once they seemed to be clear, and then looked forward to the approaching rain front with a grin.
“Nice as the rain is, I'm glad we'll get there before—” she cut off, closing her mouth and catching her breath as Aurora signed for a sudden halt. moments later she picked out the same obvious shapes and sounds that the others had already identified, and winced. She supposed it was too much to hope for, though, all told. the other two prepared for combat, neither concerned enough to abandon the other things they were carrying, and Lyntael tried to take some more comfort from that little detail, though her eyes drifted with concern to the rolled towel that Aurora was still holding.
“What... what should I do...?” She found herself whispering, despite the fact that the time for stealth was past, and looked between them for any instructions. Eternalis was already opening the attack and she shied back a half step as his slightly more monstrous arm...did its thing... As her eyes counted the shapes she could see, the nerves returned and the low pulse of her charge rose to a hum that began to suffuse her skin with visible patterns, arcing lines of light across the pale canvas.
Her attention turned more to Aurora, since Eternalis was fully engaged on diving in, and began to nod as the other woman gave her a quick suggestion. She swallowed, setting her shoulders, and looked up at the cloud above.
“Okay... Okay I can —Ah!” A small squeak of surprise cut her off part way through as Eternalis interrupted and pulled Aurora away with him, leaving Lyntael alone for a moment. She glanced about, looking for the pair, caught sight of them up above then took a longer breath. This was alright. She'd been given a goal, and she could do that much, at least.
Opening her eyes again, Lyntael let out her held breath slowly, the extended one hand, drawing out the pulse of energy that formed her barrier. It came quickly and with an ease that surprised her, settling as it stabilised just past her strikers and fading from sight. No problem. Next...
There were lots of enemies, but only a few she should be focusing on. With that in mind, the girl set herself, then darted forward quickly, crouching low for long enough to draw a large amount of air currents in and around her before leaping up. The gust encircled her as she leapt, vest and skirt whipping rapidly in the small gale, and formed a stiff updraught that carried her up high and across towards the virus that Aurora has pointed out. the air current was fierce and persistent enough to drag anything close to her along with it, but Lyntael tried, just for the moment, to shut out any tag-alongs she may have acquired.
Instead, as she reached the top of her jump and turned over in the air, she controlled her own descent to land neatly just behind the cannon that was mounted improbably in the otherwise very soft cloud surface. At first she'd been puzzled by the sight; clouds didn't really hold weight like that, but this one clearly did. For a brief moment she made eye contact with Aurora, not far from her once more on the cloud, then turned her attention back to the turret between them. Unconsciously, her body had settled into a graceful combat stance after she'd uncurled from her landing, and as she focused on the cannon, she pushed her building charge further. It had started already, but she drew it on, filling herself with the uncomfortable rush of it until she couldn't' hold any more. Her left palm had drawn back further as she focused, and when she struck it was with an explosive release that drove forward toward the main housing and caused a flare of energy that cast a near blinding electrical light around the release point for a few moments.
She pulled back from the sudden drain; the enervating sensation was familiar now, and it wasn't as bad as it might have been, though she still had to catch her breath. the ache was only small, for now, and though she could feel her charge rapidly starting to build again from the dull void such a full expenditure left behind, she felt in control still, more or less. Her body pulsed with energy, sending off another small cascade of sparks in every direction as she tried to keep her charge balanced and in check.
She'd never really be good at this, probably, and she was aware that while she'd shut most of the surrounding danger out of her senses, the past few seconds of caution and focus for her, and this one target, had probably been ample time for her allies to do far, far more... but as long as she could keep control of herself and contribute where she could, that was a good start.
L*) Subtype: All attacks containing Knockback or Pull gain Wind-Type.
