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Ladies and Gentlemen ... Ad-Vent!

And Aile, of course...

Were those real-life pokemon I sawed?

Quote (Twi)




EDIT: Page claiming in the name of me.
Lol wut?

You know, Ichigo just could've swung his Bankai at Grimmjow and ended the stinkin' combo.
God, he was so friggin' weak then.
Indeed..the only person he could beat up was Kon.

Ok...BIG WTF (Strangely, this isn't hentai...)

WIN! Goroke has infinite WOWNESS as of now.
Can they rape you with their minds, too? lol mind rape.
Also called dream rape Nal.
i'd give you more DS tokens Groke, but you have unlimited!
Goroke and Shuryou win. Especially Goroke. "THE EYE RAPE". What manga is THAT?!

And BTW, here's a totally random picture. That I stole. From Fanboys.

Quote (ZeroSaber)

Goroke and Shuryou win. Especially Goroke. "THE EYE RAPE". What manga is THAT?!

My balls (Not kidding... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Balls )