Infiltrate the Party in the Sky

Though Aera started to speed off with Skywriter in tow, she still heard Zazz's declaration of the SP being her "date" if they cross paths again. The idea didn't immediately perturb her, the innocent term coupled with Zazz's attitude was actually quite sweet. A small grin grew on Aera's face before Skywriter exclaimed in protest of her own ability to fly. "Right, don't fall behind!" Aera responded after she gently released her arm to let the Navi move under her own power.

After firing a scrambling AirShot at the mob trying to pile down the stairwell, Mach too departed, hearing Zazz reiterate her desire to meet back up with Aera. Maybe the SP laid on the charm a bit too thick? Dealing with that had to be put off till later, maybe when the situation significantly calmed down. He cruised down the darkened hallway after his SPs, who in turn were following DragonierMan past the doorway. They had to wait a moment for DragonierMan to open the hatch, but soon enough they leaped from the empty shuttle dock into the open sky, their respective propulsion systems allowed them to stream in a couple dozen feet behind their ally's much larger dragon form. ["Mach, Vector and Aera are airborne, following DragonierMan and his crew. Stay on present course and you'll see the exit,"] Mazer advised, updating his Navi on the situation from his "elevated" view of the battlefield.

"Copy," He responded before he then addressed his SPs via their program to program link. [[i]"You two stay with DragonierMan and keep an eye out for our comrades and targets, I'll catch up."[/i]] Both Vector and Aera had been looking back just prior to receiving the message, wondering why their Navi wasn't hot on their heels. Reassured by his update, they cruised past the burning airship to get a better idea of what was going on. Though they'd heard Gala's "APB" call out to hunt down their group, the burning airship likely drew more attention to itself than anything else, and any occupants unfortunate enough to still be onboard were likely fixated on something other than two dark-dressed programs flying through the equally dark sky. That said, Gala called out Zazz specifically to seek them out, which left Aera somewhat concerned. Zazz's friendliness could still be a front, reminding the SP she still couldn't be fully trusted.

Back on the rear airship, Mach heard a commotion coming from one of the rooms relatively close to the exit, and zipped past just as the door burst open. His wings splayed outwards to act as a pair of spoilers to effectively halt Mach's forward momentum before the folded back down, allowing him to rotate in place to face towards the noise. Mach thought he heard a familiar name uttered by an even more familiar, and distinctive, voice. A Navi burst from the room in apparent panic, which Mach quickly concluded was indeed PantheonMan, from his previous encounter in Hera's Fortune. The previously imposing Navi that left Mach significantly intimidated in the casino now looked like a frightened child after a night terror, who visibly flinched when he realized Mach was looking back at him. [[i]My my, not so tough when the women bite back hm?[/i]] Mach thought to himself with a smirk hidden under his mask. Mach tucked his wings tightly behind his back as he touched down lightly to the floor, then calmly stepped to the wall nearest the now open doorway to keep himself out of view.

Looking completely calm and collected compared to the disheveled womanizer, he heard PantheonMan's bargaining plea, offering up his girlfriend as payment for protection from Pest. ["Classy."] Mazer's voice chimed in through Mach's ear pylons. He too thought the same, and though the idea of blackmailing the Navi seemed appropriate to take him down a few notches, it wasn't exactly his style either. He also wanted to be rid of the Navi, any further exposure may risk him being recognized as "Lucky Master" once more. Though he was presently in a sorry state, Mach assumed PantheonMan would be able to capitalize on that realization and possibly undue the success gained from that "tryout" mission. Mach waved him off, gesturing back down the hallway towards the stairwell (and away from the true exit) as he spoke in a curt voice, avoiding the smooth confidence he previously used as "Lucky." "Go, I'll handle that 'big scary bug' for you." His statement was punctuated in sarcasm, he had to make at least one outward jab.

If PantheonMan didn't turn tail and run, Mach would've waved him off again. If he still didn't budge, hopefully the introduction of a primed twin beam cannon pointing in his direction would give him suitable motivation to bugger off. Hopefully with the Navi departing, he used the chance to make a quick evaluation of the situation down the hall. If chaos was hot on his heels, he would've slammed the door shut to hopefully secure Pest in the room then bolt through the exit doorway and out the shuttle hatch. If there was enough time, however, Mach wanted to somehow attempt to secure Pest while he had her located. A quick peek in the doorway confirmed her presence in the room, thanks to the glowing red compound eyes of her mask. Though he made fun of PantheonMan for his cowardly retreat, Pest wasn't a pushover, so Mach raised his energy shields before he stepped into the doorway. "Hello Pest. Care to join me?" he asked plainly to the Navi, mostly to catch her attention. Before giving her time to react, he slipped back out of the doorway, hoping to draw her out. He hopped several feet back and stood near the center of the hallway as he focused on the doorway. He would normally hug the wall, but he didn't want to suddenly find out she could drive her needle-like mask through walls.

Mach had two plans for when she appeared. If she appeared to be somewhat lucid and not outwardly hostile, like Vee, he would try to lead her outside, while keeping a healthy distance ahead of her in case she got hungry. If she swarmed out the door like a pissed off hornet, Mach would've rocketed forward to meet her head-on, and attempt to tackle or knock the Navi out of the air. If he could get an arm or two over her back he hoped to disrupt her wings and ground her, which may allow him to grab her from behind to pin her wings against his chest. He hoped if his arms were situated high enough on the small Navi's body, her proboscis would be too long to stab his arms or hands, and she wouldn't be able to turn her head around enough to stab other parts of his body. If he had the chance; however, he would've tried to slide his forearm down over her face, so he could possibly pin the needle down vertically against her chest. "Calm down, I'm taking you where there are plenty of tasty Navis for you to try, don't you worry," he said in an attempt to coax or placate the Navi before leading or physically carrying her out of the airship.
DragonierMan and crew had managed to get out of the rear airship and into the open sky. Drago showed off his giant dragon... form. Within minutes of spreading his wings, the crew had passed the middle airship and came to hover near the lead airship. Seeing only one way in from this side, and not a reasonable one to squeeze a large dragon and four riders in, Drago instead beat the air and swept around to the other side. Circling as he looked for a better way in.

This also allowed Aera, Skywriter, and Vector to catch up.

Drago needed to find a way in that was not clogged with fire and debris due to all those explosions. If he managed to find a suitable large opening that wasn't also on fire, he would dive through the breach, letting off his charges and then assume humanoid form. If he couldn't find a good entry point, he would instead have to fight fire with fire. Unhinging his jaw like a snake, energy swelled deep within him. It traveled up his neck and collected behind his tongue. And with a breath of wintery cold, he unleashed a Blizzard2 at the nearest burning opening in the blimp. Hoping to extinguish the flames with biting, stinging sleet. If that wasn't enough, then he would turn around and raise his tail toward the blimp, feeding it the DrillArm1 data and turning it into a boring corkscrew. Thrusting his tail into the airship's armor, he would make his own way in.

Meanwhile, Aya was trying to hold onto Vee, who was heating up and squirming. One of Aya's hands strayed to Vee's chest and gave her a squeeze. Hopefully, the shock of a sexual caress would cause Vee to stop squirming for a moment and calm down. Aya cursed silently that she didn't have cold water to dump on Vee to cool her off. Also, glancing at her sister Suzume, Aya cursed that she had to hold onto what amounted to a dog in heat, while her sister got the compliant one.
"Sure, man," the dark-skinned navi replied to Mach, looking somewhat incredulous now that he was being made fun of, as though trying to consider how to handle this on his own. The gun worked, though, and he immediately ran off down the hallway, showing off more of his admittedly well-sculpted man-ass than Machman had likely wanted to see.

MachMan proceeded inside PantheonMan's dark room cautiously, then called out to Pest. The navi turned the compound eyes of her mask to the squad leader in acknowledgement, then tilted her head slightly. "Bzzzz, MachMan! Hello?" she called out after him, as if wondering why he was withdrawing from her. Her wings flittered lightly for a moment, creating a noise proportional to her own size relative to that of a regularly sized fly, before she suddenly shot forward and out the door, floating into the hallway at great speed. With that in mind, she didn't exactly seem to be reacting to the drug the same way Vee had, and MachMan would be forced to go with option #2.

