ACDC Aerial

A sky blue beam of light shot from above, as another Navi entered ACDC's section of the Net. "I've arrived. The TV is connected to ACDC Area, so this will be like being in the Net proper."

"Makes sense to me. It's kinda weird, though...we've been together for several years, but we've never done any virus busting before. But we'll still tear 'em apart, or my name isn't Ariel Fuujimoto!"

"Then I had better do well, I suppose...I'm sure you'd rather not change your name! Ho ho!"

"No, I don't. Now let's get started, before either of us gets nervous!"

"Oh, I haven't nerves at the moment...I'm simply excited about showing the power of the wind to the enemies I face!" The whirlwind making up ZephyrMan's lower half began to increase in speed, causing him to move forward a bit. "Now, let's see what's making things problematic!"

(searching for Battle #1)
And of course, what better enemies to encounter in the networks of ACDC than our favorite yellow hard-hatted, comically-pickaxed Metools, in their hit show, the Tools! ... Okay, that was a retarded intro. Anyway, ZephyrMan went into the net for his first busting session ever, and of course, found the standard repertoire for any budding buster in the business, a trio of Metools. The hardhatted midgets threw their pickaxes about them in preparation for battle.

Metool A: 40 HP
Metool B: 40 HP
Metool C: 40 HP

ZephyrMan.EXE: 150 HP

100% Normal

The classic Mettaur...even a Navi like ZephyrMan knew what they did. "Perhaps these Mettaur are responsible for our television woes?"

Back in the real world, Ariel leaned to her side to get a look at the screen; somewhat fuzzy. "Dunno. Maybe. Anywho, let's get rollin'!" Let's see...ah, whatever, she'd just grab something without looking...picking what was easily the most noteworthy of her trio. Cool. "Woo! BattleChip, RingZap2! Slo-"

"Hold!" Before he could be infused with chip data, the whirlwind Navi began to lean forward a bit, moving from where he...stood?...straight towards the enemies. He parked himself next to one of the end Mettaur, picked for absolutely no reason that he was aware of. "Now, Ariel!"

The entire time, the aviator had frozen in position, waiting for the chance to do what she had never done before. Seriously, she'd been wanting to do this ever since she got Cannon, Shotgun, and RageClaw as a gift. A few seconds wouldn't kill her, but sheesh...hmm? Everything was a-go? Awesome. it went! "BattleChip! RingZap2! Slot in!"

ZephyrMan's arms began to crackle with electricity, which soon spread throughout the air in his immediate vicinity. In particular, two large sparks formed, and began to spin around him. "So, this is what using a BattleChip is like. It feels...odd. Perhaps if it were a Wind-based chip, it would be more natural..."

"Probably, but I'm broke, so you're not getting anything we can't find online for a while."

"Very true, very true..." As the balls of electricity continued to circle around him, the Wind Navi began to shift his focus to the other yellow and black foes, and elected to try something more befitting a Navi of his kind. Focusing his power, he began to push one of them towards the other, to bring them closer together. He then quickly shifted over to what would hopefully be side-by-side Mettaur, and allow the sparks surrounding him to do their thing. "Battling's quite a challenge. I'm fortunate that I don't need to walk and run like a regular Navi...I'd certainly be panting by now!"

"I's actually looking kinda easy so far. Thugh I'm not the one running around, I guess. Not sure what the big deal is, though..."

[Order of Turn:
1-Move towards MetoolA (movement)
2-RingZap2 chip attack on ZephyrMan (40, Elec, attacks every action user is within Melee range of enemy)
2a-Gust subtype ability MetoolB towards MetoolC (Knockback)
3-Move near MetoolC (movement)]
Before ZephyrMan's enthusiastic operator could get her wish, the Navi insisted on moving close to the first Metool for whatever reason. Said reason became apparent as ZephyrMan received the RingZap and the Metool standing beside him was promptly fried to deletion. He followed the easy victory up by sending one of the remaining two Mets flying closer to the other to capitalize on his current weapon's ability. Finally, ZephyrMan moved over to the viruses once again, the spinning sparks running into both Metools before they could attack him for approaching.

