Inside the shop

Vincent gave a light nod of thanks to Suitachi in thanks, before offering one to Travis as well as he took his card and upgrades before turning to head out of the shop.
"Uh, thanks. I think I remember where these are supposed to go..." Travis mumbled, making the exchange of goods before walking out the door, stuffing the purchases in his pocket. He could almost hear his sister yelling at him. He was looking forward to getting to the library, at least.
"Afternoon." The young entrepreneur spoke as she entered the store, removing the large cumbersome headphones from her ears to a more suitable position around her neck. As Adrian approached the counter she could clearly be seen thinking something over, mentally adding up everything she needed to pick up on this trip for her lovely little spider.

"Let's see... could i get one HP upgrade and five... no, six Process upgrades? we're a bit over due. we're at 18-23 now, plus the hp upgrade... 14550 right?"

She was pretty sure her math was correct as she placed the payment on the counter, waiting for her purchase.

((PU's:1800+1900+2000+2100+2200+2300+ hp upgrade: 2250 - 14550 zenny))
With a light nod to the little lady, Suitachi took up the payment before slipping into the back momentarily. Returning with a small bag to offer her. "Quite the set of upgrades, well here you are. Have a nice day."

Adrian GET: Hp Upgrade, PU#18-23
Adrian LOSE: 14550z
Once again, Leslie found herself entering the Navi Shop, and looking as out of place there as ever. From there, she swiped the binder that had the shop's inventory in it, and set it down on one of the customer accessible tables. Opening it up, she whipped out her PET, and started to discuss things with her Navi. They were both quiet, almost acting like it was a library for whatever reason. Though, based on her general bewilderment whenever she actually looked at the stock, it was pretty obvious that the operator was out of her depth when it came to Navi upgrades.

About 15 minutes later, she suddenly burst up, and returned the book to its regular spot. "All right, we're going with 4 HPMemories! And that was, much was it, Martia?"

"5500z, according to my calculations!"

"Right. So, we'll go with that!"

Order of Purchase:
- HPMemory #1 - 1000z
- HPMemory #2 - 1250z
- HPMemory #3 - 1500z
- HPMemory #4 - 1750z
Total: 5500z
((From => Electown))

"We're here. So... would you like to tell me now, how you set aside the money for these, Lyntael, when you've been with me every waking moment, hmmm?" Rogan's small, good-humoured smile was honest enough, but so was the intently questioning green of his gaze, above it. Sitting in the alcove of his car's dashboard, the holographic miniature of Lyntael hung her head, blushing softly as she shifted, but didn't answer.

Rogan shook his head. She wasn't going to say no to him directly and she'd tell the truth if he pressed, but he decided to let it go for now. It wasn't as though she would have done anything he wouldn't for it, certainly; Eric seemed to have imbued the little navi with a surprisingly fierce sense of ethics that was often a hindrance to them both. When he opened his door and crooked a finger, Lyntael jumped up and leapt to his hand, dashing nimbly up his sleeve far enough to drop down to his deep coat pocket, where she nestled away.

A faint chuckle and an equally amused smile accompanied the man as he made his way to the Navi Shop. Actually purchasing something legitimately from anywhere in SciLabs was something of a novelty to him... if she were actually a real person, he was sure Lyntael would be proud of him. Still grinning he approached the counter, stepping back for a moment as another young woman hurriedly gave her own order, apparently a hair's breadth from utter confusion. When she was done he held out his card to the side, between two fingers and sought the shop-keep's eyes with only slightly raised eyebrows.

"And could I get one Speed Upgrade, and a basic Process Upgrade, please?"

((Speed Upgrade 1: 5000, Process upgrade 1: 100, Total: 5100z))
After watching some random girl enter the store and immediately take to the inventory, Suitachi settled in to wait for her to make a decision...

Approximately fifteen minutes later, Suitachi was awakened from a fitful nap by the girl's decisive exclamations. He bolted upright and tried to look like he hadn't just fallen asleep for who-knows-how-long. Apparently somewhat used to this, he masked it rather well. "Right then," he started, reaching under the counter as another customer spoke up for service. "Coming right up, sir!" he responded, reaching his other hand back toward the shelves. After some drowsiness-induced fumbling around under the counter, Suitachi produced the aforementioned HP Memories for Rogan and the other set of merchandise for Leslie. He stopped short for a moment then, one hand halfway to the register when he realized his error and swapped the products around so that they sat before the correct customer. "Er, sorry about that." He collected their payments as professionally as he could and saw them off with a jovial "Please come again!"

