A narrow passage links the tiny port-in room to the homepage proper. Written in silver on the wall of the narrow passage is "Home of 'Hush, little razor blades on the doorstep of my blackened soul', a blog by Gnomon. ©200x Antoinette Smith."
The homepage itself isn't large. It's entirely black and is walled in, giving it a very claustrophobic feel. A massive and very old-looking book sits on a pedestal in the dead centre of the room. Written on its pages are Antoinette's blog posts.
On one wall are more words, again in silver. "Your reaction?" they read, and there's an arrow pointing to a little nook in the wall, where a guestbook can be found. Visitors are obviously encouraged to leave their commentary.
There's another corridor leading off the main part of the homepage. Inside is Beatnik's space -- a little cubicle with constantly shifting colours drifting across the walls. It is full of stacks of data packets. Each one is a song. Whenever somebody who isn't Beatnik attempts to approach the hall leading to Beatnik's space, they meet a wall that phases into existence to stop them. This wall is invisible, except for the "GO THE HELL AWAY" written loudly across it.
[Feel free to post here in response to Antoinette's blog.]
Antoinette's Homepage
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Woke to rain this morning. Grey day. Dreary. Beatnik wants me to go sit at the beach this afternoon. Bad weather for it. She wants to check the report on the weather station's page. Waiting for her to jack in and figure out which way the weather page is. Passing time taking down a poem appeared while I was making coffee.
Past is clouded
future is clouded
present is clear as day
sun smoulders
burns the skin
bleaches the hair
Beatnik wrote the last part. She won't take it out. Overriding my keyboard, won't let me delete. She's jacked in now. Think she's going to publish and password this post so that I can't remove
Woke to rain this morning. Grey day. Dreary. Beatnik wants me to go sit at the beach this afternoon. Bad weather for it. She wants to check the report on the weather station's page. Waiting for her to jack in and figure out which way the weather page is. Passing time taking down a poem appeared while I was making coffee.
Past is clouded
future is clouded
present is clear as day
sun smoulders
burns the skin
bleaches the hair
Beatnik wrote the last part. She won't take it out. Overriding my keyboard, won't let me delete. She's jacked in now. Think she's going to publish and password this post so that I can't remove
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If your navi likes Refrigerators so much. Why not make a .GMO to give to her for a present.
Some... ice cold present, per se.
Drop me a line.
[Attached: Ace@global.net]
Some... ice cold present, per se.
Drop me a line.
[Attached: Ace@global.net]
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A refrigerator you say, Ace? Well.. I dare hope she carries a fortunate amount of delicious food for hungry viruses... but the poem... it seems dry... gloomy yes but it doesn't bring much of a picture, it must rather sounds like somebody from the second grade made it...
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Quote (Ace)
If your navi likes Refrigerators so much. Why not make a .GMO to give to her for a present.
Some... ice cold present, per se.
Drop me a line.
[Attached: Ace@global.net]
Quote (DNR)
A refrigerator you say, Ace? Well.. I dare hope she carries a fortunate amount of delicious food for hungry viruses... but the poem... it seems dry... gloomy yes but it doesn't bring much of a picture, it must rather sounds like somebody from the second grade made it...
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Well, well, it seems I'm rather liked by someone... well, nothing personal, I just rather felt like it was a necessary gesture at your expense... hate to sound personal but what IS your age?
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Quote (DNR)
Well, well, it seems I'm rather liked by someone... well, nothing personal, I just rather felt like it was a necessary gesture at your expense... hate to sound personal but what IS your age?
...far older than you are mentally, cretin.
She's twenty, dude.
Heheheheheh. Fridge.
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..... pffft...... hehehehehehehhhhhh... how fabulously interesting... did you oversleep at the computer or something?... Or maybe you just need a tutor? Well... I do know a good site that would help improve writing. You know, in a weird sort of way... it reminds me of how Polonius' creative writing was when I first read his families refrigerator... he was 8 when he wrote it, it went something like:
Love is sweetly most
all for my mommy dearest
Happy mother's day!
Wh-where did you remember that haiku from!?
Oh nothing, nothing~
Love is sweetly most
all for my mommy dearest
Happy mother's day!
Wh-where did you remember that haiku from!?
Oh nothing, nothing~
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Oh dear, you might want Beatnik to "embrace the fridge" herself. 
Mr. DNR, please don't taunt Miss Antoinette anymore, she is in quite a somber mood it seems.
Though, you're Haiku is a bit interesting I must say.
I would like to contribute, but my stuff is quite antique.
I hope to meet you in person, possibly, Miss Antoinette.

Mr. DNR, please don't taunt Miss Antoinette anymore, she is in quite a somber mood it seems.
Though, you're Haiku is a bit interesting I must say.
I would like to contribute, but my stuff is quite antique.
I hope to meet you in person, possibly, Miss Antoinette.
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Street lights are on and the rain taps my shoulder.
I look at her back and my body grows colder.
The last thing I see is her image in the doorway.
My eyesight has exchanged all colors for gray.
The flame that kept my life burning has left.
My heart gone, an irreversible theft.
I look at her back and my body grows colder.
The last thing I see is her image in the doorway.
My eyesight has exchanged all colors for gray.
The flame that kept my life burning has left.
My heart gone, an irreversible theft.
