Yoka Net busting

Through massive amounts of firing and sword swinging, the viruses die.

Nautilus1A: DELETED
Nautilus1B: DELETED
Nautilus1C: DELETED
MagneakerA: DELETED
MagneakerB: DELETED
MagneakerC: DELETED
EarthDragonA: DELETED
EarthDragonB: DELETED
Windbox: DELETED

Terrain: 100% Normal

Voltman.exe: 160 HP

Get: 2160z
(It's... beautiful... :'D)

Voltman swiped the cash up from the floor.
Alright! A bunch of cash already! If we keep this up, we'll be rich in no time...

(Battle 2, 160 HP)
Getting rich shouldn't be the only goal...

VoltMan walked along the peaceful Yoka net, always famous for their hot spring baths. He didn't encounter any viruses for a while and the surrounding areas became humid and a bit tough to breath due to the steams. Just before VoltMan was about to take another step further, the ground exploded with a jet of water and swept what ever was in its way! He turned to see that he was surrounded by the lethal geysers and he could barely tell the location of it until it explodes!

VoltMan realized how dangerous this place was and started to make haste in his foot, but it was already too late as viruses already surrounded him in a flash!! The Shellgeeks blocked VoltMan's way with their steel-like defenses, the steamy mistys covered his sides, the wallas prepared for their long-range support, and a handful of Spookies covered the entire area, constantly teleporting back and forth to daze the poor navi!

ShellgeekA: 100 HP [Ironbody]
ShellgeekB: 100 HP [Ironbody]
ShellgeekC: 100 HP [Ironbody]
ShellgeekD: 100 HP [Ironbody]

Misty EXA: 180 HP [Left]
Misty EXB: 180 HP [right]

-Far Away-
WallaA: 100 HP
WallaB: 100 HP
WallaC: 100 HP

Spooky EXA: 50 HP [Constantly Teleporting]
Spooky EXB: 50 HP
Spooky EXC: 50 HP [Constantly Teleporting]
Spooky EXD: 50 HP
Spooky EXE: 50 HP [Constantly Teleporting]
Spooky EXF: 50 HP
Spooky EXG: 50 HP [Constantly Teleporting]

Terrain: 50% Geyser, 50% Normal

Voltman.exe: 160 HP

Voltman took another deep breath of the misty Yoka net, as he dipped the base of a spear into a hot spring he passed.
I've got to say, it's certainly... nice, here. Nothing's tried to kill us for a while, and we both know that hasn't happened much recently. Voltman remarked, swinging the spear he was holding across his shoulders and resting his arms on it. He stopped, looking across one of the nearby springs. In fact, I think the last time we stopped to take a break was right before the opening of the Netsquare...
Shigeru nodded in agreement, taking a drink from the can of soda he'd just hit a nearby vending machine for. It's been a while, yeah. But we both remember how well the Netsquare opening turned out. Hijacking, terrorism, massive fights, panic... He took another sip, and opened up the battlechip routine on the PET to check their current Folder setup.

Voltman chuckled. Well, we can't fault our lives for being dull, then. And to be honest, I'm grateful. He turned his attention away from the spring, and continued walking. A small splashing sound from nearby startled Voltman, but with the laugh of a group of navis, he stopped tensing up in preparation to fight. I mean, don't get me wrong, peace is great. But with all that's going on in the world, the fights between the Police and Mafia, the Cybeasts, stuff like that... doing nothing just doesn't seem right.
The mention of the Mafia brought along a slight change in Shigeru's demeanor. He hunched down somewhat, as if hoping some unknown figure wouldn't see him, even as his eyes showed a swirl of conflicting emotions. Voltman didn't notice, or if he did, he gave no indication, continuing his speech.
Because really, we are fighters... it's built into us. I mean, look at how the netbattling community has fun, trains, and relaxes. A tournament at the colosseum... even when we're not fighting, we fight. He sighed and looked around once more, only to realize he'd lost sight of nearby pools of water. And not due to movement. No, he hadn't gone far enough for them to be out of sight...

The steam had grown thicker, billowing in from all sides. Voltman inhaled, and nearly coughed as a cloud of heated steam entered his lungs. Either some Fire navi just went to the hot springs... Voltman started, and then recoiled backwards as a jet of water erupted not a meter away from his right foot. ...or we've gotten in a bit over our heads. Suddenly, a massive roar overwhelmed Voltman as groups of geysers erupted in quick succession, raining water heated to boiling. Glancing around nervously, Voltman turned an exact 180 degrees, determined to avoid the deadly fountains. He took two steps, and then encountered an all-too-familiar resisting force. It was then that he abandoned all subtlety, calling out to his operator. Shigeru! Viruses!

No sooner had he said it than they made their presence known. Voltman dived to the ground, just as three sets of sharpened tusks flew overhead. In the fog, Voltman could hear laughing and slurping, one moment to his left, the next to his right, and then even above him... the sounds continued shifting their location, not giving Voltman any clue to where the enemies might be. Shigeru, can't we do anything about this damn fog? Voltman cried, exasperated. Suddenly, and without provocation, the fog began to retreat to either side of the field around Voltman. He turned to his operator, confused, who only responded with a bewildered shrug. It wasn't me. Maybe another navi, the geysers, or... The fog began to coalesce into humanoid forms, from which glowing red eyes emerged, their gazes trained on Voltman. ...or even the mist could be a virus.
If there was any consolation, it was that Voltman now had an unobstructed view of the field. The Wallas were in the distance, their tusks already emerging for a second volley of attacks. Five closed Shellgeek viruses laid in Voltman's way, making an impromptu barrier in front of their Walla support. Spooky viruses warped around the field, ghostly wails and laughter coming from all directions as a result. The battle routine barrier was behind Voltman, and enemies were on all other sides.

