...Ow. Just when he thought he was getting good, he always seemed to come crashing back to Earth...which made sense, since he couldn't fly. ...That probably wasn't the best metaphor to take literally. "Ugh...that didn't go so well..."

"Yeah...but we've done worse. A lot worse..." Nothing specific came to mind, but considering some of that was self-inflicted...wait, why was she thinking about that? She could worry about it after all the viruses were deleted. "Anyway...let's get rid of that Canodumb. And that...you can do yourself!"

Indeed, he could out-cannon the cannon virus. But he wanted to make sure it hit its mark, so...first, he peeked out from behind his shield for a moment, getting a feel for how he could and should attack. Once he settled on an approach in his mind, SplashMan leaped to the side, away from the shield, and cannons fully prepped. A torrential blast of water was fired from each one, capable of seriously denting most objects not made of solid rock or iron. And as far as he knew, Canodumb weren't solid either of those. 40% metal, perhaps, but that wasn't going to help against the force of his twin cannons.

"Okay, and now...we should focus on those hand things. If I remember right, they're immune to Aqua attacks..."

"That's not good for us..."

"No, that wouldn't be good for us...in the past. But lately we've gotten some good chips for them!" Three chips were removed from Sabrina's folder: two were set aside for later use, while the third, a chip featuring an electrical bee, was inserted. "Battlechip, Arrow! Slot in!"

An Elebee virus formed right in front of the Navi, which would ordinarily scare the Aqua out of him...luckily for him, this one served as an ally, flying at high speed towards one of the Misty, stinger extended and sparking. Which meant he could immediately worry about the other two. "What now?"

"Well, we've never used it, but now's as good a time as any to try it out!" Another chip was inserted into the PET...what looked somewhat like a Navi tossing a large ball with a '30' on it. "Battlechip, NumberBall! Slot in!"

Three balls appeared in SplashMan's left hand, ready to be tossed ahead. However, unlike the chip itself, each one read '60'. It'd do the job, anyway. Grabbing one with his free hand, he reared back, and tossed the ball as hard as he could...but the ball had other plans. As soon as it was free from his grasp, the ball suddenly enlarged itself, and went sailing towards one of the water-based hand viruses. Confused, he grabbed another and tried to throw it hard again...with the same result. And with just one ball left, he chose to simply gently toss it forward with his left hand...causing an identical yield. Apparently it was like IceWave, in that throwing it just didn't do any good...

"And for the third!" A giant paperweight chip became the latest to be used. ...A chip with a picture of a giant paperweight, anyway. The chip itself had questionable paperweight qualities. "Battlechip, Quake! Slot in!"

Another ball appeared in the Aqua Navi's hand, though this one looked much more like a standard bomb. He chucked it towards the yet untargeted Misty, and it flew forward, forward...it looked like it was going to go sailing over the virus. However, as it approached it, the 'bomb' suddenly changed into the giant paperweight that was on the chip, complete with a face and arms. As though it suddenly weighed a ton (possibly because it now actually did), it dropped like a meteor towards the surface, and preferably surface with a Misty virus on it.

"Well, I think that should do it for now. Now get back behind that shield!"

"Behind the shield?" ...Ack, how'd he get that far away from the IronShield?! He raced back behind it, and took cover. This seemed awfully familiar...though this time it wasn't a one and done deal. And so, he awaited any counterattack the remaining viruses could throw at him...or shoot...or smack...that was probably another bad metaphor to take literally.

[Order of Turn:
1-Water Splash sig attack on CanodumbEXA (160, Aqua)
2-Arrow1 chip attack on MistyA (100, Elec, Homing)
3-NumberBall1 chip attack on MistyB (60, hits 3 times)
4-Quake1 chip attack on MistyC (100, Impact)
5-Get safe behind IronShield]
The last of the Canodumb was taken care of and SplashMan quickly changed his target towards the Misty that was slowly hovering on the dry land. The Elebee actually zoomed pass the watery body, but the electricity shocked through its body and destroyed it in an instant. The NumberBall was a big success and happen to destroy the other Misty, but the Quake didn't do its job too well.