Getting the jump on her and wrapping her arms turned out to be surprisingly simple; her head, with its pig-tails and, more importantly, giant needle, began to thrash around violently as she tried to flap her wings. "Bzzzzz! BZZZZZzzzzzz... Oh, Boss! I-It's me, Pest!" she informed him, as if worried he wasn't recognizing her. In his arms, she squirmed bashfully, rubbing against the elbows he'd hooked under her arms. "I'm calm! I was just excited... I was about to drain PantheonMan of his energy. He's one of the big-wigs in the Mafia Bzzzzz-Bloodhounds Family, so I figured he must have some big power... But when I got the tip into him, he panicked and backed out. I didn't expect him to be so squeamish... or so weak! The data I did get wasn't nearly as high quality as I expected..."

She had stopped thrashing around and appeared to be in a reasonable state, despite Skywriter's assertion that Pest had eaten some of the tainted cake earlier. "Sorry I flew off during the orientation... I spotted PantheonMan on my way in and then I knew, I just knew, that I had to drain his energy! I'll be so much more help to the mission, bzzzz, and to the shogun in general if I can just get a taste of his power!... Or so I thought, bzzz..." she sighed, apparently more than a little disappointed. "You're powerful, though, Boss," she commented in a quiet voice, upsettingly a bit reminiscent of Vee's from earlier. "Can you let me drain a little bit of yours? Just so I can help more in this mission, bzzzz?" The long needle on her face twitched ominously as MachMan carried her towards the end of the hallway.


Amazingly, squeezing Vee's boobs was somehow not doing much to calm her, causing her instead to wiggle again and turn her eyes up to Aya. She spoke some more quiet words, undoubtedly dripping with lewd intentions, but it was impossible to make them out from the combination of her low volume and the noise of the wind whipping around the group as DragonierMan flew. Flambe, in the mean time, was closing her eyes and shivering now, clearly ready to be off of the dragon's back before she found herself vomiting.

After a quick circling of the ship, DragonierMan was unable to find any perfect entrances. The good news was that his icy breath would allow him a way to land in an otherwise dangerous, fiery area of the ship, where other people would likely have evacuated already. He found such an area, about halfway through the ship, and unleashed a blast of cold air that snuffed the fires raging inside (whether it did damage to others inside was difficult to tell). He then entered through the opening in the ship's shield, with Aera, Vector, and Skywriter close behind.

The inside of the part of the ship where DragonierMan had entered was truly a mess; undoubtedly, someone had opened the shield to try to save themselves or create an exit, because the fires had burned whatever the room had been into a single tone of black and gray, ashy destruction. One might wonder why so much of the damage was associated with fire as well. If there was a door to this room, it had since been unhinged or removed, and the opening revealed a hallway stained with the same signs of fire damage. Only the area directly outside the room was so bad, however; the rest opened up to a high-ceiling hallway, well-lit with chandeliers above.

They wouldn't be able to peek out too far, though; gray figures were patrolling the hallways in large quantities, although these wore bow-ties and carried plates of drinks and snacks instead of chisels or hammers. The good news was that their next destination seemed fairly straightforward: a large set of double doors hung open down the hall, though it was difficult to see inside from this angle. Gala, if not necessarily Kismet, could certainly be found that way. "It's going to be hard to get through there if we all go as a group... Maybe it would be best for the fastest and quietest of us to try to sneak in while the rest stay back for now? At least until we figure out what's inside. You're in command for now, though, DragonierMan, so I'll do what you say," Skywriter offered. It looked like it would probably be possible to sneak past the guards if one was quick and silent.

"I'm a ninja, so I'm perfect for the job... But I need motivation to do my best work," Vee suggested, glancing towards DragonierMan again with obvious intent. All things considered, ninja or not, it was probably best not to rely on Vee for now.

"I-I'm fine staying here," Flambe pitched in, still trying to recover her legs after the dizzying dragon ride.

Worth noting: there were no tv screens in this area to watch Gala on, and furthermore, her voice was now an unintelligible him outside the ship. Hopefully she wasn't sending anyone to deal with them at this very moment. Also notably, just across the hall, sounds of huge explosions were coming from being one of the doors, which may be better left uninvestigated.
DragonierMan took a moment to assess the situation, looking at all the possibilities and potential resources at his disposal. Eventually he spoke. "Aya, Suzume, stealth mode." With that command given, the two girls shed their armor in a burst of data, leaving them in their tight ninja outfits. He turned to Skywriter, "You will join them. At the first sight of real trouble, you will use a smokescreen to conceal your retreat." He placed his hands on his girls' shoulders. "Keep her safe and stay together. We are a team and we are reaching our goal. I want no mistakes. Now go." Suzume waved Skywriter to follow as the twins moved to flank the doorway, looking out down the hallway in both directions. They watched the patrols until they saw an opening, then they dashed for the large set of double doors that hung open down the hall.

This left Drago with a horny Vee, a shaken Flambe, an energetic Aera, and a stoic Vector. "So you followed me here instead of staying with MachMan? Did something happen to him?" Drago's questioned the two SPs. However, he didn't show any concern. Either he thought that Mach could handle whatever was thrown at him, or he didn't care. "Well, I don't know what you can or can't do, so I'll leave your next actions up to you. However, if you can figure out where the security office is, assuming this airship has one, disabling their view-screens will make the eventual extraction easier."

He turned to Flambe. "I suggest you stay here. More than likely they won't find you in this room. Or find a nearby room that you can hide in. Another option is to stay with these two if they move out," he suggested pointing to Aera and Vector. "Who knows? You might even see Aroma on this ship."

He then turned to Vee, reaching down to throw her over his shoulder, and give her a soft slap on the ass. "As for you, we'll need to find an unoccupied room." He grinned with his sharp fangs as he looked down the hallways until he saw they were clear. Then he tried to quickly locate an unlocked, unoccupied room to have sexy times with the General. If there were any view-screens in the room, he would either turn them away or smash them with ranged buster shots before they could see him. After that he tossed Vee on the bed, or couch, or chair, or lay her on the carpet, or whatever.

"Now my beautiful General. Your loyal Subordinate is here to serve you well and give you the reward you were seeking for all your hard work. Just lay back and let me take care of everything."


Needless to say, unless something stopped or interrupted them, the two Neo-Shogunites would soon join the chorus of lovemaking around them. Tearing each others' clothes off and going to town on each other in lustful abandonment. Drago, though heated and dominant in his dealings, focused this time more on lavishing his attentions almost entirely on the petite General than on his own direct pleasure. He would slake his lust regardless by the end. But he was going to ingrain his lustful appetite deep within Vee's mind and body. He would make her remember what he could do for her for all time.
Though Pest's abrupt approach prompted him to physically restrain the Navi, she seemed to calm down quickly. In fact, her mental state seemed almost normal, but her insistence on calling Mach "Boss" raised several red flags in his mind. Her request to drain some of his energy reminded him of Vee, further solidifying his assumption she too was infected, regardless of her alleged reasons for going AWOL. "Not the best idea, Pest..." Even if she weren't under Piper's effects, giving an already agile data vampire a taste of a Speed Navi's energy seemed unpredictable and dangerous.

Still holding her against his chest to keep her wings and needle-tipped mask at bay, he kicked off and went airborne before he picked up a decent pace to glide past the doorway. Hopefully the shuttle hatch was still open, so he could simply jet out of the airship into the open sky before pouring on the speed to catch up to his comrades. Speaking of which, he sent a message to his SPs to update them on the situation. [[i]"Pestilence secured, enroute to your location."[/i]]

Aera and Vector stood just inside the freshly extinguished area behind the damaged shield as the received Mach's message. [[i]"Understood, is Pest alright?"]][/i] Aera responded, while Vector responded to DragonierMan's question as his SPs dashed away in an attempt to infiltrate. "MachMan secured one of the missing squadron members, and is on his way here." They then listened to their ally's suggestion for further action, namely to potentially find a security control room to potentially "blind" Gala's surveillance in the ship. There was a visible lack of screens in the hallway, and the murder-inclined Navi's voice seemed muted, but she could still have eyes within the ship's halls.

[[i]"She seems alright, but likely infected like the others,"[/i]] Mach replied to Aera's inquiry on their squadron-mate's condition. He kept his speed relatively high to reach the lead airship quickly, but not so much to cause him unneeded strain to keep Pest in his grip. "We're about to reach the lead ship. If you can behave yourself, I'll let you go on one condition: No draining me or our allies. If I point out an enemy, you can engage as you wish. Deal?" Though there was a risk letting Pest free, keeping her restrained would only further encumber their efforts, and she seemed lucid enough to function. Her abilities could also prove useful if they were attacked, she could at least pin down a foe to allow the rest to focus on others. If she refused or showed signs of betrayal, he would just have to toss her in a room and somehow lock her in to be retrieved later.