Battlechips sent. Take care of the Wallas first, they're going to be the most difficult to dodge if you leave them 'til last. The Spookies can be taken care of later, the Shellgeeks are... Shigeru continued to give Voltman instructions, even as a second, more high pitched voice began to chime in as well.
Ahhhhh!!! Ghosts! Volt, take out the ghosts! They're scary! Listen to them laugh! Are you listening? Huh? Huh? Volt? Are you listening to the ghosts...? They're really... Voltman gripped his head, trying to make sense of either advisor's speech unsuccessfully, as they both continued to give him instructions.
...would then open up the Misties for a combo attack which would...
...look, that one just disappeared! Soooooo creepyyyyyyy... I once heard that a ghost...
...by which time the Timebomb would have finished its countdown and exploded just as the Shellgeeks...
Voltman threw out his arms, summoning a massive burst of electricity that flew outwards from his torso, covering him in a barrier and healing some of his wounds, even as he screamed at the top of his lungs. ENOUGH! Silence.

Voltman grinned at the sudden end of lectures, and turned to his enemies. Let's just play it by ear, and see how it works out. Throwing out his right arm, Voltman's hand disappeared into his wrist, even as two blue prongs emerged, white and red tips crackling with electricity. Voltman took aim at the Misty to his right and fired the Magbolt, which drilled through the air, drawing its target towards itself even as it homed in on its target. Voltman then opened his left hand, summoning a gleaming white bone. Holding it above his head, the lightning rods on Voltman's shoulders each sent a bolt of energy into the bone. The battlechip assimilated the extra energy, boosting its power to almost double the original. Bringing the bone down, Voltman let fly, and the Skully battlechip curved through the air, flying towards its misty target.

The Wallas, Voltman! Shigeru cried out.
No, the ghosts! Watt called to his older psyche.
Voltman looked around the field, taking in the remaining enemies' positions. No... The electric aura around Voltman suddenly intensified, as sparks from the lightning rods on his shoulders shot into the sky, summoning a black cloud. ...not just one... Both! Voltman cried, as a massive lightningbolt shot down from the black cloud, enveloping him entirely. A moment later, after all had regained their vision, all that remained in the navi's place was a small metal device with a screen displaying only one thing: 3.... But within mere moments, the screen flickered. 2...
A crack of thunder shot through the battlefield as a second bolt of lightning struck, just behind the Walla viruses, depositing Voltman at his new location. Sorry for the holdup, boys, had to find a spot that didn't look like it would explode under me! He remarked, as a blade of electricity shot out of his wrist. Promise I'll make it up to you somehow, though! He finished as he swung the Elecsword through the Walla viruses, releasing a blast of energy around his swing which sent nearby water splashing into adjacent pools.

Then, with his other hand, Voltman summoned a small yellow half-circle, which expanded until it was large enough to crouch behind. Doing so, Voltman pulled up the screen with his operator's image. Quick tip, next time you think about giving me some overcomplicated strategy... Voltman's eyes flared a bright yellow as sparks flew from the emblem in his torso. ...don't.

<Passive: Siphon (20 HP Barrier)>
<Passive: Dynamo (20 HP Heal)>
1. Magbolt2 to MistyB (110, +25 Elemental Bonus, Stun, Elec)
2. Skully1 to MistyA (100, Homing, Confuse)
<Passive: Jolt [x2] to MistyA (40)[x2]>
3. Countbomb1 (Summon 100 HP Bomb, Explodes in 2 turns for 100 damage to all enemies)
4. Hyperspeed to (hopefully) non-geyser behind Wallas (Teleport, 2 Turn CD)
5. Elecsword to Wallas (80, +15 Elemental Bonus, x2 due to Element, Elec
6. Guard1 (Reflect up to 60 damage)
The Misty on the left was ripped into shred by the torrent of lightnings and the one on the right barely gone on to the next world as one of the Jolts missed. In retaliation, the virus creeped up to the navi and enveloped him in hot steam, melting away the barrier. The moment the Countbomb was set, the ground beneath it erupted with the powerful geyser! Thankfully, it was destroyed this time, but the next time wouldn't be so lucky...

Volt teleported just behind the Wallas far away, trying to cut off any supporting fire from afar, but he came across another geyser terrain and gave a small burn on the navi's sole. With a swing of the sword, two of the viruses was deleted while one just missed by a hair and fired its tusks, getting its first shot reflected back and the second made its mark on the Volt's torso. While it looked like everything was over for now, a pair of teleporting Spookies came right besides the navi and gave a spine-shivering lick right on his face and retreated with their devilish chuckle.

