"Well now, I'm not so sure I'm s'posed to do that quite like that exactly, prd'ner, but seein' as y'all could just step onta that there exit pad, turn yerself about, and come right back, I don' see the harm in it anyhows... We've always got lotsa varmints that need cleaned up, so let's see what's on the top o' the list right now." with another small nod of his head, and not even the slightest waver in his overbright grin, he quickly produced to sheets for DragonierMan to look over.
Normal Net List:
CrazyRazyCrazyRazy (CrazyRazy)
Unlike the original, this form of CrazyRazy completely forgoes legs, existing solely as its top half. It is capable of carrying one other virus on top of itself without penalty, aside from either it or the other virus using an action to board it.
Area: Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Yumland, NAXA
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null x 3 targets
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Shoots a 3-Way from its arm at enemies.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Strengthen x 3 targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Fires energy spheres from its arms at allies to give them a boost.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): 3-Way, Navi+10 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Lift: This virus is capable of carrying one passenger without problem or penalty. It may begin the battle in this state, or it may pick up an ally at the cost of one action from either this virus, or the desired passenger. (CrazyRazy) -

Accuracy: S
Description: Allows the user to attack three different enemies with their buster attack at once. Does not work on Charged Shots.
Duration: 6 uses
Element: Null
Special: Overrides buster. Disables Charged Shot.
Trader Rank: C,

Accuracy: S
Description: Adds 10 Damage to all Buster Shots for 1 use, and 40 to all Charged Shots for 3 uses.
Duration: 18 Uses or until overridden.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D (Rare)
YortYort (Yort)
Yort viruses are dangerous top-tier viruses, and should only appear starting at battle 6 or later in any given thread. They move and dodge at high speed, and possess OmniShoes. In addition to this, Yorts are able to block enemy attacks with their own attack: the Yo-Yo. Any non-breaking attack that strikes the Yo-Yo is nullified instantly, and the Yo-Yo is neither slowed nor stopped by them. Thus, head-to-head combat against Yorts is suicide unless the opponent is able to produce a Break attack of 40 or more damage to destroy the Yo-yo. Yorts cannot regenerate a destroyed Yo-Yo, and are completely helpless without it. If a Yort is deprived of its weapon, it will Escape after 2 turns. Yorts cannot damage other Yorts. If two Yo-yos collide in mid-air, they mutually annihilate each other. Yorts can't move while attacking. Yort attacks are faster than the battlechip version of Yo-Yo and have greater range, but have a tiny delay before the attack in exchange. Yo-Yos are immune to every effect (including Glitch) except Break. AoE effects can reach past a Yo-Yo, but do nothing to stop it. Yo-Yos self destruct if the Yort that fired them is deleted.
Area: Netopia, Beach, NAXA, NetVegas
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null x 3 Hits + Slashing
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Releases a bladed yo-yo that blocks incoming attacks, strikes an enemy multiple times, and then returns. Any target between the Yort and its intended target is struck twice instead of three times. Only a Break Attack of 40 damage or greater can stop this attack, and destroy the Yo-Yo in the process.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Yo-Yo1, Zenny
Special: Virus flees if yo-yo is destroyed after 2 turns. (Yort) -

Accuracy: C
Description: Yo-yo hits up to three enemies, two twice and one three times at max, and blocks frontal projectile attacks. User is immobile during usage and lowers their dodge for the turn. This chip counts as a Sword Chip.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Yo-Yo can be destroyed by Break attacks with 40 or greater power.
Special: If two yo-yos collide with each other, both are destroyed at the same time.
Trader Rank: D
JellyJelly (Jelly)
Jelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. Jelly attack by launching large waves of water at enemies The attack cycle of Jelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.
Area: Beach
HP: 220
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Aqua + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Sea Terrain Boost 20 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of water at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Sea terrain.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Wave1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking. (Jelly) -

Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a tsunami to drown everything and everyone other than the user, even their allies. Can be jumped over, but requires perfect timing. More effective if there is already water in the vicinity to fuel it.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Trader Rank: D (Rare)
MomograMomogra (Momogra)
Momogras move by tunneling through the ground. They poke their heads up just far enough from time to time to see where the enemy is, but they are still protected from most forms of attack. Drop attacks, Bomb attacks (which fall out of the air after being thrown), and Ground attacks damage them in this state. Other attacks executed from a high angle/altitude also work. All movements performed by a Momogra are considered a dodge, as they occur underground, and out of sight. Momogras only attack in response to having an attack launched in their direction, and only if they have an action remaining for that turn. Momogras attack by instantly tunneling to the panel behind the enemy, popping out of the ground, and striking with a shovel. A Momogra is completely vulnerable to any form of attack during its own atack, and until it moves again following that attack. The movement prior to the attack does not require an action, but movement afterwards does. The attack cannot execute if the panel behind the target is a liquid terrain type, Metal, Broken, or Missing. The attack also will not execute if there is something currently occupying the panel they would be attacking from. If the attack cannot execute, the Momogra will not move. In the case of Glass and Cracked terrain, the Momogras will still attempt to attack, but suffer the consequences of doing do as those panels will break and damage the Momogra, also causing the attack to fail. Momogra get 1 free movement per turn at the start of the turn before their first action.
Area: Okuden Valley, Hades Isle, NetVegas
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Null + Backstab
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Hits enemy with shovel.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Mole1, Zenny
Special: Always attacks if it is targeted, though it can attack otherwise. Only overhead-striking attacks can hit these viruses while they are not attacking (bombs, etc.) (Momogra) -

Accuracy: S
Description: Allows the user to hide underground or under a liquid surface when not executing an attack. User may heal, though. User may choose to attack as they exit the burrowed or submerged state if the situation allows.
Duration: 1 turn
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
WingerWinger (Winger)
Winger viruses drop down from way up high, execute a breath attack, and rise back up. Dropping and attacking is an action, while moving back upward is a second action. They may also adjust where on the battlefield they drop next while in High Altitude as a free action. These are the only actions this virus family performs.
Area: Netopia, NAXA
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Elec + Small Solar Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Uses a plasma breath weapon to give the enemy and the ground an unhealthy glow.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ElecShock1, Zenny
Special: Has High Altitude every other action. This virus cannot attack while in High Altitude, but may adjust its positioning as a free action. (Winger) -

Accuracy: C
Description: Blast up to 4 enemies with a cone of lightning breath that stuns. Changes terrain to Solar.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D
SnoozySnoozy (Snoozy)
Snoozy are about 2 feet tall, and are shaped like a white translucent blob of goo, forming a basic head, body, and arm, with the body trailing behind. The head has an oversized nightcap covering most of it, colored dark blue, with white dots as stars. The end of the nightcap has a hanging moon from it. The lone arm carries a thick white pillow by the corner, with some down leaking out of a tear. The coloring scheme of its main body changes with its version. Snoozier are red, and Snooziest are blue. A menacing black Snoozy DS has an additional feature of serrated teeth forming a giant jaw. EX forms are darker shades of their originals. Snoozy attack by flailing their white pillows around and spreading their apparent sleepiness around. They start their attack by teleporting up to their targets. The teleport counts as a dodge if utilized correctly. They then teleport back to their original spot, and do not move otherwise. They may use their secondary full-heal at any time, though they are more likely to do so when they are injured. Snoozy viruses only appear when there is cover to hide behind, and will stay behind this cover for the entirety of the battle except to attack. They will not appear otherwise. If their cover is destroyed, they will attempt to flee starting next turn if they do not have a specified object chip to be dispensed first.
Area: Yoka, Dentech, Sharo
HP: 60
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (Teleport) then (Aqua 15 + Sleep)
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Teleports near an enemy, and whacks its pillow at them. Teleports back to original position shortly after.
Secondary Attack Effect: Self Recover Max + Self Status Cure Max + Self Sleep (1)
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Goes to sleep, and recovers from all of its ailments and injuries. This attack may be used at any time, even when status effects would usually deny it, except for Sleep. This attack has a one turn cooldown after the virus wakes up.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pillow1, Zenny
Special: Will not attack sleeping targets. (Snoozy) -

Accuracy: B
Description: A fluffy pillow that will make anyone drowsy when it hits.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks after 3 swings.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
CloudyCloudy (Cloudy)
Area: Yoka, Netopia, Sharo
HP: 80
Attack: 40 Aqua + Group Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Summons a rainstorm that lasts 2 turns.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): LilCloud, Zenny
Special: Immune to Ground Attacks.
- Rainstorm lasts 2 turns.
- Virus attacks every 3 turns. (Cloudy) -

