Go Go!!

"...You know something?", "What?", "That Albel guy is rushing too much on his typing...Too much grammar error and such...", "Oi, Aren't those type of question...what I do?", "Bah! Fix your own grammar!!"

((Haha...Sorry if that was offencing, Albel. Also, I just have to say thanks for all your work you're doing right now to this site...today with all the RP controlling you've done^^ *Throws a compliment-ary bread*))

"My my, isn't this a large crowd.", "You can say that again...But, now's not the time to be optimistic!!", "You're looking for the work 'Pessimistic', not optimisitic...", "SAME THING!!". Alphonse turned his right arm into a heatshot gun, but didn't jump into action immediately. He looked at the assorted group of Shrubbys and Canodumbs with his keen silver eyes. I've heard of this pattern before...The Shrubby blocks for the Canodumb while it shots the enemy...*sigh* If there were more allies, this battle would've been much easier!!". Alphonse aimed at the rows of Canodumbs and Shrubbys through his eyes. "K, send me the rest of the heatshot", "Righto!". The flames of the gun became larger as K sent the chips one by one. In a flash, Alphonse pulled the trigger twice towards the group of defending Shrubbys, hoping to char their fur off like he did last battle in Netopia. Alphonse saved the last chip and set it to standby in his system and quickly summoned guard to block him from any threats.

1: Take Aim
2: HeatShot blast (45 Dmg/Fire/Spread/Critical?) @ ShrubbyA/B
3: HeatShot blast (45 Dmg/Fire/Spread/Critical?) @ ShrubbyB/C
4: Activate Guard
((Make sure your own grammar is ship-shape before criticizing other: there are three mistakes at least in your post. ...Also, please mark OOC as such.))

The fire easily decimated the Shrubby group. As Alphonse put up his shield, a Metool was ready to take it down. A Cannondumb was ready to fire and take advantage of the Navi's prone situation.

MetoolA 40HP
MetoolB 40HP
CannondumbA 50HP
CannondumbB 50HP
CannondumbC 50HP
BunnyA 50HP
BunnyB 50HP

Alphonse 70HP
((Haha, It was just a joke X3. I won't do that agin^^...Also...Who's this Goroke your talking about o_o;; jkjkjk))

"...Ok, that should do.", "Eh?", "It's all planned out. I can take them out easily!", "Brr, count me out. No talk about tactics...". Alphonse withdrew his last heatshot and aimed it towards the group of valor Mets. After a pull of the trigger, a searing blast swept through the field towards the Mets. The flame inside the gun subsided and it transformed into a large barreled gun, aiming straight towards the Bunnys. "Herrr...I always get chills when I have to finish off those cute viriis...Oh well, greet me in hell!". Alphonse struck a stance and shot a wave of bullets towards the Bunnys. In his last action, he quickly dashed away from the target range of the Cannondumb to evade any damages.

1: HeatShot blast (45 Dmg/Fire/Spread) @ MetoolA/B
2: Take Aim
3: Shotgun blast (50 Dmg/Spread) @ BunnyA/B
4: Run out of the Cannondumb's target range.
Alphonse's Heatshot only annihilated one of the Metools; the other managed to dive under its helmet just in time. His Shotgun, however, was far more accurate, and decimated both of its targets. All three Canodumbs locked on, but Alphonse absolutely hauled it out of their way, and all three of their shots flew wide.

MetoolB 40 HP [HELMET'D!]
CannondumbA 50HP
CannondumbB 50HP
CannondumbC 50HP

Alphonse 70HP
Alphonse scoffed from his plan being ruined by a single Metool. He equips a cannon on his left hand as his right gets transformed into a metal claw. "My my...You should know that I'm a bit-of-a perfectionist...". He readies both of his arsenals and rushes towards the group of viriis. He ran up to the met, who was ready for impact, and sidestepped to the side of the met before it reacted to Alphonse. Alphonse shot a point-blank shot at the Met, getting back at it for ruining his plan. He turned and slashed the head of the juxtaposing Cannondumbs at once, leaving a heavy scar over them. "That should do...Just a bit more", "*Yawn!* Are you done yet?...Just finish them off!!". With that said, Alphonse ignored K's request and got ready to dodge.