-Far Away-
ShellgeekA: 100 HP [Ironbody]
ShellgeekB: 100 HP [Ironbody]
ShellgeekC: 100 HP [Ironbody]
ShellgeekD: 100 HP [Ironbody]
Misty EXB: 40 HP

WallaB: 80 HP

Spooky EXA: 50 HP [Constantly Teleporting]
Spooky EXB: 50 HP
Spooky EXC: 50 HP [Constantly Teleporting]
Spooky EXD: 50 HP
Spooky EXE: 50 HP [Constantly Teleporting]
Spooky EXF: 50 HP
Spooky EXG: 50 HP [Constantly Teleporting]

Terrain: 50% Geyser, 50% Normal

Voltman.exe: 143 HP [Guard/Barrier Destroyed]

CountBomb: 20 HP [2 Turn] [On Geyser]

An explosion of electricity shook the field amongst a roar of rage as, after what had seemed to be an unexplainable shift in the flow of time, as if all movement, all action, had ceased for an indeterminate period. When the sudden eruption of power subsided, the epicenter was revealed to be Voltman, free from the strange system slowdown. Elecsword held high in the air, eyes bright, and ready for combat, the electric navi looked around the battlefield to see the results. A burst of energy from the scratched emblem on his chest coated his armor in a thin barrier and stemmed the tide of data from some of the more severe wounds. Voltman looked down at his chest and whistled slowly at the gaping wound the Walla tusk had left in him, before looking at the virus responsible and shaking his head slightly.
You're going to regret that. He said softly, the edge of the Elecsword releasing a bolt of lightning that struck the ground not far from the virus. Let's go! Shigeru never even saw the blow land, but knew it must have, for sparks lined a small rent that the force of his blow had torn in the floor, and the sword itself was now behind Voltman, rather than in front of him. Even Voltman hardly saw the attack, but paid that fact no heed, so focused was he upon his attack.

Voltman's concentration in the aftermath of his attack was broken by a sudden small explosion from the other side of the field. Looking for the cause, Voltman spotted his Timebomb1, now across the field, and in desperate need of repair or assistance. A geyser had erupted directly below it, exposing much of the circuitry beneath. One more hit, from pretty much anything in this arena, and that bomb was toast. But how was he supposed to fight off the enemies and get there, all in time to save the bomb...?
He needed help. Professional would have been preferred, but given the circumstances... well, he had no one to turn to but himself.

Watt! Watt, get over here, posthaste! I need your help!
Voltman stood at a massive screen displaying the statistics from around the battle. A picture of his own armor was on the screen, displaying mostly green for undamaged armor, but light yellow was present on some of the extremities, and a few dark red danger zones highlighted the torso. Silence filled the room, until suddenly, from one of the side passages, a small voice sounded.
Sure thing, Volt! I'll be there post-tape in no time! Soon, a small pattering of feet began to sound from the same tunnel, and moments later, Watt ran out of the tunnel, skidding to a halt at his big brothers' feet and giving him a hug around the midriff. Voltman gave a brief hug back, but didn't have much time to humor his younger self. There was a job at hand.
Watt, I need you to do me a really big favor. This battle isn't going so well, and... Watt chose that moment to interject.
Ohhh, no. I remember the LAST time you asked me to beat up the bad guys, Volt. That didn't go good at all! Voltman shook his head. He would have given up, but he was going to need help with as many processes as he was about to be trying.
No, Watt, listen. I'm going to need you to control our running systems, getting us close to that countbomb that's in trouble as possible. I've just sent a request to Shigeru to send us the Metalzone, and I've programmed the computer to help you with that. When we get in range of the bomb, the computer will tell you just what to do. Until then, just run towards that bomb and dodge any geysers that pop up. Watt looked at the massive monitor that lined the wall, and at the smaller chair that was positioned at the left half of the control screen, and back at Voltman. He sighed, before a confused look appeared on his face.
If I'm running, what are you doing?
Voltman's right hand retracted into his wrist, as his lower arm shifted into a basic Buster, while the elecsword on his other arm sparked dangerously.
I'm giving you cover fire.

Shigeru watched Voltman stand still for a few moments, perplexed, before a text request for the Metalzone battlechip came through. He sent the chip, watching the progress bar shoot upwards, just as his navi snapped out of the reverie he had been in. But Shigeru just couldn't shake the feeling that something was a bit... off.
Alright, alright, just watch for geysers, I've sent the terrain scan to you, but we don't know where all of them are yet. Shigeru panned around the arena, but seeing no other navis, merely became more confused. Was he talking to him? No scan of the terrain had come up on the PET...
Without warning, Voltman began dashing forwards, dodging left and right without watching his footing in the slightest. Buster as one hand and Sword as the other, Voltman took careful aim as he was running and let off one shot at the distant Misty virus. The white blast of energy flew across the field, whipping up dust in its wake before crashing into where the enemy had been with a massive explosion. Keeping the buster upright, Voltman surveyed around him as Watt ran him towards his target, itching to fire the second Jolt towards any Spooky that came just a little too close for comfort to allow.

The large screen suddenly popped up a picture in picture window of a top-down view of the battlefield. A moving red circle surrounding the image of Voltman was nearing the Countbomb at the edge of its radius. Watt turned his short attention span back to the map of the terrain, maneuvering left to dodge a nearby known geyser as a burst of steam erupted far behind him. The geysers had to be close to erupting by this point. Finally, the circle overlapped the countbomb, turning a bright green color as a small *ping* was heard. The glass case over a small red button flipped up, and Watt took no time in pressing the button, releasing a surge of battlechip data into the system.
Whew... that was FUN! I need to tell Volt to let me do that again! Watt laughed, before turning control of Voltman's legs to their rightful owner and running off to play somewhere deep in the shared psyche once more.

Voltman's armor around his lower body suddenly grew a metallic sheen over it, as his flat-out dash for the bomb finally reached its conclusion. The metal coloring spread to the floor even as it receded from Voltman's form, coating a large portion of the arena in a silvery metal and stemming the never ending tide of steam that had been pouring out of that portion of the battlefield. Voltman let out a sigh of relief and started to relax before his operator's voice rang out over the battlefield.
On your guard, Voltman! Don't forget about the Spookies! Ghostly chuckles began to sound around the Electric Navi once more as if on cue, amongst his own muffled curses at their presence. The sword in his right hand cracking dangerously from his previous exertions, a small sheath appeared at his waist, the handle protruding from the casing a pitch-black charcoal color. Voltman grabbed the Fireknife with his other hand and continued to turn, looking around him for the first sign of a spooky materialization.

