The Park

Time was frozen in an instant. Even the pain, blasting off in spades from his newly-imprinted cheek, was immaterial. Harke's glasses fell askew from his nose, hesitated for a split second, then fell onto the grassy ground. His then-sparkling-with-excitement eyes chose to blank out for a minute, take a break from all this silliness. The force of shock set into him, delivering its message in the form of a powerful slap across the boy's face.

Seconds until attempt to re-connect: 0
You have joined room: Real Life.

Reality came crashing down, descending upon Harke's consciousness like an anvil dropped comically onto an unsuspecting Saturday morning cartoon character. Harke began to move, more fluidly than before, the first sign of returning to normality. His first act was to reach up to his left cheek, and give it a light tap. He immediately retracted the finger, wincing and mouthing a silent "Ow." Afterwards, he turned around slowly to take stock of his situation. Two people he recognized... and one he didn't. He was apparently sitting down... in a park. A dangling piece of cloth from his head, which he recognized as a bandage. Okay. First things first: inquiry.

"Nggggg. What- what happened? Sabrina, Zeo... and who's this guy?" he asked, gesturing his second question at the white-clad man. He knew he might sound stupid, but hell, it was better than a blank stare.
Marius perked at the sight of the split-second slap, automatically covering his own cheeks as a reaction. He covered his eyes as he let out a sigh, shaking his head side to side as he was feeling sympathetic to the poor boy. "You've went too far, Harke. Just too far..." However, as soon as Marius lowered his hands, he found the injured Harke looking very confused.

"Nggggg. What- what happened? Sabrina, Zeo... and who's this guy?"

...This was very strange. However, he could say the same of how Harke talked in the first place. Marius twisted and stretched his neck to shake off any sign of uneasiness...and stretched his hands out again.

"...Hello...I guess I should tell you that my name is Marius."
And there was silence. ...Lots of it. Aside from one sentence by Marius she didn't catch...shoot, he wasn't out cold again, was he? Sabrina, who had turned away from Harke in anger before, looked over towards the Sharoian again, who was now staring blankly.

...Yeah, she probably gave him a concussion. Gah.

Er, maybe not. He was moving, apparently feeling the effects of her, uh, wake up call. Yeah, wake up call. Apparently it hurt something fierce...good. Her years of playing softball had not been in vain.

"Nggggg. What- what happened? Sabrina, Zeo... and who's this guy?"

...Wait, what? That was completely unlike the Harke she just smacked...this actually seemed more like the real Harke. Cautiously, the group's lone female walked over towards the injured boy, leaning in just a bit, to get a better look at him. Especially if this was some other stunt. "Are you with us now? Good! So, how do you feel?"
"Harke! Looks like you managed to reconnect to reality, huh?" Zeo said happily, chuckling at his terrible and yet somehow relevant joke. If it could be called that. On that note, Zeo didn't even know why it was remotely relevant. Odd.

Moving on, Zeo gave Harke a once over and came to the conclusion that his new friend was indeed sane once again. That was about it, though. Nothing much else to say. "Welcome back, for real this time," Zeo said to Harke. "Looks like you hit your head harder than we thought, but I'm glad all that's over with." Glancing at the nearby chip shop, Zeo wondered where Reverus had run off to. Harke's father had essentially disappeared. Eh, I'm sure he'll be back eventually, Zeo thought.

He decided to make light of Sabrina's brutal hand to face contact in an attempt to pass it off as less major than it was. "So Harke, how'd it feel to get knocked for a loop like that? Did it feel like a computer reboot sequence?" he joked, smiling. Zeo was quickly realizing that his trouble socializing with his new friends was pretty much gone by that point.
Whoa, intimidating. The new guy just cracked his neck several times. ...Was this a boyfriend of a certain girl? Certainly seemed kind of scary enough, handsome enough, and tall enough. Maybe not, though, since he looked a bit old, already passed the rite of passage. So unless he was looking for jailbait, he was probably not that close with her. Maybe he was thinking this over too much. Standing up might be a good start, at least.

