The leader of those fish...it couldn't be..."Um...I hate to ask while you're in that shape, but is that leader a shark-like version of them, by chance? Because if it is...I've fought something like that before, and managed to win without way too much trouble! Granted, I was on the surface for most of the fight, and not underwater, but...well, I didn't come this far just to run away! Please, tell me where the leader is, if you know!"
The Lark's tone of voice was still the same as he replied to SplashMan's question. "Yes...It was the shark...However, I still don't advise you to attack head on..." Waving one of its fin, he brought forth the same Shrimpy virus that led SplashMan over here. "He will tell you what must be done...If...If you would excuse me, I require a short moment of rest..."


While SplashMan and the others left the Father's home, the Shrimpy came up to the navi and started to speak in human language. "I'm glad to have you with our side...I'll tell you what we have planned to do.

It turned towards the navi and started to explain it's strategy against their enemy.

"We have devised two plans: Plan A, we are to stay here until the enemy comes to us. They always come in large numbers, but many of us are willing to fight along with you. First, we thought there would be more than one of you coming to help us, but we also came up with Plan B just in case.

For Plan B, we would sneak into the enemy's base and have the element of surprise. But for us to keep it a secret, it would be just you and me going in. The shark's minions are always out on patrol and never come back until late at dawn, so we would be facing much less enemies...

What is your choice?"
"Hmm..." SplashMan tapped his dome, trying to think of what the best course of action would. And like he did more often than not, he failed to come up with an answer by himself. "What do you think, Sabrina?"

"Easy call. We can't let all those viruses risk their lives! It's not our specialty, but we need to sneak in and take out the leader! Plus, if the shark's all we have to end up fighting, we've already got a good idea of how it fights!"

"Yeah, but...doesn't that work both ways?"

"Maybe, but we've gotten more stuff since that battle, so I don't think that'll be too much of an issue! Oh, and one more thing. Maybe you should switch forms for this? I mean, I think we'll be good either way, but as SplashLady you'll probably be a quieter swimmer, since you'd be more...streamlined? Not exactly the word I'm looking for, but you get the picture."

"If you think it'll help, then go ahead!" The Navi closed his eyes, in preparation for the transformation. "Oh, Shrimpy? Don't be worried about this...I'll look a lot different, but it'll still be me!"

"Okay!" The GMO equipping program popped up on the PET screen, and Sabrina immediately selected the only one that wasn't equipped. "GMO Activation! Model067, Override!"

SplashMan glowed, as his body became thinner, and in the eyes of many, easier on the eyes. "Override complete!" Now in touch with her feminine side, SplashLady swam in a circle, getting used to the form again. "I'll admit, I'm still getting used to this, but I'll be fine! So, which way to the enemy lair?"

(Get ready to play MGS...METAL GEAR SPLASH)
"So it's decided, let's make haste."

As soon as SplashMan finished his GMO transformation, the Shrimpy darted north and nearly left the navi behind. The two didn't travel too far until they came across a dark cave. On the outskirt of the caves were shining data fragments, persumably the remnant of the viruses who tried to fight off the shark and met an untimely end...

"We shall end the suffering..."

It was guarded by the fishes SplashLady faced not so long ago, but both slipped passed the guards and headed deeper into the net. Deeper they went in, the caves got brighter and brighter. They carefully approached to the end of the cave, where their enemy resided. Certainly, it was the same shark virus SplashMan faced, but something was much different from last time.

The Shark's body was still enormous, but the over all structure was rugged and heavily scarred, with a noticable giant scar over his left eye. Its fin was bladed just like its minion and its teeth were deadlier than ever. This was certainly a strange encounter...since he was turned into an island when he was destroyed by SplashMan...

Before the Shrimpy and SplashLady could do anything, two fishes appeared besides the shark, speaking about a certain subject. Though additional enemies appeared, they didn't notice the two at all! You have the advantage! Strike now!


Terrain: 100% Sea

SplashLady: 210 [Preemptive Strike!]
Shrimpy: 140 [Preemptive Strike!]

There was no turning back now. It was either her and Shrimpy, or them. ...Well, it wasn't quite at that point yet. But considering how far they were in, it might as well be. "Okay, this is for everyone! And we're both leaving this place, all right Shrimpy?" As much as she felt like shouting, SplashLady made sure to whisper her little extra motivational piece. Couldn't let the surprise factor go to waste, after all.

