KaijuMan in YokaNet

KaijuMan made a satisfied huff after turning the resistance on the shoreline into a debris field. He eyed a battlechip data packet from one of the immolated viruses, and made a point to step on (and subsequently crush) what was left of its viral corpse before he reached down to pick up the data packet, along with any zenny laying nearby. [[color=darkblue]"Good work, buddy! You took a bit of a shock there, so hang on a sec while I heal ya up."[/color]] John commented before activating one of their MiniEnergy subchips.

A faintly green glow emanated from his body, and he could feel his body feel more loose and energized as his frame was quickly repaired. "Hrmm, thanks..." the lizard-like Navi grumbled, then seemed to trail off as something caught his eye. Littered amongst the ashes of his former foes were little bits of data, crumbs of purple and green that seemed to faintly twinkle on the ground. They looked interesting, so KaijuMan leaned in before chomping down on one of them. He stood back up to full height and tried to chew, before a sour expression rapidly started to grow on his face. His cranial spines shuddered and he spat it out, causing it to bounce a few times on the floor. "Bleh... they look better than they taste..." he groaned with a token amount of disappointment in his voice, which prompted John to look over more closely at the unsavory item.

[[color=darkblue]"Huh, I think that might be a bugfrag? I've heard about 'em, but never seen one before... I hear they're useful for something, so might as well collect 'em!"[/color]] John commented before he separated his bamboo chopsticks and looked hungrily at his ramen. KaijuMan started to gather them up as well as the remaining zenny, then started to continue inland, looking for more stuff to smash.

((Use: MiniEnergy x1))
((Ready for Battle #5))
With his latest bit of experimentation in consumption somewhat of a bust, KaijuMan headed further inland into the Yoka network, with the road he was going along leading to a large river with two well-constructed gravel paths bordering it. Beyond the paths was a rather dense bamboo forest, but of course they seemed little more than reeds to someone of KaijuMan's stature. Fortunately, the path was wide enough for KaijuMan to walk on without having to touch the water as he plodded along its length. However, his walk was stopped by someone taking up the entirety of the wide path, a not-insignificant feat for such a wide path that could accommodate KaijuMan in the first place. A very rotund-looking figure that almost looked like a gigantic white egg with stumpy limbs sat on the riverside with its short legs outstretched in front of it, holding what appeared to be a Moloko-type virus in its hands. The virus, however, appeared to be roasted in some manner, though somewhat messily done, with some black spots in places.

"Hmm, mmm, mmh."

Some very messy crunching sounds could be heard from what was presumably its mouth, which seemed to be little more than a hole with no discernable teeth or tongue, as a pair of comically tiny eyes blinked independently as they looked blankly forward at the opposite side of the river. At its feet, a comparatively tiny bonfire was lit, with a pair of identical-looking Moloko virus carcasses within arm's reach. As KaijuMan approached, however, the figure stopped munching, and turned its head (somehow, its body was still very much egg-shaped in its entirety), and slowly blinked its eyes one after the other.

"... Mm."

It then tossed aside the carcass, as it made a big splash and floated further downstream, before rising up with a rumble. Standing at full height, it was about three-quarters KaijuMan's height, but its egg-shaped girth very much rivaled his. "Mmmmm!!!" a deep rumble sounded from deep within its belly, without it having to open its mouth, before it then suddenly started charging towards him in a fast run!

-- Big Boned --
NomNom.EXE: 275 HP (Running towards KaijuMan, Sea)

-- Bigger Boned --
KaijuMan.EXE: 119 HP (Further downstream, normal)

-- Babbling Brook --
50% Sea (River)
50% Normal (Gravel on either end of river)

-- Bite-size Brunch --
Bonfire: 30 HP (HeatBody, counts as Coal if stepped on, next to river)
Roasted Moloko Carcass A: 60 HP (Above Bonfire)
Roasted Moloko Carcass B: 60 HP (Next to Bonfire)

-- Battle 5, Ready? Start!! --
John decided to dig in to his ramen while KaijuMan trudged along, though he managed to keep his eyes more-or-less glued to the screen. He paused as they both happened upon the rotund, eating figure. He slurped up his mouthful of noodles, then remarked [[color=darkblue]"Viral mutton?"[/color]]. KaijuMan looked at the egg-like program, and the roasted Moloko virus near the fire. Admittedly, it did look fairly tasty...

