Double Trouble in Unparadise

"No need to be so formal, Splash. Just tell me when things are too much for you."

Voulge was still concerned about SplashLady...despite the fact that her HP value was still higher than his even though she hasn't fully recovered. However, before they could go on any further, a lone virus stood in front of their way. "...A Gaia virus?" Before Voulge could do anything, the virus wreaked havoc as it destroyed the stone pillars into a wall of rubbles. "Well shit. What else can possibly happen?" And as if Ignis' words provoked the world itself, two groups of viruses came in for an ambush and a stream of lava trickled down through the center.

"...WHAT ELSE CAN GO WR-*smack*"

"Shut it before you make things worse."

While Splash had immediately taken off to fight the fire viruses, it left Voulge with the job to take care of the Gaia viruses. "Marius, please prepare the chips!" The operator had prepared an ample amount of chips instantly, most of them with the Gaia's tough exterior in mind. "Don't waste these, Voulge...I'm frankly surprised by how little break chips we had in the folder!"

Voulge prepared his shield from the rubbles of the broken spires, but he still felt unprotected at the demise of the Gaia's hammers. However, the navi was still more than happy that it would at least ward off one clean hit, which could mean life or death here in the Rogue net. "Sensor!" With a wave of his hand, the panel in front of Voulge lit up in a golden light and a KillerEye virus rose out from it, peering straight towards the Gaia+. "Make sure one false move will cost him dearly!" Though the attack won't be enough to finish the virus off, it would certainly restrain the virus from making any move...If it did possess enough intelligence to think it through.

"Licht, give me a boost!"

The navi shifted his body towards the left virus group and jumped up into the air, timing it perfectly with the gust of wind shot by his SP. Though it wasn't much, it still was enough to get Voulge close enough to the two Gaias and prepare for the next attack. "GolemHit!" The chip loaded through Voulge's spear, causing it to transform into a giant mace with two extra heads hanging by a chain at the end. With this unwieldy weapon, the spearman began to swing it slowly above his head till it began to move on its own through momentum, learning the weapon's weight, distribution, and other factors that would make it efficient in Voulge's hand. He also took in the positioning of the Gaias before he gave the mace one more spin, swinging it down with so much force that the grounds around where the weapon impacted shook and cracked.

As Voulge plucked the mace off the ground as it embedded itself into the broken panel pieces, he immediately changed the weapon into a giant, steel drill lance according to the chip Marius had just sent. "...I guess you weren't kidding when you said don't waste any chips." Voulge questioned his operator's choice of chips. "You'll have a few BigHammer left over...IF you were resourceful and used these chips to finish both Gaias from both sides!"

Letting out a sigh, Voulge did exactly as he was told and turned towards the group of virus behind him, staring directly at the pair of Gaias over there. "AreaGrab." The navi disappeared without a trace, only to appear beside the targeted viruses with his Drill Lance spinning at hand. But the second before he lunged the Lance through the viruses like a shish kabob, Voulge proceeded to infuse the weapon with his own power as the tip of the drill was soon decorated with thick spikes, adding that extra penetration it would need.

"My spears will pierce straight and true! You'll regret facing against us!"

The Drill Lance was placed into overdrive, literally shredding through the hot air as a blanket of winds began to swirl around the drill. With one step forward, Voulge lunged his entire body forward along with the lance as it began to drive straight through Gaia's tough body as if it was nothing by air.

Voulge didn't stop, focusing entirely on the offense unlike the previous battle, and pierced the ground with his spear after the drill dispersed. Like before, the panel in front of the navi lit up, but this time it was in an all-to-familiar red shine that brought the Totem back into the battlefield. "Hey! Who said you can my bitch like its yours!"

Ignoring Ignis' words, Voulge pointed his fingers towards the closest Flameys. "Burn them up!" The Totem happily followed his leader's order and began to blow out a wave of fire towards the viruses, also prepared to take a hit for his sake.

* Phalanx Aspis [2-hit Shield]
* Tempero Flamma [Strengthen [40]]
1. Sensor [100 / Stun / [b]Beam[/b] / Attacks anything insight / Destroyed after attacking / 100 HP / ElecBody] {S} @ Gaia+EX's direction
* Licht: Gust Push Voulge towards Gaia+A
2. Align Gaia+ A/B [Take Aim]
3. GolemHit [140 / [b]Break[/b] / Panel Break / Wide / Melee] {C} @ Gaia+ A/B
4. AreaGrab [Teleport] {S} Besides Gaia+ group on right side
5. DrillArm2 [70 x 2 (1st) / 70[b]+40[/b] (2nd) / Break / Knockback (1st) / Long Attack] {B} @ Gaia+ C (1st)/ D (2nd)
6. Totem2 [140+[color=red]15[/color]+Spread 2 /or/ 70 Heal / Changes When Hit / 3 Turns / 100 HP] {A|S} @ Flamey2 C/D
Ignis: Dodge x3
Licht: Dodge x3

Totem: 2 Turns
SplashLady immediately made for less lava-covered pastures as the scorching substance made its way across half the battlefield. Meanwhile, the less bothered Voulge got to work preparing a shield from the debris brought upon them by the Gaia. Apparently (and rightly) not thinking that was enough, the fire Navi pointed the one eye of his Sensor chip straight at the instigating Gaia+. The summoned virus soon locked on and attacked, hitting the virus hard and stunning it. SplashLady was a little more successful when her pickpocketing minion returned carrying some valuable goods.

When Voulge went flying through the air with the help of Licht, all seemed fine until he saw a double wave of fire flying his way courtesy of the phoenixes near his targets. The waves smashed into his shield and left him undamaged as he crashed into the Gaias and busted through their stone armor for massive damage. One moment the Navi was kneeling with his GolemHit halfway into the netscape, and the next Voulge was standing beside the other Gaias with his Drill Lance. His sudden appearance allowed him to delete one of the viruses with ease, but the other slid out of the way just fast enough to avoid the attack. The virus retaliated as swiftly as it could, which happened in the form of a wave that was enough to knock Voulge for a loop and expand far enough to hit SplashLady and Voulge's backup as well (60). Ignis and Licht were spared due to their caution beforehand, however.

Thankfully, the wave didn't throw off SplashLady's aim too much as she attacked the phoenixes. Two of the viruses fell as the Wideshots made contact. The following AquaDragon attempted to mow down the viral force as well, but the writhing beast only managed to hit one Flamey as the rest of them launched into the air to avoid the attacks. Two tried to land and smash Voulge's SPs, but failed as the two dodged out of the way with relative ease. Finally, Voulge dropped a Totem as SplashLady made for better cover. The Totem attempted to flame its targets, but they jumped out of the way.

