Almost as soon as she hopped into the proper area, HunterWoman found herself relaxed by the surrounding area. The green grass, the trees...this was her kind of area. "So, this area's full of bats, huh?"
"So the Mr. Prog said. I suppose it makes sense that an animal-like virus would like a place like this."
"Well, I'm an animal-like Navi, and I know I like it! Everything's all green! I can get my camouflage on all I want!"
"Well, be careful, in case they try the same. Now, let's go. I'm curious what the local network is like."
"I can't wait to find out, myself!" The huntress Navi reached back, and allowed her crossbow attachment to connect itself to her arm. Keeping it level in front of her, she started her trek, on the lookout for anything of note. Especially bats. Those needed to die, and soon.
(Searching for Battle #1)
Bats in the bel-forest
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Eager to explore, HunterWoman's search for bats didn't take very long before it bore fruit. Batty fruit, in particular, if fruit grew on rocky spikes under shady overhangs, and screeched a lot. Just off the green verge that she walked along, a small climb of rocks began to her left, which curved over into a broad, shallow overhang that created shade from the sunlight. A glint of green might catch her eye as she passed, and a cursory glance would show her that a familiar crystal rested, slightly obscured behind a trio of rock spikes that formed something of a small cage for it. It wasn't a very safe cage, since the crystal appeared to have a bandcoon rolling about on the ground underneath it, behind the rocks as well. The critter was patterned in black and white fur paints, made to look like a skeleton, but it was quite quickly messing up this aesthetic while it rolled about in the mud. Indeed, the whole floor under the overhang looked to be muddy for some reason.
A fluttering sound revealed the presence of two bats, as well, keeping to the shade for now, while a pair of spiders crept in around the edges of the overhang, coming over the rocks to peer at HunterWoman. the whole picture might have created a spooky hallows vibe, if it hadn't been set in the middle of Okuden on a bright and sunny day.
-=Costumed Contenders=-
PulseBatPulseBat (PulseBat)
Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 + Seeking
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Uses a sonic screech to damage its opponents.
Secondary Attack Effect: EchoLocation
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a sonic pulse to reveal hidden or illusory targets.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pulsar1, EchoLocation, Zenny.
Special: Airshoes. If PulseBat hits an object, its attack spreads to up to 8 other targets at half damage while dealing full damage to that object. Every other turn, this virus enters High Altitude (dropdown) status and does not attack. A: 80Hp [Over Mud][Left side]
PulseBatPulseBat (PulseBat)
Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 + Seeking
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Uses a sonic screech to damage its opponents.
Secondary Attack Effect: EchoLocation
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a sonic pulse to reveal hidden or illusory targets.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pulsar1, EchoLocation, Zenny.
Special: Airshoes. If PulseBat hits an object, its attack spreads to up to 8 other targets at half damage while dealing full damage to that object. Every other turn, this virus enters High Altitude (dropdown) status and does not attack. B: 80Hp [Over Mud][Right side]
BandcoonBandcoon (Bandcoon)
Bandcoons are gray raccoon-like creatures, around 30 inches in height. They possess black stripes around their body, aside from their short, almost stub-like legs. Their faces are usually unseen, as they're covered in a red mask with string decorations. Their tails are twice as long as their actual bodies, and are usually curved into a question mark shape. At first this may seem like a simple design choice, but the tail is actually prehensile, and Bandcoon cleverly use it to steal chip data from Navis. Bandcoons' speed and small size combine to make them surprisingly difficult to hit while moving, and are even agile enough to turn sharply with little problem. However, if caught standing still, they're practically sitting ducks. However, when they're not using chips, they always prefer to move when possible. Their main tactic is to roll around and confound the enemy with their speed, then move in and swipe them with their tail, using it like a hook to grab data not directly tied to them, namely Battlechips. They can then use it themselves, at reduced power, as a free action. All other effects of the chips still apply, including pre-requisites to use the chip (i.e. Spice still needs Grass terrain, MachineSword still requires that the enemy be stunned). Higher level Bandcoon are aware of such conditions, and will try to satisfy the requirements if at all possible. If the enemy has no Battlechips, Bandcoons get extremely aggravated, and will ram an enemy in anger and desperation. However, they severely dislike doing this, and will only use this attack as a last resort for when they have no chips.
Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Yumland
HP: 60
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Chip Steal + 1/3 Chip Use
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Bandcoon steals a single random chip the opponent has selected this turn. They then use the chip at 1/3 of its normal power, rounded down to the nearest 5. Recovery chips still work at full power.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Impact
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: If Bandcoon cannot steal an attacking chip for any reason, they will instead roll into an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pickpocket (Rare), Zenny
Special: Haste while moving (+10%). Double Slow while standing still (-20%).: 60Hp [Mud][Near MD]
SpidySpidy (Spider)
Spider viruses attack by setting webs on panels, objects, and other handy surfaces. The webs may even be strung between surfaces, such as blocking doorways. Anything that touches the webs triggers them detaching from whatever surface they were attached to and wrapping around the target. The webs cause a slow effect, as well as dealing damage for every action the target uses to dodge the following turn unless the webs are burned off, cut off, or removed by some other means. Status cure will not remove the webs, or the slow effect they generate. Spiders do not attack directly, and they may lay one panel's worth of webbing each turn for every action they possess. They may lay webs while moving. Spiders are immune to the effects of ANY WhiteWeb attacks, be they generated by Spider viruses or from battlechips. Webbing causes the target to become weak to fire, thus the next fire attack will deal double damage if the webs have not been removed first.
Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Yumland, Netfrica, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Wood + Slow (Web) / 5 Wood (Dodge w/ Web)
Attack Accuracy: C / S
Attack Description: Teleport to enemy and creates spider webs
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WhiteWeb1, Zenny
Special: Webs cause damage when player dodges. A: 80Hp [Soil][Edge of the overhang, Left side]
SpidySpidy (Spider)
Spider viruses attack by setting webs on panels, objects, and other handy surfaces. The webs may even be strung between surfaces, such as blocking doorways. Anything that touches the webs triggers them detaching from whatever surface they were attached to and wrapping around the target. The webs cause a slow effect, as well as dealing damage for every action the target uses to dodge the following turn unless the webs are burned off, cut off, or removed by some other means. Status cure will not remove the webs, or the slow effect they generate. Spiders do not attack directly, and they may lay one panel's worth of webbing each turn for every action they possess. They may lay webs while moving. Spiders are immune to the effects of ANY WhiteWeb attacks, be they generated by Spider viruses or from battlechips. Webbing causes the target to become weak to fire, thus the next fire attack will deal double damage if the webs have not been removed first.
Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Yumland, Netfrica, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Wood + Slow (Web) / 5 Wood (Dodge w/ Web)
Attack Accuracy: C / S
Attack Description: Teleport to enemy and creates spider webs
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WhiteWeb1, Zenny
Special: Webs cause damage when player dodges. B: 80Hp [Soil][Edge of the overhang, Right side]
-=Batty Battler=--
HunterWoman.Exe: 225Hp [Grass]
-=Spooky Setting=-
60% Mud [Interior of the overhang]
25% Soil [Border at the mud]
15% Grass [Exterior ground]
-=Trapped Treasure=-
GMD: 25 HP
Tall Stalagmite: 40Hp [Anchored]
Thin Stalactite: 20Hp [Anchored]
Jagged Stalactite: 25hp [Anchored]
-=Battle 1, Start!=-
A fluttering sound revealed the presence of two bats, as well, keeping to the shade for now, while a pair of spiders crept in around the edges of the overhang, coming over the rocks to peer at HunterWoman. the whole picture might have created a spooky hallows vibe, if it hadn't been set in the middle of Okuden on a bright and sunny day.
-=Costumed Contenders=-
PulseBatPulseBat (PulseBat)
Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 + Seeking
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Uses a sonic screech to damage its opponents.
Secondary Attack Effect: EchoLocation
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a sonic pulse to reveal hidden or illusory targets.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pulsar1, EchoLocation, Zenny.
Special: Airshoes. If PulseBat hits an object, its attack spreads to up to 8 other targets at half damage while dealing full damage to that object. Every other turn, this virus enters High Altitude (dropdown) status and does not attack. A: 80Hp [Over Mud][Left side]
PulseBatPulseBat (PulseBat)
Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 + Seeking
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Uses a sonic screech to damage its opponents.
Secondary Attack Effect: EchoLocation
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a sonic pulse to reveal hidden or illusory targets.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pulsar1, EchoLocation, Zenny.
