Good Manners and Customs

Saluki summoned her zombie minion, the partially deleted HeelNavi rising from the ground as the Navi instilled it with her energy. The zombie raised its buster arm and fired a single shot. However, the Swordy had time to respond and barked another order. One of the Metools jumped back and latched itself to the knight's free arm, its helmet serving as a shield that sent the zombie's buster shot ricocheting into the sky. The rest of the Metool changed formation, one dropping back to stand in front of the Swordy while the other two advanced forward.

Saluki dropped her grass terrain, shoots of green grass erupting to cover about half of the battlefield in swaying grass. Perhaps it would provide some cover for the Navi to stalk through. As Saluki attempted a second flanking maneuver, the two forward Metool raised their mattocks and slammed them into the ground, sending two shockwaves that traveled over the ground and slammed into the zombie. However, this action allowed Saluki to unleash a shockwave of her own at the unprotected viruses. The shockwave hurled the forward Metool into the air, deleting them and disrupting the troop formation. Seeing his comrades deleted, the Metool in front of the Swordy dropped into his helmet, quivering in fright.

Swordy-N: 60 HP (behind Metool group) [Shield'd!]
Metool A: 40 HP [Metool Shield]
Metool D: 40 HP

Saluki.EXE: 100 HP [Barrier: 10hp]
Zombie: 11 HP

50% Normal, 50% Grass
[-poke poke- what about my set grass in the last post?]

Sullen was surprised at how partially noble the little Metool was by becoming a living shield for the Swordy; but she would deal with that pair later. Her first order was to even the odds; once more she rang the death knell three times and summoned her other pet zombie. The disfigured normal Navi lurching out of the ground and laying slumped over having forgotten to bring much of its legs and torso. Still Sally would bulk and buff the creature to give it alittle more staying power; besides it only needed a single arm in order to fire its buster.

Both zombies fired there busters at the Swordy from their respective angles. Sullen's plan was fairly open; buster hits, or drawing the Swordy into attacking, or just acting as distractions so Saluki could get into position.

Sullen loaded in the cracker bomb chip and ordered the Navi to continue running that circle before she lobbed her favourite bombs; hopefully her and her zombies could hit the Swordy at different angles or force him to start attacking.

Zombie 1 Attack 10 Null damage Attacking Swordy
1: Zombie Summon #2: 31HP (10HP + 21HP [Masterwork]) light object to the right most panel.
Zombie 2 Attack 10 Null damage Attacking Swordy
2: Tactical movement: Attempted Circling!
3: Cracker Bomb Damage: 80 + Panel Crack + Blast 2 At the Metool shielded Swordy and Co.

Saluki: 100 HP [+10hp barrier]
Zombie #1: 11hp Standing at Saluki's previous position
Zombie #2: 31hp Standing at flanked position
Zombie Summing 1: coming off cool down!
Zombie summing 2: 1TCD

As it turned out, Metool made for surprisingly effective shields, as its helmet deflected the attacks meant for the knight behind it with ease. Saluki then attempted to circle the viruses and toss a bomb at them, which she did, since absolutely nothing stopped her. The CrackerBomb hit its mark, causing the ground below its blast radius to become a bit unstable, and with only that guarding Metool in sight. Or at least, that's how it appeared for a moment; the Swordy suddenly appeared in front of her, and struck with a horizontal slash, causing the barrier to vanish. At least the same couldn't be said for her HP.

Swordy-N: 60 HP (in front of Saluki) (Grass)
Metool A: 40 HP [Metool Shield] (Cracked)

Saluki.EXE: 100 HP (Grass)
ZombieA: 11 HP
ZombieB: 31 HP

50% Normal, 30% Grass, 20% Cracked
Sally yelped when it teleported and its slash dissolved the barrier. Sullen was taking notes about which Virus teleported and which walked and what ones where stationary so her database could be updated. Either way it was becoming quite a tough fight but at least the numbers where grinded down to a standoff.

"let's see if we can crack its defence" the last two ranged chips where loaded in and moments later Saluki's left and right arms transformed into their respective weapons. The double barrelled crimson cannon on the left and the single barrelled artillery on the right "Try and aim for its shield, then fire the other" it was going to be quite hard to aim one then the other especially if the Swordy focus on her a second time.

She fired the cannon at the MetShield hoping to dislodge it or outright destroy it; her shotgun followed like a blizzard of plasma. The zombie's attacks where alittle bit later then hers, after all if they made the Virus turn or attack all her careful planning and aiming would be wasted.

