The Divine Quest


A mixture of fascination and hesitation in her voice as Megami seemed to give Warrior a response that was as dry as the world's most unpleasant turkey on Thanksgiving Day. She seemed totally preoccupied by the sight of the viruses in the distance. Sure, she came to bust viruses and see just how far her limits could take her as a "NetNavi" when it came to herself and young Xenneth, but there was just some oddities in this world that escaped her. For instance? When viruses seemed to do more than just attack and strike someone.

So of course random viruses working on a street corner would make her lift a brow.

"Hoverbikes on the net?" Xenneth seemed to reply puzzled as he looked upon his P.E.T screen, "I have never heard of such a thing."

"Uh-uh-...I mean...uh-huh."

Megami was totally out of it!

"Xen-kun," Megami had begun to say as the dry tone cleared from her voice, "Do viruses do construction on the net?" the young female NetNavi asked as she gazed upon the distance, her chestnut hair falling from her shoulder as she tilted her body looking past Warrior as if he was just a regular wall to hide behind so the virii could not see here.

"No that's just cra-" Xenneth had looked at the first-person view from the P.E.T screen to see what was catching Megami's eye. His eyes giving that same expression as Megami as he gazed on quite confused. "Uh...I" the female NetNavi had been staring so long that her curiosity had tugged and pulled.

Tugged and pulled...

Tugged and pulled...

Soon...she was literally being pulled closer to the viruses not minding her business anymore, walking toward their general direction to see exactly what they were doing. She had almost seemed to forget the bikes as Warrior had become a simple wall for her to go around, all his attempts to guide her curiosity on deaf ears.

"Maybe we should leave them al-" Xenneth noticing the Mettaur growing bigger from the view of his P.E.T. "Uh...Megami-chan? W-where are you going?" she seeming to drown out Xenneth's voice in an appeasement of her own "have-to-know-it-all"-ism.

What else would you expect from a woman who did not know when to end a handshake or catch sarcasm?

OOC Notes:
Now Listening To: -------
Current Attire: Default GMO
Chatty Ditz: Sorry Remmy, but couldn't pass up a chance for a funny, nor to appease Megami's curiosity.

((OOC: Lol, no worries.))

Warrior's eyes almost looked terrified as Megami peered behind him to look at the viruses.


The chance of a lifetime -- being passed up before his very eyes. His thoughts were commanding Megami, "No, don't fall for the distraction", but the only audible sound she'd hear from him was something akin to a very low hum... if anything at all, considering where her attention was and, well, wasn't.


He was begging her in his mind right now. "Please, please, please don't get distracted!", he'd plea. But it only came out as a slightly louder, almost fragile whimper as Megami continued to stare at them.

"Nooooooo!!! "

A slightly louder grunt this time -- one a child would make when their mother told them to "put that candy back!" at the grocery store. His dreams were shattered because of these meddling mets! Warrior's head sank to his chest as he exhaled painfully. He felt like his soul was being dragged away by Megami, clawing and scratching to get back to the hoverbike on the back of the man's truck. The vehicle seemed to grow ever brighter as he slowly backed away from it.

"So. Why don't you just ride the hoverbike by yourself? Without Megami?"

Jake thought he was being a little over dramatic about the whole thing. It's not like the two were connected at the waist or anything.

" Pfft. Because."


Jake paused for a second, waiting for Warrior to finish giving his reason.


Oh, hey, that was his reason. Just 'Because'.

"... Wow."

Warrior dragged his feet as he turned around and followed Megami. He could sense impending scrutiny from Jake.

"Getting hard to breathe?"

"... What?"

"I'm just saying. She's got her finger wrapped around you pretty tightly right now. You must be suffocating."


"And there's that leash that's just tugging at your neck, it must feel like being choked."

This was probably going to go on for a little while now. But Warrior would just have to live with it, because, well... maybe it was true?

"I mean, the way you just handed over your pants like tha-- Hey..."

Jake stopped mid-sentence when interrupted by Warrior. He was no where near done!

"... is that the same Metool?"

"Same one as what?"

"Y'know, the same one as before. Remember?"

"... Oh, you mean the 'smart one'? The one that could 'hold enlightening conversations and do tricks'? The one that you tripped over like a clutz and it managed to run away before you could delete it like a real man? That one?"

