Soryu's venture into setting up a net-side shop was quite a big showing. Set inside one of the busiest sectors of Internet City's Commercial Area, a huge circular space was set out with a grand-looking circular counter set. The circular counter was divided into generous segments, and each of them was manned by a shopkeeper Navi. However, one might do a double take upon their first visit to the area, as each counter appeared to be manned by the exact same Navi--LinkMan, who was Soryu's Navi. Each LinkMan copy seemed to be moving independently of each other, and seemed to be interacting in much of the same way.
Around the area, some free-floating displays were sparsely scattered around the area to advertise the chips that they were offering, along with some information on their new "Live Ordering" system, which seemed to just be a courier service. The service boasted "secure couriers", which were locked to their recipient's identity, such that the goods that they carried would be unable to be stolen. It did also mention some warnings to operators about utilizing the ordering system, which was that they would be unable to deliver to Navis in the middle of battle. Placing orders also required them to broadcast a special homing beacon signal for several seconds for their couriers to locate, which would occupy the same signal as Battlechip transfer, and would likely also attract any nearby viruses.
(Purchases can be done in-person or by courier order. Courier orders can be done while battling, but must also carry out the same penalties as shopping regularly.)
(Chips in stock can be found here.)
Chip Net-Shop
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Jazz, walking through the mall and quickly going to the shiny new kiosk that was ran by the resident chip trader, pushed a card onto the counter. 'Sup Link. I wanna get a pair of MokoRush1's and I'd like one'a them Escape subchips too, think I got enough on this card for them... Jazz would quickly ask, quickly bringing up a screen for some quick addition. Alright, I do got enough. That's gonna leave me just barely in the black.
Jazz wants: 2
MokoRush1Damage: 60 + Ground Attack x 3 targets
Accuracy: C
Description: Summons 3 Mokolo viruses to charge at the enemy. Only broken or missing terrain can stop their charge.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D and an Escape Subchip
Cost: 3800z
Have: 4092z
Left: 292z
Jazz wants: 2

Accuracy: C
Description: Summons 3 Mokolo viruses to charge at the enemy. Only broken or missing terrain can stop their charge.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D and an Escape Subchip
Cost: 3800z
Have: 4092z
Left: 292z
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Both copies of LinkMan looked up at Jazz as he addressed them, however just one stepped forward to assist him. Makinf an effort to force a friendly response in return. "Supppp... I will get what you need." LinkMan pulled out the items from beneath the counter and accepted the payment. "Have a nice day, and come again."
Jazz get: [2]
MokoRush1Damage: 60 + Ground Attack x 3 targets
Accuracy: C
Description: Summons 3 Mokolo viruses to charge at the enemy. Only broken or missing terrain can stop their charge.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D, Escape subchip
Jazz lose: 3800z
Jazz get: [2]

Accuracy: C
Description: Summons 3 Mokolo viruses to charge at the enemy. Only broken or missing terrain can stop their charge.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D, Escape subchip
Jazz lose: 3800z
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Jazz nodded at him as he grabbed the two pieces of chip data and the escape subchip, giving Linkman a smile and a goodbye, he walked off.
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((From Navi Shop))
Instead of flying off, Mach simply walked the short distance between the Navi Shop and Chip Shop. It had been a while since Mach last passed through Internet City, and taking in the sights wasn't quite as enjoyable as in the past, but it was a welcome distraction. He entered the shop and went to the closest open counter that was manned by a LinkMan. He placed a zenny packet down, then spoke to the LinkMan behind the counter. "I'm looking to get some SubChips; a couple LargeEnergyPacks, a BookMark, and 3 Untraps please."
