Killing a bit of Time

Junior looked at American. He thought the guy was trying to take out both enemy bombs, yet the pair of them still remained. This guy wasn't going to be much help at the moment. It would come down to him and the count, "Edgar-kun, only two left. Let's each go for double KOs to assure the win!"

"Sending Powerbolt. The rest is up to you." Wes said, nodding slightly.

"No problem.... with Edgar-kun backing me up, these guys should be no problem." He let his hair loose and swung its full length at one hand. It streched a bit before the ends flew off, forming a massive hairball of doom. Junior then restrained his hair once more and prepared his next attack. Now which one should he use...? He tapped his top button, causing it to glow. A few seconds later, he pointed it at the other handy and fired. A grey beam came pouring out, visions of tombstones faintly pictured in the ray. Now his assualt was done. He would simply wait to see what the others would do, while keeping an eye out fo enemy attacks.

((1.) Powerbolt, 70+10 Untapped power used, HandyA
2.) Soul Assimulation, 100, HandyB
3.) Dodge
4.) Dodge
5.) Dodge))
American fell back onto the ground, hitting it hard with a thump. He wasn't angry that Crimson Royale would pick Edgar over him for the final kill. He wasn't relieved either about his situation, being a soldier he wasn't going to break out of rank and go against orders. Royale wanted Edgar, and Royale would get Edgar. Even if he knew he could kill the last Handy right now, he was never going to break out of this nice little formation they had. So finally he sat up, but his arm on his knee, braced his other arm on his Musket and propped himself up against the ground.

1-4_ Dodge
Edgar saw how much damage his allies were causing in relaction to himself, so far doing more damage then his allies did. It could very well be because they were worried about the explosives detonation, which could be the reason American attack one of them. Where about Royal only took out one of his foes, but set up an explosive of his own, incase the battle ended up lasting to long. Of course with there being two viruses left to handle, it seemed like the battle was going to end very soon.

While Edgar had his defensives still, seeing as he wasn't hit or even attacked during his assault, he could not risk something happening and causing his allies to get hurt. So in a matter of moments the leftover blood from his attacks converged into an elegant shield, which then begins to orbit Royal. It was shortly after that Edgar heard "No problem.... with Edgar-kun backing me up, these guys should be no problem." Edgar might have missed the first part of what Royal said, but from that line he could guess that Royal wanted some help to make sure the last two viruses were taken out. So with that, and Anthony slotting in a chip with some kind of sword in the pic, Edgar was ready to finish the battle.

In a moment what appeared to be an oriental sword handle with a golden hilt materialized in Edgar's hand. In what could be counted in seconds, a green, sap-like, substance came out of the hilt and formed what was about a 5 foot long, slender blade. He took a second to look at it, unfamiliar with what it was. It took awhile before it hit him, that it was one of the elemental swords. Edgar had heard about them in the past, but he never used one. But that was mainly because back then, he was a good deal more powerful then he is right now, and he had access to more powerful chips. Right now that fact does not matter, as it was all in the past, and he had his own reasons for what had happened back then. What matter now was getting rid of the last of the viruses.

Edgar moved the blade next to his waist, in a manner as to imataite a drawing action, and made a dash towards the two Hands. It was only a matter of seconds that he closed the distance, and when he was in range for a strike he just as quickly swung the blade from his side in a wide arc, the tip of the blade leaving a trail of green in the air as it may or may not have sliced into the hands. Edgar still had momentum from the dash, and continued past them, but when he was a few feet behind them he used his right foot to privet himself into a spin. He used the momentum change from the spin to swing his blade at the hands, hopping if they weren't deleted from the last attack, they would be after this one.

