Munitions Depot

This shouldn't take long...

Burt GET : Boomerang1 : Mazer LOSE
Mazer GET : 1860z : Burt LOSE

Done! Have a nice day, all!

- LinkMan.EXE
Hello. I am interested in your three heatshots and fireburn battlechips. As such I am willing to trade my two bubblers, a wideshot1, and 100z. What say you?

-- Destin.

[Attached: Bubbler x2, WideShot1 x1, 100z.]
Sounds good to me. I've had these chips for the longest time, I'm glad someone found a use for them.
-Mazer Patrovksi

--Attached: Heatshot x3, FireBurn1 x1--
Lots of stuff this time!

- Destin GET: HeatShot x 3, FireBurn1 x 1
- Mazer GET: Bubbler x 2, WideShot1 x 1, 100z

Lots of stuff!

- LinkMan.EXE
Hello, I see you've recently acquired a FireKnife Battlechip. I'm sure my Navi would absolutely love that, so perhaps we could reach an agreement? Of course, it would help to know things you might want for it...

- Dawn Guerrero

Hm... Mach could use a MiniEnergy, we used ours in a previous mission. How about 50z and a MiniEnergy for the FireKnife?

-Mazer Patrovski

--Attached: FireKnife--
That...seems like way too good an offer, but if you're sure...

- Dawn Guerrero
ATTACHMENT: MiniEnergyPack SubChip, 50z
What the-

Dawn GET : FireKnife : Mazer LOSE
Mazer GET : MiniEnergyPack + 50z : Dawn LOSE

.... okay, I guess.

- LinkMan.EXE
Thank you for the trade.

-- Destin.
Just updated my chip list, any and all (serious) offers are welcome!