Reaching out with his hand, Harke shook Marius' hand rather hesitatingly after hurriedly standing up. He replied to the man's earlier introduction with one of his own. "Err, yes. I'm.. Harke. Harke Ezarith. Pleased to meet you, Marius." Man, he was awkward at these kind of things. Letting go of his hand, he found himself being stared down by Sabrina leaning in towards him, asked about his well-being. Zeo did something of the sort as well, though for some reason he related it to computer terminology. And something about hitting his head.

"Um, I feel okay, I guess? Er, anyone mind telling me why my head is bandaged up?" he inquired, pulling slightly on the loose bandage above his left eye. Then, the hand went rather slowly to the left side of his face, which was now imprinted with a bright red palm-shape. It had begun to fade, but he still winced somewhat when he rubbed it slightly. "And... this incredibly sore cheek."
Awkward, reserved, clueless...yup, Harke was back. Which meant that the jerkwad he'd become was gone. Double yay. And now he wanted to know about his injuries. Guess she should fill him in. "Remember how we were talking about the tournament? While we were doing that, you just kinda...fell and hit your head. Everyone totally freaked out!" ...Okay, it was mostly her, but, uh, details. "Good thing your dad showed up when he did, since he did all the bandage stuff!"

And the cheek? Uh, he was probably already embarrassed enough about the whole ordeal, so she should probably make something up. "Your cheek's no big deal. You just landed on a fallen tree branch when you hit the ground. Don't worry, you'll be fine!" And there was absolutely no need to press the issue further. None whatsoever.
"..." Marius realized that the Harke he met just a few moments ago was suffering a pretty severe delusion. It was strangely believable, with all those strange comments his bandaged friend made and the sudden case of amnesia. He then realized that Harke was staring at him with a strange glare, most likely confused and clueless of why he suddenly appeared in to the group of three...and especially why he would be with the group age younger than him.

"You may be wondering why I'm with you guys. I'll be straight forward so there won't be any misunderstanding." Marius readjusted the coat over his shoulder and coughed to clear his neck. "I'm a friend of Sabrina, and I happen to find her while I was coming back from the store. Currently, My navi and Sabrina's is in the net, so I'm just spending my time here with the group." After saying that, Marius turned towards Sabrina and let out a small smirk. "And I'm pretty sure a branch couldn't have made such a red imprint on his cheek...Maybe it was something far worse?"
Zeo was glad that Harke was okay now, and hoped that this was the last time he'd have to be..."shocked" back to reality. Then Sabrina lied outright, which made him smile. Marius' comment caused his smile to widen even more, and prompted him to follow it up.

"Something far worse? I think you might be on to something there, Marius," Zeo agreed, still smiling widely. He eyed Sabrina meaningfully before looking back at Harke. Surely there was no wrong in giving not-so-subtle hints to the truth. Of course, he'd probably have to face the consequences for doing so. He hesitated a moment and looked around, first at Marius, then again at Harke, and finally at Sabrina. Okay, let's see how this works out, Zeo thought, trying to keep from laughing out loud. Even better, screw subtlety. He finally jumped off the proverbial cliff and said,

"Hey, maybe what left such an imprint on his face was a certain girl's ha-"

1. Not-so-subtle hinting
2. Suicidal comment
...Ugh. Marius and Zeo were totally blowing her lie. Sure, they were probably just messing with her, but so much for solidarity. Oh well, let's see how they liked...COUNTERMESSING. "All right, all right! Here's the deal, Harke! After you hit your head, you turned into a total jerk. I guess it was from the shock, or blood loss, or something. And, uh, you said something incredibly stupid. Something so stupid, there was no way it was really you. So I, uh, tried to snap you out of it by smacking you! But I guess I don't know my own strength, huh?"