When SplashMan retreated back to the shield, nothing seemed to attack him. However, One of the Piranhas appeared in front of the shield and fired THREE tridents at once, shreding through the shield and hitting SplashMan's torso directly.

-On Floating Panels-

-In Water-
Piranha EXA: 70
Piranha EXB: 30
Piranha EXD: 30
Piranha EXE: 80

-Behind SplashMan-
MistyC: 100

Terrain: 10% Normal, 10% Floating [Normal], 80% Aqua

SplashLady: 130 [Shield: DESTROYED]
Ugh...even more pain. Still nothing a certain chip couldn't fix, but..."Hey, Sabrina! I think now's a good time to heal me up..."

"Yeah...now's as good a time as any!" The aforementioned operator removed yet another chip from her folder, and slammed it into her PET. "Battlechip, Recover120! Slot in!"

SplashMan glowed for a moment, as all of his damage instantly evaporated into nothingness. And that...set his mind at complete ease. Now, to get out from behind the-oh yeah, IronShield got smashed into nothingness. Maybe his mind was a little TOO at ease..."Well, let's get back to work!"

"Okay! Hmm..." After a few moments of thinking, Sabrina took out three more chips, and placed one with a Fishy virus picture into her PET. "First, get rid of that Misty! Battlechip, DashAttack! Slot in!"

Appropriately, a Fishy virus-like...thing appeared on the Navi's right hand, which quickly spread its wings and began to fly forward, dragging him along for the ride. As it sailed towards the Misty, he put a little extra bit of his power into the attack, causing him to speed up a little as he attempted to nail the virus, before making a u-turn and returning to his original location, the Fishy fading as he made a surprisingly gentle landing.

However, there was little time to think about how that landing was even possible, as another chip was transferred without delay; this one featured a different virus, a Walla. "Battlechip, TwinFang! Slot in!"

A tusk appeared on each side of SplashMan's arm, which found itself partially underwater as he kneeled down into the water. After taking a moment for the sake of accuracy, he fired, turning the tusks into makeshift torpedos as they moved into the drink towards a pair of Piranha. But he didn't have any time to wait and see if it worked...

"And now, let's make sure you don't get hit!" Still another chip with a virus picture...this one had a Cloudy. "Battlechip, LilCloud! Slot in!"

However, the attack didn't immediately form. Instead, the Navi stood up, and looked over at a screen with his operator on it with a confused look in his eyes. "How's a LilCloud going to help with that?"

"Simple! Wait for them to surface, and then...whoosh! Those viruses won't know what hit 'em!"

"Well, worth a shot, I guess..." Following Sabrina's advice, he waited for any Piranha to try and attack him, at which point he'd rain on their parade...

[Order of Turn:
1-Recover120 chip on SplashMan (120, Recovery)
2-DashAttack chip attack on MistyC (90+15, Impact) (Untapped Power)
3-TwinFang1 chip attack on PiranhaA and PiranhaB (70)
4-LilCloud chip attack on up to 3 Piranhas that attempt to attack (70+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
The Misty was disintegrated by the Fishy's sheer force and speed, rendering it into a cool mist that drifted down to the sea. The TwinFangs also did its work by stabbing its ivory missiles at the drifting Piranhas. Now, SplashMan waited and waited till the remaining virus made its offense, but he underestimated them. Their heads peaked out from the head, causing the lilcloud to activate and rain down a heavy, deadly down pour. However, the viruses fired their tridents in synchrony, all six of them. The navi was able to dodge most of them, but one projectile happen to peg the navi's leg.

In the end, the battle was won! Giving SplashMan the safe passage down into the waters!

-On Floating Panels-

-In Water-

-On Normal-

Terrain: 10% Normal, 10% Floating [Normal], 80% Aqua

SplashMan: 210

Well, that was annoying. Though he didn't recall Piranha ever firing more than one arrow at once...but worrying about that wasn't going to help any. SplashMan walked over to where the reward data had accumulated, and started transferring it over to his operator. "Just cash this time, but I don't think anyone minds too much this time!"

