So this is my introduction. Since I didn't make one when I joined, I decided to make one when I chose to start being active.
So, um, I'm known by Jcc28 here, though I went by Lux at Last Breath, as I like it better. I'm 15, and live in New Hampshire, US.
I've been here since RECN, though I've never done anything other than lurk and RP. Then I joined here after RECN sort of, well, died, or whatever. I've had 4 different characters, but I got rid of all my old ones, usually due to my habit of making characters without personalities.
I don't really RP anywhere else (other than Last Breath, before it died again), and I don't consider myself to be very good, but I enjoy it, so I continue.
Alright, that's all I can think of. Reply if you want, I just felt like finally introducing myself to the general public.
Thank you for your time