((passive, Barrier onto royal
1 Get up to melee range/dodge
2 Bamboosword, 80 wood at HandyA and B
3 Bamboosword, 80 wood at HandyB and A


Crimson_Royale.exe: 120 HP
Count Edgar.exe: 160 HP (barrier)
American.exe: 120 HP

Crimson_Royale.exe Get: 800z
Count Edgar.exe Get: 800z
American.exe Get: 100z
Junior dusted himself off and turned to his two allies, "Good job, Edgar-kun. And I'm sure you'll do better next time, American-kun. Shall we keep going, then?"
The blade Edgar was using started too dematerialized, as he turned to face his allies. The shield that was orbiting Royal stopped, and floated back to Edgar. The shield, and his armor, was then absorbed back into his body. With a vertical nod for his response to Royal's statement and question, he stayed with the group.
"Yea that sounds like a good idea." American said as he lifted himself up off the ground. Holstering his musket onto his back, he then brushed off his behind and walked towards Royale. "Please don't give me sympathy, it makes me feel inadequate. I'm not trying to be rude, just don't make me feel weak."

((Battle 2))
Suddenly viruses! More of them!

Cannondumb2A: 90 HP
Cannondumb2B: 90 HP
Cannondumb2C: 90 HP
Cannondumb2D: 90 HP
Cannondumb2E: 90 HP
SlimerA: 150 HP
SlimerB: 150 HP
SlimerC: 150 HP
FirephoenixA: 110 HP
FirephoenixB: 110 HP
Windbox: 100 HP

Terrain: 1/2 Sea, 1/2 Normal

Crimson_Royale.exe: 120 HP
Count Edgar.exe: 160 HP
American.exe: 120 HP

-Let's go FIGHT FIGHT!-
American was determined to show Royale what he was capable of doing, and that he was just as good as him. He may not have anything that would give him some type of advantage or at least something to fight back with, but he had Shotguns. Plenty and plenty of Shotguns, that were always at his disposal. He felt the wind begin to pick up, and he began to think that this could become a minor or major annoyance later in the battle if it became any stronger.

"Two Shotguns, and my Rocket's Red Glare attack Bo. I have a little bit of a plan forming if I do it right."

"Whatever you say American, not like your getting anywhere with your great skills anyway."

"Do you think I care about what other navi's think of me? Or what other Operators think of me either? I could be the world's largest laughing stock and guess what, I wouldn't give a damn."

Bo wasn't sure if the last battle had hit American harder then he had thought it did, and if it did that could really affect his skill and performance in the next battle. What was he supposed to do other then just give American the chips and unlock the program that he had asked for and hope for the best. American hadn't been his peppy go-lucky self lately, he's been pretty much a downright down on his luck jerk. American slotted the two chips into his PET, and then began to tap a couple buttons to unlock the Upgrade.

American unholstered his his Shotgun, and then grabbed two shells from his side pack. He opened up his shotgun so he could load it up with the shells. He loaded both shells into the barrels of the shotgun and then locked it back up. He quickly cocked it and then rested the barrel into his left hand. He looked around for the source of where the wind was coming from, he just thought it was something from the net. He wasn't prepared to find out that it was from a virus that he was unfamiliar with. He saw it and then quickly squeezed the trigger letting the Shotgun blast fire from the gun barrel and then quickly squeezed the trigger again after the first time.

American reattached the Shotgun onto his back, and then grabbed the Bazooka. He flipped it over his shoulder adjusting it so that he had the back on his shoulder and the trigger in his hand. The rocket was already loaded into the rocket launcher and American was ready to fire it at a moment's notice. He flipped the targeting system and then stared down a Cannondumb, as he did he began to speak under his breath, rehearsing a line that gave the rocket it's property. He squeezed this trigger now and then the rocket fired from the launcher. A long red and blue tail followed a white glow as the rocket spun around multiple times until it exploded.

American tossed the Bazooka back over his back and it then began to rest in it's normal place. He grabbed one of his SMG's and held it loosely, he was prepared to dodge an attack.

1_ Shotgun (50dmg) Windbox + Splash - Cannondumb2A
1+_ Snipe (Ups Accuracy for a Mid-Long Range attack) Shotgun
2_ Shotgun (50dmg) Windbox + Splash - Cannondumb2A
3_ Rocket Red's Glare (70dmg) Cannondumb2B
4_ Dodge
"He's.... going for the box." Junior commented, "That is the best choice to target first, but if he misses even once... Commander, what should be do?"

"Ain't it obvious? Just let him go, then if he fails, its all his fault, rather than if he succeeds, we look dumb for not trusting him." Wes responded.

