Hi Hi! Names Mira and this is the trade thread for me and my Navi Nyan. She can be a bit of a picky user when it comes to chips so this is where we will be placing items for those of you who could use them better. if you see something you like, please let us know!
Current tradeables:
1 x AquaNeedle1 [20 x 3 Aqua + Variable Targeting, B]
1 x BubbleStar1 [20 + Bubble Trap x3, Aqua, D]
1 x ShootingStar1 [40 fire x 5 + Drop Attack - Accuracy: E, D against high altitude.]
Thanks in advance everyone~
- Mira Auberdeen & Nyan.exe
Chips and Cats
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I'll take that TrainArrow. I was looking for another one for a while, and I wouldn't mind paying some shiny penny for it.
- 3,000
[li][FireKnife] Battlechip
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You good sir have offered just what my navi likes, hehe. I'm sure she'd love to have a sword and some shiny zenny to build her artillery. I think you have yourself a deal :3
- Mira Auberdeen
*attached Trainarrow1*
You good sir have offered just what my navi likes, hehe. I'm sure she'd love to have a sword and some shiny zenny to build her artillery. I think you have yourself a deal :3
- Mira Auberdeen
*attached Trainarrow1*
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Always good to see folks find what they're looking for.
Mira GET: FireKnife, 3000z
Marius GET: TrainArrow1
Mira GET: FireKnife, 3000z
Marius GET: TrainArrow1
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Those MudFlop1s sound kind of cool... Would you trade one of them for a BubbleStar1? It's pretty good at setting things up for something big, especially if you have a lot of Elec chips... but I don't!

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Hmm Nyan and I don't really have any elec chips either... But whatever! hehehe, it still sounds like a good deal and Nyan really isn't fond of getting dirty.
- Mira
*attached: Mudflop1*
- Mira
*attached: Mudflop1*
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Just make sure you don't splash any of that mud my way.
Iris GET: Mudflop1
Iris LOSE:BubbleStar1
Mira GET: BubbleStar1
Mira LOSE: Mudflop1
Iris GET: Mudflop1
Iris LOSE:BubbleStar1
Mira GET: BubbleStar1
Mira LOSE: Mudflop1
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Since you've still got MudFlop listed, I guess you have two of them? I could use one for my library, so how about I give you...an IceWave1 for it? It's actually a pretty nice chip, but I don't have any room in my folder for it, so maybe you can use it better than I can!
- Sabrina Jetto
ATTACHMENT: IceWave1 BattleChip data
- Sabrina Jetto
ATTACHMENT: IceWave1 BattleChip data
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Sounds good to me! This will be perfect for an cold climate cat like nyan! Consider it a deal, hehehe!
*attached: Mudflop1*
*attached: Mudflop1*
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You know, if I went back and counted every trade made in the name of your library, Miss Jetto, I'd probably cry from all the extra work I've had to do because of it...but I'm not, so trade processed!
Mira GET: IceWave1 BattleChip data
Sabrina GET: MudFlop1 BattleChip data
- LinkMan.EXE
Mira GET: IceWave1 BattleChip data
Sabrina GET: MudFlop1 BattleChip data
- LinkMan.EXE
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Hello. Recently, I obtained a very good chip, but I don't think it quite suits my Navi. I then looked over the trade board, and noticed that you had something that would fit him perfectly. Would you trade your PoisonMask and Shake1 in exchange for my MetaGel2?
- Alda Hyde
ATTACHMENT: MetaGel2 BattleChip data
- Alda Hyde
ATTACHMENT: MetaGel2 BattleChip data
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Hmm, well can't say i don't like the gels! We have one ourselves and it works wonders hehe. Normally I'd say Poison Mask is really good, but I think Nyan might have a thing about using poison on the battlefield so... Sure we can make that trade!
*attached:PoisonMask, Shake1*
- Mira Auberdeen
*attached:PoisonMask, Shake1*
- Mira Auberdeen