A lovely day at the beach was interrupted by viruses, but the small army of bounty-hunting programs were quick to respond. More or less. In a flash, the dragoniers called orders and moved through their usual battle tactics, zipping into the sky as they raised their defences, and leaving Nightshade and Yumi on the sand to sync themselves up more closely.
While the shelled virus amongst the rocks sealed tight for now, the lark bobbed on the surface of the water, looking at the beach. With only Nightshade in its sights now, it sent a broad blast of water tearing across the waves and up the sand towards him, bu the navi and his Sp were already darting away, meaning to evade the water shot as they took to the dunes.
The Snowblow stopped playing with the sand and looked up to the many programs floating above, then inhaled deeply, pulling the sky-borne figures down and closer to it, before huffing out again in dissatisfaction. The gale created a brief flurry of disorienting turbulence as Drago, Aya, Suzume and Magistrate all felt their external barriers cleanly blown away.
While this was going on, the two Powies both jumped skyward as well, seeking a good perspective on the beach below. Each one manged to buffet one of Drago's support programs, though the soft-body contact didn't do any more to inconvenience them than the blast of wind had. Looking down, however, the two viruses spied Nightshade still on the ground, and in two different places, no less. How convenient.
The awkward aerial antics didn't stop the virus-hunters them from continuing with their plans, however, and after taking stock of the field, the four split up to teleport to their respective targets. As Drago appeared underwater, the Slimey attempted to lunge at him, but misjudged the blue of his teleport and filed to connect. The other three had to content with even less aggression as they all arrived unhindered by their respective viral marks.
The Powies, meanwhile, transformed into heavy pressing weights and attempted to crash land on the sneaking navi below. One slammed down near the Nightshade that was mocking it, crashing into the sand with a thump... It missed the clone completely, however, and received more mocking for its efforts. The other Powie directed its attack towards the second Nighshade, and though the duo worked together to get away from any such assault, the churning sand and the already slow feeling that pervaded the area made avoiding the dropping assault too hard, and both received a shuddering impact as the virus landed on them.
Out at sea, Drago braced himself then blasted forward through the water, shredding the Slimey as he went; the contact with the virus stun, a little, but its goo was unable to slow him, and as it was destroyed, the heavy, slow feeling covering the beach dissipated as well. His dash continued up out of the water, splashing in a fury as he tore across the sand and obliterated the Powie that had failed to attack Nightshade's decoy as well, before reaching the end of his run.
In the same moment, Aya, Suzume and Magistrate all struck as well, cleaving their blades through their respective targets. Aya and Suzume cleanly eliminated their viruses with precision; just enough power and no excess. Magistrate struck the Shellnerd, still hiding in its hard shell, and her break sword pulverised the critter beyond all recognition.
Not to be left out, Nightshade shook off the sand coating him and aimed an attack of hit own at the remaining Powie, scorching it badly, though there was no hiding the fact that it had a clean bead on him, so he didn't manage to do as much damage as he might have hoped. Even so, the battle wasn't over, and both he and Yumi, who had taken a few uncomfortable hits already, prepared some strong defences to ensure they received no more damage before the fight ended.
throughout all of this, the little metool continued to dig in the sand, piling up more onto the mound beside its deepening hole. the sounds of battle startled it and it ducked under its helmet with a shocked 'Meep!', just as the impacts and vibrations caused a portion of the loose sand to cascade back down on top of it.
-=Viruses=-ShellgeekShellgeek (ShellGeek)
Shellgeeks alternate actions between attacking and guarding. These are the only actions Shellgeeks may perform, and the first action of every battle is always guarding. Shellgeeks will not break from this pattern unless forced to by status effects. The secondary attack of Shellgeeks can be used to grant an ally of this virus a free movement, or even to knock an ally out of the path of an oncoming attack.
Area: Yoka, Sharo, Beach, Okuden Valley
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effects: 10 Null x 2 Spears
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Fires two spears at one target.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effects: 20 Null
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a star tipped arrow. Can be used on an ally to move them. Causes no damage to allies.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DoubleNeedle, StarArrow1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Attacks every other action. IronBody when not attacking.: DELETED
LarkLark (Lark)
Area: Electown, Yoka, Beach
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Aqua + Wide Attack
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Fires wideshot
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WideShot1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes: PING!
SnowBlowSnowBlow (SnowBlow)
SnowBlow viruses are immobile. Snowblow viruses attack by first inhaling to draw the enemy to themselves and their viral allies, and then spit a series of 3 tornadoes at their foes. The inhaling phase of the attack requires an action, and the tornado spitting requires a second action. Thus these viruses require two consecutive actions to complete one attack. All SnowBlow viruses have access to Northwind battlechip data.
Area: Beach, Sharo, Netfrica
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Fan Effect
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Breathes in deeply to draw enemies in.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Null x 3 Shots
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Spits tornadoes at opponents.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): AirStorm1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.
- Fan Effect makes first shot more accurate by 1 Rank.
- May use Northwind once per battle as a free action.: PING!
MetoolMetool (Metool)
Metools not currently attacking will guard. Entering guard mode requires an action. Exiting guard mode does not require an action.