The Countbomb began to tick once more...

<Passive: Dynamo (Heal 20 HP)>
<Passive: Siphon (20 HP Barrier)>
1. Elecsword to WallaB (80, +25 Elemental Bonus, x2 due to Weakness, Elec)
2. Dash across the field towards the Countbomb (Tactical Movement)
3. Try to avoid Geysers and Spookies along the way (Dodge)
<Passive: Jolt to Misty (40)>
<Passive: Jolt to any Spooky that gets too close (40)>
4. Metalzone once in range of Countbomb1 (Large Area terrain change to Metal)
5. Elecsword Parry any Spookies that attempt to attack (80, +25 or +15 elemental bonus, can hit up to 3 with a single swing, x2 due to Terrain, Elec, Elecsword Breaks)
6. Fireknife Parry any Spookies that attempt to attack (60, x2 due to Terrain, Fire)
<Ability: Swordplay (Dodge)>
VoltMan struck with his ElecSword, pulsating blade cleaving a wide arch through the air. The Walla virus was decimated, along with an unlucky Spooky that had materialized just within reach of the sparking blade. The Navi took the opportunity to dash across the perilous battlefield toward his bomb, hoping to arrive in time to prevent the destruction of the immobile device. A blast of electricity took out the final Misty, the floating hand dissipating into a fine mist. A second blast wounded a wandering Spooky, but one of its fellows healed it with a slobbering lick.

VoltMan ran, barely missing the swooping tongue of another Spooky as it appeared near him. He reached the CountBomb and released the MetalZone BattleChip, a wave of steel rippling out from around the Navi. The steel devoured the geysers and normal ground alike, creating a circle of hardened metal surrounding VoltMan and his explosives.

A third and fourth ghost virus attempted to wrap Volt within their long tongues, but the Navi bisected the creatures with a swipe of his sword. The electrical blade faded out as the ghost vanished, its power depleted. Another Spooky decided to try to capitalize, but Voltman cut it down with a flaming dagger. All seemed to be going well...Until the Shellgeeks took the opportunity to attack.

Four volleys of spears sailed through the air toward VoltMan. The Navi dodged the first set of spears with ease, leaping to his left with a flourish of his flaming blade. The second volley flew wide to the right, clattering against the ground. However, Volt's leap brought him in line with the third volley. One spear clattered against the Navi's barrier, barely nicking him., but with the barrier gone, the second spear stabbed deep into Volt's leg. The fourth set of spears sliced across one side of the Navi, one spear hitting and the other rebounding along the ground, digging a deep gouge across his right side. The only good thing about the spears sticking into VoltMan was that the shelled viruses were now vulnerable to a counterstrike.

-Far Away-
ShellgeekA: 100 HP
ShellgeekB: 100 HP
ShellgeekC: 100 HP
ShellgeekD: 100 HP


Spooky EXC: 50 HP [Constantly Teleporting]
Spooky EXD: 50 HP
Spooky EXF: 50 HP

Terrain: 35% Geyser, 35% Normal, 30% Metal

Voltman.exe: 108 HP

CountBomb: 20 HP [1 Turn] [On Metal]
Voltman fell to the ground after his attacks had finished as a searing pain shot through his leg. The spear had pierced straight through his armor and was still lodged in his leg, and a second spear had carved a hole in his side that was not comfortable in the slightest. Data spilled out of the side wound, while the spear lodged in his leg mercifully stemmed the flow of damaged code, for now.
Damn it! Good for nothing barrier... Voltman sent some excess energy down to his side, where a small patch in the armor stemmed the tide of leaking data, and a barrier began to form to contain the rest of the damage. The leg, meanwhile... Voltman looked at the Fireknife in his hand, groaned, and then spread his leg out in front of him, the spear now parallel to the ground. Raising the knife, he closed his eyes, held one end of the spear with his left hand, and brought the Fireknife down on the other half with his right. A small *chok* sound was heard, as the head of the spear neatly fell off, charcoal lining the cut. Its data damaged, the spear faded into nothingness, leaving Voltman with a hole clean through his leg. The pain didn't take long to arrive.
Tears suddenly sprang to Voltman's eyes as he tossed the Fireknife aside, gripping his leg around the wound with both hands. Sonofabitch! What was left of Voltman's recovery energy flowed into the wound, creating small patches of cover around the wound, and restoring the more vital processes that had been damaged in the attack. Data knitted itself into facsimiles of bones and sinew, albeit massively corrupted versions, while a thin barrier covered the outside of the wound, preventing data from spilling outwards. Voltman stood tentatively on the leg and, satisfied that it would suffice for the rest of the battle, continued to fight.

The firing squad of Mollusca imitation viruses had exposed their weak centers in the attack, small spheres of black data within the shells. Arrows were already beginning to appear in their mouths again. Voltman had no time to waste

Voltman appeared behind the enemies in a crash of thunder, a blue buster on one arm and a glowing orb of white energy in his other hand. Surprise...! Voltman loaded the white orb into the buster along with three strange blue pellets, and fired them off at the enemies. The first three shots spread into large bubbles, which advanced toward enveloping the three first virus' forms, the hard exteriors about to cause minor damage on impact. The fourth shot was merely a normal buster shot, comprised of nothing but null energy that exploded into a small flash of light as it came into contact with its target.
When the flash faded, the buster in Voltman's hand was gone, replaced by a chain that he held in both fists. At one end of the chain was a slightly curved blade, not unlike that of a scimitar. The other end had no such weapon, at it was the unadorned end that Voltman gripped as he spun around suddenly. The centrifugal force that gripped the blade whipped it out of inactivity with surprising speed, bringing it around in a single circle of deadly momentum that threatened to cleave the four shelled viruses in half, as well as any spookies that were unlucky enough to materialize nearby at the wrong moment.

