I need time to cool off -_-

If I see this prick again, I most verily will unleash a verbal asskicking of truly long-winded proportions.

It's too bad that this asshat pushed you over the edge. I hope that you realize that we're all not like him--which we aren't, except for the one dude who caused this--and make it back okay.

Seriously, guys. I really, really hope it wasn't one of you here that frequents the boards. We're all supposed to damn well be friends here, and going around being an arse on the chat is simply unacceptable. I sure hope that this can be blamed on someone just passing by, and not one of you guys.

Quote (Fatal Horizon)

See ya dude. You'll be missed...

Dudette. Not dude.

Quote (darkstar1006)


Because it's fun like crazy to kill you.
*Spelly + Grammy beat the living shit out of dark for too many ellipses, comma misuse, no capitalization, too many '?'s and '!'s, and just because they wanted to*
There. Good job, English Duo. *pets ED*
OK, back to business. Sorry, Lunar...whoever made this happen shall burn in hell! BURRRRRN!
Or, maybe some bans are in order...>:3
Eh, still; please come back, Lunar. We don't want our Chibi Monkey Goddess to be unhappy, NOW DO WE, 'SICK PERV'?!?
I'll give you cookies!
English_Ninja: How're you doing?
Pissy_Capuchin: fine....still mad
DigiShuryou: What was the name of the bad guy, Lunar?
Pissy_Capuchin: I decided that I gotta tell you guys what went on
DigiShuryou: I know everyone's nicknames on the forum by now. <_<
Pissy_Capuchin: his name was pantsless overlord
DigiShuryou: ...
DigiShuryou: ...Sean?
Pissy_Capuchin: and he wanted zanallen to commit suicide
Demonstar: ...
DigiShuryou: ..
Demonstar: Sean?
Demonstar: oo;
DigiShuryou: ARE YOU SURE!?
Pissy_Capuchin: yeah
Pissy_Capuchin: it was him
English_Ninja: ....
Demonstar: lol.
DigiShuryou: ...
Pissy_Capuchin: YOU KNOW THE GUY?!
Demonstar: Aquantance of yours, shur?
DigiShuryou: That was Zanallen, I think.
DigiShuryou: If it's about pants, it's Zanallen.
Demonstar: ...
Demonstar: lol'd.
Pissy_Capuchin: 0_o
Demonstar: Was Zan in the chat at the time?
Pissy_Capuchin: must....kill........................BASTARD
Pissy_Capuchin: no
Pissy_Capuchin: only FZ
Demonstar: *rofl*
Demonstar: Yea, makes perfect sense.
Pissy_Capuchin: and me and pantsless
Pissy_Capuchin: FZ said nothing though through it all
Demonstar: I wondered why he was so apologetic...
Demonstar: In the welcome thread, I mean
Demonstar: XD
Pissy_Capuchin: he wrote me an e-mail saying that he was away

Now I have to ask... Sean. Or Zanallen... Was it you? I don't know anyone else who'd go around as pantsless. The Overlord would also point at you for you liking Pleinair so much. If this is the case, please apologize to Lunar.

Also, before anyone starts flaming Zanallen. This is just a suspicion directed to him. I am not entirely sure of this, so don't go around swearing at him.
Wait a sec, pantsless overlord? hm... I swear I know someone with that UN.
Okay, since that is all sorted out, I'm staying on now. Back to happy lunar.....
It was Zan after all. Things are resolved. No need to flame Zan, OK? He was just being his quirky self.
Ahem, his name was the Pantsless Offender and he was making fun of me. Damn him. Oh well. It's done now.

Quote (lunarlion)

Okay, since that is all sorted out, I'm staying on now. Back to happy lunar.....

: D
Who was it...?
Oh, well. Happy to have our Chibi Monkey Goddess up and running again...
Welcome back, Lunar. Please enjoy your stay.

Bye, miss.
*slaps MBF*
YAY! LUNAR IS BACK! *gives lunar a monkey* have fun! *flees*

Quote (yahiko9040)

Who was it...?

It was Zanallen as stated twice in previous posts, twit.
should i nuke his house shur?
That's the exact opposite of what Shuryou said to do, darkstar. You people need to read the first page more closely, please. XD
Mystery solved, issue resolved, Zan captured and forced to apologize.