L1) My Pain is Real ((On Set: Self-Slow2), Counter(When Hit): 40Elec, Knockback, Nova3, A)(Overcharge +1 on Set, +2 on Trigger)
L2) My Heart Falters (80Elec Barrier, Buster Charge, Off-Target1)(Overcharge -2)
L3) Dodge
L4) High Jump (Updraught of Blast2 with jump, all non-anchored targets thrown into HA), up to cloud layer, to land by Cannondumb along with anything else caught in the wind
L5) Buster Charge
L6) Full Charge Buster Strike (120Elec, Disarm, A, at Cannondumb)(Overcharge +3)
L*) A Manifest Spirit (15Elec Nova2, A)(Overcharge -1)
Cooldowns and Overcharge
My Pain is Real: 3TCD
My Heart Falters: 3TCD
Overcharge: Begin: 0, My Pain is Real (Set) +1, My Heart Falters -2, Full Charge Strike +3, Manifest Spirit -1, End: +2
She watched Aurora and Eternalis trade signs and gestures with a familiarity that felt reassuring, and by the time they'd passed by far enough to relax she scrubbed a hand through her hair and grinned. Errant motes of static came away in her fingers, but it wasn't much.
“It's kind of familiar to me...” she ducked her head slightly, a little self-conscious about the detail. “When I'm on my own doing something for Rogan, I try to avoid things, or run away from them, quite a bit... honestly, most viruses don't really chase you very far if you make it clear you just want to escape...” It was a thought she'd pondered many times; even if they seemed malicious on contact, very few viruses seemed to actively want to seek out or hurt navigators, unless they ran into each other accidentally. Lone or unoperated navis were more likely to be in danger from other navis hunting them, than from viruses, as it turned out. She shook off a small shudder and looked back to her friend,s then forward to where they were heading.
It was a nice day; better not to dwell on things like that. She stretched and skipped forward a little more freely once they seemed to be clear, and then looked forward to the approaching rain front with a grin.
“Nice as the rain is, I'm glad we'll get there before—” she cut off, closing her mouth and catching her breath as Aurora signed for a sudden halt. moments later she picked out the same obvious shapes and sounds that the others had already identified, and winced. She supposed it was too much to hope for, though, all told. the other two prepared for combat, neither concerned enough to abandon the other things they were carrying, and Lyntael tried to take some more comfort from that little detail, though her eyes drifted with concern to the rolled towel that Aurora was still holding.
“What... what should I do...?” She found herself whispering, despite the fact that the time for stealth was past, and looked between them for any instructions. Eternalis was already opening the attack and she shied back a half step as his slightly more monstrous arm...did its thing... As her eyes counted the shapes she could see, the nerves returned and the low pulse of her charge rose to a hum that began to suffuse her skin with visible patterns, arcing lines of light across the pale canvas.
Her attention turned more to Aurora, since Eternalis was fully engaged on diving in, and began to nod as the other woman gave her a quick suggestion. She swallowed, setting her shoulders, and looked up at the cloud above.
“Okay... Okay I can —Ah!” A small squeak of surprise cut her off part way through as Eternalis interrupted and pulled Aurora away with him, leaving Lyntael alone for a moment. She glanced about, looking for the pair, caught sight of them up above then took a longer breath. This was alright. She'd been given a goal, and she could do that much, at least.
Opening her eyes again, Lyntael let out her held breath slowly, the extended one hand, drawing out the pulse of energy that formed her barrier. It came quickly and with an ease that surprised her, settling as it stabilised just past her strikers and fading from sight. No problem. Next...
There were lots of enemies, but only a few she should be focusing on. With that in mind, the girl set herself, then darted forward quickly, crouching low for long enough to draw a large amount of air currents in and around her before leaping up. The gust encircled her as she leapt, vest and skirt whipping rapidly in the small gale, and formed a stiff updraught that carried her up high and across towards the virus that Aurora has pointed out. the air current was fierce and persistent enough to drag anything close to her along with it, but Lyntael tried, just for the moment, to shut out any tag-alongs she may have acquired.
Instead, as she reached the top of her jump and turned over in the air, she controlled her own descent to land neatly just behind the cannon that was mounted improbably in the otherwise very soft cloud surface. At first she'd been puzzled by the sight; clouds didn't really hold weight like that, but this one clearly did. For a brief moment she made eye contact with Aurora, not far from her once more on the cloud, then turned her attention back to the turret between them. Unconsciously, her body had settled into a graceful combat stance after she'd uncurled from her landing, and as she focused on the cannon, she pushed her building charge further. It had started already, but she drew it on, filling herself with the uncomfortable rush of it until she couldn't' hold any more. Her left palm had drawn back further as she focused, and when she struck it was with an explosive release that drove forward toward the main housing and caused a flare of energy that cast a near blinding electrical light around the release point for a few moments.