LargeEnergyPack x2: 1200z
BookMark: 1000z
Untrap x3: 1200z
Total: 3400z
Funds Remaining: 3305z
Instead of flying off, Mach simply walked the short distance between the Navi Shop and Chip Shop. It had been a while since Mach last passed through Internet City, and taking in the sights wasn't quite as enjoyable as in the past, but it was a welcome distraction. He entered the shop and went to the closest open counter that was manned by a LinkMan. He placed a zenny packet down, then spoke to the LinkMan behind the counter. "I'm looking to get some SubChips; a couple LargeEnergyPacks, a BookMark, and 3 Untraps please."
LargeEnergyPack x2: 1200
BookMark: 1000
Untrap x3: 1200
Total: 3400
Funds Remaining: 3305
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"Subchips, then? Just a sec," the LinkMan said, ringing up the purchase on a nearby terminal, before it beeped out a confirmation tone. The zenny packet on the counter immediately vanished, and was replaced with a stack of six subchips instead. "Thanks for waiting. If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to ask," the attendant said with a smile.
MachMan GET: LargeEnergyPack x2, Bookmark, Untrap x3
MachMan LOSE: 3400z
MachMan GET: LargeEnergyPack x2, Bookmark, Untrap x3
MachMan LOSE: 3400z
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"Much appreciated," Mach replied as he picked up the stack of subchips in his right hand like a small deck of cards. Said subchips fragmented and disappeared a second or so later as they were downloaded to the PET, leaving Mach free to turn around and walk out of the store. Upon getting into the relatively open areas outside of the shop, his engines spooled up and he quickly took to the sky.
Several minutes later, Mazer chimed in. ["You're approaching the outer limit of the Internet City page, want me to log you out?"] he asked. Mach mulled it over for a few moments, then made up his mind; he could resume his introspection back in the PET. "Please," he responded, then disappeared in a streak of cyan light a few moments later.
((Logged out))
Several minutes later, Mazer chimed in. ["You're approaching the outer limit of the Internet City page, want me to log you out?"] he asked. Mach mulled it over for a few moments, then made up his mind; he could resume his introspection back in the PET. "Please," he responded, then disappeared in a streak of cyan light a few moments later.
((Logged out))
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Lumbering into the shop silently, Asymptote doing his best to not get in the way of everyone as he did, made his way towards the front of the shop, putting down a credit chit onto the counter for Linkman to make use of...even if he towered over the other navis. Excuse me, Linkman. If I could get a trio of Untraps, please, I would be grateful. Asymptote spoke simply.
Buying: Untrap x3 (1 Untrap owned)
Cost: 1200z
Remainder: 5535z
Buying: Untrap x3 (1 Untrap owned)
Cost: 1200z
Remainder: 5535z
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LinkMan moved to assist the towering navi, and greeted him with his usual calm smile. Fortunately he didn't seem intimidated by Asymptote's appearance, though one had to assume he served all sorts here.
"Untraps? No problem. Can't be too careful out there!" A moment later, the data packets containing the chips were hand across and the store-keeper gave him another amiable nod and a wave. "Good luck. I hope they herald something good. Come back if you need more!"
Asymptote GET: Untrap x3
Asymptote LOSE: 1200z
"Untraps? No problem. Can't be too careful out there!" A moment later, the data packets containing the chips were hand across and the store-keeper gave him another amiable nod and a wave. "Good luck. I hope they herald something good. Come back if you need more!"
Asymptote GET: Untrap x3
Asymptote LOSE: 1200
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Asymptote nodded and gave a thank-you before slowly beginning to walk out...before a beep came to him. A quick look at their finances, Asymptote did EVERYTHING in his power to remain calm, walking out. He was going to scream into the air very soon...
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A program would float up to the counter with a wide grin across it’s face and a bag of navi upgrades hanging off one of it’s hands. “Excuse me, mister Linkman! I come on behalf of Ava Anasta and her fatass navi, Kemix.exe! I would like to pick up two untraps for him and three MiniEnergyPacks!” The prog would speak before three 100z coins and a 50z coin would appear on the counter.
