Quote (Hiko)
Why is it that people have to be supremacists?
Why do people have to be convinced of their superiority to one another?
Why, for God's sake, aren't we over Anti-Semetism?
It's at least 60 years old, I thought.
Yet, for some reason, people think it's suddenly 'cool' to call people 'Jew' as an insult.
Someone, explain, please.
Help me out here.
((I'm Jewish through culture, and family, but not in religion.))
Here's a five step response to your questioning.
1) I don't know what a supermacist is.
2) Because our psychological egos require constant reasurance of our own ability and our self-created mental image that we break down and cannot function without feeling superior to at least one person.
3) Anti-sematisim is over 5,000 years old. All religions are procecuted. It's just theat there are laws that protect yours and not mine. Those that use it as an insult are the same morons that use gay as a negative phrase. They are morons, ignore them.
4) Life suckes, and then you die.
5) As a special contribution from my dad, i quote 'Life's tough, get a helmet.'