BluePhoenix A: DELETED
BluePhoenix B: 180 HP (Lava)
Flamey2 A: 110 HP (Lava)
Flamey2 B: DELETED

Gaia+ D: 200 HP [StoneBody]
BluePhoenix C: 180 HP (Normal)
BluePhoenix D: DELETED
Flamey2 C: 110 HP (Normal)
Flamey2 D: 110 HP (Lava)

Gaia+ EX: 160 HP [StoneBody, Stun1]
Stone Pillar Pile: 1000 HP (rooted)

Totem2: 100HP (Normal)

SplashLady.EXE: 235 HP (In Stone Pillar Pile) (Get: Gaia2)
Voulge.EXE: 190 HP (Normal)
Ignis.SP: 100 HP (Normal)
Licht.SP: 45 HP (Normal)

25% Normal, 25% Sea, 50% Lava
Voulge groaned after receiving the hit from the Gaia, but mostly bummed out by the fact that the Totem haven't hit a single target. "Take it slow, Voulge. Most of the Gaias are taken care of, now focus on the rest!" The spearman replied with a simple nod and recreated his shield once more, seeing how it proved to be more useful than he expected.

Assuming his stance once more with his spear ready at hand, Voulge exclaimed to his two SPs before he continued the battle. "Ignis, Licht!...Let's finish this!"

Both crystal bodies perked up from their hiding spot, already prepared to fight. "Finally! It's my time to shine!" Licht, despite being the quiet one, was the first to act as he ripped a panel off the ground by blasting a gust of wind. "HEY! Don't hog the spotlight!" As the large, square panel was launched towards the BluePhoenix on the left, Voulge waved his spear across as the weapon was soon enveloped in a dark aura.

"Come forth, Blackmare!"

The navi deftly flipped the spear towards the ground with one hand and stabbed it to the ground, sending the aura to drain down. It summoned the Blackmare out from the hole created by Licht and it was obvious that it was eager to take part in this battle, shown through its bloodshot eye and its trembling blade. "Go!" The summoned virus raised its bladed arm up into the air and teleported right in front of the BluePhoenix and the Flamey on the normal panels. Blackmare showed no mercy on the viruses and swung the sword diagonally in a blink of an eye, disappearing into a black smoke as soon as the attack was finished.

"Use this to wipe them out. AquaDragon, slot in!" Marius enthusiastically added another chip for his navi to use, eager to put an end to the battle as well. Voulge took the liberty to abuse the poor ground as he took a swift stab at it once more, sending out a clear blue energy into the ground to summon a giant pot. With a gentle tap with the tip of his spear, the pot began to rumble and shot out the same water dragon that wreaked havoc from SplashLady. The spearman directed the dragon towards the part of the battlefield where it had yet to be flooded by sea water, allowing the dragon to let out an ear-piercing roar before it glided through its own pace.

"Now, the Gaia."

Voulge turned towards the lone Gaia at the center, but saw that Splash was closer to it than he was. With an assuring nod, the navi shifted his focus to the other Gaia, but then was interfered by a certain someone's annoying voice. "Che, you're having too much faith on that herm! Why don't you leave it to good ol' Ignis!" The perky SP had already prepared his set of fire fists and began to swing it around like some boxer. "Not yet. Do not attack until my signal."

Before he could get a reply, Voulge dashed towards the unharmed Gaia with his newly transformed halberd, fitted with an extra large, almost hammer-like spear head. The spearman moved nimbly through the hodgepodge terrains with his giant spear at hand, carrying it like it was no bigger than its usual size. "TOH!" As soon as he reached the melee range to swing his halberd, Voulge decided to leap up into the air and bring down the spear straight down on the Gaia's dense head. He didn't know why, he felt like he just needed to do so to make the battle bit more enjoyable.



Eager to get in the action for once, Ignis acted on his own and began to attack the Flameys towards the right...Though his timing was perfect to Voulge's signal. He launched his left fist at one of the Flameys, but decided to launch the next one towards some weaker, more vulnerable viruses. "Nothing is fun without getting some kills! Just getting assists are booooring!"

Voulge sighed at Ignis' actions, but he was already use to his SP's rash actions and simply decided to go with the flow, drawing two throwing knives for his next attack. As he gripped into the handle, the navi imbued them with the Arrow chip and flung them up into the air, causing the knives to momentarily hover in the air. With a wave of his finger, the knives shot forward in a blinding speed, leaving behind yellow electric sparks at their wake as it flew to pierce through its designated targets.

"Ahaha! This feels great! Hey, Totem, give me some juice, I'ma runnin' low!"

After Igins exhausted his FireHit, the SP threw a single fireball at the Totem without any restraints, blasting the poor object with all its might. The Totem changed its face to the calm white, but rather than following Ignis' order, it decided to heal Voulge instead. "...Oh you just did not do that. I'll fucking have your hide for this!"

* Phalanx Aspis [2-hit Shield]
* Tempero Flamma [Strengthen [40]]
Licht: PanelShot [100 / Terrain / 5% Broken] {B} @ BluePhoenix B
1. SummonBlack2 [200 / Wide / Slash / Requires Broken or Missing Terrain] {A} @ BluePhoenix C / Flamey2 C
2. AquaDragon [150 / Medium Sea / Terrain Changer / Ground] {C}
3. Movement towards Gaia+ D
4. BigHammer [160[b]+40[/b] / Impact / Break / Melee] {B} @ Gaia+D
Ignis: FireHit2 [90+[color=red]25[/color] / Impact / Double] {A} @ Flamey2 C
5. Arrow2 [130 / Homing] {B} @ Flamey2 D
Ignis: FireHit2 [90+[color=red]25[/color] / Impact / Double] {A} @ Surviving Virus
6. Arrow2 [130 / Homing] {B} @ Surviving Virus
Ignis: Attack [[color=red]40[/color] /Homing] @ Totem2
* Totem2 [140+[color=red]15[/color]+Spread 2 /or/ 70 Heal / Changes When Hit / 3 Turns / 100 HP] {A|S} @ Voulge
Licht: Dodge x2

Totem: 1 Turn
From her spot within the rubble, SplashLady looked over the battlefield, taking note that the Bandcoon seemed very happy about what it had gotten. She'd take that as a good omen. Plus, it was pretty clear her busting partner had picked a side, so she should probably take care of everything else. "Guess we-"

"Shh! I don't think that Gaia's noticed you yet! Here, this oughta make sure it never sees you!...Uh, actually, scratch that. First, I'm gonna heal you up, THEN you can pound away!" Sabrina quickly whipped out a pair of BattleChips, quickly yet softly ensuring that their data would be transferred to her Navi. "BattleChip, Recover120! BattleChip, GutImpact! Double slot in!"