Buying: 2 Untraps (100x2) and 3 MiniEnergyPacks (50x3)
Have: 350z
Cost: 350z
Leftover: 0z
Buying: 2 Untraps (100x2) and 3 MiniEnergyPacks (50x3)
Have: 350z
Cost: 350z
Leftover: 0z
last edited by LinkMan
LinkMan acknowledged the messenger prog with a not and quickly organised the requested purchases. He scooped up the coins and passed the chips across the counter.
"All correct, there you go. Come back if you need more!" He waved the prog off and returned swiftly to his other work.
Kemix GET: 2x Untrap, 3x MiniEnergy
Kemix LOSE: 350z
"All correct, there you go. Come back if you need more!" He waved the prog off and returned swiftly to his other work.
Kemix GET: 2x Untrap, 3x MiniEnergy
Kemix LOSE: 350
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A piercing black light slammed into the network, the resultant particles quickly reforming into a fluid, black form. A luminous blue globe followed from the sky, crashing into the inky black form in a burst of brilliant azure light. A moment later, a slender blue-and-white netnavi took a confident step forward into the bustling concourse that was the Internet City Commercial Area. All manner of navigators and programs darted about their business, presenting a daunting challenge for the newly-mobile Tem. The golden-haired subsystem hesitated for a moment, her sharp blue eyes narrowing as she scrutinized the semi-random movements of the myriad of obstacles that lay before her.
Seeing the briefest of pathways and seizing the opportunity, Tem pushed forward, nearly diving headfirst into a break in the crowd. The finned navi darted past a group of strolling NormalNavis with uncommon alacrity, slinked through a break in a parade of Mr. Progs with a single fluid lunge, and just barely managed to pivot in time to evade a passing convoy of data cubes apparently destined for SciLabs. A particularly well-worn violet-hued Navi cast a long sideways glance toward the former subsystem as she dove past him into a three-point landing at the foot of the nearest LinkMan kiosk.
”Hah!” shouted an excitable Tem, once again unintentionally vocalizing her internal thoughts, ”A flawless bit of maneuvering, if I do say so myself! Even that purple cretin over there can’t stop marveling at my agility and poise.”
Tem’s “admirer” shook his head and walked away. “&$#in’ weeb pervert netOps,” he muttered, “Internet City’s going to %#$ these days…”
Unperturbed, Tem rose to her feet and tapped her wrist, displaying a list of data for LinkMan’s review. ”Pardon me, sir,” she said, brushing a stray lock of hair out of her eyes, ”I would like to requisition this list of battlechips, and have prepared a zenny transfer accordingly.”
2x SentinelGun - 3600z
1x Satellite1 - 2100z
2x Untrap - 800z
Total: 6500z
Seeing the briefest of pathways and seizing the opportunity, Tem pushed forward, nearly diving headfirst into a break in the crowd. The finned navi darted past a group of strolling NormalNavis with uncommon alacrity, slinked through a break in a parade of Mr. Progs with a single fluid lunge, and just barely managed to pivot in time to evade a passing convoy of data cubes apparently destined for SciLabs. A particularly well-worn violet-hued Navi cast a long sideways glance toward the former subsystem as she dove past him into a three-point landing at the foot of the nearest LinkMan kiosk.
”Hah!” shouted an excitable Tem, once again unintentionally vocalizing her internal thoughts, ”A flawless bit of maneuvering, if I do say so myself! Even that purple cretin over there can’t stop marveling at my agility and poise.”
Tem’s “admirer” shook his head and walked away. “&$#in’ weeb pervert netOps,” he muttered, “Internet City’s going to %#$ these days…”
Unperturbed, Tem rose to her feet and tapped her wrist, displaying a list of data for LinkMan’s review. ”Pardon me, sir,” she said, brushing a stray lock of hair out of her eyes, ”I would like to requisition this list of battlechips, and have prepared a zenny transfer accordingly.”
2x SentinelGun - 3600z
1x Satellite1 - 2100z
2x Untrap - 800z
Total: 6500z
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On the other side of the kiosk, LinkMan gave only a small start as Tem arrived with a level of flourish and style usually reserved for something other than a convenience store purchase. Despite this, he offered her an amused grin and a nod of his head as she brought up her purchase request.