"Sounds like you're ready! Let's try and make this a one on one fight quickly! You might get hit because of it, but it's a risk I'm willing to take!" Okay, so it was more like 'probably will get hit'. But she wasn't killing the mood with 'facts'. "Let's roll!" Sabrina chose a simple, time-tested two chip approach. One featured red and blue panels becoming more red, and the other featured a blue Swordy virus. "Battlechip, AreaGrab! Battlechip, AquaSword! Double slot in!"

The Navi teleported from her present spot, to right behind the trio of fishy fish. However, after the warping, her spear had changed, as it now had a blade of water for a head, and, for whatever reason, a short, but sharp edge on the other end...which gave her an idea. Instead of just slashing and hacking away, she began to spin the weapon around in front of her. Over and over she whirled it around, cutting anything that got in its way to shreds, like a propeller. Luckily, it seemed as though she was able to stay in place as she used it.

"Yaarrgh!" SplashLady continued to spin it around for all she was worth; after all, if she stopped now, she'd be completely defenseless...

[Order of Turn:
1-AreaGrab chip to behind enemies (teleports user)
2-AquaSword chip attack on BlarghFishA, BlarghSharkV2, and BlarghFishB (80+10, Aqua, Slashing)
3-AquaSword chip attack on BlarghFishA, BlarghSharkV2, and BlarghFishB (80+10, Aqua, Slashing)
4-AquaSword chip attack on BlarghFishA, BlarghSharkV2, and BlarghFishB (80+10, Aqua, Slashing)
5-AquaSword chip attack on BlarghFishA, BlarghSharkV2, and BlarghFishB (80+10, Aqua, Slashing)]
SplashLady made a surprise entrance behind the viruses and began swirling around and around, slashing away anything that is in its way. The couple of slashes made full effect, but the shark wrapped around the navi and started to take the damage to it self, protecting his minions. The attack went on for a good length, but soon or later, the navi was too exhausted and had no choice but to stop. To make it worse, the shark was already coiled around him and gave little space for the navi to escape!

The shark let its battle cry out into the water and prepared dive towards the navi with its lethal jaw, but it was momentarily stopped by the Shrimpy's bubble attack, giving the navi a short second of escape! The Shark let out a small "BLARGH" to his subordinates, who responded the same way and swam towards the Shrimpy.

Now facing one to one against the shark, SplashLady needed to fight against the sworn enemy of the peaceful viruses!

BLARGHFISHA: 120 [Attacking Shrimpy]
BLARGHFISHB: 120 [Attacking Shrimpy]

Terrain: 100% Sea

SplashLady: 210
Shrimpy: 140
Though she was a bit tired from it, the spear spinning proved to be surprisingly effective at slashing the tar out of the virus-like fish. Which reminded her...she needed to make sure that Shrimpy was all right. "Sabrina! The fish are heading towards the Shrimpy...can't we do anything to help it out?"

"Hmm...BigHammer could finish off one of the fish pretty well, but I don't think you're close enough to get a clear summon for it...think you can get closer?" Suspecting the answer, Sabrina searched her folder for chips featuring pictures of Gaia and Fishy viruses. However...

"Sure!" In a move that the operator didn't see coming at all, SplashLady disengaged her spear's sword tip, and created a burst of water at its usual terminus. This caused it to go screeching forward, as well as its wielder, right towards the side of the BlarghShark with an 'Aaaahh!!'. After the attack was over, she took a second to recover from the attack. "Well, that was...interesting...I guess that's how I do it when I don't have cannons, huh...?"

"Don't space out now, I think you're in range for BigHammer! So..." Setting one chip aside, the other, the one that contained a picture of a purple hammer wielding virus, made its way into Sabrina's PET's insertion slot. "Battlechip, BigHammer! Slot in!"

The Aqua Navi pointed her spear towards one of the BlarghFish, causing a gray Gaia virus to suddenly appear next to it. It quickly turned purple, and lowered the boom, so to speak. In a battle that was, without a doubt, going to be extremely draining, being able to sit back and watch something else do her work for her was a definite plus, even if it was quicker than she cared for in that regard. "BigHammer, used!"

"Now, let's get back to where you were, so you'll have the shark's undivided attention." The previously cast aside chip was slammed in without delay. "Battlechip, DashAttack! Slot in!"