She pulled back from the sudden drain; the enervating sensation was familiar now, and it wasn't as bad as it might have been, though she still had to catch her breath. the ache was only small, for now, and though she could feel her charge rapidly starting to build again from the dull void such a full expenditure left behind, she felt in control still, more or less. Her body pulsed with energy, sending off another small cascade of sparks in every direction as she tried to keep her charge balanced and in check.
She'd never really be good at this, probably, and she was aware that while she'd shut most of the surrounding danger out of her senses, the past few seconds of caution and focus for her, and this one target, had probably been ample time for her allies to do far, far more... but as long as she could keep control of herself and contribute where she could, that was a good start.
L*) Subtype: All attacks containing Knockback or Pull gain Wind-Type.
L1) My Pain is Real ((On Set: Self-Slow2), Counter(When Hit): 40Elec, Knockback, Nova3, A)(Overcharge +1 on Set, +2 on Trigger)
L2) My Heart Falters (80Elec Barrier, Buster Charge, Off-Target1)(Overcharge -2)
L3) Dodge
L4) High Jump (Updraught of Blast2 with jump, all non-anchored targets thrown into HA), up to cloud layer, to land by Cannondumb along with anything else caught in the wind
L5) Buster Charge
L6) Full Charge Buster Strike (120Elec, Disarm, A, at Cannondumb)(Overcharge +3)
L*) A Manifest Spirit (15Elec Nova2, A)(Overcharge -1)
Cooldowns and Overcharge
My Pain is Real: 3TCD
My Heart Falters: 3TCD
Overcharge: Begin: 0, My Pain is Real (Set) +1, My Heart Falters -2, Full Charge Strike +3, Manifest Spirit -1, End: +2
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A crackle of thunder announced the end of the stand-off. Eternalis' first volley annihilated the Aquagear in a flash, literally and figuratively; spewing black smoke from an unbolted jaw, it collapsed into a sparking heap that quickly faded. The Muckfeesh flopped to sit itself right where the ElecReel wasn't; the Karmas each had exactly enough time to veer sideways before the lightning was upon them. Moving in jagged arcs through the steamy air, one zigged when they should have zagged and was stricken from the face of the Net. The survivor skidded to a stop, and let loose a vengeful puck. It veered wide, missing Eternalis and company by light years...until a distant clack echoed, it screamed back on the rebound, and Eternalis very nearly left his ankles behind as he teleported to the cloud's top (-45). It careened once more through the space where Aurora had been standing pre-warp, and then it was off to parts unknown.
As Lyntael gathered her own electric might and launched herself skyward after the teleporting duo, the dual Cloudiers moved to circle Aurora atop the cloud, preparing a rainstorm between the two of them. As Lyntael landed, they unleashed their attacks as a unit, rain howling and puddling atop the cloud in a display fit to make a meteorologist cry. For a time, the electric maidens seemed to dance between raindrops, before Aurora's ball lightning decimated each Cloudier where they floated, leaving two umbrellas floating off into a blue sky. As the rain cleared, a target lock appearing over Lyntael's chest was their only warning before the CannonDumb's muzzle erupted. Static caught the bullet before it could connect, leaving the air around the young Navi crackling. The turret did its best to weather her retaliatory strike, but withered under the steady, innate pulse of lightning.
Beneath the cloud, Eternalis did his part to clean the rest of the mess up. A neat bit of work with a sword and a teleport skewers two Muckfeesh on his blade with one sweep, and after that all that's left is to hack at a Karma with an Electopian blade until there was nothing left to be gained from the exercise. As Eternalis' systems worked their magic, all the viruses had to show for their efforts was the tiniest scuff amongst the blue pudding. It was, in short, a rout.
-- Viruses --
Viruses up upon a cloud!
CannonDumb2: DELETED
Cloudier A: DELETED
Cloudier B: DELETED
Creatures crawling below a cloud...
Muckfeesh A: DELETED
Muckfeesh B: DELETED
Aquagear: DELETED
-- Navis --
Everybody is on normal terrain in front of the cloud.
