If a Navi's Element was Typing and their subtype was Stereo, would that make the Navi Stereotyping viruses?
Yes! This episode is about Stereotyping! This is really something that pisses me off, while not as much as it is with the issue in ep1 but it happens a lot more...
I'm commonly put under a lot of Stereotyping, such as the follow...
"I'm a girl, and I game"
"Girls don't play these kinds of games!"
"I live in Alaska"
"so you live in a igloo? how do you have internet?"
(my personal favorite response to that line is "I'm not I'm sending a polar bear back and forth to send messages to penguins at the north pole who uses Santa's computer")
(Also I get a lot of Alaska related stereotyping)
"I'm a girl and I like to roleplay as a Fox Girl"
"lol! yiffy hentai! dude its cool that you play a girl but I have no intention to cyb with a guy who plays at a fox girl"
(seriously whats wrong with people who automatically assume being a furry means Cyb?! or that you're a freaking guy for that matter! ((no offense to the guys of the forum >.>;; )))
and a common one
yeah... most of the stereotyping that happens around is involved with the gender and location.. which is generally why I don't just go out and say that I live in Alaska cause people tend to think frozen wasteland through out the whole year with snow all over the place and is populated by polar bears, Eskimos, and penguins, and each live in igloos...
That Alaskan Stereotyping is total BS.. first of all... I live on a small island in the south east portion of Alaska... guess what? it rains at least half the year and the rest of the time its either cloudy, sunny, or the ocassional rain. Yes further north it does get snow but not during the summer months, even up in Nome the snow melts.
Also.. No penguin is naturally north of the equator so how the hell are there penguins in Alaska?
Then theres Gamer Stereotyping.. such as the following...
1. Theres no such thing as a female gamer.
2. All gamers are fat and lazy.
3. all gamers are 12 years old.
4. Gamers cant tell the difference from reality and a virtual world.
5. gamers are murders waiting for the chance to strike.
6. if any girl that plays a game it'd be barbie's fun land.
this urks me as bad as the Alaskan stereotyping.
One I am a girl gamer..
two..... ok I am getting a little bit of a tummy.. but I blame winter months for it since I haven't been able to ride my bike as of late for various reasons such being as my bike needs repairs. But that wont be much of a problem come next month!
three. I'm 21 years old and I still play games (though I like to think that I'm still mentally 16 >.>;; )
four... I Roleplay.. I daydream.. But I never forget the real world.
five... this one.. is a headdesker.. I mean seriously... I've heard stories from friends, including when one worked at a gamestop once where a mother came in and bought a few games for her kids, making sure that none of them were above their age limits which was quite good of her.. but then she asked a question... "so.. do you um... keep a.. you know a list..." "... .a list?" ".. a list for.. you know... who would kill cause of violent games?"
Also, I'm a pacifist, while my actions in the chat may say other wise, I have yet to punch or hit someone, if I did how ever I probably wouldn't of been such a target for bullying during school.
six.. I play FPS, RPGs, MMOs, and what not, heck I like to believe I'm better at building stuff in Garry's Mod that Twi is (which is probably true (Couldn't resist Twi))
so yeah.. its a nuisance...
there are other stereotyping that arent directed at me but I do somehow get involved...
Such as Blondes being stupid... I have you know.. I have a cousin who's a total blonde...she has some characteristics of a blonde, such being a clutz and a airhead, but she's quite smart.. and she sports the characteristics of a truck driver in the since that in her own home, even if she has company over.. she'll burp and fart with the best of them... which I blame my grandpa for inspiring her to be like that..
oh just remembered a Stereotype that I do get involved now and again... Tomboys...
I am a tomboy.. being a tomboy does not mean you dress in guy clothes (which I do anyway for a few reason) but it actually means you have a more (of whats been defined as) boyish personality. I've encountered a few people who think tomboys are these dark haired dykes with nose and ear piercings (among other spots) who are lesbians. It is quite different than that... Also just cause a girl dresses up in dresses and skirts doesn't make her not a tomboy, same as putting a girl in guyish clothes.
Speaking of which.. when will we see guys that commonly wear feminine clothing? We girls are wearing guyish clothes for quite a good number of decades!. its time for the guy dresses to raise!
Well thats it for this episode, remember! Kick the shins of those who stereotype, with the exception of when they are joking about it, then they just need a bop. But if they truly believe in the stereotypes, kick them hard in the shins cause they deserve it.
Also I may post the next episode sooner, I'm thinking the next one will involve PC stuff.
Warning Label: Episode Three
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*Votes for Sora*
*Offers contract for Steve's movie*
I congratulate Sora for yet another Portal/Gravity-shot-to-the-head post that once again educates as well as entertains.
For example, geography and me go together like Pokemon and Gears of War. i.e. : "whar's america lulz?" kinda thing. So Huzzah for Alaska!
And the fact that I used games as a metaphor is tantemount to breaking the 5 walls of reality.
Anyway. In the future, people will think it was drastically weird for guys to not wear skirts.
And you'll have to bring evidence of your Garry's Mod thing.I secretly keep a record of Twi's online status. Twi plays it almost 67.3928% of the time.
*Offers contract for Steve's movie*
I congratulate Sora for yet another Portal/Gravity-shot-to-the-head post that once again educates as well as entertains.
For example, geography and me go together like Pokemon and Gears of War. i.e. : "whar's america lulz?" kinda thing. So Huzzah for Alaska!
And the fact that I used games as a metaphor is tantemount to breaking the 5 walls of reality.
Anyway. In the future, people will think it was drastically weird for guys to not wear skirts.
And you'll have to bring evidence of your Garry's Mod thing.
