Training The BeastOUT Within

TennisMan seemed unaffected by the sinister (and cold) atmosphere of Sharo Rogue Net as he searched for more prey. He soon found himself walking through a light snowfall that had covered the ground. The Navi stopped short of a panel just as part of it fell away and took the snow with it. The damaged panels had been somewhat covered by snow, but with some care it wouldn't pose too much of a problem. Ahead of TennisMan lay some partly snow covered viruses that appeared right at home in the low temperature wasteland.

Despite the snow, the cracking panels had alerted the viruses to TennisMan's presence and now watched him warily.

Swordy-A2A: 160HP (Front)
Swordy-A2B: 160HP (Front)
WallandA: 160HP
WallandB: 160HP
LowBlowA: 140HP (Back)
LowBlowB: 140HP (Back)

Terrain: 70% Snow, 25% Cracked (partially obscured by snow), 5% Broken

TennisMan.EXE: 445HP
Deuce.SP: 180HP

Rogue Battle 2 Start!
"Whoa, watch your step!" warned Desmond.

Tennisman was suddenly worried about the rest of the landscape hiding fragile terrain but figured if he was at risk, so were the viruses. Sadly, it didn't appear as if the Wallands or Lowblows were the mobile type. However, the Swordies were another story and he figured they would need to get within range to attack. Their blue colouration reminded him that they were likely aqua element. He vaguely remembered how the snow didn't impede his movement while he was in his BeastOUT and wondered if that was the case for all aqua elementals. He braced himself with his sword and stood his ground against the viruses.

"You know what we haven't used in long time?" mused Desmond, "Our Spice chip! Court change to grass and blah blah whatever."

Changing the terrain to grass would help ensure that he wouldn't accidentally fall into any pit traps. Tennisman consented to the plan and stabbed Deuce's blade into the floor. The snow melted in what appeared to be a rapid time lapse scene with lush greenery peeking through the white blanket. Soon it was the spring and with the arrival of the new season, allergies.

The Spice slotted in and covered the verdant tennis court with a noxious yellow cloud. The Hallucinogenic spores lingered in the air for a while, staying stictly within the boundaries of the grass. Tennisman plucked Deuce from the ground and shook off the excess dirt from the tip his weapon.

"...I don't like it when you do that." Deuce grumbled.

Tennisman looked to the rest of the unaffected viruses and requested some seemingly random chips to decimate their ranks, "IronShell, Moonblade and Kunai."

"Yeah, yeah, ninja it up!" Desmond cheered, slotting in the chips.

Tennisman had almost forgotten he was still wearing his black clothing and had ordered the chips out of habit. Nevertheless, he brought his hand forward and kept up his offensive. A large Armadill shell appeared in front of him before being sent hurtling down half the group while he prepared to intercept the Swordies with a Moonblade that had materialized in the IronShell's absence. He took a step forward to close the distance and spun around with a deadly slash of his tiny weapon before throwing it and two other replicas at another virus.

Deuce - Armour Junction (180 HP Brace + Second Chance Casing)
1 - Rally Defense + Reinforce (6-hit shield)
2 - Court Change - Grass (1/3 - 2/3 grass terrain)
3 - Spice1 (80 damage + confusion + to-all on grass)
4 - IronShell1 Swordy-A2A, WallandA, LowblowA (70 damage + break + slow + block front)
5 - MoonBlade Swordy-A2A, Swordy-A2B (90 damage)
6 - Kunai1 Swordy-A2B (3 x 30 damage)
TennisMan prepared for the battle by replacing some of the terrain with his own out of place looking grass court. Several cracked areas were revealed and repaired by the panel change, which lessened the danger significantly. He followed that up by covering the court in powerful and disorienting spores that affected several viruses. The confusion manifested itself by causing the Swordy viruses to turn and float into each other while the Walland merely stopped moving.