"Yeah, I'm not complaining about that cash! But, didn't you think that battle was kinda weird? I mean, viruses aren't usually that well...coordinated."

"You noticed it too? Yeah, I think we're getting close to our destination."

"So, you think that's the source, too?"

"Yep. It'd explain pretty much everything..." The Navi looked downward, trying to see if he could see anything down there. "Well, I guess we should get down there, and find out just what's going on..."

"Right! Oh...want a little something for that arrow that hit you?"

SplashMan shifted his gaze from the water to his leg. He could definitely feel a small pain from it..."Uh...nah, not now! I'll deal with it!" ...Did he actually just refuse to be healed? That was a switch.

"Well, if you say so...let's head down there, then!"

"I'm on it!" Instead of swimming, he took the lazy route, and simply started to sink into the water, like his feet had suddenly been tied to falling Quakes, all the while keeping an eye out for things...

As the navi descended further and further into the net, something looked very familiar. It was the village of peaceful aquatic viruses, but something was off. Where there was once a vast school of viruses peacefully swimming was replaced with complete silence and desertion...

SplashMan proceeded further into the waters, reaching into the virus city. Like before, it completely lacked any sort of activity but he was able to find some hiding inside the buildings. From the look of it, they were too afraid to leave their safe shelter. Later, the navi was able to lock eyes to one of the hiding Shrimpy and the virus bravely floated towards the navi and jetted towards a shattered remain of rocks...Follow him?
Called it. It was the village of viruses that didn't go into auto-kill mode if they saw . Now all he had to do was find one that could talk, and..."Where IS everyone?"

"Good question..."

After some searching, a Shrimpy got his attention, as it swam over behind some sort of ruin. "H-Hey! Wait up!" SplashMan followed suit, following the shrimp virus towards the remains. "Wonder what's going on?"

"Dunno...but I'm gonna guess it's connected to the mission. So keep swimming!" And as her Navi did so, Sabrina decided to make a couple of folder alterations, removing the Elec chips for a couple of less...suicidal options.

The Shrimpy and SplashMan arrived at the all so familiar rocks, broken into pieces. However, it looked like it was destroyed more recently rather than last time. The Shrimpy turned towards SplashMan and nodded before it swam for shelter once again. What ever these viruses are afraid of must be extremely dangerous...

For few minutes, the only thing SplashMan could hear was the quiet currents and nothing was out of place...But suddenly! Four large shadows casted down on the navi, revealing four enormous, aquatic viruses. Their body was long and thick, nearly resembling that of a tuna, but the scales had a metallic shine. The viruse's head was almost comically triangle and its mouth was large and always open with jagged teeths everywhere, ready to chomp down on anything it comes close to. On the sides, it had two turbine engines, giving them that extra speed while swiming around. Its fin was sharp like a sword and you can guarantee that you wouldn't want to get hit by it.

They circled around SplashMan continuously, not making a single move...Then, they yelled their battle cries out and sped towards their prey!



Terrain: 100% Sea

SplashMan: 210

BlarghFish...not exactly what he expected, but he had the feeling that just like their predecessor, he was in for a tough fight. As evidenced by the fact they were all speeding towards him. "Ack! They're coming straight towards me!"

And how did one respond to four angry fish rushing their Navi? By having their Navi do the same. "Not if you do it first!" A battlechip featuring a green and black...bird...fish...thing wasted no time in getting inserted by the hand of the operator. "Battlechip, DashAttack! Slot in!"

A Fishy virus formed upon SplashMan's right hand, and while slightly confused by the selection, he pointed it towards the quadruple threat. As soon as he did, its wings...fins...whatever suddenly extended, causing him to rocket forward, and possibly hitting many a BlarghFish in the process. However, underwater, even he couldn't tell if he had nailed them as he dashed along...or even afterwards. They were tricky like that. "I can't tell what I hit..."

"For now, don't worry about that! Let's focus on them one at a time, since that way we get rid of them, nice and easy!" After taking a moment to decide that it was a tad early for her Navi to be completely focused, Sabrina sent over three identical chips, all perfect for those too lazy to worry about having to aim and shoot. Er...too concerned. Yeah, that was as good a word as any. "Battlechip, MarkCannon! Slot in!"