" ... yeah."

He was surprised Warrior would even bring that thing up. Especially in the middle of a beat down - it was like he was asking for more insults! But that aside, Jake looked around with his PET Monitor to see what Warrior was talking about.

"No, I don't think so."

"No, I think so. It looks exactly the same."

"Whooaa whoa whoa! What are you trying to say? That 'all Metools look the same'?"

"They do!"


There was a brief pause after Warrior had said that... was this one of those times he should've just kept his mouth shut?

"Woooooow. Way to sound prejudiced against the entire Metool race."

"What?! What are you-- What a jeeeerk."

"Jake's the jerk", Warrior thought to himself. The kid never missed a chance to pick on him, and it wasn't like he could reach into the Real World and smack him in the face like he wanted to sometimes. Sadly, he wasn't really good at "fighting back", you could say, outside of physically "fighting back". He'd just continue to take it until Jake eventually got tired and shut up. They were on a private line right now, though, so at least Megami wasn't hearing any of this.

Not that she'd be listening, anyway - she was clearly too encaptivated by a sodding group of Metools to pay Warrior any mind. This felt like one of those "dragging alongs" that Warrior had thought to himself about earlier. It certainly did not feel entertaining at the moment, either.

In the midst of it all, Warrior forgot to say "no thanks" to the hoverbike-guy. He kind of just walked away after Megami which was actually kind of rude in hindsight. But, well, there was no changing that now, was there?

((OOC: GG, Warrior's humiliated and heartbroken </3. And Megami officially stole his pants away without even trying.))
As Megami continued her approach towards the mettaur viruses while dragging Warrior by his invisible chain and collar, she had seemed to have the curios expression of a five-year old etched onto her face as if it were stone. That empty eyed gazed continued onward, all the while she approached them behind void of caution. She attempted to get close enough to see what they were swinging their large pickaxes into (while keeping out of striking range at that) and stopped staying in position simply watching them.

"This..." Xenneth thought to himself as he stared at the P.E.T. display seeing Megami's child-like approach to the viruses, "This may not end well." His voice still low enough to be considered a thought to himself, and Megami was too distracted to hear him. She had watched thinking maybe she could actually ask them what they were doing.

They were said to have one at least "smart" in their previous encounter, right? Maybe they could communicate?

"Excuse me..." she began lifting a single index finger from her right hand while the left stayed close to her chest. " there something you are...umm...perhaps digging for, yes?" she asked the viruses.

Who knew? Maybe they needed help or something?

OOC Notes:
Now Listening To: -------
Current Attire: Default GMO
Chatty Ditz: -----

The mysterious Navi who had offered them a chance at awesome hoverbike action, watched as the two Navis seemed to just walk away. The biker Navi just shook his head in disappointment at having to find another pair to test his bikes with and jumped back into his truck. He drove away just as Megami and Warrior got to the busy intersection.

As Megami came to the intersection, she noticed that each corner had three color-coded teleport pads and that each corner was also color-coded. It was easy enough to figure out which teleport pad went to which corner. There were no traffic lights or anything to indicate that the vehicles would stop for them to cross, so having the pads there was helpful. As such, the two teleported across without incident.

When they finally reached the Metools digging into the street, they noticed that they appeared much larger than they did from a distance. They were at least twice the size of normal Mets. There were about four of them around the hole, and there were sounds of at least two more inside the hole. As Megami tried to talk to the nearest Met, there was suddenly a busy rustle and an exclamation of happiness as a green crystal was tossed out of the hole onto the street. One of the four Metools on the street hurried over to the data crystal and picked it up with stubby hands. Then walked over to the pile of rubble nearby and placed it on top. Then went back to the hole with his pickaxe.

The one Metool that Megami was trying to talk to turned to her and waved its pickaxe at her in a semi-threatening manner. It seemed that the Met was trying to ward her away. Perhaps they didn't want anyone messing around with their data mining. Although, by the way that the civilian Navis were ignoring them and not calling for help made it seem that there might be more going on then just a few Metools data mining. Maybe they had a permit, or were asked to do what they were doing? Although they could be up to no good and no one wanted to get involved.