This left the immobile Walland as the perfect target for TennisMan's next attack, though it missed the confused Swordy it had been aimed at. The LowBlow countered the attack by letting out a gust of wind that delayed the Armadill shell until it disappeared. The Navi's MoonBlade cut both Swordy viruses in half without them ever retaliating or realizing what was happening. With his initial target gone, TennisMan instead tossed the kunais towards the other viruses, managing to hit one of the LowBlows just as it stopped blowing wind. Another hit the undamaged Walland and the last was thrown off by another gust.

Though TennisMan had avoided damage for the moment, one look at the LowBlows showed that they were getting ready to create some turbulence.

WallandA: 10HP (Grass) (Confused)
WallandB: 130HP
LowBlowA: 140HP (Back)
LowBlowB: 110HP (Back)

Terrain: 40% Grass, 40% Snow, 15% Cracked (partially obscured by snow), 5% Broken

TennisMan.EXE: 445HP (Rally Defense: 6/6)
Deuce.SP: 180HP (Armor Junction, 180HP Casing, Brace/Second Chance)
Anticipating an attack, Tennisman decided rush past the viral lines and strike them from behind. As he crouched down to get a sprinting start, Desmond chimed in, "You gonna Split Step? Yo, perfect time to test this Airstorm. If if sucks, I'll slot in a Windracket."

Tennisman nodded in agreement and eyed his ideal destination. It didn't look as if it was cracked from his perspective but it was hard to tell from this distance and with all the snow everywhere. He committed himself to the action and pressed off from his grass court, leaping out of existence for a fraction of a second before reappearing behind the heaps of blue hair. The battlechip had already been slotted in, ready for use. Tennisman wasn't sure how to use it and drew his sword back in preparation for the Windracket instead. However, as he swept the blade back, a vacuum of air blew in his direction, powerful enough to draw in the viruses in front of him.

"DUDE! THAT'S HOW IT WORKS!? ATTACK THEM BEFORE THEY GET CLOSER!" Desmond shouted, frantically slamming the Windracket into the PET.

Tennisman recognized the second chip being slotted in and knew exactly how to use it. A spiral of wind churned around Deuce's slender form as the Windracket loaded. Performing a wide swing, a trio of small white twisters buffeted across the snow in jagged paths before a full wall of air crashed through the terrain like an invisible snowplow.

"Ok, gotta be more careful with how we use Airstorm from now on..." noted Desmond.

Tennisman agreed and quickly set up a net to block off any sudden and unexpected counterattacks but he still needed to finish off the stragglers from the group but expected his operator to have a different goal in mind.

"Woo! Pickpocket time!" cheered Desmond.

It was the expected response and Tennisman added his own request, "Binder"

"One or two? Desmond asked back.

Looking at the field, the navi answered, "One will suffice."

Spreading his arms wide, two more viruses appeared on the icy patch before him and quickly scurried and bounded after their target - the crippled Walland. The Bandacoon had a rough start trying to get a foodhold on the ice but the Melody wasn't that much faster, having problems aiming where it landed. All the wild scratching the grounded virus was doing added up and soon it was rushing straight towards the walrus with the Melody trailing behind it. The simple attacks were turning into a race to see who could reach it first. Tennisman didn't have a preference as long as the binder struck once but on the PET's mic, he could hear desmond quietly rooting for the bandacoon to reach it in time, "...go go go go go."

((Wind attacks on snow clear away the snow and turn it to ice for a turn and add aqua to the attack. Ice terrain lowers accuracy of those standing on it by 2 ranks but increases their dodge by 1 rank if they dodge at all. This is kind of why I wasn't a fan of the new terrain types.))
1 - Split Step behind LowBlows
2 - AirStorm LowBlowA, LowBlowB, WallandB (pull + 50 damage)
3 - WindRacket LowBlowA, LowBlowB, WallandB (100 damage + Microburst)
4 - Netplay + Reinforce (3-hit shield + 20 HP object + heal 60)
5 - Pickpocket WallandB (steal zenny or a chip)
6 - Binder1 WallandB (4 x 60 damage + random)
Breath in, breath out.