Accuracy: C
Description: Cloud moves up and down three enemies, raining on them for two turns. Enemies can move out from under it if possible.
Duration: Two turns
Element: Aqua
Special: Drop Attack: This attack originates above the battlefield, and falls to the ground. It gains one rank of accuracy against High Altitude targets.
Trader Rank: D
GeninGenin (Genin)
Area: Beach, Yumland, Netfrica
HP: 60
Attack: 30 Null + Slashing + Group Attack (MoonBlade) / 10 Null + Slashing x 3 Attacks x 2 Targets (Kunai)
Attack Accuracy: B / B
Attack Description: Counter attacks with either a spinning cut or a volley of Kunai.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Kunai1, MoonBlade1, Zenny
Special: This virus does not initiate attacks on it's own.
- Seeks cover behind objects when not attacking.
- If no objects are present, this viruses evasion is enhanced.
- Counters Battlechip use with Kunai once per turn.
- Counters Buster use with MoonBlade once per turn.
- Counters Sig Attack use with either Kunai, or Moonblade once per turn. (Genin) -

Accuracy: B
Description: Summons 3 Kunai to throw at selected targets.
Duration: Once.
Element: Null
Special: Variable Targeting: Allows the user to select a target for each individual hit of an attack. This means they may strike the same target multiple times, multiple different targets, or a mix of the two as they wish.
Trader Rank: D,

Accuracy: Depends on number of targets.
Description: Executes a spin cut with a Kunai.
Duration: Once.
Element: Null
Special: Spin Attack: Strikes at all enemies in an 8-panel circle around the user. Accuracy varies depending on the number of targets designated: 1-3 targets @ B Accuracy, 4-6 targets @ C Accuracy, 7-8 targets @ D Accuracy.
Trader Rank: D
HeatJellyHeatJelly (HeatJelly)
HeatJelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. HeatJelly attack by launching large waves of magma at enemies The attack cycle of HeatJelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.
Area: Hades Isle
HP: 220
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Fire + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Lava Terrain Boost 20 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of magma at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Lava terrain.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RedWave1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking. (HeatJelly) -

Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a wave of lava to burn everything and everyone other than the user, even their allies. Can be jumped over, but requires perfect timing. More effective if there is lava in the vicinity to fuel it.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: D (Rare)
KillPlantKillPlant (KillPlant)
Area: Beach, Yumland, Netfrica, Dentech
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Wood
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: The virus spits a large wooden seed at one target, like a bomb. If it misses, it remains on the field for one turn.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Wood + Ground + Line Attack + Aqua Boost(+30 Wood, +AccuracyUP)
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C / B
Secondary Attack Description: If the seed is left alone for one turn, it will erupt into a Wood Tower attack. If the seed is hit by any Aqua based attacks or it lands on a Sea Panel, it will double in power and speed.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per virus): TreeBomb1, Zenny
Special: This virus is immobile.
- The Seed is immune to damage.
- Fire and Impact will destroy the Seed.
- This virus attacks every other turn, starting on the first turn. (KillPlant) -

Accuracy: C / D / C
Description: Throws a tree seed that powers up when hit with Aqua.
Duration: Varies
Element: Wood
Special: Throws a seed at one enemy. If the seed misses, it will remain on the field until next turn. If the seed is untouched, it will execute a Wood Tower attack on a random group of enemies. If the seed is hit with an Aqua Attack, by anyone, while it is on the field, it will explode into a deadly Wood Tower attack on a random group of enemies. (Aqua Boosted damage is 90 Wood.)
Trader Rank: D
CanDevilCanDevil (CanDevil)
CanDevils will always try to position themselves to block direct attacks made against their candles.
Area: Yumland, Hades Isle, NetVegas
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage/Effects: 40 Fire + Piercing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Attacks with bursts of hellfire.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effects: 15 Fire x 3 hits + Fighter Range
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Exhales a stream of fire that lasts enough to hit multiple times.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Candle1, FireArm1, Zenny
Special: HeatBody
- Regen 60 when Candle is present.
- Candle has 60 HP and HeatBody. (CanDevil) -

Properties: Anchored, HeatBody
Object Damage: 100 Fire + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Healing Effect: Regen 5 + To-All-Clause (Allies)
Accuracy: S
Description: Creates a healing candle in your area.
Duration: 3 turns or until destroyed.
Element: Fire
Special: HeatBody: Immune to Fire damage.
Trader Rank: D,