Special: Airshoes. If PulseBat hits an object, its attack spreads to up to 8 other targets at half damage while dealing full damage to that object. Every other turn, this virus enters High Altitude (dropdown) status and does not attack. B: 80Hp [Over Mud][Right side]
BandcoonBandcoon (Bandcoon)
Bandcoons are gray raccoon-like creatures, around 30 inches in height. They possess black stripes around their body, aside from their short, almost stub-like legs. Their faces are usually unseen, as they're covered in a red mask with string decorations. Their tails are twice as long as their actual bodies, and are usually curved into a question mark shape. At first this may seem like a simple design choice, but the tail is actually prehensile, and Bandcoon cleverly use it to steal chip data from Navis. Bandcoons' speed and small size combine to make them surprisingly difficult to hit while moving, and are even agile enough to turn sharply with little problem. However, if caught standing still, they're practically sitting ducks. However, when they're not using chips, they always prefer to move when possible. Their main tactic is to roll around and confound the enemy with their speed, then move in and swipe them with their tail, using it like a hook to grab data not directly tied to them, namely Battlechips. They can then use it themselves, at reduced power, as a free action. All other effects of the chips still apply, including pre-requisites to use the chip (i.e. Spice still needs Grass terrain, MachineSword still requires that the enemy be stunned). Higher level Bandcoon are aware of such conditions, and will try to satisfy the requirements if at all possible. If the enemy has no Battlechips, Bandcoons get extremely aggravated, and will ram an enemy in anger and desperation. However, they severely dislike doing this, and will only use this attack as a last resort for when they have no chips.
Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Yumland
HP: 60
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Chip Steal + 1/3 Chip Use
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Bandcoon steals a single random chip the opponent has selected this turn. They then use the chip at 1/3 of its normal power, rounded down to the nearest 5. Recovery chips still work at full power.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Impact
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: If Bandcoon cannot steal an attacking chip for any reason, they will instead roll into an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pickpocket (Rare), Zenny
Special: Haste while moving (+10%). Double Slow while standing still (-20%).: 60Hp [Mud][Near MD]
SpidySpidy (Spider)
Spider viruses attack by setting webs on panels, objects, and other handy surfaces. The webs may even be strung between surfaces, such as blocking doorways. Anything that touches the webs triggers them detaching from whatever surface they were attached to and wrapping around the target. The webs cause a slow effect, as well as dealing damage for every action the target uses to dodge the following turn unless the webs are burned off, cut off, or removed by some other means. Status cure will not remove the webs, or the slow effect they generate. Spiders do not attack directly, and they may lay one panel's worth of webbing each turn for every action they possess. They may lay webs while moving. Spiders are immune to the effects of ANY WhiteWeb attacks, be they generated by Spider viruses or from battlechips. Webbing causes the target to become weak to fire, thus the next fire attack will deal double damage if the webs have not been removed first.
Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Yumland, Netfrica, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Wood + Slow (Web) / 5 Wood (Dodge w/ Web)
Attack Accuracy: C / S
Attack Description: Teleport to enemy and creates spider webs
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WhiteWeb1, Zenny
Special: Webs cause damage when player dodges. A: 80Hp [Soil][Edge of the overhang, Left side]
SpidySpidy (Spider)
Spider viruses attack by setting webs on panels, objects, and other handy surfaces. The webs may even be strung between surfaces, such as blocking doorways. Anything that touches the webs triggers them detaching from whatever surface they were attached to and wrapping around the target. The webs cause a slow effect, as well as dealing damage for every action the target uses to dodge the following turn unless the webs are burned off, cut off, or removed by some other means. Status cure will not remove the webs, or the slow effect they generate. Spiders do not attack directly, and they may lay one panel's worth of webbing each turn for every action they possess. They may lay webs while moving. Spiders are immune to the effects of ANY WhiteWeb attacks, be they generated by Spider viruses or from battlechips. Webbing causes the target to become weak to fire, thus the next fire attack will deal double damage if the webs have not been removed first.
Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Yumland, Netfrica, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Wood + Slow (Web) / 5 Wood (Dodge w/ Web)
Attack Accuracy: C / S
Attack Description: Teleport to enemy and creates spider webs
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WhiteWeb1, Zenny
Special: Webs cause damage when player dodges. B: 80Hp [Soil][Edge of the overhang, Right side]
-=Batty Battler=--
HunterWoman.Exe: 225Hp [Grass]
-=Spooky Setting=-
60% Mud [Interior of the overhang]
25% Soil [Border at the mud]
15% Grass [Exterior ground]
-=Trapped Treasure=-
GMD: 25 HP
Tall Stalagmite: 40Hp [Anchored]
Thin Stalactite: 20Hp [Anchored]
Jagged Stalactite: 25hp [Anchored]
-=Battle 1, Start!=-
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Let's see...she was walking. And walking. And walking some more..."I'm bored!"
"...You've been walking for maybe 30 seconds. Counting this conversation."
"Really? Feels more like 30 minutes to me. Sure you're not messing with me?"
"Trust me, I'd have spoken up well before 30 minutes."
"Hmm..." HunterWoman stopped and pondered the last statement for a moment, but something shiny caught her shiny things often did. Especially when the shininess was a specific shade of green. "Hey, check it out! Mystery Data! The shininess that keeps on shinin'!"
"...Really? Not even going to notice the viruses hanging around?"
"The viruses...? ...Oh, right. Hey look, we've got bats! And spiders! And...raccoon skeletons? That's just weird. Like, 'why would anyone even think about programming this' weird."
"It's just a raccoon painted to look like a skeleton, by the looks of it."
"Paint...? Aw man! That'll totally ruin the pelt! Wait, it's rolling around in the mud, too? Yeesh, I'm not sure it'd even be worth skinning if I wanted...I mean, paint, mud, for all I know there's other mysterious fluids on it, too. Like chocolate milk. Or semen. Or iced tea!"
"...I REALLY doubt those latter things are around here..."
"Hey, milk and semen and tea leaves totally exist in nature!"
"Not quite what I was getting at, but whatever..."
"Shoot, with the right reprogramming, I could make any of those things!"
"Aaaaand I'm changing the subject before this conversation enters a black hole of ick. Viruses. Shoot them. And we may as well see if we can get that pelt. We won't know for sure if it's good or not until we get it."
"Well, you're the boss!" The Navi quickly reached back, grabbed her crossbow attachment, and allowed it to combine with her forearm. "So, who gets arrowed first?"
"I remember reading about Bandcoon once. As I recall, it's capable of stealing an opponent's chip data, then using it for itself. That should be our top focus, I think."
"So it could arrow me instead?! I don't like wooden things in me! ...Except for at least one area. And even then, I don't want anything sharp in there!"
"Changing the subject again...if we get rid of it first, we won't have to worry about it. Plus, we reduce the chance of it wrecking its fur any more than it already has."
"So, strategy! Woohoo!"
"Yes, strategy. ...Woohoo." And the first part of that strategy involved the slight risk of sending over a chip. "Here, as long as you use it quickly, I doubt it'll be able to steal it from you...BattleChip, Shotgun! Slot in!"
An extra bolt formed in the huntress's quiver, which she quickly grabbed and prepped into her weapon of choice. She took a moment to aim, but not too long...she wanted it to penetrate the Bandcoon, not her. With the firing mechanism activated, it launched forward, headed straight for...the stalagmite separating the two virtual beings. Fortunately, this wasn't simply her having a brain lapse, as upon hitting the rock chunk, it would sail right on through, and if her aim was true, sail right into the virus. Unless she aimed way too high, in which case it'd hit that Mystery, no! Bad thoughts! Go away!
"Guess that means it's time to get up close and personal!" HunterWoman found herself trading weapons, returning her crossbow to her back as she reached over and grabbed her knife from her boot. She traded it to her other hand, and started racing over to the (hopefully) weakened virus. As she approached it, she lunged forward with a mighty yet probably less than intimidating "Staaaaab!", and swiped at it with her blade. And if she had missed with either attack, that would be that. But if it was the killing blow, she would suddenly begin repeatedly slicing it faster than her operator's eye could see, pulling out some of the seemingly useful bits from the virus before it had the chance to dissipate. Especially the pelt. Had to get the pelt. Who killed a raccoon without at least taking the pelt? After all, you could always fit it into a nifty hat. And who was against nifty hats? Losers, that's who.
She noted that her operator wasn't making any sort of comment about what to do next...even as she just stood there. Maybe she was just taking stock of the situation? Hmm. Maybe she should try it. Let's see, how was everything...