He met back up with his group, touching down and folding his wings down tightly against his back. If Pest agreed to his demands, he would then identify the programs amongst them as allies before releasing her. However, it was likely Aya, Suzume, Skywriter, DragonierMan, and Vee weren't present. "Hm, they already move on?" Aera approached while Vector stood by next to Flambe, cautiously scanning the area. "Yes, Aya, Suzume, and Skywriter went ahead to try sneaking further into the ship. DragonierMan and Vee... they're over there," Aera said as she pointed her thumb over her shoulder to a now closed door, slightly rolling her eyes. "Don't ask... Hello Pest, nice to see you again." She smiled at their ally, put kept a safe distance. She looked back to see if there were any additional updates, then realized she'd entirely forgotten the new addition to their crew. "Oh, this is Flambe! She was catered for this event and looking for a NP Navi named Aroma. She believes her to be somehow caught up in this mess. In the meantime, we can move on and try to find our targets, or possibly a control room to degrade Gala's ability to track us." Aera's tone was friendly, but when mentioning Flambe's catering of the event, her eyes locked on to Mach's for a very brief moment. Mach noticed immediately, and the subtle expression on her face clued him in on what she was thinking: the meek-looking Navi could've been involved with the cake, so she's still a wildcard.

Mach nodded and glanced about, trying to figure their next steps before greeting Flambe. "Hello, didn't have time for introductions back there, I'm Mach. We'll try to help out best we can." He peeked around the corner, and saw the hallways were being actively patrolled, and possibly saw Skywriter with DragonierMan's SPs attempting to sneak past. It didn't appear there were any other paths other than down the hallway and past the double doors, and it looked like the trio were already attempting to infiltrate. Trying to send others would likely draw too much attention... Maybe there were additional avenues to pursue. "You four stand by here; fall back if things get out of hand. I'm going to see if there are any other ways to get in."

His SPs nodded in acknowledgement, prompting him to hop back and out into the open air. His body paused in the air as his wings snapped outwards, then he shot upwards and out of sight. He began to cruise over the exterior of the ship, trying to find an entrance. Remembering the partially opened cargo hold, memorable due to partially exposed shuttle caught in the door like an animal in a trap, he made it a point to head that direction. "Mazer, have the Invis chip on standby, I might need some stealth for this," he advised his operator. Mazer already had his chip magazine in arms reach, and popped the requested chip out before placing it on the desk next to the PET. ["Good call, let me know when you nead it,"] he responded quickly, ready to upload when needed.

He began to slow down as he approached the cargo hold, the explosions echoing from inside becoming louder. Nearly coming to a stop, he tried to grab hold of the ship's exterior, using his propulsion system to keep him neutrally buoyant in the air, like an astronaut floating about a spacecraft in zero gravity. This allowed him to take a quick peek inside, to evaluate the situation inside, and hopefully find the source of the explosions inside. He had a lingering suspicion of who would likely be causing them, but he still had to confirm.[/i]
"Aww! Bzzzzz..." Pest sighed, seeming to lose some of her energy. She allowed herself to be carried for a while before starting to speak again. "Um... A-Are you going to keep restraining me? I won't try anything," she informed him, trying to remain still to show she meant it. "I was just a little over-excited because I thought I was going to get to drain energy from someone powerful... I haven't drained anything for a while, is all, bzzz. I was going to eat some cake earlier to get my energy up, but I had my needle in it and then Roc started going crazy. I got up and tried to follow her out the room, but she was moving too fast and things were a little chaotic. That's when I saw PantheonMan and went for him, bzzzz! But it turned out to be a big disappointment..."

To Pest's delight, MachMan offered her an end to the awkward hug from behind, once they had entered the open air and MachMan understood that they both needed to move more quickly than they could with him holding her. "Understood!" she announced, giving a quick salute and seeming pleased to be able to flap her wings againg. "I'm right behind you, Bozzzz! Er, Boss!" It seemed she'd keep her word not to drain him, at least for now, as she kept close behind.

By the time he reunited with the others, Aya, Suzume, and Skywriter had left the room, headed out to continue the mission, while DragonierMan and Vee had exited to do something undoubtedly mission related elsewhere. The only ones left to meet him were his two SPs and Flambe, to whom he had not yet been introduced. "H-Hello... I'm Flambe. It's good to meet you! I-I think... Er, it m-might be best if I stay with you folks after all," she murmured, realizing that she'd feel less safe staying here on her own than being surrounded by others, even if they were doing something dangerous. MachMan, however, announced his intent to go out and recon alone; Flambe nodded, thinking she'd be safe with the protection of three other Neo-Shogun faction members.

Rather than braving the halls and their constant patrolmen, he decided it would be useful to scope out the ship from another vantage point. MachMan reached the main entrance to the ship easily enough, finding that the door was still jammed and the way in thus open. As it turned out, if he wanted to proceed inside, an invis chip could be useful; there were all sorts of unidentified navis fighting Gala's gray servants on the cargo bay. The mafia forces appeared to be led by a tan woman in a red, Electopian taiko drummer's outfit, including a long-sleeved, red upper robe and matching shorts with a tall, black cloth hat. She wore no shoes nor gloves, with those being lightly wrapped instead in white tape, but she wear a black bodysuit under the ensemble. Currently, she was occupied using her taiko sticks to beat on one of the gray goons, who guarded himself with his meaty arms, but not particularly effectively, as he was too slow to shift position and avoid the strikes. "Keep fighting! Any Bloodhound who abandons the battle is going to answer to me!" she called out loudly, although those fighting seemed to have no intention of retreating, despite the losses on either side. "We'll rendezvous with PantheonMan further inside the ship once we're through!"

MachMan couldn't just trust every mafioso he met, of course. Rather than joining the fight, it might be wiser to use stealth and proceed to the other side of the bay, where a set of doors was waiting. On the other hand, he could always tip the scales on one side or the other by lending his support.


Inside the guarded hallway, Aya, Suzume, and Skywriter proceeded silently towards the open doorway where they assumed Gala might be waiting. Skywriter was good at being quiet, but not at timing her movements to avoid guards, so she instead kept as close behind the other two as she could and followed their movements. Ultimately, the three reached the next room without incident.

The results were promising: what waited inside was the very large-scale bath that had appeared on the monitors earlier, although its only occupant was Gala. She smiled to them and waved upon spotting them, which was relatively unavoidable given the way they had to enter the room. Fortunately, there were no other guards stationed in the room. In fact, the only other occupant was tied to a chair... A figure in a tight, blue, latex suit with a darker colored hood over the ensemble, as well as gloves and boots, had been restrained to the chair, which looked as though it was probably brought in from another room. Her hair was green with two puffed tails sticking out from either side and her face was curled into a snarling frown. The combination of her unfriendly expression and her underdeveloped figure, along with her pale skin, would make it hard for her to come off as particularly attractive. Despite her countenance, she remained quiet, even as the others entered.

"Bravo, bravo! Well done, girls, making it so far! I wondered who would be the first to make it here to me, and here you are!" Gala cheered from inside the bath, raising a glass of wine to celebrate the arrival of the three. "You simply must let me pour you a glass, to celebrate!" She took a sip herself from her own cup, then placed it aside, in a row with give other crystal glasses. "Regardless, I never expected outsiders would infiltrate and win my little game unannounced. What an exciting conclusion! As per the rules, however, you have succeeded. For your reward, as promised to all participants, the winner will be allowed to choose any navi on this ship and call them here for unrestricted sexual relations at their leisure! Who do you three have in mind?"

Skywriter looked offended and stepped forward. "What a horrible game! Aren't these your own allies?!" she questioned, gesturing towards the one who was tied up.

A mad grin spread across Gala's face; the lack of malice in it somehow made it all the more eerie. "Of course! We're mafioso, though, my dear. You should understand that unrestricted violence, amoral behavior, and sex are exactly what we crave! I'm just livening up the party, dears!" She laughed again, covering the side of her mouth with one hand and looking genuinely insane. "Hoooohohoho! So splendid! This is what we all crave, is it not, whether we admit it to ourselves or if we don't! To live out our fantasies! To stick and be stuck by partners we'd never dreamed of, strangers we've never known, authority figures who've always looked down on us! Don't you think it's so exciting to participate in? Even to watch? I've seen commander screw with soldier, policeman with mafia, stranger with stranger! Husband break wedlock, moralist break morals! Oh, it sends shivers down my spine, the utter craziness of it all!"

Regardless of how messed up their "prize" was, the Neo-Shogun group might be able to use the reward to their advantage, if Gala was indeed capable of calling anyone here and didn't intend to interfere with them. On the other hand, it might be worth taking this moment to silence Gala once and for all; she deserved no less, and doing so would perhaps neutralize the threat of her men as well across all ships. Skywriter spoke up, offering her own decision: "call off all of your men and end the disease, all of it!"

