Noah and Nimbus.EXE

Name: Noah Thorsen
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: Noah is a lightly-built blonde young man, six feet even and a bit skinny, although he does have enough muscles to get by. Grey-green eyes that hide behind thick glasses caused by his farsightedness. Highly pale skin, burns readily when introduced to sunlight. Generally wears casual clothes, only resorting to dress shirt and pants when absolutely necessary. Likes dark clothes, such as dark blues and reds. He doesn't wear them often, though, instead usually wearing black. It's not that he likes the color, he just has too many black clothes.
Personality: Extroverted. Quick to make friends, of either gender. Has a healthy sense of humor. Quite curious, and very interested in machinery, although he's only average with them. However, his true greatest interest is weather, hence his NetNavi has a weather theme about her. Generally slow to anger, tends to be equally slow to calm down or forgive.
PET Modifications: Dark blue exterior with dark grey trim, wheels.

Name: Nimbus.EXE
Gender: Female
Element: (Fire, Aqua, Wood, Elec, or Normal)
Subtype: (Sword, Wind, Cursor, Break, Recovery, Melee, Speed, Summon, Shadow, Ground, Guts, Shield, Bug, Team or Variable)
Appearance: Dark grey elbow-length hair parted down the middle with flecks of grayish-white spread out evenly. Straight near the front, gets feathery towards the back and ends. Dual hair intakes made up of three separate locks of hair on either side. Dark blue eyes, almost black. Slightly tanned skin. Fairly tall, at 5'11", although not as tall as her NetOp. Rather shapely figure. The side of her head has the usual disc with a hurricane symbol as her motif.

Nimbus.EXE wears a dark grey bodysuit that covers most of her body except her arms and shoulders. It is made of a very strong material and features hard plating covering the more important areas. Over this, she has a white shirt with dual breast pockets and partially detached sleeves that go halfway down her upper arm, attached only by a strap going over her shoulders, thus exposing her shoulders and armpits. On the upper part of each sleeve, near the gap, are five red stitches that help hold it together. Each sleeve features her motif. She wears a pleated navy blue skirt, which goes roughly one-third of the way down her thigs, held up by two constricting bands that go over her waist, holding her skirt up and her shirt down. Two large front pleats are dominated by two more pockets, these are about twice as long as the ones on her shirt. The box for Gyrojet is on her left arm, as she is left-handed.

She has a pair of long, silver, aircraft-like wings on her back, whose roots run from the top of her scapula (On the inner side) to the small of her back. They are a silvery-grey color, with three black bars hanging from the underside (The side facing her front when she has them folded out). In between the second and third bars is a long stabilizing fairing, about as long and thick as her forearm. Her wings feature roundels, also with the hurricane motif.

She owns a pair of detachable, custom-made jet boosters that attach to her legs. They feature an intake on the back that runs down the back, turning to the outer side near the end as they pass her feet. There, they move into the body itself and meat the booster engines, which allow her to levitate over the ground. They don't work very well, however, and as such she is still unable to cross over broken or missing panels, and is effected by panel conditions, even ice panels. (This is a fact that angers her incalculably.) They feature knee joints to provide even greater maneuverability. They have a warning triangle next to the intake on the outer side, as well as her hurricane motif on the shin section. They're about 3/4 as tall as she is.

Personality: Affable, although not as much as Noah. Rather willful, likes to get her way, although she will accept defeat in battle or argument, although you'll need some great logic to make her consider her argument lost. Has a very deadpan, Pythonesque sense of humor, sometimes delving into black humor. Will sometimes go off on a tangent or ramble. Slow to anger, like Noah, but her anger is generally more explosive. Pointing out the fact that her boosters don't work is a very good way to get her very angry very quickly. Somewhat fickle, although she's quite loyal to Noah. Even though she's not truly flying when she has her boosters on, loves the feeling of floating above the ground, even if she can't get very high yet.
Custom Weapon: Gyrojet: Nimbus fires a set of three pneumatically launched rockets in quick succession from her rectangular buster.
Signature Attack: Gale: Gyrojet is replaced by a large cannon which fires a large blast of concentrated, humid air. It spreads out a little as it hits the target.