[Order of Turn:
ShotgunDamage: 50 + Spread 1
Accuracy: A
Description: A gun whose shot penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: E on Tall Stalagmite (Spread Target: Bandcoon)
2-Carving Knife sig attack on Bandcoon (40, Slashing)
"...You've been walking for maybe 30 seconds. Counting this conversation."
"Really? Feels more like 30 minutes to me. Sure you're not messing with me?"
"Trust me, I'd have spoken up well before 30 minutes."
"Hmm..." HunterWoman stopped and pondered the last statement for a moment, but something shiny caught her shiny things often did. Especially when the shininess was a specific shade of green. "Hey, check it out! Mystery Data! The shininess that keeps on shinin'!"
"...Really? Not even going to notice the viruses hanging around?"
"The viruses...? ...Oh, right. Hey look, we've got bats! And spiders! And...raccoon skeletons? That's just weird. Like, 'why would anyone even think about programming this' weird."
"It's just a raccoon painted to look like a skeleton, by the looks of it."
"Paint...? Aw man! That'll totally ruin the pelt! Wait, it's rolling around in the mud, too? Yeesh, I'm not sure it'd even be worth skinning if I wanted...I mean, paint, mud, for all I know there's other mysterious fluids on it, too. Like chocolate milk. Or semen. Or iced tea!"
"...I REALLY doubt those latter things are around here..."
"Hey, milk and semen and tea leaves totally exist in nature!"
"Not quite what I was getting at, but whatever..."
"Shoot, with the right reprogramming, I could make any of those things!"
"Aaaaand I'm changing the subject before this conversation enters a black hole of ick. Viruses. Shoot them. And we may as well see if we can get that pelt. We won't know for sure if it's good or not until we get it."
"Well, you're the boss!" The Navi quickly reached back, grabbed her crossbow attachment, and allowed it to combine with her forearm. "So, who gets arrowed first?"
"I remember reading about Bandcoon once. As I recall, it's capable of stealing an opponent's chip data, then using it for itself. That should be our top focus, I think."
"So it could arrow me instead?! I don't like wooden things in me! ...Except for at least one area. And even then, I don't want anything sharp in there!"
"Changing the subject again...if we get rid of it first, we won't have to worry about it. Plus, we reduce the chance of it wrecking its fur any more than it already has."
"So, strategy! Woohoo!"
"Yes, strategy. ...Woohoo." And the first part of that strategy involved the slight risk of sending over a chip. "Here, as long as you use it quickly, I doubt it'll be able to steal it from you...BattleChip, Shotgun! Slot in!"
An extra bolt formed in the huntress's quiver, which she quickly grabbed and prepped into her weapon of choice. She took a moment to aim, but not too long...she wanted it to penetrate the Bandcoon, not her. With the firing mechanism activated, it launched forward, headed straight for...the stalagmite separating the two virtual beings. Fortunately, this wasn't simply her having a brain lapse, as upon hitting the rock chunk, it would sail right on through, and if her aim was true, sail right into the virus. Unless she aimed way too high, in which case it'd hit that Mystery, no! Bad thoughts! Go away!
"Guess that means it's time to get up close and personal!" HunterWoman found herself trading weapons, returning her crossbow to her back as she reached over and grabbed her knife from her boot. She traded it to her other hand, and started racing over to the (hopefully) weakened virus. As she approached it, she lunged forward with a mighty yet probably less than intimidating "Staaaaab!", and swiped at it with her blade. And if she had missed with either attack, that would be that. But if it was the killing blow, she would suddenly begin repeatedly slicing it faster than her operator's eye could see, pulling out some of the seemingly useful bits from the virus before it had the chance to dissipate. Especially the pelt. Had to get the pelt. Who killed a raccoon without at least taking the pelt? After all, you could always fit it into a nifty hat. And who was against nifty hats? Losers, that's who.
She noted that her operator wasn't making any sort of comment about what to do next...even as she just stood there. Maybe she was just taking stock of the situation? Hmm. Maybe she should try it. Let's see, how was everything...