1: Cannon Point-Blank Shot (40 Dmg) @ MetoolB
2: RageClaw slash (40 Dmg/Grapple) @ CannondumbA
3: RageClaw slash (40 Dmg/Grapple) @ CannondumbB
4: Get ready to evade
<(Mock ME will yah? Well, I'll just delete yah then)>

The viruses each fall to Alphonses blades and blasts, the cannondumbs all trying to get in a shot, but only one finding it's mark!

CannondumbA 10HP
CannondumbB 10HP
CannondumbC 50HP

Alphonse 60HP
((GAhh!!! Sorry!!!...Also, I'm assuming Cannondumbs can't evade XD))

"Humph...Perfectly lined like a fine party...", "Ehh? What the hell are you talking about, Alphonse?". Alphonse grabbed the head of the Cannondumb, ripping it of from it's stand brutally, and throwing it against the other Cannondumb to finish both of them at once. Alphonse faced towards the last virii and clenched his claws. He ran towards it and gave a furious amount of slashes at once.

1: RageClaw Throw (20 Dmg Each) Grabbing CannondumbA towards CannondumbB
2: RageClaw slash (40 Dmg/Grapple) @ CannondumbC
3: RageClaw slash (40 Dmg/Grapple) @ CannondumbC
4: RageClaw slash (40 Dmg/Grapple) @ CannondumbC
The rest are taken out by the claw.

CannondumbA DELETED!
CannondumbB DELETED!
CannondumbC DELETED!

Alphonse 60HP

Rewards: 750z
"Ha, That was a long fight", "Zzzz", "...K!!", "Humphoiwahh?", "Just pay attention to the battle. Even if it's longer than you expected", "... ... ...Wah?", "*Sigh* I'll just use of the Subchips to mend myself.", "Zzzzz"

((Alphonse used MiniEnergyPack (+50 HP) ))

Battle 4 Commencing
Alphonse finds a new virus troupe!

CannondumbA 50HP
CannondumbB 50HP
CannondumbC 50HP
SpikeyA 90HP
SpikeyB 90HP
SpikeyC 90HP
SpikeyC 90HP
SeedbatA 50HP
SeedbatB 50HP

Alphonse 110HP

Alphonse immediately changed his arm into a heatshot gun as usual and held it with his other hand adjusting it. "This might be a trouble...Those Spikeys are tricky as a wild hunt", "Just take out the weak one first so you can worry about the hard ones", "Your statement is the other way around...", "Bah! It's the same thing". Alphonse adjusted his vision towards the group of vulnerable SeedBats, floating gently. He pulled the trigger and immediately turned towards the Cannondumbs, showing them a blazing ashes from the heatshot. Alphonse also shot another searing blast towards the immobile Cannondumbs. The one with the biggest threat is the Spikeys. Their movement and their power is most deadly when they're in a pact (Or Pack -___-)...I'll get to that later. After his idea gathered, he summoned a guard infront of him and turned his view towards the Spikeys.

1: Take Aim
2: HeatShot blast (45 Dmg/Fire/Spread) @ SeedbatA/B
3: HeatShot blast (45 Dmg/Fire/Spread) @ CannondumbA/B
4: Activate Guard towards the Spikeys
As Alphonses carefully lined up blasts delete and damage the virii, but the remaining ones tear into him. He reflects a single blast of fire, but is bombarded by other shots.

CannondumbA 5HP
CannondumbB 5HP
CannondumbC 50HP
SpikeyA 90HP
SpikeyB 60HP
SpikeyC 90HP
SpikeyC 90HP

Alphonse 50HP
Curses...This is only gonna get worse if this continues! I have to concentrate on the Spikeys!...But not for now.... Alphonse rose up with a pale look. He altered his arm into a metal claw and ran towards the damaged Cannondumb and ripped one of their misery and threw against one another. He stepped swiftly towards the last Cannondumb and gave it Alphonse's dire cut with his claw and stripped it from it's immobile stand. Then Alphonse, again, threw the Cannondumb towards the spikey to finish the Cannondumb off. For his last action, Alphonse ran as fast as he could to run away from the Spikeys attacks."I hope that finish the minor threat", "Just stay put and crush'em!!"

1: RageClaw Throw (20 Dmg Each) Grabbing CannondumbA towards CannondumbB
2: RageClaw slash (40 Dmg/Grapple) @ CannondumbC
3: RageClaw Throw (20 Dmg Each) Grabbing CannondumbC towards SpikeyB
4: Evade
the flying viruses damage one another, but the spikey avoids the attack. The other spikey attack back, but none find their target.