Thanks to the RingZap, ZephyrMan had effectively managed to win without lifting a finger himself. How lazy efficient.


100% Normal

Battle 1 Complete!

ZephyrMan.EXE: 150 HP

Rewards: Guard1 Battlechip data, 200z
"Hmm...that wasn't as difficult as I expected!" He didn't have to unfold his arms to emerge victorious. Interesting. "Hmm, it appears the Mettaur left some sort of data behind...should I access it?"

"Well, duh. That's reward data. After you delete a group of viruses, you get cash, and sometimes, they leave behind their own data in the form of BattleChips!"

"I see!" No sense in not seeing what it was, then...there! Two hundred zenny, and chip data that was similar to a Mettaur's helmet. "Transferring it over to the PET!"

"And, good news! I just used some of that cash and Cannon to trade for a Thunder chip! It's slower, but it can home in on enemies. Doesn't that sound awesome?"

"Quite! By the way, is the TV working any better?"

"Uh, lemme see...a little. It's less staticy, but it's still there."

"Then clearly we must continue virus busting! After all, it was quite expensive..."

"Ugh, tell me about it...and if we don't fix it, we won't get that super awesome clear picture! So c'mon ZephyrMan, march!"

"Yes, it must be clearer than a cloudless sky...or else you'll have spent all that zenny in vain!"

"Yep. Now quit stalling and go!"

"Er, sorry. Going!" If one didn't have depth perception, they wouldn't have been able to tell that the wind Navi was even moving, as he made no indication that he was adjusting his x and y coordinates. But sure enough, he delved deeper...

(searching for Battle #2)
A short walk breeze into the ACDC network later, and ZephyrMan came across more viruses to slaughter for his own benefit. A duo of Canodumbs were stuck into the ground, out in the middle of nowhere, apparently entertaining two Bunnies that were hanging off their turret heads. The Canodumbs swiveled about as the Bunnies rode them, giving them the feeling of a sickness-inducing carnival trip. Of course, ZephyrMan had to ruin this by whooshing into their vicinity, and causing them to turn hostile against him. What a jerk.

Canodumb A: 50 HP
Canodumb B: 50 HP
Bunny A: 50 HP
Bunny B: 50 HP

ZephyrMan.EXE: 150 HP

100% Normal

Hmm...looked like the Canodumb and Bunny were having a bit of fun. Well, a few viruses wouldn't ruin the TV's reception, would it?

"Hey, ZephyrMan? I'm pretty sure those guys aren't hurting anything. I mean, you're floating in there, and you're not ruining the picture quality...although the way this program's going, I'm starting to wish you anyway, how about we keep on truckin'?"

"I'm sure there are plenty of operators with more clouded hearts than yours! Besides, that's what I was beginning to think, as well..." Unfortunately, the wind Navi was noticed, and the viruses were growing hostile. " soon as they sensed me, they appeared to becomed agitated."

"They probably think you're just going to delete them...poor things! I bet if you show them that you're not going to hurt them, they'll calm down!"

"I believe that would be the best course of action." Hmm...but how would he get through to them? Words alone wouldn't do the trick, most likely..."...Bunnies and Canodumbs! If you are genuinely here without ill intent, then I have no qualms with you! By all means, resume your frolicking! In fact, being an expert in winds, I may be able to assist you!" The two whirlwinds that made up a good part of ZephyrMan's body began to rotate faster than usual, stirring up a gust of wind that made its way straight for one of the Canodumb. However, as it approached the cannon virus, it slowed down, and began to spin in place, allowing for both it and anything atop it to leisurely spin around without effort. "For clarity's sake, I'll say it again. I have no quarrel with you if you're merely here to enjoy yourselves. So long as you're not damaging CyberWorld, I invite you to remain here! In fact, since it's most likely difficult for Navis other than myself to enter this particular area, it would be wise for you to stay. It would ensure that a less understanding Navi wouldn't heartlessly delete you!"