"Nope!" Gala chuckled, then took another sip of her wine. "That's not really what I offered, dear. Care to name someone you'd like to fool around with, instead?" It looked like it would be difficult or impossible to reason with the hostess. "Besides, the disease isn't really my doing in the first place. I'm merely taking advantage! You're barking up the wrong tree, I'm afraid."


Unfortunately, as screwed up as that situation was, there was another equally screwed up: DragonierMan, having waited long enough, had carried Vee into the unoccupied, thoroughly scorched next room over. It didn't have great atmosphere, but it appeared to have a flat surface that may have once been an office desk, and that was all he needed. Like the other room he'd just left, there was no TV screen to interrupt them with Gala's chatter. "It's finally time... now..." Vee murmured, dropping the mask from her face again while she lay upon the desk, breathing heavily. "[/i]Haiyaku...[/i]"

DragonierMan had no intention of going slowly in the first place. It was clear that Vee wasn't going to be much use in fully disrobing him; while he went to work, tearing off first her sash and then the thin ninja garb she wore over her undersuit, she made herself useful and helped out by getting DragonierMan's ready instrument back out of its casing. She sighed with a bashful expression as he rent apart her undersuit, that being easily the fastest way to remove it, compared to stretching it at the neck and having her step out of it. When he was done, all that remained was a set of yellow bra and panties, simple in design with faint, textured stripes down the surface of the fabric, although there was little work for the bra to do. With her clothes off, it was apparent that her chest was padded if anything, but if he'd gotten this far, he probably wasn't worried about that. Black skinsuit fabric still clung to her legs and arms, but neither of them was concerned with it.

Whether he wished to tear those off as well, displace them, or simply edge it aside enough to insert himself, Vee would offer no resistance. As a matter of fact, perhaps predictably, she was already rather wet with anticipation, which would likely be a source of embarrassment if she was not inebriated with the drug (then again, her wetness might not be the case at all, if it weren't for the drug). Wanting to make this a good experience for the general, or at least for her whacked out current self, he took the time to make sure she was properly ready before inserting. A telltale trace of color soon afterward would confirm what she'd said earlier about lacking the experience of the other generals in the Neo-Shogun's army. Her face tensed with pain momentarily, seeming especially red from the combination of arousal and momentary discomfort, not to mention naked in general without its usual mask. She made a stuttery comment about how he was probably too big for her, which could very well be true given the size difference, or could simply be something a lot of people felt during their first time.

Now having her to hold and entertain himself however he wished, DragonierMan could either continue to completion or think the better of taking Vee's first time and pull out. Regardless, unless either of MachMan's SPs or Flambe from the next room over intruded upon them, the two would have their privacy. There was also a good chance that his SPs would communicate with him again shortly, ruining the mood, however.

Surprisingly, the first interruption came from none of those sources; instead, DragonierMan received an unexpected communication in the form of a message.

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This is Yasu. How is the situation progressing? Have not received communication from you or any of the others in some time. I'm sure the situation is well in hand, but I would like a progress report when you have time. Did you rendezvous with Vee?
DragonierMan paused for a moment and put his hand to his ear, sending a reply.

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We have met up with Vee and MachMan's squadron. Have encountered resistance. Target not on rear airship. Currently infiltrating the lead airship where the target is supposed to be. Will contact you after operation is over as it is currently not safe to talk. Over and out.

After Drago ended the call, he silenced his line to outside communication, except for the other members of his infiltration group. He then proceeded to lean down and seal his lips to Vee's before driving himself into her and claiming her first time. Silencing any outburst she made while he began to work their hips in concert. He also reached down and grasped at her chest with his big, strong hands. Playing with her as he went. One hand even reaching down to play with the junction between her legs as he gave her a steady pounding.


Suzume and Aya gave each other a glance before Suzume put her hand on Skywriter's shoulder to hold her back reassuringly as Aya stepped forward, "You say that we won the game and that we can choose to ask one individual up here. I assume that is one for each of us? If so, then we wish for the following people: Aroma, Piper, and Kismet." Suzume leaned in and whispered in Skywriter's ear. "Contact MachMan and the others, tell them we found Gala and give our coordinates. But be subtle, don't show Gala what you are doing."
Mach's peek into the cargo hold revealed a battle taking place, between a group of Navis and a swarm of Gala's goons, and they appeared to be in a deadlock. He partially expected to see Roc in the mix, or even the one attacking the group, but alas the last member of his fledgling squadron was still MIA. The Navis were holding their own, and spurred on by woman dressed in red, traditional electopia-styled clothing. Her style seemed almost akin to the NS, but her bellows of allegiance to the Bloodhound family firmly planted her position as one of the NetMafia's numbers. She also mentioned their attempted rendezvous with PantheonMan, who was one airship behind. [[i]Good luck with that...[/i]] Mach interjected in his mind.

He could move in to join the Navis to beat back Gala's thralls, but they were already identified as Mafioso, and they didn't appear to be fighting a losing battle. In fact, Mach deemed it advantageous for these potential threats to be locked in conflict while he and his group could operate unimpeded. [[i]"Send it, sir,"[/i]] he requested of his NetOP. Mazer, already primed by Mach's advisory, had the chip at the ready and slotted it in with impressive quickness. After sending the chip to his Navi's battle program cache, Mazer had a quick flash of self awareness regarding the speed with which he employed the chips in his clip. His Navi kept him in good practice, and the action now seemed ingrained in muscle memory, so much so he was certain he didn't give the chip 'slot-in' port even a quick glance.

Mach activated the chip as soon as he received the upload signal, and looked down at his right forearm to confirm its effects. Within moments his hand and forearm seemed to disappear one square pixel at a time, leaving him entirely undetectable by visual sensors. Keeping his anti-grav engines at low power while using the din of the battle ahead as auditory camouflage, he floated inside the cargo hold and nearly pressed himself against the ceiling before he shot forwards, expecting the ceiling to be the least contested area of the room. He kept his eyes trained on the combatants below as he slipped along the ceiling, looking for upwards-directed explosions, wide overhanded swings, or miscellaneous detonations that could cause shrapnel to explode throughout the room. If such situations were encountered, he'd either pause in place and wait for the threat to pass, or use his grip on the ceiling combined by his engines to rapidly avoid the threats before surging ahead. If he managed to slip past without detection, he glanced back to confirm peering eyes weren't glancing his way before slowly opening the door and slipping inside before closing the door silently behind him.

Hopefully with the threat behind him and separated by a solid door, he'd have an entirely new area to explore. He knew his invisibility wouldn't last long, so any immediately uncontested areas would quickly be advanced upon, to fully capitalize on his fully transparent state.

Back in the scarred hallway, Aera and Vector started to become anxious; being told to hang back while their group has split up left them merely guessing what was going on. That said, it would be easy to guess what was transpiring between DragonierMan and Vee, regardless they felt a bit left out. Aera moved a bit towards the hallway, peeking past the corner in an attempt to scope out the patrols. She wanted to see if there was a pattern, or if they were being scrambled somewhere by their master. What she didn't want to see was them cuing up by the door through which the female trio passed, that would immediately clue her in to a building ambush.

Vector occasionally glanced back at the SP as he spoke to the two Navis, Pest and Flambe. He didn't feel particularly threatened by either, even though one may be a mafia saboteur, and the other a victim of said sabotage. Recalling the brief questioning of the caterer by DragonierMan, Vector decided to use this lull in the action to further increase his awareness of the situation. Flambe confessed her position as an independent hire for catering the event, but didn't elaborate any further than that, and seemed to show some nervousness at the mention of the tainted cake. "Miss Flambe," Vector said, attempting to get the Navi's attention. Once she showed focus on him, he would've continued, standing unnervingly still. "You mentioned you're a caterer, what sort of items were you requested to prepare for this event, if you don't mind me asking?" His question probed a bit into Flambe's involvement, but he didn't want to immediately appear accusatory and cause the already meek Navi to clam up.
To DragonierMan's encouragement, Vee appeared to be enjoying herself, or at least her body was responding that way; it didn't seem like she was going to say anything intelligible at this point, whether or not her lips were covered. Once Yasu's message was answered, although it may have caused additional worry to the First General rather than calming her, there were no further interruptions. With or without her mouth covered, she let out a loud cry as their union came to its conclusion, one that would be unmistakable to anyone listening through the regrettably thin walls.