Voltman, the bomb! If you can protect it long enough for it to explode, you might just finish them off! Shigeru yelled out to his navi. Voltman snapped to attention as the chain finished retracting from his last attack and the battlechip dematerialized to prepare for future use. The Countbomb was nearby, safely on metal, but the sounds of ghosts still filled the battle routine as strange intangible flames began to appear and disappear at a faster rate. Voltman began dashing towards the bomb, watching for nearby enemies. A small flame began to appear in front of the bomb. Voltman unclenced one of his fists, revealing a small domino in the palm of his hand. Lobbing the domino into the sky, Voltman gathered a mass of white energy in that palm, even as a double barreled shotgun appeared in his other hand. Descending once more, the domino had metamorphosed into a full Dominerd virus, which stood vigilant in front of Voltman as he stood several panels away from the bomb, turning left and right in regards to the sounds around him.

Voltman held the shotgun out in one direction, the curseshield floated in front of his face, and a palmful of glowing white energy covered his other side, all waiting for the bomb counter a fair distance behind him to stop displaying "1."
Ghostly chuckles filled the air as brief images of massive tongues, purple robes, and slightly glowing eyes materialized around Voltman, trying his patience even as they wore down his sanity. A small beep sounded from the Countbomb, and the display changed to "0". Voltman grinned, and braced his feet for the shock of the impact.
Ohh, they're going to have to glue you all back together... in he- Whatever Voltman had been saying was lost, as a bright light erupted from behind him, amidst an explosion. Voltman muttered to himself. And with that, things have either just gone very very wrong... or very very right.

<Passive: Dynamo (Heal 20 HP)>
<Passive: Siphon (20 HP Barrier)>
1. Areagrab to near Shellgeek position (Teleport)
2. Bubblestar1 to ShellgeeksA-C (20, Trap, Aqua)
<Passive: Jolt to ShellgeekD (40)>
3. Moonblade1 to ShellgeeksA-D (90, Can hit up to 8, -1 level accuracy due to # of targets, +1 level of accuracy due to subtype)
4. Get to the Bomb (Dodge/Tactical Movement)
5. Curseshield1 to attacking Spookies (Blocks 1 attack and counters for 160 damage)
6. Shotgun any attacking Spookies (50, Spread1)
<Passive: Jolt to Spooky attackers (40)>
0. Countbomb Explosion (100 damage to All Enemies) ('Bout damn time it went off.)
Rather than sit back and wait for his bomb to explode, VoltMan charged into the fray, bubbles blazing. He managed to trap two of the Shellgeeks and shock a third one out of the blue. After that he made several precise slashes at the group of Shellgeeks, deleting several of them before the bomb could. It seemed that VoltMan was merely seeing how many he could delete before the bomb went off. Before the remaining Shellgeek could do anything, VoltMan ran back to the bomb and protected it with a shield.

The constantly teleporting Spooky decided to make a pass at VoltMan, and got countered for its troubles. In addition to that, the electric Navi managed to peg one of the other Spookys with the Shotgun. His Jolt attack barely missed the final Spooky and left only two viruses on the field. VoltMan turned around and looked at the CountBomb, which slowly moved from 1 to 0.

Now, he wasn't exactly sure why the massive explosion didn't damage him, but one second he was staring at the timer, and the next he was flying off in one direction. The bomb annihilated the Spooky as the force reached it, but VoltMan was still flying, now towards the last virus, the Shellgeek. The Navi's barrier hadn't really been necessary before, but VoltMan was grateful for it as he smashed bodily into the virus and deleted it with the power of the bomb behind him. Said collision also knocked him out.

A few minutes later, he woke up and looked around. He seemed to be totally unharmed, but that had been quite a ride. The rewards from the battle were also unharmed thankfully, and lay a few feet from VoltMan.

-Far Away-
ShellgeekA: DELETED
ShellgeekB: DELETED
ShellgeekC: DELETED
ShellgeekD: DELETED



Terrain: 35% Geyser, 35% Normal, 30% Metal

Battle 2 Complete!

Mass Murderer VoltMan.exe: 128HP GET: TwinFang1, 1700z
A small ping sounded from behind Voltman as the bomb ticked down to zero. Voltman braced himself slightly, only to go flying into the air the next moment. He briefly saw, and felt, himself crash against one of the viruses, before blacking out.

Voltman woke up a little while later to still hear Shigeru laughing at his navi's misfortune. Despite flying so far, however, he felt absolutely fine. (Sans battle wounds, mind you)
For once, I'm glad I exist on the internet. That would have hurt like hell in real life. Spotting some battlechip data, Voltman grabbed it and sent it to Shigeru.
Uh... if the viruses keep dealing this sort of damage to me, Shigeru, we might be better off putting some healing battlechips in the folder... Shigeru looked through the few extra chips they had, and pulled out the Recov30.
Sorry, Voltman. the Recov30's the best we've got right now. I'll edit the folder to put it in, though. Seeing the new TwinFang chip download to the PET along with the Recov30, he quickly edited the folder to include both.

