I was so excited when I realized that I was going to turn 18 in time to (possibly) vote for Obama that I decided to make this topic about the elections which are actually pretty far off but a magnet for attention anyway.
Yes, I did find out about Obama along with a good few of the other candidates. My main frustration is his approach on car emissions, but that can wait.
Start with an easy question, which candidate do you like?
Well, America?
17 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
Oh and...that other guy...
John Edwards? something like that? O_O
He's awesome, he went on the Colbert Report, plus I think it'd be a kick in the face to rednecks for a black guy to be president. Hilary Clinton is an immoral bitch.
Whoever wins the democratic nominations is president basically.
Oh and...that other guy...
John Edwards? something like that? O_O
He's awesome, he went on the Colbert Report, plus I think it'd be a kick in the face to rednecks for a black guy to be president. Hilary Clinton is an immoral bitch.
Whoever wins the democratic nominations is president basically.
17 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
I'd say none of em. John Stewart should run for president, and win, because you cant resist voting for him. It's true. You can't disagree. Resistance is futile.
I'm kidding. Barack has my vote, even though I'm Canadian, and we're stuck with a stupid prime minister, and don't have a cool guy to run for prime minister.
Except Cretchien.
I'm kidding. Barack has my vote, even though I'm Canadian, and we're stuck with a stupid prime minister, and don't have a cool guy to run for prime minister.
Except Cretchien.
17 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
I think it's still way too early. I'm fairly upset with the amount of focus there has been with the Democratic primary. I feel that they started too early with their campaigns.
Now, this will be my first presidential election I'll be participating in, and I'm not entirely sure how I'll be going about this. I'm reserving judgment until there are two concrete candidates, and I've heard their debates.
Although, and I swear I'm not joking, I think that Arnold would actually make a halfway decent president. I've heard he's been doing a lot of good out there in Cali. Maybe some people from that state could confirm that for me.
Now, this will be my first presidential election I'll be participating in, and I'm not entirely sure how I'll be going about this. I'm reserving judgment until there are two concrete candidates, and I've heard their debates.
Although, and I swear I'm not joking, I think that Arnold would actually make a halfway decent president. I've heard he's been doing a lot of good out there in Cali. Maybe some people from that state could confirm that for me.
17 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
'Teenagers can't talk on cell phones'?
(while driving...)
'Teenagers can't talk on cell phones'?
(while driving...)
17 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
beat that bitch.
And we're going to make Iolani CRY.
beat that bitch.
And we're going to make Iolani CRY.
17 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
I don't really like Obama...But then again, I don't like most Democrats. Except Slick Willy. He was cool...I'll prolly wait and see who makes it through the primaries.
Arnold is doing some interesting things in removing the debt that Davis placed us in, though a presidential run would be impossible at this time...What with the national restrictions. Of course, if they did change the rules on that, and Arnold did become president....I'd have to watch Demolition Man again.
Arnold is doing some interesting things in removing the debt that Davis placed us in, though a presidential run would be impossible at this time...What with the national restrictions. Of course, if they did change the rules on that, and Arnold did become president....I'd have to watch Demolition Man again.
17 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
I'd still rather vote for the elephant party...
the one with the nuclear powered tooth brushes...
and they still won...
the one with the nuclear powered tooth brushes...
and they still won...
17 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
Quote (Zanallen)
Demolition Man
Demolition Man was Stalone.
Of course, I know the whole Constitution thing preventing a run for good ole Ar-nuld from running, but it's something that has been talked about a few times in the past to amend it.
17 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
I'm republican and I like OBama. He just kicks that much political ass.
17 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
I hate Hillary. Feminist + Can't control her husband + democrat = Fail.
Obama seems to be one of the better democratic candidates in recent times, much better than the flip-flop John Kerry. Even if he doesn't wear that pin on his lapel. Heretic D:<
Just kidding, I'd rather have him show his support through his actions, than by wearing some $2 pin that any hypocrite can go buy and claim to support the troops.
Still, I'm not a huge fan of the democratic party. Most of their stances just rub me the wrong way.
As for republican candidates... are there any? All I hear about anymore are democratic candidates.
Don't fail me now, republicans!