It looked like it would have to wait, as the program decided to charge. KaijuMan's eyes almost appeared to light up and he gave out a nearly gleeful growl before he charged in as well. His feet and claws ground through the gravel as they dug for traction, and each footfall kicked up a spray of gravel as he charged head-long into battle. His body also rapidly changed color and shape; his normally grayish-green scales became rusty red, and his tan underbelly became a dull gray. His head rapidly sported a shield-like frill, which had a spade-like front profile along with its trim of dull spines. Two large metal horns protruded just above KaijuMan's eyes, and a smaller third horn extended up and out from the bridge of his nose, which was just above his now elongated, beak-like mouth. While the frill and horns looked sturdy enough, the majority of his head was covered in metal plating with holes for his eyes, nose horn, nostrils, and Navi symbol.

Behind his shield-like, frilled skull, his back was lined with alternating diamond and spade spines all the way down to his tail, which was capped with a heavy-club like bludgeon which whipped along behind him. His chest and shoulders were more armored than normal, and his arms were encased in metal vambraces that extended past his fingers to form blade-like points, while his legs were covered in segmented armor. The whole ensemble looked heavy, so his charge made him akin to a spear-covered battering ram.

His eyes remained locked on his target as he attempted to charge directly into the large program. Once impact was imminent, he tried to plant at least one foot and lowered his head to square up on the target and deliver a crushing tackle with hopefully enough force to send the program tumbling back. If he hit, the sound of the two heavyweights' collision would've been a sound to behold. John was briefly enthralled by the carnage unfolding in the PET, then snapped out of his trance and grabbed a couple chips to slot through.

If he hit his mark, the sight of his metal horns impacting the program's flesh, the percussive sound of his body colliding with his target, and the feeling of his foe being thrown back by his hopefully superior force would've left KaijuMan even more invigorated, and hungry for more. If the collision didn't bring him to a complete stop, he slowed after several heavy, thudding footsteps. He got the notification of the ShotgunDamage: 50 + Spread 1
Accuracy: A
Description: A gun whose shot penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: E
and RemoteBit1HP: 100
Properties: Anchored
Object Damage: 100 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 80 + Panel Break + Drop Attack
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a Control Tower in your area and a Remote Bit to rain down lightning upon the enemy.
Duration: 3 turns or Until destroyed
Element: Elec
Special: Drop Attack: This attack originates above the battlefield, and falls to the ground. It gains one rank of accuracy against High Altitude targets.
Trader Rank: D
's uploads, so he searched for his target if the rotund Navi? somehow evaded his sight.

Once he found it again, he squared his head up on his target. Instead of charging again, he opened his mouth as a surge of light rose up from his gullet before firing out from his beak-like jaws like a projectile out of a cannon. The chunk of glowing projectile data broke up as it flew towards NomNom so instead of a single projectile, it became a spray of perforating energy shot.

While KaijuMan fired at the egg-like program, a dark green Control Tower materialized on the gravel nearby, followed shortly by a similarly-colored RemoteBit directly overhead. A cartoonish halo of command signals pulsed from the top of the Control Tower's antenna, which prompted the RemoteBit to silently glide over NomNom's position. Once it stopped overhead, a bolt of lightning suddenly zapped straight down with a flash of light and a sharp thunderclap.

1. AnteCross Lvl1 (Normal/Break)
2. Rallying Charge: NomNom.EXE (Movement + Microburst + Strengthen 60 + Self Slow + 3 TCD)
Movement: Charge head-long into NomNom
3. ShotgunDamage: 50 + Spread 1
Accuracy: A
Description: A gun whose shot penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: E
: NomNom.EXE [+ Smash][+ 10 Element Bonus][+ 60 Strengthen]
4. RemoteBit1HP: 100
Properties: Anchored
Object Damage: 100 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 80 + Panel Break + Drop Attack
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a Control Tower in your area and a Remote Bit to rain down lightning upon the enemy.
Duration: 3 turns or Until destroyed
Element: Elec
Special: Drop Attack: This attack originates above the battlefield, and falls to the ground. It gains one rank of accuracy against High Altitude targets.
Trader Rank: D
: NomNom.EXE
As the gargantuan egg creature was charging at him, KaijuMan took the challenge head-on--quite literally, as his entire body morphed into a configuration more optimized towards meeting his foe's collision with his horns. However, just as he was about to collide with the other beast, it opened its mouth wide and leapt on him, clamping down on his frill-equipped skull. Despite its lack of teeth, it seemed to crunch down on his head with fervor as KaijuMan felt the sting of electricity coursing through his skull. (-20)

