Test of the (Foolishly) Courageous Navi

Not wasting a second, Voulge summoned up a WoodDragon, which tore across the battlefield, catching one of the Mets in its wake and instantly deleting it. The remaining two Metools raised their mattocks in a fit of rage, and raked the floor with massive shockwaves, tearing through the battlefield. Indeed, these weren't your everyday average Metools. After not being able to smite all of them in one go, Voulge summoned up a gigantic Avaria-Lancea to his hand, and charged. The Met saw it coming, and leapt out of the way. Its ally, however, was not spared from a brutal series of attacks afterwards, and was promptly deleted.

Metool3 A: 160 HP (Metal)
Metool3 B: DELETED
Metool3 C: DELETED

-- ALLIES --
Voulge.EXE: 300 HP (Grass) (2-hit shield) (20 Strengthen)
Ignis.SP: 140 HP (Grass)
Licht.SP: 100 HP (Grass)

25% Grass (Small pathway through)
75% Metal (Everywhere else)
((Lazy post is laaaaazyyyy))

Voulge was quiet honestly surprised by the outcome of the battle so far. The viruses weren't able to land a single hit on his shield and they were whittled away one by one. "Ah, don't think like that. The moment you underestimate your enemy is the moment you fall." The spearman nodded as he prepared two needle-like knives from his brigantine, looking down at the lonely Metoo;. "Always good to see you have the same thought...Arrow2, slot in!" The chip empowered the knives with electricity and began to levitate off Voulge's hand. With a snap of a finger, the two knives flew straight towards the Metool as it zigzagged across the air like wasps, prepared to sting their foe till death.

"HEY, THESE GUYS ARE NOTHING. LET ME DO SOMETHING!!!!" Ignis begged to participate in battle, but Voulge's mind was set on winning the battle first rather than babysit.

"Lets finish things. AreaGrab, slot in! BigHammer, slot in!"

Voulge's body faded away, only to appear behind the lone Metool with a giant hammer-like pole arm ready at hand. Like some cheap, carnival attraction to test one's strength, the navi held the hammer as high up as he could and brought it down upon the Metool's head with a powerful thud.

* Tempero Flamma [Strengthen [50]]
Ignis: Dodge x3
Licht: Dodge x3
1. Arrow2 [130 [b](x2 Terrain Advantage)[/b] / Homing] {B} @ Metool3A
2. Arrow2 [130 [b](x2 Terrain Advantage)[/b] / Homing] {B} @ Metool3A
3. AreaGrab [Teleport] {S}
4. BigHammer [160 / Impact / Break / Melee] {B} @ Metool3A
5. Dodge
6. Dodge

Terra Telum: 8TCD
Grandis Invado: 3TCD

Stuff got smashed up, Voulge weathered a blow on his shield from the Metool's last attack. Whooooo, okay rewards.

Metool3 A: DELETED
Metool3 B: DELETED
Metool3 C: DELETED

-- ALLIES --
Voulge.EXE: 300 HP (Grass) (1-hit shield) (70 Strengthen)
Ignis.SP: 140 HP (Grass)
Licht.SP: 100 HP (Grass)

25% Grass (Small pathway through)
75% Metal (Everywhere else)



2100z, 24 BugFrags
As Voulge knelt down to pick up the spoils of the battle, Ignis came up the navi's lowered eye level and headbutted against him. "Hey, are you my mother or something? Those guys were no different than anything we faced before! I could've totally handled myself." The spearman was unfazed by his SP's surprise attack, only standing up right and returning the favor with a gentle kick.

"It's not the matter that you have the capability to take them on." said Voulge as he broke down the battered shield. "It's about that mentality of yours." The navi rested his spear against his shoulder as he continued further into the network, cautious of his surroundings so no foe would take the advantage...

Moving further into the Chaos Network, Voulge continued his search for viruses, following the road laid out before him. Eventually, the glowing path's light died out, and the sheen of the ground around it also disappeared. After that, he happened across a few viruses wandering about on the path as well. A couple of strange orange jackhammers bounced across the metal surface, with some silly-looking scowls on their fronts and floating hands holding their handles. Beside them, a duo of Chaos-version Lark floated along. Seeing Voulge and the team, they turned hostile, and went to attack!

PogoJerk A: 240 HP (Metal)
PogoJerk B: 240 HP (Metal)
Tark A: 300 HP (Normal)
Tark B: 300 HP (Normal)

-- ALLIES --
Voulge.EXE: 300 HP (Metal)
Ignis.SP: 140 HP (Metal)
Licht.SP: 100 HP (Metal)

40% Metal
60% Normal


As soon as Ignis saw the Tarks approaching him and Voulge, the SP ran for the hills once more. "...*Sigh*, Well, at least he has a good reason to run away like the coward he is." said Marius, plunging his forehead to his palm as he shook his head. "Damn straight I have a reason, and the reason is: I DON'T WANT TO DIE. Don't give a crap about what you think about me right now, I didn't even think you did! EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF!" Licht, on the other hand, bravely stood beside his leader...despite the 'shaking/vibrating in fear' part.