Accuracy: B
Description: Unleashes a long lasting flamethrower with decent range.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: D
RedUFO (V1)RedUFO (V1) (ColorUFO)
ColorUFOs are able to temporarily steal chip data from their enemy, preventing the use of that battlechip until the end of the battle. ColorUFOs only attack once per turn, maximum, and spend the rest of the turn dodging. This attack is guaranteed to hit unless the target dodges when they attempt their attack, meaning it can be evaded with luck. The attack ignores every form of defence, including any form of stealth. ColorUFOs move and dodge at slightly better than average rates. They are capable of full flight. If there is no valid target with a chip for the UFO to attempt to steal, they will instead zap one target with a particle beam.
Area: SciLab, NAXA, NetVegas
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Blocks enemy from using one chip.
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Steals enemy chip data, preventing him from using it in that battle.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null + Drop Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a particle beam straight down that has higher accuracy against flying targets.
Element: None.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): PowerBolt1, Catcher, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes. (ColorUFO) -

Accuracy: A
Description: A kinetic energy strike from space.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Drop Attack: This attack originates above the battlefield, and falls to the ground. It gains one rank of accuracy against High Altitude targets.
Trader Rank: D,

Accuracy: B
Description: Against navis: Sends a UFO to steal the first chip the enemy would use this round. Against viruses: Sends a UFO to copy the enemys attack for this round, and allows you to use it once next turn. The UFO remains in the air until it is given the opportunity to steal data from the enemy, or until the end of the turn it was summoned, whichever comes first.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C
Rogue Net List:
HeatJelly2HeatJelly2 (HeatJelly)
HeatJelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. HeatJelly attack by launching large waves of magma at enemies The attack cycle of HeatJelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.
Area: Hades Isle
HP: 270
Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Fire + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Lava Terrain Boost 40 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of magma at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Lava terrain.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RedWave2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking. (HeatJelly) -

Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a wave of lava to burn everything and everyone other than the user, even their allies. Can be jumped over, but requires perfect timing. More effective if there is lava in the vicinity to fuel it.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: C (Rare)
MagTec+MagTec+ (MagTect)
MagTect move and dodge at slightly above average speed. In spite of the fact that they have wings, and hover above the ground, they are still subject to the effects of the terrain below. Regardless, they are very dangerous thanks to their ability to exert control over enemy movements with pincer attacks and magnetic pull effects. They know how to use these effects, too. MagTects avoid liquid terrain types if at all possible, as they do not function well at all if forcibly submerged.
Area: SciLab, Electown, Netfrica, NAXA
HP: 160
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Elec + Stun 1 + Magnetic Pull
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Pulls opponents towards them and hits with a magnet. Stuns.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Elec + Seeking + Pincer Attack x 2 Missiles
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Shoots two MagnetMissiles at a target: one from each side. The missiles move as if to pass the target, then suddenly turn towards each other in a pincer attack with the target between them.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MagBolt2, MagnetMissile2 (Rare), Zenny (MagTect) -

Accuracy: B
Description: Uses an electromagnet to pull the target into range, then stuns them with a close range electrical shock.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Special: Magnetic Pull: A stronger version of the Pull effect that either pulls the target towards you, or you towards the target over a greater distance than normal.
Trader Rank: C,

Accuracy: B
Description: Launches North and South magnetic homing missiles that converge on one target.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Special: Pincer Attack: Attacks a single chosen target from two opposing directions at the same time.
Trader Rank: C (Rare)
Honeybomber2Honeybomber2 (Honeybomber)
Honeybomber viruses do not dodge, as they instead counter attack against hits taken. They are actually capable of moving from place to place with great speed, but rarely chose to do so. When they do move, it is always to interpose themselves between an opponent and one of their allies, although this doesn't always happen. Honeybombers only attack when struck by an attack, and even then, only if they survive the hit. This counter attack is not prevented by Impact, and may execute the same number of times as a Honeybomber has actions in one turn. The Honeybomber may elect to target different enemies for follow-up swarm launches after the first target has been attacked once that turn. While Honeybombers do have OmniShoes, and are constantly flying above the ground, they still enjoy the benefits of wood-based terrain regardless of altitude.
Area: Dentech, Yumland
HP: 190
Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Wood x 5 Hits + Homing x 2 Swarms
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Attack with swarms of bees. Each swarm has 50 HP, and can be shot down.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RiskyHoney2, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Ignore Height: This virus enjoys the benefits of same-element terrain, regardless of altitude. (Honeybomber) -