1: Aiming Cannon!
2: Cannon 40 Null Damage + Knockback At Metool Shield
3: Shotgun 50 Null Damage + Spread1 At Swordy
Zombie 1 Attack 10 Null damage Attacking Swordy
Zombie 2 Attack 10 Null damage Attacking Swordy

Saluki: 100 HP
Zombie #1: 11hp
Zombie #2: 31hp
Zombie summing 2: coming off cool down!

[edit: screwed up my zombies attack order should be fixed]
Saluki's initial cannon blast shattered the Metool's cracked helmet, deleting the virus and depriving the Swordy of his shield. The vulpine Navi unloaded her shotgun as well, the wave of pellets shredding the virus' armor and depriving it of its sword. With its army defeated, it wouldn't be long before the virus was brought down as well.

The Swordy charged forward, hoping to tackle Saluki to the ground. It managed to dodge away from the first zombie's buster shot, but the second zombie scored a solid hit in the small of the virus' back. The Swordy fell to the floor, slowly vanishing into a mist of data particles. The only thing remaining was the virus' gladius thrust deep into the earth.


Saluki.EXE: 100 HP (Grass)
ZombieA: 11 HP
ZombieB: 31 HP

50% Normal, 30% Grass, 20% Cracked


Rewards: Sword Battlechip, 300z
Sallys zombies would sink back into there panels and disappear back into nothingness now that they where not needed. She took this time to look over the battle field and carefully step over the cracked and damage panels; before she held up there prized sword chip proudly.

"Come on dear we have the rest of the day to brag and gloat"

[requesting 3rd battle!]
Saluki wandered along, stopping only to observe the current area, which was filled with treacherous cracked terrain, before moving forward.

The vixen's ears perked up, alert, before moving backwards as she recognized the enemy's attack. Snarling, Saluki came face-to-face with two Swordy viruses and two Champu viruses. This might be troublesome...

Swordy-NA: 60 HP
Swordy-NB: 60 HP
ChampuA: 60 HP
ChampuB: 60 HP

75% Normal
25% Cracked (Scattered! Watch your step!)

Saluki.EXE: 100 HP

Sullen groaned audibly, she really didn't expect to be facing these annoying little firebugs back here. "I have an idea but you are going to have to trust me on this. And be careful" Rage claw was loaded in at first but she was ordered not to use it. Those heavy Kruger-esque claws materialized on her left hand and her fingers made the blades click and grind together in order to try and sooth some of her nervousness

The vixen moved to try and position herself behind some cracked panels, and if she managed to break one by mistake the claws would hopefully be enough to dig into the ground; she really didn't want to experience an emergency jack out.

Finally if she did make it into position the cracker bomb was loaded in; a handful of Beetank bombs materialized in her right hand and she was ordered to try and destroy the cracked panels! She had to be careful not to get caught in the blast herself or this battle would quickly be over.

1: Loading in Rage claw chip 6/6
2: Tactical Movement: get behind some cracked panels
3: Cracker Bomb Damage: 80 + Panel Crack + Blast 2 at Nearest cracked panel

Saluki: 100 HP
With the viruses advancing with hostile intentions, Saluki prepared herself by equipping a RageClaw on her left hand. She steeled herself by playing with the blades, the act actually seeming to deter the viruses a bit. That didn't matter much as she turned and made her way to a position behind a number of cracked panels, the viruses in hot pursuit.

As the Navi drew back her arm to toss the bomb into the cracked panels before her, one of the Champus warped in to take a swing at her. That turned out to be a mistake as Saluki tossed the bomb forward and moved back a bit to avoid the blast. The virus was engulfed and did not emerge. When the smoke cleared, there were a lot less cracked panels in Saluki's vicinity.

Swordy-NA: 60 HP (Approaching)
Swordy-NB: 60 HP (Approaching)
ChampuB: 60 HP (Approaching)

75% Normal
15% Cracked (Scattered! Watch your step!)
10% Broken (In front of Saluki)

Saluki.EXE: 100 HP (RageClaw: 6 uses)
Sullen's heart was racing while there plan started to take effect; after all she didn't want to lose her prized navigator she just couldn't go back to a normal Navi after meeting Sally.

The first thing that she had to do was set up her defences; with her flank protected by the broken panel she could try and stand toe to toe with the oncoming viruses hopefully one at a time. That Smoky sphere covering her once more and providing a bit of mitigation for the oncoming attacks.