The viruses was successfully sucked towards TennisMan, immediately meeting their end when they met against the navi's infamous windracket(katana). The Bandacoon scuttled through the ice and snows, attempting to steal a chip or money out of the lone Walland, but it slipped in the last second and missed its only chance when the Melody promptly deleted the virus right after.


Terrain: 40% Grass, 40% Snow, 15% Cracked (partially obscured by snow), 5% Broken

TennisMan.EXE: 490HP (Rally Defense: 6/6)
Deuce.SP: 180HP (Armor Junction, 180HP Casing, Brace/Second Chance)
NetPlay: 30 HP [3/3 Hit]

2,400z + 46 BugFrags
"Nuts. Didn't steal anything again." Desmond grunted.

Tennisman was satisfied enough with leaving another battle unscathed and collected his zenny reward and prepared to move on.

"We're approaching the one hour mark, Tennisman." reminded Deuce, "What exactly are you planning on doing with your next BeastOUT exercise?"

"I will attempt to communicate and request chips normally." Tennisman answered plainly.

((Battle 3))
Before TennisMan had realized, the sun began to set in the snowy Sharo network. This was surely expected since the navi spend countless hours training to control his BeastOut.

As soon as the sun disappeared from the horizon, TennisMan could feel the instant change in the temperature as it almost became unbearably cold. Before he could find anyway to warm himself up, two separate group of viruses emerged from both sides, successfully flanking the navi into a disadvantageous position!

Left Side [Soil]
OctorA: 200 HP
OctorB: 200 HP
BlackmareA: 180 HP

Right Side [Snow]
WingerA: 180 HP
WingerB: 180 HP
BlackmareB: 180 HP

Terrain: 40% Soil, 60% Snow

TennisMan.EXE: 490HP
Deuce.SP: 180HP

"Yo. You ready to BeastOUT?" Desmond asked at the appearance of the viruses.

Tennisman still felt completely normal, meaning the program was still in its cooldown period. The viruses certainly weren't going to wait for him, meaning he would need to proceed as normal. He breathed in deeply, taking in a cool crisp wisp of Sharo air and exhaled, focussing himself to the task at hand. Deuce was brought into a defensive position and he limbered up his arm in preparation to block incoming attacks, especially from the sword-wielding Blackmares.

"Hey do you think you could just gimme all the chips you want now?" asked Desmond, "I want to finish up working on Fifteen."

Tennisman scanned the group and requested two chips for immediate use, "WindRacket and Flameline."

"You got it." Desmond replied and slotted them in with two clicks.

He wasn't in melee range of either group but that didn't stop him from swatting his Windracket-enhanced sword across at the Wingers. Dangling by what seemed to be a thin string, he assumed those viruses probably wouldn't be able to resist the torrent of wind blasting towards them. He wasn't in close enough range to deal damage but he was only looking to stall them while he dealt with the Octors.

Crossing the soil to reach the Octors, Tennisman let his sword's blade trail behind him. Where the tip touched down, grass sprouted from the earthy terrain. The transition seemed smoother than usual as the soil readily gave way to his Court Change. He then lined up the two angry octopuses and stabbed Deuce deeper into the ground.

"I thought we discussed this..." Deuce groaned.

The Flameline2 data channeled through the sword and into the ground beneath the viruses before flaring up into a towering firewall. The flames died down just as quickly as they ignited allowing Tennisman to regain his mobility. He wasn't sure where the Wingers would pop up and tried to stay on his toes.

Deuce - Armour Junction (180 HP Brace + Second Chance Casing)
1 - Rally Defense + Reinforce (6-hit shield)
2 - Windracket WingerA, WingerB, BlackmareB(?) (Microburst/Gust effect only) ((IMPROMPTU DEFENSE ACTION))
3 - Move/line up Octors
4 - Court Change - Grass (1/3 - 2/3 Grass terrain)
5 - Flameline2 OctorA, OctorB (120 damage + ground + wide) x2?
6 - dodge
After some minor preparations, TennisMan received some chips from his operator and set off. With his sights set on the group situated on the soil, he ran towards them while swinging a WindRacket with all of his might. The huge blast of wind turned the Wingers into swings, while the Blackmare seemed to draw back a bit. None of them appeared to want to attack. Capitalizing on his success, TennisMan found a better angle on the Octors and ran his sword along the ground to cover the area in grass. He then jabbed an unhappy Deuce into the ground, cooking the two unmoving viruses thoroughly.