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Th-that was incredulously beautiful! Such sorrow! Such a powerful lost of your girlfriend! I would be taken to tears if I, you know, could! I must meet you sir. . . if it's not too inconvinient, I am a medical professional after all.
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Quote (DNR)
..... pffft...... hehehehehehehhhhhh... how fabulously interesting... did you oversleep at the computer or something?... Or maybe you just need a tutor? Well... I do know a good site that would help improve writing. You know, in a weird sort of way... it reminds me of how Polonius' creative writing was when I first read his families refrigerator... he was 8 when he wrote it, it went something like:
Love is sweetly most
all for my mommy dearest
Happy mother's day!
Wh-where did you remember that haiku from!?
Oh nothing, nothing~
Hm. I can see the work of an incapable poet at best here. I imagine that your current products don't get much better.
Quote (Ace)
Oh dear, you might want Beatnik to "embrace the fridge" herself.
Mr. DNR, please don't taunt Miss Antoinette anymore, she is in quite a somber mood it seems.
Though, you're Haiku is a bit interesting I must say.
I would like to contribute, but my stuff is quite antique.
I hope to meet you in person, possibly, Miss Antoinette.
Calm yourself, fool.
C'mon, chill, let me have a turn here...
Quote (Anonymous)
Street lights are on and the rain taps my shoulder.
I look at her back and my body grows colder.
The last thing I see is her image in the doorway.
My eyesight has exchanged all colors for gray.
The flame that kept my life burning has left.
My heart gone, an irreversible theft.
...pffft, nice job leaving your e-mail in the field, Mr. Anon. Serious skills there.
How inferior...is this what you creatures consider poetry in these times? It all contains the same flat, drab excuse for spirit and power, simply with different words substituted to fit the meter.
I ain't sayin' nothin' here.
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Well... I wrote that when I was five ._. Can't expect genius work from a five year old right? Heheh...
- Polonius
Well then Antoinette, let's hear one of yours? Let's see you try a medical themed poem... That would rather impress me very much...
- Polonius
Well then Antoinette, let's hear one of yours? Let's see you try a medical themed poem... That would rather impress me very much...
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Aha, well I look forward to our next encounter Miss Antoinette.
Mail me if you ever feel the urge to do something drastic.
Mail me if you ever feel the urge to do something drastic.
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Miso Soup
A broth that reflects the lamplight.
Noises bustle around me.
The slider closes with a snap.
A broth that reflects the lamplight.
Noises bustle around me.
The slider closes with a snap.
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I'm here to supplement 'Ace's haikus with one of my own, because I feel like it.
Black as darkest night
Bitter as a winter storm
Keeps us saps awake
Thank you and good night
-Chris Lemrock-
Black as darkest night
Bitter as a winter storm
Keeps us saps awake
Thank you and good night
-Chris Lemrock-
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I don't know much about the subject, as I tried to steer clear of English courses in college when possible, but I'm not sure that's how haikus work.
But since this has become something of a collective poetry page, here's an old one of mine because I was bored.
I honestly don't remember writing this, just found it on my computer while looking around after forcibly rebooting some scanning software, but there you go.
~Duke Rigel[/color]
But since this has become something of a collective poetry page, here's an old one of mine because I was bored.
Quote ()
What do you fear most?
Is it death?
Is it darkness?
Is it a loved one's ghost?
I know all this and more
Lurking at your door
They all come from me
Through the shadows
Of the night
Creeping silently
Sleep with one eye open
Lock your door
And windows
But you never know when
Don't go to sleep
That is when
I will strike
While you're busy counting sheep
When consciousness is blind
and Words
I'll send through your mind
There is no escape
No refuge
No relief
As I ravage the mindscape
Day breaks, light is revived
I retreat
Back to darkness
To see if you survived.
I honestly don't remember writing this, just found it on my computer while looking around after forcibly rebooting some scanning software, but there you go.
~Duke Rigel[/color]
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Huhhh... that sounds like some bleak poem mister Rigel, like an amoeba being teared by it's very core by Penicillin... ahh I miss Biology...
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Oh, god, thanks Duke, you're going to give me nightmares about BBQ Pork Dumplings coming out of my closet and eating me or something.
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That was a good one, Duke! I especially liked the part about counting sheep. It makes me kind of sleepy... I might have to pack in about 2 or 3 hours some time soon. I'll put it on my schedule!
Well, here are a few haikus I've composed: I hope they'll keep you occupied and remind you of what truly matters in this world of ours.
Counterinfectionalist's Joy
Life without evil
Smiling with a pretty girl
SItting on the roof
Counterinfectionalist's Sorrow
Living in evil
People we love fall prey to
The evil spirits
Counterinfectionalist's Angst
Evil in our friends
Due to unnatural spirits
Forgive them and fight
Whew, I'm bushed for now! Enjoy those little tidbits.
~Professor Burt J. Blanchard
Well, here are a few haikus I've composed: I hope they'll keep you occupied and remind you of what truly matters in this world of ours.
Counterinfectionalist's Joy
Life without evil
Smiling with a pretty girl
SItting on the roof
Counterinfectionalist's Sorrow
Living in evil
People we love fall prey to
The evil spirits
Counterinfectionalist's Angst
Evil in our friends
Due to unnatural spirits
Forgive them and fight
Whew, I'm bushed for now! Enjoy those little tidbits.
~Professor Burt J. Blanchard