Inside the shop

Any and all peace and quiet in the shop would be immediately disrupted, as two Netopian high schoolers walked in, one of which would look familiar to Suitachi. "Welcome to Suitachi's!"

"So this is the shop you go to? It's a than I was expecting."

"Yeah, the layout's kinda boring. But he's got pretty good stock, and the prices aren't bad, either!"

"Is that so? Maybe I'll grab something for CourtMan, then. But how do you check his inventory? Do I need to download a list?"

"Nah, it's a little lower tech than that." Sabrina grabbed the binder from the counter, and carried it over to one of the tables. "Here it is!"

"A binder? Rather simple."

"Yeah, but it gets the job done. Check it out." The blue shirted girl opened it up to the first page. "See? Nice, big picture, and it even has customer reviews!"

"I'm not gonna lie. I'm surprised you come here, if you have to do so much reading."

"And just what is THAT supposed to mean?"

"Oh, don't worry about it, hee hee!"

Over the next 30 minutes, the two girls gave the various pages a good look, chatting about them, with their Navis playing the role of basic calculators. Eventually, they were satisfied with their decisions, and Sabrina returned the binder to its original spot. "Okay, we're ready!"

"You can go first. You're going to be the big spender, after all."

"That...may be a first for us. Me spending a ton, and you just getting a couple of small things."

"I know, right?"

"Ahem! All right Suitachi, prepare to be rich! I'll take 8 HPMemories, and 5 Process Upgrades!" She readied her PET for payment, as well as allowing the shopkeeper to see her already obtained upgrades...which were already numerous enough that her order would be quite expensive, indeed.

[Order of Purchase
1-HPMemory #13 - 6000z (8 NC Upgrades also owned)
2-HPMemory #14 - 6250z (8 NC Upgrades also owned)
3-HPMemory #15 - 6500z (8 NC Upgrades also owned)
4-HPMemory #16 - 6750z (8 NC Upgrades also owned)
5-HPMemory #17 - 7000z (8 NC Upgrades also owned)
6-HPMemory #18 - 7250z (8 NC Upgrades also owned)
7-HPMemory #19 - 7500z (8 NC Upgrades also owned)
8-HPMemory #20 - 7750z (8 NC Upgrades also owned)
9-Process Upgrade #25 - 2500z
10-Process Upgrade #26 - 2600z
11-Process Upgrade #27 - 2700z
12-Process Upgrade #28 - 2800z
13-Process Upgrade #29 - 2900z

Total Spent - 68500z
Money Before Purchase - 73860z
Money After Purchase - 5360z]
As the pair entered, Suitachi cast one eye up from where he was reading, though he didn't try to appear too eager at first... but there was no escaping the distance sense of interest that emanated from the counter as Sabrina and her friend worked out their orders. By the time they approached, he was already standing at the counter with a welcoming smile.

"Welcome back! What can I get for you today?" the prospect of a generous return customer was matched by the enthusiasm with which he gave her PET a quick check to confirm its upgrade point, and then busied himself with the large order. The sizable pile of upgrades made an impressive monument on the counter in front of Sabrina as he processed the purchase.

"There you are! A pleasure doing business with you, as always! Enjoy your upgrades!" He nodded to her once more, then turned his attention to Sabrina's friend, checking if she had any requests of her own to make.

Sabrina GET: HPMem 13-20 (combined upgrade total now 28), PU v25-29
Sabrina LOSE: 68500z
((From -> A Nearby Cafe))

Jenny slowed to a more respectable walk again shortly before she reached the doors, but she was still a little flushed and breathing harder as she stepping back into the navi shop and made her way to the counter.

“Hi again... hahh... Um, could I get ah, the... version six customiser expansion, another copy of the 'First Barrier' customiser part, and the eleventh and twelfth process updates, please?” She fished for her purse and presented her card in between swallowing and taking deeper breaths.


NC Expansions V6: 2250z
First Barrier NCP: 2500z
Process Upgrade V11, 12: 1100z, 1200z
Total: 7050z
Funds Remaining: 210 z
Raising an eyebrow at the girl running into his shop, he quickly processed her purchase, putting them in a small plastic bag for her to sort through once she left, her card being swiped and all the costs deducted from her account, he handed her card back and put a little chocolate mint on top of the bag. "Have a good day. Might wanna invest in some cardio, helps you get to your navi faster when you gotta make a run like this. Have a good day." He spoke bluntly, as he turned around to go through his stock. "Okay...need to buy some of these...this...that..."