CannondumbA DELETED
CannondumbB DELETED
CannondumbC DELETED
SpikeyA 90HP
SpikeyB 60HP
SpikeyC 90HP
SpikeyC 90HP

Alphonse 50HP
"Thank the Goddesses, I managed to do that without getting hurt", "Thank what ever you believe in, All of the Spikeys are still there and pissed", "No matter...I have to finish this quick then!!". With that said, Alphonse ran with a quick burst of speed towards the pact of Spikeys. His metal claw glaring with lights as it was heading toward the neck of one of the Spikeys. Alphonse's claw quickly retracted and grabbed the same one by it's fur and threw it towards another Spikey. He withdrew his leg backwards slightly and began to run towards the victim Spikey with his legs blazing with every step, with his infamous smile along. "Die!!", in the last second of contact with the Spikey, he spun around 1080* and gave it a deadly spin kick across it's face. After his assult, Alphonse back stepped away from the Spikeys to dodge any damages. I have one more chip to finish one off for good...But I have to plan it well from now...I wonder what type of tea I should have today.

1: RageClaw slash (40 Dmg/Grapple) @ SpikeyB
2: RageClaw Throw (20 Dmg Each) Grabbing SpikeyB towards SpikeyC
3: Halberd Impaler (70 Dmg/Fire/4CD) @ SpikeyC
4: Evade
One spikey is thrown into its neighbor, which is then stabbed to death. Dun dun.... DUN! Another virus attacks, but misses.

CannondumbA DELETED
CannondumbB DELETED
CannondumbC DELETED
SpikeyA 90HP
SpikeyC 90HP

Alphonse 50HP
"Now...What to do with these left overs", "Eat'em?", "...That was one of the worst Pun joke I have heard through out my gentleman life, K. Just stay quite and send me those chips!", "God, you're always nice towards others except me!!", "It's just shows how friendly we are to each other", " 'Friendly' MY ASS!!", "*Sigh*...Just send me the Bighammer chip". A giant metal gray hammer appeared next to Alphonse by the second K put the chip in. Alphonse grabbed it with both of his hands and stared at the Spikeys. "Now, send me the AreaGrab", "Err...Where is it, Where is it...Ah! Alright, sending AreaGrab!!". Alphonse disappeared from the battleground with a flash, the Spikeys had no clue where Alphonse had gone to. "Oorryaa!!", his yell echoed as his hammer was thundering down to the head of a Spikey from the the behind. With his hammer disintergrated, Alphonse withdrew and stay put towards any upcoming attacks:

1: AreaGrab towards SpikeyA's Behind
2: BigHammer1 vertical smash (160 Dmg/Breaking) @ SpikeyA
3: Evade
4: Evade
The humungous hammer takes out the startled spikey. The last one attacks, but misses.

CannondumbA DELETED
CannondumbB DELETED
CannondumbC DELETED
SpikeyC 90HP

Alphonse 50HP
"My my...", "Eh?", "I don't know if I have any peppermint back at home", "Don't worry, I have plenty of that gum!", "...I was talking about the peppermint tea powder I got from Sharonet", "Sharo?", "It's better off not knowing...", "Hey! Don't be like that!!". Alphonse quickly slid through the list of chips he still had, just too know that all of it was range types. With a little smile of dissatisfaction, he quickly loaded the three chips K sent like a bullet magazine. With that, his arm turned into a large, three barreled gun, almost too heavy and large to lift with the arm that is connected with. He grabbed it with his other hand and aimed it towards the last Spikey with a sharp leer, targeting his sight with dead aim. "Let's finish this!!", "GO!!". The gun shot one at a time. First the powerful cannon blast shot towards the Spikey, then the gun revolved to lock the Heatshot barrel to the main coil, also shooting a searing blast. Finally, the gun revolved to the Shotgun barrel and shot the bullets, showering down at the Spikey like a rain.

1: Take Aim
2: Cannon Blast (40 Dmg) @ SpikeyC
3: HeatShot Blast (45 Dmg/Fire/Spread) @ SpikeyC
4: Shotgun Blast (50 Dmg/Spread) @ SpikeyC
<(Allright, thats it. I DEMAND to know what that cute thingie in your avie is! What are those girls from? X3)>

In the spirit of overkill, the spikey is destroyed!

CannondumbA DELETED
CannondumbB DELETED
CannondumbC DELETED

Alphonse 50HP


Rewards: 600z