The monster-like Navi quickly retaliated with a doubled-up combination of a projectile from his mouth as well as a nearby summoned RemoteBit, both of which made their mark on the enormous egg. The thunderclap from the RemoteBit's attack cracked the earth beneath KaijuMan's feet, causing an unstable footing on the river's shoreline. As its hard white shell shattered in places where KaijuMan's attacks made their mark, one would be able to see row after row of nothing but metallic teeth, haphazardly aligned in order to construct the being. As the metallic teeth gnashed against each other, they created thundering sparks that appeared to spur the creature onto KaijuMan even more, with part of his horn now subject to the beast's endless hunger. (-20) What was more, the creature's shattered shell seemed to slowly reconstruct itself after consuming part of KaijuMan as well!

-- Big Boned --
NomNom.EXE: 95 HP (Latched onto KaijuMan)

-- Bigger Boned --
KaijuMan.EXE: 79 HP (AnteCross Lv1: Null/Break, M.D./Smash) (Close to the Bonfire next to the river, Cracked) (Self-Slow1)

-- Babbling Brook --
50% Sea (River)
45% Normal (Gravel on either end of river)
5% Cracked (Underneath KaijuMan)

-- Bite-size Brunch --
Bonfire: 30 HP (HeatBody, counts as Coal if stepped on, next to river)
Roasted Moloko Carcass A: 60 HP (Above Bonfire)
Roasted Moloko Carcass B: 60 HP (Next to Bonfire)
KaijuMan was initially confused by the Navi's tactic of clamping on to his head, but after he launched his two attacks he began to thrash as his body reverted back to his default, mostly green color and roughly Rex-like shape. The combination of the egg-shaped Navi's lack of yielding along with the electrical shocks zapping through his body left the reptilian unsurprisingly upset. His amber eyes started to glow along with his cranial and spinal spikes as he thrashed about. In one side-stepping shove, he stomped his right foot down, causing his red-hot claws to dig into the ground and unleash a wave of searing heat. The ground beneath him instantly began to darken and blister before turning into a smoldering bed of coals.

By then even his teeth were glowing red hot in his slightly opened jaws. His eyes glared hungrily at some of the damaged areas on the shelled Navi's body, then the Navi roared "My turn!" and tried to sink his super-heated teeth into the program's side. Though the Navi appeared to be a mass of metal teeth like some unholy blender, but even steel yields to extreme heat. If he managed to get a solid bite, he jerked his head from side to side as much as he could, to work his teeth in deeper while tearing away at the program like croc trying to rend flesh from a kill.

The sight of the two programs literally trying to eat eachother briefly caused John's appetite to waiver, but he couldn't help but keep his eyes glued to the screen. To help his Navi turn the tables, no pun intended, he slotted in their FireHit1Damage: 60 + Impact + Double Attack
Accuracy: A
Description: Throws a blazing punch from a distance, Hadoken style.
Duration: Up to 2 uses before the end of the turn
Element: Fire
Special: Double Attack: After spending an action to attack with this chip, you may choose to spend a second action and attack with it again before the end of the turn.
Trader Rank: D
chip, which caused the thrashing and biting Navi's right hand and claws to catch fire. KaijuMan wasn't enraged to the point of ignoring the chip's upload, so to further damage and potentially dislodge his enemy, he delivered a sharp, fiery jab aimed at his foe's belly.

The dark green RemoteBit continued to silently hover over the pair as they brawled, until it received another "target" command from the control tower. It shifted its position overhead to still be directly above NomNom but far enough back to not have its reptilian master in its line of fire. After it received an "attack" command, the bit fired off another powerful electrical bolt down upon the rotund program.