Eternalis: 595 HP [Onsen]
Aurora: 100 HP [Big Fluffy Cloud]
Lyntael: 150 HP [Big Fluffy Cloud] [Off-Target] [My Pain is Real: Ready] [20HP Barrier] [Overcharge: +2]
-- Terrain --
20% Normal
80% Onsen
-- Objects --
Big Fluffy Cloud: 200 HP (You can get on top by spending an action, it's large enough to cover all the onsen! The cloud rains every turn, turning terrain underneath it into Onsen)
-- BATTLE #1: VICTORY!! --
Eternalis GET: 3000z, 27 Bugfrags
Lyntael GET: 3000z, 27 Bugfrags
Everyone GET: 6 Mutual FXP
As Lyntael gathered her own electric might and launched herself skyward after the teleporting duo, the dual Cloudiers moved to circle Aurora atop the cloud, preparing a rainstorm between the two of them. As Lyntael landed, they unleashed their attacks as a unit, rain howling and puddling atop the cloud in a display fit to make a meteorologist cry. For a time, the electric maidens seemed to dance between raindrops, before Aurora's ball lightning decimated each Cloudier where they floated, leaving two umbrellas floating off into a blue sky. As the rain cleared, a target lock appearing over Lyntael's chest was their only warning before the CannonDumb's muzzle erupted. Static caught the bullet before it could connect, leaving the air around the young Navi crackling. The turret did its best to weather her retaliatory strike, but withered under the steady, innate pulse of lightning.
Beneath the cloud, Eternalis did his part to clean the rest of the mess up. A neat bit of work with a sword and a teleport skewers two Muckfeesh on his blade with one sweep, and after that all that's left is to hack at a Karma with an Electopian blade until there was nothing left to be gained from the exercise. As Eternalis' systems worked their magic, all the viruses had to show for their efforts was the tiniest scuff amongst the blue pudding. It was, in short, a rout.
-- Viruses --
Viruses up upon a cloud!
CannonDumb2: DELETED
Cloudier A: DELETED
Cloudier B: DELETED
Creatures crawling below a cloud...
Muckfeesh A: DELETED
Muckfeesh B: DELETED
Aquagear: DELETED
-- Navis --
Everybody is on normal terrain in front of the cloud.
Eternalis: 595 HP [Onsen]
Aurora: 100 HP [Big Fluffy Cloud]
Lyntael: 150 HP [Big Fluffy Cloud] [Off-Target] [My Pain is Real: Ready] [20HP Barrier] [Overcharge: +2]
-- Terrain --
20% Normal
80% Onsen
-- Objects --
Big Fluffy Cloud: 200 HP (You can get on top by spending an action, it's large enough to cover all the onsen! The cloud rains every turn, turning terrain underneath it into Onsen)
-- BATTLE #1: VICTORY!! --
Eternalis GET: 3000
Lyntael GET: 3000
Everyone GET: 6 Mutual FXP
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[Z > 20345, BF > 242, LynFXP > 231.]
With the viruses routed, Eternalis stood for a moment under the raincloud, letting the water run off his body. The part of his leg that grazed the destructive hockey puck from earlier undulated about as it repaired itself rapidly, leaving only a tiny chunk missing. The steam from the water he was standing in was obscuring his vision, and he stepped out from the cloud to survey the area if there were any stragglers in the midst.
"That's all of them. Ending battle routine," reported Harke, as if to answer his concern.
"Thanks, Harke. I think we won't really need any more operation, since the jack-in point is pretty close by," he mentioned.
"I'm sticking around," said Harke, reclining in his chair slightly. "Kind of curious to see what the place you two are going to is going to look like, you know?"
"Whatever it's going to be, it'll be miles better than what we saw the first time we went," said Eternalis, recalling the barren room that he had seen when he had been unintentionally pulled into Lyntael's PET for the first time. He looked down at the bottle in his hand; the earlier fight had been easy enough to get through, but there was a chance it had been damaged. Thankfully, a quick check didn't reveal any cracks or the like.
Looking up at the cloud, it seemed like the cloud had risen up slightly, such that his field of vision was a bit more obscured, and he wasn't able to see anything of the two that he had left up on the cloud.
Up on the cloud, Aurora's face lit up as she saw Lyntael join her on the cloud. As the Cloudiers received her electrical barrage, she met Lyntael's eye before she unleashed her own attack on the Canodumb turret. Down below, she could hear the distinct sounds of carnage as well, before it was replaced with the dim sound of rain. Her tense pose relaxed slowly while she exhaled in relief and smiled at Lyntael.