(Ready for Battle 3, 128 HP
Folder Edited!
Removed: Machinegun1, Drillarm1
Included: Recov30, Twinfang1)
Still a bit reeling from the bomb explosion, Voltman went on forward, eventually coming across a river. Not too surprising, since the Yoka area was supposed to be filled with Aqua-element stuff. The river's flow zigzagged across his path, without any visible way of getting across without getting one's feet wet. Then, some strange noises came from the river. It seemed to be the sound of... chomping teeth? Looking towards the east, a rather alarmingly large group of Piranhas were making their way up the river, not unlike the salmons of the real world. Except, well, salmons don't attack people. These fish are less friendly.

However, when looking into the distance a bit further, some more figures could be seen. They didn't seem to be too close, and if judged by their shapes, they couldn't be mistaken for none other than a pack of giant weights. There also seemed to be a localized rainstorm on the other side. However, when examined more closely, they could be seen to exhibit faces on their puffy exterior.

-- Through The River --
PiranhaEXA: 90HP
PiranhaEXB: 90HP
PiranhaEXC: 90HP
PiranhaEXD: 90HP
PiranhaEXE: 90HP
PiranhaEXF: 90HP
PiranhaEXG: 90HP

-- Across The River --
HeavyA: 75HP
HeavyB: 75HP
HeavyC: 75HP
CloudyEXA: 110HP
CloudyEXB: 110HP
CloudyEXC: 110HP
CloudyEXD: 110HP

-- Navis --
Voltman.EXE: 128HP

Terrain: 60% Normal, 40% Sea (River)


(Edit: I have no idea what you're talking about, PA. :rolleyes: )
(Over the river and through the weights, to the house of the bloodthirsty shark we go...
Also, since they're all PiranhaA, can I target them all with a single blow? Hrm? What about all the CloudyA's?)

Voltman's leg was paining him. His earlier repairs had kept the wound from getting any worse, but data was starting to leak out of the hole once more, and there wasn't anything he could do about it. Use a subchip, maybe, but he wasn't THAT hurt. He could still move, fight, and all the other essentials. A sound from his right caught his attention, turning his focus away from his leg. Splashing. He walked in the direction of the strange sound.
As he approached, a roaring became heard. Voltman started to jog, now, intensely curious what could be past him. He finally came within sight of the noises' source: a river, in the middle of Yoka net. Walking forwards, the chatter of local Onsen-goers that had accompanied him on his hike suddenly vanished briefly, before returning, slightly quieter than they had been. Voltman lazily waved his hand through the air behind him and found resistance in the net he had just come through.

Battle routine. Guess this stream is home to a rather unsavory bunch. Voltman commented, his visor's targeting reticule appearing and highlighting fourteen figures in and across the stream. Black clouds started to gather above the electric virus buster, electricity arcing within their depths. Lightning descended from the newly formed weather, striking the rods on Voltman's shoulders and spreading a current over his body. The deeper wound on Voltman's leg finally healed itself fully, through his armor remained severely torn. A charge of electricity covered the damaged armor, providing some protection to the more damaged areas. Suddenly, a slight glow surrounded Voltman's armor, as almost all of the rest of his wounds sealed themselves, with only minor nicks and scratches remaining. Incredulous, he looked for the source, before a small battlechip notification appeared on his visor. Voltman pulled up a commlink with Shigeru.
Thanks for that. I might need it. Voltman said to his operator, who stopped flipping through the battlechips for just long enough to nod at his navi. Yeah, but that river's going to be a problem. The Piranhas have the distinct advantage. So it's not a "might" need it, unless you've got some trick up your sleeve. Voltman had to agree, before a small flash of blue on his emblem shocked both operator and navi.

A stream of water siphoned out of the stream, engulfing the electric navi as suddenly as the blue flash of light had appeared. Beneath the torrent, the lightning rods on his shoulders eroded away. Around his lower arms, transparent cases appeared and filled with water. Voltman's vivid yellow faded, turning to a dark blue, and his helmet turned transparent for about an inch, filling with water just as the containers on his arms had. With a sudden explosive force, Voltman emerged, now Splashcross Voltman.

Looking at his arms, Voltman let out a chuckle, which came out with a splash of water. Well, this certainly helps. A casing of ice began to form around Voltman's legs, even as the beginnings of battlechip weapon data appeared in his hands. The ice grew to cover his waist, torso, and arms. Now you see me... The ice grew over Voltman's head, and for a moment the navi was still, before a bolt of lightning struck the ice, shattering it completely. And where Voltman had been, nothing remained...

Voltman appeared amongst the enemies silently, slight splashing as he entered the water the only notification that he was there... Apart from the attack that he began soon afterwards. Voltman swung a chain in his right hand, at the end of which there was a scimitar-like blade. Whipping the chain around him, Voltman carved the sea terrain of the river into pieces, gashes in the water's surface forming and filling with every swing. Vertical swing, attempting to carve a Piranha clean in two, and another horizontal swing found itself cutting across the paths of three more fish. Bringing the blade in a wide arc around his back, two more Piranhas came dangerously close to the flashing blade. And then, in an attempt to finish off the virus group once and for all, Voltman let almost all of the chain out, whipping the Moonblade around in a massive radius surrounding him.
Alright, who else wants some?! Voltman cried out, a glittering blade of ice sliding out of his wrist, creating small pools of frost in the water near it before the blade heated slightly, melting the ice and revealing a chilling silvery-blue blade, dripping with water and razor sharp. Spotting what was either a Piranha giblet or a remaining Piranha, Voltman resisted the pull of the water to leap into the air, bringing the blade down in a crushing arc over the enemy.

