Chip folders...

Just what are they, exactly? Are they literally folders? Binders, maybe? I've always kind of imagined them as pouches. Either way, I want to see some opinions on this.
They're binders.
In Lan's case, they're in some random belt strap case that looks like a camera case, in the anime. Or he has really deep pockets and hides them in there.
Game-wise, I think he has a binder of them in his backpack.
In the game, I think 'Folder' refers to the file of chips available, because, realistically, nothing would stop a person from slotting in any old chip they have in a big old bag of them anytime they want. So, I think 'folder' refers to SOME sort of coding limitation/storage space.

In the RP, I have Steve with a large binder with nine section sleeves (Like the sort you would keep trading cards in, only chip sized) That contain ALL of his chips. For me, a 'Folder' is basically, the PET will stop recognizing chips after the 30th, because you need to clear out the cache or something by getting out of battle routine.
They're probably 'real' RAM :'D
I just always thought of the folder as the cache of data, yeah, even though the actual collection of 30 chips is kept in a pouch on Shigeru's belt.
meh, I have timmy reach into his pants/coat pocket and magicaly pull out the chip he needs for the current battle, though his other coat pockets will come into play once he gets more than 30 chips...or maybe he'll just get a binder, who the hell knows.
Leon is lazy. Leon busts while laying on his couch. Leon keeps his chips on a coffee table, strewn across it. Leon is awesomely old.