SP Mission Request

16 years ago
To who it may concern,

I, Steven Furok, hereby offer my Navi's modest strength for any single time job that is willing to offer him a Support Program in return. I am currently waiting for the first round of the ONB NetBattle Tournament to finish, and thus have the time to dispense.

16 years ago

Quote (SpaceMonkeySteve)

To who it may concern,

I, Steven Furok, hereby pledge, in the event that my navi is accepted for a mission, that I have given the Global Network Administration full authority over the tasks assigned, etc, and that I will not complain, protest, condemn, or file charges in the event that something bad might happen. I am currently waiting for the first round of the ONB NetBattle Tournament to finish, and thus have the time to dispense.


Well, we don't get too many people like you here lately. Most of our mission takers are more demanding and...what? What do you mean that's not what he said? It says so right here, see? Misquoted my ass, that's exactly what, hey, NO! Get away from the keyboard, I've got this one! s/da'lihf;lass;andbfliaseh


Sorry about that. New guy. Thinks he's funny. Anyway, you wish for an SP mission while you're waiting for the second round of the tournament? Well, you've come to the right place, because we've got a fresh mission in from a guy in Yumland.

Let's see...he says a monkey program of his has escaped into Yumland Net and he needs someone to track it down and recapture it. Should you choose to accept, we will provide you with coordinates where it was last sighted and whatever other information you may need.

Do you accept?

((Mod: Asator))
16 years ago
Tracking down a monkey? Seems simple enough. My Navi will be there.
16 years ago
Excellent. In that case, the program was last seen at the following coordinates, disappearing into a dense jungle area:

<Attachment ID: Wheresthemonkey.dat>

I should probably also warn you that an initial survey has determined that the area is filled with virus and other program life, all of which appears to be more aggressive than normal, possibly having something to do with this monkey program. Though I doubt that will be much of a problem.


<Attached: Wheresthemonkey.dat>

((Basically just jack into Yumland and RP wandering for a bit until arriving at the place.))
16 years ago
Alright. Program recovered. No problems.


16 years ago
We thank you for your assistance and hope the monkey did not cause you too much trouble. Attached is the base for the support program, as promised.

<Attached: SPbase.dat>