"That went better," she said. Looking down at the "precious cargo" in her hand, it seemed barely touched, as well. She walked over to Lyntael, waiting for her to power down from her attack. "All good on your end?" she asked.
With the viruses routed, Eternalis stood for a moment under the raincloud, letting the water run off his body. The part of his leg that grazed the destructive hockey puck from earlier undulated about as it repaired itself rapidly, leaving only a tiny chunk missing. The steam from the water he was standing in was obscuring his vision, and he stepped out from the cloud to survey the area if there were any stragglers in the midst.
"That's all of them. Ending battle routine," reported Harke, as if to answer his concern.
"Thanks, Harke. I think we won't really need any more operation, since the jack-in point is pretty close by," he mentioned.
"I'm sticking around," said Harke, reclining in his chair slightly. "Kind of curious to see what the place you two are going to is going to look like, you know?"
"Whatever it's going to be, it'll be miles better than what we saw the first time we went," said Eternalis, recalling the barren room that he had seen when he had been unintentionally pulled into Lyntael's PET for the first time. He looked down at the bottle in his hand; the earlier fight had been easy enough to get through, but there was a chance it had been damaged. Thankfully, a quick check didn't reveal any cracks or the like.
Looking up at the cloud, it seemed like the cloud had risen up slightly, such that his field of vision was a bit more obscured, and he wasn't able to see anything of the two that he had left up on the cloud.
Up on the cloud, Aurora's face lit up as she saw Lyntael join her on the cloud. As the Cloudiers received her electrical barrage, she met Lyntael's eye before she unleashed her own attack on the Canodumb turret. Down below, she could hear the distinct sounds of carnage as well, before it was replaced with the dim sound of rain. Her tense pose relaxed slowly while she exhaled in relief and smiled at Lyntael.
"That went better," she said. Looking down at the "precious cargo" in her hand, it seemed barely touched, as well. She walked over to Lyntael, waiting for her to power down from her attack. "All good on your end?" she asked.
last edited by Rogan
The brief shudder of a cannon round passing into her barrier made Lyntael raise her free hand briefly as she attacked; the barrier crackled and slowed it, deflecting the shell and robbing it of the capacity to damage her directly. As her own blow landed, the empty shell glanced across her shoulder and spun her back around, making the girl grit her teeth and clutch at the point, holding back the reflexive recoil just long enough to ensure that none of her friends were close by, before the sphere of electrical energy burst loose. She swayed on her toes after the tension left her, a secondary pulse answering the rise in current as her body rapidly filled the void, then looked about to find Aurora close by. The sounds of combat had already faded and she heaved a couple of long, panted breaths before trying a nervous grin in response to the other woman's smile.
“I'm... Okay, I think... It's not too bad...” Another small ripple of sparks washed off her form a she took another breath, before Lyntael nodded to herself and then more clearly to Aurora to let her know she was safer to approach. “Is Eternalis okay? I thought he came up, but then I lost sight...”
Glancing about quickly, she moved with light, cautious steps to the edge of the cloud and peeked down, picking out the familiar shape of her friend, despite the steamy blue-on-blue setting. When he glanced upwards, another thought occurred and Lyntael quickly darted back from the edge again, one hand going by reflex to push her skirt down, even though it was as covering as it could manage to be already. Her eyes turned to the roll of towels in Aurora's grip. Lyntael bit her lip, eyeing it for an extra second. They were back on an open network now, and Aurora had been a fair distance away, even if it had only really been for a moment. She wouldn't really know if the integrity had held until they checked later, though. With another second or two to make herself relax, Lyntael shrugged; she was nearly home anyway. Better to stop fretting. Instead, she wandered back to stand closer to Aurora and stretched, enjoying the sun now that they were above the clouds and a fresh breeze was blowing. A thought occurred to her.
“Hey, call Eternalis up as well! It's not too far off, but if this holds up, I think I can do something fun!” Unconsciously she bounced on her toes a little as her glee latched onto the idea, eyes dancing with a hint of mischievous delight as she grinned at the other woman.