Area: ACDC, Electown, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Dentech, Beach
HP: 40
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Piercing + Ground Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Whacks ground with pickaxe, sending forth a shockwave.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Throws a mattock at an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Guard1, ShockWave, Zenny
Special: Can hide in its helmet to negate damage.: 40Hp [Sand][Hole in the sand][Guarding]
SlimeySlimey (Slimey)
Slimey viruses were produced to be sources of major traffic lag. While a Slimey virus is on the battlefield, all Navis and SPs suffer from a passive Slow-like effect that imposes a -10% Evasion AND Movement Speed penalty. This effect is not a status ailment, and cannot be cured. This effect does not stack with itself if more than one Slimey is on the field at once. As this does not count as a true Slow effect, up to two instances of Slow may stack on top of this effect for a total penalty of -30% Evasion/Movement Speed. This effect expires when all Slimey viruses on the field are deleted or flee. Slimey viruses are very slow to move and dodge, but every move they make that is not a dodge counts as an attack. Slimeys deal damage by touching an opponent, thus touching a Slimey directly results in damage to any non-Slimey the virus considers hostile.
Area: Sharo, NetVegas, Beach
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Aqua + Slow
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Body slams its foes. Any foes hit are slowed the following turn. Must be within melee range to attack a foe.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MetaGel1, Zenny
Special: While this enemy is on the field, dodge effectiveness is reduced by 1 Rank.: DELETED
PowiePowie (Powie)
Powies are never encountered in confined spaces, like a low ceilinged cave and such (for obvious reasons). Powies also never intentionally jump to broken or missing terrain. They will, however, attempt attacks over broken or missing terrain if they see an enemy there. Powies will not attempt to attack the same target on two consecutive actions.
Area: ACDC, Electown, Netopia, Beach
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: (Movement(High-Alt) + Knockback) Then (20 + Break + PanelCrack + Nova1)
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Leaps quickly into the air, knocking away anything it collides with, before stopping directly above an enemy. They will then immediately change into a 10-ton press and fall down. The impact of the fall creates an explosion.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Quake1, Zenny
Special: AirShoes.
Special: The explosion does not trigger if the virus attacks a target on Broken/Missing terrain and misses. It will not fall into Broken/Missing terrain with its attacks unless forcefully pushed in. A: DELETED
PowiePowie (Powie)
Powies are never encountered in confined spaces, like a low ceilinged cave and such (for obvious reasons). Powies also never intentionally jump to broken or missing terrain. They will, however, attempt attacks over broken or missing terrain if they see an enemy there. Powies will not attempt to attack the same target on two consecutive actions.
Area: ACDC, Electown, Netopia, Beach
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: (Movement(High-Alt) + Knockback) Then (20 + Break + PanelCrack + Nova1)
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Leaps quickly into the air, knocking away anything it collides with, before stopping directly above an enemy. They will then immediately change into a 10-ton press and fall down. The impact of the fall creates an explosion.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Quake1, Zenny
Special: AirShoes.
Special: The explosion does not trigger if the virus attacks a target on Broken/Missing terrain and misses. It will not fall into Broken/Missing terrain with its attacks unless forcefully pushed in. B: 60Hp [Cracked]
-=Navis=-Nightshade.Rx: 160Hp [Cracked] [Casing: 20Hp][Barrier: 20Hp]
Yumi.Sp: 25Hp [Equipped to Nightshade][Casing: 20Hp][Barrier: 20Hp]
DragonierMan.Exe: 300Hp [Sand][Casing: 5Hp]
Magistrate.SP: 120Hp [Sand][Casing: 20Hp]
Suzume.SP: 120Hp [Sand][Casing: 20Hp]
Aya.SP: 120Hp [Sand][Casing: 20Hp]
Sand- -20% Evasion and reduced movement speed to all.
- Can Burrow as standard action, incurable Blind1 until turn after exiting Burrow.
- Wind attacks: +100% Source Damage + Blind1, change terrain hit to Normal, trigger Sandstorm for 3 turns: Lose 5 HP/action, Blind1, Fire attacks gain Slashing.
- Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Glass.
- Terrain changes between Sand and QuickSand do not inflict damage upon burrowed entities, nor do they eject burrowed entities to the surface.
- PanelShot: Blind1.
[Largest part of the area – a long beach running in both directions]
Sea- Fire Elementals lose 10 HP/action standing, 20 HP/action submerged. Other Non-Aqua Elementals lose 5 HP/action submerged. Nullified for Aqua Elementals.
- Ice attacks: 50% Freeze1 chance, Changes terrain hit to Ice.
- Terrain changes between Sea and Onsen do not inflict damage upon submerged entities, nor do they eject submerged entities to the surface.
- Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
- PanelShot: Imbue Aqua.
[Predictably, on one side of the sand]
Grass- Wood Elementals get +5 HP/action.
- Fire attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Soil.
- PanelShot: Imbue Wood.
[Low dunes, on the other side of the beach]
Normal [Rocky area, a short way off to the group's right]
Cracked- Changes to Broken when stepped on, chance to fall in when triggered.
- Burrow: Change terrain to Broken, Null 50 to burrower.
- Panel Crack attacks, >100 Damage Break/Impact/Drop attacks: Change terrain hit to Broken.
- PanelShot: Splash1.
[Area around Nightshade where the Powies have been attacking]
-=Objects=-GMD: 35Hp [Half buried in the pile of sand near the metool]
-=Battle Mode=-Extermination:
- Victory Condition: Defeat all viruses
- Alternate Failure Conditions: None