A small rock suddenly struck Zeo on the shin. It wasn't thrown that hard...but it was a rock. To the shin. Ow. But where did it come from, and who could've possibly done such a thing...?

[Order of Turn:
1-Reveal the truth to Harke
2-Rock attack on Zeo's shin (30, Impact)
3-Smile innocently]
"Ow!" cried Zeo, more in surprise than in pain. A rock to the shin was completely uncalled for. He wasn't even sure how she'd managed to hit him like that. Rather than openly complain about it and possibly get another rock to the shin, Zeo instead decided to simply look at Sabrina with an I-know-you-did-it expression that was really unnecessary at this point. "Well, nice that you told the truth at least," Zeo mumbled. He half hoped Harke would get mad about the slap.

In spite of his being hit with a rock, Zeo could not help smiling after averting his gaze to rub his shin. It had still been funny, and the trade off was sort of worth it.

3. Proverbial retreat
Okay, so according to Sabrina's account of events, he fell to the ground, then basically got his head cracked open? Adding to the strangeness, the incredibly sore cheek of his was a direct result of falling onto a tree branch. He turned his eyes around somewhat sneakily, trying to find evidence of said tree branch. Unfortunately for Sabrina's hastily-spun story, the ground was decidedly void of any broken tree appendages, let alone any large enough to bring that much pain to his face. The only thing that was on the ground was a crumpled little can, probably thrown in complete disregard for park cleanliness. Anyway, back to Harke, his face was already showing a mix of confusion and disbelief. Marius was talking about something else as well, something about him busting with Sabrina? Oh, so that was it.

Harke also noticed that the man was hinting at the falsehood of Sabrina's story. Zeo seemed to join in as well, confirming his earlier suspicions. His right hand went to his head, scratching it to further emphasize his confusion on the matter. He tried to speak up, "Er, Sabrina-" -before getting cut off by her confession of her lies. Okay, that made more sense. Somewhat. "A... total jerk? What? Darn, this doesn't make sense at all..." Grabbing his cheek a bit and making a displeased face, Harke felt the residual pain wear off as he massaged it slightly. "So you slapped me, eh, Sabrina? Good job, the Jettos must have one heck of a throwing arm," he remarked, adding a bit of a cynical tone to his comment.

Then, out of the corner of his eye, a rock sped by his unbidden glance, where it promptly hit Zeo's leg. Ouch, that must've hurt.

= Harke Ezarith =
(1) Make confused face
(2) Scratch head
(3) Attempt to make sense of it all
Marius became awfully quiet as soon as he saw the unidentified rock crashed against Zeo's leg, realizing that it was Sabrina's doing. He slowly turned to her and saw through her "intentions" in a matter of seconds. "Not good." First of Sabrina's attack was the power-slap against Harke, something so powerful enough to shock one awake from a deep comatose. Second was the rock throw against Zeo, which she was able to throw without anyone noticing at first, questioning if she had some sort of a training to be so stealthy. With two of the three men in the group hit, Marius began to let out a cold sweat as he realized the inevitable.

"Ehe heh heh..." letting out a nervous chuckle, Marius tried not to think what her next "attack" would be like and what might possibly trigger it. He slowly stepped away from his busting partner for a moment and quickly sat down next to Harke. "Are you feeling alright? Your head looks pretty bad." said Marius as he tried to get a conversation going.

* Understand what the hell just happened.
1. Intense Thought Process
2. Movement: Bench
3. Begin Conversation
The tossing of rocks resulted in...a look. Sabrina returned it with a highly innocent look of her own; if she could've, a halo would've appeared over her head. With that out of the way, she shifted over to Harke. "Well, I'm the catcher for the high school softball team, but I'm not good at throwing baserunners out. So I've been working on it. Good to know it's paying off! Thanks!"

But yeah...even though he seemed all right, Harke's formerly gaping head wound still bugged her. "Yeah, but really. Are you SURE you're okay? It looked pretty nasty..."

And Marius was safe. FOR NOW.