Provided the gooiest member of their party didn't take too long to arrive, Lyntael waved to him as he showed up, then skipped quickly to the edge of the cloud nearest the location she needed to get to. It felt like it was only a few more minutes of walking away, but maybe it could be quicker than that, and with less risk. She closed her eyes at the edge and focused, before the light breeze shifted around to their backs and began to pick up slowly. A small curl and bluster of wind encircled Lyntael herself, making her vest and skirt flare and flutter as she concentrated, but around the cloud they were on the breeze grew stronger, until the fluffy platform began to drift forward at a gradually increasing pace. the girl exhaled and opened her eyes, the small spiral of wind around her dying down as she turned back to face the others, smiling brightly. The main breeze continued to push them for an extra few moments before settling and leaving the cloud to drift forward at a fair pace on its own. Lyntael stretched her hands up and flexed her fingers, enjoying the wind and the sun, then relaxed and laughed.
“This is much better than running into viruses all over the place. I should get one of these to keep, hehe!” With another giggle, she dropped down to sit at the edge of the cloud, feet swinging, and waved for the others to join her.
“It'll only take a minute, I think... There... I can see the place where I arrived the first time” She pointed down at an angle as they approached the dilapidated bath clearing. “I think I did alright that time... I know I didn't really do much, exactly, but I did something useful, and I kept calm, and I didn't even get very close to over-doing it.” She rolled her shoulders a little and glanced between aurora and Eternalis. “You both work so quickly though. I don't think I'll ever be that fast.”
After a short few moments, the cloud began to pass over the place Lyntael needed, and she closed her eyes again, putting out a hand in front and drawing it in towards her chest to bring enough wind to counter the cloud's drift and bring it to a stop. The natural breeze started to move it very slowly again, but not enough to be an issue.
“It'll be smoothest if we're right on the point, so we should probably jump down. It looks clear down there, though... I can't see anything.” She glanced to Aurora with a questioning eyebrow; she knew the other woman had something that let her detect viruses from further out, so she waited for the all clear before hopping off the edge of the cloud with a small shove. A column of wind caught her as she dropped down neatly, the updraught slowing the fall and letting her land at the edge of one of the neglected pools. Once they were all at the right spot, Lyntael clasped her hands close to her chest and looked at the pair.
“Okay, so... It's really nothing too special or fancy. Not like anything you both did with your home, but I just made something that was nice, and, um, cosy, you know? So... don't, um, don't expect too much, okay?” The warning given, and once everyone was ready to depart, she took a hand each and focused for another moment, closing her eyes as she found and accessed the emulation point that was still active. After a second or two more, the faltering, unstable light beam retrieved them.
((Lyntael, returning to => Her Home))
“I'm... Okay, I think... It's not too bad...” Another small ripple of sparks washed off her form a she took another breath, before Lyntael nodded to herself and then more clearly to Aurora to let her know she was safer to approach. “Is Eternalis okay? I thought he came up, but then I lost sight...”
Glancing about quickly, she moved with light, cautious steps to the edge of the cloud and peeked down, picking out the familiar shape of her friend, despite the steamy blue-on-blue setting. When he glanced upwards, another thought occurred and Lyntael quickly darted back from the edge again, one hand going by reflex to push her skirt down, even though it was as covering as it could manage to be already. Her eyes turned to the roll of towels in Aurora's grip. Lyntael bit her lip, eyeing it for an extra second. They were back on an open network now, and Aurora had been a fair distance away, even if it had only really been for a moment. She wouldn't really know if the integrity had held until they checked later, though. With another second or two to make herself relax, Lyntael shrugged; she was nearly home anyway. Better to stop fretting. Instead, she wandered back to stand closer to Aurora and stretched, enjoying the sun now that they were above the clouds and a fresh breeze was blowing. A thought occurred to her.
“Hey, call Eternalis up as well! It's not too far off, but if this holds up, I think I can do something fun!” Unconsciously she bounced on her toes a little as her glee latched onto the idea, eyes dancing with a hint of mischievous delight as she grinned at the other woman.