Jenny Lose: 7050z
Jenny Get: PU 11 & 12, First Barrier NCP and NC Expansion #6
Jenny only took the time to raise a quizzical eyebrow at the shop-keeper as she took the bag.
"That's kinda rude for a store clerk, you know... Why do you think I choose to run over walking?" She shook her head as she took the back and put it away in her backpack, then made her way out of the store, breaking back into a run once she was away from the entrance.

((Return to -> The Cafe))
((From -> A Nearby Cafe, ten minutes later))

Jenny took a moment to straighten her shirt and run hands throughher hair before she steppe dup tot he doors of the navi shop again. It wasn't a terrible way of doing things, she supposed; Courser was doing the busting that he wanted to do, and getting his mind off... whatever it was that was bothering him, and she was being good and getting a decent amount of exercise against the tasty drinks that the cafe was supplying her with while she operated for him. It all worked out.

He crossed to the counter and double checked the list she'd scribbled down quickly after Courser had sent it to her, then pulled out her purse and fished out her card.

“Hey again... more upgrades! So, this time I need... the next two customiser expansions, that's seven and eight, another 'First Barrier' program part, a 'First Armour' program part, and the next two process upgrades as well. um, that's... versions thirteen and fourteen, please." She handed the card across and took the time after ordering to focus on breathing more deeply and evenly while she waited for her purchase.


NC Expansion V7, V8 (2500 + 2750)
First Armour NCP (2500)
First Barrier NCP (2500)
PU Version 13 & 14: (1300), (1400)
Total: 12950z
Courser's funds: 13110z
Funds Remaining: 160z
Suitachi looked up from carrying a box to a shelf when Jenny came in, looking slightly less out of breath than the last time she had been there. The shopkeeper smiled to himself in small amusement and slid the box into a corner next to the shelf, brushed himself off and made his way back to behind the counter. "All right, let me get those for you, then," he said, taking the card and pinging it onto the counter to scan it with one hand, while moving about behind the counter and deftly picking out the upgrades with the other. Stacked on top of each other in front of Jenny in five seconds were the upgrades she requested.

"12,950 zenny in all... Alright, that looks right. Thanks for coming! Have a nice run," he smiled.

Jenny GET: NC Expansion x2 (#7-8), [FirstArmor] NCP, [FirstBarrier] NCP, Process Upgrade x2 (#13-14)
Jenny LOSE: 12950z (13110 -> 160)
Jenny Nodded and scooped the purchases away into her bag along with her purse, then waved as she headed for the door again.

"Thanks! See you later!!" She quickly started running again as she headed back to the cafe before someone else could grab her table.

((Return to -> The Cafe))

{<<< From Science Labs: Small Steps <<<}

"This is twice in one day. I know I said this before, but are you sure you're ready for this...?"

For the second time that day, her squad car was parked a small distance away from the Navi Shop. Eric wanted to add some more upgrades to Amy, given the effectiveness of the ones he installed earlier. That was the cover story, anyway; he just wanted to make sure she was as strong as possible with their newfound money.

"Yes... I think so..." he replied shakily. Gripping the purple PET tightly, he struggled to maintain his composure. If he at least had Amy with him, he felt this would be easier.

"Okay..." Stacey wavered in response. "In that case, if you want to add some more upgrades to Amy, I'd probably recommend another two HP Memory upgrades and two more Process Upgrades. It'll compliment the previous upgrades rather nicely."

"How much would that cost?" he asked. "2,500 zenny?"

"3,850 zenny. The two HP Upgrades will cost 1,250 zenny and 1,500 zenny, and the two Process Upgrades will cost 500 zenny and 600 zenny, so that's... yeah, 3,850 zenny total," she confirmed, checking she'd done her math right.

"Why aren't they the same cost as before?"

"Because you're not getting the exact same upgrades as before. You can't just stack your PET full of the same specific upgrade, they wouldn't work in unison. Therefore, the more complex the upgrade, the more expensive the part. Naturally," she added, as if it was common sense. "So make sure you ask for a HP Memory Upgrade #2 and #3, and a Process Upgrade #5 and #6."

"Okay..." With shaking hands he once again opened the back door and begun his walk to the store's front door, doing his best to keep his eyes firmly planted downward towards the pavement.