If safeguarding Vee was a burden before due to her new-found loopiness and present uselessness in a combat situation, she was now worse than that, being unable to move from the spot where DragonierMan had put her down. It would probably be a while before she'd be able to converse normally or follow orders. DragonierMan had given more than he'd gotten, being the veteran in the situation, so he might still be able to function with relative normalcy. Based on a new thudding, marching noise coming his way, he'd probably need to make use of that mental capacity. The guards were probably on the way to his location now that he'd finished with Vee. Unfortunately, there was no opening in his current room to escape out of back into the air; he'd need to rejoin the others and go out the shield again if he wanted to escape the foot soldiers. That begged the question of whether there was some way for them to follow him through the air... if there wasn't, playing keep away would be easy. Of course, as always, there was a high likelihood that DragonierMan would try to muscle his way through the pile of incoming guards instead.


Gala listened to the ninja's very brief request with an amused smirk. "Ha ha ha! Judging by those names, I'd say you have something more than just smut in mind, don't you? I like it! I'm eager to oblige, of course, but there's something you should know before I do... You see, Piper isn't going to come here when I call her. I can have her forced here, but if I do... Let's just say, when her music stops, the entire atmosphere of my fantastic soiree here is going to be altered. No one can know what all of the consequences of that alteration will be. Do you still desire to see her?" the hostess questioned, leaning back against the edge of the bath again and swirling her wine in a way that would be pretentious if the behavior didn't look so fitting with her ritz and insanity. "As for Kismet and Aroma... Let's just say that bringing Kismet here will be easy. Aroma, on the other hand... Why, she's not even here! None of my monitors are servants have spotted her, at least. If she's here, she's very well hidden," Gala chuckled, with an unapologetic haughtiness to her voice. "Is there someone else?"

Skywriter gave no nod in acknowledgement of Suzune's request, as to do so would be to defy the discretion specified by said request, but did go ahead with the order. Luckily, she still had MachMan's communication channel from their previous interactions.

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We found Gala in the large bath room at the end of the front ship. If you move along the right side of the ship, you'll discover a hole in the shielding that leads into a burnt, ashy room; the others were waiting in there earlier. From there, you simply make a right out of the hall, though be careful: guards are patrolling the halls. Gala has offered to bring up to three party guests to us. Aya and Suzume requested Aroma, Piper, and Kismet, though we're told Aroma is not on the ship and that if Piper is brought here, the effects of her music might be altered in some way. I'd imagine that might mean the music will stop, freeing captives from its effects.


MachMan easily slipped through battle raging in the hangar and cargo bay, then into the long hallway that formed the body of the ship. What awaited him there was the sight of many gray goons, though, rather than patrolling, they were all converging on a single room to the right of the ship. Just like last time, they were innumerable, despite the large number he'd just seen fighting upon entering. Their intention on exploring the rooms to the right would allow him easy access to the rooms on the left; they appeared to be fancier private rooms, these without beds but with chairs, couches, and tables for refreshments. They looked like the kinds of places where deals would be brokered, though that was clearly the last thing on the mind of anyone here. He could tell that the right side was more bedroom/bathroom combinations (like Vector, Aera, or DragonierMan's rooms had been before the rooms were burnt to gray, unrecognizable ash). There was nothing like a staircase leading upward in this hallway, although there was a long wall bisecting the two sides with only a few gaps. That seemed handy, given that he'd need to hide himself from all of the goons on the other side. At the end of the hallway, he'd spot the giant doorway leading to Gala's bath, although he'd have to get closer if he wanted to recognize it as such.

Perhaps most deserving of his attention were the tremendous lightning bolts firing out of one of the open doors a little ways down on the left. A man's voice escaped from the room in a guttural growl, along with another intense burst of electricity. "Hnnnnnn..." the voice sighed, rolling in a way that seemed to fit with the thunderous noises that were being made. "You're fine for a few rounds, Tilt, but I'm looking for someone more... animated. Assuming that second ship is still in the air, I believe I saw a girl there that looked very lively and powerful... perhaps I'll head out and see if she's available," it murmured.

MachMan would have a bit of time to hide if he wanted to before the man to whom the voice belonged stepped out: tall, rippling with muscle, and possessing scarred, dark-skinned flesh (completely nude, revealing another aspect of his person that he'd apparently just been using and ought to have remained tastefully hidden), the man was clearly recognizable as PantheonMan, whom MachMan had encountered before. The scar over one of his eyes was especially recognizable, but then, he looked more excited than MachMan had seen him before, in more ways than one... for instance, besides his aroused physiology, white and gold sparks were springing from the corners of his eyes and in between the small gaps of his teeth, as if his head itself was full of electricity. It appeared that MachMan had nearly walked into a greater threat than he just left... but then again, hadn't he just met PantheonMan and confirmed that he was extremely weak?


Flambe was looking extremely distressed, trying to ignore the sounds of DragonierMan and Vee with an expression somewhere between fear and aggravation, but tried to answer the questions of Vector regardless. "O-Oh, um... I forget!" she answered, seeming to try to sink into the ashes of where a couch might have once been behind her. When she found nowhere to escape to and no logic to explain what she'd just said, she pulled the toque down harder on her head and smiled nervously. "I-I pre-pre-prepared... c-cake, yes, but I recall quite, quite clearly that a mafia navi named Piper provided me the mix for it! I d-didn't think anything of it... at the t-t-time... but I guess there could have been something wrong with the m-m-mix she gave me?" the small navi answered nervously. "I also prepared drinks and-" the navi began, then gulped again, this time pulling their ascot nervously so that it nearly choked them. "A-And I'm fairly certain that Piper provided me the drink mix as well! Do you think they were spiked?"
Still invisible, Mach scoped out the area ahead, noticing a fork at the end of the hallway, with goons massing to one side. Looks like the way was already set for him. However, he heard a voice from one of the rooms, one he recognized... a second time. Once the source of the voice stepped out of the room, it gave Mach pause. [[i]The hell? PantheonMan agai- wait, the skittish behavior, the "disappointment" from Pest's energy siphon... he was just a cheap copy,[/i]] Mach concluded after mentally compiling the evidence, before another development moved to the forefront of his mind. He quickly clued in on PantheonMan's comment of a "lively and powerful" female on the second ship, which was ablaze moments ago. [[i]Could be anyone, but I haven't located Roc, and I know she fits the description.[/i]]

He was still transparent and possibly undetected, leaving him in a very good position to engage the Navi. However, his experience with Pantheon left him with zero information regarding his combat abilities. A strike from the shadows could simply glance off like a knife against iron, which would not only give away his position, but also put him at risk of a devastating counterattack. The Navi didn't seem at all intimidated or cautious of the program that caught his eye, so he may indeed be as powerful as the aura he gave off.

Almost on cue, Skywriter's message appeared in Mach's vision. A new avenue to exploit. He silently floated away from the room and down the unoccupied area of the hallway, and replied with a message of his own, with his SP's "courtesy copied" into the conversation as well.

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If Gala is able to somehow transport any Navi into that room, find out if Roc could be summoned. Zazz may be another candidate, she may be a temporary ally in this case, from her apparent distaste of Gala's antics.

He continued forward, hopefully passing the group of grey goons undetected, but slow enough to get a good look and listen to what they seemed to be converging on. Regardless, he'd move to the giant doorway and try to peek inside to determine what lay within, or upping his auditory sensors and trying to listen in on what transpired past the unknown doorway.


Back in the immolated area, Vector watched as Flambe became visibly distracted by the noisy antics from the room beyond as well as his questioning. "Piper you say? Did you meet her? What can you tell me about her?" he continued to press, though he remained unmoving from his present position. His unwavering crimson gaze would likely prove unnerving enough to augment his more aggressive questioning. With any luck she'd describe the Navi so they'd at least be able to physically identify the program behind this chaos.

Both SPs received Mach's message, which also contained Skywriter's communique describing Gala's location. Aera tried to take charge as she spoke up. "We found Gala, let's move in to assist if she tries to ambush them. Pest and Vector, take point. I'll back you two up with Flambe," she ordered, gesturing down the hallway. Vector immediately shifted from his previously statuesque stance, as if he immediately lost interest in Flambe. "At once, ma'am." As he marched forward, he tried to usher Pest ahead as well. However, the group heard the telltale thumping march of Gala's goons moving in, possibly responding the noise coming from the room in which DragonierMan and Vee previously disappeared. In one fluid motion the oddly-shaped spear which previously deflected DragonierMan's blade sprouted from Vector's arm, before being held aggressively in his hands, ready to defend the position.
DragonierMan expected the flood of gray goons in response to his coupling with Vee. It was actually a part of his plan. He would get to have Vee as the main course, followed by a devastating fight for desert. Definitely the perfect plan. As such, though he would wish to, he did not bask in the afterglow of his frenzied mating with the Yellow General. Instead he quickly dressed himself and awaited his would-be slayers.