Would Megami and Warrior try to stop them? Would they leave the Mets alone? Or would they just wait and see what happens?

[Choose your path.]
It certainly was fascinating...

The Mettaur virus was abnormally bigger than the rest she encountered, and not to mention it did not seem to want to attack her, but it sure shown some potential aggression. It was enough to make Megami stop and reflect as if she was belittled after doing something wrong like a child would. Her eyes had gone to the green crystal they heaved and then to the hole which they dived back into shortly after. The orbs had shifted lifted to right as if they were in a volley before finally going to Warrior whom had followed along with her.

"Well, they certainly seemed nice." Megami had said with a warm, naïve smile, "Though I think I may have upset them slightly, yes? I wonder why."

"We can leave?" Xenneth was advising more than suggesting, "It's not too late! I-I mean, maybe they are busy with something important!"

"Well, would that not be all the more reason to find out what it is? I certainly would like to befriend a virus!"

She was nuts, and Xenneth knew he could not explain anything to anyone who was nuts. Even as he opened mouth to say something, his response was on deaf ears and Megami was already walking over to Warrior, reaching for his hand and aiming to pull him near the hole where the Mettaur viruses had dived into. Her intention? To leap in along with them of course!

"Warrior-san, let us join them, yes?" Megami asked with an upbeat smile, "Maybe we could see what they are doing. I really would like to know what it is viruses do!" Megami said happily.

OOC Notes:
Now Listening To: -------
Current Attire: Default GMO
Chatty Ditz: -----

They turned down hoverbike racing for this?! Warrior at least planned on robbing the Metools' Mystery Data from them so he'd profit something from his loss, but Megami grabbed him by the hand and tugged him toward the hole as she made her request to go investigate inside.

"Warrior-san, let us join them, yes? Maybe we could see what they are doing. I really would like to know what it is viruses do!"

"I mean... can't we just like... watch a documentary on Viruses or something? Do we really have to like... go in there?"

What, was he afraid of the dark spooky hole or something? Jake chimed in as Megami continued to win Warrior's consent to go in by the simple tugging of his hand.

"Well, look at it this way: there are probably more green crystals in there, right? Maybe you can scoop up a few while you're in there poking around in their business."

"There's one sitting right here, above ground. Why not just take this one and be on our way?"

"Yes, how manly of you to take the easy spoils. Megami wouldn't you be sooo impressed by that?"

"Ugh, fiiine... I'll go in the stupid hole."

Stupid Jake was so dumb and... stupid. And those stupid Metools and their dumb.... selves. Being all... dumb and stuff. With their stupid... friggin... dumbness. So dumb.

"Alright! Want to heal up before you dive in? Just in case?"


And their dumb pickaxes, and their stupid helmets. And the green cross on their helmets were just dumb too. Like green cross-hairs to fire at. So stupid.

"... Warrior?"


Friggin pint-sized dummies. Like dumb little leprechauns smacking around their stupid things and digging for gold and stuff down here. Meanwhile, two brand-spanking new hoverbikes were just driving away, never to be seen again. Thanks to these little twerps' existence.

"... Nah, I'm fine."

He felt like he'd been on this rant before... but even still. He just sucked it up and proceeded toward the hole with Megami still leading him by the hand.
At some squeeking protest of the Mets, Megami dragged Warrior to the hole and jumped in, pulling Warrior along. They only fell a few feet before they landed with a splash in knee-high water. Apparently they had jumped into the sewer. Strangely, it didn't smell. Perhaps it was because this was a sewer on the NET and didn't follow the same rules as a sewer in the Real World.

Anyways, they saw the two Mets that were working down there in the sewer, apparently carving through one of the stone walls. Green sparkles glittered in the earthworks as they chipped away at the wall. It would seem that they would have to gather together a few chunks worth of green stuff to make a data crystal. They had already dug out a few handful sized chunks and had started putting them together in a partially formed crystal.

The protesting chirps from above became louder as the four Mets on the street jumped down the hole and landed around the two Navis. They waved their pickaxes menacingly and growled at them. The sounds alerted the two miners. And, after they spent a moment trying to grasp the new situation, joined their fellows.