Once inside he approached the same counter as before and placed the 3,850 zenny on the counter, just like last time.

"Sorry to bother you again, but could I possibly get two HP Memories and two Process Upgrades please? This should be enough, yes?"

"HP Memory Upgrades #2 and #3, and Process Upgrades #5 and #6," Amy added, as Eric had forgotten to mention which ones he required.
As the nervous operator returned to the store, he was almost bumped into by another customer leaving at a run - a teenage girl in casual clothes who grinned and offered him an embarrassed apology and a wave before running off. The store seemed well frequented today. At the counter, Suitachi looked to the new arrival and his eyebrow quirked at the top of a wry expression.

"There some sort of busting tournament on here today that I missed? All these kids and their repeat visits all at once... Well, what can I get you this time, young sir?" He eyed Eric up and then his PET, while the boy placed his order. The corner of a knowing grin twitched at one corner of his lips as Amy filled in the extra blanks, though curiously, Suitachi had already been reaching below the counter as she spoke, almsot like he had known in advance which ones they'd need.

"Sounds about right. One second... Ah... here we are." He stood again with a neat pile of slim packages, each securely sealed, and slipped them into a larger paper bag with the store logo on it. "Enjoy your upgrades, and good luck out there. Come back if you need anything else." Payment was exchanged and the bag crossed the counter towards Eric and Amy.

Eric GET: HPMem v2&3, PU v5&6
Eric LOSE: 3850z
Eric again thanked the man, took his purchased goods and raced back to the squad car. The whole ordeal had again put knots in Eric's stomach, but this time the nerves weren’t as bad. Perhaps in time, these feelings really would subside.

But what was that comment about a tournament all about? And he hoped that the girl he’d ran into didn’t think him rude; she’d at least offered an apology, while he’d been completely silent, too occupied with his task to really pay attention to proper etiquette until it was way too late.

"So, install the parts now, or later?" Amy spoke up from his pocket.

"I'll fit the parts in the car, don't worry," he responded, even though he was the one worrying about installing them correctly, in a moving car no less.


Upgrades Acquired!
HP Memory x2, Process Upgrade x4
Zenny: -3850 (5020 >>> 1170)

HP Memory: 1 >>> 3
Max HP Increase: 170 >>> 210

Process Upgrades: 4 >>> 6
Signature Pool: 240 >>> 320

Level Up! HP Memory x2
Amity.EXE: Level 4 >>> 6

{>>> To ACDC Town: NetPolice Precinct, ACDC Central >>>}
Making her way inside the shop, Stephine would plop her card down and push it towards Suitachi as she poured over her PET.

Hey Suitachi, had a terrible encounter earlier and I need...Process Upgrades 13 through 15. I'd buy more, but I don't have the extra cash for a bunch of NaviCustomizer expansions and programs therein. That's gonna be 4200, right?" She asked bluntly, continuing to pour over the info from Jazz's busting run.

Buying: PU13-15
Cost: 1300+1400+1500=4200z
Have: 10,732z
Remainder: 6,532z
The shop-keeper appeared from the small door leading to what most people would probably presume was stock room, carrying an assortment of small packets that swiftly got filed into drawers behind the counter. IT took him a moment to notice Stephanie but he gave her a greeting not as he stood upright again.

"For those? That's right..." He didn't even seem to pause to think about the math as he moved part way along the counter to another hidden shelf. "Rough busting run? Well, it's like I always say, when your funds are tight, it's always best to focus on the core, and don't worry about chips until later." He grinned at her as he retrieved the upgrades, in between back-handedly shilling his business. "Let's see... theses ones. Here you are." In short order, the upgrades were pushed across the counter to her while he took care of her card, handing it back a moment after.

"That's all taken care of. Have a good day and stay safe with your navi; A healthy customer is a repeat customer. Do come again!"