Accuracy: A
Description: Block with Hive & Bees swarm the enemy.
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Special: Element Defense: In addition to the defense's normal weakness, it is also weak against an Element. If struck by this element, the defense is instantly destroyed, and the user sustains double or more the elemental damage of the attack. In this case, the weakness is Fire.
Special: Elemental Counter: Counter attack is launched if the parent defense was not hit with an effect it is weak against. In this case, Fire and Break are weaknesses.
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: C
BarkBark (Lark)
Area: Electown, Yoka, Beach
HP: 200
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Aqua + Wide Attack
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Fires wideshot.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WideShot2, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes
Special: Can blind one enemy once instead of attacking. (Lark) -

Accuracy: A
Description: Fires a wide wave of water that can hit up to three enemies, depending on circumstances.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Wide Attack: This attack hits a line of targets perpendicular to the direction the attack is launched in. Unless otherwise specified, a wide attack can hit up to 3 targets, max. Once a target is hit, the attack ends, thus all targets must be hit at roughly the same time.
Trader Rank: C
Tuby2Tuby2 (Tuby)
Area: Beach
HP: 150
Attack: Confusion + To-All-Clause (Enemies)
Attack Accuracy: S
Attack Description: Plays a tune that confuses its enemies.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Discord (Rare), Zenny
Special: Attacks every other turn. (Tuby) -

Properties: Heavy
Object Damage: 50 + Impact
Damage Method: Throw, Telekinesis
Status Effect: Confusion + To-All-Clause (Enemies)
Accuracy: S
Description: Causes mass confusion in the enemy ranks.
Duration: 1 turn or until destroyed.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C (Rare)
MilkoMilko (Moloko)
Moloko are simple... They charge at the enemy, and don't bother dodging the attacks of their target. Moloko are protected by a fleece that is essentially a regenerating defence. They avoid broken, missing, and liquid terrain types, but otherwise charge their enemies with supreme confidence in their invincibility.
Area: Netopia
HP: 140
Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Null + Impact + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Charges at Enemy.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MokoRush2, Zenny
Special: 40 HP Fleece prevents damage. Fleece regens every turn. Slashing attacks deal double damage to the Fleece, and may break through to deal damage if it is destroyed. (Moloko) -

Accuracy: C
Description: Summons 3 Milko viruses to charge at the enemy. Only broken or missing terrain can stop their charge.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C
PengaPenga (Penguin)
Penguin viruses have an ability called Ice Body which acts as Iron Body on Ice terrain only. This effect is bypassed by Break for normal damage, and can only be nullified by changing the terrain to something other than Ice. Penguins move by sliding across the ground quickly, making them faster than average but predictable at the same time. They stop moving in one direction when their momentum gives out, or they run into something. They do not cause damage if they run into someone, but they might knock them backwards.
Area: Sharo
HP: 130
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 50 Aqua + Freeze
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Launches a giant snowflake that flies forward in a sine-wave motion. Will freeze enemies on or in any form of Aqua terrain. Has a chance to freeze enemies in any other setting except on or in Fire terrain.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 50 Aqua + Slashing + Lesser Freeze
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a large triangular ice blade straight ahead. Can only freeze enemies on Ice or Snow.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): IceWave2, IceSlasher2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Ice Body when on Ice Terrain. (Penguin) -

Accuracy: A
Description: Sends a wave of ice at one enemy
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: C,

Accuracy: B
Description: Shoots a short ranged ice blade at an enemy.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: C (Rare)
Fishy2Fishy2 (Fishy)
Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Dentech, Beach, NetVegas
HP: 150
Attack Damage/Effect: 45 + Stun 1 + Line Attack(5) + Impact + Piercing
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Flies into a group of enemies, and stuns them.
Element: Normal
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DashAttack2, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes (Fishy) -

Accuracy: C
Description: The user charges forward at a great speed to ram a line of enemies. Hits a maximum of 5 enemies before the momentum is lost.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Direction of travel may be altered with chip, terrain, and sig use.
Trader Rank: C
NeoMetool2NeoMetool2 (NeoMetool)
NeoMetool not currently attacking will guard. Entering guard mode requires an action. Exiting guard mode does not require an action.
Area: ACDC, Electown, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Dentech, Beach
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Null + Spread 2
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Spits out a bullet that penetrates an enemy to hit up to two other enemies behind and to the side of it, as if forming a V shape.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): V-Gun, HiGuard, Zenny
Special: Can hide in its helmet to negate damage.
Special: If hit while hiding, it will counter with a Microburst effect as a free action. This does not lower its defenses.
Special: Can use Recover50 on itself once. (NeoMetool) -