Unfortunately, any smile he could make to accentuate would fail to get through his cloud-like beard. Thus he was forced to simply float in place, awaiting the response of his non-enemies.

[Order of Turn:
0a-Gust subtype ability on CanodumbA (lightly spin CanodumbA around)
1-Befriend viruses
2-Befriend viruses
3-Befriend viruses]
The Bunnies and Canodumbs looked slightly skeptically at ZephyrMan, only to find that their ride had now been automated, and the bunnies whooped in joy. Leaping onto the top turrets once again, they continued their fun. Hey, for once, negotiation worked. What a surprise.

Canodumb A: 50 HP
Canodumb B: 50 HP
Bunny A: 50 HP
Bunny B: 50 HP

ZephyrMan.EXE: 150 HP

100% Normal


For a few minutes, ZephyrMan was perfectly content to assist the viruses in their pursuit of fun, continuing to use his wind powers in a non-violent manner. "Ho ho...I could do this all day!"

"I bet you could, and if we were just busting for the heck of it, I'd let you. But the TV picture quality isn't making me weep with joy. I should be weeping, ZephyrMan!"

"Ahh...I'm sorry, my friends..." The fanning of enjoyment came to an end, as the Navi's whirlwinds returned to their regular speeds, and all the gusts associated with them. "I'm afraid that I must leave to attend to a problem further in. However, feel free to enjoy yourselves!" With a wave, he continued on his way in the Net, searching for what needed to be erased from it in order to make his operator cry in pure ecstasy from seeing something she could probably see just as easily by looking outside her window. But then again, she didn't pay a couple hundred thousand zenny to look outside a window.

(Searching for Battle #3)
Continuing along, ZephyrMan eventually came across a trio of run-down stove viruses shooting flames at random. Before he could take note of this being a bad thing, he was forced to get out of the way as a Champu appeared and made several jabs at his former location. The Oldstoves then noticed the Navi and came to assist their fellow fire virus.

Oldstove A: 50HP
Oldstove B: 50HP
Oldstove C: 50HP
Champu: 60HP

80% Normal
20% Cracked (Near Oldstoves, random panels)

ZephyrMan.EXE: 150HP

Battle 3 Start!
After befriending the earlier Canodumb and Bunny, the sudden punch was all the more jarring to ZephyrMan, even though he was able to easily sway out of it. "Hmph! I believe these fiends have nothing but malice in their hearts, to so uncouthly raise the temperature here! I wouldn't be surprised if this was the source of the picture quality problem!"

"These guys look kinda tough...and they look way meaner than those cute Bunny viruses you played with. And if they're really the ones that are ruining my nice, pricy TV, we are SHREDDING THEM!" There was NO mercy in her heart for people like that, let alone malicious coding. "Ready to soar, ZephyrMan?"

"But of course!"

"Then get ready for takeoff!" Hmm...for some reason, RingZap didn't strike Ariel as a good idea, especially since it worked so well last time. That'd be tempting fate, and that wasn't very bright when your main focus was complete and utter destruction of the enemy. Instead, they'd settle for something a little more distanced. "BattleChip, Shotgun! Slot in!"

For the first time in his life, the wind Navi found himself without a right hand, as it transformed into a blue, blaster-like shape, with a black stripe across the middle of its barrel. Instead of utilizing his new weapon, however, he raised his remaining hand, and his pair of whirlwinds began to increase their rate of spinning. He focused on manipulating the air near the first OldStove, trying to forcefully move it into a line with himself, it, and one of its brethren. Knowing that if this worked, it could possibly get out of the way, he raised his BattleChip infused arm, did his best to point it towards the living furnace, and activated its internal trigger, causing a burst of yellow energy to fire from its tip. It didn't look like much, but upon hitting, its explosion had the ability to continue on from behind the victim to hit something else. Or so he had heard from Ariel when she read its instructions.

"Done like a pro! Next up, let's try knocking that stupid punching one out of the loop for a little bit!" Of course, there was only one chip they had that could do in it went. And it was one she'd just traded for, too. Win-win. "BattleChip, Thunder! Slot in!"