[Order of Turn:

Accuracy: A
Description: A gun whose shot penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: E on Tall Stalagmite (Spread Target: Bandcoon)
2-Carving Knife sig attack on Bandcoon (40, Slashing)
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Spotting the prize of the Mystery Data inside the naturally-formed cage, HunterWoman decided to eliminate the closest virus that seemed to be guarding it--the Bandcoon. As she fired the special penetrating bolt towards the masked virus, however, a strange thing happened; the bolt was caught mid-flight by the Bandcoon's tail! It then flung the bolt back at HunterWoman, cleanly stabbing her in her right forearm. Fortunately, however, the bolt's power seemed to have weakened from simply being flung as opposed to firing it through a crossbow. (-16) The grass beneath her feet mitigated the damage slightly (+5), but before she could run at it with her knife, however, the Spider viruses had suddenly appeared in front of her, with one of them producing some sticky-looking webbing in her way. In her rush to attack the Bandcoon, she ran straight through one of them, causing the webbing to latch onto her and painfully tearing away at her as she ran through. (-20) For some reason, it also dried up the mud that she ran through into plain loamy soil.
The other Spidy elected to spit out its webbing behind her, walling off her retreat should she choose to go back the way she came.Thankfully, she did manage to slash at the Bandcoon, eliciting a pained cry from it. This seemed to trigger the remaining bats to attack, with the two flying mammalians screeching out a doubled sonic wave attack towards her, rattling her eardrums and then some. (-30, -30)
-=Costumed Contenders=-
PulseBatPulseBat (PulseBat)
Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 + Seeking
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Uses a sonic screech to damage its opponents.
Secondary Attack Effect: EchoLocation
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a sonic pulse to reveal hidden or illusory targets.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pulsar1, EchoLocation, Zenny.
Special: Airshoes. If PulseBat hits an object, its attack spreads to up to 8 other targets at half damage while dealing full damage to that object. Every other turn, this virus enters High Altitude (dropdown) status and does not attack. A: 80Hp [Over Mud][Left side]
PulseBatPulseBat (PulseBat)
Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 + Seeking
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Uses a sonic screech to damage its opponents.
Secondary Attack Effect: EchoLocation
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a sonic pulse to reveal hidden or illusory targets.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pulsar1, EchoLocation, Zenny.
Special: Airshoes. If PulseBat hits an object, its attack spreads to up to 8 other targets at half damage while dealing full damage to that object. Every other turn, this virus enters High Altitude (dropdown) status and does not attack. B: 80Hp [Over Mud][Right side]
BandcoonBandcoon (Bandcoon)
Bandcoons are gray raccoon-like creatures, around 30 inches in height. They possess black stripes around their body, aside from their short, almost stub-like legs. Their faces are usually unseen, as they're covered in a red mask with string decorations. Their tails are twice as long as their actual bodies, and are usually curved into a question mark shape. At first this may seem like a simple design choice, but the tail is actually prehensile, and Bandcoon cleverly use it to steal chip data from Navis. Bandcoons' speed and small size combine to make them surprisingly difficult to hit while moving, and are even agile enough to turn sharply with little problem. However, if caught standing still, they're practically sitting ducks. However, when they're not using chips, they always prefer to move when possible. Their main tactic is to roll around and confound the enemy with their speed, then move in and swipe them with their tail, using it like a hook to grab data not directly tied to them, namely Battlechips. They can then use it themselves, at reduced power, as a free action. All other effects of the chips still apply, including pre-requisites to use the chip (i.e. Spice still needs Grass terrain, MachineSword still requires that the enemy be stunned). Higher level Bandcoon are aware of such conditions, and will try to satisfy the requirements if at all possible. If the enemy has no Battlechips, Bandcoons get extremely aggravated, and will ram an enemy in anger and desperation. However, they severely dislike doing this, and will only use this attack as a last resort for when they have no chips.
Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Yumland
HP: 60
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Chip Steal + 1/3 Chip Use
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Bandcoon steals a single random chip the opponent has selected this turn. They then use the chip at 1/3 of its normal power, rounded down to the nearest 5. Recovery chips still work at full power.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Impact
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: If Bandcoon cannot steal an attacking chip for any reason, they will instead roll into an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pickpocket (Rare), Zenny
Special: Haste while moving (+10%). Double Slow while standing still (-20%).: 20Hp [Mud][Near MD, in front of HunterWoman]
SpidySpidy (Spider)
Spider viruses attack by setting webs on panels, objects, and other handy surfaces. The webs may even be strung between surfaces, such as blocking doorways. Anything that touches the webs triggers them detaching from whatever surface they were attached to and wrapping around the target. The webs cause a slow effect, as well as dealing damage for every action the target uses to dodge the following turn unless the webs are burned off, cut off, or removed by some other means. Status cure will not remove the webs, or the slow effect they generate. Spiders do not attack directly, and they may lay one panel's worth of webbing each turn for every action they possess. They may lay webs while moving. Spiders are immune to the effects of ANY WhiteWeb attacks, be they generated by Spider viruses or from battlechips. Webbing causes the target to become weak to fire, thus the next fire attack will deal double damage if the webs have not been removed first.
Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Yumland, Netfrica, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Wood + Slow (Web) / 5 Wood (Dodge w/ Web)
Attack Accuracy: C / S
Attack Description: Teleport to enemy and creates spider webs
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WhiteWeb1, Zenny
Special: Webs cause damage when player dodges. A: 80Hp [Soil][Behind HunterWoman]
SpidySpidy (Spider)
Spider viruses attack by setting webs on panels, objects, and other handy surfaces. The webs may even be strung between surfaces, such as blocking doorways. Anything that touches the webs triggers them detaching from whatever surface they were attached to and wrapping around the target. The webs cause a slow effect, as well as dealing damage for every action the target uses to dodge the following turn unless the webs are burned off, cut off, or removed by some other means. Status cure will not remove the webs, or the slow effect they generate. Spiders do not attack directly, and they may lay one panel's worth of webbing each turn for every action they possess. They may lay webs while moving. Spiders are immune to the effects of ANY WhiteWeb attacks, be they generated by Spider viruses or from battlechips. Webbing causes the target to become weak to fire, thus the next fire attack will deal double damage if the webs have not been removed first.
Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Yumland, Netfrica, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Wood + Slow (Web) / 5 Wood (Dodge w/ Web)
Attack Accuracy: C / S
Attack Description: Teleport to enemy and creates spider webs
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WhiteWeb1, Zenny
Special: Webs cause damage when player dodges. B: 80Hp [Soil][Behind HunterWoman]
-=Batty Battler=--
HunterWoman.Exe: 134Hp [Mud][Webbed! -5 Wood/Dodge, Slow1]
-=Spooky Setting=-
55% Mud [Interior of the overhang]
30% Soil [Border at the mud]
15% Grass [Exterior ground]
-=Trapped Treasure=-
GMD: 25 HP
Tall Stalagmite: 40Hp [Anchored]
Thin Stalactite: 20Hp [Anchored]
Jagged Stalactite: 25hp [Anchored]
Webbing: 1x Behind, on Mud
The other Spidy elected to spit out its webbing behind her, walling off her retreat should she choose to go back the way she came.Thankfully, she did manage to slash at the Bandcoon, eliciting a pained cry from it. This seemed to trigger the remaining bats to attack, with the two flying mammalians screeching out a doubled sonic wave attack towards her, rattling her eardrums and then some. (-30, -30)
-=Costumed Contenders=-
PulseBatPulseBat (PulseBat)
Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 + Seeking
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Uses a sonic screech to damage its opponents.
Secondary Attack Effect: EchoLocation
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a sonic pulse to reveal hidden or illusory targets.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pulsar1, EchoLocation, Zenny.
Special: Airshoes. If PulseBat hits an object, its attack spreads to up to 8 other targets at half damage while dealing full damage to that object. Every other turn, this virus enters High Altitude (dropdown) status and does not attack. A: 80Hp [Over Mud][Left side]
PulseBatPulseBat (PulseBat)
Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 + Seeking
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Uses a sonic screech to damage its opponents.
Secondary Attack Effect: EchoLocation
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a sonic pulse to reveal hidden or illusory targets.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pulsar1, EchoLocation, Zenny.