Provided the gooiest member of their party didn't take too long to arrive, Lyntael waved to him as he showed up, then skipped quickly to the edge of the cloud nearest the location she needed to get to. It felt like it was only a few more minutes of walking away, but maybe it could be quicker than that, and with less risk. She closed her eyes at the edge and focused, before the light breeze shifted around to their backs and began to pick up slowly. A small curl and bluster of wind encircled Lyntael herself, making her vest and skirt flare and flutter as she concentrated, but around the cloud they were on the breeze grew stronger, until the fluffy platform began to drift forward at a gradually increasing pace. the girl exhaled and opened her eyes, the small spiral of wind around her dying down as she turned back to face the others, smiling brightly. The main breeze continued to push them for an extra few moments before settling and leaving the cloud to drift forward at a fair pace on its own. Lyntael stretched her hands up and flexed her fingers, enjoying the wind and the sun, then relaxed and laughed.
“This is much better than running into viruses all over the place. I should get one of these to keep, hehe!” With another giggle, she dropped down to sit at the edge of the cloud, feet swinging, and waved for the others to join her.
“It'll only take a minute, I think... There... I can see the place where I arrived the first time” She pointed down at an angle as they approached the dilapidated bath clearing. “I think I did alright that time... I know I didn't really do much, exactly, but I did something useful, and I kept calm, and I didn't even get very close to over-doing it.” She rolled her shoulders a little and glanced between aurora and Eternalis. “You both work so quickly though. I don't think I'll ever be that fast.”
After a short few moments, the cloud began to pass over the place Lyntael needed, and she closed her eyes again, putting out a hand in front and drawing it in towards her chest to bring enough wind to counter the cloud's drift and bring it to a stop. The natural breeze started to move it very slowly again, but not enough to be an issue.
“It'll be smoothest if we're right on the point, so we should probably jump down. It looks clear down there, though... I can't see anything.” She glanced to Aurora with a questioning eyebrow; she knew the other woman had something that let her detect viruses from further out, so she waited for the all clear before hopping off the edge of the cloud with a small shove. A column of wind caught her as she dropped down neatly, the updraught slowing the fall and letting her land at the edge of one of the neglected pools. Once they were all at the right spot, Lyntael clasped her hands close to her chest and looked at the pair.
“Okay, so... It's really nothing too special or fancy. Not like anything you both did with your home, but I just made something that was nice, and, um, cosy, you know? So... don't, um, don't expect too much, okay?” The warning given, and once everyone was ready to depart, she took a hand each and focused for another moment, closing her eyes as she found and accessed the emulation point that was still active. After a second or two more, the faltering, unstable light beam retrieved them.
((Lyntael, returning to => Her Home))
last edited by Frelia
"Yeah, it sounds like you're getting used to it, at least," replied Aurora with a wry smile. For better or for worse, she thought. Upon Lyntael's request, she brought up the data display on her visor, and saw that Eternalis's stats were reporting all green, as per usual. "Seems fine to me," she reported. Through it, she saw Lyntael peek over the edge of the cloud, and raised an eyebrow. They weren't all that high up, were they?
Joining her at the edge, however, confirmed otherwise--it seemed like the cloud had drifted upwards after their battle. Perhaps it was returning to its "normal" function without any viruses to hijack it. It was a fair distance down now, and she wasn't sure if she would be able to make the jump down. She spotted Eternalis on the ground, who waved to them in acknowledgement. Of course, she thought, she could just return by the way she came. Lyntael seemed to have some related idea as well, calling to her to ask Eternalis to join them up on the cloud. It probably wasn't related to heading back down, so she wondered what exactly it was.
Curious, she nodded. "All right," she said. Opening a communication link to Eternalis, the familiar video feed window opened at her side, next to Harke's.
"How's the weather up there?" his voice chimed in, a wide grin showing through the feed.
"Lovely. Why don't you join us up here? Lyntael seems to want to do something. Not sure what exactly, though," she said.
"Sounds interesting," he replied. In response, the feed immediately cut out. She then heard a light "puff" from behind her, accompanied by a loud "Touchdown!" announcement, with none other than Eternalis being its source. Standing up from a crouch after landing from a mid-air materialization, Eternalis caused the cloud to bounce subtly from Eternalis's landing, but other than that, it seemed to be stable enough.
"Hey! So, what am I here for?" he waved cheerfully to the two. Aurora shrugged wordlessly with a smile, gesturing over to Lyntael.