Leslie GET: HP Memory 1, 2, 3, 4
Leslie LOSE: 5500z

Rogan GET: Speed Upgrade 1, Process Upgrade 1
Rogan LOSE: 5100z
With a small nod of thanks, Rogan slipped the upgrades into his other coat pocket and stepped back to one of the tables, taking a casual seat sidelong to the counter. He spared another briefly appraising glance for the woman before retrieving his PET and setting to applying the upgrades with nimble, practiced fingers. Lyntael had slipped out again the moment he began working and sat watching him, hands behind her and legs stretched out.

"You should say hi!" Her voice was quiet, but Rogan reached out to give her a perfunctory tap on the head with two fingers, feeling the soft static sensation as he brushed her hologram.

"I'm going to assume that was required of your programming, Lyntael. Hush now." quieter than hers, his voice was barely more than a murmur as he worked. The upgrade would only take a moment anyway, and he already had plans for the night to come.
Woo, one install away from Martia being as robust in battle as out of it! Leslie snagged her upgrades, and as she fiddled with the back of her PET, unwittingly sat directly across from the other customer. "All right, let's see...take this off, and, uh..." Her expression quickly grew spaced out as it became increasingly obvious that she was out of her depth. "...All right, who the hell designed this?! I mean, the speed stuff's super obvious, but look at all these places I could cram these things! Which one do I put it in?"

Martia's hologram popped up, and looked down at the scene. "Um...that-no, that can't be it..."

"Oh, come on! Shouldn't you know everything about these things?"

"Hey, I just live in it and manage software! Hardware's beyond me!"

"...Fantastic. I blow all that cash, and I don't even know how to use it..." The martial artist propped her elbow up on the table, and rested her head against it. "Next time, I'm burning all my money on s-eh?" A quick look up revealed that not only was there a person across the table, but he looked like he knew a thing or two about installing stuff. Well, nothing to lose by asking, and all that. "Hey, uh, guy? Think you could show me how to install the, uh, HP-whatevers?"


"Yeah, them too!" Leslie took a closer look at the person she was asking...somehow managing to almost forget him as she was looking. Something about him just did NOT catch her eye, for whatever reason...
A soft click was all the sound that came of Rogan swiftly finishing his own upgrades. He began a quick diagnostic on the PET with one hand, gently shunting the packaging for the upgrades into the small waste baskets by the table. His eye flicked up for a moment as the woman took a place across from him, but dropped again when she began opening her own purchases.

Lyntael took far more interest, jumping up to look at the woman across from them now, head tilted and wearing a small grin. Her mouth opened as though to speak, but she hesitated, remaining silent as the lady appeared to notice her as little as Rogan himself. An opportunity presented itself, albeit an embarrassing one, as the lady struggled with her purchases, and Lyn waved one arm with a bright grin and far more enthusiasm than was probably necessary. Rogan, by contrast, seemed not to hear the other woman's question, though she suspected he had and was just trying to look occupied.

((Moving to a new thread, to get out of the shop => SciLabs))
This is where he came from

Joseph walked into the store quietly. His steps were slow, and casual. He had a cocky posture, and always kept his chest poking out, with his head held high. As he got to the counter, he spoke calmly, "May I have one hp memory, and one power up please?"

"Two upgrades master?" Sparks was surprised by this.

"Yes, you fought hard during our last string of battles, we need to make you stronger so that we can last longer out there though." The operator answered. "Well never be able to get strong enough if we just get buying small upgrades here and there."
3rd hp memory should be 1500
1st power up should be 1000
If i am correct.
I'm bumping this because the Modpad won't load on my phone... So yea... Bump
Being the good-natured soul he was, Suitachi withdrew the two upgrades in question from the excess inventory under the counter and actually charged Joseph for the appropriate amount relative to his Navi. How exactly he knew Sparks' prior upgrades without checking the PET himself... well, it's certainly not like the front door was bugged with a scanner or anything. Not at all, no sir.

"2500z... And there we go. Have a good day, sir." confirmed Suitachi with a magnificent poker-faced smile as he bagged the goods and handed them to Jospeh. A good shopkeeper knows his customers... even if the customers don't know he knows.

Joseph GET: HP Memory 3, PowerUP 1
Joseph LOSE: 2500z
Joseph quickly grabbed the upgrades off the counter, with a wide smile on his face. "Thank you, I can't wait to get home and install these upgrades for Sparks." Full of excitment he didnt wait on Suitachi to reply, as the net operator made a fast exit, heading back to his house. "Thanks again!!"