1. Disable AnteCross Lvl 1
2. Scorched Earth: KaijuMan.EXE (Medium Coal Terrain [Centered on Self] + Take Aim + 1TCD)
3. Drain Crunch: NomNom.EXE (70 Drain Fire + Self Slow + 4TCD) [+ Take Aim] [+ 20 Coal Strengthen] [+ Smash]
4. FireHit1Damage: 60 + Impact + Double Attack
Accuracy: A
Description: Throws a blazing punch from a distance, Hadoken style.
Duration: Up to 2 uses before the end of the turn
Element: Fire
Special: Double Attack: After spending an action to attack with this chip, you may choose to spend a second action and attack with it again before the end of the turn.
Trader Rank: D
: NomNom.EXE [+ 10 Fire Bonus]
- RemoteBit1HP: 100
Properties: Anchored
Object Damage: 100 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 80 + Panel Break + Drop Attack
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a Control Tower in your area and a Remote Bit to rain down lightning upon the enemy.
Duration: 3 turns or Until destroyed
Element: Elec
Special: Drop Attack: This attack originates above the battlefield, and falls to the ground. It gains one rank of accuracy against High Altitude targets.
Trader Rank: D
: NomNom.EXE-
Thrashing about didn't do much to dislodge the egg-monster from KaijuMan's head, as its teeth were sinking in surprisingly deeply into his head. For the moment, however, it seemed to have stopped its consumption briefly, and KaijuMan could hear a deep rumbling from within its body. Vibrations racked its body as more of its body began to piece itself together automatically, while KaijuMan reverted into his previous form and transformed the ground beneath his feet into searing fire. The monster took this chance to attempt to sink its teeth into his neck instead, but was thwarted as KaijuMan retaliated by biting into ITS carapace instead with some superheated teeth. The gargantuan Navi would taste the disgusting oil that spilled from the insides of his opponent (+70) along with the sound of twisting metal, as he thrashed about like a wild reptile with its prey. Now almost thoroughly eviscerated, KaijuMan ended the battle with a fiery jab into its carapace, further drenching his fist with the stench of black oil.

All things considered, perhaps this wasn't the best thing to sink his teeth into.

-- Big Boned --

-- Bigger Boned --
KaijuMan.EXE: 149 HP (Close to the Bonfire next to the river, Coal)

-- Babbling Brook --
50% Sea (River)
35% Normal (Gravel on either end of river)
15% Coal (Underneath KaijuMan)

-- Bite-size Brunch --
Bonfire: 30 HP (HeatBody, counts as Coal if stepped on, next to river)
Roasted Moloko Carcass A: 60 HP (Above Bonfire)
Roasted Moloko Carcass B: 60 HP (Next to Bonfire)

-- Battle 5, Victory!! --
Rewards: 2200z, 14 BugFrags
After a lot of biting, thrashing, and heat, KaijuMan stood victorious. He glared down at the crumpled, oil-oozing remains of his foe, while he himself dripped with the inky black substance. KaijuMan then took one step forward, so one of his clawed feet stood on NomNom's remains, then belted out a victorious roar. The combination of the oil and his superheated teeth caused wisps of bluish gray smoke to flow out of his mouth as he roared, and continued to ooze from his jaws and nostrils when he punctuated his battle cry with a satisfied huff.

The victory was sweet, but the victim surely wasn't. KaijuMan looked to the river and plodded over before dunking his head in. His still hot teeth caused the water to boil, which might've helped a bit to wash the taste of oil from his mouth. After shaking his head a few times, he was apparently satisfied enough to trudge back towards NomNom's little fire pit, and gathered up zenny and bugfrags as he went. [[color=darkblue]"Now that was a battle! Never seen Navis literally try to out-eat each other,"[/color]] John remarked over his still lightly steaming bowl of ramen.

"Hrmph, the gall to try and take a bite out of me," KaijuMan huffed before he spat what little oil was left on his tongue towards where NomNom lay. [[color=darkblue]"Yeah, looks like he bit off more than he could chew,"[/color]] John replied with a laugh. KaijuMan stopped and had a confused look on his face before he started to look down at his arms, legs, and tail. After a brief inspection, he looked back up towards John's POV. "Erm, I'm not missing anything am I? Did he take a chunk off my neck?" John responded by furrowing his brow, followed by a slow, confused blink. A second later, he realized his Navi took the idiom literally, and tried to keep himself from smiling or chuckling. [[color=darkblue]"Sorry, that was my attempt at a pun... But speaking of eating, want to take a break here for a bit? Looks like there's still some grilled Moloko for ya if you're still hungry, and I can start chowin' down as well."[/color]]

KaijuMan had gathered up the last of the spoils, and was left with the two BBQ'd viruses. "Good enough for me," he declared before he sat down next to the bonfire and the roasted Moloko above it. He tried to pluck the whole thing, skewer and all, from the fire, gave it a few sniffs, then started to chow down. He wasn't sure how a roasted sheep virus would taste, but he assumed it would be better than the oil, and hoped it didn't taste like the bugfrag he tried snacking on earlier.