With Voltman's attack, a massive fountain of water rose, obscuring vision of the river, and when the droplets cleared, Voltman had taken on an unnatural appearance. The tanks of water on his arms and legs were filled with glowing Red and Blue fluids, which were churning and bubbling unsettlingly as the Crossed combatant targeted all enemies currently in the battle with his visor. A small crack appeared on one of the water tanks, which quickly disappeared, but the message was clear. With a shout, Voltman turned his palms upwards and released the energy of the DBLBEAM onto the field. Red and blue fields of energy spread outwards, combining to form one massive, unstable wave. The river erupted in a burst of steam, obscuring the river from view for a second time. But this time, when the steam cleared, Voltman was nowhere to be seen.

Beneath the surface of the water, held in neutral buoyancy by the tanks of water and air on his wrists and legs, Voltman looked through the crystal clear water to the groups of enemies on shore. The three Heavy viruses on shore were leaping around, crushing terrain beneath them. The ice sword taking up his left arm, Voltman summoned a buster on his right arm. Taking aim, Voltman fired off a quick burst of energy, two glowing orbs connected by a small line of light. Whipping through the air, the energy barrage flew straight towards the Heavy. Voltman prepared for the counterattacks, remaining safely (hopefully) below the surface.

<Dynamo (20 HP Heal)>
<Siphon (20 HP Barrier)>
1. Recov30 (30 HP Heal)
2. Activate Splashcross (Element change to Aqua, +10 to Aqua element attacks)
3. Areagrab to middle of Piranha group (Teleport)
4. Moonblade1 to PiranhaA-G (90, B accuracy [Base Accuracy Rank D when targeting 7 enemies, +1 Accuracy rank passive sword type ability, +1 Accuracy rank Teleport bonus])
4. Aquasword to any surviving Piranhas (80, +10 Cross Bonus, Can hit up to three enemies)
<Swordplay (Dodge)>
5. DBLBEAM to all (40 to all enemies, or 30 healing to Voltman)
6. Dive into the river. (Submerge in Sea terrain)
<Jolt [x2] to HeavyA (40)[x2]>
Immediately healing up, Voltman changed into SplashCross, changing his element and getting in tune with the aquatic nature of the area. He then charged straight into enemy territory, wreaking havoc on the Piranhas with his deadly Moonblade attack, which sliced through five of the viruses, leaving two of the hapless fish victim to the even more painful icicle blade. Seeing their friends being massacred, the others weren't going down without avenging their comrades, and the Cloudys sent down their torrents into Voltman's territory, hitting his barrier.

Acting quickly, Voltman initiated his DBLBEAM-powered wave attack, whose color flickered between red and blue, before finally settling on blue, crashing down to soothe Voltman's earlier wounds and negating them. Submerging himself in the river and using the DBLBEAM for cover, he fired a few potshots at a nearby Heavy, which was stupid enough to teleport into range as it crashed into the place where Voltman had been, deleting it. The Cloudys all pooled their resources and started raining on Voltman's area, creating a massive storm cloud that brought down floods of rain. Fortunately, he was safe under the water, but it doesn't look like he'll be coming up anytime soon.

-- Through The River --
PiranhaEXA: Deleted
PiranhaEXB: Deleted
PiranhaEXC: Deleted
PiranhaEXD: Deleted
PiranhaEXE: Deleted
PiranhaEXF: Deleted
PiranhaEXG: Deleted

-- Across The River --
HeavyA: Deleted
HeavyB: 75HP
HeavyC: 75HP
CloudyEXA: 110HP
CloudyEXB: 110HP
CloudyEXC: 110HP
CloudyEXD: 110HP

-- Navis --
Voltman.EXE: 200HP

Terrain: 60% Normal, 40% Sea (River)
The sounds of splashing water above Voltman echoed through the clear water. Given the amount of rain that was pouring down, Voltman wasn't about to sneak out of the river unless he was willing to take severe damage. The sides of the river were entirely flat, nowhere he might be able to take cover, and although the water appeared to be infinitesimally deep, he wasn't very eager to find out what was below the visible level.
And so, he was trapped.

Voltman had some time to relax and recover while he formulated a plan, though. Assimilating water from his surroundings, Voltman's natural healing factor patched his wounds with the collected data. A second, slightly more viscous barrier of water appeared over his armor. Voltman looked down at the changes to his natural processes the Cross had affected, and was slightly shocked as his lower armor appeared to be entirely black. Upon closer inspection, the edited water data surrounding his armor was resisting the passage of the already fractured light through it. Voltman began to formulate an idea. Flattening his arms against his sides, and straightening his legs out while bringing them together as well, he looked down to see a roughly rectangular black shape. Grinning, he sent a small list of battlechips to Shigeru.

Shigeru received the list and merely stared at it for a moment. The Elecsword? He couldn't use that in the water without damaging himself with the current. The curseshield? If he was looking for an umbrella, the Guard would be more than sufficient. And what was with the request for a second sword? Did he really plan to use one of them so quickly that he would need a second?
In short, What the hell is Voltman thinking?

At the time in question, Voltman wasn't thinking of much but running a brief system diagnosis of the cross data. His electric affinity was obviously compromised. But he seemed to have gained considerable mobility in water, not to mention a small boost in power to like-element battlechips. Overall, not that bad an ability... but my traditional style seems to be more battle-oriented for the time being. He mused, experimenting with underwater propulsion until a small message appeared on his visor.
Battlechip download complete
Voltman grinned. Time to wreak havoc.