A green cannon took the place of the green virus as the Navi turned around towards his foes. Pointing it forward, a cursor appeared in front of it, and began to search the area for potential targets. After a few moments, it appeared to lock onto one of the BlarghFish, causing the cannon to auto-point at it, and BAM! BAM! BAM! Three shots in rapid succession were fired at it. ...At least, that's what it looked like from where he was. Hopefully it didn't focus on some tiny rock or something...though he couldn't recall something like that ever happening before. Still, there was a first time for everything.

"Got all of them off?"

"Yeah...so, what should I do now?"

"Oh, just swim around, and try to avoid any attacks they try. Nothing fancy!"

In other words, dodge like a maniac. Sounded good to him. SplashMan looked over the group of mysterious fish, ready to try and sidestep anything that tried anything.

[Order of Turn:
1-DashAttack chip attack on BLARGHFISHA, BLARGHFISHB, BLARGHFISHC, and BLARGHFISHD (90, Impact)
2-MarkCannon1 chip attack on BLARGHFISHA (70, locks on)
3-MarkCannon1 chip attack on BLARGHFISHA (70, locks on)
4-MarkCannon1 chip attack on BLARGHFISHA (70, locks on)
With the navi hectically zipping through the waters with the Dash chip, the fishes couldn't do too much as they watch and get hit helplessly. When SplashMan came to a stop, he spammed the Markcannon continuously at a singular target, ensuring its complete deletion. One of the remaining fishes attempted to tackle the navi with its sharp fins, but was easily evaded.


Terrain: 100% Sea

SplashMan: 210
And so, having triumphed over one of the BlarghFish, SplashMan prepared to do the same to another. "Okay, let's clobber another one!"

"Uh...not yet. First, let's use this!" A recovery chip was promptly inserted by Sabrina into her PET, but it wasn't the usual 120 power one she used...in fact, it only had a quarter of that power. "Battlechip, Recover30! Slot in!"

The Navi glowed for a moment, as his minor Piranha-induced injury from the previous battle faded in the blink of an eye. "Perfect! ...Wait, Recover30? Isn't that-"

"Yes, it's the chip I got from the tournament. And yes, I put it in there. I figured we couldn't be too careful on this mission."

"Oh...gotcha!" He looked over at the remaining enemies...were they even viruses? He didn't really know what they were...other than out to get him at the moment. "So, what now?"

"Well, first, pick a BlarghFish. When I said we're taking them down one at a time, I meant it!"

Hmm...that one over there looked good. "Got it!"

"Good! And now, I want you to use...this!" The operator slammed two chip featuring Shellgeek viruses into her PET. "Battlechip, DoubleNeedle! Double slot-in!"

SplashMan's hand transformed into a bow-like shape, which he quickly positioned towards the foe of his choosing. Two metal harpoon-like needles were fired from the center, both quickly flying over towards the BlarghFish. This attack was rapidly followed with...another wave of sharp pointy objects being shot at the same target. Four needles in all, but even that wasn't going to be enough to defeat it.

Hence the selection and insertion of another chip. "And now, for its coup de grace! Battlechip, Bubbler! Slot in!"

The bow faded, in exchange for a hose nozzle. Much like the DoubleNeedles, he simply pointed the apparatus towards the enemy and let them have it...it, in this case, being a large, explosive bubble. The most basic of Aqua chips, but it did its job well. Which was hopefully enough to end that BlarghFish's participation in this battle. "Okay, that should be two down! Now what? Should I just move around again?"

"Yup! IronShield's too risky, and we don't have any other defense right now..."

Not like he minded swimming; he WAS an Aqua-elemental Navi, after all. SplashMan started to paddle his way around the area once more, keeping an eye out for those BlarghFish, and anything they might try.