Do they fight the Metools? Do they try to calm them down? Do they take the hint that the Mets do not want them messing around with their work and leave (either back onto the street or through the sewers)? Or do they do something else?

[Choose your Path.]
"Oh no..."

The Mettaur viruses had looked angry.

"Oooooh no..."

They were around them waving their pickaxes and sending out menacing growls.

"Oooooooooooh no!"

Although Xenneth was panicking, every fiber of his being saying that Megami (as usual) had a bad idea, he could do nothing more than watch it unfold. What was more astonishing (but not surprising) was Megami still trying to friendly even as she had stood before the Mettaur viruses that surrounded them, looked on with a confused expression, and wondered with that childish face, once more, had she done something wrong and for the life of her, what was it exactly?!

Although most NetNavis would take it all as a threat, Megami was not like most NetNavis. If anything, she was the most clueless program that had ever existed as she even kneeled down slightly to meet at eye level with one of the viruses (larger size aside) and continue to speak calmly trying to find rationality in the situation.

"Oh! You seem upset, yes?" she seemed to ask before lifting her hands to shoulder level and wavering them side to side like a pair of jazz hands, "My apologies! Honestly, I mean you no harm!" she insisted, naively.

"Megami-chan..." Xenneth finally chimed in, breaking his silence, "...I-I-I really...really...REALLY don't think they want you around for some reason." he replied.

However, Megami only gained a puzzled expression on her face.

"You think so, Xen-kun?" she had asked, "Surely, we can talk about this, yes? Perhaps we can come to an agreement?" her gaze going from one virus to the next.

It seemed like she was trying to retain some diplomacy...with viruses...for some strange reason.

OOC Notes:
Now Listening To: -------
Current Attire: Default GMO
Chatty Ditz: -----


"Yeah I know, right? Now you got us surrounded."

"What? No, not that."

Well then what was Jake 'Whoa'ing about, Warrior wondered?!

"These guys are making those green crystals! You should help them out so we can get some of the profit. We'll get rich!"

"... Is that even legal, though?"

"Who cares?! If authorities get on to you for it, just blame the viruses!"


Well, that wasn't a bad point, actually. But then again, Megami was a witness to all this, and he wasn't too confident in her ability to lie... much less his own, really.

"Or we could just delete them all and dig out the green data ourselves."

"... You're telling me you'd rather do all that work when they could just do it for you?"

Hey, he had a point.

While Megami was kneeling down and negotiating with the Metools, Warrior continued to stand upright as he addressed the rest of the Metools that were swinging their digging tools around his face. Looking down on them both physically and metaphysically, he crossed his arms and spoke in a slightly more assertive tone than Megami... or maybe not so 'slightly' at all.

It was almost comical how quickly the tone of Warrior's speech negated the tone of Megami's plea as soon as she had finished talking.

"Alright, listen up little pricks. I'm a Net Navi -- an Anti-Virus program. That pretty much means my sole purpose in life is to delete you on sight. And guess what?"

His eyes scanned slowly around the group as if he was giving some sort of speech or presentation; capturing his audience with his glare as it circled around the group.

"I'm in a deleting mood today."

The speech was interrupted by a loud snap of his fingers to draw their attention to his hand. He pointed toward the wall they were digging at earlier, waiting for them to look over there (or just waiting for a dramatic enough pause) before continuing.

"Now you get your little heinies over there and dig me up some of those green crystals, and then I might reconsider my options, and we can just pretend this all never happened. Capiche?"


Jake was left silent after that. Maybe it was awkward to watch? Maybe he didn't think Warrior had it in him to talk like that? It was unclear, but if Warrior was playing off an act, he wasn't doing a bad job. Jake did think he looked a little silly at the moment, but Jake kind of thought that way all the time.

Without Warrior's consent, Jake went ahead and activated one of his PET's Subchip functions... Even though the Viruses threatened him first, he was pretty certain they wouldn't respond well to a threat given back to them.

If anything, though, they probably didn't understand a word that Warrior just said. Soo... maybe that would amount to something.

[[b]Sub Chip[/b] - Mini Energy] -- Activated
At the threatening words of Warrior, the Metools attacked! Though not before Warrior healed.

