Random Images (Closed)

What is that from? (Aim)
The president needs a mecha...
Like this.
Damn ninja....
We could fix the problem of not having the president kidnapped. If we got rid of presidents.
To hell with presidents. Go for prime ministers instead.

Quote (Phoenix)

All of you have your opinions on who's the most evil-looking FF villian. I think its Kefka. I mean, just look at that face!


In my opinion, he looks like he fell of the very top of the insanity tree, hit every branch on the way down, then hit a trampoline and hit them all again while getting back to the top of the tree.

...do you by any chance read In Wily's Defense?
You noticed! I was quoting IWD there, or, what I remembered of it.

You go to fireball20xl.com?

Quote ()

he looks like he fell off the insanity tree, hit every branch on the way down, then hit a trampoline and hit them again

That's the original quote. I just checked. You were close enough.

Now back to images.
Where are you getting those Shuryou?

This is Mimas, one of Saturn's moons. OR IS IT?
Perhaps it is really...THE DEATH STAR IN DISGUISE!!!
That's not a moon, it's a space station.
So the empire has a fully operational and armed space station.

I find those Marvel images at 4Chan strangely. They're at the Comics & Cartoon section, also known as /co/.

And... The lost sister of Captain Planet?

Johnny Ridden is frustrated at your inability to grasp innuendo.

I feel bad about this. D:

Fear me! For I am Link! (No, this is not me.)

Yes, it exists...