The Shotgun on ZephyrMan's hand faded back into regular hand, but as the new data flowed through him, his palm began to spark, as a ball of electricity formed on it. Raising his hand toward the blazing boxer, it began to move forward on its own, at a rate that seemed oddly slow for something made from energy. However, it wasn't exactly horribly slow, either...hmm. Perhaps it made it deceptive or something? All the Navi could do was watch it and ponder...speaking of watching, he should probably focus more on the remaining viruses instead of his foray into being a thundercloud.

"Hey, snap out of it! You'll get burned to a crisp if you just stand around staring like an idiot!"

His operator's remark reinforced that rather clearly. Shaking his head, the Navi of the air prepared for evasive maneuvers, be it Champy's punches, or that flamethrower thing the OldStoves had used prior to their noticing him.

[Order of Turn:
0a-Gust subtype ability on OldStoveA (Knockback in front of OldStoveB so that OldStoveA is between it and ZephyrMan)
1-Shotgun chip attack on OldStoveA (50, Spread 1)
2-Thunder1 chip attack on Champu (40, Elec, Stun 1, Homing)
Zephyrman rushed to deliver his righteous justice upon these foul fiends by first manipulating the winds around, successfully coercing the OldStoves into a lined-up position.

With that out of the way, the wind warrior blasted away with his Shotgun, something the slow-moving Oldstoves could barely do something about as they were deleted with flourish.

Zephyrman aimed his next attack at the Champu, sending a small electrical orb attack at it. The boxing virus judged the distance and warped past it, swiping blows at Zephyrman, who was able to float away in time.

Oldstove A: DELETED
Oldstove B: DELETED
Oldstove C: 50HP
Champu: 60HP (Close!)

80% Normal
20% Cracked (Near Oldstoves, random panels)

Thunder1 (Homing in on Champu)
ZephyrMan.EXE: 150HP
Looked like Champy was a step up from Mettaur in terms of combat ability on the virus totem pole...unless there were actually virus totem poles, in which case they were on something else entirely. "It appears that we're facing the strongest foes we've ever faced, Ariel! Stay alert!"

...What? "...What? You do realize this is exactly the second battle we've ever fought, right?"

"...Ho ho! Of course! How else would that be true? I do wish I had a way of punching back, however...a boxing match would be quite entertaining!"

"Hey, you're not here just to have fun! We're deleting these things so my ultra-expensive TV actually looks the part!" Okay, so, Shotgun and Thunder were gone, which meant they still had...RingZap and Guard. Oh, and whatever ZephyrMan's special attack was. Though she couldn't even remember what it was at this point, and asking would be probably be a little insulting to her Navi. That narrowed down the choices quite a bit. "Guess it's time for the secret weapon! BattleChip, RingZap2! Slot in!"

The wind Navi's arms became infused with the remnant data of an insane, electrically attuned Mr. Prog, each creating a large, bluish-white spark that immediately began to circle. Since the firey boxer was already close to him, he was content to wait a few moments in place, to allowi some of his electrical energy to try and do its thing. Of course, it wasn't the only virus left, causing him to hover over towards the OldStove that still existed on the X, Y, and Z axes.

...Not that he wasn't done with the Champy. Raising one hand up, he began to stir the air once more, creating a gust of wind to try and knock it into his previous usage of electricity. "I must say, this is still rather strange...most Navis I've talked to say that virus busting is hard work. And yet, thus far all I've had to to is mostly float around. Of course, I suppose that having a chip like RingZap is quite a benefit itself!"

"Yeah, I'm SO glad I caught that show before it ended. ...Aww!" A look down revealed something deeply troubling. "I got soy sauce on this suit!"

"Again? You should be more careful...but then again, that's why you ordered them in bulk!"

"I was! I didn't even notice it until now!" Ugh, and there was no trying to hide it, either...right in the middle of her chest. Just perfect. "I guess I'll have to go put on another one if I go anywhere today..."