Pink energy surrounded the mermaid Navi, as both fiery and non-fiery wounds instantly healed from exposure to it. Which was good, but of more immediate interest to her was the fact her trident head had been replaced by a rather sizable yellow and black fist. With the sizable hand in hand, she quietly began to climb the pillar remnants, trying not to place much attention on herself. Eventually, she reached a high spot close to the hammer wielder, giving her a nice vantage point to plot how she intended to end it. She didn't need much time, as she leapt into the air, and tried to swing the heavy weapon right into the back of its head. Exactly why she elected to do it like that, she wasn't sure; it was fun to do, though, so she didn't overly care, either. "That's enough silent treatment for me! So, I guess we should handle the other side now?" The aquatic fighter tilted her head towards the pair of blazing viruses, far away from where Voulge was doing his business.

"Sounds good to me! And let's make absolutely sure they're toast!" Hmm...that thing they got from the last battle would probably help, since those CirCrush were horribly accurate. "BattleChip, CircleGun2! Slot in!"

SplashLady's left hand vanished, to make room odd, narrow gun, with a stripe to separate the nose from the rest of the weapon. However, it was also surprisingly light for fast aiming, and it even had an auto-scope feature that let her know when it was pointing at an enemy. Impressed at her newest form of artillery, she pointed it towards the Flamey some distance from most of the rest of the viruses, causing a green crosshair to appear over it to her to signify that if she fired, it would definitely probably end badly for the ablaze enemy. Being good enough for her, she activated its easy to use internal mechanism, causing a laser-like shot to quickly fire from the barrel, which moved at great speed towards its intended target. She was pretty amazed at the ease and efficiency of the shot...that definitely explained its description, which listed it as a rare chip. "Wow...they defintely made CircleGun for shooting and killing things."

"...You can say that about a lot of stuff...but I think I get what you mean..." Well, okay, she didn't quite get it, but it did seem...pretty well made. "Anyway, let's do some blitzing now!" Since it was one Fire virus, that meant only needing two chips from them. "BattleChip, IceWave! BattleChip, MediumCloud! Double slot in!"

At this point, the watery Navi had a decision to make: she had two solid, multi-use weapons on her hands at the moment. Which was she going to get rid of? The answer came quickly, electing to go with the newer and more accurate attack. The GutImpact faded, allowing for her usual triple prongs to appear once again. This time, however, they appeared to be...frozen. Fully anticipating it, she swung her main weapon, creating a large, snowlike-like polygon in front of her. It quickly began to move from side to side as it quickly traveled forward towards the bird virus. That by itself, however, didn't make up the entire scope of the attack; if one looked high above the mermaid's head, they would seem a storm cloud form, which rushed forward towards the two viruses she had been charged with eliminating, and began to pour hazardous, needle-like rain down onto their, did Flamey really have heads? Eh, whatever, so long as it was history.

With that, SplashLady elected to go on the defensive, returning to her base of operations: the remains of the giant pillar. With any luck, it'd protect her from any enemy pun intended.

[Order of Turn:
1-Recover120 chip attack on SplashLady (120, Recovery)
2-GutImpact chip attack on Gaia+EX (160, Break, Impact, Knockback)
3-CircleGun2 chip attack on Flamey2A (120, Seeking)
4-IceWave1 chip attack on BluePhoenixB (80+25, Aqua, Freeze)
5-MediumCloud chip attack on Flamey2A and BluePhoenixB (90+15, Aqua, Wide Attack, attacks for 2 turns)
6-Hide in Stone Pillar Pile (movement)]
Starting off, Voulge had Licht rip off a chunk of terrain for his Blackmare-summon, which immediately rose to slice up one of the Phoenix viruses before it could attack, deleting it instantly. The other Flamey beside it moved to attack SplashLady, but didn't get through the large pile of rock. Instead, it smashed into the ground itself, and burst up beneath SplashLady's feet! Luckily, the pile of rock was rather cramped, so the virus didn't exactly get what it wanted, and veered off-course. Relieved, she took the time to heal up inside of the pile of stone, using the cover to her advantage as her wounds were patched up. (+115) She then crept out of the pile, and smashed down on the stunned Gaia, breaking it into itty-bitty little pieces.

The remaining Phoenix virus was focusing on Voulge, exhaling a large breath of fire at him, with the Gaia beside also assisting with a large hammer-smashing. Voulge managed to leap over the slow-moving attack, but Ignis, Licht, and SplashLady were not so lucky. (60) (60) (60) Voulge retaliated to this by way of a torrent of watery death, engulfing the Gaia and the Phoenix. The Gaia weathered through the attack, but the Phoenix did not, and was deleted. The Flamey launched into the sky and out of harm's way to attack Voulge's associates by his side, smacking into Ignis and Licht successfully in a tag-team, leaving them both at a critical stage. (40) (40) Meanwhile, Voulge went to bash a certain Gaia's face in with a BigHammer, which turned out to be quite successful.

SplashLady assisted in the battle by shooting down one of the Flamey with her newly-acquired CircleGun. Next came the blitzkrieg of watery death, with IceWave and MediumCloud loaded into her systems and fired off. While her original target of the Phoenix was now deleted, she aimed for the Flamey instead, but it was simply moving too fast for her to pinpoint accurately with either of her attacks. Fortunately, Voulge's team took advantage of the confusion from SplashLady's fire and brought down some fire and thunder to the Flameys' parade, deleting them in a flash.

After that, Ignis whacked the Totem for a refresher, while it turned face and healed Voulge instead. Man, what a dick. (+60)

BluePhoenix A: DELETED
BluePhoenix B: DELETED
Flamey2 A: DELETED
Flamey2 B: DELETED

BluePhoenix C: DELETED
BluePhoenix D: DELETED
Flamey2 C: DELETED
Flamey2 D: DELETED

Stone Pillar Pile: 960 HP (rooted)

Totem2: 100HP (Normal)

SplashLady.EXE: 290 HP (Normal)
Voulge.EXE: 250 HP (Normal)
Ignis.SP: 1 HP (Normal)
Licht.SP: 1 HP (Normal)

25% Sea, 25% Sea, 50% Lava



SplashLady: [LineOut2] Battlechip, 3690z, 7 FXP
Voulge: 3780z, 7 FXP, 113 BugFrags
"E..Ehehe...Di'jya see that? BAM, right in the kisser..."