Stephanie GET: PUv13, 14, 15
Stephanie LOSE: 4200z
She inhaled as she gingerly took the upgrades and her card. Believe me, it wasn't the chips that were the problem...I'd keep an eye on the net if you can, there's some...really freaky ass things out there, even on the top-most parts of it. She spoke, trying to find the right words. Thanks, maybe we can talk more sometime when you're not busy. She said a moment later, slowly wandering out as Jazz slowly righted and readied himself for whatever came next.
Destin Obscura walked into the Navi Shop with a list scrawled on a piece of paper. He waited patiently in line and then placed the paper on the counter. It was clear that he had done the math mostly by hand with a pencil, as there were plenty of erase marks:

Quote (List)

HP Memory v10
NC v8

8 + 10 = 18 x 250 = 4500 + 1000 = 5500

v11 - 5500
v12 - 5750
v13 - 6000
v14 - 6250
v15 - 6500
Total: 30000 (+5 Levels)

HP Memory v10 --> HP Memory v15
Level 55 --> Level 60

Process Upgrade v52

52 x 100 = 5200 + 100 = 5300

v53 - 5300
v54 - 5400
v55 - 5500
v56 - 5500
v57 - 5500
v58 - 5500
v59 - 5500
v60 - 5500
Total: 43700

Process Upgrade v52 --> Process Upgrade v60

30000 + 43700 = 73700

84880 - 73700 = 11,180z

"Greetings, I hope you are doing well? If I did my math right, I will owe 73,700z for the listed items," Destin says as he takes out his debit card.

The shopkeeper took a moment to puzzle over the scrap of paper, squinting one eye as he traced the figures. He glanced up at Destin a couple of times in between.

"Let's see... So, you're navi's at..." He frowned and tilted his head the other way. "Right so that's nineteen to twenty three on the base, as Hp," he mumbled mostly to himself as he seemed to switch to his won way of thinking about the upgrades. "And then... Right." With a nod he set the note down and ducked behind the counter, shuffling for a moment, then retreated to the back room to elicit more sounds of stock being moved. It took another few seconds before he finally emerged with a stack of small, similar-looking items, slipping them all into a single bag before sliding them across the counter.

"That's quite some high end stuff your navi is up to... I'd say be careful out there, but it looks like you know what you're doing. There you go and have a good day. Come back if you need more!" He chatted as he ran the purchase through and returned Destion's card, before giving him another nod and a small wave off.

Destin Get: HPMem v11-15, PU v53-60
Destin Lose: 73,700z
"Yeah, he's had quite a journey," Destin chuckled as he gathered together the bag of goodies. "I'll make sure he doesn't get into too much trouble. Thanks again and I'll be sure to come back when I need anything further," he promised. "Anyways, have a great week. Stay safe."

With that Destin headed out the door.

((From -> A Nearby Cafe, only a few minutes later again))

Outside the shop, Jenny paused for breath and ran fingers through her hair. Her legs were starting to feel the stairs between the hydro-terrace and the Navi shop, but she told herself that it was all good exercise. Her mind, instead, was preoccupied with the increasingly intense behaviour that her navi was expressing as his run continued. This had originally started as something light, just to stretch out and help him focus... now, it was all shady mafia business again and she didn't even know what else. She shook it off and pushed into the shop, moving to the counter as she double checked the list and totals.

“Hi there... back again!” she waved to the shopkeeper as she pulled out her purse. “Found a neat cash cache... this time, it's... one sec... right... I need the FastArmour part, and I'll need customiser expansion updates fifteen through seventeen to accommodate it, and then, process upgrades fifteen through seventeen as well. All up I think that's nineteen two-fifty, right?” She handed her card across as she spoke.
FastArmour NCP (5000)
NC 15, 16, 17 (4500 + 4750 + 5000 = 14250)
PU 15, 16, 17 (1500 + 1600 + 1700 = 4800)

Total: 5000 + 14250 + 4800 = 24050z
Courser's funds: 26360z
Funds remaining: 2310z
Turning from a shipping manifest he had in his hands, the man behind the counter gave her a nod and smile as he quickly grabbed the requested upgrades for the young woman and gently slid them up towards her, taking the card and giving it a swipe, he nodded as the recipt printed out. Ripping the piece of paper out of his register and sliding it along to Jenny, he gave her a nod. "Have a great day, kiddo. Just hope you and your navi aren't doing anything too dangerous, I'd be a shame if you lost em." He spoke simply with a smile, before turning around to back where he was a moment ago.

Jenny Lose: 24,050z
Jenny Gain: FastArmor NCP, NC 15-17 and PU 15-17
Jenny tried to wave quickly, card held in her mouth as she collected the new upgrades with hurried motions and struggled to put her purse away.

"Mmph! Yep, we're being careful! Gotta get back now, see you later!!" She passed out of the shop, slinging her back over one shoulder, then started running again as she headed back towards the cafe.

((Return to -> The Cafe))