"You do that! But I must ask that you wait, just in case one of these fiends remain! It's difficult to battle without an Operator, after all!" And thus did the Navi remain vigilant, to help prevent bodily harm with fire.

[Order of Turn:
1-RingZap2 chip attack on ZephyrMan (40, Elec, damages anything for duration of being within Melee range of user)
2-Move into Melee range of OldStoveC (movement)
2a-Gust subtype ability on Champu (Knockback Champu into Thunder)
With the electrical RingZap equipped, ZephyrMan basically had to do nothing except float around and watch the viruses fall before his electrical might. Dang, that was easy.

Oldstove A: DELETED
Oldstove B: DELETED
Oldstove C: DELETED

80% Normal
20% Cracked (Near Oldstoves, random panels)

ZephyrMan.EXE: 150HP

-- BATTLE 03, VICTORY!! --


"It appears victory is ours once again!" The electricity surrounding ZephyrMan faded, allowing him to safely touch metal objects again. And non-metal objects, for that matter. "Now, let's see what our attackers left us!" Let's see...ah, no BattleChip data this time. "It appears I was too thorough in their destruction...only cash remains!"

"Hey, nothing wrong with that!" Woo, zenny total up. "Okay, let's see how the TV look now..." A quick peek over at the screen..."'s better, but it's still a little fuzzy. I don't think those were the only viruses mucking things up in there."

"Hmm...strange. But so be it! Those that dare inconvenience you for their amusement will suffer the consequences!" With his quest surprisingly not over, the wind Navi began floating onwards, wishing to eliminate ALL of the culprits responsible for the lack of picture quality.

(Searching for Battle #4)
Hovering through the ACDC network brought ZephyrMan to a group of stationary viruses that were just itching for someone to walk by. Unfortunately, ZephyrMan wasn't that someone. He didn't walk. How silly. He'd probably just delete them in a heartbeat anyway, that silly old man. ... Where was I? Oh, yeah, the group consisted of three Cactus-type viruses, and two Canodumb viruses, arranged in a loose circle, from which ZephyrMan approached from the front.

Cacty A: 70 HP
Cacty B: 70 HP
Cacty C: 70 HP
Canodumb A: 50 HP
Canodumb B: 50 HP

ZephyrMan.EXE: 150 HP

100% Normal

It appeared that Ariel's TV was going green, as it were. Which hardly meant it'd be a walk in the park...those Cacty looked a bit more durable than any other virus they'd seen. "Hmm...this battle could be tricky. We'll have to be careful!"

"Right! ...So, any ideas? I've got nothing."

"Hmm...perhaps the Canodumb should be handled first? They're the less durable of the two, and are incapable of moving from their current positions, if our previous encounter was indicative of them as a whole."

"Uh...sure! Ooh, we can just line them up and get them both with that Shotgun! and then maybe we can get all the Cacty thingys close together and RingZap 'em! How's that sound?"

"An excellent idea! Let us execute it, poste haste!" Wasting little time, ZephyrMan began to float towards the cannon viruses, attempting to line himself up with the pair. Hmm...just a little more to the left should be enough...ah, perfect. "I'm in position, Ariel! Ready the weapon!"

Okay, time to get the chip! There it w-no, that was Thunder. Take two...someone shooting a Mettaur. Yep, that was it. "BattleChip, Shotgun! Slot in!"

The wind Navi's gray hand began to turn blue, becoming somewhat buster shaped in the process, though with a single black stripe, and with a black tip. Steadying it with his free arm, he activated the trigger, releasing a single yellow blast from the gun. A yellow blast with the ability to penetrate what it hit and keep going. Exactly how that worked, he had no idea. But he wasn't about to argue with physics. They were overrated, anyway.

Once he regained his usual glove, ZephyrMan's tornadoes began spinning more rapidly, creating small changes in the air. More specifically, he was creating a wind gust that could knock a certain cactus towards another certain cactus. Unless it was rooted and wasn't able to be moved like that. In which case he was in decidedly deep trouble. But unless it was proven so, he wouldn't even consider such a thing. It was too unpleasant to even ponder.