Next the sword chip was loaded in and Sally found the pink scabbard and sword belt around her hips. She drew the blade in her right hand and brandished the cutlass/sabre at the oncoming virus. It was a short slender hybridized version of a sabre and a rapier making it a perfect for duelling. It may only be able to hit one enemy at a time but being made of made of solidified energy it was still quite deadly.

Her stance would change to a fencing stance. She turned sideways and her legs where spread shoulder length apart and her knees bent with one foot leading. Her right arm forward and the blade acting as an extension of her form and her left hand and its bladed gauntlet where to act as her counter balance. Now she had to wait for the opportunity to strike or a well timed parry and Riposte.

1: Barrier
2: Loading in sword chip! 6/6
3: Tactical Action: parry/riposte

Saluki: 100 HP [+20hp barrier]
Barrier 1 TCD
Saluki drew her blade and awaited the viral onslaught. The Champu advanced, teleporting across the gap to throw two flaming punches straight toward Saluki's face. The Navi parried with the sword, chopping with a downward strike that removed the virus' hands from its arms. The Champu vanished in a puff of smoke. The Swordys continued to approach, one cutting to the left of the broken panels and the other from the right. They would soon flank Saluki and be able to chop her to pieces between their two swords.

Swordy-NA: 60 HP (Flanking from right)
Swordy-NB: 60 HP (Flanking from left)

75% Normal
15% Cracked (Scattered! Watch your step!)
10% Broken (In front of Saluki)

Saluki.EXE: 100 HP (Sword: 5 uses) (Barrier: 20)
Things were still quite trepidatious now that they had finally made their way around either side of her. She wasn't about to move or dodge because she didn't want to risk falling into one of the nearby broken panels so she had to hold her ground. The rage claw wasn't going to be enough to destroy one of these viruses during a counter attack so she was only going to parry with it; and of course it was something to try and dig into the ground if she does fall (heaven forbid) into a hole.

She had her sword ready to try and block on the right and her claws to try and block on the left but she was only going to try a counter attack at the first opening with her blade. At least Sullen loaded in the set grass chip to hopefully set the remaining surrounding panels in their favour before she gets lacerated to badly. At least the growth and flower patches made the battle field alittle prettier and a teeny bit less stressful looking right?

Free action Set Grass
1: Attempting to parry/block Swordy-NA with Sword 4/6 uses
2: Attempting to parry/block Swordy-NB with Rage Claw 5/6 uses
3: Attempting a counterattack A or B with Sword 3/6 uses

Saluki: 100 HP [+20hp barrier]
barrier coming off cooldown!
Saluki changes the battlefield to grass! Covering the holes in front of her.... but she doesn't take this chance to move and takes the Swordys head on! The barrier nullifies one side of the attack while her sword blocks one! While trying to parry with her Rageclaw, Saluki accidentally cuts through the Swordy instead.

This unfortunately makes her lose balance and fall to the ground, but the Swordy that came from the left stabbed forward, so it was actually a good thing she fell! Grunting, Saluki cuts down one Swordy, but the other one raises it sword to cut downward!

Swordy-NB: 60 HP (behind head! Cutting down!)

60% Grass (around Saluki)
10% Cracked (Scattered! Watch your step!)
30% Normal

Saluki.EXE: 100 HP (Sword: 3 uses) (Rageclaw: 5 uses)(Fallen! 1 Action to get up!)
Sullen's heart raced while she watched the Navi fumble during the exchange; at least it was the kinda training that she was looking to put Sally through. She might not be a brawler or swordsmen; but she was going to learn how to deal with pressure that was for sure! At least the pitfalls where no longer an issue and it was down to something
they could deal with. One on one.

Sally was not discouraged with the shattered shield or the fumble; but while she was regaining her senses the vixen was met with the Swordy ready to slash her! With the virus body was exposed it was her best chance to slash it before it damages her! She held the handgrip tight while she slashed and tried to slice it before it got her. Hopefully if worse came to worse she would be able to refresh that Smokey barrier before being stuck again.

1: Sword: Damage: 80 + Slashing at Swordy-NB. 2/6 uses
2: Barrier.

Saluki: 100 HP [+20 hp barrier]
Barrier 1TCD
Within the space of a few moments, Saluki easily lopped off half of the Swordy's body, letting the top half slide onto the floor with a clank before disappearing into the aether. That was too close.