The Blackmare that hadn't been disoriented by the WindRacket sped towards TennisMan and took a swing, but the Navi was ready and dodged to the side while the virus withdrew.

Left Side [Soil/Grass]
BlackmareA: 180 HP

Right Side [Snow]
WingerA: 180 HP
WingerB: 180 HP
BlackmareB: 180 HP

Terrain: 30% Grass, 20% Soil, 50% Snow

TennisMan.EXE: 490HP (Rally Defense: 6/6)
Deuce.SP: 180HP (Armor Junction, Brace)
Immediately after avoiding the Blackmare's sword, the BeastOUT program alerted Tennisman of its active status, prompting him to use it. It was like an addiction and though he resisted, it would only be a matter of time until he gave into its call. His eye gave a slight twitch as he fought that urge.

"Hour's up," Deuce noted, "I suppose I will see you in a few minutes?"

"...No." Tennisman grunted, gripping the hilt of his sword tightly, "I will not use it now."

"So you assume that part of learning to use a weapon is knowing when not to use it?" Deuce mused with a tone of intrigue, "Whatever floats your boat."

"Chips run out?" Desmond asked.

Tennisman nodded and took note of the ethereal nature of the Blackmares, seeing as how his Windracket appeared to have no effect on the virus. He didn't think they were elemental, benefitted from the terrain or had heavy defenses. The only notable features about the virus was its single unblinking eye and the long serpentine blade it had in place of one of its hands. He quickly formed a theory and decided to test it out.

"Katana." Tennisman requested.

Deuce's appearance didn't change but the sheen along his edge flashed once, sharpening and taking on a more rigid form. The real change was in Tennisman's mind where a multitude of swordplay techniques were downloaded in an instant. He closed the short distance on the Blackmare while still maintaining his defensive stance. A wide swipe followed by a lunging stab were executed in the blink of an eye before he darted back out of range.

"Kunai!" Tennisman ordered.

A quick spray of daggers were launched at the same virus in an attempt to finish it off before he turned to face the other Blackmare. His feet sank into the snow as he waded towards the other shadowy virus. Once in range, he performed the same combination of quick slashes in reverse, wary that they might adapt to his tactics. Lunging with the long strike before drawing closer to make a wide sweep.

As he pressed in closer he called for another chip to finish the job, "Moonblade!"

A single dagger twirled in his palm before he slashed it all around himself in a spinning wave. Snow parted around his feet in a near perfect circle from the attack, giving him a little more space to move. Tennisman then retraced his footsteps to get back onto the warmer half of the field to avoid the Wingers.

1 - Katana1 BlackMareA (2 x 60 damage)
2 - Kunai1 BlackMareA (3 x 30 damage)
3 - Move to BlackmareB
4 - Katana1 BlackMareB (2 x 60 damage)
5 - Moonblade BlackMareB (90 damage)
6 - dodge back onto soil/grass
TennisMan's Katana successfully cut through the Blackmare, almost deleting it and prompting it to attack twice in retaliation. The navi was fully prepared for this as he easily parried the attacks and threw a handful of kunai to finally delete the virus.

He turned around and began to attack the other virus, but the Blackmare already got the preemptive strike and attempted to strike TennisMan's back...Only to be blocked by Deuce's effort. It tried to strike again, but the flurry of slashes minced the viruses into worthless pieces...

And the wingers went up and down the string, for some odd reason.

Left Side [Soil/Grass]
BlackmareA: DELETED

Right Side [Snow]
WingerA: 180 HP
WingerB: 180 HP
BlackmareB: DELETED

Terrain: 30% Grass, 20% Soil, 50% Snow

TennisMan.EXE: 490HP (Rally Defense: 4/6)
Deuce.SP: 100HP (Armor Junction)
Tennisman paced along the grass, waiting for the Wingers to come over to him. He knew he wouldn't retain enough mobility to fight them on equal terms while on the snow so he bided his time and planned out his moves.