He clasped his hands together, rubbing them in anticipation, and creating sparks. An aura of static began to coalesce around Drago's body, causing hair to friz and stand up, and for jolts of electricity to leap across the room. The aura formed the silhouette of a mighty dragon, framed by a brilliant golden mane. The instant the door was opened, Drago would unleash the majestic ferocity of the regal ElecDragon2, who would sweep forward to devour all that stood within its path. Few could withstand such a force. Hopefully, his comrades were not within the path of this mighty dragon.

Drago then quickly removed his cloak, tossing Vee's clothes on the General's worn out body, then wrapped her and her clothing in his cloak. He then lifted her up in a princess-carry, DashAttack1'd out of the room, across the hallway, and out through the burned out room that he entered the airship from. His wings spread wide and caught the air as he carried her away from the airship. He flew far enough away to find and alight upon a nearby deserted rooftop. He huddled/cuddled with her, wrapped in his cloak, until she came around.


While he waited for Vee to come around, his eyes buzzed with data. Information from Aya and Suzume was piped through by Magistrate. He reopened his com-link to Yasu after the information feed cut out.

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Current Mission Report: We arrived in NetVegas without incident. Then we flew up to the tethered airships. All of the airships have suffered damage and some are on fire in places. The reason for the general chaos currently is because a Mafioso named Gala worked with Piper to spread a contagion through food and drink. The disease causes the target to lose all inhibitions and become sex-crazed. General Vee was infected, and it is assumed that Roc and Pest were also. Skywriter did not consume any of the tainted cake or alcohol. The rest of the group and I did not partake and are also not infected.

Ever since we infiltrated the ship we have been watching the monitors. There are cameras everywhere and Gala knows we are here. Also this whole infection party is apparently some sort of game to Gala. We are under the assumption that anyone infected is contained within a localized Jack-Out Barrier, as a part of this game seems to be for numerous hitmen to converge on a couple after copulation and beat them into deletion. Needless to say, fighting is widespread and Mafia members are being targeted by other Mafia members.

Kismet was not on the rear airship as we were told. A captured and questioned Mafioso named Zazz informed us of her location as being in the lead airship. We headed there and found Gala. Apparently another part of the game is to get to her. Those that do, get to ask for one individual to be brought before them so they can copulate. Skywriter, Aya, and Suzume had made it to Gala and are currently requesting Kismet along with several others. Once we have them we will be able to complete the mission.

I have been guarding the General during the entire mission thus far. However, we were attacked and I retreated with General Vee to a nearby rooftop above the NetVegas strip to recover and keep the General safe from further reprisal while she recovers. MachMan and the others are continuing the mission. Over.


He stroked Vee's hair and laid another kiss on her lips when she had recovered enough to be sentient. "Hello there," he cooed. "Did you have fun? I know I sure did." He stroked her cheek with his thumb as he continued. "However, if you are up to it, they could probably still use our help to finish this mission."

If Vee wanted to get out of the cloak she was wrapped in, Drago would unfurl it to let her out. Then help her dress if she was still wobbly. And if she was still good to go, he would princess-carry her back to the burned-out room that they had originally entered/escaped from.

If she didn't feel like going, Drago would nod. "It would be best if you rested here. I'll head back and finish the mission quickly so I can return to you." He would drape the discarded cloak around Vee to keep her warm, and keep his scent around her, then stretch his wings once more and take to the sky. Quickly returning to the burnt room.


Gala allowed Aya's suggestion of one request per winner. But due to the fact that Aroma wasn't available because she was hidden, and that Piper couldn't be disturbed because of her current situation, that left two spots open. The plus side was that Kismet was approved. The mission would be over once they got Kismet. However, the lack of the other two did give Aya pause.

Assuming Skywriter spoke up and filled those two spots with Roc and Zazz, Aya would nod. "Yes, we met Zazz recently. She would be a good replacement choice to Piper." Even though Aya didn't really care about Zazz at all, they might be able to get her to leave the Mafia and join the Neo-Shogunate. "As for this Roc, I guess if you don't know where Aroma is, we'll take her instead. So our request is that of Kismet, Roc, and Zazz now."

"How soon will it be before they are brought before us?" Aya asked, interested in how Gala planned to get the three individuals requested to appear before them. "The anticipation is killing me."
Flambe nervously continued backing away from Vector until she hit a wall and was forced to stop. "Yes, Piper; I did meet her, actually! She had a sort of evil aura about her all along, now that I think about it! Her oily skin, her smelly, greasy blond-brown hair, her beady eyes and snake-like tongue! I should have known not to trust any of those ingredients she gave me!" the chef navi exclaimed, eagerly explaining all of the details of Piper that she could muster.

Not really understanding what Flambe was saying, nor having much interest, Pest directed her attention to Aera. "Sure thing! If we encounter any hostiles, just stand back and let me handle them! Or get the first attack, at least... bzzzz..." the bug navi urged her comrade, sounding hungry. As it turned out, there would be no shortage of enemies to attack; the group's advance was immediately halted by a tremendous wave of gray-bodied soldiers, who... passed right by them, albeit in a disruptive line. "Bzz?" Pest murmured, tilting her head curiously.

The group made it outside their door with some effort and proceeded down the hallway to meet up with the Aya, Suzume, and Skywriter, where MachMan was also headed. MachMan would remain outside and scope out the situation, before deciding whether to enter and join the others are stay hidden for now.


DragonierMan found himself with a lot of murderous gray minions to deal with and attempted to dispense with them the best way he knew: a blast from his powerful dragon chip. Several fell back at the attack, some onto their backs and others propping themselves where possible to avoid falling over. Balance appeared to be a weakness of theirs. On the other hand, durability certainly wasn't something they had a problem with; even the most toasted soldiers at the front managed to rise again with time, none of them seemingly deleted. Undershirts were a possibility, but regardless, DragonierMan had to use the brief moment while they were down and disorderly to escape the room in which he found himself worryingly surrounded, carrying Vee as he exited. As he passed through a mass of gray navis, many grabbed at him with their massive hands, some swiping with their chiseling implements instead. Vee was protected by DragonierMan's body, but he took a number of injuries while shielding her.

Once he'd managed to get out of the ship and onto the shielding, he found a point where he could secure himself between the round, slippery shield, which offered no good foothold, and some of the metallic grid that formed the framework of the ship. The air was cold around them, so Vee bunched tighter against him (although there was a good chance she'd do that regardless. DragonierMan took the time to give further communication to Yasu, who, for her part, responded immediately as well.

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Reign the situation in. I want zero casualties and zero MIA subordinates. Do not leave that airship until all comrades are secured, even if that means abandoning the mission! We couldn't have foreseen that the new air squadron would be contaminated, but you'll just have to continue adapting to the situation. I trust you all to make the right choices and return to us.

DragonierMan shared some more lusty words with Vee, who opened her watery eyes and smiled back into his face. "I've never experienced anything like it... It hurt a bit but... I'm not scared of it any more," she admitted quietly. "Let's join the others... I want to tell them all how I feel..." DragonierMan had different motivations for wanting to reunite with the rest of his group, but regardless, he'd grab Vee back up and attempt to rejoin his party.

Thankfully, when he returned to the room, most of the guards had left. It appeared they were now chasing PantheonMan down the hall, presumably responding to his earlier release with Tilt that MachMan had heard mention of. PantheonMan, for his part, was ignoring them, his bare body brazenly displayed as he approached the cargo bay with a confident swagger. On one hand, he might be able to support the mafioso over there, but on the other, he was bringing his own share of problems behind him. None of this seemed as though it would concern DragonierMan much regardless; he'd need to decide now whether to rendezvous with the rest of the group or investigate another avenue.


Gala continued beaming, even as other navis and SPs began to arrive in the room. "Sorry,folks! You others are too late. There's no prize unless you're the first to walk in," she chuckled, not that the others had likely wanted to summon anyone for sex regardless.

Flambe's eyes lit up as Aroma's name came up, but they drooped again once she heard that Aroma couldn't be summoned. It would be odd if anyone was paying a lot of attention to Flambe's reactions right now, though.

The hostess smirked again as new choices of names came out. "Zazz? She's being a bit of a thorn in my side right now regardless, so I'm more than happy to bring her here for you to brutalize however you please! My men will have her here shortly," she giggled. Her smile fell temporarily as Roc's name arose. "Roc? Who is that?" she asked, raising one eyebrow.