((Try to eat Roasted Moloko Carcass A))
Opting to take a break by the river, KaijuMan picked up the spoils of battle, including the two roasted carcasses left behind by the strange egg-like creature. After a few experimental sniffs, he bit down on the roast, and would be surprised to find out that it didn't taste bad at all. While it would have been grilled a touch longer than most, the virus's strangely hardy wool seemed to have protected the meat from being burnt, lent the wild meat an oddly pleasing crispy texture as well. The amount would have felt rather small to KaijuMan with how quickly it went down, but it wasn't at all an unpleasant meal, and he could feel his vitality restoring itself as well.

[HP restored to full!]
The sounds of the reptilian Navi munching on the Moloko were occasionally masked by the sounds of his NetOp slurping his ramen, signalling that both seemed to enjoy their respective meals.

KaijuMan unsurprisingly finished his snack first, and tossed what inedible scraps remained on the fire. While the meal wasn't quite filling, the scaley Navi felt energized and with a renewed hunger for destruction.

John glanced over to the Navi while he shuttled a large mouthful of noodles, and saw his Navi starting to stand back to full height. He tried to not rush his noodles, to avoid a coughing fit, then spoke up when he was at a point where he wouldn't spew noodles. [[color=darkblue]"If you wanna keep goin,' feel free!"[/color]]

KaijuMan responded simply by stretching his neck and rocking his jaw, then started to trudge forward and deeper into the network.

((Ready for Battle #6))
Cruising right along, KaijuMan found it much smoother going to cut his way through the sea sections of the area he was in, sliding along the coastline without issue. To his right, the shore banked up into a long strip of hot coals, forming a breaker between the sea water, and what looked like more steaming onsen pools over the other side.

His wandering was drawn up by the sight of a large jelly virus not too far ahead of him in the sea, floating up and down in a largely passive way for now. Out on the shore, a large stone archway curved across what passed for the path through the coal, and a glittering green crystal had been left perched precariously atop its centre.

This would have been a neat find, perhaps, if not for the presence of two handy viruses around the base of the tall archway, who seemed to be alternately cracking their knuckles together and assessing the arch, almost like they were measuring it for demolition. Further off on the other side, splashing about in the onsen, a whirly and and a senbon were watching with mild fascination; they didn't appear to have noticed the Kaiju-like shape in the water yet. As he observed the scene, however, one creature that had seemed to be a wasp virus that was now angling down out of the sky towards him in an aggressive posture.

SenbonSenbon (Senbon)

Area: Yoka, Beach

HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Aqua x 3 Attacks
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Launches three Aquaneedles in an arc to strike targets from above.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): AquaNeedle1, Zenny
: 80Hp [Onsen][East back]
HandyHandy (Handy)

Handy Viruses attack by opening a dimensional gate below themselves, and dropping into it. The exit gate opens next to their destination, and they will rise out of it holding an explosive. This explosive is placed on an unbroken panel, and the Handy is free to move after. The use of gates does not count as teleporting, but can be used as a means of dodging as they attack. Gates are only used when attacking, and at no other time. Handy viruses will not set a new explosive until either a turn has passed, or they pass one action without setting a new bomb, whichever comes first. For more info on the bombs Handy viruses use, see below.

Area: SciLab, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Hades Isle

HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage: 50 Null to all enemies after 2 turns
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Places a 100HP TimeBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital timer on it. The bomb counts down for two turns, then explodes, dealing 50 damage to all enemies. If the bomb's HP is reduced to Zero before time expires, the bomb is harmlessly destroyed.
Secondary Attack Damage: 50 Null Counterattack + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Places a 1HP DudBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital X displayed on the side. The bomb remains on the field until the end of the turn after it was summoned, then self destructs harmlessly. If the DudBomb is attacked, it detonates whatever attacked it for 50 Null damage in a Blast2 area. This counterattack is indescriminate, and will trigger against the attacker no matter who or what it may be, without exception.
Element: Null.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TimeBomb1, Zenny
Special: This virus cannot attack unless there is at least 1 unbroken and unoccupied panel on the field for it to place bombs on.
A: 80Hp [Coal][Forward central, left side of arch]
HandyHandy (Handy)

Handy Viruses attack by opening a dimensional gate below themselves, and dropping into it. The exit gate opens next to their destination, and they will rise out of it holding an explosive. This explosive is placed on an unbroken panel, and the Handy is free to move after. The use of gates does not count as teleporting, but can be used as a means of dodging as they attack. Gates are only used when attacking, and at no other time. Handy viruses will not set a new explosive until either a turn has passed, or they pass one action without setting a new bomb, whichever comes first. For more info on the bombs Handy viruses use, see below.