This is where he is going
The door chime announced a new customer as a sultry woman entered the shop. She glanced around from her vantage point at the door. Was she hesitating to enter a place with unknown security? At any rate, the drop-dead gorgeous blond took in the stock in a couple moments with her piercing ice-blue eyes. She pondered for a moment, adjusting her weight from one foot to the other, the skimpy navy blue leather getup she was wearing creaking and her large bosom announcing it's own entrance. She passed Suitachi a wink and sauntered to the counter.

Apparently the woman had already done here research before hand because she didn't bother browsing any further. Was she just... Casing the joint? Either way her voice almost purred like a cat as she said "Mmmm. Hello there... I'll need, hmm.. Four of your process upgrades". She crossed her arms over her tight stomach and nudged them up slightly, her bosom rising to the summons.

She knew she wasn't going to get a discount or anything, she just loved teasing people, men and women alike, using her body like a weapon.

[Process Upgrade #1, 2, 3 and 4. -100z, -200z, -300z, -400z. Total 1000z]
Before Eliza walked in, Suitachi was about to fall asleep at the counter, propping his head up with his right hand. As soon as she walked in, one of his eyes shot open, and Eliza winked. Oh, it was probably one of those people. He dealt with them frequently enough, and one of the 5x7 picture frames displayed at the counter clearly stated his status. He got up, shook his head a little to clear it from drowsiness, and patted himself down.

"All right, four process upgrades, 1-4, that'll be... one grand," he stated plainly, smirking as his eyes focused themselves on the automatic doors behind Eliza.

Eliza GET: Process Upgrade x4 [#1-4]
Eliza LOSE: 1000z
Eliza gave him a bubbly giggle as she exchanged money for goods and smiled as she perked up. Good, let this one just think her a shallow flirt. She already had his displayed inventory memorized anyway and knew what he had behind the counter, for the most part. Maybe one day she would take a shot at cracking his heart, and his safe.

"Thanks, sweety", she said with a saccharine tone that concealed her thoughts. She turned and took her time leaving, putting on a little show. She knew that even dedicated men were men and biology was against them.

With another chime, she was out the door and gone, brisk pace resumed and cigarette heading for her mouth along with a smirk.
Somehow, upon entering the shop, Leslie got the feeling that there wasn't a whole lot of business since she and Rogan were last there. She had absolutely no idea why...just woman's intuition. She walked over to the counter, and whipped out her PET for calculating purposes. Let's see...if she got that, she could also get that...but not that. Fortunately, she knew enough to try and not get too many different things, or else her math skills would've been overtaxed in the blink of an eye.

"All right! I've gotten some more cash, so I'll take an HPMemory, and 7 Process Upgrades!" Luckily, Process Upgrades were so easy that even she could install them without problem, and she still recalled the lesson for earlier. Martia was going to be even more of a nightmare in battle after this...

...Speaking of which, she couldn't help but wonder just what Rogan was going to get. She stepped aside to let him get his order, and so she could ready the wireless zenny transfer, but her ears were definitely turned to her new friend. After all, what did you get a Navi you didn't interact with during a fight? She was sorta curious about that...

[Order of Purchase:
1-HP Memory #5 - 2000z
2-Process Upgrades 1-7 - 2800z

Total: 4800z
New Zenny Total: 370z]
((From => SciLab))

Following Leslie in, Rogan let his eyes wander over the... actually rather barren walls and shelves, while she put forward her own purchase, then slipped his card out again. In his head he did a quick check of how much zenny Lyntael had received over the evening and totalled up what would best suit her.

"Evening again. Once you've seen to the young lady, could I please also get two buster power-ups and process upgrade versions two through five. Should be four thousand four if I'm not mistaken."

He smiled for the shop keep as he slipped his card down on the counter.

PowerUp 1 & 2 (1000 + 2000)
Process Up 2 - 5 (200 + 300 + 400 + 500)
Total: 4400
Remaining: 500]
Suitachi looked up from a magazine he'd been reading to more politely receive his customers. "Welcome!" he called out jovially as Leslie and Rogan approached the counter. While the former relayed her intended purchases, Suitachi listened intently and swiftly produced each item from below the counter. Once she finished, Suitachi processed the transaction and presented her with a bag containing her purchases. Meanwhile, he listened to Rogan's list and prepared to process the second order. "One moment, please!" he said with a smile.

Once Leslie had stepped aside, Suitachi placed Rogan's items on the counter and processed the second transaction, providing Rogan with his own purchases as well. "Thank you very much, and have a nice evening!" he said to the pair as he saw them off.

Leslie GET: HP Memory #5, Process Upgrade 1-7
Leslie LOSE: 4,800z

Rogan GET: PowerUP #1, 2, Process Upgrade 2-5
Rogan LOSE: 4,400z