The first thing Ignis had to do from his list was to showboat while he was on the verge of deletion, wobbling back and forth, but still proud and jerky as ever. Licht was also in no condition to continue on as it simply floated along the sea terrain. Voulge, on the other hand, was back to perfect health thanks to his Totem, but he still worried about his two SPs. "Maybe it's for the best if we stop for a break soon." said the navi as he dipped his hands into the water to pull Licht up.

However, the field was even more busted up than it was before, making it least suitable for a place of rest. "...You guys need it more than I do." Voulge gently placed his hand over Licht and transferred him out of the network once more, letting the SP rest and recuperate. "Ignis, you too." As the spearman approached the barely floating SP, Ignis let out a weak blast of fire to ward the navi's hand as it went out to touch him.


"Alright then, I see your point." said Voulge as he muffled Ignis with his hand. The navi turned towards Splash and pointed his thumb towards the wall of rubbles, directing their next path deeper into the net. "Lets get moving, Splash. We won't be able to catch that witch at this rate."

[Dismiss Licht]

Once again, SplashLady found herself transferring her reward data...this time, with the extra thing the Bandcoon had swiped. "Incoming!"

And in it came...what the? Two BattleChips again? Cool. "Yes! Two chips! Let's see...LineOut2? Fire element, yawn. And...Gaia2? So Gaia has two different chips it can drop?"

"Apparently so. What's it do?"

"Hang on, it's still loading...whoa. 130 damage."

"That's not bad, but I dunno if that deserves a whoa..."

"Oh, the whoa part comes from the fact it hits everyone on the ground except you. EVERYONE."

"Whoa..." ...Okay, so it DID deserve a whoa. "That's...better than BigHammer, all right..."

"Yeah...but I'm not putting it in the folder just yet. I don't want it screwing up and nailing Voulge for whatever reason..."

"Yeah, that's definitely a good idea." The mermaid Navi looked over at her partner, noticing that he was trying to make sure Ignis wasn't talking for whatever reason. Not that she minded the extra peace and quiet. "Right, let's roll!" And while she didn't literally roll, she DID follow the fellow spear wielder even deeper into the Net.

(Searching for Battle #8)
Going past the broken pillar landed the party in a dark tunnel, but luckily there were no viruses.


After walking for a while, they came to an opening where the ground seemed a bit coarse and hard to move in. And of course, it was Sand.

Alerted to their presence, a slew of viruses popped out of the sand and blocked their path. This might take a while.

A blue shine was off into the distance as well... Could that be...?

-ENEMIES- [2 actions away]
Megalian-F2 EXA: 220 HP
Megalian-F2 EXB: 220 HP
Megalian-F2 EXC: 220 HP
Handy2A: 120 HP
Handy2B: 120 HP
Handy2C: 120 HP
Handy2D: 120 HP
MetalCragger EX: 240 HP [HardBody]
Tromby2A: 150 HP
Tromby2B: 150 HP
Dominerd2A: 170 HP
Dominerd2B: 170 HP
Dominerd2C: 170 HP
Dominerd2D: 170 HP
Buffy-FA: 200 HP
Buffy-FB: 200 HP

Blue Mystery Data: 80 HP [3 actions to the right]

100% Sand

SplashLady.EXE: 290 HP
Voulge.EXE: 250 HP
Ignis.SP: 1 HP

"Well...this is nice and cool. My wounds still hurt like a bitch though!" said Ignis as he lit the way through the tunnel. With Voulge walking just behind, the spearman began to ponder about how far both he and Splash had gone up the Rogue network. It was obvious from the start that the Rogue network was teeming with dangerous viruses, but now it began to reach the level of extreme danger. One false move would easily cost them their lives...

However, despite all these grim thoughts, Voulge turned toward SplashLady with a smile under the dim tunnel. With his partner close in hand, a partner he entrust his own life with, nothing would stand in their way. "Looks, Splash. We're almost out of here." said the navi as he pointed towards the light at the end.

But like all encounters they had before, the rogue viruses had prepared an ambush right at the exit of the tunnel, blocking the navis from continuing on. "TIME FOR ME TO SKEDADDLE!!" Clashing directly against what he so proudly stated before, Ignis ran for cover the moment danger was apparent, leaving Voulge and Splash to fight the battle. The spearman, however, already knew that his SP would take such action and already prepared for the worst.

"Splash, let me take the initiative. I'll take care of the Dominerds so that they will be left defenseless." Voulge had prepared a shield created entirely out of sand while assuming an offensive stand with his spear. "...Wait just a moment, Voulge." said Marius as he rummaged his fingers through the chip folder. "There's nothing against the plan you just said...But there's no harm in playing it safe."

The operator drew a chip with a shadow virus depicted on the icon and inserted it into his PET. In a blink of an eye, Voulge was surrounded in an inky-black smoke that began to seep out from his armor. Soon, the navi was completely enveloped by it till it left no visible sign of him left. "...Marius, I dislike the use of this chip." said the spearman beneath the cloud of smoke. "You really don't have a say in this. I know you're clearly against underhand tactics, but this is for your own good." As the smoke dispersed, it revealed Voulge's semi-translucent body, replacing all of his body's color to a monochrome gray "Understood..."

With an audible sigh, Voulge readied his spear once more, staring towards viruses with his dull gray eyes. "Commencing Battle Routine!" The navi disappeared in a flash, only to reappear just before the rows of viruses. 1 versus 16 right from the get go without any support...Even Voulge thought it was a foolish move on his behalf. However, he relied on the so-called cheap, underhanded chip he was infused with and readied his spear

"Golemhit, slot in!"

The chip had transformed the spear into a giant, rocky trident and it was heading directly towards the Megalian's hovering body. The three prongs detached from the spear body as it was in its way, hovering away from one another in an equal distance, all uniformly aligned at the three viruses. "Haaah!" With one mighty stab, the spearman drew his spear back and shifted his attention at the MetalCragger at the center. Though Voulge was aiming towards the Megalians with his trident, his true intention was to bring out the Dominerds from hiding as it tried to protect their comrades. Truth be told, this method itself was just as underhanded as the Shadow chip, but Voulge just didn't like the fact that there was no fair play when he isn't in real danger.

"DrillArm2, slot in!"