[40 Null, Spread1] - 2 TCD

Undershirt, HP+50
Your signature attack doesn't specify the range of the Splash, but at its lowest level (Splash1), it will cost 50 + (50/4), which is more than the allotted 60 points given to a starting Navi. Please recalculate the points that you're going to spend.

Also, besides the three starter chips of Cannon, Shotgun, and RageClaw, you're also required to pick a fourth from this list.

Fire: HeatShot, FireHit1
Aqua: Bubbler, AquaNeedle1
Wood: CactBall1, RollingLog1
Elec: ZapRing1, Marublaster1
Null: ShockWave, Minibomb, AirShot1, Vulcan1
Support: Recov30, Barrier, Guard1, PanelGrab

Everything else is peachy keen.

Quote (Fera)

Your signature attack doesn't specify the range of the Splash, but at its lowest level (Splash1), it will cost 50 + (50/4), which is more than the allotted 60 points given to a starting Navi. Please recalculate the points that you're going to spend.

Also, besides the three starter chips of Cannon, Shotgun, and RageClaw, you're also required to pick a fourth from this list.

Fire: HeatShot, FireHit1
Aqua: Bubbler, AquaNeedle1
Wood: CactBall1, RollingLog1
Elec: ZapRing1, Marublaster1
Null: ShockWave, Minibomb, AirShot1, Vulcan1
Support: Recov30, Barrier, Guard1, PanelGrab

Everything else is peachy keen.

Whoops. The original draft had it at 50 with Knockback instead of Splash. I'll change it to 45. Nice and round, and it gives me 4 points to spare.

I'll pick AquaNeedle1 as my fourth chip.
Well, now there's another problem: Wind isn't an element here. There is a Wind type effect (and recently added, too), but it costs 20 points to utilize. So, you'll either need to cut out something from it (to make room for Wind type), add a nerf (which ups the cap, and your sig would fit under the nerf cap), or just make it Null (which squeezes it into the regular cap). Your call as to which one.

Also, you MIGHT want to make it so that the sig is evenly divisible by 4, as then the Splash is much easier to calculate, and no one has to worry about fractions. Especially since I, for one, don't remember if we even let fractions happen like that. That may not be necessary, however, and is just a suggestion on my part.

Quote (MagicCereal)

Well, now there's another problem: Wind isn't an element here. There is a Wind type effect (and recently added, too), but it costs 20 points to utilize. So, you'll either need to cut out something from it (to make room for Wind type), add a nerf (which ups the cap, and your sig would fit under the nerf cap), or just make it Null (which squeezes it into the regular cap). Your call as to which one.

Also, you MIGHT want to make it so that the sig is evenly divisible by 4, as then the Splash is much easier to calculate, and no one has to worry about fractions. Especially since I, for one, don't remember if we even let fractions happen like that. That may not be necessary, however, and is just a suggestion on my part.

Bumped Gale down to 40 and made it Null type.
Congrats, your sig is now site legal!

...But, I would like to point out that your sig only costs 50 points. You could upgrade your sig from Splash to Spread (since 40 + (40/2) = 60), or anything else you can think up that only uses 10 points. You don't have to change it if you don't want to, just that as-is, you're wasting 10 perfectly good sig points.

Quote (MagicCereal)

Congrats, your sig is now site legal!

...But, I would like to point out that your sig only costs 50 points. You could upgrade your sig from Splash to Spread (since 40 + (40/2) = 60), or anything else you can think up that only uses 10 points. You don't have to change it if you don't want to, just that as-is, you're wasting 10 perfectly good sig points.

Switched to Spread. So should I go ahead and post this in Information Databases?
You know you can put just your chosen element and subtype rather than bolding it from the list, right?

Just a thought.

You're approved, though.

GET CHIP: Cannon, RageClaw1, Shotgun, AquaNeedle1
GET SUBCHIP: MiniEnergy x2
GET NCP: Undershirt, HP+50