SplashLady quickly turned around towards the BlarghShark, and extended her left arm. A Fishy virus appeared on it, causing her to rocket towards the large foe once again. Luckily, she knew enough to not scream this time, if only because she knew exactly what was going to happen. Once that was finished, she turned around yet again, and faced her opponent. A giant, scarred shark, and from that angle, all three parts were abundantly clear. "...Any ideas for beating this guy quick?"

Quick? No. While thinking, Sabrina rubbed her eye with her finger...which happened to slip and made it feel like she almost poked her eye out. "Ahh! Almost poked out my...eye..." Ooh, she was getting a crazy idea. "I think I'm getting a crazy idea!"

The Navi involuntarily shuddered, because these kinds of ideas seemed to always miraculously backfire. Always. Nevertheless, she managed to squeak out a "...What?"

"You know the saying, 'Can't hit what you can't see'? Well, I'm wondering if we could pull that off." After a moment of searching her folder, she pulled out a chip with a Shellgeek's picture. "I mean, even if you miss, you'd still do damage!"

...Somehow that didn't make any sense. "...Can you just spell it out? I'd kinda like to hurry..."

"Oh, fine..." A little disappointed she didn't have a chance to explain her idea, Sabrina inserted the chip for execution. "Battlechip, DoubleNeedle! Slot in! And aim for an eye!"

Was that all? Unfortunately, hitting a shark's eye was easier said than done. But then again, she had two shots, and her ammunition consisted of razor sharp needles. Guess she had to try it...SplashLady extended her arm again, this time creating a bow-like gun. In rapid succession, she fired two metal harpoons from her new weapon, each attempting to hit their ideal mark of the BlarghShark's eye. The bow faded, giving her an extra limb to swim with in case of needed evasion. But with Blargh enemies, you just never knew...

[Order of Turn:
1-Aqua Ram sig attack on BlarghShark, to get to its other side (130, Aqua, Knockback, Impact)
2-BigHammer1 chip attack on BlarghFishA (160, Break)
3-DashAttack chip attack on BlarghShark, towards one of the shark's sides (90, Impact)
4-DoubleNeedle chip attack on BlarghSharkV2, aiming for an eye (50, hits twice)
SplashLady's powerful burst of water knocked the shark away for a short moment, giving the navi the time to attack the fishes. The Gaia was summoned and swam to defend the Shrimpy...however, thing didn't go too well. With the virus being legless, it took some time to swim in position. Also, even thought it reached up to the fishes, the swing of the hammer was also softened and slowed by the water. The attack was too late as the two fishes attacked the Shrimpy with their fins, but the Gaia still finished it job by pounding the virus into deletion. The Shrimpy, thought badly injured, fired its bubble to make some damage against its enemy.

((Got lazy here...))

While the Gaia was doing its job, SplashLady started her own attack against the Shark. The dash attack passed the shark by and circled around to get a surprise attack. However, the shark didn't even budge and gave a quick slash across the navi's torso with his fin. The harpoons were fired at the eye, but the aim was too off and only hit near the eye, temporarily blinding the virus with its own blood. It shook back and forth, trying to hit anything that was in its way, but the navi took good measures and stayed back.

BLARGHSHARK V2: 1000 [Temporary Blind]
BLARGHFISHB: 90 [Attacking Shrimpy]

Terrain: 100% Sea

SplashLady: 170
Shrimpy: 60
Was that...blood coming out of that shark? She had no idea viruses had blood...come to think of it, did she have blood? As SplashMan, she just had water, but if she was more like a modern Navi like this...

"Hey! SplashLady! Cut out the daydreaming!"

The aforementioned Navi vigorously shook her head, snapping back to reality. ...Which raised its own questions, but those could be asked later. "Sorry, just zoned out for a second! So, what's next?"

Hmm...170 HP left, and the shark was distracted. Looked like a good time to use THAT chip. A delightful chip featuring a Navi tossing a ball with a '30' on it. Why it was a 30 and not something else, she'd probably never know. Probably just some arbitrary number the chip's maker came up with. Probably. "Next up is...Battlechip, NumberBall! Slot in!"