-Surrounding Enemies-
Metool EXA: 70HP [North]
Metool EXB: 70HP [North-East]
Metool EXC: 70HP [South-East]
Metool EXD: 70HP [South]
Metool EXE: 70HP [South-West]
Metool EXF: 70HP [North-West]

100% Normal

-Surrounded Allies-
Megami: 90HP
Warrior: 95HP

~Battle 6: Start!!~
"What in the world is he doing?!"

At the sound of them being threatened, it seems the Mettaur viruses were done with pretty pleas and kind words. Megami's legs sprung as she stood straight up, reluctant to try to fight all of the sudden. Looking from left to right, she already seen she was surrounded, so there was no way she was going to escape from this scenario. Her right arm raised and hands brimming with a bright aura, she had prepared herself for an inescapable fight.

"Megami-chan! I am sending battle chips. I think they are not going to listen anymore."


Her fingers were limp in movement and her eyes had seemed to have a misty stare. Megami's right hand had begun to slowly lift as she brought the brimming aura to a rage. Its form was like an inferno's blaze, but still it was barely visible being nothing more than an essence. Soon, it shone brightly as it quickly began to cover Megami, shielding her body. She seemed to be quick to take a defensive stance.

"Xen-kun, send the Cannon Battlechip."

"I thought so. It should be enough to delete one of them instantly if you use your power." he exclaimed, "Cannon! Battlechip in, download!"

A single battle chip loaded, Megami had formed the cannon's grid-like form around her right arm, but then completed the grid by completely forming the barrel and its texture. Just as quickly it had come, Megami aimed the weapon to the ground with her right arm. Xenneth was suddenly caught off guard by the weapon's trajectory, but was familiar with its use.

"Megami-chan?!" Xenneth cried from the vid screen, alarming one enough to her form bent lowly and her weapon aiming towards the ground. Her eyes were going upward from the opening from whence they came in from and her free left hand towards Warrior's own wrist who was close by, aiming to snatch him up with her.

It was obvious now: Megami was attempting to rocket blast out of the hole and take him with her.


Megami's cannon let out an explosive blast as she aimed to blast herself upwards. Her eyes showing certain, but her mouth not speaking a word.


Action 1: Divinity Aura [40HP Barrier] {Megami}
Action 2: Snatch [Attempt to take Warrior with Megami]
Action 3: Cannon [Propulsion] {Escape from Sewer Area}

OOC Notes:
Now Listening To: "Emergency" by the Artist Paramore (Battle Theme)
Current Attire: Default GMO
Chatty Ditz: -----
"Aqua Knife!"

Jake cut short the whole 'Battle Chip In!' spill. The whole point of it was to let Warrior know which chip was being sent to him - no need to be dramatic with his words.

"Alright, have it your way the--eh?."

Warrior was cut off by Megami when she grabbed his wrist and fired her cannon. He was dragged in whatever trajectory she'd sent them flying in, if any at all. As the AquaKnife found its way to Warrior's hand, he was prepared to dig it into the rim of the hole if Megami's cannon blast wasn't strong enough to knock them out of it and promptly use it as support to climb out of the hole.

If the attempt failed entirely though, and they found themselves back in the sewer, Warrior was prepared to come down on top of the nearest Metool with his knife as he fell from the unsuccessful attempt to escape. But apparently Megami wasn't in the mood to fight these guys, so he'd relent to her will if that's the way it was going to be.

- -- --- ---- ----- ---- --- -- -

Action 1: Dodge (Following Megami into the air and 'catch' the edge of the hole with AquaKnife if the Cannon blast wasn't strong enough.)

Free Action: Precision (Take Aim: +1 ACC to One Attack)

Action 2 (Conditional): Aqua Knife (DMG: 60 ~ ACC: A+ ~ Slashing ~ 6 Uses) @ Metool.EXE (puns :3 )

-- If the escape from the hole fails, Warrior's 2nd Action is spent dropping down on MetoolEXE with his Sword. If the escape succeeds, then Warrior's 2nd Action is just spent uploading AquaKnife for a free use next turn.

-- I wasn't sure if this kind of situation would merit a turn-splice or not... But I found a way to RP it and make it work (in my opinion), so I just went with that. But for future reference, would a turn splice have been a more efficient choice to execute a conditional action like that?
[Note: Yes, a turn-splice would be the preferred way of dealing with conditional actions.]