His question was eventually answered, as Lyntael manipulated the cloud to carry them to their destination, virus-free. Sounds of wonderment were raised from Eternalis and Aurora as they looked around at their surroundings drifting past below them.
"I don't know, maybe you could do more of this wind thing in battle, instead of using electricity," commented Harke, in reply to Lyntael's self-evaluation of the recent battle.
"Yeah, wind's pretty powerful when it gets stronger. I'll bet you can do a lot with this level of control," agreed Eternalis. Aurora nodded in agreement as well, but busied herself with scouting out the area that they were passing through for viruses. Thankfully, it didn't seem like there were any airborne viruses around the area, and they reached their destination safely as the cloud slowly came to a stop. Lyntael herself seemed to want her for something, though, and she blinked a few times before she realized what it was.
"Oh! Yeah, it's all clear on my end, too. Let's head back down," said Aurora, before Lyntael took the lead going down. She turned towards Eternalis, who was already ready with an overly proper-looking pose, with hand outstretched. She giggled, and gingerly took Eternalis's hand in turn. Clutching the items they had, they both ported their way down to ground zero.
The landing was less dramatic than Eternalis's earlier entrance as they met with Lyntael, who was still somewhat apprehensive about the condition of her own home. "Lead the way," grinned Eternalis, holding out the bottle in his hand, with his action mirrored by Aurora holding up the towels in hers. As Lyntael took their hands in hers, they both closed their eyes, bracing for the transfer that would follow.
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Joining her at the edge, however, confirmed otherwise--it seemed like the cloud had drifted upwards after their battle. Perhaps it was returning to its "normal" function without any viruses to hijack it. It was a fair distance down now, and she wasn't sure if she would be able to make the jump down. She spotted Eternalis on the ground, who waved to them in acknowledgement. Of course, she thought, she could just return by the way she came. Lyntael seemed to have some related idea as well, calling to her to ask Eternalis to join them up on the cloud. It probably wasn't related to heading back down, so she wondered what exactly it was.
Curious, she nodded. "All right," she said. Opening a communication link to Eternalis, the familiar video feed window opened at her side, next to Harke's.
"How's the weather up there?" his voice chimed in, a wide grin showing through the feed.
"Lovely. Why don't you join us up here? Lyntael seems to want to do something. Not sure what exactly, though," she said.
"Sounds interesting," he replied. In response, the feed immediately cut out. She then heard a light "puff" from behind her, accompanied by a loud "Touchdown!" announcement, with none other than Eternalis being its source. Standing up from a crouch after landing from a mid-air materialization, Eternalis caused the cloud to bounce subtly from Eternalis's landing, but other than that, it seemed to be stable enough.
"Hey! So, what am I here for?" he waved cheerfully to the two. Aurora shrugged wordlessly with a smile, gesturing over to Lyntael.
His question was eventually answered, as Lyntael manipulated the cloud to carry them to their destination, virus-free. Sounds of wonderment were raised from Eternalis and Aurora as they looked around at their surroundings drifting past below them.
"I don't know, maybe you could do more of this wind thing in battle, instead of using electricity," commented Harke, in reply to Lyntael's self-evaluation of the recent battle.
"Yeah, wind's pretty powerful when it gets stronger. I'll bet you can do a lot with this level of control," agreed Eternalis. Aurora nodded in agreement as well, but busied herself with scouting out the area that they were passing through for viruses. Thankfully, it didn't seem like there were any airborne viruses around the area, and they reached their destination safely as the cloud slowly came to a stop. Lyntael herself seemed to want her for something, though, and she blinked a few times before she realized what it was.
"Oh! Yeah, it's all clear on my end, too. Let's head back down," said Aurora, before Lyntael took the lead going down. She turned towards Eternalis, who was already ready with an overly proper-looking pose, with hand outstretched. She giggled, and gingerly took Eternalis's hand in turn. Clutching the items they had, they both ported their way down to ground zero.
The landing was less dramatic than Eternalis's earlier entrance as they met with Lyntael, who was still somewhat apprehensive about the condition of her own home. "Lead the way," grinned Eternalis, holding out the bottle in his hand, with his action mirrored by Aurora holding up the towels in hers. As Lyntael took their hands in hers, they both closed their eyes, bracing for the transfer that would follow.
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