Marius timed his chip with his navi perfectly as the Avaria-Lancea transformed into a drill while the navi pulled it back for a stab once more. Voulge went with the same plan as last time as he tried to draw out the Dominerd so it would be exposed. But with the Drillarm prepared, Voulge took the liberty of taking an extra step in his plan. The tip of the drill began to light up in an orange glow and a layer of spike was riddled over it, adding an extra strength in penetration. As the drill began to spin, Voulge lunged his entire body forward as he attempted to skewer both the Dominerd and the MetalCragger behind it in one strike. "Take this! There's nothing that my spear cannot pierce!" The weapon made contact, splashing red-hot sparks all over the tunnel, but there wasn't any sure sign that the attack fully connected.

"Splash!" Voulge yelled as soon as his attack was over, giving a thumbs up as he took a few steps back. "Your turn!"

Ignis: Dodge x3
* Phalanx Aspis [2-hit Shield]
* Tempero Flamma [Strengthen [40]]
1. Shadow2 [Shadow / 2 Turns] {S}
2. AreaGrab [Teleport] {S} in front of Megalian Group
3. GolemHit [140 / Break / Panel Break / Wide / Melee] {C} @ Handy2 B/C/D
4. DrillArm2 [70 x 2 (1st) / 70+[b]40[/b] (2nd) / Break / Knockback (1st) / Long Attack] {B} @ MetalCragger EX

Hoo boy. Why did they go in this tunnel again? If they bumped into any Gaia in here, they were toast. Warm, buttery toast...oh hey, there was an exit up ahead.

"Look, Splash. We're almost out of here."

...Wow, she never would guessed that. But Voulge was always so...straightforward like that. It was actually kinda nice to have a friend like that, one that was blunt and honest. Really, it was one of his charms. And he didn't exactly look bad, either. Especially in a hot spring...


An entire army of viruses suddenly appeared in front of the two Navis, causing the water-based one to stumble a bit in surprise. Well, maybe not surprise...had she been paying any attention whatsoever, she would've seen it coming. "Ahh! ...Shoot, I lost my focus!" Shaking her head, she started to prepare herself for incoming chip data...but stopped when Voulge asked to take the lead. "Guess you've got a plan, huh? All right, give 'em heck!"

The operator, however, was less cooperative in this regard. "I think I know what he's gonna do...but, we have to try something while there's still Dominerds around!"

"I'm not following..."

"We've been on a certain hot streak...sorry, but I just gotta see if we can keep it up!" Sabrina was pretty sure it wouldn't ruin any plans, anyway. "BattleChip, PickPocket! Slot in!"

Once more, a Bandcoon appeared in front of SplashLady, who took one look at the battlefield before shaking its head and muttering to itself. After a moment, however, its face (or what could be seen of it) suddenly brightened, and it appeared to reach for something behind its mask...pulling out what looked like a mini-snowmobile. Planting it on the ground, it hopped in, and began to drive forward towards one of the green shields. While it drove right past it, the raccoon did manage to snag a chunk of data from it, which it enclosed in a tiny treasure chest. It then leaped off its mode of transportation, which crashed into a wall with little fanfare, and set its treasure down before vanishing, content at its theft.

By that point, the mermaid Navi was refocusing on the enemy, to try and avoid a potential attack from a possible go-getter virus...

[Order of Turn:
1-PickPocket chip on Dominerd2D (steals reward data from one enemy)
Week long bump
Immediately sensing danger, Ignis took off to avoid a swift end while Voulge armored up to tank the entire virus force. Toting his sand shield, Shadow and strengthen, he warped into the midst of the viruses and launched a rocky trident at the Handy viruses. Out of nowhere, three Dominerds appeared to protect the targets and quickly became targets themselves. The GolemHit ripped through their defenses, taking all three out in one hit.


Voulge followed it up with a DrillArm attack, charging the MetalCragger with his lance. The last Dominerd moved to intercept and got a mouthful of hot spinning Lancea for its trouble. VOULGE IS DOMINATING! The MetalCragger attempted to hit Voulge in the confusion, but the ensuing fist crashed down and was stopped by the combination of the sand shield and Voulge's shadow status. The sand around the Navi gave way, however, leaving a gaping hole in the battlefield. A second fist fell a moment later, but it had no effect and Voulge managed to withstand the blow. The terrain he was currently situated on was now crumbling in the middle of a large hole, however.

A quick glance over at Ignis at this point would reveal that he had moved to ensure large cushion of space between himself and the viruses. Enough so that two of the Megalians' attacks were easily avoided.

Over in 2 actions away land, SplashLady watched as her pickpocketing henchman returned from his quest, seeming somewhat put-out as he revealed his failure to acquire anything. Understandable, considering what he would've had to do to steal something from viruses that were getting Voulge'd. A Handy popped out of the ground near the aqua Navi a moment later, dropping a bomb on the ground and waiting as it began to count down. The rest of its kind seemed content to wait around where they'd started for a bit after nearly being crushed to death with a trident.

-ENEMIES- [2 actions away]
Megalian-F2 EXA: 220 HP (FireAura: 80HP)
Megalian-F2 EXB: 220 HP (FireAura: 80HP)
Megalian-F2 EXC: 220 HP (FireAura: 80HP)
Handy2A: 120 HP (Near SplashLady)
Handy2B: 120 HP
Handy2C: 120 HP
Handy2D: 120 HP
MetalCragger EX: 240 HP [HardBody]
Tromby2A: 150 HP
Tromby2B: 150 HP
Dominerd2A: DELETED
Dominerd2B: DELETED
Dominerd2C: DELETED
Dominerd2D: DELETED
Buffy-FA: 200 HP
Buffy-FB: 200 HP

Blue Mystery Data: 80 HP [3 actions to the right]
TimeBombA: 100 HP (Near SplashLady) [2 turns left]

90% Sand
9% Broken (In front of MetalCragger EX)
1% Cracked (In center of Broken, VOULGE GTFO)

SplashLady.EXE: 290 HP (Still two actions away)
Voulge.EXE: 250 HP (Cracked, up-close) [Shadow2] [1-hit shield]
Ignis.SP: 1 HP (Fair distance away from viruses)
Voulge was surprised at the result of his attack, watching the invisible defenders selflessly guard the navi's attack one by one till they were all gone. Though they were nothing more than just viruses, even Voulge had to give them some respect in their honorable acts...Even if they would have viciously gnawed his face off if they would have survived

"Good, their main defenses are down...We'll have to rely on Splash for the rest now."

The spearman nodded in compliance to his operator, leaping away from his precarious terrain with one jump. After landing to a safer ground, Voulge scanned through the virus formations to notice that they were still large in numbers. "Marius, I think I have yet to complete my end of the battle." The navi held out his shield out of habit, forgetting the fact that his body was nearly impervious to any attacks thanks to the Shadow effect. "Let me at least take out the Trombys in case they cause any trouble."