“And a good day to you there as well, miss. Let's see... Yep, that's all correct, I'll just grab those for you.” With a series of short hand motions, the navi pulled each of the data chips seemingly from the air to either side of him, though a perceptive eye might notice the equivalent packets phasing off some of the shelves behind the counter. In short order, he moved them across to her and took the payment.
“There you go, enjoy your new firepower. Hope it serves you well! Do come back again if you need anything else!” He finished with a small, friendly wave of one hand.
Tem/Rass GET: 2x
SentinelGunHP: 50
Properties: Anchored
Object Damage: 10 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 10 Null + Stun 1
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons an autotargeting gun turret that fires stun bolts.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Null
Special: RP quality does not boost or reduce this chip's accuracy. - This chip's accuracy cannot be boosted or reduced by any means.
Trader Rank: D,
Satellite1Damage: 60 + Impact + Object Orbit
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a Sparky virus and sends it across the field on a hard-to-avoid zig-zagging path. If it hits an enemy, it explodes into a ball of plasma. If it hits an object, it begins circling around the object and can damage near by enemies repeatedly.
Duration: Once, or up to 2 turns, if orbiting.
Element: Elec
Special: Object Orbit: The Satellite will orbit any object it comes into contact with. This chip cannot damage Objects, including Casings.
Trader Rank: D, 2x Untrap
Suien LOSE: 6500z
“And a good day to you there as well, miss. Let's see... Yep, that's all correct, I'll just grab those for you.” With a series of short hand motions, the navi pulled each of the data chips seemingly from the air to either side of him, though a perceptive eye might notice the equivalent packets phasing off some of the shelves behind the counter. In short order, he moved them across to her and took the payment.
“There you go, enjoy your new firepower. Hope it serves you well! Do come back again if you need anything else!” He finished with a small, friendly wave of one hand.
Tem/Rass GET: 2x

Properties: Anchored
Object Damage: 10 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 10 Null + Stun 1
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons an autotargeting gun turret that fires stun bolts.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Null
Special: RP quality does not boost or reduce this chip's accuracy. - This chip's accuracy cannot be boosted or reduced by any means.
Trader Rank: D,

Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a Sparky virus and sends it across the field on a hard-to-avoid zig-zagging path. If it hits an enemy, it explodes into a ball of plasma. If it hits an object, it begins circling around the object and can damage near by enemies repeatedly.
Duration: Once, or up to 2 turns, if orbiting.
Element: Elec
Special: Object Orbit: The Satellite will orbit any object it comes into contact with. This chip cannot damage Objects, including Casings.
Trader Rank: D, 2x Untrap
Suien LOSE: 6500
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Floating into the shop, a simple prog floated up towards the counter with a perpetual smile on it's face, placing down a card for Linkman. "Hello, I am acting as a proxy for Jazz.exe! Him and his netop require three Untraps for later purposes!" The prog spoke happily before placing the card down and waiting for Jazz's goods.
Buying: 3 Untrap Subchips
Have: 24.7k
Costs: 1.2k
Leftover: 23.5k
Buying: 3 Untrap Subchips
Have: 24.7k
Costs: 1.2k
Leftover: 23.5k
last edited by LinkMan
One of the many link assistants flitting about the net side shop was quick to meet up with the amiable prog and received its request with a nod and a smile. Moments later, he returned, passing the card back along with a small bundle of three slim packets.
"Three Untraps, all correct. Best of luck to them! Come back if you need more!" He waved politely to the prog as he passed the purchase back across to it.
Stephine GET: Untrap x3
Stephine LOSE: 1200z
"Three Untraps, all correct. Best of luck to them! Come back if you need more!" He waved politely to the prog as he passed the purchase back across to it.
Stephine GET: Untrap x3
Stephine LOSE: 1200