"That's... not the nicest way to look at it." Junior said, "Oh well, I'll trust him on this one. He seemed upset by what happened last round, so I'll let him have his moment. Edgar-kun, the rest are ours." He sized up his enemies. His best bet was to take down their numbers as fast as possible. Most were too strong for the chips he had, so he'd have to resort to spending most of his specials right away. Now who to attack first? The slimers would advance slowly, so they weren't an immediate threat. They were also tougher than the other enemies, so taking them down would require more effort and attacks. For now he would wait and then strike at them only after the rest had been dealt with. The Canodumbs would be his targets. Now to prepare his strike. First his upper button began glowing. It flashed as it finished charging and he fired a grey, ghostly beam at one of the blue guns. The button below it then began to follow suit. Once it completed its preparation, he fired another ray of light, this time pure and bright. Now he had one more move he wanted to use. His fingers started glowing, much like his buttons, as they too gathered energy. He brought both hand together in front of him and aimed them at another turret. This would utterly detroy it, of that he was sure. He reached forward and fired a large laser from his hands. As it blasted through the Yoka air, he spoke to his netop once more, "Say, can you send me the bomb?"

"Sure. Sending Countbomb." Wes replied, following the request.

Junior pulled out the device from inside his suit and activated it the same way as always. He threw it at a more elevated angle, hoping to have it clear the wind so that its overall travel distance would be uneffected. He then prepped himself to evade attacks.

((1.) Soul Assimulation, 100, Cannondumb2E
2.) Soul Flash, 100+lowers accuracy, Cannondumb2D
3.) SOul Finger Shot, 120, Canondumb2C
4.) COuntbomb, 150 in two turns
5.) Dodge))
Edgar saw the massive amounts of Viruses ahead of him. The five immobile cannons, not able to move but posses a good deal of firepower. The three jelly like viruses, Slimers from what he heard about them in the past, probably able to dissolve there foes for the attack. The Flaming birds, which if like the champu's he had encountered in Scilabs earlier that day, would be the easiest one them all for him to take out. Then there was the box... yes the box that is generating a storm, that most likely would mess up more aiming. Add in the fact that the area they are fighting in has several large pools of hot spring water, and this will be an interesting battle.

Edgar watched as atleast American went into action, him taking aim at the box. With luck he would not miss, which would mean the torrents of wind being created form it would stop. He heard his ally, Royal, saying "Oh well, I'll trust him on this one. He seemed upset by what happened last round, so I'll let him have his moment. Edgar-kun, the rest are ours." and nodded his head vertically as his response. Edgar was going to handle the little birdies. Course, his allies might need some protection, even if they don't want it.

So in moments Edgar bleed out of his right hand, the blood creating a small pool on the floor. He did some quick hand movement, and caused the blood to float in the air, and formed it into a nicely crafted shield. It was shortly after that it started to float over towards Royal, and orbited him. Royal was going to be one of the ones getting right into their faces, and would probably draw there attention.

Next Edgar snapped his fingers, and the blood coming from his hand turned into 60 small, 2cm long, red needles, he snapped his fingers again, and all 60 of them jolted at the phoenixes, most likely ripping thought there skin at high velocity. Course, it was shortly after that Anthony slotted in a shotgun chip, and Edgar felt the data entering him. He knew what the data was, as he has used it before numerous times. So with a quick manipulation of the blood around his hand, he formed a barrel, and fired a massive shot of white energy out of it at the same targets as before. Edgar had a feeling that after both of those attack, they should be finished.

Edgar looked at the cannons next, this time aiming his barrel at one of them. In a second he fired it again, but this time it wasn't a blast of energy, but a stream of red needles. Edgar knew that he should do something now, as he had no defenses up for himself, and it would be either him or Royal that would draw there attention. It was around then that he had an idea... He could use the pools of spring water as a defense... so he quickly dashed to the nearest one, and jumped in. He could feel the water around him, as he swam lower in it. With luck, any viruses that tried to attack him fired when he jumped in... but was he lucky enough for that to happen?