Three small balls appeared in the Navi's hand. ...Wait, how was she going to throw them? Her usually free hand was holding a spear now...looked like she'd have to focus and just toss them one handed. After a moment of adjusting her grip, she gently released one of the balls, which suddenly grew much larger, and had a number on it; '70'. As it continued to sail towards the BlarghShark's direction, she released another one, producing an identical effect. And one more drop later, the triple attack was complete from her end.

And now, the question arised: what now? The eye targeting idea didn't seem like a terrible idea now they actually tried it, but there was only so much blood around its eye. Its thrashing around wasn't helping matters any, either. Maybe if there was a way to slow it down somehow...and maybe they had a way to do that. "Next up, we're going to try and slow it down...by freezing it!" The medium of this freezing tactic? A chip featuring a Pengi virus's picture. "Battlechip, IceWave! Slot in!"

SplashLady put up her outstretched hand, as if she was going to say, 'Stop!', as an icy sphere appeared in front of it. Like the previous chip attack, it enlarged, though into more of a dodecahedron shape than a ball, and began undulating towards the giant shark, leaving tiny ice crystals in its path. That was probably from it freezing a little bit of the pre-existing water, considering that never happened on dry land. If it wasn't for the blood and evil viruses, it'd probably be a rather pretty sight to behold.

Now, for part two of the plan. Fortunately, they had a second DoubleNeedle for just such an occasion...and other occasions, for that matter. "You know what to do now! Battlechip, DoubleNeedle! Slot in!"

The bow-gun hybrid took form on her left arm once again, but she didn't put it up to fire immediately. She didn't even bother to take aim. Instead, she started to swim a bit, looking for a perfect position to take out half of its optical abilities permanently. After a couple of moments, it seemed like she found that spot, as she raised her left arm, and began taking careful aim at the ocular orb. ......Now! Two metal needles short forth from the device, each with the same intended target of the BlarghShark's eyeball. ...But whether it was a perfect shot or not, that probably wasn't going to make it very happy if they hit it. Thus, she began to back away from it a bit, while still keeping her own eyes peeled for the counterattack.

[Order of Turn:
1-NumberBall1 chip attack on BlarghSharkV2 (70, hits 3 times)
2-IceWave1 chip attack on BlarghSharkV2 (80+20, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
3-Take a moment and get in position/take aim at the shark's eye
4-DoubleNeedle chip attack on BlarghSharkV2, aimed towards the eyes (50, hits twice)
As the blinded Shark flailed here and there, causing havoc all over. SplashLady decided to add fuel to the fire by firing three number balls, which exploded in a bright colorful light on contact. On the other hand, it seems like the Shrimpy was trying to fend off the fish with another bubble shot, but the virus easily shrugged the damage off and laid another slash with its fin!

The icy sphere slowly trickled down the water as it left a frozen trail and, again, exploded into a ball of icy spikes that pierced through the shark's rough skin. As soon as the attack was hit, the shark stopped moving all at once. The blood still ran and muddied the shark's vision, but that didn't stop SplashLady from attacking more. She prepared the DoubleNeedle once more and aimed at the eye. The two harpoons soared through the waters and entered into the thick wall of blood. The sound of the harpoons penetrating into the virus was sure, but the shark didn't even budge.

SplashLady started to drift away while looking straight at the shark. But before she knew, the shark suddenly looked at the navi face to face and swam in full speed. The shark was trying pin point the position of the navi with the DoubleNeedle and it worked! It's jaw was wide open and intended to swallow the navi whole! As its jaw was reaching around SplashLady's waist, the Shrimpy made another quick attempt to save the navi by shooting a bubbler directly onto the shark's eye. The shark chomped its jaw in pain, which, somewhat, saved the navi. Thankfully the navi wasn't fish food but she was placed in a familiar situation with her whole body being bitten down by its jaw!

BLARGHSHARK V2: 590 [Temporary Blind / Biting down SplashLady!]
BLARGHFISHB: 60 [Attacking Shrimpy]

Terrain: 100% Sea

SplashLady: 100 [Lower half bitten! Action(s) needed to free self!]
Shrimpy: 20
Apparently, getting half eaten was mandatory when fighting giant sharks. And it still hurt like nobody's business. "Ow ow ow..."

