3-Chip Trader Machine

It didn't hurt...but the result probably didn't help, either. Interestingly, Rei could hear a sigh of relief from the counter...

Rei LOSE: FireHit1, RageClaw1, LineOut1
Rei GET: Cannon
[ugh... 50/50... I really dont want this one, so maybe just once more.] Rei was a little hooked, wanting to get one more good roll. As he though about it, he did need to remove a chip for the elec knife anyways, perhaps getting rid of a more close range chip? he did have one more firehit1 in his folder he could remove after all.

Deciding it for the best, he replaced the firehit1 with the elecknife and opted for one last chance.

*insert firehit1, dblbeam1, cannon*

..."Augh!!!"? At least it was from Soryu, and not Rei.

Rei LOSE: FireHit1, DBLBeam1, Cannon
Rei GET: AirRaid1
[... definitely worth it] Rei stated bluntly, as he pocketed the chip. he would have to decide what exactly to replace in the folder, but it shouldn't be much of a problem he figured. he could make some great use of this.

As he turned to leave, he thought back on that last noise he heard. Rei decided he was probably just imagining things from lack of sleep, and went on with his day.
Iris made her way down the street with hurried strides, drawing the collar of her jacket tighter against the late December chill. Figured that the Metroline would freeze up just before the next station... She'd managed to pick up some tea to steel herself against the cold, though. Thank god for small blessings, she mused as she brought the tall styrofoam cup to her lips.

Something caught her eye out of a storefront, and she paused mid-draught. A ridiculous-looking little machine in a hobby store... Well, she had some chips that her and Cheshire had been wanting to get rid of for some time. Why not?

The door gave a cheery jingle as she pushed through, barely concealing a sigh of relief as the store's heating pushed away the frigid air. She drew three chips out of her pocket, idly tossing them in her palm. Yeah, those would do.

Shotgun x2
The small machine tossed her little chips around in an arena of chance and luck, and spat out the remains of the fight.

Iris LOSE: [Cannon] [Shotgun] [Shotgun] Battlechips
Iris GET: [Vulcan1] Battlechip

... Not much there.
"... You can do better," she admonished her prize, slamming the offending Vulcan back home along with two more junk chips. Her placid expression flared with anger for just a second as she turned the knob... Maybe she was getting a little too into this game of chance. Still, when she had chips to spare, why not? The cup of tea sat forgotten on top of a cabinet nearby, its owner silently awaiting the result.

All the chips in the world.

Iris LOSE: [Cannon] [Shotgun] [Vulcan1] Battlechips
Iris GET: [Meteor9] Battlechip
She turned the chip slowly between her fingers, chewing thoughtfully on her lower lip as she glanced between her latest prize and the oh-so-inviting machine that had awarded it to her.

Thirty damage, times nine... Her and Cheshire might actually use this one, and that was more than she could have said for anything she'd given up to the machine. So with just a moment's hesitation she turned away and slipped back into the cold outdoors to catch her train.

... Doubling back quickly to grab her cup of tea.

Walking into the chip shop and looking around, Stephine spots the chip trader and hums, the 'infamous' chip trader that Jack had told her to stay away from lest she end up with an empty folder. She shrugged and brought out three chips that she probably wouldn't miss. Why she had gotten that Ratton chip was unknown to her, but it would be good fodder for this. Putting in three chips, she pulls down the handle and waits.


WHIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR...luckily, the machine wasn't broken, and still yielded a chip for the effort.

Stephine LOSE: Ratton1, Shotgun, Sword
Stephine GET: LavaCannon1
Picking up the chip from the machine, Stephine could only grin at the chip and sighed in relief. Dropping it into her folder, she walked off and caught the next bus, heading for a 'harder' part of the network as Freya said.
Her monetary business concluded, Sabrina headed over to engage her mortal enemy. In three smooth motions, she threw in three chips that she neither used herself, nor suspected that anyone would want, and pulled the lever...

[Order of Insertion:
1-SandRing, PanelGrab, DoubleJump]
Click thunk. Click thunk. Click thunk went the chips, than all of a sudden the machine started to hiss and poof, out pops a chip, still smoking.

Sabrina LOSE: SandRing, PanelGrab, DoubleJump
Sabrina GET: Magnum2
"Yeah!" Well, that was a pleasant surprise. Pocketing her new find immediately, Sabrina looked at the machine thoughtfully for a moment, before deciding to take out three more chips she doubted she'd ever get rid of otherwise, and take another spin.

[Order of Insertion:
1-SlowGauge, PanelReturn, Fan]
Clunk Clunk Clunk went the chips, and with a hiss and spark that gave a bit of a shock upon grabbing, a new chip popped out.

Sabrina LOSE: SlowGauge, PanelReturn, Fan
Sabrina GET: Satellite1
...Satellite1? Didn't she already have that?

A quick check of the library revealed that she was happily mistaken, however, and thus she was 2 for 2. Hmm, should she try one more time...? Eh, couldn't hurt...

[Order of Insertion:
Slink slink slink goes the chips, and with a far too heavy sounding thunk a chip drops into the tray in exchange.

Sabrina LOSE: RedFruit1, BambooKnife, FlashBomb1
Sabrina GET: Gaia1
All right, let's see what she got this time...Gaia1? Wow, she was on a roll. Sabrina thought about trying again, but between not wanting to push her luck too far, and being unable to find three chips she was willing to part with that easily, she elected not to. "You know, I kinda feel bad for the next person that tries this, since I probably used up all the good luck..." Now, how much time did she use up? ...8:46. Gah. Well, might as well head for the park and work on getting a tan, or something...
As Adrian walked into the shop, her eyes instantly focused on the trader. She had three chips in her possession that were far inferior to the rest of their stock, and she was highly doubtful she could sell them enough to even turn a profit.

"Well, how about we see if we can get something more useful, hmm?" She mumbled to herself as she pulled out and inserted the chips.

((Inserting: Guard1, Cannon, Rageclaw ))