Accuracy: A
Description: A gun whose shot penetrates enemies to hit up to two other enemies behind and to the side of it, as if forming a V shape.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C,

Accuracy: S
Description: Description: Generates a 1-Hit Shield upon activation. When this shield blocks one hit from a non-Break attack, it responds with a shock wave that sends things rocketing backwards.
Duration: Until broken or overridden.
Element: Null
Special: Negated by Break. Ignores Impact.
Special: Reflect: Damage returned is equal to the damage of the attack blocked or the damage cap listed, whichever comes first. Reflect is not subject to negation by Impact.
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: C
MonoSwordinMonoSwordin (MonoSword)
MonoSword are distant cousins of Swordy, but have evolved further in an attempt become more a threat. They attack by teleporting in front of their target, and slashing with their namesake before returning to their original position. Their blades are sturdier than most, and can cut through things regular ones cannot, such as shields. Their bulky armor also gives them above average stamina, but it weighs them down to the point where they do not move or dodge, aside from attacking. Despite it lacking any sort of defense that would bestow such a weakness, they ironically take additional damage from Break attribute attacks.
Area: Netopia, Yoka, Hades Isle
HP: 210
Attack Damage/Effect: 50 Null + Break + Slashing + Wide Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Delivers an armor cutting slash.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): BreakSword, Zenny
Special: Break Weakness: Attacks with the Break attribute deal +100% Source damage to this virus, as though hitting an elemental weakness.
Special: Moves by teleporting. This is not treated as a formal Teleport, and does not confer any bonuses. (MonoSword) -

Accuracy: C
Description: Creates a sturdy but heavy blade that can cut through armor and shielding.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 2 swings.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C
Nautilus2Nautilus2 (Nautilus)
Area: Yoka, Beach, Sharo
HP: 140
Attack Damage/Effect: 50 Aqua + Ground Attack + Group Attack + Line Chain + Sea Terrain Accuracy Boost
Attack Accuracy: D / B
Attack Description: Creates an AquaTower in front of itself. If it has water to fuel it, the attack is performed much more quickly, and therefore harder to avoid.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): BubbleWrap2, AquaUpper2 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Generates a 50 HP Aqua elemental barrier every turn as a free action. Elec attacks instantly break this barrier and deal full damage.
Special: If its BubbleWrap is destroyed, and this virus is not deleted by that same attack, it counterattacks with an AquaTower attack as a free action. This attack has D accuracy, even if used on Sea or Onsen terrain.
Special: Sea Terrain Accuracy Boost: If this viruses attacks while on or in Sea or Onsen terrain, the attack's accuracy is raised by 2 stages. (Nautilus) -

Accuracy: S
Description: Encases the user in a protective bubble, which can take two hits before bursting. The bubble reforms at the beginning of each turn. Elec attacks completely destroy the bubble and damage the user.
Duration: Until end of battle, hit with an Elec attack, or overridden.
Element: Aqua
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Special: If an Elec element attack hits BubbleWrap, it is destroyed, and will no longer regenerate. The user will also take full damage from the attack.
Special: The bubble regeneration stops after 3 turns. An existing bubble will remain in place until broken, however.
Trader Rank: C,

Accuracy: A
Description: Causes geysers to erupt from all water panels, and drown everyone besides the user...even their allies.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Hits any enemies in Submerged status, so long as it's within a Sea panel.
Trader Rank: C (Rare)
Hardhead2Hardhead2 (HardHead)
HardHeads alternate actions between attacking and guarding. These are the only actions HardHeads may perform, and the first action of every battle is always guarding. Hardheads will not break from this pattern unless forced to by status effects. HardHeads cannot be lifted or thrown, even with Rageclaw.
Area: Electown, Kotobuki Town, Dentech
HP: 120
Attack Damage/Effect: 90 Null + Break + Panel Break
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Fires Cannonball. Breaking. Breaks Panels.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): CannonBall, Zenny
Special: Immobile.
- Iron Body when not attacking. (HardHead) -

Accuracy: C
Description: A bomb that breaks the ground it lands on
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C
"What'd you reckon, cowboy? Anything tickle yer huntin' itches?"