((Passive, give barrier to Royal
0Blood fountain, 30 hits of 1 aqua to FirephoenixA and B
1shotgun, 50 damage to FirephoenixA, spread to B
2Blood pummel, 60 Break to cannondumb2B
3Surmerge into sea terrain))
American's two Shotguns of patriotism flew true on their courses. The first shot exploded across the Windbox, partially clogging its fan, which immediately slowed in its revolution. The blades ate up much of the shrapnel from the attack, sparing the Canodumb2 behind it from a similar fate. The second Shotgun, with its improved accuracy, completely destroyed the storm-producing box and put a number of buckshot holes in the virus behind it. The rocket with the multicoloured tail fired from the American's bazooka screeched through the air until it was forcefully stopped--by the second Canodumb2, a virus which was not made for sustaining rockets.

The Crimson Royale's first Signature Attack blast cut its target Canodumb2 down to size with a ghostly beam that cut through the virus's armour as if it were plasticine. His Soul Flash had a similar effect, ripping the Canodumb2 up with a burst of angelic white light. His glowing fingers also made short work of the third Canodumb2 in the series; these viruses were just having a bad day. The Countbomb that the Crimson Royale horked into the fray sailed high, and for a moment, the Navi was sure that it would land in one of the patches of hot spring water--

--but fortunately, hit the ground and stuck right on the edge of the puddle. Whew.

Needles of blood, creepily created from the very same substance inside Edgar, put out patches of fire on the wings of the two Firephoenixes. The first one was knocked right out of the sky by Edgar's Shotgun, and it vanished with a splash into the pool that it had been hovering over. The Navi's Blood Pummel beat one of the remaining Canodumb2s into submission, and he finished up the attack by...diving into the water and vanishing from sight. Courageous.

The only Canodumb that had been spared by the trio's onslaught set its sights on the Crimson Royale and fired. The nimble, disguised Navi ducked to avoid the shot. The attack went whizzing harmlessly over his head. Panicked, the Canodumb2's protective shutter snapped down in front of its cannon-shaped head. The remaining Firephoenix decided to capitalize on the confusion of the fray and, with a beat of its wings, sent a wave of fire blazing through the air toward the group of Navis. American jumped clear over the explosive crescent, but the fire struck the Crismon Royale square in the chest. Two of the Slimers each chose a separate target and leapt forward, raining blue goop on the ground that they crossed in the gelatanous jump. They seemed to completely ignore the Crimson Royale, and American was sent stumbling as a Slimer crashed into him. The second, however, missed its target entirely as Edgar dropped soundlessly beneath the water.

Cannondumb2A: 40 HP [Shutter closed!]
Cannondumb2B: DELETED!
Cannondumb2C: DELETED!
Cannondumb2D: DELETED!
Cannondumb2E: DELETED!
SlimerA: 150 HP
SlimerB: 150 HP
SlimerC: 150 HP
FirephoenixA: DELETED!
FirephoenixB: 50 HP
Windbox: DELETED!

Terrain: 1/2 Sea, 1/2 Normal
Countbomb: 2 turns left until explosion!

Crimson_Royale.exe: 120 HP
Count Edgar.exe: 160 HP
American.exe: 60 HP
((EN, Majin had a barrier because of my sig, so wouldn't it have blocked the attack from the Firephoenix?))
((FIXED, cause I felt like helping))
Junior shook off the hit, not wanting to let it slow him down. As he looked at his enemies, he noticed, to his dismay, that the slimers had advanced more quickly than he had estimated. There were three of them. He knew how to take out two without much trouble. He noticed that one was up in American's face, but not wanting to humiliate him by coming to his rescue, he decided to let that one go. However, he didn't want to appear entirely apathetic to his ally's plight, so he yelled, "American-kun, your best bet is to either put some distance between yourself and the enemy or take advantage of its proximity. Good luck." Now there was the one that had attacked Edgar and one that was solitary. For what he was about to do, staying away from Edgar would probably be best. He stared down his foe as he silently pulled out a hammer shaped charm from the edge of his sleeve. He held the trinket to his heart and closed his eyes. The item brought him comfort, yet at the same time, caused him to be slightly depressed. Knowing this was no time for memories, he poured his inner strength into the little object, causing it to grow into a large hammer, which crackled with electricity. He rushed at the lone slimer, swinging his weapon at it with feirce enthusiasm and brutal power. He did this thrice before pulling back, and flexing his entire frame, readying himself for a final blow. He leapt forward and slammed the hammer down, smashing the ground and whatever might lie between it and his mighty mallet. With a sigh, he returned the object to normal and rehid it, "I miss you, Mom. Life really isn't fair sometimes..." he mumbled softly, "Edgar-kun is in trouble. I need something to take out that slimer lurking around still."