The spearman quickly assembled his shield and tightly gripped on his spear with both hands, ready to fight his new adversaries. However, Voulge honestly did not expect to find a water-type virus such as the Tark along with a new type of virus he never faced before all at once. "Any plans?" said Voulge as he sized up the four viruses before him. "What if I said...No. Not a solid plan, at least. These chaos viruses are much more mobile and stronger than any other ones we fought before. There are just too many variable to count on."

Marius was deep in thought as he sorted through his chip folder, already holding a pair of chip in his hand. Wondering which chip would complement the combo he prepared, something glimmered at the corner of his eyes. "...This is it, Voulge, get ready!" The operator was quick to insert the chip into the PET to summon a Trumpet virus in front of the navi. "Cover your ears!"

As the navi did as he was instructed, stabbing the spear down on the ground while he covered his ears with both hands, the summoned virus blasted out a sound-quake that reverberated through the battlefield. The volume of the Timpany's music wasn't as harsh as Voulge expected, but from the way the viruses acted, it was a completely different song to their ears. "AHHHHHHHHHSTOPTHATNOISENOWWWW" It also looked like Ignis shared the same sense of hearing as the viruses did...

Watching his enemies paralyzed by the music, the spearman plucked his spear from the ground as he drew it back as far as he could. With a powerful force, Voulge launched his own spear straight up into the sky as it glittered out of sight. Licht, on the other hand, tried to be more useful and launched a single metal panel at the nearest Tark approaching him. But the fear finally got cracked him as the SP fled to higher ground (literally) as soon as he finished his attack, soaring high into the sky thanks to his new upgrade.

"Go, Avaria-Lancea! Pour like the rainstorm!"

When the spear came back down, it had multiplied into countless steel javelins heading directly down at the four viruses. All the javelins crashed down onto the ground in a giant thud, raising up a cloud of smoke that hid the fate of the viruses. Coupled with the Timpany, Voulge was sure that the viruses stood no chance of evading the attack and relied on it to lower the viruses' health down to a manageable size. "Return!" The navi threw his chain into the smoke cloud, fishing out his Avaria-Lancea and immediately ran for cover. When the smoke subsided, none of the javelins remained except for the holes on the ground left behind.

"Good!" Marius yelled in an excited tone "First target is the Tarks, then the...the...Something-Jacks!"



With the plans laid out, the operator promptly inserted the two chips he had prepared before. The first chip brought out the Nightmare virus out from the gaping hole created by Licht before he ran off. Observing the area as it swung its sword viciously in the air, all that Voulge had to do was point the way to unleash the deadly assassin upon the Tarks. The shadowy figure zipped through the field in a blink of an eye, covering the distance between itself and the Tarks, and swung its ever-sharp sword across the virus before it faded away.

Voulge now turned his attention at the Pogo viruses, holding up his spear as the spearhead was lit aflame. "Burn my enemies to crisp!" He plunged the spear down to the ground, piercing through the tough metal panel like a hot knife through butter, and the Totem virus erupted out in front of the PogoJerks. With its haughty laughter echoing through the field, the Totem stared up at his designated target and belched out a breath full of flame.

The spearman decided it was for the best to take extra precaution as he began to move around, not making himself an easier target for the viruses to hit. Voulge plucked the spear from the ground and signaled Marius to pause for a moment with a simple hand gesture...

"Just say what's on your mind, Geesh."

* Phalanx Aspis [2-hit Shield]
* Tempero Flamma [Strengthen [50]]
Ignis: Dodge x3
1. Timpany [Hold / To-All-Clause (Enemies) / 1 Turn / 50 HP] {S}
Licht: PanelShot [100 / Terrain / 5% Broken] {B} @ Tark A
Licht: Flight into high altitude
2. Adamas Tempestas [100 / Spread 3 / 7TCD] @ PogoJerk A/B / Tark A/B
3. Dodge
Licht: Dodge
4. SummonBlack2 [200 / Wide / Slash / Requires Broken or Missing Terrain] {A} @ Tark A/B / Nearby PogoJerk
5. Totem2 [140+[color=red]15[/color]+Spread 2 /or/ 70 Heal / Changes When Hit / 3 Turns / 100 HP] {A|S} @ Tark B / PogoJerk A/B
6. Dodge

Adamas Tempestas: USED
Timpany: 1 Turn
Totem2: 3 Turns
Summoning a Timpany pseudo-virus to aid him in battle, Voulge started out well, with the viruses being wary of this new enemy. Licht initiated an attack on a Tark, which was rather unfortunate, and didn't see it coming. After that, a hail of javelins came raining down, but the viruses were prepared! ... Except, that is, for the earlier Tark, which was kind of disoriented by the Panel Shot earlier, and had a javelin stuck in its head as a result. Poor thing. After that, the viruses started to mobilize their assault as well.