"She's a navi with avian features and-" Skywriter began to answer, before stopping with a frown and hesitating to say more. She seemed wary of spilling all of the details of their companion to someone as batty as Gala.

Despite Skywriter's withholding information, Gala adopted a big grin. "Ah, I know her! The one who's tearing apart Ship #2! Oh, there will be a fabulous explosion shortly, I'd wager! I'll bring her here. It will be interesting to see if she tears apart this airship as well, hmhmhm!" she snickered, snapping her fingers as some apparent signal to her men, who weren't actually present in the room. It was hard to tell whether that was a real signal or just a thoughtless gesture. "Well, I hardly need my fellows to grab Kismet for you. One moment," Gala chuckled, grabbing a red towel on the side of the bath behind herself and wrapping it around her pale, slender body as she rose from the water, mostly revealing an attractive figure that would be more noteworthy if there wasn't already so much reckless nakedness going on tonight. "Oh, don't worry! My men are rather speedy, when they want to be. Well, when I want them to be."

The towel-clad hostess walked to the side of the room and grabbed the short, green-haired, gagged navi from her chair, then slowly unbound her mouth. "Kismet here is not herself tonight, so please excuse her if she seems a bit awkward," Gala joked, heaving Kismet down into a heap at the feet of Aya and Suzune. "It wasn't easy to get her to eat the contaminated food, you know? It took a lot of moving parts to get all of this together! Why, we needed me to provide the manpower, Piper to control the populous, that little chef there to work the contaminant into all of the food and distribute it... No simple task!"

Kismet writhed on the floor piteously, looking somehow less aroused than the others who'd been infected and more like she had actually been poisoned. "Screw... you all... Gala... That traitor, Piper and you... and that miserable two-bit chef... are all going to die," she groaned, pursing her lips around her clenched teeth to eek out the words. Perhaps out of a mixture of fear and guilt, Flambe made a break for it, running in the opposite direction of Gala and Kismet towards the entrance door where MachMan was waiting.
DragonierMan and Vee would wait until the procession of gray navis left the area, then head to the meeting point at Gala's location where the other people in their squadron have gathered. Most likely running into MachMan and everyone else that was descending on that room. There was a slight limp to Drago's steps, and a splotch of silver blood occasionally, for he had been wounded by the ranks upon ranks of gray henchmen.


Aya stepped forward and lowered herself on one knee. She unhooked her sword and sheath from her belt and moved the sheathed sword (still within its sheath) under Kismet's chin, trying to lift her head so they can talk face to face. "We'll make this quick then, so you can kill them sooner. Please tell me where a navi named Scavenger is."
The quartet of Navis and SPs made it in to Gala's room without much trouble, letting Aera and Vector to have a good look at their self-appointed hostess as she responded to the infiltration team's requests. Her reaction didn't seem to show their choices in "partners" aroused suspicion, possibly due to her part-laissez faire, part-sociopathic demeanor. The revealing of Roc's location and current actions were of no surprise to either SP, hopefully she was only tearing apart Mafia Navis along with the airship.

Gala's minions would supposedly produce both Roc and Zazz quickly, but their master claimed they wouldn't be needed to retrieve Kismet as she rose from the bath. Her noteworthy physique was all-too-apparent from the tightly wrapped towel, but the SPs' attentions were drawn more to the bound program in the chair towards which Gala approached. Her cruel behavior towards the Navi, now revealed as Kismet and their intended target, made both Aera and Vector struggled to not feel sorry for her. Though she was a high-ranking mafioso likely tied to many shady dealings and a sizable body count, it still rubbed them the wrong way to see someone treated that way. Vector glared at Gala before the writhing Kismet's curses demanded his attention. She seemed to know who were behind this debacle, and swore death upon them with albeit strained but nonetheless venomous words.

This caused Flambe, one of those named by Kismet's ominous threat, to bolt. It wasn't certain if it was out of fear of getting caught red-handed, or of being wrongfully incriminated, but letting such a loose end... loose was probably a bad idea. Aera and Vector were prepared to give chase, but their NetOp's voice came in through their respective internal comm relays. ["Mach, Flambe inbound through the door, secure her!"] he ordered, his message directed to Mach specifically.

Thanks to the combined sight of his Navi and SPs, Mazer had a more comprehensive view of the area, and could plainly see Flambe moving towards Mach's position behind the door. Thanks to the warning, the now opaque MachMan quickly darted several feet back to hopefully avoid getting smacked by the door as it opened. His forearms and open hands were pointed ahead at the ready, like a grappler ready to strike. Once Flambe appeared, he would've gotten the added bonus of a brief look of what was behind the door before he moved to secure the Navi. Using his wing-shaped thrusters if needed, he tried to wrap either one or both of his arms around the Navi, preferably hooking one arm around her waist to effectively halt her movement. If his other hand remained free, he would delegate it to cup over her mouth and/or protect his body from the possible thrashing/retaliation as a result. "Gotcha. Relax, trying to run won't end well, trust me," he whispered in an attempt to placate the Navi.

As the door would've inevitably closed, he would've quickly lost sight of the room. [[i]"What's going on in there?"[/i]] he asked his NetOp through secure comms. A small window opened in his vision, showing a view of the room. The sharpened spear partially visible in the corner of the screen hinted it was the view through Vector's eye. He expanded the window slightly to get a better view as Mazer explained. ["Gala and Kismet are inside, along with pretty much everyone else other than DragonierMan and Vee. Stay out there, I can't shake the feeling this is some sort of trap, and everyone in the same room is one helluva target."] [[i]"Good call, standing by,"[/i]] Mach responded, sharing the same level of precaution as his NetOp. At least he had "eyes" in the room, so he could oversee what was happening while also being aware of what might be massing outside.

If Flambe was still in his grasp and not thrashing too much, he would've used the opportunity to pry. "What happened in there? Everything alright?" he whispered, sounding apathetic to her situation. He knew he was told to secure the Navi for a good reason, but maybe she would reveal more to someone she believed to not be fully aware of the situation.
And indeed, DragonierMan did run into MachMan outside Gala's room. He stopped to look at Flambe probably being held by Mach. The drip of Drago's blood could be heard if one listened hard enough. "We should probably move into the room. There could be more of those gray goons nearby." He took hold of the doors and opened them, giving room for Mach, Flambe, and Vee to enter before going in also and closing the doors behind himself. "So, what did we miss?"
Mach saw DragonierMan and Vee appear in the hallway, and they advanced to him. He raised an eyebrow at the sight of the general holding herself awfully close to the Navi, but what concerned him more was the Navi appeared to be bleeding. Maybe they had a run in with Gala's cronies, or maybe Vee had a thing for sharp implements in the bedroom? He dismissed the growing list of the ninja potential kinks, and nodded silently at the pair while he himself possibly still held Flambe. Looks like both Navis had nabbed themselves a girl, if Flambe was truly female, which still remained to be determined. Regardless, the situation was partially amusing.

His ally didn't seem to care about Mach's attempt to stay hidden, but with the amount of cameras they've encountered it was probably a futile attempt to avoid detection. However, Mach still wanted to avoid joining the group in what may still be one large trap. Mach remained where he was, but held one of the doors open as he responded, knowing there wasn't any way of avoiding detection now. "I'll stay here for over-watch, especially if the "party" starts heading our way." He would've used his foot, or the hand previously used to muffle Flambe, to keep the door pried open. He'd no longer have cover or concealment behind the door, but at least he'd have one potential avenue of escape secured while also having a better view of what transpired outside.
If DragonierMan was holding Vee still, he would put her down. She would be fully dressed in her own outfit, and clad in his gray-white cloak. He gave MachMan a nod. "Ok. I'll make sure everything is going according to plan inside then. Just be sure that if you see any of those goons escorting Zazz and Roc, that you let them through. This should be over soon."