"Okay, sending Aquasword." Wes said with a nod. He then added, "Also, Guard2, recovery10, for when you finish."

"Thanks." Junior rushed at the SLimer that was loitering around where Edgar had hidden. He held his arm high and then brought it down as it suddenly transformed into a blade of water. He slashed at the blob again, before starting to glow. He jumped back and with his free hand, summoned a shield which he held in front of him. The rest was up to the other two.

((1.) Mjolnir Jr's Revenge, 20 Elecx4, Break on last hit, SlimerC
2.) Aquasword, 80 Aqua, SlimerB
3.) Aquasword, 80 Aqua, SlimerB
4.) Recovery10
5.) Guard2, reflects up to 120))
American stumbled back from the attack, he didn't know what to do at this moment. Being caught up in the moment, he quickly grabbed the Shotgun off his back. He had dropped the SMG somewhere back around when he was hit, but he had enough time to quickly grab his Shotgun off his back and fell back onto his back. He knew Bo would know what to give him, even if he didn't he still had at least his buster to shoot down that Slimer.

Bo quickly slid in the Thunder chip he had gotten awhile ago, and then began to slot in a Shotgun. After he did he quickly slotted in a second Shotgun to make sure American was able to finish that Slimer off before it hit him. Finally he pushed the download button to send that chip data to American.

American saw an electrical surge come from his Shotgun, and he knew he had something to use against the Slimer. He didn't care if he was going to miss or not, he just wanted to try and scare it away or at at best destroy it. He squeezed the trigger and sent a large ball of electricity surging at the Slimer that was slowly moving towards him. He stood back up, and quickly put a bit of distance inbetween him and the Slimer.

Soon after he pulled two shotgun shells from his pack and loaded them into his Shotgun. He didn't want to look back at the Slimer, hopefully it was advancing somewhere else and wasn't too sore if he hit him. So he turned around and aimed his Shotgun towards where he knew the Slimer was and squeezed the trigger. The Shotgun was fired from the gun and then American felt the recoil lift his arms up. He placed them back down and quickly fired off the last Shotgun he had, squeezing the trigger the boom was almost deafening to some but he was used to it. He lowered his Shotgun and began to look around for his SMG, he needed to find it or else he would be down a gun.

1_ Thunder (40dmg + Elemental Dmg) SlimerA
2_ Shotgun (50dmg) SlimerA + Splash to Cannondumb2A
3_ Shotgun (50dmg) SlimerA + Splash to Cannondumb2A
4_ Dodge
Even though Edgar was out of sight, hidden in the deeps of the hot water, he could tell somewhat what was going on. He knew his barrier, which was guarding Royal, was broken. And he could tell that American had just taken a large blow. Edgar did managed not to get hit, so he knew he could retaliate safely from this location, but he was not going too... not yet anyway.

The shield that protected Royal from the attack was shattered, but after that happened it fell to the ground, and turned back into a puddle. It was shortly after that it started to move, forming back into a shield, but it did not float to Royal. Instead, it went towards American, and started to orbit him just like it did with Royal. American was in worse shape then Royal was, and so Edgar would have to focus on getting him back to the strength he was before the fight.

Edgar needed some chip, high damage ones, in which he could heal American with. He remembered what he had used in the past. Cannons weren't going to bee enough, the wideshot was going to be too useful to waste for a heal, the Mark cannon more so for getting rid of one of the remaining viruses. But when he remembered about the two Minibombs, he had an Idea. He quickly shouted out to his Netop "Send in two Minibombs, and a mark cannon." Anthony quietly looked for the chips, and slotted them in.