Unfortunately for the viruses, their attacks were rendered futile as Voulge started up some fancy footwork. A Blackmare was summoned immediately to counter, with the Tarks receiving a hefty punishment for their attack. A Totem was erected a bit later, with the burning fires melting another Tark's face off, as well as a PogoJerk. Worse, the Timpany's music began to take its effect at last, immobilizing the PogoJerks in their place!

PogoJerk A: 240 HP (Metal) (Hold)
PogoJerk B: 85 HP (Metal) (Hold)

-- ALLIES --
Voulge.EXE: 300 HP (Metal)
Ignis.SP: 140 HP (Metal)
Licht.SP: 100 HP (Metal)

Totem2: 100 HP [Attack Mode]
Timpany: 50 HP [1 Turn Left]

40% Metal
60% Normal
"Great, the Timpany's music is starting to kick in!"

Marius smirked as he quickly prepared the next chip in order to take advantage of the situation. "You know what to do, Voulge." Sliding the Phoenixshot chip into the PET, the spearman focused the received data into the Avaria-Lancea as the spearhead began to burn in a digital flame.

Voulge turned toward Ignis and Licht and gave a simple hand gesture, causing the two SPs to start drifting away from the center of battle. "Pff, whatever man...I-it's not like I wanted to pick on the defenseless viruses..." Though Ignis was fairly bummed out by missing out in the action, Voulge was set on finishing the battle before his chance would slip away.

"Let's end this fight!"

The navi pointed his burning spear towards the Pogojacks, causing the totem to give out its signature laughter as it breathed fire upon the two helpless targets. Promptly following up with its attack, Voulge swung his spear horizontally across the air, shaping the flame that once covered the Lancea into a fiery blade. With one more swing in the opposite direction, Voulge fired the blade at the Pogojacks as a beastly screech filled the field.

After stepping away in case the virus would retaliate, Voulge decided that one more attack would be enough to finish things. "I'm not taking any chances...GATHER!" Slamming the blunt end of his spear to the ground, shards of metal, dirt, gravel, anything that was small began to gather around the Lancea. In a matter of seconds, the small masses formed into a jagged, towering spear that stood well over the wielder's height.

If the mere size wasn't intimidating enough, the make-shift spear began to glow orange from the heat generated by the navi. The rough edges was sharpened and the spear looked like something actually lethal than purely barbaric. After a couple of effortless swing, Voulge dug his feet to the ground as he blasted forward with the giant spear aiming forward. With the virus at his sight, the navi sped up faster and tightened his grip, dipping his body lower to prepare for a head-on collision...

* Phalanx Aspis [2-hit Shield]
* Tempero Flamma [Strengthen [50]]
* Totem2 [140+[color=red]15[/color]+Spread 2 /or/ 70 Heal / Changes When Hit / 3 Turns / 100 HP] {A|S} @ PogoJerk A/B
Ignis: Dodge x3
Licht: Dodge x3
1. Phoenixshot2 [90+[color=red]15[/color] / Wide] {A} @ Pogojerk A/B
2. Dodge
3. Terra Telum [1st Stage: Movement x3 | 2nd Stage: 200(+50) + Break + Impact + Phasing | 8TCD] @ PogoJerk A
-Turn Splice-

Adamas Tempestas: 7 TCD
Terra Telum: USED
Timpany: EXPIRED
Totem2: 2 Turns
Unfortunately for the PogoJerk, there wasn't much they could do due to the shaking caused by the Timpani chip, save wait for defeat. Which nearly meant lots of waiting, as the other object proceeded to inexplicably miss with its fire breath. The PhoenixShot didn't fare much better, though its wing clipped one of the jackhammers, turning it into ash. Luckily, the gigantic spear attack compensated for more than one thing in this instance, and the remaining virus was rendered rended.


-- ALLIES --
Voulge.EXE: 300 HP (Metal)
Ignis.SP: 140 HP (Metal)
Licht.SP: 100 HP (Metal)

Totem2: 100 HP [Attack Mode]
Timpany: 50 HP [1 Turn Left]

40% Metal
60% Normal


Rewards: 2800z
Voulge let out a silent sigh as he lowered his giant spear, soon breaking down into harmless junks. He turned towards what was left of the Pogojerk and managed to salvage a handful of zenny. "That's the last of them...Marius, what's our next step?" The operator was scratching his chin as he wondered what to do next. It was obvious that Voulge was more than enough to take on the Rogue Network without trouble, but it was still dangerous territory to test their luck.

"That's enough for today. Good job, Voulge."

The navi simply nodded to Marius' decision and disappeared with a flash or red light...