Area: SciLab, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Hades Isle

HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage: 50 Null to all enemies after 2 turns
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Places a 100HP TimeBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital timer on it. The bomb counts down for two turns, then explodes, dealing 50 damage to all enemies. If the bomb's HP is reduced to Zero before time expires, the bomb is harmlessly destroyed.
Secondary Attack Damage: 50 Null Counterattack + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Places a 1HP DudBomb on the field, with a clearly visible digital X displayed on the side. The bomb remains on the field until the end of the turn after it was summoned, then self destructs harmlessly. If the DudBomb is attacked, it detonates whatever attacked it for 50 Null damage in a Blast2 area. This counterattack is indescriminate, and will trigger against the attacker no matter who or what it may be, without exception.
Element: Null.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TimeBomb1, Zenny
Special: This virus cannot attack unless there is at least 1 unbroken and unoccupied panel on the field for it to place bombs on.
B: 80Hp [Coal][Forward central, right side of arch]
Whirly EXWhirly EX (Whirly)

Area: Yoka, Beach, Sharo

HP: 110
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Aqua x 3 targets
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Tries to spin into you along a boomerang shaped path.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): AquaWhirl1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes. Cannot fly into high altitude.
: 110Hp [Onsen][East mid]
JellyJelly (Jelly)

Jelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. Jelly attack by launching large waves of water at enemies The attack cycle of Jelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.

Area: Beach

HP: 220
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Aqua + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Sea Terrain Boost 20 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of water at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Sea terrain.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Wave1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking.
: 220Hp [Sea][Directly in front of KaijuMan]
ElebeeElebee (Elebee)

Elebee viruses move and dodge at a high rate of speed, and they are fully flight capable. Elebee viruses attack by flying at their target at high speed, and delivering an electric sting. This type of virus may opt to stop short of the target, and veer sharply in a new direction to avoid an attack. This requires the expenditure of a second action, but occurs very rapidly regardless. Movement and attacking are one and the same with regards to this virus, thus physical contact with them causes damage. Elebees can see through Invis.

Area: Electown, NAXA

HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Elec + Seeking
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Charges toward enemy to electrocute
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Arrow1, Zenny
Special: Flying.
: 90Hp [High Altitude][Angling towards Kajiu from above]

KaijuMan: 190Hp [Sea]

40% Onsen
  • Aqua Elementals gain 3 HP/action partially or fully submerged, Non-Aqua Elementals only when partially submerged.
  • If any Sea Terrain exists in an adjacent panel, Onsen panels will change to Sea Terrain, except in Yoka (Sea will convert to Onsen).
  • Terrain changes between Sea and Onsen do not inflict damage upon submerged entities, nor do they eject submerged entities to the surface.
  • Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
  • PanelShot: Imbue Aqua + Blast1 Blind.
[Eastern side of the coal strip]
40% Sea
  • Fire Elementals lose 10 HP/action standing, 20 HP/action submerged. Other Non-Aqua Elementals lose 5 HP/action submerged. Nullified for Aqua Elementals.
  • Ice attacks: 50% Freeze1 chance, Changes terrain hit to Ice.
  • Terrain changes between Sea and Onsen do not inflict damage upon submerged entities, nor do they eject submerged entities to the surface.
  • Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
  • PanelShot: Imbue Aqua.
[Western side of the coal strip]
20% Coal
  • Fire Elementals gain +20 Strengthen/turn, but must be allocated to Fire Element attacks only. Any Coal Strengthen vanishes after moving off of it.
  • Non-Fire Elementals get Burn (5 Fire/action for 1 turn or until cured) the turn after they come into contact with Coal Terrain.
  • 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Soil.
  • 100 Damage Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to to Lava.
  • PanelShot: Imbue Fire.
[Dividing strip]

GMD: 30Hp [On top of the arch]
Decrepit Arch: 40Hp [Hardbody][Anchored][Ahead and east of KaijuMan]

-=Battle 6, Start!=-