With that, he went inside and joined the party in progress.
"Will do, thanks for the heads-up," he promptly replied to DragonierMan's caution regarding Zazz/Roc's potential escorts. He then realized he'd become an unwitting doorman, but if it meant securing Roc, he was willing to swallow his pride and keep watch.
Kismet stared back up at Aya with a lack of recognition, screwing up her eyes so that her already grumpy face looked even more irritated. "Who are you? You're not Mafia at all, are you?" she asked, although Aya was under no obligation to indulge her. Her eyes widened momentarily on hearing Scavenger's name, but then promptly lowered back to half-closed. "What? Scavenger? I haven't heard that name in forever," she sighed, rolling over on her side. "And I thought I'd never hear it again. Scavenger and Stalker were two of the lowest on the totem pole for the Bloodhounds family. The last I heard from her, she assisted the high-ranked Idol, a Teksqp family member, in an attack upon a home for unoperated navis operated by the NP. All three: Idol, Stalker, and Scavenger, disappeared following the mission, which was a critical failure. The fact of the matter is, you're barking up the wrong tree. There's no evidence that she was deleted; although a jackout barrier had been erected over the area for the purpose of the mission, our data shows that she was never caught in it. You should be asking the NetPolice where she is. We confirmed that a transport vehicle left the scene with Idol, implying they were prepared to retrieve our operatives. Chances are, Scavenger was also picked up by them. Your best bet is to go to the NetPolice Tech Division... they must have had some special trick if they pulled Scavenger out of there, or otherwise used their own jackout prevention technology to delete her. We've never received any ransom or hostage exchange from them, though, and we've never heard of her being released either... Kind of weird, right? The NetPolice taking prisoners over an indefinite term? I mean, we'd do that, but you wouldn't expect them to."

She seemed eager to talk, perhaps with the realization that this mysterious group of strangers was more likely to help her than anyone else in the ships, half of them drugged out of their minds and the other half eager to take advantage of those drugged.

MachMan would likely miss the explanation, because he was preoccupied with catching Flambe. He managed to catch her as she ran, he being very fast and her being not so much. With their bodies in such close proximity and having the recent reference of the equally underdeveloped young girl, Pest, it became pretty clear to MachMan that he was, in fact, holding a young boy rather than a girl... but one who had nodded along with being called a girl several times in the past. Regardless, that didn't seem especially important right now. "Let me go! Piper and Gala, those are the ones you guys want! I didn't know what I was doing!" he defended, thrashing about as much as MachMan had worried about. It was quite clear that the navi was attempting to violently strike MachMan with his elbows and legs now, although he wasn't powerful enough to do much or any damage that way. "They've got Gala in there and will have Piper soon! You don't need me!" Flambe reaffirmed, when MachMan managed to edge in a question.

DragonierMan showed up next to meet MachMan and Flambe, suggesting that each of them head inside. Vee stumbled inside easily enough, following DragonierMan, but MachMan had reason to stay outside himself. Given the circumstances, it wouldn't be a great idea to let Flambe go either, so he would wait outside with his captive.

The cloak now hid the tatter of Vee's outfit well enough, although her current mental state didn't allow the modesty to keep it closed very well; anyone looking would see the sash had been retied onto her waist differently than it had been before, as well as trace signs of wear her skinsuit had been torn. "Oh... Looks like bondage is going on in here..." she remarked absently, looking at Kismet on the floor with a vacant expression. Kismet's frown twisted into a further distasteful one as she looked to the side, perhaps recognizing that Vee had probably been ravaged the same way a lot of the others on the ship had been.

As DragonierMan had predicted, the gray minions of Gala soon arrived in groups of twos. The first lightly scorched group was carrying Zazz, one minion to each arm; she was yelling loudly and thrashing her legs. "No way! No way someone asked me to come up there! C'mon, I can't get a date if I try! And don't they know I'm a lesbian?! How do people not know that?! Oh, is it a girl? Is it a pretty girl? Hmmm..." she mused, suddenly growing quieter and more complacent. "Hmmmm... Okay, I guess I'll hear them out!"

The second, limping and scorched but somehow remaining in motion, were carrying an incapacitated, busty, completely naked woman, who MachMan might identify as Roc based on her body and gradient hair color. Seeing her this way was a lot different than how he had last time; she looked vulnerable and a bit pathetic. It was pretty clear that the goons had needed to beat her down before delivering her to the group, although it was unclear how many of them it had taken to do so. One of the goons collapsed in the hallway and evaporated into useless data before MachMan's eyes, leaving behind a scorched smudge on the carpet. The remaining henchman continued dragging the injured Roc into the room with the others.

Seeing that Zazz and Roc had arrived, Gala clapped her hands with a pleased grin. "There you are! Kismet, Roc, and Zazz, just as you requested! My boys had to rough up the bird-girl a bit to get her to accompany them, but you did say you wanted her here!" the hostess giggled, sounding unperturbed by the damage Roc had received. "What's going to happen now, hm? Is it time for another invigorating round of group sex? Or are all of you going to administer fresh justice on all of the wrongdoers here? I'm excited to see what you'll do!"

Kismet looked to Zazz with an irritated grimace; she now had someone she held directly responsible for freeing her in the room. In return, Zazz looked down to Kismet with a shocked expression, then looked between the Neo-Shogun subordinates assembled in the room. "Oh crap! I led the Neo-Shogun Empire right to our big boss!" Zazz exclaimed, clapping her hands to her cheeks now that she'd been released by the goons. "Sorry, Kissie!"

"Don't call me stupid names, Zazz. And don't worry about that, either. I think... by the looks of it... we're lucky they arrived here rather than one of our own people," she murmured, although she stole another glance over to Vee's obvious drugged behavior and ripped wardrobe. "Just what do you Neo-Shoguns want, anyway? There's no way you did all of this just to find out about Scavenger. She wasn't exactly a critical Mafia member, even when she was actively working."

In the mean time, Pest and Skywriter attended to Roc, the latter removing her bomber jacket to help Roc cover up.
Though Mach was too preoccupied with restraining the flailing Flambe, his SPs were able to hear Kismet's explanation regarding Scavenger's possible whereabouts. Her disappearance along with her two comrades appeared to be a mystery even to the NetMafia, and Kismet hinted their jackout barrier tech had the capability to report data on program deletions within its area of influence. She claimed their barrier didn't indicate any of the three were deleted, and pointed the proverbial finger at the Tech Division of the NetPolice, citing the reports of their vehicle taking Idol away from the area.

Aera moved closer to Kismet as she addressed her, "Was the home their last known location? If so, where is said building located?" If their investigation of the NP revealed no results, the location of Scavenger's disappearance was still a logical place to look for clues. In the meantime, Vector relayed a message to his Navi. [Kismet claims not to know Scavenger's location, and suggests we look into the NetPolice's 'Tech Division,' apparently it was there vehicle that secured Idol, one of Scavenger's comrades.]

Mach received the message while Flambe, who ultimately proved to be male due to his extremely close proximity to Mach. The development relayed from Vector drew his attention away from pondering why the frantic Navi didn't make any attempt to correct everyone else for referring to him as "her" or "she." However, he seemed very intent on fleeing. "So just to be clear, you'd much rather run alone in a ship full of goons and infected Mafia Navis, rather than stick around a group that hasn't yet shown hostility beyond keeping you close by?" he asked incredulously, maintaining eye contact with Flambe. His eyes then glanced over the Navi's shoulder as he continued, "If that's what you want, then all I can say is "good luck." There were a bunch of Mafia Navis fighting an equally large force of goons just past here, and I noticed PantheonMan prowling the halls. I would advise against letting him see you." He warned, attempting to scare the Navi into reconsidering his plan to flee. Though the warning about PantheonMan was mostly a bluff, if the mafioso was infected it wouldn't be surprising if he would see the effeminate Flambe as suitable prey.

As if cued in to illustrate Mach's point, two formations of heavily damaged goons came in with two prisoners: the ever-boisterous Zazz, and the surprisingly naked and unconscious Navi that appeared to be Roc. It wasn't surprising; however, to see the grey programs dragging Roc in were in very bad shape, one of them to the point of succumbing from its wounds. Though he wanted to rush to Roc's aid, the goons seemed focused only on delivering the Navi and nothing more. Both Aera and Vector expressed outward shock upon seeing Roc's condition. Aera's eyes went wide as she placed a hand over her mouth, while Vector's eye began to burn so brightly one might worry his face mask would begin to melt, while the slats over his shoulders started to subtly ripple with muted clicking and metal-on-metal squeaks. The pair joined Skywriter and Pest as they tended to Roc. Aera knelt next to Roc's head, and placed her hands on her shoulder, small green bolts of electricity arced between her fingers and to Roc's body as Aera attempted to repair some of the damage. Vector placed himself directly between Gala and the programs surrounding Roc, glaring at her while holding his spear upright in his right hand. Though they were the ones to request Roc be retrieved, beating the Navi to unconsciousness seemed unnecessarily cruel.

"Our intentions are none of your concern, Miss Kismet." Vector responded stiffly. Though he didn't express any animosity towards Kismet herself, her organization included the likes of Gala, who were nearing the top of his proverbial "shit list."