Marius scratched his clay-red hair as he rummaged through his folder, picking out the good ol' SummonBlack to do the job. "I guess I have nothing to worry about since your body is all like that...It does feel a bit cheap like you said." The operator loaded the chip into his PET and caused Voulge's monochrome body to emit the same smoke that once enveloped him. The smoke began to take form as it hovered towards the broken panels created by the MetalCragger, dipping into the bottomless pit and emerging out as the Blackmare virus.

"Your enemies are set before you. Go forth and claim their lives with your cold steel blade!"

Voulge's command immediately had the Blackmare worked up and ready for action. The virus had dispersed and reappeared before the Tromby and the MetalCraggers, leaving behind a trail of black smoke in between. Boldly raising its sword, the Blackmare had swung it straight across the three viruses effortlessly as if it cut nothing but air. With its job finished, the virus disappeared in a blink of an eye as the smoke the shrouded it scattered all over the cavern. "...Well done."

Now, hoping that the Trombys were taken care of, Voulge had no choice but to sit and watch Splash face the viruses alone while he took this short time to rest. He was bitter that he couldn't help out anymore than he could now, but the spearman had complete trust in his partner that she would be able to handle all of this...

5. Movement away from Cracked/Broken Terrain
6. SummonBlack2 [200 / Wide / Slash / Requires Broken or Missing Terrain] {A} @ Tromby2 A/B / MetalCraggerEX

Well, at least Voulge's moves were flawless. Maybe too flawless, since the Bandcoon didn't even have time to steal from any Dominerd. Ah well, not like it hadn't gotten them two rare chips earlier. Because it did. "So, think we should start joining in on the action?"

"Dang, guess third time's not the charm...anyway, think we should start joining in on the action?"

"...Yeah." It took some effort, but the mermaid Navi managed to supress her urge to be sarcastic over not being listened to. "Ready when you are!"

"Okay! Hmm...well, those Megalian could be rough, so let's try and get rid of them first!" Single BattleChip capable of eliminating three high level fire viruses, grabbed and inserted. "BattleChip, WaterLine2! Slot in!"

Deciding to go against her usual Raingear hand method of executing the move, SplashLady raised her trident high, before flipping it 180 degrees, and gently stabbing the ground with it, sending the chip data deep below the surface. It made its way over towards the trio of floating head beings, and began to cause the land unseen below the sand to turn wet. With no further indications, three geysers burst from the ground, blasting anything unlucky enough to be occupying that area of sand. In exchange for that power, however, it didn't last long, only taking a few seconds of time before its supply ran out, causing the water towers to vanish without a trace.

"Hmm...wonder what we should smack next?" The answer became clear once the operator noticed a ticking time bomb not too far from her Navi, as well as the one responsible for its creation. "I guess that's as good as anything." Not wanting to make her Navi perform the nigh impossible task of performing elegant movements through sand, Sabrina elected on a more distant approach. "See that Handy and TimeBomb near you? I want you to use this on them! BattleChip, CircleGun2! Slot in!"

The aquatic fighter's left hand found itself transforming, becoming a simple yet high-tech elongated cannon. As was customary for such a gun, she merely needed to aim it towards that which needed destruction, then activate the internal firing mechanism. The light weight and special scope of the CircleGun made this a fairly easy task, and in mere moments a single energy blast was fired towards the highly explosive device. However, one thing that separated it from other guns was the ability to fire multiple times...which the Navi promptly took advantage of by focusing on the nearby hand virus, altering the direction of the weapon to try and blast it apart. A second shot rang out, signaling an official attempt on the virus's life.

In a somewhat uncharacteristic move, the girl responsible for sending BattleChips held one in her hand, yet was simply looking at it instead of slamming it into the appropriate slot. "Hey, SplashLady? I kinda want your input on this. Since you're on sand, it's hard to move around, so you probably shouldn't dodge if you can help it. But a lot of the viruses here can break shields, so if I send you one, you might not be any better off. What do you want to do?"

Hmm..."You know, if those are my choices, I'd rather just keep up the offense and put the pressure on the viruses!"

"Guess that works, too! The fewer viruses there are, the less likely you get hit, anyway!" Hmm...oh, she knew what to do for this situation. "Okay, sit back and relax! BattleChip, AquaDragon! Slot in!"

A large pot suddenly appeared on the battlefield, which seemed content to sit there and do nothing. And it was, quite frankly. The problem for the viruses was the fact that rising from the pot was an angry WaterDragon, one that had no qualms with the Navis on the battlefield. With a roar, it began to lunge forward, trying to smash into whatever enemies got in its way. As it traveled around, it left water in its wake, providing a refreshing change to the endless desert, or at least in its summoner's eyes. But it could only last so long, and after charging one quarter of the area, it vanished, leaving only the trail of water as a lasting sign that it had been there.

3-WaterLine2 chip attack on Megalian-FEXA, Megalian-FEXB, and Megalian-FEXC (130+15, Aqua, Ground Attack)
4-CircleGun2 chip attack on TimeBombA (120, Seeking)
5-CircleGun2 chip attack on Handy2A (120, Seeking)
6-AquaDragon chip attack on viruses (150+15, Aqua, attacks until it creates 25% Sea terrain)]
Voulge immediately made his way off of the crumbling island of terrain as it collapsed, leaving a gaping hole in the area. Not wanting to waste the opportunity, his operator sent him more shadowy backup. The summoned virus appeared from the depths of the new hole and ran one of the Tromby viruses through. As the shadow disappeared, one of the Megalians came crashing into Voulge's remaining shield and destroyed it. Not that it bothered him.

The other two Megalians were soon assailed by torrential geysers of water that tore through their auras and deleted them instantly. SplashLady kept her virus deleting momentum going afterward, blasting the Handy's bomb with CircleGun before doing the same to the virus. Next, she unleashed a writhing aquatic dragon on the battlefield. It twisted around as it went, eventually coming to a stop near one of the Handy viruses. Having left a good portion of the battlefield covered in water, it finally ended its performance by enveloping the Handy and deleting it outright.

The remaining Handy viruses did the only thing they could do - throw down more bombs. The Buffy-F viruses floated in place quietly, releasing paradoxical flaming bubbles that began to bounce around the battlefield.