...Unfortunately, there was a problem. Last time, they had used AquaSword to damage the shark into letting go. But this wasn't an option this time. So now they had to think of something else...in other words, Sabrina needed to think up something fast. ...Well, there was one thing she could think of, but she wasn't completely sure it'd work. Had to try something, though. "Hang in there, SplashLady! Help's on the way!...I think..." And that help was...a chip with a tank-like virus, holding up a large shield in front of it. "Battlechip, IronShield! Slot in!"

Inside the shark's mouth, a large metal shield began to form...but would that keep the oriface open long enough for the Navi to make her escape? That would soon be apparent...

[Order of Turn:
1-IronShield1 chip in BlarghSharkV2's mouth (2-hit shield, impromptu mouth opener)
2-Attempt the escape from the mouth of one BlarghSharkV2
-----TURN SPLICE-----]
The IronShield appeared between the Shark's teeth and pried it's deadly jaws wide open, freeing the navi from the virus' grip. SplashLady swam into safety and saw the shark having some trouble with the shield, but it didn't take long before it was shredded into scrap metal.

Even though SplashLady was safe, her partner wasn't. The last Blarghfish slowly swam around the Shrimpy, trying to find the perfect time to strike. The Shrimpy was brewing up the bubbles within his mouth, ready to fire at any given moment. In less than a second, the fish darted towards the Shrimpy's blind spot!

BLARGHSHARK V2: 590 [Temporarily Blind]
BLARGHFISHB: 60 [Attacking Shrimpy]

Terrain: 100% Sea

SplashLady: 100 [3 Turns Left]
Shrimpy: 20
There, that did the trick. Nice to be free, but it seemed she wasn't the only one in a bind. "Ack! Shrimpy!"
...And she was focusing on that more than the pain from getting bitten by a giant shark. Impressive by her standards.

"Quick, use this!" A chip featuring a Lark virus was quickly inserted by Sabrina into her PET, almost as if she had already planned to use it, even before being alerted about the Shrimpy's peril...probably because she had. She wasn't THAT intuitive. "Battlechip, WideShot! Slot in!"

With her already extended left hand transforming into a wide-mouthed gun, SplashLady wasted no time in aiming it towards the fish, and shot forth a wave of water in a hurried attempt to rescue the good virus. And...that was it. She wanted to do more, but there was nothing else she could do in time...

"Hope that'll do it..." Hit or miss, they still had a BlarghShark to defeat. But in order to do that, they had to maintain a physical presence in the Net. Which, in turn, was done by not making their HP drop any further, or better yet, increase it. And recovery chips were excellent ways to ensure that happened. "Anyway, you need to heal up a bit. So...Battlechip, Recover120! Slot in!"

Most of the Navi's injuries faded from existence with a soothing glow, as the powerful healing chip did its thing. A minor injury remained here and there afterwards, but nothing more. "Thanks! Now..." She took a good look at the severely wounded shark, who somehow still managed to look incredibly intimidating despite all of the hits (and needles) it had taken. "How are we going to end this?"

"To be honest, I don't really have an idea...For now, just dodge while I try to think of something, okay?"

Did she really have a choice in the matter? SplashLady prepared herself for the imminent dodging she was going to have to do, as she turned around to face the shark once more...

[Order of Turn:
-----TURN SPLICE-----
3-WideShot1 chip attack on BlarghFishB (60+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
4-Recover120 chip on SplashLady (120, Recovery)
The Fish heading towards the Shrimpy was suddenly shot in the back by SplashLady's Wideshot and shortly followed the Shrimpy's explosive bubbles in the front. The Blarghfish stopped on its track and yelled out its last cry:


and slowly disintegrated into fragments of data.

Shrimpy, badly damaged from the battle, slowly swam away from the battlefield with a sorrowful expression over its face. "M-my apologizes...I caused you too much trouble...I'll pray for your victory." After that, he quickly gained speed and swam away, leaving SplashLady and the Shark all alone.


Terrain: 100% Sea

SplashLady: 220
Shrimpy: ESCAPED
"...Okay! You can leave the shark to me!" She wanted to say to Shrimpy that it hadn't been been a problem at all, but she just didn't have time to before it left. At least now she knew it'd be okay. Now, it was just her and the shark. Her mortal enemy...well, not so much 'mortal' as 'persistant and annoying'. "Okay, Sabrina, it's now or never! What's the plan?"

