King's Artwork

MeleePrinny: Huraaah! My soul burns with such a powerful spirit that when I connect with the ground, it erupts from my body in the form of an explosion!

Nice to see so many of your drawings. I don't seem to recall you showing nearly as many over at RECN way back when.

*tries to steal King's pie*
Done with Gunner Prinny.

I used a webcam to capture it, so it's backwards... Deepest apologies. ^__^;

He looks sorta back-heavy... I placed the legs all wrong.

Now a normal Prinny joins our motley crew.

Prinnies are... odd. Sometimes I can draw them, sometimes I cannot. With the Gunner Prinny, I am saddened to say at that time I could not.

Bukteban drawing to come... Sometime. Not sure when, really. It's down in Calgary, where, incidentally, there is no webcam.
There is, however, a scanner to sneak on to if I can muster the gumption to do so.
*doesn't know what prinnys are*

What does it say at the bottom?
"Prinny, dood."
It's backwards, though, so it's more like ".boob, ynnirP"

Ironclad, an enemy I've been plotting. Sorry for the crappy capturing. It was dark, and this particular program has the gall to accompany each picture taken with a blinding, image-wrecking flash that cannot be disabled.
I'll get a better version to you in the day, when it's light. For now, marvel at my mediocre artwork.
One arm is larger, but it's a matter of persective. He's shambling towards you, see?
Does that say, "Al on a bad boy?!"
Bad day....
Very nice! Ah... the disembodied floating bits of data beneath him bring me back to an earlier time in the RE:CN time line... My old Navi back when I was Raigingekiexcel had parts of his body missing, the gaps filled only with floating bits of data. Good times...

Anyway, keep up the good work
ZS, surely you know me better than that. ;D

Anyway, thanks. I think I might tweak the data streams a bit, though, as well as the chest plating.

I am drawing that guy when I have the free time. Cool beans!

*is far too easily won over by floating torso enemies and suits of armor XD*
Heat, if you were to draw him it'd blow me right out of the water...

Here we go. Good lighting and some minor tweaks.
But it's always at an angle when I take it via webcam.
At least today I go back to Calgary, with its tantalizing scanner.
Still using Flash? What am I thinking?

I just had to draw this.
It's EN in PMSOut (with a lighter-sword of sorts) versus me using Regal Rampage (and looking cool and nonchalant. ;D)
Ooh, and a crappy city, which somehow houses both the Monotoli Skyscraper from Earthbound and the Empire State Building from New Yaaaawk!
The silhouette thing is to make up for the fact that I can't really draw on Flash.

Oh, and turns out my scanner doesn't scan.
It's an EPSON dumbass-board. -__-;
Funny. ^^
I suck at drawing on the computer...
LOL I remember that :lol:
Great job.

Here's Bukteban, both small, cute forum incarnation and cool, menacing form he'll have in this RP. That drawing of the winged crown is my crest. Every King needs a crest. ;D
It looks a little skewed, because I think I was holding it at an angle.
HE HAS A TOP HAT!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Awesome drawings. I love his little cute form.
Awesome. XD