Above the water, what could be seen of Voltman was very little. Past the torrential rain of the Cloudies, all that could be seen of him was his bright yellow armor. Suddenly, darkness seemed to spread over his armor. He moved around below the water for a small while, before abruptly stopping completely. And then something completely illogical happened. Voltman started to surface, directly under the rain of the Cloudy viruses. As he rose his form seemed to flicker briefly, but soon the dark shape was solid once more, and it continued to rise. But something was off... the shape didn't seem quite right. But just what had happened was about to become all-too clear.

The black shape surfaced, revealing a domino-shaped block, with two wafer-thin arms covering its lower half, and two angry eyes all that could be seen on the rest. The arms whipped apart as the Curseshield activated, letting out a small harsh screech before flying forwards at great speed. Before the enemies had time to react to what had just happened, Voltman appeared behind the group, sword shining with electricity attached to his upper wrist. Surprise, suckers! Voltman yelled, bringing his arm about in an arc. The electricity from the blade flared as it neared enemies, striking the water below with sparks and bolts of energy. As his swing finished, Voltman brought the sword in a second, similar arc for assurance. Before he began to fall, however, Voltman deactivated the battlechip, leaving only a darkened husk where the electricity used to form the deadly blade. Attaching a small line of energy to the end of the sword, Voltman whipped the weapon around in a quick arc and with a single throw, embedded the blade in the opposite shore. Pulling on the line, Voltman arrived at the opposite bank in no time at all.

Which left two. Voltman's right arm raised, a wide-barreled buster forming on the end of his wrist as one of his most powerful single-shot battlechips loaded into his system. Ice gathered around the barrel of the weapon as it drew energy from the matter surrounding it to create the blast contained within. The buster's barrel expanded and separated, turning into a tri-barreled, water cooled cannon on Voltman's wrist. Taking careful aim at one of the Heavy viruses, Voltman charged the Powerblast briefly before letting it fly. Three relatively small orbs of energy flew out of the barrels and merged in midair, creating a convex blast of null element energy that enveloped where the second Heavy had been entirely.

Voltman downloaded the Widesword chip to his arm and started to wait for the final Heavy to attack, when suddenly his arm thrusted forward and he started running against his will. What the hell was going on?
I'll get this one!
Voltman struggled against the unexpected movement, managing to stop his reckless charge into an enemy that could crush him without a second thought. But he still didn't have sufficient control of himself to parry a drop in time.

Voltman and Watt stood at the control panel, wrestling over a joystick at the head of the panel. Normally one might expect Voltman to win without a second thought, but this being Voltman and Watt's mind, they shared everything, including their strength. Voltman found room in between his grunts to manage an argument.
Watt, let me handle this! It's strategy! Voltman yelled, to which his younger self just stuck out his tongue at him.
No way! I get to play with this one! Watt argued, before finally letting go to a massive wrench away from him by Voltman.
Watt, you have your times... but this isn't one of them... Voltman said, as kindly as he could muster under the conditions. Watt, with a face that just showed sadness in every possible manner, sat down in the copilot's chair and continued to watch the battle.
I never get to do anything fun...

Free of Watt's interference, Voltman focused on the remaining Heavy, preparing a blast of energy in his left hand and the Widesword in his right. Ready to parry, Voltman wasn't about to let anything survive this battle.
But, there was always that small chance.

<Dynamo (Heal 20 HP)>
<Siphon (20 HP Barrier)>
1. Curseshield1 to CloudyA (Block one attack, counter for 160 damage)
2. Hyperspeed to above Cloudies (Teleport)
3. Elecsword to CloudyB/C/D (80, x2 due to Weakness, Elec)
4. Elecsword to any remaining Cloudies (80, x2 due to Weakness, Elec)
<Swordplay (Dodge onto far bank)(Elecsword sacrificed for maneuver)>
5. Powerblast to HeavyB (90)
6. Widesword Parry to HeavyC (80, Wide range of attack)
<Jolt [x2] to either surviving Heavy (40)[x2]>
One Cloudy's attack was blocked by Voltman's tricky Curseshield-aided attack, and chomped down easily by the vicious Dominerd. Moving at hyperspeed behind the Cloudys, he zapped them easily with a swipe of his sword, deleting them efficiently. Throwing his sword towards the opposite bank, he was on the other side quickly enough. Afterwards, he let out a large Powerblast towards a nearby Heavy, deleting it. Finally, the remaining Heavy, trying to retaliate, got a serving of Widesword as the blade cut through the virus like a hot knife through butter.

-- Through The River --
PiranhaEXA: Deleted
PiranhaEXB: Deleted
PiranhaEXC: Deleted
PiranhaEXD: Deleted
PiranhaEXE: Deleted
PiranhaEXF: Deleted
PiranhaEXG: Deleted

-- Across The River --
HeavyA: Deleted
HeavyB: Deleted
HeavyC: Deleted
CloudyEXA: Deleted
CloudyEXB: Deleted
CloudyEXC: Deleted
CloudyEXD: Deleted

-- Navis --
Voltman.EXE: 200HP (20HP Barr)

Terrain: 60% Normal, 40% Sea (River)

Battle 3 - Victory!
Rewards: 1680z
(I realize the 30 damage was edited into the first moddage, but...
Where'd it come from? I thought the DBLBEAM healed that 30. Did it not work?)

Voltman grinned, grabbing the cash.
At least that went faster than the last battle.

(Battle 4, 200 HP)