...Dang it. She still couldn't think of anything. Which set up for Plan B...coming up with stuff off the top of her head. "Okay, the plan is to...overpower the shark before it can make any kind of a comeback! Start off with your Water Splash!"

This posed a question. How did an attack that consisted solely of shooting regular water work underwater? ...On second thought, maybe she shouldn't overthink it. After all, WideShot and the like worked fine underwater. SplashLady pointed her spear towards the BlarghShark, and prepared to fire her trademark water blast attack.

But apparently, the attack had other plans. Instead of regular water, a series of blue energy pulses began to form from the weapon's tip, moving towards the target as though it was pure water on land. Was this was Water Splash looked like underwater? No...that wasn't it. Now that she thought about it, she was pretty sure she used it as SplashMan underwater before, and that it worked like usual. And yet, this time it looked more like some kind of ultrasonic sound attack. Maybe that was another perk of having a more modern structure..."Did you see that? Wonder what happened with Water Splash..."

"Yeah. And I can safely say that I have no clue why it did that. But as long as it works, right?" Okay, time for some chip action. She couldn't sit around doing nothing, after all. "Let's see if this still looks normal. Battlechip, WideShot! Triple slot in!"

The duty of blasting the shark virus was on the other hand now, both figuratively and literally, as the signature water gun replaced SplashLady's left hand. With it no longer being needed, she pointed her spear downwards, and the new weapon forward, as opposed to the reverse that it had been. Luckily, general aiming at the shark didn't take too long, thanks to its size, and she already had a general bead from Water Splash, so it took very little time to begin blasting wide waves of H2O its way. Three of them, to be precise. And as she half-expected, each was indeed water, as opposed to the energy pulse of earlier. Each one made their way towards the last enemy, but the Navi didn't pay attention as to whether it actually hit; by now she had reclaimed her second hand, and was swimming around the room, to help with the dodging she was most likely about to do.

[Order of Turn:
1-Water Splash sig attack on BlarghSharkV2 (160, Aqua)
2-WideShot1 chip attack on BlarghSharkV2 (60+10, Aqua)
3-WideShot1 chip attack on BlarghSharkV2 (60+10, Aqua)
4-WideShot1 chip attack on BlarghSharkV2 (60+10, Aqua)
The blue energy slammed against the shark and rumbled the entire cave for a brief moment. When everything settled down, the first thing SplashLady saw was the wide open eye of the shark, looking dead on at the navi. The blood clogged, the wounds were shut, and the shark wanted to get back. It jetted towards the navi tackled head on against the navi, throwing her to the far end of the cave in a blink of an eye. However, as she was thrown away, she fired her Wideshot and two crashed against the shark.


Terrain: 100% Sea

SplashLady: 160 [Microburst: Far Distance away from the enemy]
Shrimpy: ESCAPED
By now, SplashLady was visibly tired from the long battle. Sure, she was fine on HP, but she still had to take the brunt of some brutal attacks in this span..."Aahh...the faster we end this, the better..."

She was right: in addition to being exhausted, they were starting to run low on chips that she knew wouldn't be affected by being underwater..."Just hang on a little longer, okay? We'll take a break after we finish this mission!" Now, the 64000z question...how WERE they going to finish this mission? ...Wait, there was a way to wrap this up quickly, without having to feel the wrath of the BlarghShark again. Possibly. "Okay, swim towards the shark! You'll see why in a sec!"

Though she already had a feeling she knew what the why was, the Navi got a push from a nearby wall, and started to swim towards the enemy once again. Fortunately, being tired didn't seem to do much to her ability to move underwater. "Okay, let's get this over with!"

Not just yet, get a little closer...there! Sabrina inserted a chip featuring a blue fist. "Let's try and wrap this up! Battlechip, ColdPunch! Slot in!"

SplashLady's spear's head became larger, and became a large, icy fist as she drew near the BlarghShark. And then...it was time. BAM! She let loose with a flurry of freezing punches, venting the frustrations of the battle with her third hand. WHAM! And not just her frustrations, either. SMACK! She was fighting for all of the good viruses that had suffered because of it. WHACK! They were all depending on her...she couldn't disappoint them. SPLAM! The attacks were becoming a blur of blue, as though her strength was actually increasing as she was hopefully delivering the final blows. THWACK! ...Or not. She definitely did enough to end it if she connected enough times, but...she had no energy to dodge with. "I don't...I don't think I can move..."