[+4 FXP]

Megami produced a strong barrier around her... and then grabbed Warrior and blasted out of the sewers. The Metools were so stunned by this that they didn't pursue right away. It should be easy for the two Navis to escape the battle if they ran away now. Also there was the unguarded green mystery data crystal sitting on the pile of rubble nearby, they could probably grab it before they escaped if they wanted too.

-Stunned Enemies-
Metool EXA: 70HP [Sewers]
Metool EXB: 70HP [Sewers]
Metool EXC: 70HP [Sewers]
Metool EXD: 70HP [Sewers]
Metool EXE: 70HP [Sewers]
Metool EXF: 70HP [Sewers]

GMD: 30HP [Street]

80% Normal [Street]
20% Broken [Hole Into Sewers]

Megami: 90HP [40HP Barrier] [Street]
Warrior: 95HP [AquaKnife (Loaded)] [Street]

[Note: If you use any amount of Escape Action(s), you will get another +10% added to the total.]

It was only with a thud after landing that Megami cried out one word to Warrior that sent Xenneth into confusion. He knew she was not the type to run from a fight, and she was that type of person that would boast Xenneth on to believe in himself. So why run? It was most likely a feeling she had; the very same feeling Xenneth felt the moment the mettaur viruses brandished their little pickaxes and waved them before her in a tempered manner. Xenneth only pursued his lips looking to the screen of his P.E.T to see the image of Megami to realize what she was feeling right now.

"You're right," Xenneth added, "Let's try to get somewhere away from them. I don't think they can run that fast."

Megami's charming cotton gown had flown up in the breeze revealing her exposed lower legs and sandals on her feet that endured her sprint like the finest of running shoes. Her palms were closed as she squeezed out a rushing aura that carried behind her like a turbulent stream from a jet. A vibrant color danced behind Megami that was consisting of her blue and white clothes and her sweeping chestnut brown hair. She had only looked once behind her to see the open hole where she had sprung from, and could only assume Warrior was running close behind trying to escape the tempered little viruses.


Action 1: Run for your life! (Escape)]
Action 2: Run with all your might! (Escape)
Action 3: Run with all that you are! (Escape)

[size=50]OOC Notes:
Now Listening To: "Emergency" by the Artist Paramore (Battle Theme)
Current Attire: Default GMO
Chatty Ditz: Not much to elaborate on. Getting out of dodge! >=[[/size]
(Gotcha boss.)


Warrior responded to Megami's command obediently... kind of. He was indeed running -- toward the Green Mystery Data, of course. There was no way he planned on coming out of this empty handed!

Before he began his sprint, though - the moment his feet touched the floor after making it out of the hole - he summoned his Solar Panels in an attempt to seal the hole behind him and trap the Metools inside (and maybe even restore a little bit of energy in the process.).

"Raaaage Claw!"

The Aqua Knife was discarded, sadly, but replaced with the Rage Claw chip to give Warrior just enough extra strength that he could carry the Mystery Data without slowing himself down. And that's precisely what he did; before Megami had the chance to turn around, Warrior scurried over the the floating green crystal, scooped it up and lugged it over his shoulder, and ran like he'd just been busted from prison.

He cursed Jake for not having any mobility chips on the fly, but he seemed to be able to keep up with Megami's pace regardless. Whether or not it was quick enough was yet to be determined.

- -- --- ---- ----- ---- --- -- -

Free Action: SetSolar (Create Solar Panels to seal the Broken Terrain. Trololol.)

Free Action: Precision (Take Aim: +1 ACC to One Attack... idk, maybe it will help :| )

Action 1: Rage Claw (6 Uses. -- Used to pick up and carry the GMD. Would have A-Accuracy, for what that's worth.)

Action 2: Escape (Runniiiing.)
The Solar energy spews forth from Warrior and covers most of the roadway, causing the hole to be sealed over and several Navis to run from the encroaching Solar panels. This gives Warrior more than enough time to grab the GMD with his claw, while healing, and book it down the street with Megami, leaving the trapped viruses in the dust.