"Need chips again?" asked Desmond.

"Magnum, TwinFang and MarkCannon." Tennisman listed off.

"Magnum?" echoed his operator with slight surprise, "Gettin' serious..."

Tennisman sighed as he asked, "Do you wish to use Pickpocket?"

The navi thought he heard a squeal of glee before the chip was slotted in. He couldn't care less and summoned the Bandacoon around his feet. It sniffed through the grass looking for something, but only ended up getting a faceful of dirt. Pawing away the soil from its face, it looked to Tennisman curiously for instruction. It circled him playfully while also waiting for the Wingers.

The other chips loaded shortly after giving Tennisman some food for though. How would these new attacks appear under the influence of his GMO? The answer was ratheranticlimactic as his buster arm simply changed into a black cannon. Two heavy rounds from the Magnum loaded themselves into his arm, followed by a pair of ivory rockets. The single MarkCannon shell occupied a fifth slot. Tennisman raised his arm and took aim at the two viruses. The Magnum's discharge exploded across the field, startling his Bandacoon.

The raccoon darted after the viruses and made a heroic lunge at one of the dangling viruses. Tiny claws and a large bushy tail struggled to steal something from its mark, having already failed twice. It looked desperate to reclaim its reputation.

Waiting to see where his opponents disappeared to, Tennisman adjusted his aim and fired again, unleashing the TwinFang into the two survivors. There was another brief lull before Tennisman fired again, swapping to a highly accurate shot to finish the job. His gun made a beep as it locked onto something and fired one final time before reverted back to his black, gloved hand.

Though no longer armed with a gun, Tennisman was still ready to defend himself against the possibility of a sneaky survivor. A cluster of shuriken discretely appeared in his hand as he watched for any sudden movement.

1 - Charge Magnum
2 - Magnum WingerA, WingerB (120 damage) ((Fire element, possible x2 from grass))
3 - Pickpocket WingerA (steal zenny or a chip)
4 - TwinFang WingerA, WingerB (70 damage)
5 - MarkCannon WingerB (70 damage + lockon)
6 - Ace Serve WingerA (4 x 30 damage)
Though TennisMan held his position to draw the Wingers closer, the viruses didn't fall for his tactics and began to attack one after another. The navi was able to deflect them all, but finally reached the end of his stamina and finally lowered his guard...But not before he fired the Magnum to peg the two viruses.

The bandacoon, unfortunately, still had the stroke of badluck in him as his stealing attempt failed once more before the rest of the viruses was promptly deleted.

Left Side [Soil/Grass]
BlackmareA: DELETED

Right Side [Snow]
BlackmareB: DELETED

Terrain: 30% Grass, 20% Soil, 50% Snow

TennisMan.EXE: 490HP (Rally Defense DESTROYED)
Deuce.SP: 100HP (Armor Junction)

1,200z + 56 BugFrabs + [SummonBlack2] BattlechipSummonBlack2
Damage: 200 + Slashing + Wide Attack
Accuracy: A
Description: Can only be activated if there is a broken or missing panel on the field. Summons one Blackmare virus to teleport up and slash an enemy. Can hit up to two additional nearby enemies.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
"What did the Pickpocket get this time?" Desmond asked, with anticipation as high a kid on Christmas.

Tennisman replied bluntly, "The Bandacoon failed."

"Oh. Then what's that little floating thing behind you?" his operator added.

Tennisman turned, slightly surprised to find battlechip data from the fight. He picked it up and gave it a quick superficial analysis.

"SummonBlack2." he announced.

"Sounds awesome!" Desmond noted cheerfully, "Let's add it to the folder. Screw this Wideshot."

Tennisman had no qualms with that and walked along the dirt road, trying to stay clear of the snow. However, considering the network he was in, that would be a challenge in itself.