[Order of Turn:
1-Recover30 chip on SplashMan (30, Recovery)
2-DoubleNeedle chip attack on BLARGHFISHB (50, hits twice)
3-DoubleNeedle chip attack on BLARGHFISHB (50, hits twice)
4-Bubbler chip attack on BLARGHFISHB (50+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
As soon as SplashMan patched his injury from the previous battle, he immediately went in for the offense. The needles hit its target and the second serving was just fired, but the other fish appeared just in front of the weakened comrade and took the hit. This was a strange phenomenon, and it happened again with the navi's next attack.

SplashMan tried to swim away from the fishes, but their speed was much faster than his and before he knew it, his leg was cut by the bladed fins.


Terrain: 100% Sea

SplashMan: 200
What the...did they just block those attacks with their own bodies?! He should've suspected they weren't just ordinary viruses, but that...no wonder all the viruses were scared off by them. "I don't believe it...they just selflessly took my attacks for that other one! Why?!"

"Th-That's a good question..." Sabrina was rather stunned by the incident, as well. "I think we should cut the one at a time business, and show them our power! Especially the power where we can hit them all at once!"

"Right!...And which power are we using?"

"The one we always use when we're in this situation...the power to shoot lots and lots of water waves at anyone and anything that gets in our way!" A whopping four chips were grabbed and inserted into the PET; all four had a picture of a Lark virus. "Battlechip, WideShot! Quadruple slot-in!"

SplashMan's right hand mystically vanished like usual, creating an all-too-familiar wide-mouthed gun to take its place. Steadying his arm by holding it with his remaining hand, he took a moment to properly aim the assault, and...WHOOSH! WHOOSH! WHOOSH! WHOOSH! One by one, the ripples of water cut their way through the sea, on their way to hopefully decimate the remaining forces. With that thought, he sank down to the ground, standing as he viewed his work. "That oughta take a few chunks out of them!"

"Yeah, but they'll be pretty mad..." And the Netopian girl had a feeling that ending the battle wasn't going to be quite that easy..."Okay, you're on the ground, so here!" A chip featuring...what almost looked like some sort of tank with a large shield attached to it was slammed in without delay. "Battlechip, IronShield! Slot in!"

The large metal barrier formed in front of where the Navi stood, who was surprisingly not too pleased at the obstruction. "H-Hey! If they're smart enough to defend each other, I think they're smart enough to swim around this..."

"Then you swim around it, too! As long as it's between you and them, I don't think they can get you!"

"Okay..." SplashMan made a slight hop, allowing him to hover a little bit off the ground as he awaited the inevitable counterstrike...

[Order of Turn:
1-WideShot1 chip attack on BLARGHFISHB, BLARGHFISHC, and BLARGHFISHD (60+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
2-WideShot1 chip attack on BLARGHFISHB, BLARGHFISHC, and BLARGHFISHD (60+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
3-WideShot1 chip attack on BLARGHFISHB, BLARGHFISHC, and BLARGHFISHD (60+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
4-WideShot1 chip attack on BLARGHFISHB, BLARGHFISHC, and BLARGHFISHD (60+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
5-IronShield1 chip (2-hit shield)]
The wideshots came towards the fishes, but things didn't work perfectly for the navi. They were fishes, they could sense the change in the water created by the chip attack and they proceeded to dodge them. However, they couldn't overcome the sheer number of the attack.

SplashMan set his shield in place, trying to save his own skin from the counter attack. The three fishes started to swim around and around till two of them attempted a two-pronged attack! One was literally reflected away by the shield, but one got the best of the navi with a quick swipe of its bladed fin.


Terrain: 100% Sea

SplashMan: 160 [Defense: 1-hit Shield]
Ugh, another hit...but he was close to finally wiping these enemies out. He just had to make sure everything went smoothly, and the battle would be over...

"Okay, they're nice and weakened now. Time to finish this!" Whipping out another chip of hers, Sabrina slammed it into her PET with little delay. "Battlechip, TwinFang! Slot in!"

Each side of SplashMan's right forearm developed a tusk-like object, which he promptly positioned to face two of the BlarghFish. An instant later, they departed from the arm, sailing like torpedos towards the foes. Torpedos made from teeth. ...Yeah. But with any luck, that was two more down... "Just one more left!"

