Interforumal Holidays

This might be a little bit of a downer, but I'd kind of like to see an anti-holiday myself. An Anti-April Fools Day, that is. I've got nothing wrong with the holiday myself but, well, we know what happened last April Fools day. A simple reminder a week ahead of time to keep the jokes simple and non-damaging might be helpful.
Aw, no love for BukteChristmas? XD

How's about Haberday?

Where we all wear our favorite hats. : D

[/stupid idea]
Wintereenmas. 'Nuff said. A whole week where we all have to be nice to n00bs and help others.
Eugh. We're nice to n00bs when they COME. Which is about a week. Why should they get more time? O_o
hiko, don't be mean, i think i see your Ego showing again.
Why is there no Shuryou Day? Or Shurday?
Because every day is Shurday! :lol: [/lame]

What I need help with now is to decide on when to put the days that aren't decided yet.
What's the use of this again...?
Manly Day
6th day of the 9th month. *snicker* Heheh ... sixty-nine...

Feminine Day
11th January. As a random guess. Also, legs eleven for those Bingo callers out there.

Emo Day
6th of June. Mainly trying to get 6/6/06, since most Emos tend to end their screen-names with 666.

Administrator Day
4th November. Went through the name, leet-ised any possibly letters and took the first three.

Moderator Day
3rd April. Did the same with Administrator, but with Moderator.