((Folder Edit:
-Wideshot1 out
-SummonBlack2 in))
((Battle 4))
TennisMan continued his trip through the net on the comfortable dirt road, but bone-piercing cold of the Sharo was still lingering. Even though the cold was almost getting the best of the navi, the starlight filled skies was a wondrous sight that would remain memorable to anyone who saw it.

After walking a good distance, TennisMan came across what looked like two identical moments standing on each side of the road. Before the navi could investigate, it began to move on its own and revealed it self to be viruses! If two of giant rock viruses wasn't enough, couple more was hiding beneath the giants as they emerged out from the dirt...

Left side of the road [Soil]
TitanA: 180 HP [Ironbody]
Nautilus2A: 120 HP [50 HP Barrier]
Nautilus2B: 120 HP [50 HP Barrier]
Nautilus2C: 120 HP [50 HP Barrier]

Right side of the road [Soil]
TitanB: 180 HP [Ironbody]
SlimerA: 150 HP
SlimerB: 150 HP
SlimerC: 150 HP

Terrain: 70% Soil [Center Road], 30% Snow [Side]

TennisMan.EXE: 490HP
Deuce.SP: 180HP

Having just finished a battle where he had been flanked, Tennisman figured it would be easier to deal with one side first before facing the other. This tactic would leave him vulnerable to one side but it was better than having to constantly divert his attention between the two forces throughout the battle.

It felt as if the Slimers were somehow smothering him but they were slower and looked easier to deal with in the long run. To that end, he bolstered his defenses through concentration and practiced parrying motions before going after the Nautiluses. They looked like shellfish floating in giant bubbles, leaving no doubt in his mind what element they were.

"Elecshock." Tennisman said and took in a premature breath sharply.

The intake of air became electrically charged after the chip slotted in. Static built up and flared in his chest until it was almost unbearable. Tennisman exhaled raw lightning into the Nautilus group, devastating the landscape as flashing tendrils ripped through the soil like paper. The Titan was out of range of his thundering attack, but not far enough to escape something else Tennisman had in mind.

"Aurahead." he ordered and pulled his free hand back.

"Dude, come on," Desmond complained while slotting in the chip, "I just need like a minute to finish Fifteen. A MINUTE!"

Lunging forward with a fierce jabbing motion, a large Megalian head was summoned from his palm in a sudden and surprising display. It raged forward in an attempt to headbutt the stony virus before retracting and disappearing back into the navi's grip. Taking into account Desmond's needs, Tennisman decided to plan out the remainder of his attack.

"Remotebit, Windracket, Magnum." Tennisman queued up before committing himself to a temporary silence.

"Fine! Now go fight!" Desmond added, slotting in the chips in sequence.

Tennisman spawned the Remotebit in front of him to deal with the surviving Nautiluses before turning around to deal with the other half of the group. A bolt of lightning struck down behind him as the Windracket data loaded into his sword. He swept Deuce at the Slimers in order to repel their advance since he wasn't as interested in hitting them as much as he wanted to keep them at bay.

The Magnum took its place in Tennisman's buster and was fired at the other Titan immediately after the Windracket was used in order to best take advantage of the flaw in the virus's iron defense.

As the heavy round exploded on the landscape, Desmond announced triumphantly, "FINISHED!"

Deuce - Armour Junction (180 HP Brace + Second Chance Casing)
1 - Rally Defence + Reinforce (6-hit shield)
2 - ElecShock Nautilus2A, Nautilus2B, Nautilus2C (80 + cone + panel break) x2
3 - AuraHead TitanA (90 damage + break) x2?
4 - Remotebit1 in front (100 HP object, 3 turns or until broken)
Remotebit - NautilusC (80 + panel break) x2
* - Turn around
5 - Windracket SlimerA, SlimerB, SlimerC (100 damage + microburst)
6 - Magnum TitanB (120 damage + break) x2?
Pulling all his defenses into high gear, Tennisman readied himself for battle as his enemies did so as well. Breathing raw lightning onto the Nautilus group, he blasted away two of the barriers of the shell-encased viruses and deleted them. The other fired twin Aquatowers at him, one of which missed by a bit, the other hit his defenses. Afterwards, he sent an Aurahead for the Titan on the left side, deleting it before it could get a shot in. Tennisman responded, summoning a Remotebit and smiting one of the Nautilus quite easily. The Slimers bodyslam-rushed him, trying to get a hit in, but Tennisman held strong, parrying off all of them with ease. (shield broken, 150 to casing) Then, suddenly, a massive rock came his way, hurled by the Titan on the right side, smashing his defenses into a pulp. He took this quite hard, swiping his Windracket at the Slimers, blasting them far, far away from him. The Titan he took care of by blasting it with a Magnum, instantly breaking through its iron hide and deleting it.