[Order of Turn:
1-Deny all allegations of her throwing rocks
2-Appreciate her throwing arm
3-Worry about Harke's non-vanishing injury]

"So, think we should head back to Yoka?"

"Yep! It'll be nice to head back there!"

A pair of feminine voices signified the return of Sabrina and SplashLady from their errands. However, this didn't stop the former from starting to initiate a jack-in sequence. "Back, guys! Did I miss anything?" Probably not, but who knew? "Jack in! SplashLady, Execute!"

Reverus calmly carted himself out of the Chip Shop, not showing any visible strain on his exertion. The box labeled "Fragile" was carefully balanced under one arm, its contents obviously very breakable. His PET bleeped insistingly, and he sighed, pressing a button to project the call screen.

"Reverus! Where the hell are you, I've been waiting for, like, fifteen minutes already! Move your ass!" the screen screamed at him. Reverus simply rolled his eyes, and sent the caller a nonchalant face. Mockery. The man in the screen simply grunted his discontent, but said no more. The screen blinked out of existence soon enough, and he walked along, whistling a small tune he made up on the spot. It was a light tune, designed to lighten things up, make things seem more sparkly and happy.


"Err, I'm all right, guys. Really," Harke insisted, his face flustered now with all this attention directed at him. Maybe not really all right, who knows? Not me, an afterthought from his mind intruded. He continued, "Really, guys. It's just a small wound, and my dad wrapped it up-" before being interrupted mid-thought by the paternal figure himself. Standing some ways away from him, the father's head tilted sideways in a gesture, and his eyes wandered where directed. A small car stood at the edge of the road, its driver honking repeatedly in rage. Reverus walked up to them, with the honking behind him pretty much announcing the return's intent. Harke turned to his friends, somewhat flustered.

"Um, sorry, guys, I've gotta leave. Here," he said, touching the screen of his PET several times, "I've transferred my e-mail to you guys. Hit me up with something sometime. Seeya."

And with that, he flashed a smile to everyone present, lingering half-unconsciously on Sabrina, before lifting his hand in greeting. His father ushered the boy into the car, whose honking had finally stopped. The car revved its engines, the driver expressing himself in his own way, and sped off to parts unknown.

[Marius/Zeo GET: Harke's Email -]
[Next Destination: Beach Hospital!]
As soon as her Navi was safely within her PET, Sabrina...stood silent for a moment. That didn't look like a fake. Which meant...her relaxing vacation was probably coming to an end... "Um...guys? Something just came up, so I need to get going right now. Later!" And just like that, the group became testosterone only.

Zeo watched as Harke and Sabrina swiftly...took off. Storing Harke's e-mail in his PET, he glanced around one last time. ViralMan had been waiting in Zeo's PET for the last few minutes, so the op finally addressed his Navi. "So, did you have fun?" he asked, honestly curious. A half smile appeared on ViralMan's face as he shrugged. "It was definitely better than what I'm usually doing for fun.

Feining shock, Zeo adopted a look of disbelief. "What, you really found talking to someone else more enjoyable than virus busting?" ViralMan looked surprised. "Hm? I was talking about busting with another Navi. It was certainly different. The talking was alright too, I guess," he replied. Zeo smiled. "Well, I'm glad. Not much else to do here, so I think we'll be shoving off." ViralMan did not protest.

Turning to Marius, Zeo smiled again. Hey, smiling on impulse. Maybe I actually made an improvement after all that panicking. His smile became more genuine after recalling the events of the last little while. "Sorry to disappear like everyone else, but it's probably time for me to get going," Zeo said to Marius. "It was nice to meet you." After his uncharacteristic goodbye, the boy turned and headed down a nearby path to the street.

((To somewhere!))
Eternalis/SplashMan: 12
ViralMan/Splash: 7
ViralMan/Eternalis: 7
Voulge/SplashMan: 6
Eternalis/Voulge: 4
Voulge/ViralMan: 2