-ENEMIES- [2 actions away]
Megalian-F2 EXA: DELETED
Megalian-F2 EXB: DELETED
Megalian-F2 EXC: 220 HP (FireAura: 80HP)
Handy2B: 120 HP
Handy2C: 120 HP
MetalCragger EX: 240 HP [HardBody]
Tromby2A: 150 HP
Dominerd2A: DELETED
Dominerd2B: DELETED
Dominerd2C: DELETED
Dominerd2D: DELETED
Buffy-FA: 200 HP
Buffy-FB: 200 HP

Blue Mystery Data: 80 HP [3 actions to the right]
TimeBombB: 100 HP (Near HandyB)
TimeBombC: 100 HP (Near HandyC)
BubbleA: 30 HP (Bouncing slowly toward Voulge)
BubbleB: 30 HP (Bouncing slowly toward SplashLady)

65% Sand (Where viruses are)
25% Sea (Around SplashLady)
10% Broken (In front of MetalCragger EX)

SplashLady.EXE: 290 HP (Still two actions away)
Voulge.EXE: 250 HP (Sand) [Shadow1]
Ignis.SP: 1 HP (Fair distance away from viruses)
"Still plenty to go. Are you up to this Voulge?" Marius surveyed the cavernous field through his PET, numbering up the remaining viruses and tried to determine their next course of action. "Of course." No fancy words, no flair, nothing special, Voulge's words were short and simple as he twirled his spear. "Then get ready!" As the navi stomped the end of his spear down to the ground after the spin, it had already assumed the shape of the chip sent by Marius and changed into a war hammer, ready to take a crack at the MetalCragger.

Voulge held out his arm in order to gather a sand shield, but as he was quickly reminded of his shadow defense due to his arm and body's lackluster color. The spearman chuckled at his incompetence and immediately sprang towards the giant golem. With such a large body, Voulge shortly pondered why he couldn't land a single hit after attempting twice as he raised his destructive hammer up. Though the last two had few circumstances that led to not landing, Voulge had no excuse this time as he brought the hammer straight down upon the MetalCragger's head.

As the navi safely landed back to the ground, fragments of ember began to chip away the war hammer to reveal the Avaria-Lancea's default form underneath. "Next target?" Voulge calmly asked while disregarding the danger of being so close to the viruses. "Let's leave the Megalian and the Buffy to SplashLady and Sabrina. Go take care of the Tromby and the Handy and finish this battle!"

With a simple nod to acknowledge his command, Voulge stabbed his spear down at the soft sand and pulled out five throwing knives from his vest. The three knives on his right hand were rather short for a knife and had an emerald glow that lit brilliantly under the dark cave. The other two knives on his left were long and thin, shaped more like a needle than a knife. As the navi gently fanned the humid air with his right hand, the knives began to glow even brighter and a harsh gust of wind passed through the viruses from the cave entrance. It was particularly stronger against the Handys and the Tromby as it attempted to drag the viruses beside Voulge.


The spearman threw the three daggers directly towards the Tromby with high precision, but rather than taking the time to confirm if the attacks hit, he immediately grabbed the spear at his side and plunged it into the ground in front of him. "There's no escape!" With much more force behind the stab, a good half of the pole arm was buried deep into the sand...But the grounds around it began to let out a strangely scented smoke. Soon, the sands began to glow in a bright orange light and pillars of flame rose out from beneath the viruses as it tried to swallow them whole, leaving behind a glassy panel at its wake.

"Now, the Handys!"

Connecting with his unrelenting attacks, Voulge immediately threw the two knives on his left hand towards the Handys. The knives began to discharge electric sparks as soon as it left Voulge's hand and even began to maneuver through the air like it had a mind of its own. Nonetheless, the knives were specifically marked towards the Handys and it wasn't going to stop till their target was eliminated.

Voulge let out a sigh as his attacks were finished; watching as his body slowly began to regain color as the shadow defense faded out. "Now...Time to wait." The spearman crossed his arm and literally waited for the end result of the battle, either extremely confident about the battle or still in the mindset that he was invincible for a little longer. "...Ignis."

The cowardly SP rose out from his hiding place, but still keeping distance away from the battle. "W-what is it, tinhead." The navi pointed towards the two timebombs that was ticking down, ready to blow up any second now. "Make yourself useful and get rid of these." Ignis peeked towards the two, "harmless", non-retaliating bombs and a (figurative) smirk rose out of his (none existing) face. "Ehe...ehehehe...That...THAT I CAN DO!" With confidence rising, Ignis shot out two flame missiles at the bomb back to back, taking them out so it wouldn't cause any serious problem later on.

"BOOOM! Didya see that? All skill right there baby, no one can do it better than me!" Even though the SP was talking smack to the poor, defenseless bombs, he quickly returned back to hiding...

* Tempero Flamma [Strengthen [40]]
1. BigHammer [160 [b](x2 Defense Pierce)[/b] / Impact / Break / Melee] {B} @ MetalCragger EX
2. AirStorm2 [60 x 3 / Variable Targeting / Pull3] {B} @ Tromby2A / Handy2 B/C [Pull all three target / Focus attack @ Tromby2]
3. FlameLine2 [120+[color=red]15[/color]+40 @ Tromby / Ground / Wide] {B} @ Tromby2A / Handy2 B/C
4. Arrow2 [130 / Homing] {B} @ Handy2 B
5. Arrow2 [130 / Homing] {B} @ Handy2 C
6. Dodge (lol)
Ignis: FireHit2 [90+[color=red]25[/color] / Impact / Double] {A} @ TimeBombB
Ignis: FireHit2 [90+[color=red]25[/color] / Impact / Double] {A} @ TimeBombC
Ignis: Dodge

Hmm...looked like they still had work to do. "So, what should we do next?"

"I think the fire viruses shouldn't be too hard. Besides, Voulge is near the others, and he can handle himself!"

"That's true. All right then, operate away!"

"Thanks, I intend to!" Hmm...if the area was all sand, that would probably benefit a certain chip. A highly usable chip, that could be used to kill things with some terrain help. Yep, that'd work fine. "All right, Buffy time, then I guess you can beat the Megalian yourself! BattleChip, AreaGrab! BattleChip, WindRacket! Double slot-in!"

The mermaid Navi once again found her coordinates suddenly and dramatically altered, so that she finally got in on some direct action, with a pair of pufferfish in front of her. Oddly, her trident was now webbed, seemingly better for playing tennis than for destroying enemies. Anyone thinking that, however, would prove sadly mistaken, as she powerfully swung her weapon, to smack the fish, and simultaneously burst their bubble. Some sand seemed to be stirred by the gale force created, as well, spraying along to inflict extra pain at a granular level...

Next up, some revenge for a certain virus evading her earlier watery pain. From the sandy depths, water began to rise, encircling SplashLady in a ring of liquid. Calmly, she pointed her trident, which was now back to its usual self, forward, causing the water to loop around her one final time, and gather in front of the middle prong. With a gentle push, the entire blob shot like a cannonball, to smack that large headed virus for daring to defy her might.