Left side of the road [Soil]
Nautilus2A: DELETED
Nautilus2B: DELETED
Nautilus2C: DELETED

Right side of the road [Soil]
SlimerA: 50 HP (wheeeeee)
SlimerB: 50 HP (microbursted)
SlimerC: 50 HP (far awaaaaay)

Terrain: 60% Soil [Center Road], 10% Broken [Left of Road] 30% Snow [Side]

TennisMan.EXE: 490HP (Rallydefense0) (Deucearmor30/brace/2chance)
RemoteBit1: 100HP
Tennisman squinted, looking at the three blobs on the horizon and wondered how long it would take them to get back to him. They looked too far to shoot at that distance and though he could cover the expanse with a Split Step, his heart wasn't really into it. He lazed in his position, thinking about the best way to deal with them.

"So you wanna try out Fifteen now?" Desmond asked excitedly.

Tennisman shook his head. This skirmish seemed to have already lost the necessary conditions to battle test his new support program.

"Alright, let's do a quick PickPocket run and test out the NEW chip... Summon black whatever." suggested his operator.

That sounded like a good plan to the navi, salvaging the usefulness from the remainder of the fight. Tennisman nodded and heard the chips slot in, feeling their data flow through him a moment later. The Pickpocket was the first to manifest itself. The furry Bandacoon appeared at his feet and sniffed around for something to steal and quickly seemed to track the scent from the Slimers. It would take too long for his thief to run there and back for his liking, prompting Tennisman to lift it up by the scruff of its neck.

"Oh no..." Desmond groaned, "Dude, you're not going to do that again, are you?"

Tennisman passed a stoic look and stated, "I am going to send the Bandacoon to its destination faster."

With a strong serving stroke from the flat of his blade, the poor rodent was slapped with a powerful burst of wind.

"Man, I feel SO BAD for that thing..." Desmond cringed.

Tennisman didn't understand that sentiment as the Bandacoon's data was entirely encapsulated within the battlechip. It had no memory of past events or feelings of its own. It was a simple program created to perform a simple task. It possessed the most basic levels of artificial intelligence, but somehow it still captured the affection of his operator. Perhaps he was overlooking it, the Pickpocket was a good chip capable of bolstering their income substantially, so long as it found its way to its target.

Peering to its trajectory, the Bandcoon landed with a soft poof near the Slimers. At least it looked that way from where he was standing. He had no way to know for sure and didn't intend on waiting to find out. Instead, he activated the SummonBlack2 chip. Behind him, from the fissure his Elecshock had cracked open, a shadowy form emerged with an empty thumping sound. Tennisman turned to the noise and found himself staring face to face with his doppleganger. His copy was much darker and hunched over, but it looked like him, at least with his ninja GMO equipped. The only clear difference was its face, which was just as dark as the robes that hung off its body. Its eyes were limpid pools of white that seemed to stare deeply past Tennisman. He snapped a glance to see what it was glaring at and noticed he was between it and the Slimers. When he turned around again to face his shadow, it was gone. A long black trail shot across the floor like inverted lightning, streaking towards the viruses. Tennisman could barely keep up as his shadow reformed in an instant and delivered a wide slash across the Slimers in an instant. With its task complete, the shadow passed a soulless look to Tennisman before fading away.

Tennisman swallowed hard and felt fear well up in his throat, scratching to get out.