"Nice job! Now, think you can sidestep their attacks? I mean, hiding behind a shield that only works once sounds kinda stupid."

"I shall do what I can...though, I find it difficult to sidestep, due to my lack of legs! Ho ho!" With the obvious pointed out, the Navi could now concentrate on attack avoiding with a clear mind. Of course, the fact that there were three of them meant he'd have to get mighty creative...ah, maybe he didn't have to worry about it all. His lower tornado began to spin extremely violently, causing it to increase in height, and subsequently, the Navi's own altitude. Higher and higher he rose, attempting to get away from whatever the viruses might try. Of course, since his whirlwind touched the ground regardless of height, there was still a chance of it completely backfiring on him...

[Order of Turn:
1-Move to get ZephyrMan, CanodumbA, and CanodumbB in a straight line (movement)
2-Shotgun chip attack on CanodumbA (50, Spread 1)
2a-Gust subtype ability on CactyC (Knockback within Melee range of CactyB)
3-Jump (Airstep activated jump)]
The gusty Navi quickly went into action, and moved to position himself in line with the CannonDumb viruses. The turrets followed the Navi slowly, and mechanical clicks were heard as the cannons loaded themselves. They were about to fire, but the first was blown away from the shotgun blast fired by ZephyrMan (50), and the second was sprayed with shrapnel. One particularly large shard lodged itself inside the turret barrel, causing the entire turret to explode as the virus tried to return fire (50).

The Cactys attempted to retaliate, but the first was blown backwards, and the other two couldn't reach their target; he was already rising into the air rapidly thanks to a creative application of wind power. However, the gust of wind quickly died down, and he started to descend.

Cacty A: 70 HP
Cacty B: 70 HP [Melee Range of CactyC]
Cacty C: 70 HP [Melee Range of CactyB]
Canodumb A: DELETED
Canodumb B: DELETED

ZephyrMan.EXE: 150 HP [High Alt, falling]

100% Normal
Slowly but surely, ZephyrMan descended from the heavens, eventually reaching his normal height. Continuing the previously discussed plan, however, he began to do the exact opposite action; he began hovering towards the trio of cacti, settling for a nice spot next to one of them. Executing the next phase, his whirlwinds picked up the pace yet again, trying to stir up an air blast that would bring the third Cactikill nearer to him. With that, they should all be nice and close.

Now, for the strike that their entire plan hinged on. If this failed, they were most likely toast...possibly. Maybe. Who knew? Not Ariel. "Well, here goes nothing! BattleChip, RingZap2! Slot in!"

The wind Navi found himself completely yet not entirely surrounded by a pair of electrical sparks. At a fairly rapid pace, they spund around him, trying whack whatever was near him...which, in this case, was preferably everything that wasn't a Navi. But he could do no more to assist the attack. All he could do was try and avoid any last ditch efforts to punish him for his shocking actions...and he couldn't pull the same trick as before, seeing as how that defeated the entire purpose of drawing close. He'd have to try and dodge, the old fashioned way...

[Order of Turn:
0a-Land from Airstep
1-Move within melee range of CactyB (movement)
1a-Gust subtype ability on CactyA (Pull CactyA within melee range of ZephyrMan)
2-RingZap2 chip attack on ZephyrMan (40, Elec, damages enemies for each action within melee range of user)
ZephyrMan landed amongst the viruses, and started to blow some of the Cacty viruses around before he activated his battlechip. The two closest Cacty viruses immediately felt the painful sting of the electrical shock caused by the bolts surging around him (40), and the 3rd attempted to attack. It managed to strike ZephyrMan, but it also suffered from the jolt of electricity(40). The Navi started to move, and the pair of Cactys close to him succumbed to the near constant electrocution and were deleted. The final Cacty was initially out of range, but ZephyrMan managed to get close enough as he dodged to bring down the last virus as well (40).


Canodumb A: DELETED
Canodumb B: DELETED

ZephyrMan.EXE: 140 HP
Rewards: CactusBall1, 370z

100% Normal