There was a white glow in the pool of water, as three orbs, two white and one red, came trough the surface of the water and into the air. The two white orbs bolted towards American, hitting him squarely in the back. The orbs broke, and the energy washed over American. His wounds started to heal, as the energy dissipated. The red orb, however, bolted at the last Pheonix at a high velocity. In seconds before it might have impacted the Flaming bird, it spread out, changing from a sphere into a barbwire net. It seemed like if it did hit, the foe would be tangled up by it, and ripped to shreds.

((Passive, Barrier on American
1Minibomb heal on American, 30 heal
2Minibomb heal on American, 30 heal
3Markcannon 1 Firepheonix, 70 Damage + lockon))
[Coupla things:
1. Junior's HP was in fact at full, and the HP that he had been given after my error was fixed was ten points too low.
2. The listing I was using for Canodumb2 was incorrect, and I had been using the attributes of the wrong virus. My mistake, sorry.]

The Crimson Royale's mad hammer blows smashed the targeted Slimer into a jellied pulp that was little more than a blue stain on the ground. His work with his watery sword left a deep slash in the top of another Slimer. The gel quickly closed the wound up, but shards of ice were clearly visible deep inside the round blob of damaged slime. The Crimson Royale's second met only empty air as the Slimer leapt clear over his blade, intent on landing on the Navi's head. The Recovery10 searched for a wound on which to make itself useful, but the Crimson Royale was free of harm. He was heads-up enough to lift the Guard above his head, and the rapidly descending Slimer hit the shield and burst apart in a rain of jelly that splattered in all directions.

American's electrical shotgun shell gave the last Slimer a good zapping that it would never forget. The Thunder had caught the virus just as it was preparing for another leap, leaving it stunned in a rather awkward-looking position. Two Shotgun blasts that echoed throughout the network finished off the paralyzed virus. Flak from the Shotgun impacts flew in all directions along with globs of jelly, many of them landing on the one Canodumb2 that remained. The gel hissed and sizzled as it burnt through the virus's armour, and the whole thing exploded as the gelatin reached its sensitive inner mechanics.

Two bombs of healing and one of destruction popped out of the pool of water that Edgar had disappeared into. The two recovering Minibombs broke open and discharged their rejuvinating power on American, while the third extended into a net of barbed wire. The Firephoenix was caught under the latter, and hit the ground in a twisting heap. The concertina wire cinched tighter and tighter as the virus struggled, and before long, it had ripped itself to pieces on the sharp edges.

Cannondumb2A: DELETED!
Cannondumb2B: DELETED!
Cannondumb2C: DELETED!
Cannondumb2D: DELETED!
Cannondumb2E: DELETED!
FirephoenixA: DELETED!
FirephoenixB: DELETED!
Windbox: DELETED!

Terrain: 1/2 Sea, 1/2 Normal
Countbomb: 1 turn left until explosion!

Crimson_Royale.exe: 120 HP
Count Edgar.exe: 160 HP
American.exe: 120 HP


All get: 1300z!
((Thanks a ton, EN.))

"Whoa... we got a bundle this time." Junior said, gathering up the cash data, "Shouldn't be long until we have enough for what we need."

"Yes, but don't forget, we also need to increase your power rating by one before we even have the ability to buy it. We should try to get some chips as well, unless you'd rather just buy an HP memory on top of the other upgrade." Wes commented, "Either way, we have this one nasty little chip that should aid us pretty well. We just need to remember to use it."

"Well, either more chips or more HP is fine with me, so for now, I'm going to keep going. Though yeah, next time I'll remind you to use that chip." Junior said. He then began to walk on, saying to his companions, "So, you guys gonna keep going too?"
"Well because of Edgar's help in the last battle I need not use any of my sub-chips from that old Net Square introduction when everything was stolen and we were sent to fight. So with this new found health I feel alright to go on further." American said as he finally found his SMG around near where he had deleted the Slimer just now. He picked it up and held it loosely once again. He would reattach it later when he needed a different weapon.