I can safely say that not all NetPolice officers are the guardian angels of the net. As a former police officer back in the day, I've worked with NPs in few of my cases, each one of them having completely different personality and ideals. However, this may apply for the NetMafias as well. Some may actually have the heart to help others in need, as shown in the third article...which I'm having hard time to believe, while others played the role of the treacherous 'Mafia Badguys' perfectly.

Quick to the point; The actions of a single NP/NM doesn't solidify the entire group's ideal.

-Marius Eirenikos
I like to think of it more of a grey and grey morality myself mister Eirenikos.

- Polonius Carbonium
Oh look, one of my faithful readers doesn't seem to understand the concept of me running a subscription newsletter. You all should be thankful, huh? Normally people pay to read this stuff and here you are, getting to for free! I don't normally throw many bones to my adoring public, but I'll give you guys a free response session out of the generosity of my heart.

First of all, I have a sizable reader base, and I assure you folks they don't all run around with irresponsible behavior like this. Even the best writers likely have some poor neggs supporting them that don't even bother to check their spelling when they post articles of tremendous social significance. I wouldn't even be surprised if it was one of those NP shlubs trying to make me look bad.

Mr. Polonius, you would be amazed the kinds of things this dunderhead, this grinning hyena, this absolute moron and disgrace to justice DimensionMan gets away with on a regular basis. He's been captured by the Mafia before during one of his own demonstrations! Think: this is just the slip-up that I've managed to get reported. What kinds of other ludicrous stupidity is this guy up to? I can only imagine.

Second, Rigel: how the hell am I supposed to provide you sources on hearsay? Oh sure, let me go look in my big phone book of unoperated navis in homeless shelters! Hey pea-brain: nobody keeps track of these guys. Believe me or not, I don't care, but why do you think the NP are stepping up watch around unoperated navis? They don't have anything to get out of it from just protecting those guys. No, they're laying traps for ol Santie Clause and other Mafia recruiters that would, in many cases, rid these navis of their condition of poverty if allowed.

Hey, Ezarith: we're not talkin' about viruses. They had that civilian KILL a navi. You ever done that before? Watched a navi, same emotions and worth of life as your very own, permanently fizzle in front of your very eyes? Chances are you haven't. We're not talking EJO here: that guy was dead. I just feel sorry for the poor shlub they tricked into doing it; he has to live with it, after all. Next, what's "heroic" about kicking two civilian navis down a hill in a horse carriage? Wouldn't you prefer, oh, I dunno, a police force that was confident enough in its abilities to actually apprehend the criminals? Jesus Christ, the brain on you!

What, you guys all keep harping on credibility? If I didn't have sources, you really think you guys'd be the ones to notice it? Please. You're mooks. You're common men. We in the journalistic business are in a sphere you guys can't understand! Come back to me when you make something of yourselves and then challenge my credibility.

See, Eirenikos (no idea how you'd pronounce that, God bless you) has the right idea. You shmucks are tricked into thinking this is all black and white! You think that the NP are your saviors from heaven and the mafia are the boogeymen. Here's the lowdown: roles are reversing. The NP is weak, they're stupid, they're running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Furthermore, they're corrupt, as you'd see if you subscribed to my newsletter. The mafia are gradually becoming advocates of people's rights, even if not all of them are there yet. I have a hunch, just a hunch, that soon we're going to live in a much different world and people are going to wish they hadn't thrown the NP quite as much of their blind, slobbering, dog-like loyalties.

You're all wonderful people, thanks for reading.
-Gurta Wurm
Well I wouldn't go that far but no one's perfect. Then again people have their own biases and experiences. I myself wish to try helping out these less unfortunate navis with free checkups. Health care's always such a complex issue at times! Yet I've heard quite worse myself.

- Polonius
Well, I don't feel like debating, but I do want to say some stuff. Which can be said as debating.

Let's consider the CarriageMan situation. Now, a Navi would not be deleted, usually, unless there is a factor blocking the EJO, say, a jack-out barrier. If I'm correct, CarriageMan was deleted. Therefore, there was a jack-out barrier somewhere in the vicinity.

Now, consider, if you had a jack-out barrier preventing your EJO, would you stay for re-inforcements? Uh, no. I would get the hell out of there, and try to defend myself doing it. That was NOT was CarriageMan did, he chose to stay and defend the others while he got them to safety. I do admit that the ride's bumpy, but would you have suspension over death?

On the point of credibility, I might just hint out that there is no real truth to whatever anyone's saying, whether they be NP or NM. The mafiose you're talking about may be a real guy, a made-up jack, whatever. The Worm's sources may be rock-solid, or jello. There's always room for a skeptic, my writer friend.

I may be picking up a subscription of the Worm later. Although, I might suggest that you get something less of a turn-off of a name? It's kind of gross to think of news as a worm.

- Harke Ezarith

(PS: If you do want to slander for something, I'd rather have someone get the title in a more intellectual tone than 'NETPOLICE SUKC'. People, y'know, get turned off by this kind of stuff. The spellcheck is your friend. Maybe something along the lines of 'THE DARK SIDE OF THE NETPOLICE' or something.)
Oof. I think I actually got a little cut from that rapier wit on your side.

In any case, I don't ever recall saying that it's black and white, in fact, I offered no opinion on this situation other than questioning the credibility of some of the stories. And while it's true that there very well may be corruption in the ranks, this level of bias in your journalism is just distasteful.

And before the inevitable response to that previous comment, yes, it's virtually impossible to create unbiased journalism, but it's just how skewed you've represented the facts at hand. I'd go so far as to say that hate such as this would damage the Mafia's credibility more than build it.

-Shigeru Yamada
I harp on credibility because anyone can write anything and claim that it's true. If they don't have some form of proof then there's no reason to believe it, especially when the writer in question responds to such a request rudely or angrily. Now, I don't care much about whether the Netpolice is setting up watches around unoperated navis or no. They could be protecting them, they could be suspicious an incident like seven years ago is about to happen again...hell, they could just be researching how they behave or something. Or they could be, as you claim, setting up traps for your "Santa clause" navi. It doesn't matter to me. But until this...article...I haven't heard anything about a "Mafia Santa Clause", much less NetPolice response to it.

Also, you ask how you're supposed to provide sources? You mentioned research. Your research. That tends to include sources.

~Duke Rigel

(P.S. This entire topic reeks of advertising.)
I've got four words for you:
Don't feed the troll

-Chris Harper

You have shown me the light, Harper. It makes me emit manly tears.

- Harke Ezarith
... I can't tell if your serious or not.
But seriously, this guy reeks of troll. Not just the original poster, but this Wurm person. It's like he just posted with a fake account to "let this slip", so people'd get all upset over it, so they'd rush out to buy this publication to find out what other slanderous things he's written.
And before you say "no person would buy something that pisses them off", you'd be surprised how well this works.