"Yeah...and we're not risking this one!" The classic chip combination of teleporting and slashing goodness made its way into the PET's insertion slot. "Battlechip, AreaGrab! Battlechip, AquaSword! Double slot in!"

Without even setting his arm down, the Navi warped from his present location, reappearing right next to the yet untargeted BlarghFish...and now in possession of a water-based sword over his hand. All he needed was one hit, so, before it could realize he was there...poke! He performed a quick stab at the fish. That was all. He didn't even attempt a second attack for insurance; he disengaged the blade, revealing his hand once again. "I think that's just going to get in the way if I keep it..."

"Yeah, you're probably right. Now, get the back of your cannons ready!"

"The backs? Oh, you want me to use Aqua Ram?"

"Well, it lets you nail a virus, AND it could help with your dodging. That's a win-win!"

"Got it!" Though it'd be smart to pick out a fish before using it...he started looking around, trying to see if he missed one. And if he did, he'd be launching himself head-first at it...

[Order of Turn:
1-TwinFang1 chip attack on BLARGHFISHC and BLARGHFISHD (70)
2-AreaGrab chip to next to BLARGHFISHB (teleports user)
3-AquaSword chip attack on BLARGHFISHB (80+10, Aqua, Slashing)
4-Aqua Ram sig attack on remaining enemy (130, Aqua, Impact, Knockback) (if necessary)
5-Dodge (if necessary)]
Even though the fishes was strong, they still couldn't hold out on the powerful attacks SplashMan was throwing at them. Soon, their bodies couldn't function and was slowly erased from existence.


Terrain: 100% Sea

SplashMan: 160 [Defense: 1-hit Shield]



Now the threat of the sea was gone and peace can come once again for these villagers!...However, the villagers were still hiding inside their shelter, still deathly afraid of something else...
Ah, destroying Blargh things always brought a sense of satisfaction to his heart program...and a sense of fullness in his wallet, as SplashMan accessed the reward data. "Sending over the leftover data! No chip data, but there's plenty of cash!"

"Good, because we need it..." Sabina watched her zenny total rise by a significant margin, making a small fist pump as it did so. "But...doesn't something seem kinda weird?"

"Weird? What do you mean?"

"None of the viruses are coming out. Almost like those fish things weren't what they were afraid of..."

"But we haven't seen anything else! They just need to know everything's okay!" The Navi turned towards where the viruses were, and waved at them. "Hey guys! I beat the BlarghFish for you!"

"I'm not so sure..." The Netopian girl grabbed what looked sort of like a chip, and inserted it. "Here's what we're going to do. First, you heal up with this. And then, you're going to take another look around!"

After a moment of glowing, some of SplashMan's injuries were healed up, and he started swimming around the area again. "If you say so...but I don't get why. I mean, we already beat those things..."

(MiniEnergyPack + searching = FUN)
SplashMan decided to search further into the area, trying to find out what exactly was going on, but nothing of avail. However, while she didn't find anything, something else did.

"Little One..."

The familiar voice came from the debris of rock not far from the navi. "You can hear my voices, correct? Please, come here..."
...A voice! And one that sounded all too familiar... "Ahh!"

"What's up?" Needless to say, Sabrina hadn't caught it.

"Sorry, but I've gotta put this search on hold!" SplashMan faced the ruins that the voice had come from. "Hope he's okay!"

"...Hope who's okay?"

"You'll see!" Without bothering to explain things, he swam towards the rocks, having a pretty good idea of who that was...

(to the debris!)
SplashMan's prediction was correct as he found a Lark hiding within the Debris. It was the "Father" of these peaceful viruses, but he was badly wouded to the point of near deletion. The Father's eye was closed, most likely from exhaustion, but it still spoke to SplashMan.

"Little one...I'm glad that you have come...but also, fearful that you did."

His voice was weak and and his tone showed both sign of optimism and regret.

"You received our message...but, I'm afraid even your power won't be enough...to...fight against it..."

Before the navi knew, some of the hiding viruses were just behind the navi, listening to their Father's words.

"They came here before we could do anything...As virus as we are, we tried to fend them off...but they are not like any other viruses, esp...especially their leader."