"What do you mean you can't move?"

"I'm just too tired..." The ColdPunch fist disappeared, causing the weapon to return to its less hand shaped appearance, though it probably wasn't any sharper for it. "I need a minute to catch my breath..." Question was, could she spend that minute in peace, or was there still something around to interrupt the Pax Yoka?

[Order of Turn:
1-Swim right up to the shark
2-ColdPunch chip attack on BlarghSharkV2 (70+20, Aqua) (Single Target Aqua Boost)
3-ColdPunch chip attack on BlarghSharkV2 (70+20, Aqua) (Single Target Aqua Boost)
4-ColdPunch chip attack on BlarghSharkV2 (70+20, Aqua) (Single Target Aqua Boost)
5-ColdPunch chip attack on BlarghSharkV2 (70+20, Aqua) (Single Target Aqua Boost)]
((Blargh, lazy post...it's 3 AM right here and I really wanna go to sleep D: It'll be for the best if you don't read any of this and just be happy about the reward...))

SplashLady swam right towards the shark, but the distance was still a bit too far away and the Shark was able to have a short second of advantage! Rather than its usual "bite-em down", it learned its lesson and attempted attack in a different fashion. The shark quickly turned 180 degree and gashed a deep cut into the navi with its guillotine like tail.

The strong willed navi ignored the pain and started to wail her fist at the shark. Constantly throwing punches, the shark had little to no chances of escaping and the situation was getting worse every hit. Just before the last punch, the shark fired his tooths at SplashLady, but it wasn't enough to finish her off. The icy punch crashed against the Shark's snout and sent it to the far end of the cave. The shock created from the crash shacked the cave once more and things started to crumble down! The navi escaped the moment before the entrance was caved in, but just before it happened, a familar noise echoed in...



Terrain: 100% Sea

SplashLady: 20
Shrimpy: ESCAPED

2,000z + [AquaWhirl1] Battlechip
Whew...that was...quite a battle. But once again, she found herself triumphant over the giant shark. "I did it..."

"Yep, you sure did!" Sabrina promptly rewarded her Navi by...changing to the default GMO? "There! Feel any better?"

"Not really, but at least now I don't have to worry about panting..." Not up for more swimming, SplashMan let himself sink to the floor, and walked over towards the large pile of data where the BlarghShark had uttered its last "BLARGH!" "Okay, let's see what it left us...aha! A lot of cash, and some chip data! But I don't recognize the data signature at all..."

"At all? So the chip's from something we've never even fought before? Wonder what it is..." Data for AquaWhirl appeared on the PET screen, which the operator quickly got to reading. "...Not exactly something I'd expect from a shark, but it sounds neat! I think I'll put it in our folder right now!"

"Cool! I don't think I could've handled it if we got a bad chip from all of that..." The Navi slumped over against what had formerly been the cave for a moment, before suddenly leaping back up. "Ack! We should let the viruses know we beat the shark!"

"Ahh, shoot! I was so happy that it was finally over that I totally forgot..."

Sure, they'd figure it out on their own, but he just couldn't let them hide in fear any longer than absolutely necessary. And with that though, SplashMan jumped into mid-water, and started swimming back to the village, to share the good news.

(To the village!)
When SplashMan arrived back to the village, every virus that was hiding looked out their windows or cracks to see who was arriving. "It's the Child! He came back victorious!!"

All at once, the viruses started to pour out and joyously cheered on for SplashMan. Though he was all beaten up, the viruses was just too happy about the situation and Barely gave the navi a chance to take a break. "Thank the Gods! You returned safely!" The Shrimpy that helped SplashMan came upon the navi with a smiling expression on his face. "Come, the Father want's to speak to you."

The outside was still a loud riot of celebration while SplashMan and the Father Lark was inside a calm, silent cave. The Father's condition was as bad as he was before, but even the Lark couldn't help but smile. "Child...We are in debt to you once more. Please accept this gift we prepared for you...It isn't much, but this is the best we could do." A Shellgeek virus appeared beside the Father and inside revealed a pile of old rusted, yet still valuable, zennies and a beautiful pearl that shined even within the darkness. "This pearl is of no value to us, Please take it and keep it close to you."

[SplashMan: 1000z + [Rainbow Pearl] Key Item]