Special: Airshoes. If PulseBat hits an object, its attack spreads to up to 8 other targets at half damage while dealing full damage to that object. Every other turn, this virus enters High Altitude (dropdown) status and does not attack. B: 80Hp [Over Mud][Right side]
BandcoonBandcoon (Bandcoon)
Bandcoons are gray raccoon-like creatures, around 30 inches in height. They possess black stripes around their body, aside from their short, almost stub-like legs. Their faces are usually unseen, as they're covered in a red mask with string decorations. Their tails are twice as long as their actual bodies, and are usually curved into a question mark shape. At first this may seem like a simple design choice, but the tail is actually prehensile, and Bandcoon cleverly use it to steal chip data from Navis. Bandcoons' speed and small size combine to make them surprisingly difficult to hit while moving, and are even agile enough to turn sharply with little problem. However, if caught standing still, they're practically sitting ducks. However, when they're not using chips, they always prefer to move when possible. Their main tactic is to roll around and confound the enemy with their speed, then move in and swipe them with their tail, using it like a hook to grab data not directly tied to them, namely Battlechips. They can then use it themselves, at reduced power, as a free action. All other effects of the chips still apply, including pre-requisites to use the chip (i.e. Spice still needs Grass terrain, MachineSword still requires that the enemy be stunned). Higher level Bandcoon are aware of such conditions, and will try to satisfy the requirements if at all possible. If the enemy has no Battlechips, Bandcoons get extremely aggravated, and will ram an enemy in anger and desperation. However, they severely dislike doing this, and will only use this attack as a last resort for when they have no chips.
Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Yumland
HP: 60
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Chip Steal + 1/3 Chip Use
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Bandcoon steals a single random chip the opponent has selected this turn. They then use the chip at 1/3 of its normal power, rounded down to the nearest 5. Recovery chips still work at full power.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Impact
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: If Bandcoon cannot steal an attacking chip for any reason, they will instead roll into an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pickpocket (Rare), Zenny
Special: Haste while moving (+10%). Double Slow while standing still (-20%).: 20Hp [Mud][Near MD, in front of HunterWoman]
SpidySpidy (Spider)
Spider viruses attack by setting webs on panels, objects, and other handy surfaces. The webs may even be strung between surfaces, such as blocking doorways. Anything that touches the webs triggers them detaching from whatever surface they were attached to and wrapping around the target. The webs cause a slow effect, as well as dealing damage for every action the target uses to dodge the following turn unless the webs are burned off, cut off, or removed by some other means. Status cure will not remove the webs, or the slow effect they generate. Spiders do not attack directly, and they may lay one panel's worth of webbing each turn for every action they possess. They may lay webs while moving. Spiders are immune to the effects of ANY WhiteWeb attacks, be they generated by Spider viruses or from battlechips. Webbing causes the target to become weak to fire, thus the next fire attack will deal double damage if the webs have not been removed first.
Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Yumland, Netfrica, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Wood + Slow (Web) / 5 Wood (Dodge w/ Web)
Attack Accuracy: C / S
Attack Description: Teleport to enemy and creates spider webs
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WhiteWeb1, Zenny
Special: Webs cause damage when player dodges. A: 80Hp [Soil][Behind HunterWoman]
SpidySpidy (Spider)
Spider viruses attack by setting webs on panels, objects, and other handy surfaces. The webs may even be strung between surfaces, such as blocking doorways. Anything that touches the webs triggers them detaching from whatever surface they were attached to and wrapping around the target. The webs cause a slow effect, as well as dealing damage for every action the target uses to dodge the following turn unless the webs are burned off, cut off, or removed by some other means. Status cure will not remove the webs, or the slow effect they generate. Spiders do not attack directly, and they may lay one panel's worth of webbing each turn for every action they possess. They may lay webs while moving. Spiders are immune to the effects of ANY WhiteWeb attacks, be they generated by Spider viruses or from battlechips. Webbing causes the target to become weak to fire, thus the next fire attack will deal double damage if the webs have not been removed first.
Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Yumland, Netfrica, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Wood + Slow (Web) / 5 Wood (Dodge w/ Web)
Attack Accuracy: C / S
Attack Description: Teleport to enemy and creates spider webs
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WhiteWeb1, Zenny
Special: Webs cause damage when player dodges. B: 80Hp [Soil][Behind HunterWoman]
-=Batty Battler=--
HunterWoman.Exe: 134Hp [Mud][Webbed! -5 Wood/Dodge, Slow1]
-=Spooky Setting=-
55% Mud [Interior of the overhang]
30% Soil [Border at the mud]
15% Grass [Exterior ground]
-=Trapped Treasure=-
GMD: 25 HP
Tall Stalagmite: 40Hp [Anchored]
Thin Stalactite: 20Hp [Anchored]
Jagged Stalactite: 25hp [Anchored]
Webbing: 1x Behind, on Mud