60% Grass (around Saluki)
10% Cracked (Scattered! Watch your step!)
30% Normal

Saluki.EXE: 100 HP (Sword: 2 uses) (Rageclaw: 5 uses)

-- BATTLE 03, VICTORY!! --


360 Zenny
Sally gave a real deep sigh before putting the sword back in its sheath. She sorta slumped in the grass and took a moment to close her eyes and relax for a few seconds before she hopped up and singled that she was ready to go again.

[requesting battle 4]
Far off on the horizon, Saluki spotted some high up shadows with what appeared to be flapping wings. Heading towards them, three PulseBats hoisting a Bunny virus into the air became visible. Saluki apparently became visible to them as well, because they made a noticeably sharp turn to approach her and dropped the Bunny to the ground for it to attack. The PulseBats wouldn't be far behind.

BunnyA: 50HP (On ground, approaching)
PulsebatA: 80HP (Above BunnyA)
PulsebatB: 80HP (High Altitude behind PulsebatA, getting lower)
PulsebatC: 80HP (High Altitude behind PulsebatA, getting lower)

Terrain: 100% Normal

Saluki.EXE: 100HP

Battle Four Start!
This was a very odd site because either of them didn't know if virus fought each other; but when the bunny bomb was dropped Sally lost her amused expression. Sullen knew that they where at a critical lack of gun/range chips but a new plan was quickly formulated.

Sally rung her death knell three times and her trusty Heal Navi rose from the right most panel from the navigator; slowly clawing its way upright where it was empowered. The creature bulked, yowled and thrashed about till it seemed to fall apart alittle less and became somewhat stabilized.

Next the rage claw was loaded in, the Kruger-esque clawed gauntlet materializing in her left hand; she wrapped the claws lightly around her zombie, putting a bit of care into it as she tried not to dice him up before; she hurled him as hard as she could towards the approaching pulse bat group.

"Grrawwrrhhhooooo!!" It pointed its buster forward in a very superman like pose and started firing its buster at the approaching Bats. Sally's metallic tendrils extended from her right hand to grab and tether the zombie so she was ready to try adjust its angle mid flight

Finally Set Grass was loaded in; and a flourish of petrels, leaves, bulbs, seeds and flowers materialized and radiated around her body to try and set a more favorable terrain.

1:Zombie Summon #1: 31HP (10HP + 21HP [Masterwork]) light object to the right most panel.
2:Rage Claw throw, throwing zombie #1 at Pulse bat group.
Zombie 1 Attack 10 Null damage Attacking Pulse bat B
3: knock back or pull for an in flight adjustment
Free action Set grass

Saluki.exe: 100 hp
Zombie #1: 31hp?
Zombie Summon #1 1TCD
Knock back or Pull 1TCD
Rage claw 5/6 uses

[sorry about the delay, my desktop broke and I can't get it fixed for awhile, I was trying to set up a notebook as well but in the process I had one of my video game accounts pished. Needless to say it was a long couple of days]
Summoning a groaning, screaming zombie Navi to help her, Saluki threw her ally to the dogs (or bats in this particular case) and hit the flying bat in the face. Naturally, it was less than happy about this, and fired at the annoying little zombie, bringing it down to its last thread of unlife and deleting it. The Bunny took this chance to attack Saluki, and succeeded. (10) Undeterred, the vixen set the stage for a grassy field, bestowing upon herself its healing properties. The bat that was hit earlier flew up into the sky, not wanting to be on the receiving end of any more flailing undead for a moment.

BunnyA: 50HP (On ground, approaching)
PulsebatA: 60HP (above BunnyA, high altitude)
PulsebatB: 70HP (behind PulsebatA)
PulsebatC: 80HP (behind PulsebatA)

Zombie #1: DELETED

Terrain: 50% Normal, 50% Grass

Saluki.EXE: 90HP (Stun!) (Grass)
She really hated being zapped, those few moments where she couldn't do anything but stay still while the charge dissipated from her form. Well with the bats spooked at least for now Sally was left to deal with the bunny.

The first thing she had to do is turn around and dash to close the distance between them; sprinting as hard as she could to try and get there before the creature could attack again, her claws ready to slash at the end of her approach. It wouldn't be enough to delete it but it should be enough to get her close.

1: tactical Movement: Dashing towards the bunny
2: Rageclaw1: 40 Null Damage + Slashing at the bunny

Saluki.exe: 90 hp
Zombie Summon #1 coming off cool down
Knock back coming off cool down
Rage claw 4/6 uses