...Well, that handled what she wanted to do. A quick look showed that Voulge was firing off bees, while whats-his-name was punching the leftover TimeBombs. She wanted to help, but without BattleChips, there wasn't a whole lot of ways for her to contribute..."...Huh?" She lifted her left arm, reminding herself that it remained a lethal gun, still with a pair of potent shots left. "Oh, right...CircleGun sure has a lot of uses." Why it was called CircleGun, she'd never know. Maybe because the viruses moved in circles? Whatever, it wasn't important. Of higher priority was lifting it into a direction that could take out a leftover Handy, activating its internal firing mechanism, and releasing an energy blast capable of locating even a completely invisible target. Hence, that was the route she chose. A second, similar burst fired not long afterward, also similar in that a bomb summoning hand could potentially burst into junk data from it.

"Oh, hey! Forgot about CircleGun! So, wanna go into overkill mode, or just take it easy for a sec?"

"I dunno if I'd call it taking it easy, but let's hang back and see what's left!" SplashLady started scanning the area, to see what, if anything, was remaining that could fight back, and try and take measures to avoid any possible aforementioned fighting back.

[Order of Turn:
1-AreaGrab chip to behind Buffy-Fs (teleports user)
2-WindRacket chip attack on Buffy-FA and Buffy-FB (100, Gust, Microburst and NorthWind on contact)
2a-Reserve Tank R (passive buster charge)
2b-Reserve Tank L (passive buster charge)
3-Water Splash charge attack on Megalian-FEXC (200, Aqua)
4-CircleGun2 chip attack on Handy2B (120, Seeking)
5-CircleGun2 chip attack on Handy2C (120, Seeking)
Smashy smash went the Metal Cragger, as it was instantly crushed to pieces by a very destructive BigHammer, courtesy of Voulge. Meanwhile, a WindRacket landed a hit on a certain Buffy duo, causing them to fly across the battlefield and get deleted. A Megalian-F2 EX then received a large cannonball from SplashLady, deleting it. After that, the Tromby actually decided to do something worthwhile, and played an annoying cacophony that stopped the Navis in their tracks. Unfortunately for the Tromby, Voulge decided to do something about that, and pulled the virus towards him, ending the virus' life moments later with a FlameLine. One of the Handy was also pulled along, and subsequently toasted. Moments after, the surviving Handy met its death at an Arrow.

Ignis inflated his ego some by punching a couple of bombs, and one of the bubbles from the Buffy earlier hit SplashLady. (30) Not much.

-ENEMIES- [2 actions away]
Megalian-F2 EXA: DELETED
Megalian-F2 EXB: DELETED
Megalian-F2 EXC: DELETED
MetalCragger EX: DELETED
Dominerd2A: DELETED
Dominerd2B: DELETED
Dominerd2C: DELETED
Dominerd2D: DELETED

Blue Mystery Data: 80 HP [3 actions to the right]
BubbleA: 30 HP (Bouncing slowly toward Voulge)
BubbleB: 30 HP (Bouncing slowly toward SplashLady)

65% Sand (Where viruses are)
25% Sea (Around SplashLady)
10% Broken (In front of MetalCragger EX)

SplashLady.EXE: 260 HP (Don't care)
Voulge.EXE: 250 HP (Sand) [Don't care either]
Ignis.SP: 1 HP (Still don't care)



Voulge: [Timpany] Battlechip, 4700z, 141 BugFrags, 9 FXP
SplashLady: 5720z, 9 FXP

BMD: 6600z

Ignis dived into the pile of zennies left behind by the defeated viruses, splashing the golden currency all over the sand. However, the greedy SP was still unsatisfied by all of this and immediately went off to the Mystery Data the two navi seemed to neglect all this time. "Eheh...Tranny opened the one last time, so it's all the more fair that it's MINE."

Without any permission, Ignis accessed the blue crystal and...lo and behold, even more money came out and rained down upon the SP. Ignis was literally shocked in awe as he was speechless rather than going off into yet another scream. "I-I...I'm in heave-" And, as if it was just too much, the SP disappeared back to the PET just before his body lifelessly thudded down to the ground.

Voulge sighed and picked up all the mess left by Ignis with a single swipe of his arm, transferring them all back into the PET's safe storage. "When will he ever learn..." Now that the battle was over, the cave returned back to the cool refuge for the weary navis...Not so much weary, since they still had enough strength for one or more battles. "Come on Spla-" But just as when Voulge was about to exit the cave while calling out for his partner, he realized something. All this time, it felt like he was dragging Splash along the Hades net, making them go through battles after battles with few rests in between...

"...Let's rest here for now."

That said, Voulge leaned against the wall of the cave and planted the spear on the ground, closing his eyes and letting out a sigh. "You're gonna stop here?...Guess that's fine. I'm just gonna take this time and use up these cash before Ignis wakes up." Marius temporarily disconnected his PET as he set off on his own, leaving Voulge alone with SplashLady. The navi opened one of his eye to peek at Splash and smiled towards her, waving his hand towards himself as a sign.

"Come closer, Splash. No need to be shy."

He did all this with a small smile, not even thinking about what he just said what so ever. Only thing in the spearman's mind was to keep the two together so a virus wouldn't ambush them, not thinking about the other meaning the word may have....
"...Wow, that's some serious cash..." Enough that even SplashLady felt a tinge of jealousy. Oh well, accessing the reward data ensured that she wasn't overly disappointed. "Sending it over!"

And the rich get richer. Woo. "I think Suitachi's gonna be pretty happy next time I shop!"

"Yeah, and so am I!" With that, Voulge proposed a rest. The mermaid Navi couldn't complain, she'd taken quite a beating the last few fights. After being invited to not keep her distance, she walked over to the fire fighter, copying his spear stab with her own trident. "We've really come a long way, haven't we? It's actually really peaceful if there aren't any viruses nearby."

Without even thinking, she laid her head on her busting partner's shoulder, as she stared ahead and thought. "I mean, just look around. Can you even tell we're in Rogue Net? There's probably a cave like this in the regular Net, too...but what's the big difference? Wasn't this the regular Net once? Why did they decide to replace it? Did the viruses start to get too strong, like they are now? Were Navis' programming code not backwards compatible with it? Did they just decide to have 3 different Nets for no reason?...Ahh, sorry. I'm just just doesn't make any sense to me, though. Sometimes things get weird when you stop and think about them, ya know?" ...Okay, now she really WAS rambling. Time to shut up and enjoy the quiet...