-Trapped Viruses-
Metool EXA: 70HP [Sewers]
Metool EXB: 70HP [Sewers]
Metool EXC: 70HP [Sewers]
Metool EXD: 70HP [Sewers]
Metool EXE: 70HP [Sewers]
Metool EXF: 70HP [Sewers]

GMD: 30HP [Street]

25% Normal
75% Solar

-Escaping Allies-
Megami: 90HP [40HP Barrier] [Street]
Warrior: 100HP [AquaKnife (Loaded)] [RageClaw1: 5/6] [Street]

~Battle 6: Escaped!!~

Now far away from the site of the battle, but still within the city limits, the two could slow down and catch their breath. At least they came out of there with a prize.

Open GMD: Y/N?
"Hahaha! Suckers!"

It felt good to do something successful for once! Even Jake was impressed that Warrior's plans weren't epicly foiled once again by his terribly misfortunate luck!

"Crack that thing open, man! What are you waiting for?!"

Well, he hadn't ever actually 'cracked one of these open' before, but he saw Megami do it a little while ago, so it must have been dummy-proof, right? ... Something in the back of his mind spited him for even thinking such a thought as that, but then again it was all in good humor. Doing whatever he did, he managed to get it open in whatever generic ways Navis went about doing that. (... No, really. Do they just touch it?)

Open GMD: Y
Megami had finally stopped running after looking back and seeing only Warrior was behind her. Her face could have been carved in stone with the way she just stood by, letting her gaze go off into the distance as if she was waiting for something to catch up to her. It seemed as it had as she dropped her stare towards the ground and felt one thing: guilt

She knew that situation did not turn out the way it had. A fight erupting in the midst of a moment that piqued her interest. Her open palm met her face as she lifted a hand to look at herself. A NetNavi? Just some sort of program to destroy viruses? It could not be the case, right? If it were, she would not feel so bad about doing just that. However, that was not the case. She felt an interest to know just what they were doing as if they were any ordinary program. Though if it were true, then she would have not heard Warrior's words ring through her ears so clearly.

Her hand dropping to see the sight before her, the very same NetNavi was seeming to tinker with something in his grasp.

"Warrior-san," she spoke up, "What is that?"


OOC Notes:
Now Listening To: "Emergency" by the Artist Paramore (Battle Theme)
Current Attire: Default GMO
Chatty Ditz: Short post. My bad.

The GMD opened with a touch, revealing... money!

Megami: 900z
Warrior: 900z
"Warrior-san, what is that?"

Now that he thought about it, Megami would probably be pretty upset that he stole from those metools. She seemed pretty infatuated with them before that little scene broke out. She'd probably make him return this glorious prize if he'd told her where he'd gotten it from! He couldn't allow that to happen!


Warrior pressed his index finger against Megami's lips as he "shushed" her - though it was in a much more playful tone of gesture than a rude one.

"You should try not to worry about the little things."

He was quoting her when he said that; his voice was just sliiightly off-pitch as if he were imitating the way she had said it to him earlier, but it was so small a detail she probably wouldn't catch it.

His other hand reached behind her neck as an expression of shock and suspense came over his face.

"Whoa! What's that? Oh! Is that-? But how-? Can it be-? Oh my... Oh wow! Whoooaaaaa!"

He sounded like a playful parent toying with a little kid - voicing the sound of his own audience as he performed his 'magic trick' and pulled a handful of Zenny out from (supposedly) behind Megami's ear and waved it slowly around in her face during his drawn out 'whoa'. His enthusiasm was still pretty high from trapping the Metools underneath the Solar Panels from earlier. He really didn't think that was going to work out the way it did!

"Megami makes it raaaaaiiinn! Tssssshhhhhh!"

His raised his fist full of zenny above her head and softly dropped one coin at a time on the top of it while he was making the raining 'tsh' sound. It was a short fall from his hand to her head - the coins should've just been able to land there in her hair without falling off as they, well, 'rained' on her. Getting her mind off of those Metools was his goal... and he thought he was doing a pretty good job at that right now!

He finally took his finger off of her mouth when he'd finished dumping her share of the Zenny on her head. He crossed his arms rather proudly and raised his eyebrows like he was waiting for a response.

" ... Impressive, right?"

Impressive -- that he could pull Zenny out from behind her ear, of course! Because that's where it came from...