The "Orgasm" Game

Okay... Here's my listing...

The Orgasm (The Ring, could be MANY MANY other movies though)

Orgasm on Pluto (Breakfast on Pluto)

Red Orgasm (Red Eye)

The Corpse Orgasm (The Corpse Bride)

Edward Orgasmhands (OMFG that is sooooooo wrong...)

Petshop of Orgasms (Pertshop of Horrors, another one that sounds sick and twisted...)

Maximum Orgasm (Maximum Overdrive)

Not Another Teen Orgasm (Not Another Teen Movie)

Fast Times at Orgasm High (Fast Times at Ridgetop High)
That made me ROFL, Kemix.
Take three hiko tokens for being new...and still coming up with great shit...
+3 Hiko Tokens
Here's s'more...
Oh, and I already did Maximum Orgasm...
Orgasm 2: OH, YES, THERE WILL BE ORGASMS. (hopefully you get that)
The Orgasm Movie (could be a lot of things)
The Demented Orgasm Movie (Cartoon)
Nightmare Orgasm (City) - and wouldn't that be like, a nightmare where you bleed from your...EWWW! URETHRAL BLEEDING!
Fantastic Orgasm (Four)
Ocean's Orgasms (Thirteen, Twelve, & Eleven)
28 Orgasms Later (Weeks)
Shrek: The Orgasm (Third)
That's all for now, folks!


Its not "Pet Shop of Horrors", it's "Little Shop Of Horrors". Get your old movie straight, mister.

Hard Orgasm. (Hard Candy)
Naked Orgasm (Naked Gun. PERFECT!)
The Fast and the Orgasm. (Furious)
The Legend of Orgasm. (Zelda)
28 Orgasms Later

Also, what in Pete Sampras is the meaning of that "MIME Plugin" popup I get on this page?

Zane, you haxxing us? D:

EDIT: Oh, that's Hotti's sig.

It's broken, dear sir. : D

Quote (Savage King)

28 Orgasms Later

And what OTHER orgasm would you HAVE, Zero?
That's the point, my dear Watson. : D't...watson...
Meh. Actually, there are others.
- Orgasm before Christmas (Nightmare before Christmas)

- Gold Orgasm (Gold Wing)

- Orgasm in the Shell (Ghost in the Shell)

- Street Orgasm 2 (Street Fighter 2)

- Orgasm of the Notre Dame (Hunchback of the Notre Dame)

- Lion Orgasm (Lion King)

- The Orgasm Mermaid (The Little Mermaid)

- Lilo & Orgasm (Lilo & Stitch)

More will come later.
-Orgasm Hour [rush]
-Children of the Orgasm [corn]
-The Orgasm and I [king]
-Madame Orgasm [butterfly]
-The Orgasm King [lion]
-Sixteen Orgasms [candles]
-Orgasm City [sin]
-Happy Orgasm [gilmore]
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Orgasm
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Orgasm
Harry Potter and the Orgasm of Fire
Harry Potter and the Orgasm of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Deathly Orgasm
Orgasm On a Plane. (How could you people forget that. D: )
Feild of Orgasms (Dreams)
The Orgasm is Right (Price)
ORgasm of No Orgasm (Deal, Deal)
How to Eat Fried Orgasms (Worms)
Something's Got to Orgasm [Give]
The Whole Nine/Ten Orgasms [Yards]
Pirates of the Caribbean - At Orgasm\'s End

Also, yes, I know it\'s broken, King. I\'ll probably try and get Twi or someone to fix it.
Metroid Prime: Orgasm ((Frikkin A, how did I NOT come up with this one?))
Megaman Orgasm Force [Star] ((Lol megaman has battle cards that make him Orgasm XD))
Dodgeball: A True Orgasm Movie [Underdog] ((I think I got the name wrong <_<))
Disgaea: Hour of Orgasm [Darkness]
Disgaea 2: Cursed Orgasm [Memories] ((Oh no! Your Orgasm has been cursed! XD))
Phantom Orgasm [Brave]
La Orgasm Tactics [Pucelle]
Atelier Iris: Eternal Orgasm [Mana] ((I don't that would be pleasurable for too long <_<))
Makai Kingdom: Chronicles of the Sacred Orgasm

Okay, I would've put more Nippon Ichi games up, but I feel like this is enough.
Big Fat Orgasm.
My Big Fat Greek Orgasm.
The Illustrated orgasm
300 Orgasm(s).
House of Orgasm [wax].
How to Get an Orgasm in Ten Days
((Guy/boy/man/whatever it is))