"Dude! That was wicked!" Desmond cheered.

That wasn't the feeling that Tennisman had after witnessing his SummonBlack in action. He tried to calm himself and called for another chip with a mild stutter in his voice, "M-MarkCannon."

Desmond attributed the skip in his speech to the PET and tapped it lightly, "Huh, something wrong with the speakers."

Tennisman raised his arm and pointed the newly formed gun to where the Slimers had been, scanning for survivors. His buster shook even as he steadied it with his other arm. This was ridiculous, what did he have to be afraid about? Taking in a sharp breath to smother his irrational fears, he fired the weapon and let the echo of the discharge wash away his emotions.

1 - PickPocket SlimerA (steal zenny/chip)
2 - OUT! Bandacoon towards Slimers
3 - SummonBlack2 SlimerA, SlimerB, SlimerC (200 damage)
4 - MarkCannon SlimerA (70 damage + lockon)
5 - dodge
6 - dodge
The Bandcoon was flung against its will towards the Slimers, and peered at the strange creatures. It grabbed a good amount of loot and was about to go back, when Tennisman's summoned doppelganger met its gaze. The little pseudo-virus quaked in fear, dropping much of the stuff it had gained from the Slimers, and leapt back to the original Tennisman, dropping the meagre amount it had managed not to drop at the Navi's feet before disappearing. The SummonBlack did its job efficiently and soullessly, rending the slimers with impunity.

Left side of the road [Soil]
Nautilus2A: DELETED
Nautilus2B: DELETED
Nautilus2C: DELETED

Right side of the road [Soil]

Terrain: 60% Soil [Center Road], 10% Broken [Left of Road] 30% Snow [Side]

TennisMan.EXE: 490HP (Rallydefense0) (Deucearmor30/brace/2chance)
RemoteBit1: 100HP


- 3600z
- 60 BugFrags
- Pickpocket: 500z
"Please, please, PLEASE tell me the Bandacoon got something." Desmond pleaded.

Tennisman knelt down to check his thief's paws and dismissed it before announcing, "500 zenny."

It wasn't much but Desmond was ecstatic, "YESSS!!!"

"A little too happy for such a small amount, aren't we?" Deuce noted.

"I don't care! At least the chip still works! I thought we broke it or something!" Desmond said with some joy still lingering in his voice, "Yeah. So like, I was browsing the trade boards and I found something awesome: A DashAttack!"

Tennisman and Deuce both remained completely silent as if unsure of how to properly react to the news.

"...A DASHATTACK!" echoed Desmond.

Deuce chimed in to humour the operator, trying to cut the sarcasm out of his tone, "Ohhh... That's a very good chip. You traded for it?"

"YEAH YEAhh... No. Actually I bought it from a guy." Desmond answered.

"Oh, well that's fine. Did you wish to slip it into the folder?" Deuce asked.

"Yeah, I was thinkin' we could swap out the IronShell." Desmond said, "Also, say hello to your NEW SUPPORT PROGRAM!"

A brilliant flash of light from above beamed down in front of Tennisman, forcing him to avert his eyes for a moment. When the daze cleared, he turned back to find... Nothing there. He looked down and saw a crumpled headband on the floor. He didn't look impressed.

"...Huh." Desmond grunted, "Not really as cool as I thought it'd be."

Tennisman picked up the fuzzy band off the ground and inspected it, dusting off some of the dirt. It looked like a normal headband to him but he knew it was still a support program.

Bringing the band closer to his face, Tennisman gave it a simple greeting, "Hello."

There was no reply.

"Oh yeah, I did what Deuce said and took out a lot of core programs to make more space for the... The..." Desmond paused, "Wait, why did I take out those programs?"

Deuce chuckled to himself.

"Well whatever," continued Desmond, "If you put it on, you should run a lot faster."

Tennisman gave it a light squeeze and kept that in mind as he strode deeper into the network.

((Folder Edit:
-IronShell1 out
-DashAttack in))
((Summon Fifteen.SP))
((Battle 5))