Obama seems to be one of the better democratic candidates in recent times, much better than the flip-flop John Kerry. Even if he doesn't wear that pin on his lapel. Heretic D:<
Just kidding, I'd rather have him show his support through his actions, than by wearing some $2 pin that any hypocrite can go buy and claim to support the troops.
Still, I'm not a huge fan of the democratic party. Most of their stances just rub me the wrong way.
As for republican candidates... are there any? All I hear about anymore are democratic candidates.
Don't fail me now, republicans!
17 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
I heard about that but I forgot why. Why doesn't he wear the pin?
17 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
Yeah, all the Republican prospects aparently suck, so the Democrats really only have to worry about 3rd party stuff.
17 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
The Republican candidates actually aren't that bad; I don't know what you're talking about, Zolem.
Of course, most of them want to ban gay marriage or anything that smells like a civil union, which is an automatic failure as far as I'm concerned.
Of course, most of them want to ban gay marriage or anything that smells like a civil union, which is an automatic failure as far as I'm concerned.
17 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
Gay marriage is a can of worms. Here's my thoughts, though.
I've heard arguments both ways, and I'm against it. If they love each other, cool, then by all means express that. But don't expect me to go and pay for their homosexual lifestyle with my tax dollars. Likewise, I don't expect them to pay for my heterosexual lifestyle. Sadly, they will. And if they were to get married, I'd be paying for theirs.
Anyways, marriage is something that is both church and state. There's no separation, no matter how you roll the dice. Marriage is defined by many religions, and the state adopted that for whatever reason. So, until there's a prominent, powerful, well organized mainstream homosexual religion, I don't think we'll see any changes on this front.
As for Obama, I don't remember. I should though, since Colbert made his Word based around it the one night.
Edit: Another reason why democrats and progressive-seculars are fail. Outrage.
I've heard arguments both ways, and I'm against it. If they love each other, cool, then by all means express that. But don't expect me to go and pay for their homosexual lifestyle with my tax dollars. Likewise, I don't expect them to pay for my heterosexual lifestyle. Sadly, they will. And if they were to get married, I'd be paying for theirs.
Anyways, marriage is something that is both church and state. There's no separation, no matter how you roll the dice. Marriage is defined by many religions, and the state adopted that for whatever reason. So, until there's a prominent, powerful, well organized mainstream homosexual religion, I don't think we'll see any changes on this front.
As for Obama, I don't remember. I should though, since Colbert made his Word based around it the one night.
Edit: Another reason why democrats and progressive-seculars are fail. Outrage.
17 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
Quote (SpaceMonkeySteve)
Quote (Zanallen)
Demolition Man
Demolition Man was Stalone.
Of course, I know the whole Constitution thing preventing a run for good ole Ar-nuld from running, but it's something that has been talked about a few times in the past to amend it.
No, no, no. Stallone was IN Demolition Man. However, within the context of the movie they say that Arnold becomes governor of California and then moves on to become president of the United States.
17 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
Quote (Leon's Outrage)
On the pinhead front: our pal Snoop Dogg, a man with 11 criminal arrests, has been sentenced on his latest weapons charge. The Snoop-meister has to perform 160 hours of community service, including picking up trash. Since he is very familiar with trash, it shouldn't be much of a problem.
Snoop Dogg is a pinhead.
17 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
Quote (Leon)
Anyways, marriage is something that is both church and state. There's no separation, no matter how you roll the dice. Marriage is defined by many religions, and the state adopted that for whatever reason. So, until there's a prominent, powerful, well organized mainstream homosexual religion, I don't think we'll see any changes on this front.
Well, technically, there is a diference between Merrige (which is a religious cerimony) and a civil union (the legilative joining of your bloodlines). When you are married in a church/temple/ect. you also fill out a civil union certificate. If you just fil out a civil union certificate in front of a judge, you are legally bonded without any interaction with God.
I am against homosectuals being married in a church/temple/ect. since it is offensive religiously, but I have no problem with them forming legal civil unions which is compleatly different.
17 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
Quote (legoroy2)
Quote (Leon's Outrage)
On the pothead front: our pal Snoop Dogg, a man with 11 criminal arrests, has been sentenced on his latest weapons charge. The Snoop-meister has to perform 160 hours of community service, including picking up trash. Since he is very familiar with trash, it shouldn't be much of a problem.
Snoop Dogg is a pothead.
Fixed for accuracy.