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Alright then I take up that challenge.. I need to get into Gmod again and when I do I shall construct... well you'll see :-3 (also Twi has already experianced my random Teleporting Jeep where it would teleport to random points between two points)
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Quote (Sora-Chan)
Then theres Gamer Stereotyping.. such as the following...
1. Theres no such thing as a female gamer.
2. All gamers are fat and lazy.
3. all gamers are 12 years old.
4. Gamers cant tell the difference from reality and a virtual world.
5. gamers are murders waiting for the chance to strike.
6. if any girl that plays a game it'd be barbie's fun land.
there's a what now?
is that why I haven't leveled up from clubbing kids in the park?
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Niax you noob, you should be cutting the grass for rupees if you have that much time on your hands... low level creeps like human children won't get you any XP, and their loot sucks. The best could get was some candy, and that has really sucky healing rate.
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actually, I found that the candy gives you a stanima boost, but increases your wiegth too quickly and doesn't last very long...
I've tried attacking emos, but the mods in the school and mall areas keep threatening to ban me or get the admins, and I'm way too low a level for even single gangsters...
I'm thinking of killing my char and re-rolling, any recommendations on race/job class?
I've tried attacking emos, but the mods in the school and mall areas keep threatening to ban me or get the admins, and I'm way too low a level for even single gangsters...
I'm thinking of killing my char and re-rolling, any recommendations on race/job class?
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True. I tried to get some powerups from a dispenser machine after slaying a few people, but all I got was a bag of chips and some Gatorade. Sure, the boost in MP was nice, but nothing special.
But, true, I also hate stereotypes. I do my best to STOP ZEM!
But, true, I also hate stereotypes. I do my best to STOP ZEM!
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Quote (Sora-Chan)
I like to believe I'm better at building stuff in Garry's Mod that Twi is (which is probably true (Couldn't resist Twi))
Just because you're more skilled with Wiremod doesn't mean you're a better builder, Sora.

Either way, no offense taken.
...And you'd have to be incredibly stupid to believe any of the stereotypes you listed, IMO.
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I find most of the people I've ran into that believe in those stereotypes live on the east coast of the US.
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Wait, wait, wait....You are a girl who plays games? Unpossible! AND you live in Alaska? But not in an igloo and you don't use polar bears and penguins as slave labor?!?! I don't believe you! You're blowin' my mind and I won't stand for it. *Plungs fingers into ears* Lalalalalalalalalalalala!
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You have failed me for the last time Starscream!
uhm, what are we talking about again?
Oh, yeah, Stereotypes and wiremod. I'm level 70 at both of them.
uhm, what are we talking about again?
Oh, yeah, Stereotypes and wiremod. I'm level 70 at both of them.
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Trying to read this injures my mind too much. At one time you write 'one.<insert text>' and then 'two...<insert text>' and at another time you use numbers... Try some consistency. It's too mangled.
And it's racist to not mention European people. I've had quite a bunch of people asking me WHERE the Netherlands is. And you'd be surprised how many people don't know that our windmills are actually Gundams in disguise. *returns to his windmill house, wearing clumps*
Edit. I saw a lie through the mangled text of Sora...
Also, I'm a pacifist, while my actions in the chat may say other wise, I have yet to punch or hit someone, if I did how ever I probably wouldn't of been such a target for bullying during school.
If this is true, then I do believe in cakes.
And it's racist to not mention European people. I've had quite a bunch of people asking me WHERE the Netherlands is. And you'd be surprised how many people don't know that our windmills are actually Gundams in disguise. *returns to his windmill house, wearing clumps*
Edit. I saw a lie through the mangled text of Sora...
Also, I'm a pacifist, while my actions in the chat may say other wise, I have yet to punch or hit someone, if I did how ever I probably wouldn't of been such a target for bullying during school.
If this is true, then I do believe in cakes.
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Then in fact you do believe in the cake. I was a center for bullying among my classmates till senior year when they stopped which was nice.. only thing was that the freshmen and other underclassmen started to tease and bully me. Hell.. one day I left my laptop in a classroom for about 20 minutes while I went to get lunch and someone came in and ripped off a bunch of the keys from its keyboard. they never found out who did it how ever.
and if you never took a key off a laptop keyboard... unlike the PC keyboards.. they don't just go right back on.
I would get frustrated, hot headed, but i would just end up breaking down. I never threw a punch at anyone. the worse I ever did was one kid jumped in my face and I grabbed them by their collar of their shirt and held onto them and told them to stop, and that was back in middle school. but thats about it.
So Shur... you don't believe the cake is a lie.
and if you never took a key off a laptop keyboard... unlike the PC keyboards.. they don't just go right back on.
I would get frustrated, hot headed, but i would just end up breaking down. I never threw a punch at anyone. the worse I ever did was one kid jumped in my face and I grabbed them by their collar of their shirt and held onto them and told them to stop, and that was back in middle school. but thats about it.
So Shur... you don't believe the cake is a lie.
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Quote (Sora-Chan)
Such as Blondes being stupid...
I am a tomboy.. being a tomboy does not mean you dress in guy clothes (which I do anyway for a few reason) but it actually means you have a more (of whats been defined as) boyish personality.
A: Why do you keep posting these? -.-
People will just bring it up on purpose.
B: As for the blondes thing... -is blonde- Yeah.
C: Tomboys... -points to Blue-
-points to Blue for blonde-ness-
Hah. I r winrar.
Don't worry, stereotyping is perfectly normal.
EDIT: WHATNOW about the east coast?
Kids are just racist fucks over here.
Not racist, stereotyping fucks.